indian notices to of 2003.pdf · will be issued in...

INDIAN @ E-mail to Write to Fax to Contact Person visit [email protected] National Hydrographic Office +91- 135 - 2748373 Deputy Hydrographer [email protected] 107-A, Rajpur Road Marine Safety Services [email protected] Dehradun – 248 001 +91- 135 - 2747360-65 INDIA REACH US 24 HOURS A DAY CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS INDIAN (Original, Authentic and most up-to-date) NOTICES TO MARINERS Edition No. 23, dated 01 Dec 2003 (Notices 415 - 424) CONTENTS I. Index of Charts Affected. II. Permanent Notices. III. Temporary and Preliminary Notices. IV. Marine Information. V. Radio Navigational Warnings. VII. Corrections to List of Lights. VIII. Corrections to List of Radio Signals. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mariners are requested to notify the Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India, National Hydrographic Office, and Post Box No. 75, Dehradun -248001, INDIA immediately on the discovery of new dangers or suspected dangers to navigation and of changes or defects in aids to navigation. A Hydrographic Note (IH 102), which is a convenient form on which to send in a report, is attached with Notices to Mariners Editions dated 1 st January, 1 st April, 1 st July and 1 st October. KR Srinivasan Rear Admiral Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India (Published on 1 st and 15 th of every month) Government of India Copyright. Permission not required to make copies of these Notices but such copies are not to be sold.

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@ E-mail to Write to [email protected] National [email protected] 107-A, Rajpur [email protected] Dehradun – 248 INDIA


NOEdition No

I. Index of Charts AffecII. Permanent Notices. III. Temporary and PrelimIV. Marine Information.

V. Radio Navigational WVII. Corrections to List ofVIII. Corrections to List of

----------------------------------------------- Mariners are requested to notifand Post Box No. 75, Dehradun -24navigation and of changes or defectwhich to send in a report, is attached

Government of India Copyright. Pe








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(Original, Authentic and most up-to-date)


Fax to Contact Person visit Office +91- 135 - 2748373 Deputy Hydrographer

Marine Safety Services +91- 135 - 2747360-65


CES TO MARINERS 23, dated 01 Dec 2003

(Notices 415 - 424)



gs. s. Signals.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India, National Hydrographic Office, INDIA immediately on the discovery of new dangers or suspected dangers to ids to navigation. A Hydrographic Note (IH 102), which is a convenient form on Notices to Mariners Editions dated 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October.

KR Srinivasan Rear Admiral Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India

(Published on 1st and 15th of every month)

ion not required to make copies of these Notices but such copies are not to be sold.

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EXPLANATORY NOTES Charts and Positions The Notices in section II give instructions for the corrections of Indian and Admiralty Charts including the information on new Indian Charts and Publications. Geographical positions refer to the horizontal datum of the current edition of the largest scale chart unless otherwise stated. Bearings are true reckoned clockwise from 000o to 3590; those relating to lights are from seaward. Symbols referred to are those shown on the chart 5020. Alterations to depth contours, deletion of depths to make way for new detail, etc; are not mentioned unless they have some navigational significance.

Blocks and notes, if any, accompanying notices in Section II are placed after Section VIII.

Temporary and Preliminary Notices These are indicated by (T) and (P) after the notice number and are placed in Section III. A list of those in force published quarterly and text are published in Annual Edition of Indian Notices to Mariners. Charts are not corrected for them before issue, they should be corrected in pencil on receipt.

Original Information A star adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information. Sailing Directions Corrections for the sailing Directions are given in Section VI. A summary of corrections in force will be issued in Section VI of the Edition dated 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Lights When a light is affected by a notice its Lights List number is quoted. The correction of the Light List is given in Section VII and should be incorporated as per instructions given on page 11 of the list of Lights. It may be published in earlier or later Edition than the chart correcting notice. The range of a light is the nominal range; geographical range is given in parenthesis if less than the nominal range. Radio Signals The corrections in Section VIII should be cut and pasted in the appropriate volumes of the List of Radio Signals.

