in v k i - nys historic mrs....

East Moriches N ews Items Mrs. Gordon G. Dickson , ATlantic 4-1144 < Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burns cn- teitain"d the fol' owing guests at a barbecue Sunday afternoon at their home on Miller Avenue: Mir. and Mrs. James, Nash , Mioses Lil y and Meta Casten , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Travis , Miss Edith Tra- vis and Mi. and Mrs. Ronald Burns of East Moriches; Susan and Kenneth Messina of Syosset; Mr. and Mrs. John Redden ' of Ho- boken , N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis of Holtsville; Mr . and Mrs George Tydesnan . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Danow^ki and Miss Joan Danowski of Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. Roland Smith , Mr. and Mrs. Earle Reeve , Mr. and Mrs. Wl- liam Hawkns and daughter , Pat- ricia , Charles Kanige , Edward Ma- tecavitch and Timoth y Scott of Center Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. 5>John Hallfield and daughter , Mar- jorie , and Arthur Gruenberg of Mastic Beach ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack I Leper and son , Allen , of Jackson Heights and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowsen of Flashing. Mrs. Albert Casten and daug h- ter , Mrs. Roger Stomm , were at their home on Pine Street last week. I A card and dessert party was I held at the home of Mrs. Frank Kiik of Mastic last Wednesday Present from East Moriches were Mesdames Roy Raynor , Paul War- ner , Hiram Reeve , Edward Butler and Miss Emma Raynor. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Freuder of I Biooklyn visited Mrs. Irene Fi eud- er and Mrs. Grace Davis of Main Street , Memorial day. Mr. and M'rs. Michael Shiminski and son , Richard , entertained the following guests at a picnic sup- per last week: Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Alfred and children , Judy, Jimmis . Joyce and Bruce , of Easi- port; Mr. Raymond Rebehn and children , Linda , Philip and Jodie , of Holtsville ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shiminski and son , Dennis , of Mas- tic , and Mr. and Mrs. George Va- kay and children , Lloyd and Val- erie , of East Moriches Kenneth and Susan Messina of Syosset were guests of their grand parents and aunt , the Travises of Miller Avenue. On Satin day June 17 the Wom- an ' s Societ y of Christian Seivice w ill hold anothei lUake Sale in the vis age at 10 a. m. Live news and eye-catching ad vertising make the Advance stand out in point of reader in terest for every member of the family. —Adv. The Ladies ' Aid of the Metho- dist Church met last Thursday af- ternoon. The ladies serving refresh ments w ere Mrs. Elsie Chamber- lin and Mrs. Bessie DeMatties. The Rev. Robert Lemmermann was ordained a deacon at the New York East Annual conference at Grace Methodist Church , Valley Stream , May 28 by Bishop Lloyd C. Wickie of the New York Area of the Methodist Church. EASTPORT N EWS ITEMS Miis tionnie Bell. Tel EAstport 5-0046 < Weekend gue^. s of Mi . and Mrs . Stewart Woi b y o! Tiutl ' Aveiiue were Mr. Wo In ' * par nt^ , M' . and M IN . Frsd Worby of Wil- li am ton , Mass . Graduation exercises f or the kinde^gni ion class ( .f the East port School will be held tomori ow ev ening ;.t the school. Miss I' au ' a Kostuk . daught" o, Mi. and Mis . .]. J. Kostuk oi* Bay A\(Mn , nctiMil hei Hi t Hol . v j Communion M iv 20 at the ) . "' in ma- - -; i . ,S' . Jo '-n '. s R C Chui(h in Center Moiichos . Sun- da \ , a buffet was held in hei honoi at I K r pa'ents ' home . Gue<l C included lur * -istei , Chii. stme , and hi i th r , Pct<M - , h e I maternal giandmother Mis . (,. Dumont , Mr . and Mis. Vic tor Ko. stuk and chil- dien . Ann , Lynne . C'iiFoid . and Keith. .Mis F. Ttiminella and chil- (ben. Maivs 'nn . James John , aid Joseph . Miss Sophie Kostuk , Mi. aid Mrs . Pete r kostuk , her pa- teinal giandparents , Mr. and .Mis . Noim.i i Mci cu , aiid Mr. and Mis . G \. Kiev and children JefTiy. IVanna, and Debra , of East port : M' - . Walter ^ho' noma and ohil- dii'ii, Claudia, and Lawrence , of Speonk. Mr. and Mrs . J. Poulaski Mr and .Mis. George Canner and Mi and Mis . Anthony Ra/apil of Cas*- Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. lames llallock and daughter , Ka un, of ( " enter Moriches . 1 he uumthlv meeting of the ?' .< stnoit Fire Department will be lit id at 7' .SO p in. at the fi rehouse. Mr. and Mrs . Alfred Jones and ihudien. Donald . Susan, and Linda, o < Fast Islip weie Sunday guests (> <" Mr and Mrs . Francis Tliomp- s< n and famik. Lite Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. Miss Caro l Keck, daughter of M and Mis . Coi neilUi s Ki ^k. (ili biated hoi se\ onteenth biith- il.u .Mav 'W at a iliriu l paitv g v - tn h\ hei hiothei aj id sister-in- law Mi. and Mis William Keck ot Kav poit. The Ladies ' Aid ot the Fast Mom ht . s Chin ch w ill meet at J >0 p m. m tlu chinch hall ne\ * '1 inn -d.u Mi .md Mis Ham Hall . Jr., < < Hen p-load s)ie:U the weekend \ -i ' i ,, <; Mis . Hull' s sixiei. Mi 5 * li. Blown of Tuttle Avenue Siii.d i\ guests of Mi and Mis Ham s fi oniiison \\ < < ¦ Mi :" d M s \\ i ' 1 am Jones and son- , Ik.i t \ a nil Uillv , ot Bohemia 1 In Fasipo' i Home Fxtiiision S.i\ae will meet t >nmht at tlv fmhou-i The pi'Mcet wi 'l be haud- i atr s 'hie Misses Kaui ' U P . Ma ' > Amu 1" ' , , P. tuna Rubv an 1 1 Mi Cam ot the Da\ e\ Tin Fxpiit Con pain of knit. 0, :r- com pannd Mis . Goiald A-heiait to loin hei husba' .d at the home of It: pan" ts . Mi and Mrs . \vl- MIII Collins , of Railroad Vvemu . Mr. and M' s Rona 'd Chamb is and daughtei . Pa ' una. of Jame-- buig, X J. "-fit nt the weekend '\ Uh Mis ( " ivmb is " mothei . Mis . Hope \\ llbrms Mis \ iola ^ uih an of Tutth \\. 'H snent tbi w 'ikend \waiiii: h< i s, o . , Mi. \\, sl. n Nnhoh- of W< stlia ^i t > 'i Mr. . nd Mis Homce Mot* -p n nt r>3a*t weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charle s Pasp isil and Mrs . Helen !?