index []978-94-007-7164-2/1.pdf · 472 alicorhagia fragilis , 59, 78...

471 D.E. Walter and H.C. Proctor, Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7164-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013 A Abacarus hystrix, 323 Aboveground, 161, 163, 167, 183, 209, 320, 321 Åbro, A., 364, 395 Abyssal habitat, 231 Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris, 296 Acaridae, 110, 118–120, 130, 133, 136, 233, 234, 236, 244, 254, 315, 354 Acariformes, 2, 5, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 39, 41–43, 50–55, 57, 65, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 97, 98, 116, 150, 187, 284, 353–355, 382, 439, 455 Acarinaria, 343, 370–373 Acarinomorpha, 32 Acarodomatium, Acarodomatia, 304–306, 308 Acarology Summer Program, 39 Acaromorpha, 32 Acaronemus, 316 Acarophagy, 199, 202–206 Acarophenacidae, 367, 454, 455 Acarophenax, 82, 407 A. mahunkai, 88 Acarophobia, 423 Acarus, 170, 351, 374 A. siro, 120 Accumulation curves, 450, 451 Aceria A. chondrillae, 324 A. lantanae, 324 Acevedo, H.A., 374 Achipteriidae, 317 Aclerogamasus stenocornis, 27 Acremonium zonatum, 293 Actinopilin, 52 Actinotrichida, 27, 32, 39, 40, 52 Aculops allotrichus, 123 Aculus fockeui, 123 Adactylidium, 367, 407 Adamystidae, 59, 123, 187, 200, 298 Adanal suckers, 119, 130 Adaptationist explanation, 305 Adar, E., 303 Addington, R.N., 170 Adelges tsugae, 318 Adelomyrmex, 204 Adhaesozetes polyphyllos, 313, 314 Adlerocystis, 126 Adoxaceae, 307 Aedeagus, 43, 108, 118–120, 141, 150, 256 Aeschlimann, A., 395 Africa, 32, 43, 46, 83, 87, 204, 236, 292, 297, 317 Afrocypholaelaps, 297 Afrolinotus, 292 Agaonidae, 295 Agistemus A. exsertus, 299 A. longisetus, 311 A. olivi, 300 Alasaad, S., 405 Alaskozetes antarcticus, 171 Alberta, 28, 162, 170, 210, 242, 268, 285, 294, 450, 456, 457 Alberti, G., 40, 110–112, 114, 116 Alces alces, 204 Algae, 27, 52, 84, 105, 171, 172, 174–176, 178, 180, 182–185, 232–234, 236, 239, 243, 253, 283, 284, 287, 288, 298, 309, 315, 317, 318, 387 Algophagidae, 233, 234, 236, 244, 254 Algophagus pennsylvanicus, 244 Index

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Page 1: Index []978-94-007-7164-2/1.pdf · 472 Alicorhagia fragilis , 59, 78 Alicorhagiidae , 59 Alismobates inexpectatus , 234 Allergens , 375, 424 Allochaetophora , 292

471D.E. Walter and H.C. Proctor, Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale, DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7164-2, © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

A Abacarus hystrix , 323 Aboveground , 161, 163, 167, 183, 209,

320, 321 Åbro, A. , 364, 395 Abyssal habitat , 231 Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris , 296 Acaridae , 110, 118–120, 130, 133, 136, 233,

234, 236, 244, 254, 315, 354 Acariformes , 2, 5, 27, 28, 30, 34, 35, 39,

41–43, 50–55, 57, 65, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 97, 98, 116, 150, 187, 284, 353–355, 382, 439, 455

Acarinaria , 343, 370–373 Acarinomorpha , 32 Acarodomatium, Acarodomatia , 304–306, 308 Acarology Summer Program , 39 Acaromorpha , 32 Acaronemus , 316 Acarophagy , 199, 202–206 Acarophenacidae , 367, 454, 455 Acarophenax , 82, 407

A. mahunkai , 88 Acarophobia , 423 Acarus , 170, 351, 374

A. siro , 120 Accumulation curves , 450, 451 Aceria

A. chondrillae , 324 A. lantanae , 324

Acevedo, H.A. , 374 Achipteriidae , 317 Aclerogamasus stenocornis , 27 Acremonium zonatum , 293 Actinopilin , 52 Actinotrichida , 27, 32, 39, 40, 52

Aculops allotrichus , 123 Aculus fockeui , 123 Adactylidium , 367, 407 Adamystidae , 59, 123, 187, 200, 298 Adanal suckers , 119, 130 Adaptationist explanation , 305 Adar, E. , 303 Addington, R.N. , 170 Adelges tsugae , 318 Adelomyrmex , 204 Adhaesozetes polyphyllos , 313, 314 Adlerocystis , 126 Adoxaceae , 307 Aedeagus , 43, 108, 118–120, 141, 150, 256 Aeschlimann, A. , 395 Africa , 32, 43, 46, 83, 87, 204, 236, 292,

297, 317 Afrocypholaelaps , 297 Afrolinotus , 292 Agaonidae , 295 Agistemus

A. exsertus , 299 A. longisetus , 311 A. olivi , 300

Alasaad, S. , 405 Alaskozetes antarcticus , 171 Alberta , 28, 162, 170, 210, 242, 268, 285,

294, 450, 456, 457 Alberti, G. , 40, 110–112, 114, 116 Alces alces , 204 Algae , 27, 52, 84, 105, 171, 172, 174–176,

178, 180, 182–185, 232–234, 236, 239, 243, 253, 283, 284, 287, 288, 298, 309, 315, 317, 318, 387

Algophagidae , 233, 234, 236, 244, 254 Algophagus pennsylvanicus , 244


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Alicorhagia fragilis , 59, 78 Alicorhagiidae , 59 Alismobates inexpectatus , 234 Allergens , 375, 424 Allochaetophora , 292 Allochaetophoridae , 292 Allodynerus delphinalis , 373 Allometry , 91 Allothrombium

A. lerouxi , 120 A. pulvinum , 357, 397

Allothyridae , 45, 46, 48, 198 Allothyrus , 45, 144, 198, 199 Alycosmesis corallium , 87 Alycus roseus , 77 Amber , 8, 27, 28, 118, 282, 283, 299, 355 Amblypygida , 23, 80 Amblyseius , 114, 302

A. swirskii , 303 Ambush predator , 25, 41, 63, 188, 193, 194,

200, 298, 299 Amensalism , 342, 345 Ameronothridae , 233, 234, 236, 317 Ameroseiidae , 128, 139, 296, 297, 318, 319 Amphibia , 108 Amphipoda , 22, 24, 180, 353 Amphitoky , 144 Amplifying host , 426 Amrine, J.W. Jr. , 285 Anactinotrichida , 27, 32, 39, 40 Analges , 383, 405, 406 Analgidae , 383, 386, 405 Analgoidea , 439 Anamorphosis , 80 Ancistrocerus antilope , 371, 393 André, H.M. , 81 Androlaelaps

A. casalis , 429 Androlaelaps ( =Gromphadorholaelaps )

schaeferi , 360 Andropolymorphism , 133 Anecic Group , 210 Anisitsiellidae , 236, 248 Anisogamy , 105 Anobium punctatum , 432 Anoplocephalid tapeworm , 204 Anoplopalpus , 292 Antarctica , 87, 164, 170–177, 288, 365 Antarcticola , 172 Antarctic Peninsula , 171, 172, 176 Antarctozetes , 172 Antennolaelaps , 51

A. aremenae , 115 Antennophorina , 42, 112, 113

Antennophorus , 360 Antennoseius , 358

A. janus , 194, 197, 357, 359 Anthocoridae , 141, 440 Antricola

A. delacruzi , 349 A. marginatus , 71

Antrodiaetus pacifi cus , 19, 22 Anystidae , 59, 133, 187, 190, 193, 282, 298,

431, 439 Anystides , 41 Anystina , 59, 78, 122, 187, 259 Apoderm , 77, 80, 81 Apoidea , 405, 454 Apomorphies , 15 Aporrectodea , 210 Aposematism, Aposematic , 206, 258 Apotriophtydeus , 172 Arachnid , 6, 11, 21–35, 40, 47, 61, 69, 79, 89,

110, 230, 241, 243 origin of , 22–25

Arachnida , 5, 11, 20–22, 24, 29, 34, 39, 40, 110

Archaeacarus dubinini , 26 Archegozetes longisetosus , 71, 79 Archispermy , 111 Arctic , 164 Argasidae , 43, 44, 76, 110, 111, 126, 343,

349, 439 Argyroneta aquatica , 230, 256 Aribates javensis , 353, 361 Aribatidae , 353, 361 Arlian, L.G. , 375, 379, 395 Armascirus , 191 Armoured mite , 62, 201–204, 206, 283 Army ants , 343, 361 Arnold, E.N. , 388, 389 Arnold, S.J. , 137 Arrenuroidea , 235, 363 Arrenurus

A. angustilimbatus , 350 A. fi ssicornis , 363 A. manubriator , 139, 149, 270 A. rufopyriformis , 350

Arrhenotokous parthenogenesis , 74 Arrhenotoky , 144, 147, 148, 151, 180 Arthropod-borne disease , 424, 426 Arthropod-caused disease , 424 Asca

A. aphidioides , 146 A. foliata , 300

Ascidae , 49, 79, 90, 186, 187, 233, 241, 300, 344, 357

Ascouracaridae , 385


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Asia , 46, 297, 434 Astacopsiphagus parasiticus , 237, 253 Asteraeceae , 323 Astigmata , 41, 52, 53, 74, 80, 81, 89, 91, 94,

95, 97, 110, 118–120, 129, 130, 133, 136, 141, 144, 149–151, 170, 178, 180, 199, 202, 230, 233, 234, 236, 241, 243–244, 260, 263, 315, 318, 320, 346, 348, 352, 354, 357–359, 371, 374–376, 378, 381, 382, 387, 405, 439, 455, 456, 466

Asymmetry , 120, 133, 395, 400, 401, 408 Athias-Binche, F. , 348, 349, 355, 359, 360,

372, 406, 407 Athiasella dentata , 115 Athiasiella , 50 Aturidae , 54, 251 Atyeo, W.T. , 133, 343, 381, 382, 384, 385,

395, 404 Audycoptidae , 377, 404 Australia , 7, 22, 45, 46, 87, 88, 97, 236, 237,

253, 271, 287, 291, 297, 300, 304, 308, 310, 311, 314, 318, 323, 324, 431, 433, 434, 437, 438, 451–453, 458

Australian Corroboree Frog , 205 Austromesocypris , 24 Autapomorphy , 17, 118 Autotomy , 199–202 Axtell, R.C. , 359

B Babesiosis , 437 Bader, C. , 83 Bagge, P. , 270 Baker, G.T. , 233 Baker, R.A. , 242, 252, 344 Baker, R.L. , 396, 397 Baker’s itch , 439 Balaustium , 144, 299, 349

B. medicagoense , 284 Bark beetles , 96, 147, 368 Barklouse , 194 Barr, D.W. , 110, 264, 265 Bartlett, J. , 1 Bartsch, I. , 233, 237, 253, 343 Bathyhalacarus quadricornis , 240 Batrachoceps attenuates , 205 Bats , 43, 71, 91, 297, 343, 344, 349, 365, 366,

373, 374, 376, 377 Bauer, A.M. , 388, 389 Bdellidae , 54, 58, 59, 70, 122, 187, 193,

231, 298 Bedbugs , 108, 141, 381

Bee , 54, 297, 344, 345, 349, 367, 368, 370, 390, 402, 407, 408, 450, 454, 455

Beetle , 6, 27, 41, 70, 147, 164, 229, 281, 342, 431, 448, 461

Behan-Pelletier, M. , 232 Beklemishevia , 200 Belgica antarctica , 171 Belier, R. , 246 Belowground , 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 182,