Radio Navigational Warnings Updating information is published by fortnightly Notices to Mariners supplemented by the radio warnings for items of immediate importance. It should be borne in mind that they may be based on reports which can not always be verified before promulgation, and that is some time necessary to be selective and promulgate only the more important items to avoid over loading users; the reminder being included in the revised Edition of the charts and publications concerned. Laws and Regulations While in the interest of the safety of shipping, the Hydrographic Office makes every endeavour to include in its publications details of the laws and regulations of all countries pertaining to navigation, it must be clearly understood: -

(a) that no liability whatsoever can be accepted for failure to publish details of any particular law or regulation, and

(b) that publication of details of a law or regulation is solely for the safety and convenience of shipping and implies no recognition of the International validity of the law or regulation.

Correction of Charts and Publications by the users Indian Notices to Mariners contains important information and should be used to keep the specified charts and books up to date. THE USE OF CHARTS AND ASSOCIATED PUBLICATIONS

Reliance on Charts and Associated Publications While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information on Indian charts and other publication, it should be appreciated that it may not always be complete and up-to-date. The mariners must be the final judge of the reliance he can place on the information given, bearing in mind his particular circumstances, local pilotage guidance and judicious use of available navigational aids.

The positions of Hydrographic objects shown on the Indian charts and publications are given in Everest da-tum. However, the positions of vessels obtained from Global Positioning System (GPS) are on World Geodetic System 1984 datum. There will always exist variation in position obtained by visual fixing (Everest Datum) and GPS position (WGS 84 datum). Before plotting GPS positions on charts, datum shift values given on the chart are to be applied in order to agree with the charted position. These datum shift values are not uniform, particularly in areas off Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshdweep Islands, as these places are not strictly adjusted to mainland network (datum). Mariners are

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advised to use alternate source of position information particularly when closing the shore or navigating in the vicinity of danger. Charts Charts should be used with prudence; there are areas where the source data are old incomplete or of poor qual-ity. The mariners should use largest scales appropriate for his particular purpose; apart from being the most detailed, the larger scale are usually corrected first. When extensive information (such as new hydrographic survey) is received, some months must elapse before it can be fully incorporated in published charts.

On small-scale charts of ocean areas where hydrographic information is, in many cases still sparse, charted shoal may be in error as regards position, least depth and extent. Undiscovered dangers may exist particularly away from well-established routes. Further Guidance The mariner’s Hand Book (NP 100) gives full explanation of the limitation of charts. In their own interest, all users should study it.

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INDEX OF CHARTS AFFECTED (Edition No. 23 dated 01 Dec 2003)

INDIAN Chart No.

Folio No.

Notice No.

31 5 415 308 5 424 (T) 353 (INT 7413) 5 415 354 (INT 7408) 5 424 (T) 406 6 415 2001 3 420 2015 (INT 7337) 3 420 2016 3 420 2036 3 416 2076 3 420 4014 6 415 4034 6 415


Folio No.

Notice No.

39 41 419 932 46 423 933 46 423 2577 32 418 2599 32 418 2658 32 418 3214 32 417 3471 46 422 3492 32 418 3833 45 421 4035 45 421 4036 45 421 4039 46 421 4040 46 421 4041 46 421

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*415 (23/03) (a): NEW INDIAN CHARTS

Chart No. Date of

Publication Title, Limits & Description Scale Folio Price

353 (INT 7413) 01.10.01 INDIA – EAST COAST 1:300 000 5 Rs. 1000.00 KALINGAPATNAM TO GOPALPUR Limits:

18° 00'.00N; 83° 34'.00E. 19° 41'.00N; 86° 26'.00E.

406 15.07.03 ANDAMAN SEA 1:150 000 6 Rs. 1000.00



Limits: 09° 45'.40N; 92° 08'.40E. 11° 05'.00N; 93° 00'.00E.

4014 15.07. 03 ANDAMAN SEA 1:60 000 6 Rs. 1000.00



Limits: 12° 10'.00N; 92° 50'.00E. 12° 30'.80N; 93° 22'.40E.

4034 31.07.03 ANDAMAN SEA 1:50 000 6 Rs. 1000.00



Limits: 07° 05'.60N; 93° 30'.60E. 07° 22'.70N; 93° 57'.20E.


