increase conversion rate


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Post on 28-Nov-2014




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The essential ecommerce aspects to work on in order to increase conversion rate include providing a smooth browsing experience, making the shopping environment convenient with simple procedures, describing products clearlyand customizing the shopping experience, including payment options.


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Increase CRO

There is no ideal number of sales an ecommerce website should make out of a given number of visits, but there is always room to increase conversion rate.

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The essential ecommerce aspects to work on in order to increase conversion rate include

1.Providing a smooth browsing experience that has few crashes and downtimes

2. Making the shopping environment convenient with simple procedures.

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3. Describing products clearly whether through text, pictures or videos.

4. Customizing the shopping experience, including payment options

The essential ecommerce aspects to work on in order to increase conversion rate include

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Common Incentives

Even with these entire aspects well taken care of, you often need to give customers a little more push in the form of other incentives to increase conversion rates.

The following are the common incentives that many online brands have used to increase conversion rate

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Removing the shipping cost

Up to 93% of people who buy online are persuaded by free shipping offers. Some brands, in order to increase conversion rate, choose to go around this by including the cost in the price tag.

Whichever arrangement you come up with, it should not eat into your profits.

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Giving discounts

Giving discount offers is also among the incentives that increase conversion rate significantly. Time bound ones are more efficient than those given without limitation to their validity.

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Giving discounts

According to a study by E-tailing Group, up to 47% of online shoppers will never buy a product that is not on discount.

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Reducing your cart abandonment rate

Over 70% of buyers online begin their shopping but never check out. This is caused by various reasons: from the quality of the browsing experience to hidden costs.

Whatever the reason, deal with the issues to increase conversion rate

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Having a robust email-follow up campaigns

To increase your conversion rate you must have a strategy on following up with customers who are undecided on buying your products. Collecting emails for this purpose should be of a priority.

Give the prospective customers the information they need to help them choose your products, this could include special offers and discounts.

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Enabling customer product review tool

Reading what other customers and users have to say about a product influences about 60 percent of online shoppers.

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Another 40 percent will never buy an electronic product without reading reviews done by previous customers.

It is, therefore, an incentive that can help your business to increase conversion rate.

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This program however should be backed with good products and dependable customer support. This ensures you get positive reviews.

Nevertheless, negative feedbacks should not be deleted because a few of them increase conversion rates by giving a believable image of your product: no one believes a product that seems perfect in the eyes of all the customers who have used it.

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However, before you implement any incentive program, as part of your marketing strategy to increase conversion rate, you should consider the following factors:

Their impact on your revenue, it should be either low cost or easily absorbable.

The available skills and resources to effectively implement them

Their effectiveness and capacity to increase conversion rate

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Putting measures in place to increase conversion rate should be a priority for

any ecommerce website.