in the end all you really have is memories 21/cortland ny standard/cortl… · lace lor the...

T i ,"Ji l ",'„ T -v\—T »TT!B?St?oi! , '> i iMM Tfrr~* •'••M-iiOTrnfrw •I rT> | U M I »'!.» •"" ">J. i'l DMU'^ll'. ••"••' "• " , '. l —i -JU-— i— vvttuqo :»HT %f> na*»Afi jM^rwii i.,u!..;;dn'.,jJ„ ,«.,;: ..liTT ' , /I -, i..-, 1 '*^ff^^S^^f^|yf'y!* m A muuBv i KDITOR AND Pitorarma. "Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be thy Country's, thy Qod^and Truth's." •if i ji'.ij. I,,, ,.,,, .„,.—- v.n 'i'HIWI' 1 <tf V y'^'ni'i 1 "!)/* i iii'ii i n>rtnl"'^'W.> | i 'iiwui"; ? 'i "win" B'i "lymmfri "«'" 2. "* IP' * -T ?- FWr TT Cortland County Standard. PimUUOD »V1»T TUKDAT, AT CORTLAND, CORTLAND CO., N. Y., BT CO. Kinney, Editor and Proprietor. Q£M Moons'* raw BLOCK, fAlrvJ / a w . TERMS.-ta.eo •«jr»"i 12.00 if p.idm»a« •ATM AUVtMTlslNU: i' Two! v« line* (or oo« Inch) make one squaro. 1"' v ''"''?. rfo. or Si 1 square, 1 iqiMM, * square*. 4 squares, • squares, * "9 "**"•*• 1 w. »I.(I0 1.78 *.6Q 4.00 6W 8.O0 S w. w aS 4.0U 8.30 aoo 11.50 l«. •MS 0.60 8.00 11.50 M.00 4 w. •8.00 KM 8.00 11.B0 14.00 18.IM) 8 m.. •6,00 H.00 11.80 lt.00 18.00 IK.OO 0 m. •T.60 11.60 14.00 W.00 •<«.«) 7 | m. »<»•'» J8.00 .§.00 18.00 81.00 MOO Contracts for one-fourth eotur»n, oai-naU', three- fonrtht and evlumn aitt*rtlmnunU, otfatoraN* Biuln*u Carit, tfptr far. Ltgal adttrlUtmmU, It otnlt per folto for frit in. trttoix, and to emit ptr feUu for tMiy tubMaurnt in- l\notn/*lprlU4forkKi>tw<i<!U,anado<tlltadver Bir^miRH* DiniW^iiv ... ,«,••».. „.,-,i,w «*,<»•• «.fc.i«*«.'.i H.4I- nay.*.", -*»-— ROUTOR at OHAMPyR. ATTOltNHYS AND OO0N8Krx)KB AT LAW AND ? ..Url«. labile, Keetor Block, Cortlaml. N. Y. . BOUTON. nl» R, CHAJrlPUN. HOIMKS * PAVpm. aTTORNSYB AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. IN the SUM and Untied State* Court*, and Solicitor* UMBc* to Me*»eug*r Hall Block, Malu §LMW,' t>1 IBVTNQ PALMBB, A. N. ROURSRVKLL, of North Chtii theOorthvm ATTORNBY AND OOTO8RU0B AT LAW AND U. H. Pension and Claim Agent. Office on corner of Iron aud Kill slre.t*. a few doom oast of nd DOOM, Cortland village, N. T. 81 811 A VI NO, HAIR CUTTING, Nil AM POOl NO, AND Ilalr Dreaaliur, eiecoUxl in a manner to ault cdato- Salooo In Bqntrea' Block, Cortland, N. T. men. n»l •UCCB880R td W. H. VAN HI.YCK, BILL KW- tor and Dl.trlbulor. Boaldenco No. IS, Mill »tfc..t. In thin Hi All work In thin line executed In a workmanlike manna/. Order* )*A at the HTAMDAKU or Davo- QBATOMta*, wl»*««*l*aprwnp4aU<mtt<*3. fe. L1PB. mM. AOCTMNT ANTrUVB STOCK IN8U- ranee, agenU. pfflce In Haaonte Ball Block, Main V. W.'PRBJUCAN. FLW®8*> V -^ IIKAI.KK Sllrer and IN JBWRLRT, WATCHES, il Plated War*. Ac. Repairing ATTORN^TS^f^NS^^AVfew^ BUS- and . occu- .am. ana pledbr „_,._._. Port Wataoii Htrcut., Cortland, N. Y. LT»UB « »7a»MH. !