Chart to be withdrawn Main Title On Publication of New Chart





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Chart No. Last

Correction Details

31 79/03 Delete chart number 353 and existing magenta limit as follows:

a) 18° 15'. 00N., 84° 00'. 00E. b) 18° 15'. 00N., 86° 46'. 00E. c) 19° 56'. 00N., 86° 46'. 00E. d) 19° 56'. 00N., 84° 00'. 00E. Insert chart number 353 (INT 7413) and new magenta limit as follows: Limits: a) 18° 00'. 00N., 83° 34'. 00E. b) 18° 00'. 00N., 86° 26'. 00E. c) 19° 41'. 00N., 86° 26'. 00E. d) 19° 41'. 00N., 83° 34'. 00E.

(NHO, Dehradun: HJ/NM/Pub)


Chart No. Last Correction


2036 (401/03) Refer INM 401/03 read position as 18° 18'. 36N., 72° 55'.50E. (NHO, Dehradun: HJ/NM/Pub)

417 (23/03) EGYPT – Red Sea Coast – Gulf of Suez – Suez Bay – Approaches to El ‘Adabiya – Buoyage.

Light. Light List Vol E, 6019 Source: B.A Notice 4913/03 (HJ/1134/97) B.A. chart 3214 [ previous update 181/02] Amend C4 light-buoy to, Oc.R.6s 29° 52'.74N., 32° 29'.42E. C3 light-buoy to, Oc.G.6s 29° 52'.95N., 32° 29'.45E. C2 light-buoy to, Oc.R.6s 29° 53'.05N., 32° 29'.78E. C1 light-buoy to, Oc.G.6s 29° 53'.09N., 32° 29'.61E. light to, Oc.G.3s11m3M 29° 53'.08N., 32° 29'.45E.

418 (23/03) RED SEA – Port Sudan and Jeddah – Submarine cable.

Source: B.A Notice 4932/03 (HJ/1134/10) B.A. chart 2577 [ previous update 417/98] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 21° 31'.18N., 39° 07'.79E. (shore) 21° 30'.85N., 39° 07'.22E. 21° 30'.75N., 39° 06'.99E. 21° 30'.59N., 39° 06'.70E.

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418 (23/03) RED SEA – Port Sudan and Jeddah – Submarine cable (continued).

B.A. chart 2599 [ previous update 417/98] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 21° 31'.18N., 39° 07'.79E. (shore) 21° 30'.59N., 39° 06'.70E. B.A. chart 2658 [ previous update 346/96] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 21° 31'.25N., 39° 07'.83E. (shore) 21° 30'.59N., 39° 06'.69E. B.A. chart 3492 (plan, Port Sudan) [ previous update 272/03] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 35'.856N., 37° 14'.070E. (shore) 19° 35'.937N., 37° 14'.325E. 19° 35'.956N., 37° 14'.405E. B.A. chart 3492 [ previous update 272/03] Insert submarine cable, , joining: 19° 35'.86N., 37° 14'.07E. (shore) 19° 35'.96N., 37° 14'.41E.

419 (23/03) PAKISTAN – Approaches to Port Muhammad Bin Qasim and Ras Muari (Cape Monze)

Westwards – Depth. radar beacon. Light List Vol D, 7761 LRS Vol.2, 7870 Source: B.A Notice 5047/03 (HJ/1131/42) B.A. chart 39 [ previous update New edition 06/06/2002] Delete depth 81 enclosed by 10m contour 24° 51'.34N., 66° 33'.90E. radar beacon, Racon (D), at light: 24° 39'.40N., 67° 07'.30E.

*420 (23/03) INDIA –West Coast – Port of Mumbai – Wrecks.

Source: RoS C – 450, INS Nirdeshak (HJ/1030/88) Chart 2001 [ previous update 230/03] Insert limit of foul ground, - - - -, joining: (a) 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.30E. 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.50E. (E. border) 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.50E. (E. border) (b) 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.30E. legend, Foul Ground within (a) – (b) above

Amend PA to 18° 56'.60N., 72° 52'.07E.

Delete Wk (3) 18° 59'.30N., 72° 52'.40E.

Wk (24) 18° 59'.40N., 72° 52'.70E.

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*420 (23/03) INDIA –West Coast – Port of Mumbai – Wrecks (continued).