183, 321 Benson, W.W. , 308 Bergman, D. , 391, 402 Berlese funnel , 162, 168 Biesiadka, E. , 250 Big bud mite , 285 Bimorph , 133, 134 Binns, E.S. , 358, 359 Bioindicator , 209, 266, 447, 464 Biomonitoring , 271, 464 Biramous , 18 Birds , 5, 41, 83, 108, 170, 260, 296, 343, 424,

447, 465 Birefringent setae , 40 Birobates hepaticolus , 317 Bitumen paint , 309, 311 Bivalve , 22, 82, 132, 251 Black fl ies , 356, 363, 365, 395, 396, 439 Blanco, G. , 384 Blattisociidae , 58, 79, 128, 186, 232, 237, 296,

300, 318, 319, 348, 353, 359 Blattisocius tarsalis , 348, 359 Blister mite , 285 Blue oat mite , 287, 288 Bochkov, A.V. , 346, 405 Body size , 72, 73, 84, 87, 88, 91–92, 97, 98,

107, 130, 136, 137, 165, 177, 205–208, 250, 392, 447, 452, 453, 467

Bohonak, A.J. , 351 Bolus, Boli , 61, 62, 179 Bonn, A. , 395, 401 Bonomoia opuntiae , 77 Book lungs , 19, 21, 25, 26, 29–31, 241 Booth, J.P. , 365 Borrelia

B. burgdorferi , 436 B. miyamotoi , 436

Böttger, K. , 260, 264, 265, 351, 396 Boulton, A. , 269 Bovidromus , 124 Boyt, A.D. , 396 Brachychthoniidae , 87 Bracket fungi , 318, 319 Brackish water habitat , 237 Braddy, S.J. , 107


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Bradyagaue , 240, 253 Brenddandania lambi , 359 Brevipalpus phoenicis , 144 Brevisterna utahensis , 377 Bright colour (of mites) , 206 Brightness (of host colouration) , 258 Broadcast spawning , 107 Broad mite , 41, 88, 130, 303, 316 Brooding , 71, 107 Brooks, D.R. , 402 Brossard, M. , 391 Brown, W.L. , 230, 233 Bruce, W.A. , 367 Bruguiera gymnorhiza , 296 Bruyndonckx, N. , 405 Bryobia , 183 Bryophyte , 172, 184, 284, 287, 317, 463 Bryosphere , 184, 463 Bryum argenteum , 184 Bud mite , 55, 285 Bulmer, M.G. , 147 Buphagus , 204 Burgess Shale , 15 Burley, N. , 399 Bursa copulatrix , 118 Burtt, E.H. Jr. , 379, 392 Burying beetles , 369, 395, 467 Butterfl ies , 7, 297, 299, 365 Butterwort , 313

C Cactoblastis , 323 Caeculidae , 187, 191, 200, 248 Caenorhabditis elegans , 91, 145 Calcium compounds , 52 California , 177, 205, 207, 292, 321, 322 Callaghan, C. , 233 Calyptostase , 77, 82, 84 Cambrian , 20 Cambrian explosion , 11–15 Camel spider , 23, 34 Camerobiidae , 28, 59 Cameron, E.K. , 210 Caminella peraphora , 111, 232, 237 Camin, J.H. , 343 Camisia biverrucata , 53 Camisiidae , 231, 233, 238, 283, 317 Campbell, K.U. , 390 Campodeid , 202 Canestriniidae , 354 Canis latrans , 426 Capitulum , 3, 4, 27, 29, 32, 48, 66

Capsicum annuum , 307 Carabodidae , 317 Carapace , 5, 6, 18, 19, 25, 42, 200, 247 Carbonifereous , 25, 26, 28, 34, 179 Cardinium , 146, 466 Carinozetes bermudensis , 234 Carotenoid(s) , 62, 259, 260, 287, 298, 301 Carotenoid pigments , 259, 287, 298 Carpenter bees , 370 Carpoglyphidae , 354 Carpoglyphus , 374 Carrier , 70, 94–98, 197, 345, 355, 369,

394, 424 phoretic , 94, 197, 297

Cassis, G. , 142 Celaenopsoidea , 58, 111, 113 Centipedes , 42, 202, 229, 253 Central America , 46 Cephalothorax , 19 Ceratopogoindae , 264, 396, 437, 439 Ceratotarsonemus , 317 Cercomegistidae , 318, 353 Cercomegistina , 42 Cerotegument , 62–64, 200, 203, 313 Chaetodactylidae , 354, 405 Chant, D.A. , 85 Chapman, B.R. , 395, 396 Chapman, R.F. , 141 Character state , 17, 29, 30, 50, 63 Charletonia , 282, 299 Chasmataspidida , 20 Chaussieria venustissima , 78 Cheese mite , 439, 442, 456 Cheiroseius , 232, 236, 243 Chelate-dentate , 55–57, 64–66, 283, 302, 378 Chelate palps , 244 Cheletomorpha lepidopterorum , 380 Chelicera, Chelicerae , 3, 5, 19, 20, 22, 25,

27–29, 32–34, 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55–57, 59–61, 64–66, 71, 72, 77, 78, 111–113, 115, 126, 131, 132, 134, 142, 180–182, 186, 188, 191–194, 202, 203, 243, 244, 247–249, 253, 283, 284, 290, 302, 303, 347, 353, 358, 363, 364, 373, 377, 378, 380, 386, 449, 465

Chelicerata , 3, 5, 11, 15–19, 24, 30, 80 Cheyletidae , 54, 59, 71, 123, 130, 133, 282,

293, 298, 299, 312, 343, 354, 380, 432 Cheyletiella

C. blakei , 432 C. parasitivorax , 432 C.yasguri , 432

Cheyletiellosis , 432, 433


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Cheyletinae , 187 Cheyletus eruditus , 71 Chigger , 41, 54, 55, 75, 260, 362, 364, 381,

387–389, 402, 433–436, 442, 443, 456, 465

Chigger-borne Rickettsiosis , 434 Chihuahuan desert , 187 Chile , 323 Chilean Predatory Mite , 301–304, 323 Chilli Pepper , 307 Chilli Thrips , 303 Chilochorus , 96 Chipmunk , 426, 427 Chirodiscidae , 129, 378 Chironomidae , 403 Chiroptera , 405 Chirorhynchobiidae , 376 Chitons , 253 Chloride epithelia , 254 Choe, J.C. , 386 Chondrilla juncea , 323 Chromotydaeus , 185 Chrysomelobia labidomerae , 402 Cianciolo, B. , 146 Cicolani, B. , 270 Cimicidae , 141, 439 Cinnamomum camphora , 308 Cladocera, Cladocerans , 245, 247, 248, 250,

251, 262, 269 Cladogram , 16, 17, 406, 407 Claparède’s organs , 42 Clark, L. , 392, 395, 396 Clausiadinychus , 49 Clayton, D.H. , 387, 392, 396, 402 Cleptotoxin , 206 Cloacaridae , 343, 381, 388 Cloacas , 381, 448 Clutch-coat (of water mite eggs) , 249 Coadaptation , 401–403, 408 Cocaine bugs , 442 Coccinellid beetle , 320, 323, 355 Coccoidea , 308 Coccorhagidia , 172 Cockroaches , 354, 369, 404, 456 Coevolution , 341, 389, 401–403 Coffea arabica , 308 Coleoptera , 262, 271, 362, 405, 449 Coleoscirus simplex , 190, 196 Collembola , 109, 117, 139, 170 Collins, N. C. , 350 Collohmannia gigantea , 117, 150 Collohmanniidae , 117 Colobocerasides , 240

Colwell, R.K. , 135, 147, 344, 396 Commensalism , 342, 345, 360–361 Comminution , 61, 179, 180 Competition , 106, 120, 128–138, 143, 147,

149–151, 163, 177, 178, 194, 207, 252, 342, 345, 372, 394, 396, 466

Complementarity , 450–452 Complete dissociation , 109, 150 Compton, G.L. , 111 Coniopterygidae , 202 Conroy, J.C. , 268 Convergence , 17, 20, 32, 236 Cook, D.R. , 233, 237–239, 268, 362, 363 Cook, W.J. , 72 Copepod , 23, 24, 121, 139, 182, 245–248,

250, 253, 259, 263, 346 Copepoda , 23 Cope’s rule , 26 Copidognathus , 253

C. alvinus , 240 Coprophagy , 179, 349 Copulation , 107, 108, 116, 119, 122, 126, 130,

136, 138, 140–142, 150, 252, 256, 295, 394, 395, 400

Copulatory pore , 109, 115, 118, 466 Coqui , 206 Corniculus, Corniculi , 45, 51, 56–58, 303 Correa , 296 Cosmochthonius , 200, 201, 375 Cospeciation , 402–409 Costa Rica , 308, 310 Costa Rican Strawberry Poison Frog , 205 Couplet , 63 Cowan, D.P. , 343, 371, 393 Coxa, Coxae , 18, 29, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 50,

61, 64–66, 72, 111, 115, 118, 254, 437 Coyote , 426 Crabs , 3, 20, 21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 56, 61, 107,

231, 240, 353, 355 Crayfi sh , 24, 233, 237, 251, 253, 254,

354, 363 Cretaceous , 8, 27, 28, 35, 283 Creutzeria , 130, 263 Cronberg, N. , 184 Cross, E.A. , 358 Crotoniidae , 283, 317 Crotonioidea , 315 Crowell, R.M. , 351 Crustacean , 3, 5, 15, 22–24, 82, 118, 164, 180,

242, 244–248, 263, 408 Crustose lichen , 317 Crustose scabies , 428, 429 Cryptic female choice , 138, 140


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Cryptobiosis , 187 Cryptocarya , 307 Cryptocellus , 23, 47 Cryptognathidae , 54, 293 Cryptopygus antarcticus , 173, 174 Cryptostigmata , 52, 241 Cryptozoic , 168 Cuckoos , 384 Cucullus , 32 Culicidae , 393 Cummins, K.W. , 178 Cunaxa , 188, 191 Cunaxidae , 54, 58, 59, 187, 188, 193, 245,

298, 299, 312 Cunaxinae , 191, 298, 299 Cunliffe, F. , 393 Cupania vernalis , 308 Cupp, J.K. , 257 Currier, R.W. , 426 Cybaeidae , 230 Cymbaeremaeoidea , 315 Cyphophthalmi , 31 Cyr, H. , 268 Cyta latirostris , 193, 202 Czenspinskia , 315

C. transversostriata , 315

D Dabert, M. , 150 Dactyloscirus , 191 Daidalotarsonemus , 317 Damaeidae , 71, 317 Damaeus verticillipes , 71 Damselfl ies , 72, 391, 393, 395–397, 400,

401, 404 Daphnia , 245–249 Darolova, A. , 399 Darwin, C. , 106, 128 Dauer larva , 186, 197 Davids, C. , 132, 246–250, 260, 363, 365 Davies, D.M. , 397 Davis, M.D.P. , 322 Dead-end host , 424, 431 Decapoda , 24 Deer , 136, 169, 426, 427, 437 Deer mice , 424, 427 Deer Tick Virus , 437 de Jong, D. , 396 Delfi nado-Baker, M. , 402 Del Giudice, P. , 432 Delusions of parasitosis , 438 Delusory parasitosis (DP) , 440, 442, 443

Demodex D. brevis , 343, 377, 443 D. follicularis , 377 D. folliculorum , 343, 377, 443

Demodicidae , 87, 343, 376, 377, 406, 409, 443

Dendrobates pumilio , 205 Dendrobatidae , 206 Dendrolaelaps

D. fossilis , 27 D. neodisetus , 368

Dendroptus , 316 Dermacentor

D. albipictus , 204 D. andersoni , 436

Dermanyssiae , 27, 42, 50, 57, 58, 73, 94, 98, 111–113, 115, 142, 357, 455

Dermanyssidae , 133, 343, 360, 379, 380, 392, 406, 429, 430, 439

Dermanyssoidea , 48, 73, 429–431, 439, 465 Dermanyssus

D. gallinae , 379, 380, 396, 430 D. hirundinis , 379, 380, 399

Dermatitis , 343, 425, 427, 430, 432, 433, 443 Dermatophagoides

D. evansi , 290, 322, 380 D. farinae , 53, 375, 424 D. pteronyssinus , 375

Dermicoles , 382 Desmonomata , 150 Desmonomatides , 41 Detritivore , 8, 27, 52, 162, 163, 169, 178–181,