<n|, **0- B. JOMM K. B. HOMKOPATHIST, WAVING LOOATBD E io'nih of Randall Bank NASH, M. P. XXJATaTD IN THIS g rofeaslon, eoMclta a e beat of refereboM lace lor the practice of Me profession hare of public patronage. ' riMlucid If dualrcil. OMcu and "t W. P. 8PAULOINQ, PROPRIBTOR OP 8PAULDINO HOU8K, BINO- hamton, N. V. Thla hotel la situated near the Pan, aenger Depot of the Brie railway and 8., B. A N. Y. railroad, and lualarg* amicuiumodloa. house, aiup- led with elegaotaiitl uowly.fBmlahtid HHIUIS plug iiuartmoiiis; and the tables are. not ly provided wltheleiraotautl uowly.fumlahudeoouis id aMnplug upartinoiiis ; and the tablos are> not rtaaisB anywhere In the country. Travelers will T Furniture Ware Rooms Cortlarul, IV. Y. x o. OAS&OHAEL, .-.«»„ BV0UIB3OR OP MoFARLAN & 0ABMI0HAEL. Established in 1894. Home Manufacture. H AVING (aclUlle* tor manufaetarlng, Ifeoloonn- dent that I can compote with nny o*l«bll»hm«nt In wettam New York, both la price arlll unail ty.' My fonttara 1* mad* from kiliidrlod lumber, by eiperleueed workmen, ami all gooda warranted aa recommended, consisting In part of PARLOR SETS, SECRETARY CASES, Dining-Room Furniture! SIDE-BOARDS, B x tension Tables, Ofaia.Yn.t>ei* T^«i'iiitni*«, SPBIN0BED8, 8PBINGC0T8, Hair, Husk and Hpong« 0MB t*u TP T.>Et K5 m NH6 S*' FEATHERS, Office Furniture, Churoh Furniture, , . ,. Turkieh Um*9Qtpk*, •'•^•' AMWartlatatat'' li:> f* ' ROOKING OHAIRS, Without Rocker*. 0OU0HES, CENTER TABLES, HALL FURNITURE, , All klnda of CANS and COMMON CDAIRB, MIK RORB.CHILDRRN'a CHAIRS, CRIBS, Ac, Ac " J. 0. 0ABMI0HAKL, i8ie. ZT"—" CORTLAND, N. Y M TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1869. RaRWja>W»M Br. RussellJ. White, \ nulj'Meal Physician, , /IAN BB CON.HJI.TKli AT HIS OPPIC8 AS \J follow*:-. JtJA.iX 1 1*13 TTJjTi aTKA0U8»~glfflKS ffOTOB-Satnrday, the Blh of Juno, and Monday, the 5th of July, and Satur- ' JtOTKr, -Tuosaay, the 6th of July'. VOUTl.Atfn -MKSamOEH IIOUSK- Wodne*. day. the 7th of July ty, the 7th of Jnly. _^^^_^____ . iHMUIUUrort KXMAtfOKifOrE&-Thnra- day and Friday, the 8th and III h of Jnly. » AVBVHH-NATIONAL HOTBI^-VAinj, the (llll of August. BAftlo-Prloelual Oflfea, No. 604 Praoklin stroet, a doom above Alls .lion street. Thoee affected wit of the Liver or Ktdm r the Long*, dlaeaae* . ,u~-.... i.-tlom, Dropsy, Kheiiinallsni. Asthma, sliorlncss of Breath or llitn- c.ulty of Breathing. Dyspepsia, Weakness or Nervoo* Debility, Kits, St. Vitus Dance, ReeUeune**, Lous of tv :_.:_.„:.. „.;;.:.. T ..;..:.V". Abaeease*, Ulcers, Huuulug from the Bar*, Inflamma- tion of the Byea, and all form* of Cataarh or any chronic %Tf —• — - * — •--•.-•— ZSS War- tr*a4m^l»"enUreTy _ o»ToVnV r a»d" our reuedioa are dnpaied by ourselves. n4»»l ehllity. Fit*, St. \. __„.. opellle. CoosUpallon. DeraagemroU of the Htorn- in, lllllous AfTectlnii*, Omvul, Hcrofula, raver Sore*, 'wee****, Ulcers, Huuulug from the Bar*. Influmma- of the Bye*, and all form* of Cataarh or any roolcor Ungerlog^mpIalnUare InviUiiJoeaU. d1SXor^«»^.^ I FITZGERALD * CBB. MANUFA9TUBERS, Top and Open Buggies, Platform Spring WAGONS, ,99ftr«i art* lontfenYrrt^T! Sleighs, ,, , jj M ii/'.