indentured servants, captivity narratives master

Photograph of newspaper advertisement from the 1780's for the sale of slaves at Ashley Ferry outside of Charleston, South Carolina. "To be sold, on board the ship Bance Island ..... about 250 fine healthy negroes, just arrived from the Windward & Rice Coast." The ad goes on to say that the utmost care has been taken to keep the slaves from being infected with small pox, and "all other communication witha people from CharlesTown prevented." A smallpox epidemic in Charleston in 1760 was one of the worst in the colonial period. In a population of about 8000, there were an estimated 6000 cases and over 730 deaths,

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Photograph of newspaper advertisement from the 1780's for the sale of slaves at Ashley Ferry outside of Charleston, South Carolina."To be sold, on board the ship Bance Island .....  about 250 fine healthy negroes, just arrived from the Windward & Rice Coast."The ad goes on to say that the utmost care has been taken to keep the slaves from being infected with small pox, and "all other communication witha people from CharlesTown prevented."  A smallpox epidemic in Charleston in 1760 was one of the worst in the colonial period. In a population of about 8000, there were an estimated 6000 cases and over 730 deaths, or 9% of the population. It was not until 1796 that Edward Jenner demonstrated that cowpox vaccination could protect people against smallpox more safely than live smallpox vaccination

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Runaway Indentured Servant Advertisement. Source: Maryland Gazette, 17 November 1764, MSA SC 2731,

Maryland Gazette collection, Maryland State Archives, Annapolis.

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Pre - 1675

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“Westward from the Mississippi and Ohio River Valleys to the Pacific coast, Native American, French, and Spanish power held sway throughout most of the 18th Century.” p 90

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Proclamation line of 1763

Established by:

Treaty of Paris1753

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“At the outset of the 18th century, observers often commented on

the HETEROGENEITY of the Atlantic Coast colonies…”

“New York City was the best example of this; in this port city lived English, Dutch, Scots, Irish, Germans, Walloons, Portuguese, Africans, and Jews.”

“…efforts to Anglicize African slaves and European servants often floundered under local pressures.

Ethnicity in Eighteenth-Century North America, p 90

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Nathaniel Bacon, 1640 – 1676Bacon’s Rebellion, Jamestown Virginia, 1676

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Captivity Narrative

Mary Rowlandson: 1682

See Lecture Notes for The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

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“It was during the 18th Century that the balance of power tipped irretrievably away from Native Americans…from an estimated population of 5,000,000 persons in 1500, Native American nations dramatically declined to about six hundred thousand by 1800.” p 91

Columbia Documentary History of Race and Ethnicity

Middle Ground: Wyandots, Ottawas, Miamis, Shawnee and others

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New Netherlands, 1656

“Even in New England, which was dominated by English peoples, by midcentury, more than 30 percent of its inhabitants came from outside England.” p 90 CHRE

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Crossing Over

“Native Americans attempted to re-group by assembling new nations out of the remnants of older ones and practiced adoption into the tribe or band on a large scale” p 91 CHRE

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The Racial Frontier: Irish immigrants as “other”

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Simon Girty: The White Savage

The Degenerative Myth of the Frontier

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Ohio Company of Virginia, Chartered


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The Ohio Company was composed of Virginians, including two of George Washington’s Brothers, Lawrence Washington (who succeeded to the management upon the death of Lee) and Augustine Washington, Jr.

Note: James Smith was clearing land for Braddock’s Road when he was “captured by the Indians.”

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U.S. Constitution

Article ISection 2

“Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”“

Changed with passage of the 14th Amendment

Ratified July 9, 1868

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I was a captive...

John McCain: Military Past on Center Stage

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Ideas of Whiteness

The Fightin' Whities