211, 320, 463 Detritus , 24, 48, 62, 63, 70, 162, 164,

171–173, 176, 179, 182, 184, 200, 243, 244, 282, 290, 315, 316, 375, 377, 380, 387

Deuterocerebrum , 15 Deuteroky , 144 Deutonymph , 27, 30, 41, 42, 59, 64, 74–76,

81–83, 94–98, 129, 131, 136, 182, 239, 251, 252, 292, 301, 320, 347, 348, 351, 352, 354–359, 369, 371, 372, 380, 390, 394, 450

Developmental rate , 84–86, 88–92, 98, 467 Devonacarus sellnicki , 26 Devonian , 20, 25–27, 33, 34, 41, 56, 199 Dew-worm , 210 Diabetes mellitus , 442 Diapterobates , 318

D. humeralis , 318 Dicamaralges dasybrachius , 135 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) , 300


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Dichotomous key , 39, 62, 63 Dichotomy , 15–18, 186, 196, 423 Dicrocheles

D. phalaenodectes , 365, 366 D. scedastes , 366

Digamasellidae , 79, 94, 133, 282, 318, 357 Digestion , 3, 61–62, 66, 179, 205, 243,

247, 253 Dimock, R.V. , 132, 252 Dinogamasus braunsi , 370, 371 Dinothrombium

D. magnifi cum , 259 D. tinctorium , 86

Diphyletic , 30, 288 Diplodiploid , 144, 149, 180, 197 Diplodontus , 239

D. semiperforatus , 254 Dipluran , 202 Diptilomiopidae , 284 Direct sperm transfer , 50, 108, 110, 116,

118, 120, 122, 123, 126, 128, 150, 252, 256, 257

Di Sabatino, A. , 270 Discozerconidae , 113, 353 Disease , 3, 35, 44, 143, 176, 185, 244, 286,

292, 295–297, 312, 317, 320, 324, 341, 368, 378, 395, 423–443, 461, 465, 466

Dispersal , 59, 60, 62, 81, 92–98, 147, 169, 182, 210, 269, 350–352, 354–360, 367, 385, 394, 436, 449, 450, 463

Dissociation (sperm transfer) , 108–109 Dockovdia cookarum , 251 Dolichocybe , 82 Domatia blocking , 309 Dometorina , 317 Domrow, R. , 343, 395 Donnelly, M.A. , 206, 260 Downing, J.A. , 268 Drosophila nigrospiracula , 465 Dubinin, V.B. , 120, 384 Dubininia melopsittaci , 383 Duckweed , 293, 294 Duffy, D.C. , 395 Dufour, K.W. , 401 Dunlop, J.A. , 33, 40, 107 Durden, L.A. , 380, 426 Dust mite , 53, 375, 380

E Eamer, B. , 232 Earth mite , 287, 288 Earthworm , 210

Eastern spinebills , 296 Ebbert, M.A. , 148 Eberhard, W.G. , 124, 138–140 Ecdysis , 11, 363 Echinolaelaps echidninus , 377 Eciton , 361

E.burchellii , 361 Ectoparasite , 124, 253, 392 Ectospermatophore , 115, 125, 126 Ectosymbiosis , 96 Edwards, D.D. , 132, 139 Edwardzetes , 172 Eggs , 16, 69, 105, 171, 230, 282, 344, 426,

456, 466 Egg size , 72–74 Ehrlich, P.R. , 401 Ehrlichiosis , 437 Eichhornia crassipes , 293 Eickwort, G.C. , 360, 367, 368, 395, 402,

403, 408 Ejaculatory complex , 110, 116 Ekbom’s Syndrome , 441, 443 Elaeocarpaceae , 309 Elaeocarpus angustifolius , 306, 309 Eleutherengonides , 41 Eleutherodactylus coqui , 206 Ellatostase , 78, 79 Ellis-Adam, A.C. , 246–248, 365 Elton, C.S. , 249, 257, 260 Elzinga, R.J. , 343 Emerging disease , 426 Enarthronota , 26 Enarthronotides , 41, 199 Encentridophorus similis , 250 Enchytraeid , 183 Endeostigmata , 27, 41, 52, 53, 59, 77, 79–81,

144, 172, 182, 187, 198, 450, 455, 456 Endofollicular hypopi/hypopodes , 348 Endogeic Group , 210 Endogynum , 112 Endospermatophore , 115, 116, 120, 125, 126 Engorgement , 43, 44, 350, 351, 397, 398 Enicocephalidae , 202 Enigma of soil biodiversity , 161–163 Entomogenous nematode , 197 Entomophilous hypopi/hypopodes , 358 Environmental indicators , 208–211, 266–271 Environmental irritants , 423, 432, 440, 442 Eotarbus jerami , 25 Eotetranychus , 93

E. willamettei , 322 Ephemeroptera , 271, 362 Epicorticolous , 317


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Epicriidae , 60, 111 Epicroseius , 50, 319 Epidermoptidae , 135, 385, 405 Epigeic Group , 210 Epimyodicidae , 381 Epiphyll , 309, 317 Epiphyte , 165, 282, 315, 317, 382 Epistome , 61 Eremaeidae , 317 Ereynetes , 172, 357, 395

E. macquariensis , 172, 176 Erginulus clavotibialis , 77 Eriksson, M.O.G. , 257, 262, 270 Erineum, Erinea , 283 Erinose mite , 55, 281, 284–287 Eriophyidae , 54, 59, 123, 130, 131, 284, 294 Eriophyioidea , 282 Eriorhynchidae , 185, 287, 288 Eriorhynchus , 185, 288

E.walteri , 287, 288, 319 Ernst, H. , 230 Erogalumna zeucta , 117 Erwin, T. , 6, 281 Erythraeoidea , 187, 193 Eschar , 434, 435 Estimates , 451 Euchelicerata , 15, 20, 31 Euepicrius fi lamentosus , 115 Eueremaeus , 317 Eumeninae (Vespidae) , 371 Eupalopsellidae , 188 Eupelops , 181 Eupodes , 172, 198, 287 Eupodidae , 59, 181, 199, 287 Eupodides , 41 Eupodina , 59, 79, 122, 456 Eupodoidea , 284, 287 Euproops danae , 20 Euroglyphus maynei , 375 Europe , 46, 317, 323, 324, 362, 387, 433, 441 Eurypterid , 20, 24, 25, 32, 107, 240 Eurypterida , 4, 12, 20–24 Euseius , 303

E. elinae , 311 Eustigmaeus frigida , 294 Eutrombicula , 433 Evans, G.O. , 109, 120 Eviphididae , 187, 353 Excretion , 61–62, 66, 394 Exoskeleton , 11, 41, 62, 234 External fertilisation , 106, 107 Extraguild predation , 178

Exuviae , 12, 74, 176, 182, 200, 364, 375, 397 Eylaidae , 121, 236, 239, 245, 246, 249, 254,

264, 265, 350, 351 Eylaioidea , 235, 363 Eylais

E.euryhalina , 391 E.infundibulifera , 264

F Facilitation , 178, 342 Fahrenholz’s Rule , 402 Fain, A. , 343, 344, 346, 378, 395, 404 Falcolichus , 404 Falculiferidae , 134 Falculifer rostratus , 134 Farish, D.J. , 359 Fashing, N.J. , 130, 233, 244, 263 Fatal fl atulence , 192 Feather(s) , 84, 120, 148, 172, 381–387, 392,

393, 400, 408, 449, 454 Feather mite , 53, 55, 73, 106, 118–120, 129,

133–135, 381–387, 400, 403, 404, 406, 409, 439, 454

Feeding guild , 177–190 Felso, B. , 404 Female choice , 128, 138, 140, 150, 401 Feynman, R.P. , 1 Fig(s) , 294–295, 316, 319, 402, 437 Fig mite , 294–295 Filter-feeding microbivore , 182, 211 Fish , 5, 6, 12, 106, 107, 138, 140, 233, 234,

244, 249–251, 257–260, 262, 270, 272, 363, 387, 397, 398, 452

Fisher, D. , 20 Fisher, G.R. , 252 Fisher, J. R. , 184, 193 Flat mites , 55 Florida , 196, 309 Flowers, M.A. , 260 Fluctuating asymmetry , 400 Fluid-feeding , 33, 48, 56 Foliose lichen , 317 Follicle mite , 439, 443 Food chain , 173, 175 Food web , 171–176, 180, 194, 211, 212, 250,

379, 463 Footballer mite , 298 Foraging , 93, 205, 290, 299, 321, 390 Forbes, M.R. , 392, 396 Forelia , 268 Formicaria , 304


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Formication , 423 Formicidae , 353 Fortey, R. , 463 Fortuynia atlantica , 234 Fortuyniidae , 234 Fossil , 4, 8, 11–35, 41, 42, 46, 50, 52, 56, 118,

199, 211, 282, 283, 286, 299, 355 Fowl mite , 35, 49, 380, 391, 400, 429, 430 Free-spawning , 106 Freshwater sponges , 82, 267 Freundlieb, U. , 269 Functional group , 162, 175, 177–190, 210,

212, 283, 456 Fungi , 24, 27, 46, 48, 52, 57, 162, 163, 166,

167, 171, 172, 175, 176, 179–185, 187, 189, 198, 204, 211, 283, 287, 288, 293, 298, 309, 312, 313, 315–320, 344, 345, 356, 375, 384, 387, 457, 467

Fungitarsonemus , 316 Fur mite , 55, 377, 378, 439 Furniture mite , 439 Fürstenberg, M.H.F. , 28 Fuscouropoda marginata , 397

G Gabucinia delibata , 384 Gabuciniidae , 384 Gaeolaelaps aculeifer , 183 Galendromus occidentalis , 87, 149, 303,

311, 312 Gall mite , 54, 55, 122, 127, 286, 316, 324,

325, 451, 463 Galumnidae , 117, 150, 203, 317 Gamasellodes , 79, 196

G. vermivorax , 89 Gamasellus

G. racovitzai , 172–174, 195 G. traghardi , 115

Gamasina , 42, 50, 51, 57 Gamete(s) , 3, 60, 105–107, 295 Gannon, J.E. , 257, 267 Garga, N. , 130, 258 Garrett , 426 Gas exchange , 3, 18, 20, 30, 50, 232, 234,

240–243 Gastronyssidae , 343, 344, 376, 377 Gastropods , 253 Gaud, J. , 133, 381, 382, 384, 385, 404 Gaudiellidae , 354 Geckos , 389 Geholaspis , 166

Gehypochthonius , 53 Generation time , 8, 69, 74, 85, 86, 88–91, 98,

171, 172, 180, 182, 283, 289, 300, 310, 318, 324, 430, 435, 461, 463, 464, 467

Genital acetabulum/acetabula , 235, 240, 254, 255

Genital opening , 43, 50, 60, 65, 72, 108–115, 117, 118, 121–127, 136, 141, 142, 151, 230

Genital papillae , 19, 30, 42, 47, 50, 51, 74, 254, 255

George, J.E. , 395, 936 Gerecke, R. , 233, 237, 248, 254, 266, 270 Gil, M.J. , 267 Gilboa Shales , 26 Glacier , 8, 164, 202, 210 Glandularium, Glandularia , 235, 257, 260, 261 Gledhill, T. , 363, 365 Gliwicz, Z.M. , 250 Glomus mosseae , 167 Glycyphagidae , 118, 354 Glycyphagoidea , 439 Glyptholaspis , 166 Gnathobase , 23, 61 Gnathosoma , 3, 27, 32, 40, 45, 48, 51, 55–59,