-.ii CUTTERS, Ao. R. EC. Spendley & Oo. ! HATS, 0AH AflD TUBS ! ,8"'r il :-• ' '.'i ' I ) -AT- WtiOLmLE AND RETAT^! t nmi till- the moot d«*lrahlu IIOUHO to nop at. in *»•»!. w. "•"•T'lft.TV''f Tft . ATTORNBT AND COUNSBLORATLAW, PSOK'B Hlook, Marathon, N. V. . •HANKLAND A COUCH, T LAW AND 'eeseuger Hall ; COUCM. BALLARD * WARRgN, ATTORNBYS AND O0DNSBLOR8 AT LAW. BU laoaa entjrjisted to th*rt will reoelve careful aiu tlon. Onlce over the storo of IIOIWK A IUIHHIII ; 8U8- i|Wn- tlon. Office over the store or itouu <e iivuaan, one door north of the Hqulrcs Block. ItonaTto BAIXAHD. nt W. It. WAKH«H. HYATT * HOLDEN, DKNTI8T8. OPPICS, OPPOSITB MBBSKNGKR Hunk. Particular altoutlon paid to preserving tho natural teeth. Tooth Inserted on Gold, Silver, Rub. lu-r and Aluminum haaes,. Kther, Chloroform east Narcotic Spray naed In extracting tuoth. of A. MAHARr (8U0CBS8OR TO OSO. W. APOAR,) WHOI.KSM.K and Retail Dealer in Books, Stationery, Paper u....„i,,mi and Fanar Ooeda. Al»o. 8ewlng Sla- eet Mm ^^^_^_^ Strluga, 1 Block, CorlUud, N. Y. s». olilnea, R**ioal iMlroaaeala. Sbeet HusKclTmitruo, .JVtelln aoo J3««ar Strln ^ J - ^ «on„ Meeaeaghr RENwAfNIR RROTHERS, i- 1-ltOPRIKTORa CORTLAND MAKHI.K WOHK8. Ileaitotone* and Monumont* of American and Ital- ian Marble*, and Vreeatone, furnished to order, and twonlyrlve par eent, cheaper than can be procured. Mlowhore. Shop ea*t aide Main siroet, north of S^M?B^AT88r It-yl J. W. BBNJAMfN. PltOPltlKTItSKBRY-HHOTKL. HAVII recen vlth popalaf eler* in Uuuaa, R. R. MAYBURY A CO., MANUPAtmJRBRSOP ANDDKAl diet, Harness, Trnnke, Vallee*. Caryev DW*. w>t»., Horse Clothing of all kinds. A full llnoofDreught " asr "^ ^-^«^|at»*c4*_ to : New Spring and Summer Stylos > if H i. > . L j t f r # —| \,jjjjii< " i t ,_ TITK tare added to onr flxtore* aa .. American Conformerter, which eaehiM us to make a perfect 6t. IT IH Tint ONLY AttlTOLaT Tttaf MNB IN OBNTBAL NBW YORK. - - , • ' I Gents' Furn^iiing Goods! HTVRV AVOOniU FF H AVING relumod to his old location in the Baa HAHI) lIMHIK, would call attention to his large and complete stock of Cloths, C&«tsimerea* i on- i.- / yfiWiW^ GENT8'FURNISfflNG<H)0DS.dM. XVti Can't be Undersold, > , J A* we have everything by the caae. CAM, IN \NI) BXAMINB UUR OOOI)H AND WB ymi PI^OVE WHAT WB A0Vl^Ohrt8B. CASH PAID FOB RAW FUBS! •m U. H. S»'KNI)f.UY*CO., i f o l u riHif «>i<rt S1r«U, aonri.ANO, N. r. PLBASX OrVB DB A CALL. WEW lOtRT HTRlll. HKAH Or MKiMMO/CU 1IAU. BLOCK, SJ-tf CORTLAND, R. Y. 7~T~ Cutting and Making Garments Done to order and In a manner NOT TO BB EX- "rrwWSnsV'agea* w r s s uuimiwieu- " •'»"«» Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Macltiuo. ^•if^tth»pu4^ Bernard I31ocl>:, AJXmmSQ bsXfBKH nESTA UBAlfi: WOODRUFF. Cortland, Jose, lata II. 60-tf msmsmsfm Select JPoetry. : THE BKRT ORTKRIRO TQ O'O0N4 RBIUL. ! . ! I PROM T B S LONDON PONOH. M A Y X4TrT, 18W. "the remains of tho Liberator were ttilf d»y i niiisiei'i>H1 Ironv tlieir tdmporarv reatliidrr place wlieie they lmvu reposexl shiea 1847, when ho tiled, with trrcut jiomp,tothe torah mlacd (br htm by l'mtioiml eontiilmtion In (HiMiinvin (Jemotwy." Dublin A'em, May J/,. Be*r hia bones, with All pomp, from tlie pttutp they bare kept For the twenty-two years that have paused •loco he slept, jv To the tomb that his Erin has painfully roan Wt the Otiamplott alMtovwtt,and 1 mles feared. *W«iift There's a time to note sharply, a time to pass by. The flaw In the brilliant, the cloud In the sky: ... j-c There's a time to bo gen'rous, nor narrowly scan The stains on a mom'ry, the faults in a man. HttiwlhiK now by his tomb, who devoted his life. ' ;- ',''.,' - r l< ' With wrong and oppression to wage deadly '•rrifc. ' '.:,.