Chart 2015 (INT 7337) [ previous update 230/03] Insert limit of foul ground, - - - -, joining: (a) 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.30E. 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.80E. 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.80E. (b) 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.30E. legend, Foul Ground within (a) – (b) above

Amend PA to 18° 56'.60N., 72° 52'.08E.

Delete Wk

Chart 2016 [ prevInsert



Chart 2076 [ prevInsert





18° 51'.54N., 72° 50'.33E.

Wk 18° 58'.40N., 72° 51'.75E.

ious update 308/03] limit of foul ground, - - - -, joining: (a) 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.30E. 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.80E. 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.80E. (b) 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.30E. legend, Foul Ground within (a) – (b) above

PA to 18° 56'.60N., 72° 52'.10E.

18° 49'.45N., 72° 43'.28E. 18° 52'.10N., 72° 47'.30E. 18° 51'.95N., 72° 47'.43E.

Dr 18° 51'.00N., 72° 53'.45E.

Wk 18° 59'.34N., 72° 52'.40E.

Wk 18° 59'.40N., 72° 52'.70E.

ious update 230/03] limit of foul ground, pecked line, joining: (a) 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.30E. 18° 56'.82N., 72° 53'.80E. 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.80E. (b) 18° 57'.40N., 72° 53'.80E. legend, Foul Ground within (a) – (b) above

Wk (3) 18° 59'.34N., 72° 52'.40E.

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*420 (23/03) INDIA –West Coast – Port of Mumbai – Wrecks (continued).

Delete Wk (24) 18° 59'.40N., 72° 52'.70E.

421 (23/03) SINGAPORE STRAIT – Singapore – Pulau Sebarok Southwards – Depths.

Source: B.A Notice 5053/03 (HJ/927/16) B.A. chart 3833 [ previous update 409/3] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.02N., 103° 47'.90E.

B.A. chart 4035 [ previous update 407/03] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.018N., 103° 47'.903E.

B.A. chart 4036 [ previous update 296/03] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.018N., 103° 47'.903E.

B.A. chart 4039 [ previous update 409/03] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.02N., 103° 47'.90E.

B.A. chart 4040 [ previous update 409/03] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.02N., 103° 47'.90E.

B.A. chart 4041 [ previous update 405/03] Substitute depth 199 enclosed by 20m contour for depth 208 1° 11'.02N., 103° 47'.90E.

422 (23/03) INDONESIA – Sumatera – Selat Banka – Karang Brombram Southwestwards – Wreck.

Source: B.A Notice 4922/03 (HJ/827/74) B.A. chart 3471 [ previous update 219/03] Insert PA 2° 15'.52S., 105° 16'.00E.

423 (23/03) INDONESIA – Jawa – North Coast – Approaches to Tanjungpriok – Buoyage.

Source: B.A Notice 4931/03 (HJ/827/33) B.A. chart 932 (plan B, Inner Approaches to Tanjungpriok) [ previous update 139/02] Insert Fl(2)G.6s 6° 04'.76S., 106° 50'.71E.

B.A. chart 933 [ Insert


(with topmark) Fl(2)R,6s 6° 05'.55S., 106° 51'.32E.

previous update 481/02]

Fl(2)G. 6° 04'.76S., 106° 50'.71E.



(with topmark) Fl(2)R, 6° 05'.55S., 106° 51'.32E.



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*424 (T) (23/03) INDIA – East Coast – Outer Approaches to Vishakhapatnam – Unexploded charges.

Source: INS Amba (HJ/1029/76) 1. Unexploded charges reported dumped in position 17°17'.42N., 83°47'.73E. on 04 Nov 2003.

Charts affected: 308 – 354 (INT 7408)

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Ship reporting system INDSAR for ships in Indian SRR (Indian Search and Rescue Region)

activated w.e.f 01 Feb 2003 at no cost to mariners for safety of life at sea. Timely position reporting is critical for quick response. Mainers in ISRR requested to pass position to MRCC Mumbai on INMSAT code 43. MRCC Mumbai contact details Tel : 022-24376133 Fax : 022-24333727 INMARSAT : 00583 441 907 210 E-mail : [email protected]

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Refer to Notice No. 12 (Special Edition, Notice to Mariners – 1999). Navigational Warning pertaining to Navigational Warning Area (NAVAREA VIII) is reproduced in this section. Text of NAVAREA VIII known to be cancelled prior to the date indicated are not given. Serial numbers only of Navigational warnings in force, pertaining to other NAVAREAS are given.

