indianola invite handout

The Dowling Project Dowling Catholic X-Country The Indianola Invitational September 26, 2013 Our Next Meet Saturday September 28 The Roy Griak Invitational University of Minnesota in Minneapolis (Varsity only) The Following Week Thursday October 3 The Bishop Austin memorial pro-am invitational…for the cure Des Moines Menace Practice Facility Down the Road October 7 Norwalk Invitational October 17 Conference Ames, IA ISU National Championship XC Course Dowling Catholic Girls X-Country FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK! The XC Times

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“”””The Dowling Project

Dowling Catholic


The Indianola Invitational

September 26, 2013

Our Next Meet

Saturday September 28

The Roy Griak Invitational University of Minnesota in Minneapolis

(Varsity only)

The Following Week

Thursday October 3

The Bishop Austin memorial pro-am

invitational…for the cure Des Moines Menace Practice Facility

Down the Road

October 7

Norwalk Invitational

October 17

Conference Ames, IA

ISU National Championship XC Course

Dowling Catholic Girls X-Country FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK!

The XC Times

Dowling Catholic “”The Dowling Project”

The  Indianola  Invitational  September 26, 2013

Today’s Preview Today the JV takes the stage and basks in the spotlight of today’s meet. While the varsity is off to the Roy Griak Invitational in Minneapolis this weekend, the Second Ten and the rest of the team are excited to show you how tough and fast they are. With the others out of the way, watch for Claire Hartlieb to set the pace for the Maroons. Claire had an outstanding race Saturday in Ames where she dropped nearly a minute in her season’s best time. Claire’s supporting cast will include junior Shannon Beh and freshmen Cate Freeman and Olivia Denkinger. Shannon is having a break out season and continues to drop time while at the same time emerging as one of our leaders. We can hardly wait to see how far Shannon can go! Olivia Denkinger is a quiet yet influential force on the team. Olivia is a hard worker and already a great presence on the team. I saw those qualities in Olivia even as a seventh grader when she broke her arm hurdling. Thank goodness the hurdling thing is no longer a problem as Olivia continues to improve both in time and in confidence. Cate Freeman is another freshman to keep an eye on. After a great spring and summer track season, Cate found herself on the sidelines injured. Being deliberate and careful in Cate’s recovery, now she is beginning to feel like her old self again and evolving into the quality runner that she will become. Watch for Cate in the second half of her race today as we have agreed to “let the Filly run!” Two of this week’s Beasts of the Week will also be in action today. Kaliana Vila and Ellen Lloyd will continue to impress as they keep going down in time and up in confidence and aggression. The Varsity Race The #1 Maroons or “The Maasai,” as I like to call our varsity (The Maasai is a tribe in Africa that is known for their group running and incredible stamina) will be in action at the Roy Griak Invitational where they will face 50 plus teams and more than 500 runners in their race Saturday. The Maroons are three time team champions in recent years and are looking to build on their awesome race last Saturday in Ames.

“"Find though she but little, she is fierce”

William Shakespeare

Ashley Vaughan

 I  remember  my  sister  coming  home  during  the  summer   before   her   freshman   year   at   Dowling  saying   that   she   was   going   to   go   out   for   cross  country   because   some   (weird)   guy   named  Father   Kirby   asked   her   to.     Confused,   I   asked  her  how  she  was  possibly  going  to  cross  country  ski   in   the  Iowa  summer…I  was  a  smart  seventh  grader.      