> , Till from Captive, .Kinaucipithi, Krln ho saw, In the liberty won by the triumphi.of L*W. Why gauge the alloy that Was mixed with' '"' lim«olilf Barth and matrix why weigh j 'galtist the ' gems In their hold? A great wot k was laid on him, and that Work 'he wrought; "* He'd a battle to light, and that battle he fought! / And he wrought to good eud, and ho fought ,-ij till ho won, i ii And the sum of injustice was less 'neath the i sun: Let what smallness or selfishness darkens his name Be drunk up and drowned in the light of <>' Hi that fame. ••• ••'! <-• ••.••! ' Let us think of the warm heart, still open, at '.neSd., ' " . '.'... To the wronged of bis race, the oppressed of his creed; Untempted by pelf, and undaunted by power, Too noble to crawl, and too daring to cower. Lot us thiuk of the big bruin, and eloquent tongue, That like Erin's own r*»f> swxsA* now wailed, and now rung, O'er the wroug of' the slaves he was vowed to sot free, ' Or in pruiso of Ids green isle, his gem of the seal' On the bier tliat is boruo to Qlasuevin to- day. One offering tho hand of tho Saxon can lay— | Tho I)U1 that the Church of tho stranger [ s*j*j|a**w*|*||g*n*M*j*j*j*j*j*j***a*a*W^ Of the work of AM life consummation and Crown! Last link of the chain, once rod-rusted with goro, Forged by BaXon for Colt, In tho Ill-times ol yoro, At whoso crushing coil, forty long years ago, Ills hand struck tho first and tho deadliest blow 1 ,•1': . FIRE .MI. TQ INSUUK .* X K? fill IN SAD iSSviipiL 'e*t„ Marathon, N, one door east of i»tf , n, ii> I. AS • P. I. UATBVST. Horse awiL suit HERRYRREWER * EON, MANlWAOTDW!«^»AMDBA^^^ .onPortWaU , il M satlsfkeUun glvaa la the extraction of teeth. , work warranted. n* RARDALL, OP THB BEST AND fort Wal'son St I | Attention, DadrymeiiJ Jenuings 1 ImprovedMilkPian A GRBAT IMPROVEMENT UPON ANT FOlt mer mod* of SETTING MILK For raising the largest amount of CKKAM, and pre- serving It In It* purity until Ike time Of skimming. It UTlarge enough to bold the mllklug of a «onn»\ OAIRY. It save* three-fourth* of the labor of straining and eetting up the milk, skimming and washing nan*. CREAM FLAKES, And no lie* or dust can get In the cream. It pre vents loss in cold weather by ! Keeping the Milk Warm, And raialng the cream in doe time. By removing MM heat from tho milk aa *oou aa •V^M* t,t.<f )( -;,.i : : > . It Prevents Loss Prom tb* milk souring la hot weather, before all the cream la up. By uslog ibts p«a, "GOO» JaWJTITKI^t : | I'- ;M "'. RICrHT OOLO», ; ; A* well a* quality, can be made at all season*, in any. &S0SSr WtD WKIX or WRING W A T i R , c « These Pan* are maaalhcMired and lea aale by M ixS A GOODRICH only, at Cortland, N. T., for CortLmd ' i r.|»| ..!i\!' .