(1) Navarea I (N.E. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003) 442 Received

(2) Navarea II (E. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003)


(3) Navarea III (Mediterranean) (01 Dec 2003) 778 Received

(4) Navarea IV (N.W. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003)

418 (11) Received

(5) Navarea V (W. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003)


(6) Navarea VI (S.W. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003)


(7) Navarea VII (S.E. Atlantic) (01 Dec 2003) 156 Received

(8) Navarea VIII (Indian Ocean) (01 Dec 2003) 656 Received

2003: 559 583 607 609 610 613 616 617 620 621 623 624 625 633 635 637 638 639 649 650 651 653 654 655 628 to 632. Cancelled. 633. Indian Ocean – Off Mauritius. Charts INT 70 INT 71 INT 72 INT 73. 17.5 metre long GRP boat adrift upside down in approximate position 20-29.0S., 57-07.0E. Dark blue bows and pink bottom visible above sea water line. All vessels in vicinity to keep sharp lookout and exercise caution. 634. Cancelled. 635. India West Coast –Arabian Sea. Charts 21 292 INT 706. Seismic survey in progress by MV Teknik Perdana from 19 Nov to 10 Dec 2003 in area bounded by: 20 –19.3N., 067-18.2E; 20-20.3N., 067-21.5E; 20 –16.2N., 067-19.2E.; 20-17.1N., 067-22.5E. Vessel towing 1,500 metres long streamer cable. Vessels operating in vicinity to exercise caution and requested to give wide berth. Cancel this message on 11 Dec 2003. 636. Cancelled. 637. Refer navarea 609/2003. Rig Badrinath moved to new position 19-01.0N., 071-54.1E. Wide berth requested. 638. Cancel navarea 604/2003. India West Coast – Murud Janjira. Charts 21 22 212 256 INT 705 INT 706. Seismic survey in progress by MV C- Orion till 05 Dec 2003 in area bounded by: 17 –41.9N., 072-19.8E; 17-41.9N., 072-40.1E; 17 –35.0N., 072-19.8E; 17-35.0N., 072-40.1E. Vessel towing 6 x 5000 metres long streamer cable. All vessels operating in vicinity to give wide berth and exercise caution. Cancel this message on 06 Dec 2003.