64–66, 72, 77, 87, 111, 112, 120, 194, 203, 249, 289, 293, 303

Gnathosomal tectum , 48 Gondwana , 45, 455 Gonyleptoidea , 69 Gonzalez, A. , 463 Good genes hypothesis , 399 Gordialycus , 168 Gorse , 323 Gotwald, W.H. Jr. , 344, 361 Gould, S.J. , 84, 147, 305, 389 Grandjean, François , 30, 34, 78, 79 Grant, J.W.A. , 257 Grape , 110, 308, 309, 311, 321, 322 Grape Powdery Mildew , 309 Grasses , 183, 204, 285, 288, 292, 295, 323 Gratz, N.G. , 426 Graves, B.M. , 260 Greenhouse Whitefl y , 303 Greenland , 211 Green Mountains , 87, 88, 452, 453 Grocer’s itch , 439 Grooming by hosts , 43, 436 Gross, M.R. , 465 Grostal, P. , 311, 312 Grylloblatta campodeiformis , 202 Grylloblattodea , 202


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Guano, bat , 71, 164, 349 Guglielmone, A.A , 43 Guild , 88, 173, 177, 178, 194

H Haemaphysalis longicornis , 144 Haemocoelic insemination , 141 Haemogamasus , 374

H. ambulans , 377 Haemolaelaps glasgowi , 377 Hagvår, E.B. , 170 Hagvår, S. , 170 Halacarellus basteri , 122, 237 Halacaridae , 122, 253–255, 343 Halacaroidea , 233, 234, 237, 252, 263,

271, 354 Halik, R.N. , 264 Halixodes chitonis , 253 Haller’s organ , 43, 44, 49 Halliday, R.B. , 7 Halotydeus , 288

H. destructor , 70, 288 Hamilton, W.D. , 147, 148, 399 Hamilton-Zuk hypothesis , 399 Hammen, L. , 30, 32 Hammeriellidae , 317 Haplodiploid , 144, 149, 372, 466 Haplozetidae , 297 Harems , 128, 131, 139 Harpirhynchidae , 59 Harvest mite , 433 Harvey, M.S. , 233, 253 Hattena , 296

H. fl oricola , 296 H. panopla , 296 H. rhizophorae , 296

Haug, J.T. , 15 Hauswirth, J.W. , 377 Hawaii , 310, 323 Hay-itch mites , 367 Head, arthropod , 3, 18, 26–27 Heavy metal , 209 Hedlund, K. , 139 Hemicheyletia morii , 71 Hemipterans , 262, 360, 366, 456 Hemisarcoptes

H. cooremani , 96, 348, 355, 380 H. malus , 320

Hemisarcoptidae , 320, 348, 355 Hermanniidae , 150 Heteromorph , 41, 42, 74, 75, 81, 95, 120, 133,

134, 182, 348, 358

Heteroptera , 254, 308 Heterostigmata , 73, 74, 81, 82, 95, 98, 182 Heterozerconidae , 42, 58, 73, 113, 141, 353 Hexapod , 15, 28, 32, 40, 45, 60, 66, 74, 75,

77, 80–82, 84, 97, 108 Hibbertopteroidea , 20 Hinton, H.E. , 241, 242 Hippoboscid fl ies , 385 Hirstia , 375 Hirstiella pyriformis , 388, 395 Histiostoma

H. laboratorium , 358 H. polypori , 359

Histiostomatidae , 95, 128, 129, 233, 234, 236, 244, 263, 352, 354, 355, 358, 359, 368

Hodgkin, L.A. , 96 Hoffmann, D. , 167 Holland, B. , 466 Holocelaeno , 166 Holocentric chromosomes , 145 Holokinetic chromosomes , 466 Holostaspella , 166 Holothyran , 41, 45, 48, 81, 85, 87, 111,

200, 232 Holothyrida , 41, 43, 45, 46, 57, 65, 74, 76, 77,

81, 110, 144, 150, 198, 241, 352, 455 Holothyridae , 45, 46 Holotrichy , 85 Homeomorph , 42, 74, 120, 133, 134, 358 Homocaligidae , 54, 231, 293 Homology , 16, 32, 74, 307 Homoptera , 320 Honeydew , 298, 303, 312, 315, 316 Hoogstraal, H. , 233, 388 Hoploseius tenuis , 319 Horlick Mountains , 87 Hormosianoetus mallotae , 244 Horseshoe crab , 3, 19–21, 23, 30, 32, 56, 61,

69, 107, 240 Host , 8, 41, 72, 111, 178, 231, 281, 341, 424,

454, 465 Host-fi nding, host-seeking , 350 Hosts, choice of by mites , 389–390 Host-switching , 404, 405, 407, 409 Houck, M.A. , 96, 348, 355, 368 House Mouse Mite , 425, 430 Hrbacek, J. , 262 Huck, K. , 389, 390 Huffaker, C.B. , 462 Huitfeldtia , 268 Human follicle mite , 429, 443 Human itch mite , 378, 428–429, 439, 443 Humerobates , 318


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Humerobatidae , 317 Hummingbird fl ower mite , 296 Hummingbirds , 135, 296, 297, 344, 365,

394, 396 Hunter, P.E. , 353, 357, 367, 395 Hurst, G.D.D. , 395 Hutchinson, G.E. , 55, 206, 207 Hutchinsonian size differences , 207 Hybalicus , 78 Hydracarina , 60, 82, 116, 120–125, 149,

233–237, 244, 259, 263, 268, 271, 349, 362

Hydrachna , 61, 127, 239, 242, 245, 246, 249, 260, 268, 364

H. conjecta , 246, 250, 391, 398 H. virella , 398

Hydrachnellae , 235 Hydrachnidiae , 234 Hydrachnoidea , 235, 268 Hydrodroma despiciens , 127, 246, 250, 264,

350, 393 Hydrodromidae , 127, 230, 244–246, 250 Hydrogamasellus antarcticus , 172, 176 Hydrogamasus salinus , 195 Hydrovolzioidea , 235, 363 Hydrozetes , 183, 242, 243, 265, 266, 293, 294 Hydrozetidae , 232, 233, 236, 265, 293 Hydrozoans , 240, 253 Hydryphantes tenuabilis , 242 Hydryphantidae , 236, 242, 244, 245, 254, 259,

265, 351, 364 Hydryphantoidea , 235, 363 Hygrobates

H. aloisii , 252 H. fl uviatilis , 250, 270 H. longipalpis , 250 H. nigromaculatus , 249, 264 H. trigonicus , 249

Hygrobatidae , 249, 250, 252, 264, 270, 351, 364

Hygrobatoidea , 235, 363 Hyland, K.W. Jr. , 343, 346, 378, 395, 404 Hylocomium splendens , 184 Hymenoptera , 109, 290, 295, 353, 354,

371–373, 405 Hyperdiversity , 456 Hyperkeratosis , 379 Hypertrichy , 48 Hypertrophied setae , 46, 78, 120, 200 Hypoaspis , 188, 190 Hypoaspis (= Gaeolaelaps ) aculeifer , 139, 183 Hypodectes propus , 343, 380 Hypoderatidae , 380

Hypodermic insemination , 108, 141 Hypopode , 74 Hypopus, Hypopi , 62, 74, 81, 87, 94–96, 178,

198, 343, 348, 354, 357–360 Hypostomal process , 43, 65 Hypotrichous , 85 Hysterosoma , 52 Hystrichonyssidae , 376

I Idiosoma , 3, 40, 45, 49, 52, 65, 66, 73, 87,

293, 453 Illusions of parasitosis , 440 Immune system , 391, 399, 423, 424, 428, 432,

433, 436, 443 Incomplete dissociation (sperm transfer) , 108 Indirect sperm transfer , 127, 146 Indotritia , 198 Infochemicals , 321 Infracapitulum , 32 Inquilines , 361 Instar , 28, 29, 74–79, 81, 89, 94, 171, 189,

292, 362, 380, 434 Intermediate host , 180, 201, 204, 381, 439 Internal fertilisation , 107 Intersexual confl ict , 108, 128, 140–142,

151, 466 Intersexual selection , 128, 138–142 Interstitial , 31, 231, 233, 235, 238–239, 254,

264, 265, 268, 269, 377 Intertidal , 41, 48, 55, 171, 195, 229, 230, 234,

235, 239, 242, 315 Intraguild predation , 178, 194–196, 303, 312, 426 Intrasexual competition , 106, 120, 128–138 Intrinsic rate (of population growth) , 74 Invertebrates as hosts , 362, 408 Iphieus , 303 Iphiseius degenerans , 297, 312 Iponemus , 368 Ips grandicollis , 97 Isobactrus uniscutatus , 237 Isogamy , 105 Isopoda , 22, 24, 180, 229, 264 Itch-scratch cycle , 440–442 Iteroparity , 72, 180 Itu, F. , 361 Iverson, K. , 394, 395 Ixodes , 111, 390, 399, 426, 427, 453

I. dammini , 136 I. holocyclus , 44 I. ricinus , 399 I. scapularis , 436


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Ixodida , 41, 43, 44, 46, 65, 74, 110, 111, 115, 142, 233, 352, 388, 406, 439, 442, 453, 455

Ixodidae , 44, 76, 111, 232, 233, 390, 426, 434, 439

J J1 larva , 76–79 Johnstoniana

J. errans , 127 J. rapax , 349

Johnstonianidae , 127, 349, 356 Jujeremus foveolatus , 283

K Kairomone , 321 Kaliszewski, M. , 148, 344, 358, 360, 367 Kampimodromus , 303

K. aberrans , 303, 304 Kano, Y. , 107 Karban, R. , 321 Keeley, E.R. , 257 Kennethiella trisetosa , 343, 371, 393 Kerfoot, W.C. , 258 Kethley, J. , 79, 148, 386 Kim, K.C. , 344, 373, 376, 386, 388, 395,

403, 406 King, P.E. , 195 Kirchner, W.P. , 122 Kitching, R.L. , 233 Kiwialges , 386 Kleptobionts , 447 Kleptoparasite , 360, 362 Klimov, P.B. , 347, 349, 402, 405 Klompen, J.S.H. , 388 Knee, W. , 405, 406 Knemidokoptidae , 380 Knollenberg,W.G. , 369, 373 Knülle, W. , 360 Krantz, G.W. , 109, 111, 233, 237, 242,

343, 344

L Labidostomma lutea , 110 Labidostommatidae , 79, 122, 187, 200,

202, 284 Labidostommatidae , 79, 122, 187, 200,

202, 284 Labium , 22, 42, 47 Labrzycka, A. , 378

Laelapidae , 49, 79, 115, 128, 133, 187, 188, 231, 318, 320, 343, 360, 365–366, 369, 374, 429, 430, 439

Laelaps echidninus , 430 Laird, M. , 250 Lamington national park , 87, 88, 452, 453 Laminisoptidae , 380 Lanciani, C.A. , 396, 397 Land, colonisation of , 25–26, 30 Lantana , 49, 324 Lardoglyphidae , 394 Lardoglyphus

L. konoi , 120 L. zacheri , 394, 395

Larvacarus , 60 Larva, Larvae , 28, 40, 70, 130, 173, 229, 285,

342, 426, 450, 467 Larvamimidae , 343, 353 Larviparity , 73, 240 Larviposition , 73 Lasioseius

L. dentatus , 196 L. porulosus , 300 L. subterraneus , 196, 197

Lasius , 360 Lauraceae , 307, 308 Lead (in key) , 63, 93, 111, 116, 151, 199, 211,

289, 349, 350, 403, 466 Leaf domatia , 304–312, 316, 325 Leaf hair , 299, 304, 315, 316, 321 Leaf structure , 231, 293, 305–307 Lebertia