- 1 J < *fHM IMI« esAOvir ^*| 1 }|lrve4 j DON'T VMh TO <3o AND SKK ThiBM. MILLS * IRELAND. INSU.'RANC E POLICIBS ISBUED •Tho undent Irish harp. 55! AMOUNT IN TUB Ill.:QWll AtflslWrlviHI-I':'.: .'.>»' •''^lorlrfLertoan THB8K OOMPANOM ABB jwman'*wwA In >!ot I HONORABLY AlWAJST bim Ml' 1 Rates Reasonable. „, .<»A tHARtisi POSTER, Agent OFPI0B 0VBB BATOIOL BABX. OORTtABD. tMDRIAR HOWARD, wTABLB, HORSBB AND CA * Bverythlng well kept, the Germ UVBRT OTABlJt HORSBB AND CAKItIAOKS to let o* r***0»*ae kstm*. Bverythl " ««'" indlUTtbTfcaeTof s^^OM»5.l«e Brock, on Main atreet, Cortland, N. Y ,-T ATTOJUOnr* DJW*' WATERS TWtW. [A, co, oomer of Y. Business WATERS ^ <s ^P^5r'.Kiud«ito. "T^'A. D. WATBBS. J, A. TODD, DKNTIST, CORTLAND, N. Y. NITROUS OXIDE Oaa used In extracting teeth. This gas I* harmless, aad all wtablng teeth removed wlthoat fccltng the pain, akoaM try is. Particular attention given lo saving aavd Ailing the natural teeth. Preparation*, for dlssassd aaeuth and gtirn* kept prepared. No charge tor adjotaltUrlag Chloroform, Ether, or Narcotic Spray. All operation* warranted. nl 'I us..,. ... ...•'.- .A. A S'u*i«) r~ |\ A. P. SMITH, N ATTORNEY AND 00VN8BL0R AT LAW. DP- Jew oepoajt* County 0**rif* o»*o», (np sUIra,) Cort- DURLL * FOSTER, ! ATTORNEYB A|TD 0OUNSKI.OR8 AT LAW. 0P- Raak, Cortlaud. N. Y. nl OlIAS. POSTER. —.—-. 11 .;.„..,.. sjJL ' •• CortkiHl. P.b. 1»,!»»». n |M ^OJ«IW?rW#Tls>fO»» NI^firlflr'ibQfiWr.VlB. By Kev. Daniel Marob, D. D, + Pomeroy Pot Whooping 'Rotrtsr^ii yssmst •• Coughand Croup Cur* ' ,%^**knbw tottl HiisVArnlsa ekar, ayerkUnjf.janr*_« Ho gwiin*; for •MMMl I ImatliuiUoii; for nice r ».'.l.e vTiz LA ^^. .. ysls^foiLwterJrii^ delations »»drlpa * Jy"lllustratlon*, thlf work has uo oqnal. Buch i endatlon.,** the above, hate been received i (Ice over ]. H II. IIUBI.f.. ~" H. C. OAZLAY, M . D . , KCLBOTIO. PHYSICIAN AND SUROKON clal attentti ,^^^^ aiid all chronic defease* BPK- uiveo to fcmale complaint*, eaaeert ' Over FirstNationalBanI) ., .„«..„., sad « tut P.— Kesidenc* No a Orant St. eyl Offlc*'hoi»f» frelft'» 10 A. M. OMe* terei* eaak. BeskUocel M; ftllCHBLSON, DBALBR IN WATCWB8. JBWBLRY, CLOCI18, AND Silver and Pitied Ware of every deeerlptlon. Re- pairing done on abort notice and In a workmanlike V LYDIA A. BTROWBRIDJIE, BYaiimcpBtsietAN. TRAATS AISWIRABLB i)*a*eee *neee**Hb; without the use of drugs. Pa- Uente received in the haute, and cat« from horn* proMUy *tterWI*d to. BapiclaJ atteutiou paid to thronlc and uterine dlteaeSt, Reei^epce on Court Py iiiu.ti.iivw,, inn, *.w~ T— —- --m mendatlon*, aa the above, hate been eecelved Klshop,Simpson. Rev. Albert Barnes, Noah Porter, a^ tt ^;a w t:siw.»2l, •VaganUy hound book, and plea*** everybody. Oosunitaka* 1100 to | J 0 0 p»r moath, aeeordlugtoahlUtyajWIcuargy. Adda***, Z1KOI.KR, MoCURDY A CO., PhtladelphU, Pa., Cincinnati, O., Ohleago, Ul., or St. Louis, Mo. t <~r ^ » T Y rrV^t- M4M ' MWLH. €!. H. IM»W HI V.H la evsty tarlety, eoosl.tlof lu pert of be*attfttl «v*WJ * K. A/«ntOV^ LitV'lljk X. t* WantejUT-^^ FOR THE With fuU Mrwrton* andfbrnu/br all Tranfaetlofii, LL.D. Professor of Law in Of«p A Nsw Boo*'»oB o| man, Law Book* •Jh^aWEWsonr... University, and Authoi riffAft, <!