(>«¦ 'K o( Scar.sda ' e. Mrs. Marie Fridrich and Mr. and Mrs. William FncP icb of Suy- Mlle. and Mi- , and Mrs. C. D Rose of Eas f port were dinner guests of Mi. and Mrs . Elbert Go'-don , Ma, Mi. and Mrs . Samuel Hicks and Mrs. Albeit Passetpi of Scaford spent Memorial day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Collins. Karen Thompson , daughter ol Mi. and Mis. H ancis Thonuron spent Fi iday of last week visiting Sagamore Hill in Oyster Bav and the Vandei bilt Museum in Cente. - - port. Miss Janet Thompson of Bav Shore spent May HO at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson. The Woman 's Societ y of Chris tian Sen ice of the West Meth- odist Chinch , Westhampton , is again sponsoiing The Stand from 5) a. m. to t p. m. Satin days. It i- located on Tanner ' s Neck Lane. Westhamp ton. The Advance is on sale at Moore ' s Stationery and Eastport Stationery in Eastport. —Adv. The Southside Grange Post 1214 met last" Friday at the Leg ion Hall , with Master Joseph Bi gora piesiding. Refreshments for this meeting were served by Mrs. Pheobe Raynor of Westhampton and Mrs. Katheiine Garrish of East Moriches. Burtrum Young from the Southold Grange will show a film. "Harvest March" at th< next meetine. The Young Citizens ' Club of East port Hi gh School spent Mon- day of last week attending the eve- ning performance of ' 'Camelot . " In order to belong to this club , the member must belong to the soph- omore , junior , or senior class, and must have given a three-minu t e talk on any subject of the candi date ' s choo&ing. Members attend- ing the p lay were Diane Chris- tiansen , Linda Dolt , John Si p kovv- ski . John Heather , Lois DeCarlo. Shaion Bigoia , Harold Schopiv man , Sigmund Wutkiewicz , Bill Dittmiir , Kenneth Magnani , Jov Maikno , Alice Dunlap, Glen Biis- tow . Carol Keck . Eileen Schopp man. Fianklin Paiisi , Margaret Buscem i , Leland Hall and Sandy Devoie. This \ear the East port Flag Day Association will celebrate its toi tv-n tihth anim e 'saiy with a piogram to be held at 7 p. m. Wednesday on the East port Hi g h School grounds , which will in- clude selections b y the Eastpoit High School Band , directed by Sam Lamendola . vocal sections ¦'nd vanou. s group presentations. The public is invited. Paul Roger* will bo master-of-ceremonies. In case of inclement weather , the program will be held in the school auditorium. EASTPORT GOSPEL The Missionaiy Circle of the Eastpoi t Gospel Church met last H-iday at the home of Mrs . M. E. Kelley. Jr. Mis . Leroy Wilcox - , pi evident , led the dev otions. The mon 'Hv icport of the Circle was lead b y .Mrs . F\o\ d Mott , secre- tai v tieasurer. The nominating committee piesented the following new slate of officers, who were utv animousl y approved : Mrs. Emory Tuttle , president ; Mrs. John Ma- let , secretai y and treasurer. Mem- bers present were Mesdames Emory Tuttle , Robert Penney, Floyd Mott David H. Records. Edith D. Warner , Leroy Wilcox , John Maret , Miss France ' s Hedger , and Miss Margai et Hedger . At the close of the meeting letre^hnients were sei ved. The cnurch will observe Chil- dren ' s day Sunday, with young people and childien pai ticipating in the morning worship ' sen i 'e at which the Junior Choir will sing under the direction of Mrs. Law- rence Hawes. Theie will also be special music by a five p iece bras =; ensemble. Young people w ill do the usheiing and take part in the service such as reading the Scri p- tures. "This is rather a new ven- tuie for us , " said Pastor Da\id Records in the announcement , "but we do hope that it will become a frequent event in our church. Our young peop le aie needed in the churc h , and should be made to feel needed. " EHS Scholars Continued from page 1 , this section ative. She is a recipient of the Phi Beta Kappa Award and a New York State Regents Scholarship. Harold Schoppman , Jr., son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schoppman of North Country Road , Eastport , has been named salutatorian of the Eastport High senior class A member of the Seatuck Chap- ter of the National Honor Society, Harold was active in the Young Citizens Club and on the cross country team. During his junior year he was a representative to Boys State. He has received a New York State Regents Scholarship. CENTER MORICHES NEWS Mrs. Alfred K. Blechner . AT 4-1111 < Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Robin- son and children , Patricia and Teddy, Jr , of Miller Avenue left for Groton , Mass., May 28 , for a holiday weekend , aftei attending sunrise services at the First Bap- tist Church in Riverhead. They were guests at the home of Mi. Robinson ' s brother-in-law and sis- ter , Mr. and Mrs, . Gordon Hamil- ton. They attended the Groton Grammer School Memorial Day exeicises where Mr. Hamilton ' s son , Bill y, attends school , and the Memorial Day parade and exei- cises at Groton , after which they attended a fami' y p icnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones in Ayer , Mass. They al&o visited in Massachusetts , Mrs. Robinson ' s grandmother , Mis. Fiances Ches- tor , and Mr. Robinson ' s uncle. Parker Chester , of Ayer; a friend , Mrs. Alice Towne of Boxboro ; Mi. Robinson ' s sister , Mrs Loretta Chester and her daughter , Ruby, and children of Harvard , and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones of Ayer. The Robinsons returned May 31. The Advance is on sale at Hed- ges Stationery, Ace Pharmacy, Moriches Pharmacy, Slater ' s Phar- macy, Prendergast ' s Delicatessen , De Carlo' s Grocery in Center Mo- riches. —Adv. Birthdays this week are : June 8 Herbert Gewehr of Main Street; June 9 Cindy Thomason , daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Thomason of Beachfern Road , and John H. Rose of Lake Avenue; June 10 Bret Allen Copenhaver , son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Copen- haver , grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murdock of Howell Place ; June 11 Richard Bernstein of Chichester Avenue; June 12— Margaret Mary Vigliotta , daug h- ter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Vig- liotta of Ocean Avenue; June 13 Mac Jams of Chichester Avenue and H. Hebbard of Hal- lock Lane; June 14 , Flag Day- Tom Muller and June 1 5—Mark Janis , son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Janis of Chichester Avenue. Tickets for the dedication dance of St. John ' s R. C. Churc h on Ocean Avenue