L. porosa , 250 L. quinquemaculosa , 242

Lebertiidae , 242 Lebertioidea , 235, 363 Ledermuelleria , 293 Leeches , 108, 118, 141, 233, 234, 244, 346,

355, 387 Lee, D.C. , 115 Leeuwenhoekiidae , 354, 387, 431 Lemna , 183, 293, 294 Lentic , 242, 257, 265, 266, 269 Lenticulus , 236, 314 Lepidoglyphus destructor , 360 Lepidoptera , 348, 353, 354, 365 Lepidosaphes ulmi , 320 Leptokoenenia , 30 Leptotrombidium , 432, 433

L. akamushi , 432 L. deliense , 432

Lesna, I. , 139, 380, 431 Levitation , 263, 265–266


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Lewontin, R.C. , 305, 346, 387 Liacaridae , 317 Lice , 191, 346, 375, 383–385, 392, 399, 402,

404, 426, 428, 437 Lichenivore , 184 Lichens , 52, 163, 167, 171, 172, 174, 183,

184, 209, 283, 287, 288, 309, 314, 315, 317–318, 448, 465

Lifespan , 84, 91, 141, 149, 250, 345, 350, 396, 397

Light , 15, 40, 42, 52, 93, 107, 168, 193, 211, 236, 253, 260, 265, 266, 286, 287, 294, 298, 313, 348, 366, 429

Limbs, jointed , 3, 12, 55 Limnesia

L. fulgida , 249 L. jamurensis , 250 L. maculata , 242, 269

Limnesiidae , 118, 127, 242, 245, 249, 250, 261, 265, 269, 351

Limnochares , 83, 84, 127, 248, 249, 258, 264, 265, 270, 396

L. aquatica , 83, 84, 248, 249, 270, 396 Limnocharidae , 248, 259, 270 Limnohalacarus wackeri , 253 Limnozetidae , 234 Lindo, Z. , 463 Lindquist, E.E. , 27, 32, 39, 368 Linopenthaleus , 185 Linopenthalodes , 185 Linotetranidae , 167, 292 Liochthonius , 172 Liodidae , 317 Liponyssoides sanguineus , 428 Litter layer , 145, 164–166, 198, 206, 210,

211, 462 Liverwort , 163, 171, 184, 309, 317, 461 Lizard , 41–43, 124, 205, 233, 260, 388, 389,

391, 394, 395, 399, 404–406, 427, 431 Lobster , 253 Local mate competition (LMC) , 147–149,

151, 464 Locomotion , 3, 60, 110, 262–265, 362 Lombert, H.A.P.M. , 406 Lorryia formosa , 308 Loss of parasitism , 349–351, 363 Loss of phoresy , 351–352, 360 Lotic , 238, 242, 249, 265, 266, 269 Luciaphorus hauseri , 148 Lumbricus

L. rubellus , 210 L. terrestris , 210

Lundström, A.N. , 304, 305, 307

Lycosidae , 230 Lyme disease , 341, 426, 427, 436, 437, 465

M MacArthur, R. , 206 MacQuitty, M. , 253 Macrocheles

M. muscaedomesticae , 89, 136, 359, 394 M. rettenmeyeri , 344, 353 M. schaeferi , 71, 360 M. subbadius , 395, 401, 463 M. superbus , 191

Macrochelidae , 79, 89, 113, 129, 133, 136, 166, 187, 191, 318, 344, 353, 359, 394

Macrolaspis , 166 Macronyssidae , 49, 58, 349, 376, 380, 388,

392, 393, 399, 401, 429, 439 Macrophytes , 233, 236, 264, 268 Magellozetes , 172 Maiorana, V.C. , 205 Malaconothridae , 234, 387 Malacostraca , 22, 24 Malpighian tubules , 42 Mammals , 5–7, 41–43, 48, 69, 83, 87, 108,

131, 142, 161, 170, 180, 182, 204, 341, 346, 354, 358, 373–380, 382, 388, 392–395, 402–409, 424, 426, 427, 429–431, 433–435, 442, 456, 465, 467

Mandibulata , 3, 15–18 Mange , 55, 378, 432, 439, 456 Mangrove , 296, 297 Manter’s fi rst rule , 402, 407 Marine iguana , 231, 232, 388 Marine scorpions , 12, 20, 23, 240 Markow, T.A. , 395 Marquardt, W. , 426 Martin, P. , 249, 250 Masan, P. , 379 Mate-guarding , 128–136, 140 Maternal care , 69, 70, 461 Maudheimia , 172 Mayr, E. , 206 May, R.M. , 206, 207, 452, 567 McIver, S.B. , 363, 365, 390 McLachlan, A. , 397 McLennan, D.A. , 402 McMartney, M.A. , 106 Mediolata , 299 Megacheira , 15, 18 Megachilidae , 370 Megadiverse , 450


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Megafauna , 177 Megaloptera , 362, 363 Megapodiidae , 385 Megaselia halterata , 190 Megeremaeidae , 317 Megisthanidae , 73, 88 Megisthanus , 50, 88, 449, 453 Megninia , 383 Melicharidae , 49, 58, 135, 296, 297, 319, 394 Mentum , 42, 50, 51, 56, 65 Meriläinen, J.J. , 270 Mesofauna , 161, 177 Metacheyletia , 84 Metamerism , 12, 18–19 Metaseiulus , 322 Metasoma , 18, 20, 21 Meth mites , 442 Meyer, E. , 350 Michalska, K. , 122, 123, 127 Michener, C.D. , 84 Micreremidae , 317 Microbivore , 35, 52, 89, 175, 179, 181–182,

211, 283, 320 Microbivore-detritivore , 162, 169,

178–181, 211 Microcosms , 184, 189, 205, 209, 462–463 Microdipsidae , 181 Microdispus lambi , 182 Microfauna , 161, 177, 463 Microhabitat , 8, 62, 94, 163, 179, 211, 315,

321, 386, 448–450, 454, 458 Microlichus , 135 Micromegistus , 198 Microtrombidiidae , 84, 356 Microtrombidium maculatum , 84 Mideopsidae , 255, 264 Mideopsis orbicularis , 264 Midges , 72, 127, 132, 229, 351, 396, 397, 404,

430, 437 Migration , 92–94, 98, 169, 197, 198, 208, 211,

285, 318, 356, 357, 359 Millipede , 25, 42, 126, 164, 165, 180, 206,

229, 353 Mineral soil , 87, 93, 164–166, 169, 171,

179, 210 Minute Pirate Bug , 440 Mironov, S.V. , 346, 405 Mitchell, R. , 247, 357, 363, 365, 396 Mite(s)

on bark , 283, 293, 315, 317, 320, 322 load , 97, 384, 397, 399–401 origin of , 11–35 as plant virus vectors , 286, 289 word origin , 1, 2, 5, 25

Mite-caused disease , 427–431 Mite-pockets , 343, 372, 387–389 Mite-vectored disease , 324 Mixonomatides , 41 Mixopterus , 20 Mochlozetidae , 297, 317 Modlin, R.F. , 257, 267 Møller, A.P. , 399–401 Molluscs , 94, 251, 397, 408 Monogynaspida , 42, 455 Monophyletic , 15, 17, 21, 29, 30, 52 Monoxeny , 406 Montaigne, Michel de , 1, 2 Mooring, M.S. , 392 Mor , 164–166 Morelli, M. , 405 Mosquitoes , 7, 35, 72, 236, 250, 347, 351,

363, 365, 390, 394, 396, 397, 402, 404, 436, 439

Moss , 41, 121, 138, 174, 184–185, 209, 211, 231, 233, 234, 237, 268, 287, 293, 317–318, 346, 439, 450, 463

Moss mats , 184 Moss mites , 41, 184, 287, 317 Moss, W.W. , 346 Moths , 42, 180, 297, 343, 348, 365, 366,

395, 432 Moulting , 11, 43, 44, 59, 76–79, 84, 131, 171,

299, 309, 312, 316, 371, 382, 383, 390, 396, 397, 401

Mounsey, K.E. , 428 Mouse-to-elephant curve , 86, 91 Moya Borja, G.E. , 394, 395 Mt. St. Helens , 169 Mucronothrus nasalis , 237, 238, 243 Mull , 165 Mullen, B.A. , 426 Müllerian mimicry , 258, 259 Mussels (Mollusca) , 61, 122, 128, 131, 132,

139, 233, 234, 251–253, 347, 354, 363, 397

Mutualism , 296, 325, 341, 342, 345, 353, 360, 368–370, 373

Mwango, J. , 250 Mycangial pouch , 182 Mycetophagidae , 457 Mycetophile , 318 Mycobatidae , 231, 371 Mycolaelaps maxinae , 319 Mycorrhizae , 166, 167, 185 Myialges macdonaldi , 355 Myobiidae , 376, 378, 406, 407, 409 Myocoptidae , 378 Myrmecina , 204, 361


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N Naeem, S. , 233, 344, 462 Nagelkerke, K. , 148 Najadicola ingens , 251, 397 Nanelli, R. , 317 Nanhermanniidae , 317 Nanorchestes

N. antarcticus , 87 N. memelensis , 87

Nanorchestidae , 52, 78, 87, 122 Naso , 42, 52 Necromenic , 359 Necrophage/Necrophagy , 52, 178 Nectariniidae , 297 Needham, G. R. , 343 Nematalycidae , 52, 168 Nematode , 8, 52, 56, 57, 89–92, 94, 108, 141,

166, 172, 174–176, 179–182, 184–187, 189, 190, 193–197, 200, 204, 245, 271, 318, 320, 344, 356, 359, 368–370, 447, 449, 463, 464, 467

Nematophagy , 187 Nemertea , 253, 354 Neocaeculus , 191, 192 Neochitina eichhorniae , 293 Neocypholaelaps , 297 Neomolgus littoralis , 231 Neonidulus , 289–291 Neonidulus tereotus , 289–291 Neopodocinum , 166 Neoschongastia americana , 381 Neoscirula , 191, 193, 196 Neoseiulus , 58, 302, 303

N. fallacies , 303 Neoseius novus , 406 Neosomy , 44, 75 Neospermy , 111 Neotenogyniidae , 353 Neoteny , 84–86 Neothyridae , 45, 46 Neotrombicula autumnalis , 433 Neotropacarus , 303, 315 Neotropics , 45, 204, 296, 297 Nepenthes , 352 Nests , 48, 55, 71, 72, 132, 166, 171, 187, 230,

260, 290, 342, 345, 346, 348, 351, 354, 359–361, 370–372, 374–375, 379–380, 390, 392, 393, 399, 400, 408, 425, 429–431, 434, 439, 441, 448, 456

Nest sanitation hypothesis , 392 Neumania , 121, 139, 149, 247, 248, 253, 261,

264, 268 Neuroptera , 202, 363

Neutralism , 342, 345 Newell, I.M. , 265, 266, 395 New Guinea , 310, 314, 390, 399 Newt , 108, 205, 252 New Zealand , 45, 243, 310, 323, 366,

379, 384 Nicolai, V. , 317 Nicrophorus , 359, 369 Nidicole , 345, 346, 360, 361, 374, 380,

394, 396 Nilotonia longipora , 248 Nishida, S. , 308, 310 Nitidulid beetle , 297 Node , 17 North America , 83, 89, 165, 188, 210, 231,

236, 251, 257, 266, 268, 310, 317, 318, 324, 362, 426, 427, 433, 437, 457

Norton, R.A. , 116, 143–146, 149, 150, 207, 233, 243, 260

No-see-um , 437, 439 Nothrus silvestris , 209 Notogaster , 41, 64, 199, 201 Notophthalmus viridescens , 205 Notostigmata , 46 Nutalliellidae , 43 Nuttalliella namaqua , 43, 44 Nutting, W.B. , 377, 381, 393, 402, 403

O Oak gall , 432 Oak leaf itch mite , 432 Ocellus, Ocelli , 13, 41, 52, 65 OConnor, B. , 402, 405 OConnor, B.M. , 233, 347–349, 351, 352, 355,