«««, aud life M well aa every klm Hon. ••••-•••• ' T*-W A*m^*eonm\tat t and ear. Giving directions for every pi show leg how to draw and execute every Explaining the •torn of all the relaUoaa of of contract aud legal obllga- 4nfk Oouiudor and «<I..- " * T and legal OJtor; ...Jlf$ BONNKTS ASBnATS, . i'artIcotar attention paid to Dress Making In all It* branche*. Btttterlok'B Celebrated patterns Received *verjr mouth. DD ^X vfSWHSWTIAX. TO I- ks'ii n'fiil.iA ks'Hf ATaMdaie * 4V4fV t*Wwiw4eWiOTWf* / *W Wftw^OtSff^ ; Wry rrtdoip; lrml*p*tf*.l)ieto all WhoWouki know their right, and dntle*, and poese** the ateaus of traneacting im- aldedtb*lr.ow».l»u»lke**, .'.-'< •"•,.! •• • . . ' " • So >Ma,'AAB, *»r*Jr*»» a a d contmlttt that no person can alfora, wltboyl It, ; Bjufodying in popular form the reanlta of the labor and, atttdy of the poet popular imdaucfieaaria w>R** Of law hook* in the Send for 0«r descriptive olreuUr. Address *B4f tj, 8. 80BANT0H A 0 0 , Hsrtfwd, Oonn. •Wopoan. "Twelve baskets of chit chat were emptied from heaven into paradise. Adam, being busy, gathered only three: Eve secured, and laid carefully awayforfuture use, tho remain- ing nine." I srjouW think.$l)o #$, . It reijuiros no stretch, of the huiigiimtiou to be- Hove Biiy part of tho story, except that the gift was 1 sent from heaven- -if that was tho oust) she baa not, In bequeath- ing thn windfall to her fair descend- ants, sent dpwu tho attendant bless- ing, which must havo necessarily sanc- tified it, coming from such a spurce.— Rattle, hiss, flee, bang! Was there, ever anything on earth like tho tongue of a woman 1 Philosophers have stummed in vain for "perpetual nio- tton." I have found it-its instru- ment, woman's tongue; its moving cause, a stream of nonsense, or a oir- rent of Hlunder, welling up from worn-' un's heart. A woman's heart, did 1 sayV I beg tho pardon ol the noble sisterhood—I meant a WyV./ Bfo toofr*a»» w o u l d s t o o p to rehears* such a tiring of words without ideas'} once again, I beg their pardon! Listen'now with mo for a moment. "Why, dear me, Miss Howo, what a beautiful dress you have on—a perfect love—have you seen tho now stylo on Washington street ¥ liy the way, dear, I heard a gentleman giyo you a great compliment last evening at tho pertinent puppy, I dare say." "No, some one you lijw very much^'^ ^'Oh 1 do tell iuo who it was; do, that's a ti'tiiit* L A> ' good creature." "Well, dear, Mr. Jones said yon' W*rf. deoidedly tho belle of the roDm>' ^ 3 ^'e V .He is a finelooking fellow, isn'ihe f*- ""NOWJ you naughty girl, don't you tell him of that I 1 must go. Good morning!" "Good-iriorriing, dear 1 ' Call again soon 1" (Aside, as tho door closes) f Dt»agreey»bl^ tWnjSl rj «P*;|1»4 she has gotiel ' To sbe nsir try to blush aud look interesting when I spoke of Mr. Jones! Humph I I rather thiuk aha won't get him'. M ' fi ~ -' : ' v ' InterestJBig! W n t l l u l I divine'If- And these are the minds' that are to direct tho lifo-coiirso of generations yet to come! These aro the wives and mothers who are to train up our future statesmen and heroes. These fiuo la- dies, with their pale, lovely