are now on sale at the Center Mtoriches Cleaners on Railroad Avenue , Zarcone ' s Meat Market on Canal Street , The Blue Lantern Restaurant in Mastic and at the church' s rectory. Charles Kelly and Mrs. Helen Hawkins are co-chairmen for the affair. ANNUAL BAZAAR The Jewish Center of The Mor- iches announces its annual bazaar , to be held out of doors fi om 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Ju 1 y 7 and indoors from 8:30 p. m. until about midnight , July 8. On sale will be new ready-made clothing, plants , home baked goods , home- made food stuffs , toys , jewelry, and refreshments like hot-dogs , soda , potato chips , etc. There will be an auction sale Jul y 8 of which Mrs. Marvin Kap- chan of Newins Street is chairman. MEMORIAL PARADE The Memorial Day Parade got underway after a brief ceicmony with Memorial Day committee ^member , Mrs. James B. M. Bul- loch , placing a wreath at the honor ro'l on the grounds of the Cent* I Moriches High School. New floats featui°d this y^ai in- cluded an army tank , army duck (mobile unit and boat combina- tion), army command car t'nd . seep elnven by National Guardsm n of Patchogue; a float of three flag- draped caskets guarded by Cbailc- Knight , Frank Tomasko and Joe Muich , representing unknown sol- diers of the past three wars , driven by Joseph Provost , Legion Post 929 commander. This float w r on first prize in the parade. An authentic old-time covered wagon sponsored by the 19G1 class of th.? Center Moriches High School won second prize. Daniel Brown , onl y living member of the original Hook and Ladder Company of Cen- ter Moriches Fire Department, rode in the first motorized fire vehicle put into use by the depart- ment, wearing the first original suit worn by the men in 1888. Percy B. Raynor made a oery interesting extemporaneous speech. Commander Emery Tenke of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 414 also spoke in honor of our dead. Hermann A Ehmann , a public- spirited citizen , noted that Mem- orial Day was decreed by our gov- ernment as a day in which to bring back to memory all the good deeds and accomplishments of those who sacrificed their lives for their country. He also gave credit to the organizations and i n d i v i du a 1 s whose efforts had made possible the erection of Center Moriches ' memorial monument. The Center Moriches School band played the "Star Spangled Banner " under the direction of Chester Osborne , after which Mrs. Minnie Musitano , president of American Legion Unit 929, led the assembly in sing ing "My Coun- try Tis of Thee " . Bruce Mc Leod , master-of-cere- monies, invited all the marcheis in the parade to the Legion Hall on Senix Avenue for hot dogs and beverages. It was reported that about 500 attended. Meanwhile others accepted t ' ne Veteran ' s of Foreign Wars invitation to par- take of the refreshments at the VFW building. Shirley Yacht Club Sets Dinner Dance June 17 in Mastic Walter Moody, entertainment chairman for the Shirley Yacht Club, announced that a dinner dance will be held by the Shirley Yacht Clu'b June 17 at Mastic Lanes , Mastic Beach , at 7 a m. Assisting Mr. Moody will be Mrs. Ivan Woolf , Mrs. Charles Groh , Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mau- ro , and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ford and Mrs. Moody. Tickets will not be sold at the door. For reservations call Mr. Moody, ATlantic 1-7560 , or Mr. Mauro , ATlantic 1-8762 , or write to Mr. Moody, Fairlawn Court , Box 53, Shirley. The big event of the evening will be the presentation awards to the winners of the races in the June 3 regatta. If it' s news you 'll find it in The Advance. —Adv. WFHS Scholars Continued from pa^t. 1 , this section William Floyd High School and Mastic Fire Department bands and participation on the wrestling and track teams. This fall Robert will enter Pratt Institute to study electrical engin- eering.A $250 grant from Walter T. Shirley, Sr., awarded to Robert as William Floyd's outstanding senior , will hel p with tuition. William Floyd High School sal- utatorian Francis Rogoyski , son of Mtr. and Mrs. Jan Rogoyski of Shirley, has d ec i d e d against ac- cepting a scholarship to Adelphi and will select courses at Boston University with an eye to Law school. Francis finishes his " four years at William Floyd with an 83.4 average. To Get Bachelor ' s Decree Miss Judith Ann Brennan. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Rich- ard Brennan of 6i Alder I)ri\ e. Mastic Beach, and an honor graduate of Center Moriches High School , will receive bach- elor ' s degree in ceremonies at State Universit\ College of Ed- ucation at Oswego Simda\. Miss Brennan will begin teaching the third grade in Massapequa next Fall. ----- ---- - _- _- _- - - - _- _--M- _- _- _«- ___ -- __ - _- __ - _- __ - _- _- _ -- _- _- _^^ JJJ^JB^JBJjIH r V_f ^^LjJJJJJJ^LjJJJJJJ^LjBJJJJJHEJJB ^JJJjlBJJJJJJJJBJBJHJJJ ^^HjJJJJJJ^J^jljJJJJ^J^JBJjIfll^B mmBmW ^^I^H^BHBHHHiBHIiBiHH aaWT x. ^mBl^k_____M^BM\_M___m_M\ Wmr -s N ^ ~ »^mmMMmMB^_wa_MB—_____ WBL\ 9^ W - ^^ m^mMMUlka\_m_mm___mmm___ \ ^ -^y x H. . . ^^^HHH ^^^_ __^__^__^_ H_^_H_^_ P^ ^^' mmmi^^m^^ g Climb Mt. Eve rest? After repeated failures » the world came to regard the ascent impossible __% _ Since time began , Asia ' s 29 , 000 ft., of oxygen-starved men. Edmund Hillary snow-covered peak bombarded b y Df New Zealand and Tensing Norlcay, hurricane winds , shrouded in freezing his Nepalese guide, at last triumphed cloud , low in oxygen defied man ' s where men in unknown numbers had stoutest climbing efforts. Yet the chal- f a | ed. Everest world's highest un- lenge remained . . . and man , never a climbed mountain , had surrendered to creature to y ield to the frustrating, man ' s courage, continued with his dreams and hopes of one day attaining the coveted goal. The will to succeed pursued with Glory for their name and nation would tenacit y must bring success. That ' s be the reward. ^he way it is with saving money too. On May 29 , 1 954, the loft y solitude Regardless of size of income , if the will of this majestic peak was finall y broken to save is sufficientl y strong, you CAN by the crunch of snow boots and gasps save money ! NO. 2 OF A SERIES t" UNION SAVINGS BANK OF PATCHOGUE , N. Y. Corner So. Ocean Ave. and Church St. Tel. GRover 5-5800 Banking Services 9 A . M. to 6 P. M. Mon. thru Fri., Fri. Eve. 6:30 to 8 P. M. - Member F.D.I.C. [ REAL E STAT E INSURANCE I Ce ntermoric lies , N.r.9rf ' .AT4-0400 j _l_l_JMl_r.WrllWMlfT - nrannmnnOT«n««n.Tr —————— i nniinniir " l """"* M "*"*"" , ** l , l i a i £IIIIlllll llIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli ailllBlli _; j E. W. PENNEY & SON j m MAIN STREET EASTPORT 5-0150 5 5 S 1 ALL TYPES HEATING SYSTEMS | = PLUMBING AIR CONDITIONING = = WATER PUMPS INSTALLED £ | SHELL FUEL OIL DEALER | " miiiiiiiiiiii iimiiiiiniiiiiiiiHiiiiimiiiinimiiiiiii? I ANNOUNCING THE NEW HOME OF | I The Used Furniture Outlet I I i p 201 East Main Street , Patchogue , N. Y. | ^ (Opp. the NEW Bee Hive) ^ ^ Come in and browse around. Find real bargains in ^ ^ good used furniture , antiques , home furnishings , ^ ^ appliances and used tools. ^ | WE ALSO BUY ! :: GRover 5-9658 | IssMsss^Msms^^ ^.. D . . . B ...-.-. aD . -- . a -..-... aDD ..-. nD ..- _ ._ D . - .... __ B . . ». ; ! THE ACRES RESTA URANT ! m _ \ FINE WINES and LIQUORS 3 j IT\LI \N AND AMERICAN CUISINE 5 . Home Cooked Meal s ¦ j ORCHESTRA EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT j j 625 MASTIC RD. :: ATlantic 1-7194 :: MASTIC BEACH ¦ WELL IN SWING of things is newly-appointed Shirley Post- master Victor W. Humel , who looks forward to completion of new Shirley Post Office this fall and * institution of mail carrier sern ' ee. Another ovent anxiously awaited by Mr. Humel is birth of Shirley Fire Department. Right now , he ' s got lots to keep him busy in his new capacitj and a large coin collection to occi py his spare moments. One of his failings ? Forgetting to mail his wife ' s letters , of course! SHIRLEY—Commodore Rudolf Schulz ol the Shirley Yacht Club has exte xled an invitation to motor boat racing enthusiasts under 19 years of age fiom all ovei Suffolk. In keening with its policy of encouraging youth to take an activo inteiest in boating, th? Shit ley Yacht Club urges all in- terested bo V . N to contact the club , Box 87A , Shirley, L.I. for details about seveia! uices p ' anne 1 fo tin - summer. Commodore Schulz also an- nounced that the club is contem- p lating expansion of its head- quarters n"ar the appioach to Smith' s Point Bridge nnd e llarge- ment of parking facilities . ' Shirley Yachtsman Extends Invitation To Suffolk Youth PRACTICING FOR BENEFIT recital for the Community Scholarship Fund of Center Moriches at R p.m. Saturday in Center Morictfes High School , are , left to ri ght : Irma Deeds, Helen Frohlich , Karen Hofmann, Sharon Zeneski , Helene Turso , Susan Schlitz . Rohna Kvares and Terry Mickalige in the foreground. The girls are students in Mrs. Michael J. Turso ' s dancing School. Talented Turso Troupe to Perform ¦ MmmmmmmmmWmammmmmBmmaaammaaaaaammaMmaaami ^^ ANOTHER TALENTED TROUPE from Turso Dance School is made up of , left to right: Glcnna Zeneski , Barbara Boyden , Nina Mignone , Blythe- Ann Malloy, Patricia Haw kins , Wendy Williams , J^an Zeneski , Julia Dello\a , Denise DeLisi , Ros- anne Molinaro , Grace Czygier and Christine Ris- ing in the foreground. —Advance Photos bv Gomez Continued frqm page 1, this section Joy Mackno , Susan Warner , Loi: Clark and Jud y Konkel. Shield Emblems were given to Barbara Keck , Alice Dunlap, F rances Pe- trignani. A gift for participating m hockey, volleyball , basketball and softball and the letter "E" w°re awarded to Carol Lorenzen , Sharon Bigora , Linda Dolt , Lois DeCarlo , Maryann Petrignani Vio- la Richardson and Diane Chris- tiansen. Trophies for participating in table tennis and badminton were awarded to Lois Clark. Judv Konkel , Patricia Bristow , Sharon Bigora , Eleanor Belskis , Frances Petrignani and Carol Lorenzen. Mrs. Ronald Ravnor , who is in charge of the cheerleading team , awarded to Ellen Warner , Lois Simpson , Linda Magnani , Cavol Lorenzen , Frances Petri gnani , Junt Paskiewicz and Carol Blankenstv p the letter "E" for being on the team for one year. A p in for be- ing on the team for two vears was given to Alice Dunlap, Sharon Bi- gora , Loretta Dittmeier , Kathv Dyke , Sandra Formhals , Eileen Schoppman. Three Gold Stars were given to Joy Mackno and Linda Dolt for being on the team for three years. Cap tain and co- captain Linda Dolt and Sharon Bigora were each awarded a tro- ph y- Robert Tillinghast , the boys ' athletic instructor , gave awa rds to the following boys who participat- ed in cross country: Kenneth Mag- nani , Philip Dittme'er , Randv De- vore , Harold Schoppman , Le i gh Powell , William Dolt and Glen Bustow. JV awards went to Stev en Bigora. Dennis Hal' , Richaid Sekulski. Track awards we 'e given to Arthur Dunn , John Sinkow ^ki Alex Simack , Leland Hall Philip Dittmeier , E d w a r d Fen and Charles Carlson , Daniel Martin , Haiold Schoppman, Randy Dev orc , Glen Bristow , Leland Hall , John Skorobahaty, Daniel Martin , Ber- nard Kurosz and David McPhail. A warded basketball JV citations were Leigh Powell , William Dolt Ste^ en Bigora , Gary Skarka , Jo- seph Nidzyn , Joseph Norwood , Terrv Jackson , Frank Schroppell , Charles Wyatt , Alex Simack , Ter- ry Conaughty and Delbert O'aw- shaw. Baseball awards were given to Daniel Martin , Philip Ditt- meier , Leland Hall , John Skoro- bahaty, Edward Ferrand , Bernard Kurosz , Joseph Nidzyn , Alex Si- mack , Delbert Crawshaw and Ken- neth Magnani and JV awards were given to Leigh Powell , Terrv Jackson , Gary Skarka , Greg Cok- er , Steven Bigora , Ronald Tucker and William Dolt. The physical fitness award was given to Wil- liam Dolt , Leigh Powell . Ted Si p- kowski , Charles Wyatt , Glen Bris- tow , Philip Dittmeier , Kenneth Magnani , Donald Michne , Kenneth Williams , Charles Carlson , Russell Dunn , Leland Hall , Bernard Ku- rosz , Dennis Rose. Alex Simack , Steven Bigora , Daniel Martin , Frank Schroeppel Joseph Tirriro , Stanley Bondanowicz and George Simack. Certificates to graduating seniors with more than one year of varsity partici pation went to Philip Dittmeier , Randy Devore , Leland H all , Joh n Skorobahaty and David McPhail. Eastport Holds