368, 374, 395 Octopod , 75, 77, 78, 80, 81, 97 Ocular segment , 15, 19, 25 Odonata , 246, 271, 404 Odontacarus australiensis , 433 O’Dowd, D.J. , 310–312 Oldfi eld, G.N. , 122 Oligonychus , 93, 183, 290

O. perseae , 290 Oligoxeny , 406 Oliver, D.R. , 362, 387 Ologamasidae , 58, 63, 113, 187, 200, 300 Olomski, R. , 254 Omnivory , 175 Operculum, Opercula , 26 Ophiomegistus , 388 Ophionyssus , 388, 391 Opilioacaran , 5, 31, 41, 46–48, 62, 77, 199


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Opilioacaridae , 31, 46 Opiliones , 30–32, 80, 108, 110, 243 Opisthonotal gland , 199 Opisthosoma , 3, 5, 6, 18–21, 25, 30, 31,

41, 46, 72, 80, 111, 117, 118, 120, 123, 200

Oppia , 59, 172 Oppia nitens , 59 Oppiella nova , 59, 145 Oppiidae , 317 Opuntia inermis , 323 Ordovician , 20–22, 24, 25, 41 Oribatei , 52 Oribatida , 27, 28, 41, 50–53, 56, 59, 63, 71,

79, 89, 98, 110, 116–118, 145, 149, 163, 167, 178, 181, 183, 199, 200, 202, 210, 211, 230, 232–234, 236, 237, 241, 243–244, 254, 260, 263, 271, 297, 314, 353, 354, 439, 450, 453, 455

Oribatula tibialis , 313 Oribatulidae , 283, 317 Orientia tsutsugamushi , 434, 435 Orifl ammella lutulenta , 62, 63, 200 Oripodidae , 317 Oripodoidea , 314, 315, 439 Orlettes , 305 Ornithodoros

O. moubata , 110 O. transverses , 388

Ornithodorus tholozani , 110 Ornithonyssus

O. bacoti , 58, 430 O. bursa , 49, 392, 399, 400, 429 O. sylviarum , 380, 391, 393, 395,

396, 399, 401, 429 Orthogalumna terebrantis , 293, 294 Orthotydeus lambi , 309 Orthotydeus nr. Lindquisti , 309 Osmoregulation , 30, 240, 254–255 Ostracoda , 22 Otopheidomenidae , 360, 366 Oudemansicheyla coprosomae , 71 Ovaries , 109, 110, 112–114, 136, 137, 142 Oviger , 16, 29 Oviposit , 126, 299, 359, 363, 365, 370, 379,

390, 394 Oviposition , 61, 69, 70, 72, 109, 111, 126,

128, 141, 171, 267, 293, 301, 303, 304, 312, 359, 365, 367, 370, 372, 380, 395

Ovipositor , 56, 61, 69, 72, 110, 295, 361 Ovolarviparity , 70 Ovoviviparity , 73 Owls , 381, 405

Oxpecker , 204 Oxygen , 241, 242, 251, 265, 266

P Pacifi c spider mite , 322 Paedogenesis , 84, 86, 293 Paedomorphosis , 84–86 Paine, R.T. , 163, 176 Palaeoacarology , 211 Palaeosomata , 81 Palaeozoic , 21, 27, 35, 286 Paleofantasy , 21 Palm , 297 Palmer, S.C. , 143, 145, 146, 149 Palpal thumb-claw complex , 244 Palpcoxal seta , 47, 48 Palpigrade , 4, 29–31, 230, 241 Palpigradi , 29–31, 80, 110 Panigrahi, A. , 395 Panonychus , 93 Pap, P.L. , 384 Parahaploidy , 144, 301 Paraisotoma , 194 Paramegistidae , 353, 388 Parantennulidae , 353 Paraphagy , 349, 360 Paraphyletic , 17, 52, 89, 149 Parapygmephorus costaricanus , 368 Parasitalbia sumatrensis , 251 Parasitellus , 368, 390

P. fucorum , 390 Parasitengonina (= Parasitengona) , 41, 55, 74,

79, 81–83, 89, 98, 116, 120, 122, 144, 231, 234, 235, 244, 347, 349, 354, 357, 358, 362–365, 456

Parasitiae , 42, 357 Parasitidae , 96, 111, 112, 114, 133, 166, 187,

356, 357, 359, 368, 369, 390, 406 Parasitiformes , 2, 5, 27–28, 30, 32–34, 39–51,

57, 59, 64, 80, 97, 98, 111–116, 232, 263, 352–353, 376, 439, 450, 455

Parasitism , 88, 96, 98, 182, 244, 247, 251–252, 254, 284, 286, 287, 342, 345–354, 361–368, 380, 389–393, 397, 399–401, 403, 408

Parasitoidism , 342, 345, 347, 353, 354, 361–368

Parasitus , 96, 190, 357 P. coleoptratorum , 96 P. consanguineous , 190

Parastacidae , 24 Paratydeidae , 187


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Paredes-León, R. , 405 Parhalixodes travei , 253 Parhypochthonius aphidinus , 51 Parhypsomatides , 41 Parker, G.A. , 106, 136, 137 Parrots , 84, 395, 454 Parthenogenesis , 60, 74, 105, 116, 142–146,

150, 196, 288, 466 Partitioning (of hosts) , 386 Passalidae , 353, 408, 449 Passalid beetle , 97, 198, 360, 449 Passive female choice , 139 Paternal care , 69 Paterson, C.G. , 249 Pathogen , 313, 315, 317, 325, 402, 403,

423–427, 434–437, 440, 442 Pathogen pollution , 437 Paulus, H.F. , 32 Peacock mite , 292 Pediculaster fl echtmanni , 358, 359 Pediculaster - Siteroptes dyad , 358 Pedipalp , 3, 19, 22, 25, 32–34, 40, 42, 50, 56,

61, 64–66, 397 Pedofossa, Pedofossae , 200 Pedrocortesellidae , 317 Peloppiidae , 317 Pengilley, R.K. , 205 Pennak, R.W. , 260, 270 Pentachlorophenol (PCP) , 209 Penthaleidae , 70, 185, 287–288 Penthaleus , 185, 288

P. major , 288 Penthalodes , 185, 288 Penthalodidae , 185, 200, 287, 288 Pérez, T.M. , 395 Peritreme , 45, 64–66, 241, 242, 289 Peromyscus , 426 Pesticide contamination , 209 Peza , 237, 253 Peza daps , 237, 253 Pezidae , 237, 253 pH , 209, 270 Pharate , 81, 85, 123, 128, 130, 131 Pharynx , 42, 48, 58, 61, 303, 364 Phasomkusolsil, S. , 435 Phaulodinychus

P. miti , 232, 242 P. repleta , 242

Pheidole , 204 Phenopelopidae , 317 Pheromones , 111, 116, 127, 131, 138,

198, 199 Philip, C.B. , 267

Phoresy , 92–98, 166, 180, 182, 236, 345, 346, 348–349, 351–353, 355–360, 380, 394, 403, 408

Phoretic , 24, 27, 41, 42, 57, 60, 64, 84, 94–98, 166, 169, 180, 197, 294–297, 316, 318, 320, 345, 348, 349, 351–361, 365, 367–369, 371, 390, 394–397, 406, 449, 465

Phoretomorph , 95, 357, 358, 360 Phoriont , 95, 96 Photoprotection , 259, 260 Phototaxis , 265 Phthiracaridae , 317 Phthiracarus borealis , 53 Phyllocoptes fructiphilus , 324 Phylogentic tracking , 403, 404, 406, 407 Physical gill , 241, 242 Physogastry , 73, 85, 367, 368, 456 Physolimnesia australis , 118 Phytotelmata , 41, 55, 231, 234–236 Phytonemus pallidus , 144 Phytoptidae , 284 Phytoscutus , 303 Phytoseiidae , 27, 48, 49, 58, 73, 85, 89, 114,

128, 144, 148, 196, 232, 282, 299–303, 312, 455

Phytoseiulus P. longipes , 89, 290 P. persimilis , 167, 301, 302, 321, 323

Phytoseius oreillyi , 49, 302 Phytotelm, Phytotelmata , 41, 55, 231,

234–236 Pica hudsonia , 204 Pieczynski, E. , 257, 264, 266 Piercing-sucking microbivore , 181–182,

211, 283 Pilicolous hypopi/hypopodes , 357, 358 Pilogalumna , 117, 118 Pimeliaphilus podapolipophagus , 393 Pinguicula , 313 Pinus radiata , 207, 208 Piona

P. alpicola , 246, 247, 365 P. coccinea , 249 P. conglobata , 264 P. constricta , 247, 250, 258, 264, 265 P. longipalpis , 249 P. nodata , 260, 264, 265, 351

Pionidae , 122, 236, 245, 246, 249–251, 260, 262–265, 267, 351

Pisauridae , 230 Pitcher plants , 55, 130, 231–233, 235, 236,

263, 352


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Phylloplane , 297, 298, 300, 304, 313, 315, 316, 325

Plankton , 8, 77, 97, 233, 246, 250, 263, 267, 268, 350

Planodiscus , 353 Plant mites, origin of , 236, 298 Plant-paraasitic , 8, 27, 41, 55, 57, 81, 84, 87,

88, 98, 148, 167, 182–185, 211, 284–287, 292, 293, 298–300, 304, 308–310, 312, 315, 316, 324, 325, 440, 448, 453, 456

Plant virus , 286, 289, 325 Plastron , 232, 242 Plateremaeidae , 283 Platyglyphidae , 354 Platynothrus peltifer , 238 Platyseius italicus , 232, 237, 241, 242 Plecoptera , 271 Pleioxeny , 406 Pleomorph , 133, 134 Plethodon cinereus , 205 Plethodontidae , 205 Plumicoles , 382 Pneumophagus bubonis , 381 Podapolipidae , 130, 400, 402 Podocinum , 192 Podopolipidae , 60 Podospermy , 114 Poecilochirus

P. carabi , 356, 359, 406 P. necrophori , 368, 370

Poison dart frogs , 206 Polak, M. , 395, 401 Pollen , 46, 48, 57, 66, 283, 295–298, 301–304,

308, 312, 316, 324, 349, 366–368, 370, 384, 447

Pollination , 295, 296, 402 Pollinator , 140, 295–297, 317, 345, 463 Pollution , 209, 266, 270–272, 437 Polyaspis , 193 Polygyny , 132 Polyphagotarsonemus latus , 88, 130, 308, 316 Polyphagous , 93, 291, 303, 323, 377 Polyphyletic , 17, 235 Polyxeny , 406 Pomerantziidae , 168, 187 Pontarachnidae , 239, 240, 254 Porospermy , 114 Post-displacement , 86 Postembryonic , 30, 74–76 Potter, D.A. , 131 Poultry , 142, 380, 383, 429–431, 443 Poultry red mite , 430, 431

Powassan virus , 437 Prasad, R.S. , 250 Prasiola crispa , 171, 173, 174 Pre-copulatory guarding , 114, 128, 136 Predation , 48, 56, 93, 163, 167, 171, 174, 176,

178, 180, 187, 189–202, 212, 244–251, 257–262, 264, 272, 293, 299, 303, 309, 312, 342, 345, 349, 367, 383, 397, 404, 426, 427

Prelarva , 34, 60, 71, 74–83, 97 Preston-Mafham, K.G. , 243 Preston-Mafham, R.A. , 243 Prey capture , 59, 176, 247–249 Prickly pear , 323 Primary genital opening , 109–113, 115,

141, 142 Primary production , 166, 173 Prince Charmings , 169 Pritchard, G. , 248, 250 Proarctacarus oregonensis , 50 Proctolaelaps , 49, 58, 62, 189, 296, 297, 396