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639. India West Coast- Gulf of Kachchh. Charts 21 203 271 2055 2068 INT 705. Following buoys reported unlit. (a) Gurur buoy 22-35.5N., 068-58.0E. (b) Chandri buoy 22-37.0N., 069-07.4E. (c) Kachchh buoy 22-38.0N., 069-12.8E. (d) Ranwara buoy 22-39.2N., 069-19.8E. (e) Dhani buoy 22-37.9N., 069-27.7E. (f) Paga buoy 22-35.4N., 069-14.4E. (g) Mithapur buoy 22-24.7N., 068-51.8E. 640 to 648. Cancelled. 649. India West Coast – Arabian Sea. Charts 21 22 253 255 256 257 292 INT 705 INT 706. Firing exercise by Naval ships in following blocks: Block No. Date & Time(UTC) Area (a) 282300 - 290730 20-12.0N., 070-11.0E. 300130 - 300700 19-51.0N., 071-50.0E. 010930 - 011230 19-12.0N., 071-50.0E. 19-01.0N., 071-04.0E. 19-22.0N., 070-18.0E. (b) 291030 - 291430 14-10.0N., 073-00.0E. 300130 – 300700 15-26.0N., 071-50.0E. 010330 –010700 15-42.0N., 071-55.0E. 15-10.0N., 073-00.0E. (c) 290330 – 290630 15-31.0N., 069-38.0E. 300130 - 300700 16-13.0N., 068-30.0E. 010930 - 011230 16-10.0N., 070-08.0E. 16-45.0N., 069-30.0E. Safe flying height 22,000 metres. Cancel this message on 02 Dec 2003. 650. India West Coast- Cochin. Charts 22 32 220 259 260 2004 2029 INT 706. Firing exercise by coast battery between 0330 UTC and 1530 UTC from 01 Dec to 09 Dec 2003 in area bounded by: 09-57.6N., 075-59.5E; 09-57.7N., 076-14.2E; 09-40.0N., 076-14.5E; 09-42.5N., 076-09.5E. Safe flying height 10,000 metres. Cancel this message on 10 Dec 2003. 651. Andaman Sea – India Andaman Island. Charts 33 41 405 407 408 472 INT 706. Chowra Island light 08-27.4N., 093-02.9E. unlit. 652. Cancelled. 653. India West Coast –Mormugao. Charts 22 214 215 257 2009 INT 706. Firing practice by Naval aircrafts between 0230 UTC and 1230 UTC from 01 Dec to 07 Dec 2003 in area bounded by: 15-13.0N., 073-57.0E; 15-13.0N., 073-52.0E; 15-11.0N., 073-57.0E; 15-11.0N., 073-52.0E. Safe flying height 3,500 metres. Cancel this message on 08 Dec 2003. 654. India West Coast – Pigeon Island. Charts 22 216 257 2072 INT 706. Firing exercise by Naval ships and aircrafts between 0230 UTC and 1130 UTC from 01 Dec to 07 Dec 2003 on Pigeon Island. Danger Area – circle of 25 NM radius around the position 14-01.0N., 074-19.6E. Safe flying height 3,500 metres. Cancel this message on 08 Dec 2003. 655. India East Coast- Visakhapatnam. Charts 31 32 308 354 3002 3012 INT 706. Firing exercise by Naval ships between 0930 UTC and 1430 UTC from 30 Nov to 04 Dec 2003 in area bounded by: 17-39.0N., 083-19.0E; 17-44.5N., 083-23.0E; 17-43.0N., 083-19.0E; 17-39.0N., 083-23.0E. Safe flying height 3,100 metres. Cancel this message on 05 Dec 2003. 656. Cancelled.

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(9) Navarea IX (Persian Gulf, Red Sea, NW Arabian Sea)

(01 Dec 2003) 237 Received

(10) Navarea X (Australia, New Guinea) (01 Dec 2003) 033 Received

(11) Navarea XI (Malacca Strait, China Sea, N. Pacific) (01 Dec 2003) 0552 Received

(12) Navarea XII (N.E.Pacific)

(01 Dec 2003) 307 (18) Received

(13) Navarea XIII (N.W.Pacific) (01 Dec 2003)


(14) Navarea XIV (S.W. Pacific) (01 Dec 2003) 103 Received

(15) Navarea XV (S.E. Pacific) (01 Dec 2003)


(16) Navarea XVI (E. Pacific) (01 Dec 2003)


(17) Hydropacs (01 Dec 2003)

1838 (23, 29) Received

(18) Hydrolants (01 Dec 2003)

1995 (53) Received

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Edition No. 23 dated 01 Dec 2003

D 6532 Ponta da Barra. S side of Rio Inhambane

23 47.5 35 32.3

Fl(3)W 10s 25 29 White round tower 13

TE 2003


D 6624 Ponta Maunhane 12 58.3 40 35.4

Fl W 5s 23 16 Black tower, white band, white square masonry base, and white dwelling


fl 0.5. TE 2003


D 6891 - Cap Douamougno (Rassi Douamounyo)

12 39.0 45 06.1

Iso WRG 4s 81 W 9 R 6 G 6

White beacon G022°-194°(172°), W194°-209°(15°), R209°-022°(173°)

* F 0374 -Kalvan 22 35.4

70 02.8 Fl W 8s 9 8 White masonry column,

black bands 8

fl 1.5 TE 2003


F 0457 Remove from list F 0462 Remove from list

F 1054 Kutubdia Island 21 51.8

91 50.7 Fl(3)W 10s 39 20 Red and white on metal

framework tower

(fl 0.22, ec 1.44)x2, fl0.22, ec 6.46.Racon. TE 2003


F 1222.5 Chowra Island 8 27.4 93 02.9

Fl W 15s 16 10 White metal framework tower


TE 2003

* F 9500 -Tanjung Santan.