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East Moriches News ItemsMrs. Gordon G. Dickson , ATlantic 4-1144 <

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burns cn-teitain"d the fol' owing guests ata barbecue Sunday afternoon attheir home on Miller Avenue:Mir. and Mrs. James, Nash , MiosesLil y and Meta Casten , Mr. andMrs. Fred Travis , Miss Edith Tra-vis and Mi. and Mrs. RonaldBurns of East Moriches; Susanand Kenneth Messina of Syosset;Mr. and Mrs. John Redden 'of Ho-boken , N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. AllenDavis of Holtsville; Mr . and MrsGeorge Tydesnan . Mr. and Mrs.Lewis Danow^ki and Miss JoanDanowski of Moriches; Mr. andMrs. Roland Smith , Mr. and Mrs.Earle Reeve , Mr. and Mrs. Wl-liam Hawkns and daughter , Pat-ricia , Charles Kanige , Edward Ma-tecavitch and Timoth y Scott ofCenter Moriches; Mr. and Mrs.

5>John Hallfield and daughter , Mar-jorie , and Arthur Gruenberg ofMastic Beach ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack

I Leper and son , Allen , of JacksonHeights and Mr. and Mrs. PaulBowsen of Flashing.

Mrs. Albert Casten and daugh-ter , Mrs. Roger Stomm , were attheir home on Pine Street lastweek.

I A card and dessert party wasI held at the home of Mrs. Frank

Ki ik of Mastic last WednesdayPresent from East Moriches wereMesdames Roy Raynor , Paul War-ner , Hiram Reeve , Edward Butlerand Miss Emma Raynor.

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Freuder ofI Biooklyn visited Mrs. Irene Fi eud-er and Mrs. Grace Davis of MainStreet , Memorial day.

Mr. and M'rs. Michael Shiminskiand son , Richard , entertained thefollowing guests at a picnic sup-per last week: Mr. and Mrs. Rich-ard Alfred and children , Judy,J immis . Joyce and Bruce , of Easi-port; Mr. Raymond Rebehn andchildren , Linda , Phil ip and Jodie ,of Holtsville ; Mr. and Mrs. LewisShiminski and son , Dennis , of Mas-tic , and Mr. and Mrs. George Va-kay and children , Lloyd and Val-erie , of East Moriches

Kenneth and Susan Messina ofSyosset were guests of their grandparents and aunt , the Travises ofMiller Avenue.

On Satin day June 17 the Wom-an 's Societ y of Christian Seivicew ill hold anothei lUake Sale in thevis age at 10 a. m.

Live news and eye-catching advertising m a k e the Advancestand out in point of reader interest for every member of thefamily.—Adv.

The Ladies' Aid of the Metho-dist Church met last Thursday af-ternoon. The ladies serving refreshments w ere Mrs. Elsie Chamber-lin and Mrs. Bessie DeMatties.

The Rev. Robert Lemmermannwas ordained a deacon at the NewYork East Annual conference atGrace Methodist Church , ValleyStream, May 28 by Bishop LloydC. Wickie of the New York Areaof the Methodist Church.

EASTPORT NEWS ITEMSMiis tionnie Bell. Tel EAstport 5-0046 <

Weekend gue^ .s of Mi . andMrs . Stewart Woi by o! Tiutl • 'Aveiiue were Mr. Wo In '* par n t ^ ,M' . and M IN. Frsd Worby of Wil-li am ton , Mass .

Graduat ion exercises f o r thekinde ^gni ion class ( .f the Eastport School w i l l be hel d tomori owev ening ;.t the school.

Miss I ' au 'a Kostuk . daught " • o,M i . and M i s . .]. J. Kostuk oi* BayA \ ( M n , n c t i M i l hei Hi t Hol .v jCommun ion M iv 20 at the )."' in ma- - -; i . ,S'. Jo '-n '.s R CC h u i ( h in Center Moi i cho s . Sun-da \ , a buffe t was held in heihonoi at IK r pa 'ents ' home . Gue<l Cincluded lur *-istei , Chi i .stme , andhi i th r , Pct<M - , h e I ma t e rna lg i a n d m o t h e r M i s . (, . Dumont , Mr .and Mis . Vic tor Ko.stuk and chi l -d i e n . Ann , Lynne . C'i iFoid . andK e i t h . .Mi s F. T t i m i n e l l a and chi l -(ben. M a i v s ' n n . James John , a i dJo seph . Miss Sophie Ko stuk , M i .a i d Mr s . Pete r kostuk , her pa-t e i n a l g iandparen ts , Mr. and . M i s.N o i m . i i Mci cu , aiid Mr. and M i s .G \. Kie v and chi ldren JefTiy.IVanna , and Debra , of East port :M' -. W a l t e r ^ho' noma and ohil-d i i ' i i , Claudia , and Lawrence , ofSpeonk. Mr. and Mrs . J. PoulaskiMr and .Mis. George Canner andMi and M i s . A n t h o n y Ra /ap i l ofCas*- Moriches ; Mr. and Mrs.lames l la l lock and daught e r , Kau n , of ( "enter Moriches .

1 he uumth lv meeting of the? ' .< stno i t Fire Department w i l l belit id at 7' .SO p in. at the fi rehouse.

Mr. and Mrs . Alfred Jones andi h u d i e n . Donald . Susan, and Linda ,o < Fast I s l ip w e i e Sunday gue sts( > <" Mr and Mrs . Franci s Tliomp -s< n and f a m i k .

Lite Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity.—Adv.

Mi ss Caro l Keck, daughter ofM and M i s . Coi neilUi s Ki ^k.( i l i b iated ho i se\ onteenth b i i th -il.u .Mav 'W at a iliriu l p a i t v g v -t n h\ hei h io the i aj id sister-in-law M i . and M i s Wi l l i am Keck otKav po i t .