P. lobatus , 49 Proctor, H.C. , 39, 108, 116, 120, 122, 134,

139, 149, 233, 248, 256–259, 261, 264, 265, 271, 387, 452, 455

Proctor, H.J. , 173 Progenesis , 84–86 Prokoenenia wheeleri , 30 Pronematulus pyrrohippeus , 360 Prosoma , 3, 5, 6, 18, 19, 21, 25, 31, 32, 61,

71, 79 Prospermia , 125 Protacaris crani , 26 Protelean parasite , 41, 83, 187, 354, 380 Protocerebrum , 15 Protochthonius gilboa , 26 Protococcus , 183 Protogamasellus , 79, 87, 146, 189

P. mica , 87 Protomyobia claparedei , 407 Protonymph , 74–76, 81–83, 97, 251, 347,

349, 372 Protonymphon , 28, 29 Protzia eximia , 403 Pruett-Jones, M. , 390, 391, 399 Pruett-Jones, S. , 390, 391, 399 Pselaphinae , 203 Pseudoarrhenotoky , 144, 301 Pseudocheylidae , 187 Pseudophryne corroboree , 205 Pseudoscorpion , 3, 4, 33–34, 69, 80, 94,

108, 109, 126, 137, 139, 202, 230, 355, 356, 375


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Pseudoscorpionida , 33–34, 80 Psoroptidia , 55, 347, 352, 378, 405, 406 Psoroptoididae , 135 Psychotria horizontalis , 309, 312 Pterolichidae , 106, 382, 385, 386 Pterolichoidea , 439 Pteromorph , 75, 201 Pterygosoma mutabilis , 124, 388 Pterygosomatidae , 123, 124, 354, 388, 393,

405, 433 Pterygotidae , 20 Ptyalophagy , 360 Ptychoid , 200, 201 Pugh, P.J.A. , 195, 242 Pulmonate , 21, 25, 79 Pulvillus , 353 Puncochar, P. , 262, 268 Pycnogonid , 28, 29 Pycnogonida , 5, 15, 28 Pyemotes

P. herfsi , 432 P. tritici , 148, 367 P. ventricosus , 403, 406, 431, 432

Pyemotidae , 148, 357, 358, 367, 431, 439 Pygidium , 26 Pygmephoridae , 54, 148, 151, 181, 357, 358,

367, 368 Pyramica mazu , 202 Pyroglyphidae , 346, 347, 349, 375, 379,

380, 439

Q Quadripedal , 60 Queensland , 22, 24, 87, 88, 117, 200, 271,

287, 288, 296, 299, 304, 309, 314, 317, 323, 433, 451–453

Questing behaviour , 436 Quills , 73, 148, 385, 386, 405, 449 Quintero, M. T. , 374

R Radovsky, F.J. , 344, 347, 349, 403 Radwan, J. , 110, 130, 133, 136, 137 Rajendran, R. , 250 Raphignathina , 59, 456 Raphignathoidea , 116, 188, 293 Rath, W. , 115 Raut, S.K. , 395 Raven, P.H. , 401 Red colour , 257–259 Red-legged earth mite , 70, 287, 288

Red velvet mite , 3, 41, 86, 89, 187, 193, 282, 299, 433

Reinhardt,K. , 395 Relative humidity , 301, 312, 375 Rensch’s rule , 135 Repka, J. , 465 Reptilia , 388, 405, 408 Reservoir , 123, 199, 262, 263, 268, 424–427,

430, 435–437 Resource-tracking , 403, 404, 406 Resurging disease , 426 Retrorse teeth , 43, 44 Reversal , 17, 347 Rhagidia

R. arenaria , 122 R. clavicrinita , 122 R. gerlachei , 172, 175 R. halophila , 122

Rhagidiidae , 34, 54, 79, 122, 172, 187, 188, 284, 287

Rhinodromus , 124 Rhinonyssidae , 380, 405 Rhinoseius , 296, 344 Rhizoglyphus robini , 110, 128, 130, 133, 135,

137, 183 Rhizophora mangle , 296 Rhizosphere , 165–168, 185, 208 Rhodacarellus , 79 Rhodacaridae , 79, 113, 187 Rhodacarus roseus , 87 Rhodes, A.C. , 242 Rhynie Chert , 26 Rhysotritia duplicata , 209 Rhytidelasma , 53, 386

R. punctata , 53 Ribbon sperm , 112–114 Rice, W.R. , 141, 466 Ricinulei , 4, 23, 26, 27, 32–33, 47, 61, 80, 108 Rickettsia

R. akari , 430 R. rickettsii , 436

Rickettsial pox , 424, 425, 430 Rieradevall, M. , 267 Riessen, H.P. , 247, 248, 250, 258, 264, 268 Ring segment , 18, 25, 26 Robinson, J.V. , 365 Rocky mountain

spotted fever , 436 wood tick , 436

Rolff, J. , 365 Romero, G.Q. , 308 Rootknot nematode , 195, 196 Root, R.B. , 176


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Rosa multifl ora , 324 Rosario, R.M.T. , 353, 357, 367, 395 Rosella , 53 Rosentsteiniidae , 376 Ross, C. , 201 Rostrozetes , 181 Roth, V.D. , 230, 233 Rotifers , 24, 52, 143, 145, 172, 176, 180, 243,

245, 260 Rousch, J.M. , 270 Rozario, S. , 311 Rózsa, L. , 404 Rubiaceae , 308, 309 Rubriscirus , 191 Rush skeleton weed , 323 Rust mite , 41, 81, 281, 285, 286, 294,

308, 456 Rutellum, Rutella , 46–48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 61,

65, 66 Ryckman, R.E. , 395

S Sabelis, M.W. , 139, 148 Saino, N. , 392 Saito, Y. , 132 Salamander , 108, 137, 205, 206, 260, 354,

363, 387, 388 Salamandridae , 205, 252 Saltatory search , 192–193 Saltiseius , 198 Salvador, A. , 391 Sammataro, D. , 343 Sancassania , 119, 133, 136, 170, 356

S. berlesei , 119, 133, 136 Sancassania (= Caloglyphus ) rodionovi , 356 Sanderson, J.P. , 395 San Marco Cathedral , 305 Saproglyphidae , 315 Saprophagy , 179 Sarcoptes scabiei , 378, 379, 403, 405, 428,

432, 443 Sarcoptidae , 378, 405, 428, 443 Sarcoptiformes , 41, 52, 53, 55, 56, 66, 75, 80,

116, 243, 450 Sarcoptoidea , 439 Sarraceniopus , 352 Saxidromidae , 123 Saxidromus delamarei , 78, 123, 124 Scabies , 341, 378, 379, 428–430, 438, 439,

443, 456 Scaly leg , 380, 439 Scapheremaeus , 283, 314, 315

Schalk, G. , 392 Schatz, H. , 233 Scheloribates , 181, 208, 317

S. latipes , 317 Scheloribatidae , 297, 314 Schizotetranychus

S. longus , 132 S. miscanthi , 132

Schroder, R.F.W. , 396 Schwiebea , 387 Schwoerbel, J. , 266, 270 Scissuralaelaps , 369 Scorpionida , 5, 20–24, 30, 80 Scorpions , 1, 3, 5, 12, 18–21, 23, 24, 34, 69,

76, 79, 107, 108, 196, 229, 240, 354 Scrub itch , 55, 362, 433, 439 Scrub typhus , 55, 433–435, 442 Scutacaridae , 52, 54, 70, 87, 181, 198, 200,

354, 357–359 Scutacarus acarorum , 359 Scutum , 44 Scydmaeninae , 203 Seastedt, T.R. , 170 Sea urchins , 253, 343, 354 Sebaceous gland mite , 429, 443 Secondarily aquatic arthropods , 229–231 Secondary genital opening , 109, 113, 114,

118, 142, 151 Segments , 3, 12–16, 18–21, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32,

40–43, 46–48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 64, 65, 77–80, 84, 141, 200, 245, 343

Seius bdelloides , 27 Sejida , 41, 58, 112, 357, 455 Sejidae , 27, 49, 318 Sejina , 41, 94 Sejugal furrow , 42 Selenoribatidae , 234 Sellnickia caudata , 314 Sellnickiidae , 314 Semelparity , 72 Seminal receptacle , 109, 120, 126, 136, 141 Sengbusch, H.G. , 377 Sensillus, Sensilli , 50, 56, 313, 314, 366 Sensu lato , 15, 188 Sequential progenesis , 85, 86 Sex , 8, 9, 55–59, 74, 95, 105–151, 197, 199,

252, 263, 357, 365, 377, 466, 467 Sex ratio , 74, 131, 132, 143, 144, 146–149,

151, 197, 252, 357, 466, 467 Sexual dimorphism , 116, 142, 314, 315 Sexual selection , 9, 106, 128–142, 315, 379,

400, 401, 408, 465–466 Shaw, M. , 428


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Shrew , 381, 406, 407, 426, 427 Shultz, J.W. , 32 Sick Building Syndrome , 440 Siemer, F. , 237 Sieve plate , 64 Silk , 5, 19, 29, 55–59, 69–72, 93, 131, 193,

194, 230, 249, 286, 288–290, 299, 302, 303, 432, 433, 461

Silphidae , 353, 369, 405 Silurian , 20–22, 25, 34 Simmons, T.W. , 251 Simuliidae , 356, 403 Sinha, R.N. , 374 Sister group , 15, 20, 29–34, 40, 43, 46, 291 Sister taxon , 17, 150 Sit-and-wait predator , 191–192, 245 Siteroptes , 82, 84, 85, 356, 358

S. graminum , 84, 85 Siteroptidae , 358 Siva-Jothy, M.T. , 137 Skaife, S.H. , 367 Sleeping Beauty Paradox , 169 Slugs , 5, 41, 264, 344, 354, 395, 397 Smallegange, I.M. , 135 Sminthuridae , 117 Smith, B.P. , 251, 264, 265, 349, 350, 362–365,

390, 393, 396, 397 Smith, I.M. , 233, 237, 238, 248, 268, 362,

363, 387 Snails , 233, 251, 354, 363 Snakes , 42, 79, 231–233, 343, 344, 383,

388, 429 Snout mite , 70, 187, 188, 193, 195, 196 Soil

organisms , 164, 178 profi le , 164, 168, 169, 208

Solenidion, Solenidia , 42, 52, 321 Soler, J.J. , 384 Solfugida , 23, 80 Somites , 12 Sonenshine, D.E. , 43, 125, 126 Sooty mould , 315 Sorci, G. , 391 Southern Pine Beetle , 96, 368 Spadiseius , 297 Spanandry , 150 Spandrel , 305, 389 Speleorchestes poduroides , 79 Sperchon

S. glandulosus , 269 S. setiger , 245, 363, 395, 396

Sperchonopsis verrucosa , 245 Sperchontidae , 245, 269, 363

Sperm access system , 113 Spermaduct , 118, 119 Spermatheca , 109, 115, 116, 120, 123, 137 Spermatodactyl , 42, 57, 58, 60, 113,

115, 142 Spermatophore , 21, 43, 107, 252, 286, 361 Spermatophoric organ , 116, 117 Spermatotreme , 42, 57, 112, 113 Spermatozoa , 43, 105, 110, 114, 122, 123,

126, 136, 137, 256 Sperm competition , 106, 136–138, 150 Sperm precedence , 128, 136, 140 Sperm transfer , 43, 46, 48, 50, 60, 106–128,

131, 132, 136, 137, 139–142, 146, 150, 230, 240, 252, 256–257, 361

Sperm-transfer modes , 106–109, 116, 120, 122

Sphaerolichida , 41, 455, 456 Spicer, G.S. , 405 Spider mites , 3, 41, 55, 57–59, 70, 71, 87, 93,

128, 131, 136, 140, 146, 149, 167, 199, 281, 289–293, 299–301, 303, 304, 310, 311, 321–323, 325, 456