 At  that  point,  I  never  would  have  guessed  that  two  years  later  I  would  be  joining  the  same  team  and   considering   running   an  enjoyable  endeavor.    Now,   anyone  who  has  talked  to  Father  knows  that  I  am  no  star  athlete.     In  fact  I  am  most  famously  known  for  being  Queen  of  the  “Wus-­‐wagon”  seeing  as  I  have  had  my  fair  share  of  injuries,  or  what  Father  calls  an  extreme  case  of  wuss-­‐itis.    But   the  injuries  didn't  take  me  away  from   the  sport.    For  myself,  cross-­‐country  was   about  something  more   that   times  or  places,  I  loved  the  way  running  made  me  feel.        In   every  other   sport   I  participated   in   I   never   felt   accomplished.     I  could  win  medals  and   trophies  but   the   satisfaction  of  my  hard  work  never  seemed  to  endure  or  carry  over   into  my  everyday   life.    When   I   began   running   I   felt  a   transformation   in  myself.    Suddenly  I  knew  the  importance  of  teamwork,  the  vitality  in  positive  thinking,  and  the  power  of  sacrifice.     I   found  myself  growing   into  a  better   leader,   a  stronger   student,  and  a  more  driven  individual.        With   the   support   of   an   amazing   team,   alright  coaches   ;),   and   a  wonderful   program,   I   am   blessed  and   humbled   to   say   that   I   have   been   a   part   of  Dowling  Catholic  Cross  Country   for   four  years.     It   is  hard   to   imagine   summers   without   early   morning  runs  or  school  days  without  my  team;  however,  the  friendships   and   lessons   I   have   made   and   learned  over  my   time   are  ones   I  will   cherish   going   into   the  next  chapter  of  my  life.    I  look  forward  to  the  rest  of  this  season  with  all  of  the  dorks  I  call  my  teammates  and  hopefully  cracking  a  few  more  jokes  with  Father  (maybe  even  a   Darlin’   Companion  duet)   before  my  XC  career  is  over.    Editor’s  Note:    Ashley  has  been  a   complete   joy  to  have  on  our   team  these  past   four  years.     I’ve   always  maintained  that  Ashley   is   one  of   the  most   gifted  athletes   on  our  team,   yet   injuries   and   illness   have   perhaps   kept   her   from   achieving   some   of   the  achievements  she  has  set  for  herself.    Still,  running  cross-­‐country  has  perhaps  taught  her  some  of  the  skills  and  discipline  that  she  will  likely  use  in  pursuing  the  manifold  life  possibilities   she  has   before  her.    While   her   failed   appreciation  of   quality  music,   her  sense   of   humor,   timing   and   overall   lack   of   wit   is   something   that   needs   attention,  Ashley  will  be  GREAT  at  whatever  she  sets  her  heart  to.    We  love  having  Ashley  as  one  of  our  leaders  and  teammates.    We  will  miss  her  next  year.        

The Bishop Austin Dowling Pro-Am Invitational Select Paradigm Race

“For the cure”


In   1912,   a   young  man   from   Rhode   Island   was   assigned  Bishop  of  the  See  of  Des  Moines.    His  name:  Daniel  Austin  Dowling.       And  under   his   leadership  Des  Moines  became  an   official   Diocese   of   the   Church.         Bishop   Dowling   was  considered   a   national   leader   in   church   history   and  education.       Dowling   had   a   fine   intellect   and   excellent  organizational  skills.  He  founded  Dowling  Catholic  in  Des  Moines.         As   Bishop   of   Des   Moines,   Dowling   was  appreciated   for   his   courage,   simplicity,   kindness,   and  especially  his  commitment  to  education.      But  history  has  failed   to   recognize   his   significant   contributions   to  athletics;  especially   to   the  brave  young  men  and  women  who,   as   he   stated,   “dare   to   lace   ‘em   up   and   race   one  another  over  those  Iowa  rolling  hills”.        

   So  to  honor  this  legacy,  the  Bishop  Austin  Dowling  Memorial  Classic  Race  for  a  Cure  was  born….a  race…..not  for  those  who  want  to  win  at  any  cost;  but  for  those  who  simply  don’t  want  to  be  last  –  and….who  have  a  desire  to  be  first  in  line  for  dinner.          A  number  of  people  have  asked,  “what  is  the  Bishop  Dowling  Classic”,  especially  newcomers  to  the   team.       I   think  this  is  about  the  10th  year  of   the  race;  and  like  most  good  and   fun  things,   it  was  started  only  as  solution  to  a  one  time  small  problem  as  the  team  flipped  to  the  second  half  of  the  season.      Each  year,  the  meet  schedule  seems  to  have  a  hole  between  meets;  so  to  keep  the  kids  focused  and  competing,  this  intramural  fun  race  was  begun.        I  am  writing  to  you  now  to  share  some  important  information  so  you  can  plan  on  attending.        

• The  festivities  will  begin  about  4pm  on  Thursday  October  3rd.  We   hope   the   whole   family   will   attend.       We   will   even   have   a   short   fun   run   for  younger  siblings  or  coaches  kids  (guess  who  always  wins!)  