The Ladies ' Aid ot the FastMom ht .s Chin ch w ill meet atJ >0 p m. m tlu chinch ha ll ne\ *'1 inn -d.u

Mi .md M i s Ham Hall . Jr.,< < Hen p-load s)ie:U the week end\ - i ' i ,, <; M i s . H u l l ' s s i x i e i . Mi 5 *l i . B l o w n of Tutt le Avenue

Siii.d i\ guests of Mi and M i sH a m s fi oni ii son \\ < < ¦ Mi :" dM s \\ i ' 1 am Jones and son- ,Ik.i t \ a nil U i l lv , ot Bohemia

1 In Fasipo' i Home Fxt i i i s ionS . i \ a e w i l l meet t >nmht at tlvfmhou-i The pi 'M cet w i 'l be haud-i atr s

'hie Mi sse s Kaui ' U P . Ma ' >Amu 1" ' , • , P. t u n a Rubv an 11 Mi Cam ot the Da\ e\ T inF x p i i t Con pain of kni t . 0 , :r-com p a n n d M i s . Goiald A - h e i a i tto loin hei husba ' .d at the homeof I t : pan" t s . Mi and Mrs . \vl-MIII Col l in s , of Rai l road Vvemu .

Mr. and M ' s Rona 'd Chamb i sand dau ghte i . Pa 'una. of Jame--buig , X J . " - f it nt the weekend'\ Uh Mi s ( "ivmb is " mothei . M is .Hope \\ l lb rms

M i s \ iola ^uih an of T u t t h\ \ . ' H snent tbi w ' i kend \wa i i ii :

h< i s, o . , M i . \ \ , sl . n N n h o h -of W< s t l i a ^ i t > 'i

Mr. . nd M i s Homce M ot * -p n nt

r>3 a *t weekend visit ing Mr. and Mrs.Charle s Pasp isil and Mrs . Helen!?(>« ¦ 'K o( Scar.sda'e.

Mrs. Marie Fridrich and Mr.and Mrs. William FncP icb of Suy-Mlle. and Mi-, and Mrs. C. D Roseof Eas f port were dinner guests ofM i . and Mrs . Elbert Go'-don , Ma,

Mi. and Mrs . Samuel Hicks andMrs. Albei t Passetpi of Scafordspent Memorial day at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Collins.

Karen Thompson , daughter olMi . and Mis. H ancis Thonuronspent Fi iday of last week visitingSagamore Hill in Oyster Bav andthe Vandei bilt Museum in Cente.--port.

Miss Janet Thompson of BavShore spent May HO at the homeof her parents , Mr. and Mrs.Charles Thompson.

The Woman 's Societ y of Christian Sen ice of the West Meth-odist Chinch , Westhampton , isagain sponsoiing The Stand from5) a. m. to t p. m. Satin days. It i -located on Tanner 's Neck Lane.Westhampton.

The Advance is on sale atMoore's Stationery and EastportStationery in Eastport.—Adv.

The Southside Grange Post 1214met last" Friday at the LegionHall , with Master Joseph Bi gorapiesiding. Refreshments for thismeeting were served by Mrs.Pheobe Raynor of Westhamptonand Mrs. K athei ine Garrish ofEast Moriches. Burtrum Youngf rom the Southold Grange willshow a film. "Harvest March" atth< next meetine.

The Young Citizens ' Club ofEast port Hi gh School spent Mon-day of last week attending the eve-ning performance of ''Camelot ." Inorder to belong to this club , themember must belong to the soph-omore , junior , or senior class, andmust have given a three-minu tetalk on any subject of the candidate 's choo&ing. Members attend-ing the play were Diane Chris-t iansen , Linda Dolt , John Sipkovv-ski . John Heather , Lois DeCarlo.Shaion Bigoia , Harold Schopivman , Sigmund Wutkiewicz , BillD i t tmi i r , Kenneth Magnani , JovMaikno , Alice Dunlap, Glen Biis-tow . Carol Keck . Eileen Schoppman. F i a n k l i n Paiisi , MargaretBuscem i , Leland Ha ll and SandyDevoie.

This \ear the East port FlagDay Association will celebrate itstoi tv-n t ihth anim e' sa iy with apiogram to be held at 7 p. m.Wednesday on the East port Hi g hSchool grounds , which will in-clude selections by the EastpoitHigh School Band , directed bySam Lamendola . vocal sections¦'nd vanou.s group presentations.The public is invited. Paul Roger*w i l l bo master-of-ceremonies. Incase of inclement wea the r , theprogram will be held in the schoolauditorium.


The Mi ssiona iy Circle of theEastpoi t Gospel Church met lastH-iday at the home of Mrs . M. E.Kelley. Jr. M i s . Leroy Wilcox- ,pi evident , led the dev otions. Themon 'Hv icport of the Circle waslead by .Mrs. F\o\ d Mott , secre-tai v tieasurer. The nominating

committee piesented the followingnew slate of officers, who were utvanimousl y approved : Mrs. EmoryTuttle , president ; Mrs. John Ma-let , secretai y and treasurer. Mem-bers present were MesdamesEmory Tuttle , Robert Penney,Floyd Mott David H. Records.Edith D. Warner , Leroy Wilcox ,John Maret , Miss France's Hedger ,and Miss Margai et Hedger . At theclose of the meeting le t re^hnientswere sei ved.

The cnurch w i l l observe Chil-dren 's day Sunday, with youngpeople and childien pai ticipatingin the morning worship 'sen i 'e atwhich the Junior Choir will singunder the direction of Mrs. Law-rence Hawes. Theie will also bespecial music by a five piece bras =;ensemble. Young people w ill dothe usheiing and take part in theservice such as reading the Scri p-tures. "This is rather a new ven-tuie for us ," said Pastor Da\idRecords in the announcement , "butwe do hope that it wil l become afrequent event in our church. Ouryoung people aie needed in thechurch , and should be made tofeel needed."

EHS ScholarsContinued from page 1, this section

ative. She is a recipient of the PhiBeta Kappa Award and a NewYork State Regents Scholarship.

Harold Schoppman , Jr., son of'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schoppmanof North Country Road , Eastport ,has been named salutatorian of theEastport High senior class

A member of the Seatuck Chap-ter of the National Honor Society,Harold was active in the YoungCitizens Club and on the crosscountry team. During his junioryear he was a representative toBoys State. He has received a NewYork State Regents Scholarship.