Spielman, A. , 136 Spillover , 425, 429 Spindle gall , 316 Spinneret , 5, 6, 19, 21, 59, 289 Spiny rat mite , 430 Spirochete , 425–427, 436 Sporocarp , 91, 166, 169, 199, 318–319, 453 Sporotheca, Sporothecae , 182, 368 Springtail , 109, 117, 162, 164, 171, 173–177,

183, 184, 187, 188, 191–196, 198, 200, 204, 205

Stage , 19, 29, 40, 69, 131, 163, 229, 285, 347, 429, 449, 464

Stanton, N.L. , 165, 451 Staphylinidae , 203 Starling mite , 429, 430 Stase , 77, 82, 84 Stasny, T.A. , 285 Štefka, J.P.E.A. , 405, 406 Steiner, W.A. , 209 Stereotydeus , 56, 172, 173, 176, 185, 288 Sternal region , 42, 43, 50, 64, 65, 72 Sternite , 25 Stigmaeidae , 185, 188, 200, 284, 293, 294,

298, 299, 312 Stigmaeopsis longus , 290 Stored products , 55, 120, 351, 367, 374, 394,

431, 439 Stratiolaelaps , 188

S. scimitus , 49, 190


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Stratum S. corneum , 428 S. granulosum , 428

Straw itch mite , 367, 431, 438, 439 Stygothrombidioidea , 235, 238 Stylophore , 289, 292 Stylostome , 363, 364, 391, 398, 401, 433 Subcapitulum , 32, 33, 40, 42, 44, 45, 50, 64,

65, 186, 285, 303 Subelytral space , 449 Subfossil mite , 211 Subnivean , 170 Subsocial , 71, 290, 315, 325 Substrate , 59, 60, 108, 116, 117, 121–123,

127, 138, 150, 162, 191, 238, 239, 243–244, 247, 249, 250, 252, 257, 260, 263, 265, 267–269, 361, 363, 382, 450, 464

Subtidal , 235, 239–240 Sunbirds , 297 Superorder , 5, 32, 40, 41, 50, 62–66, 455 Superparasitism , 357 Supracoxal gland , 375 Swimming , 18, 48, 60, 116, 122, 127, 130,

246, 247, 256, 262–266, 393, 404 Swimming hairs , 263, 264 Symbioribates , 117, 314

S. papuensis , 314 Symbioribatidae , 117 Symbiosis , 341, 345–347, 352, 354, 355 Symphylan , 177, 202, 229 Symptom , 423, 425, 432, 434, 437–442 Synchthonius crenulatus , 53 Synspermia , 124 Syringicoles , 382 Syringophilidae , 148, 386 Syringophiloides minor , 148, 386 Syringophilopsis kirgizorum , 405

T Tagma, tagmata , 18, 40 Tagmosis , 18–19 Tail-spine , 18–20 Takaku, G. , 361 Talitridae , 22 Tapeworm , 180, 204, 397, 439 Tarsonemellini , 295 Tarsonemidae , 58, 87, 130, 144, 150, 151,

181, 283, 284, 286, 294, 295, 298, 308, 316, 317, 343, 360, 368, 453

Tarsonemus , 130, 316 T. acerbilis , 316

T. confusus , 130 T. dispar , 360

Tatarnic, N.J. , 142 Taxonomic surrogacy , 452 Taylor, P.D. , 147 Tectocepheidae , 317 Tectum, Tecta , 48, 201, 302 Teinocoptidae , 376 Temperature , 88–90, 93, 98, 107, 169–171,

251, 266, 267, 301, 313, 351, 428 Temporary aquatic habitats , 235 Teneriffi idae , 187 Tenuipalpidae , 60, 286, 291, 294, 453 Ten Winkel, E.H. , 250 Tergite , 18, 25, 26, 95 Terpnacaridae , 87 Terpnacarus , 198

T. glebulentus , 77 Tertiary , 27, 46, 237, 282, 283 Testes , 110, 397 Testosterone , 391, 392, 400 Tetranychidae , 54, 59, 71, 123, 128, 130–132,

136, 141, 146, 148, 289, 291, 321, 453 Tetranychoidea , 116, 146, 167, 282, 284, 289,

291–293, 316, 353 Tetranychus

T. desertorum , 323 T. evansi , 290, 322 T. lintearius , 323 T. pacifi cus , 322 T. urticae , 81, 290, 291, 321

Thailand , 251, 435 Thanatochresis , 382, 383 Thanatosis , 199–202 Thelytoky , 144–146, 148, 151, 180, 466 Thermacaridae , 354, 387 Thermacarus nevadensis , 267, 387 Thinozerconidae , 242 Thinozercon michaeli , 242 Three-host tick , 44, 427, 436 Thrips , 147, 188–190, 297, 298, 303, 311,

312, 367, 440, 456 Thyas

T. barbigera , 364 T. stolli , 351

Thysanoptera , 308, 440 Tick , 2, 27, 40, 71, 110, 193, 232, 283, 341,

423, 450, 461 Tickbird , 204 Tickspiders, hooded , 32, 33, 47 Timms, B.V. , 239 Timms, S. , 133 Timonius timon , 307


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Tiphys , 258 Toads , 205, 387, 388 Tobacco Whitefl y , 303 Tocospermy , 111 Tomato Russet Mite , 303 Tomentum, tomenta , 304 Tompkins, D.M. , 396, 400, 402 Tortoises , 52, 388 Trachymolgus purpureus , 193 Transgenic , 322–323, 464–465 Transmission , 44, 296, 320, 384, 386, 393,

400, 424, 425, 434–436 Transovarial transmission , 44 Trans-ovarian transmission , 435, 436 Trans-stadial transmission , 44, 435 Traumatic insemination , 108, 141 Treat, A.E. , 343, 348, 360, 365, 395 Trechaleidae , 230 Treehole , 165, 231, 233, 235, 244, 268, 282 Trhypochthoniidae , 233, 234, 237 Trichobothrium, Trichobothria , 21, 30, 33, 35,

42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 50, 52, 65, 66, 192, 235, 313

Trichoptera , 266, 271, 403 Trichoribates , 317 Trigonotarbid , 23, 25, 26 Trigonotarbida , 4, 23, 25, 26, 32 Trigynaspida , 42, 50, 58, 111, 357, 449, 455 Tritonymph , 74–76, 81–83, 97, 130, 292, 347,

357, 358 Tritosternal laciniae , 45 Tritrophic level theory , 321 Trochometridium tribulatum , 367 Troides richmondia , 299 Trombicula , 433 Trombiculidae , 75, 231, 260, 344, 354, 362,

376, 381, 387, 388, 433, 434 Trombiculoidea , 54, 433–435, 439, 442 Trombidiformes , 2, 41, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 66,

75, 450 Trombidiidae , 120, 259, 349, 354, 357 Trombidioidea , 193 Trombidiosis , 433 Trophic guild , 173 Tropical Fowl Mite , 49, 400, 429, 430 Tropical Rat Mite , 430 Tropicoseius , 296 Tropilaelaps clarae , 115 Trouessartia , 119, 120

T. megadisca , 406 Tuberostoma , 172 Tuckerella , 183, 292

T. knorri , 293

Tuckerellidae , 70, 292, 294, 453 Tullbergia granulata , 198 Tullgren-modifi ed Berlese Funnel , 168 Turchetti, T. , 317 Turtle , 52, 200, 343, 381, 388, 450 Two-fold cost of sex , 143 Tydeidae , 59, 87, 116, 122, 123, 130, 181,

187, 283, 284, 298, 308, 309, 360 Tydeus , 298 Typhlodromus , 114, 303

T. pyri , 303, 304, 310 Tyrophagus , 170, 180, 374

T. putrescentiae , 234, 442 Tyrrellia circularis , 267

U Ulex europaeus , 323 Ullrich, F. , 245, 395–397 Uncate palps , 244 Uncinula necator , 309 Unionicola

U. crassipes , 247, 248, 250, 251, 265, 267, 268

U. formosa , 132, 139, 352 U. intermedia , 132, 252, 397 U. ypsilophora , 132, 397

Unionicolidae , 121, 131, 149, 247, 250, 251, 253, 261, 264, 265, 267, 364

Unionidae , 251 Uniramous , 18 Untergasser, D. , 387 Uroobovella , 27, 405, 406 Uropoda orbicularis , 356 Uropodidae , 187, 200, 203, 232, 233, 300,

318, 356, 357 Uropodina , 42, 52, 94, 111, 189, 353,

357–359, 455 Uropodoidea , 49, 95 Uropygial gland/oil , 384 Urstigmata , 42, 254 Usher, M.B. , 162, 172, 173, 176, 180, 190

V Vacuolated sperm , 43, 111, 112 van Bronswijk, J.E.M.H. , 375 van Impe, G. , 81 Varroa , 35, 349, 402 Vasates

V. aceriscrumena , 316 V. robiniae , 131

Vatacarus ipoides , 79, 344


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Vector , 35, 44, 169, 286, 289, 293, 312, 320, 324, 424, 426, 427, 429, 430, 433–437, 442, 461

Veermann, A. , 301 Veigaia , 49, 193 Veigaiidae , 49, 113 Veladeadcarus gasconi , 253 Venereal disease, of plants , 295–297 Venereal transmission , 296, 393 Vertebrates as hosts , 244, 354, 387 Vertebrocentric , 6 Vestigial legs , 45 Viburnum , 307

W Waage, J. K. , 346, 347 Walking dandruff , 431–433, 439 Walking legs , 3, 19, 25, 29, 50 Walter, D.E. , 3, 39, 109, 173, 207, 310, 311,

431, 437, 438 Walther, B.A. , 387 Wandesia thermalis , 350 Wasmannian mimicry , 353 Waterhousea fl oribunda , 290 Water hyacinth , 293–294 Water mites , 28, 41, 72, 110, 187, 230, 342,

456, 464 Weatherhead, P.J. , 401 Weeks, A.R. , 144–146 Welbourn, W.C. , 362 Werthelloides , 240 Western fl ower thrips (WFT) , 189, 297,

303, 312 West, G.B. , 91 Weygoldt, P. , 32 Wheal , 430–433, 437–441, 443 Wheeler, W.M. , 6, 94. 355. 361 Whipscorpion , 3, 19, 23, 25, 33, 47, 69,

76, 77 Whirligig mite , 190, 191, 298, 431–433, 439 Whiteman, N.K. , 405, 406 Wiggins, G.B. , 347 Wikel, S.K. , 391, 402 Wiles, P.R. , 250, 393 Willamette spider mite , 322 Willis, D.W. , 257 Wilson, D.S. , 147, 369, 370, 373 Winkel, E.H. , 249

Winterschmidtiidae , 315, 343, 354, 355, 371, 373, 393

Witalinski, W. , 129, 137 Witches’-broom , 285 Witte, H. , 116, 120, 127, 256 Wolbachia , 146, 466 Womersia strandtmanni , 192 World trade , 437 Woyke, J. , 115 Wrensch, D.L. , 145, 148, 367 Wuria , 142

X Xanthippe , 297 Xenillidae , 317 Xenocaligonellidae , 293 Xiphosurida , 20, 22 Xolalgidae , 383

Y Yasui, Y. , 136 Yoder, J.A. , 360 Yohoia tenuis , 15 Young, W.C. , 242, 267–270, 450 Yund, P.O. , 106 Yuval, B. , 136

Z Zachvatkin, Aleksey A. , 34 Zeh, D.W. , 137 Zeh, J.A. , 137 Zeno of Elea , 449 Zeno’s paradox of Achilles

and the Tortoise , 449 Zerconidae , 2, 111, 187 Zetomimidae , 234 Zetorchestes , 198 Zetzellia mali , 299 Zhang, Z.-Q. , 357, 395 Zoonosis , 424, 435 Zoonotic , 425 Zuk, M. , 399 Zygopachylus , 69 Zygoribatula exilis , 209 Zygoseius , 73

Z. furciger , 89, 90