West Seno. TLP 0 05.1

117 55.5 Lit … … Platform

* * * * * * * *

K 1149 - Sangkapura (Kr Julpuk Tengah-Bawean)

5 51.7 112 38.4

Fl R 4s 10 10 … TE 2003

* * * K 1151 - Beringinan. Ldg Lts

000°. Front 5 50.9

112 38.3 Fl W 6s 4 6 White ∆ on beacon fl 0.5

* * * K 1157 Ujung Pangka 6 50.5

112 32.8 Fl W 7s 33 16 White beacon fl 0.4



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Edition No. 23 dated 01 Dec 2003

VOL. 1, 1987

(Last correction: Edition No. 16 dated 15 Aug 2003) NIL

VOL. 2, 1995

(Last correction: Edition No. 19 dated 01 Oct 2003)

Page 34, SAUDI ARABIA (Persian Gulf Coast) section, insert:

Jazirat al Jurayd Radar Tower Racon 27° 11'.69N., 49° 57'36E. 7775 D

B.A. VOL. 3 Part 1, NP 283(1), 2002/03

(Last correction: Edition No. 19 dated 01 Oct 2003) NIL

VOL. 5, 1997/98

(Last correction: Edition No. 18 dated 15 Sep 2003)

Page 169, EGYPT, National SAR Agency and Notes sections, delete and replace by:

National SAR Agency: Ministry of Defence Address: Almaza Airforce Base, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt Tel: +20 2 4184537 Fax: +20 2 4184531 Telex: +91 21095 RCCRUN E-mail: [email protected] The authority responsible for co-ordinating Search and Rescue operations is The Middle East Search and Rescue Centre, JRCC Cairo. The area of responsibility corresponds to the Cairo FIR in the Mediterranean and Red Seas. A network of Coast Radio Stations maintain a continuous listening watch on international distress frequencies.

(B.A. 43/03) (23/03)

Page 180, BAHRAIN, delete section and replace by: BAHRAIN National SAR Agency: Directorate of Ports, Ministry of Finance and National Economy Address: P.O. Box 15, Manama, Bahrain Tel: +973 725555 Fax: +973 725534 Bahrain (A9M) maintains a continuous listening watch on international distress frequencies. The Directorate of Ports is responsible for co-ordinating maritime Search and Rescue operations within the Bahraini territorial sea. Telephone +973 Fax +973 Others RCC BAHRAIN 719404 727985 (Port Control Initial Response) 727447 BAHRAIN (A9M) 883939 242676 Telex +490 8221 BAHRAD BN (Maritime Ops Centre) 883543 687050 +490 8202 BTCTLS BN


Page 17: INDIAN NOTICES TO of 2003.pdf · will be issued in Section VI of the Edition dated 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Lights


Page 184, INDIA, contacts table, Madras Sector, delete section and replace by: MRCC CHENNAI (Madras) 44 25395016 44 25395015 Telex+81 041 6063 MSCG IN CGRHQ (East) 44 25395017 44 25395018 Inmarsat C (IOR) 44 1907510 Inmarsat M (IOR) 64 1901410 E-mail [email protected] [email protected] Page 179, QATAR, contacts table row 3, RCC BAHRAIN, delete section (B.A. 45/03) (23/03)

VOL. 6, 1987 (Last correction: Edition No. 18 dated 15 Sep 2003)

Page 34, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, UMM AL QAYWAYN Delete Pilots and Port entry and replace by:

Pilots and Port

TELEPHONE: Port Auth: +971(0)6 7655882 FAX: Port Auth: +971(0)6 7651552 E-MAIL: [email protected] FREQUENCY: Ch 16; 10 HOURS: 0800-1700 LT PROCEDURE: (1) Pilotage is compulsory and should be requested 24h in advance. (2) Pilot boards in the anchorage area (25° 38'.0N., 55° 34'.5E.) (44/03) (23/03)

Page 61, E1138, INDIA After Veraval entry, insert new entry as follows: Location; Diu Port (20° 42'.8N., 70° 59'.8E.) Frequency: 156.575 MHz and 156.800 MHz CH 16 (DLL, Jamnagar) (23/03)

B.A, VOL. 7, 1997/98-PART 2 (Last correction: Edition No. 16 dated 15 Aug 2000)


VOL. 8, 1999 (Last correction: Edition No. 20 dated 15 Oct 2003)