CENTER MORICHES NEWSMrs. Alfred K. Blechner . AT 4-1111 <

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Robin-son and children , Patricia andTeddy, Jr , of Miller Avenue leftfor Groton , Mass., May 28, for aholiday weekend, aftei attendingsunrise services at the First Bap-tist Church in Riverhead. Theywere guests at the home of Mi.Robinson 's brother-in-law and sis-ter , Mr. and Mrs,. Gordon Hamil-ton. They attended the GrotonGrammer School Memorial Dayexeicises where Mr. Hamilton 'sson , Bill y, attends school , and theMemorial Day parade and exei-cises at Groton , after which theyattended a fami' y picnic at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jonesin Ayer, Mass. They al&o visitedin Massachusetts, Mrs. Robinson 'sgrandmother , Mis. Fiances Ches-tor , and Mr. Robinson 's uncle.Parker Chester, of Ayer; a friend ,Mrs. Alice Towne of Boxboro ; Mi.Robinson 's sister, Mrs LorettaChester and her daughter, Ruby,and children of Harvard , and Mr.and Mrs. Bill Jones of Ayer. TheRobinsons returned May 31.

The Advance is on sale at Hed-ges Stationery, A c e Pharmacy,Moriches Pharmacy, Slater's Phar-macy, Prendergast's Delicatessen ,De Carlo's Grocery in Center Mo-riches.—Adv.

Birthdays this week are : June8 — Herbert Gewehr of MainStreet; June 9 — Cindy Thomason ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. PhillipThomason of Beachfern Road , andJohn H. Rose of Lake Avenue;June 10 — Bret Allen Copenhaver ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Copen-haver, grandson of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Murdock of Howell Place ;June 11 — Richard Bernstein ofChichester Avenue; June 12—Margaret Mary Vigliotta , daugh-ter of Mr and Mrs. Ernest Vig-liotta of Ocean Avenue; June13 — Mac Jams of ChichesterAvenue and H. Hebbard of Hal-lock Lane; June 14, Flag Day-Tom Muller and June 15—MarkJanis , son of Mr. and Mrs. MarkJanis of Chichester Avenue.

Tickets for the dedication danceof St. John 's R. C. Church onOcean Avenue are now on sale atthe Center Mtoriches Cleaners onRailroad Avenue, Zarcone's MeatMarket on Canal Street , The BlueLantern Restaurant in Mastic andat the church' s rectory. CharlesKelly and Mrs. Helen Hawkinsare co-chairmen for the affair.


The Jewish Center of The Mor-iches announces its annual bazaar ,to be held out of doors fi om 9a. m. to 5 p. m. Ju 1 y 7and indoors from 8:30 p. m. untilabout midnight , July 8. On salewill be new ready-made clothing,plants, home baked goods , home-made food stuffs , toys , jewelry,and refreshments like hot-dogs ,soda , potato chips , etc.

There will be an auction saleJuly 8 of which Mrs. Marvin Kap-chan of Newins Street is chairman.


The Memorial Day Parade gotunderway after a brief ceicmonywith Memorial Day committee

^member , Mrs. James B. M. Bul-loch , placing a wreath at the honorro'l on the grounds of the Cent* IMoriches High School.

New floats featui°d this y^ai in-cluded an army tank , army duck(mobile unit and boat combina-t ion) , army command car t 'nd .seepelnven by National Guardsm n ofPatchogue; a float of three flag-draped caskets guarded by Cbailc-Knight , Frank Tomasko and JoeMuich , representing unknown sol-diers of the past three wars ,driven by Joseph Provost , LegionPost 929 commander. This floatwron first prize in the parade. Anauthentic old-time covered wagonsponsored by the 19G1 class of th.?Center Moriches High School wonsecond prize. Daniel Brown , onl yliving member of the originalHook and Ladder Company of Cen-ter Moriches Fire Department,rode in the first motorized firevehicle put into use by the depart-ment, wearing the first originalsuit worn by the men in 1888.

Percy B. Raynor made a oeryinteresting extemporaneous speech.Commander Emery Tenke of theVeterans of Foreign Wars Post414 also spoke in honor of ourdead.

Hermann A Ehmann , a public-spirited citizen , noted that Mem-orial Day was decreed by our gov-ernment as a day in which tobring back to memory all the gooddeeds and accomplishments of thosewho sacrificed their lives for theircountry. He also gave credit to theorganizations and i n d i v i du a 1 swhose efforts had made possiblethe erection of Center Moriches'memorial monument.

The Center Moriches Schoolband played the "Star SpangledBanner" under the direction ofChester Osborne, after which Mrs.Minnie Musitano , president ofAmerican Legion Unit 929, led the

assembly in singing "My Coun-try Tis of Thee".

Bruce Mc Leod, master-of-cere-monies, invited all the marchei sin the parade to the Legion Hallon Senix Avenue for hot dogs andbeverages. It was reported thatabout 500 attended. Meanwhi leothers accepted t'ne Veteran 's ofForeign Wars invitation to par-take of the refreshments at theVFW building.

Shirley Yacht ClubSets Dinner DanceJune 17 in Mastic

Walter Moody, entertainmentchairman for the Shirley YachtClub, announced that a dinnerdance will be held by the ShirleyYacht Clu'b June 17 at MasticLanes, Mastic Beach, at 7 a m.

Assisting Mr. Moody will beMrs. Ivan Woolf , Mrs. CharlesGroh , Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Mau-ro, and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fordand Mrs. Moody.

Tickets will not be sold at thedoor. For reservations call Mr.Moody, ATlantic 1-7560, or Mr.Mauro, ATlantic 1-8762, or writeto Mr. Moody, Fairlawn Court ,Box 53, Shirley.

The big event of the eveningwill be the presentation awards tothe winners of the races in theJune 3 regatta.

If it's news — you 'll find it inThe Advance.—Adv.

WFHS ScholarsContinued from pa t. 1, this section

William Floyd High School andMastic Fire Department bands andparticipation on the wrestling andtrack teams.

This fall Robert will enter PrattInstitute to study electrical engin-eering.A $250 grant from WalterT. Shirley, Sr., awarded to Robertas William Floyd's outstandingsenior , will help with tuition.

William Floyd High School sal-utatorian Francis Rogoyski, son ofMtr. and Mrs. Jan Rogoyski ofShirley, has d ec i d e d against ac-cepting a scholarship to Adelphiand will select courses at BostonUniversity with an eye to Lawschool. Francis finishes his" fouryears at William Floyd with an83.4 average.