• This  is  a  fun  afternoon;  and  includes  an  individual  and  team  competition.      Since  dinner  will  be  at  least  an  hour  after  we  arrive,  we  are  going  to  make  this  easy  and  bring  in  some   food   for   the  main   items.      We’ll   ask   everyone   to  make   a   CONTRIUBTION   towards   the  cost.     (FYI,   the   dinner   –   plus   all   athletes   will   receive   a   t-­‐shirt   –   will   be   a   little   more   than   $5  each)         PLUS,   the   Middle   School   students   are   being   extra   generous   and   bringing  DESERT!    Yea!      Thank  you!  None  of   the   runners   need   a   ride   to   the   race.       All   runners   to   warm  up   in   a   run   to   the   race  location   –   which   is   63rd   and   GRAND;   the   MENANCE   SOCCER   FIELDS   near   Sand’s  Volleyball.          They  will  need  a  ride  home  from  the  meet.      Bring  a  chair  –  while  this  is  a  perfect  location  for  the  kids  to  get  to  and  all  of  us  to  watch  most  of        It’s  going  to  be  a  blast  again  this  year.      Say  a  prayer  for  good  weather.          Since  the  coaches  are  so  busy  with  the  kids  and  our  Team  Reps  (thank  you  so  much  for  all  your  work)   have   so  much   to   do,   I   have   offered   to   coordinate   the   logistics   of   the   Bishop   Dowling  Classic  this  year.    


“The Dowling Project” From the Other side of the Ropes

Kathy Halliwell    

The  Girls  Cross  Country  team  at  Dowling  is  a  community,  with  every  runner  supported  by  each  other,  and  the  families  of  all  runners.    Cross-­‐country   is   a   sport  where   hard  work,   dedication   and   determination   pay   off  both   on   the  racecourse   and   in   the   classroom.   Our   Dowling   girls   are   motivated   to   work   hard.     It   is   truly  inspiring  to  watch  the  runners  come  in  the  chute  at  the  finish  line.  Teammates  line  up  to  cheer  for  their  own,  until  the  final  runners  are  in.  These  kids  are  tough!    

Meagan   was   introduced   to   the   sport   of   Cross  Country  in  the  6th  grade.  She  had  the  good  fortune  of   having   Ann   Flood   as   her   track   coach,   who  encouraged   her   to   join   the   Middle   School   Cross  Country  program.    Not  entirely  sure  what  it  was  all  about,   she   joined:   Meagan   came   back   from   her  practices   with   great   tales   of   fun   and   hard   work.  She  was  hooked!  

 Running   for   Father   Kirby   has   been   a   wonderful   experience   for   Meagan.   His   passion   and  dedication   for  coaching   the  sport   of   Cross  Country   are  contagious!  She   is   learning   that   hard  work  and  determination  pay  off,  and  that  commitment  to  being  the  best  you  can  be  is  a  great  goal!    

 I  have  been  lucky  enough  to  travel  with  many  of  the  girls  to  the  High  Altitude  training  camp  at  Estes  Park,  CO  for  the  last  4  years.  What  an  inspiration   these  girls  are,   running  and   training   in  the  thin  air,  against  a  beautiful  backdrop  of  mountains!      The   experiences   that   Meagan   and   the   girls   have   been   afforded   through   Father   Kirby’s   and  Coach  Parriott’s  cross-­‐country  program  are  truly  outstanding!  I  also  love  that  faith  is  present  at  all  practices  and  meets,  and  am  thankful  that  Father  Kirby  provides  wonderful  spiritual  guidance  for  all  of  the  girls.        Many   of   the   senior   girls   running   today   were   in   the  Middle   School   Program   too,   as   8th   graders,   when  Meagan   started   running.   It   has   been   a   privilege   to  watch   these   young   ladies   over   the   past   4   years  becomes   the   talented,   dedicated   runners   and  excellent  role  models  that  they  are  today.      Good  luck  girls,  at  Indianola  and  Griak!  We  wish  you  all   the   best   this   season.  We   will   be   there,   cheering  you  on,  truly  blessed  that  we  are  a  part  of   the  Cross  Country  community  at  Dowling  Catholic  High  School.  Kathy  Halliwell            

Sophomore  Megan  Halliwell  ©Dave  Mable