To Get Bachelor's Decree

Miss J u d i t h Ann Brennan.daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Rich-ard Brennan of 6i Alder I)ri\ e.Mastic Beach, a n d a n honorgraduate of C e n t e r MorichesHigh School, wil l receive bach-elor 's degree in ceremonies atState Universit\ College of Ed-ucation at Oswego Simda\. MissBrennan will begin teaching thethird grade in Massapequa nextFall.

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snow-covered peak — bombarded by Df New Zealand and Tensing Norlcay,hurricane winds, shrouded in freezing his Nepalese guide, at last triumphedcloud, low in oxygen — defied man's where men in unknown numbers hadstoutest climbing efforts. Yet the chal- fa||ed. Everest — world's highest un-lenge remained . . . and man, never a climbed mountain, had surrendered tocreature to yield to the frustrating, man's courage,continued with his dreams and hopes ofone day attaining the coveted goal. The will to succeed — pursued withGlory for their name and nation would tenacity — must bring success. That 'sbe the reward. ^he way it is with saving money too.

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WELL IN SWING of things is newly-appointed Shirley Post-master Victor W. Humel , who looks forward to completion ofnew Shirley Post Office this fall and * institution of mail carriersern'ee. Another ovent anxiously awaited by Mr. Humel is birthof Shirley Fire Department. Right now, he's got lots to keephim busy in his new capacitj and a large coin collection toocci py his spare moments. One of his failings ? Forgetting tomail his wife 's letters, of course!

SHIRLEY—Commodore RudolfSchulz ol the Shirley Yacht Clubhas exte xled an invitation tomotor boat racing enthusiastsunder 19 years of age f iom allovei Suffolk.

In keening with its policy ofencouraging youth to take anactivo in te ies t in boating, th?Shit ley Yacht Club urges all in-terested bo V .N to contact the club ,Box 87A , Shirley, L.I. for detailsabout seveia! uices p'anne 1 fotin - summer.

Commodore Schulz also an-nounced that the club is contem-plating expansion of its head-quarters n"ar the appioach toSmith 's Point Bridge nnd e llarge-ment of parking facilities .

' Shirley YachtsmanExtends InvitationTo Suffolk Youth

PRACTICING FOR BENEFIT recital for theCommunity Scholarship Fund of Center Morichesat R p.m. Saturday in Center Morictfes HighSchool, are, left to ri ght : Irma Deeds, HelenFrohlich, Karen Hofmann, Sharon Zeneski,

Helene Turso, Susan Schlitz. Rohna Kvares andTerry Mickalige in the foreground. The girlsare students in Mrs. Michael J. Turso's dancingSchool.

Talented Turso Troupe to Perform

¦ MmmmmmmmmWmammmmmBmmaaammaaaaaammaMmaaami ^^

ANOTHER TALENTED TROUPE from TursoDance School is made up of , left to right: GlcnnaZeneski , Barbara Boyden , Nina Mignone , Blythe-Ann Malloy, Patricia Haw kins, Wendy Williams,

J^an Zeneski , Julia Dello\a , Denise DeLisi , Ros-anne Molinaro , Grace Czygier and Christ ine Ris-ing in the foreground.

—Advance Photos bv Gomez

Continued frqm page 1, this sectionJoy Mackno , Susan Warner , Loi:Clark and Jud y Konkel. ShieldEmblems were given to BarbaraKeck , Alice Dunlap, F rances Pe-trignani. A gift for participatingm hockey, volleyball , basketbal land softball and the letter "E"w°re awarded to Carol Lorenzen ,Sharon Bigora , Linda Dolt , LoisDeCarlo, Maryann Petrignani Vio-la Richardson and Diane Chris-tiansen. Trophies for participatingin table tennis and badmintonwere awarded to Lois Clark. JudvKonkel , Patricia Bristow , SharonBigora , Eleanor Belskis , FrancesPetrignani and Carol Lorenzen.

Mrs. Ronald Ravnor , who is incharge of the cheerleading team ,awarded to Ellen Warner , LoisSimpson , Linda Magnani , CavolLorenzen , Frances Petri gnani , JuntPaskiewicz and Carol Blankenstv pthe letter "E" for being on theteam for one year. A pin for be-ing on the team for two vears wasgiven to Alice Dunlap, Sharon Bi-gora , Loretta Dittmeier , KathvDyke , Sandra Formhals , EileenSchoppman. Three Gold Starswere given to Joy Mackno andLinda Dolt for being on the teamfor three years. Captain and co-captain Linda Dolt and SharonBigora were each awarded a tro-ph y-

Robert Tillinghast , the boys'athletic instructor , gave awa rds tothe following boys who participat-ed in cross country: Kenneth Mag-nani , Philip Dittme'er , Randv De-vore, Harold Schoppman , Le i ghPowell , William Dolt and GlenBustow. JV awards went to Steven Bigora. Dennis Hal' , RichaidSekulski. Track awards we 'e givento Arthur Dunn , John Sinkow ^kiAlex Simack , Leland Hall Phi l i pDittmeier , E d w a r d Fen andCharles Carlson , Daniel Martin ,Haiold Schoppman, Randy Dev orc ,Glen Bristow, Leland Hall , JohnSkorobahaty, Daniel Martin , Ber-nard Kurosz and David McPhail.A warded basketball JV citationswere Leigh Powell , William DoltSte^ en Bigora , Gary Skarka , Jo-seph Nidzyn , Joseph Norwood ,Terrv Jackson , Frank Schroppell ,Charles Wyatt , Alex Simack , Ter-ry Conaughty and Delbert O'aw-shaw. Baseball awards were givento Daniel Martin , Philip Ditt-meier , Leland Hall , John Skoro-bahaty, Edward Ferrand , BernardKurosz , Joseph Nidzyn , Alex Si-mack , Delbert Crawshaw and Ken-neth Magnani and JV awards weregiven to Leigh Powell , TerrvJackson , Gary Skarka , Greg Cok-er , Steven Bigora , Ronald Tuckerand William Dolt. The physicalfitness award was given to Wil-liam Dolt , Leigh Powell . Ted Sip-kowski , Charles Wyatt , Glen Bris-tow, Philip Dittmeier, KennethMagnani , Donald Michne , KennethWilliams, Charles Carlson , RussellDunn , Leland Hall , Bernard Ku-rosz , Dennis Rose. Alex Simack ,Steven Bigora, Daniel Martin ,Frank Schroeppel Joseph Tirriro ,Stanley Bondanowicz and GeorgeSimack. Certificates to graduatingseniors with more than one yearof varsity participation went toPhilip Dittmeier , Randy Devore ,Leland Hall , John Skorobahatyand David McPhail.

Eastport Holds