faces, cor- seted'waists and delicate lingers spark- ling with jeweht, who sit all day in the parlor, bonding oyer an embroidery* frame, or snapping tho ivory keys of the piano, while their old mothers, it may he, drudgo uncomplainingly in the kitchen 1 Were the noble female heroines of the Revolution such sa ' these—who, if called upon, like those bold hlsrts, to fight for their Homes and children with ft band of 'cruel In- dians, would handle a musket with gloves on, and hold a sword as dainti- ly as ifit were a plumed and Eilded fknr :#ar from it I And tho ehcer- ful, quick obedience rendered to pa- rents, the devoted self-sacrifioe to save thtm fRtm toil and trouble—*weve those all a fable, never to be known to us again J> There aretco/ner* note among us, bull; we, need, more I Wo need hoarts of steel and souls of fire, as in the olden time. .Let the false notion tin regard to ladies bo abolished; lot '&&>m!Q*.&»bouW bet^eirijuiHheiit boast to be a woman. In short, let [ them know that they have minds, and are to,Cultivate them;: and while we have less of this vapid drawing-room chit-ohst, we shall have a ltighur, holi- er,, and nobler thing—Woman as God intends*) her t o h e l : ! <i?i v RUTH, The History of Pews. In Anglo Saxon and some of the Normal churohes of, early date, a stone bench projected within the walls running around the whole, interior ex-, wpHpisst. In 1310 the people are represented as sitting on the ground or standing. About this time people introduced low three-legged Htooln.proniiscuously over I the ehureh. Wooden seats were in- trod need soon after Jb« Norman con- quest. •. . i In 1387 a decree was issued in re- gard to tho wrangling for scats, so common, that none should call any, seat in church his own, except, noble- men and patrons, each entering and holdinl'tlie Otie he'first found.' As we .approach the Reformation, fk'Ofa' ItisOt .'to 1540, seats were more appropriated, the entrance being guar- dedbv cross-bars, and the initial let- ters ongravod on them. Immediately after tho Reformation the pe#. system prevailed, and as we learn'from a complaint tho poor com- moners mado to Henry VlH., in 1540 in reference to his decree that the Bi- ble should bo in every ohuroh, at lib- erty for all to read, because they fear- ed it mL*iit bo taken into tlio " quire " Q8 galleries wore introduced. ed to afford comfort, by being baized or ousRioiicd, while the Sid^s 'around: were tJ0 Mgh as to hide tiiose within; a device of the Puritans to avoid be-, ing seeti by the offloers who reported. thoso 'who did not stand when the name 6f Jesus was mentioned. Tho services wero often greatly protracted so that many would fall asleep: With tlie reign of Charles II., the reason for tho heightening of the sides of tho pews disappeared. im '•••„•,••• uAi'roi The Darwinian Theory. I "This celebrated theory is making proselytes rapidly. In fact, it may lie saitl that its advocates no longer ad- mit that 'it is Bimpiy « theory, but hold it to be demonstrated by the soi- cntilio researches it has calledfinih. The theory has soc^ured a most pow- erful ally in UrV l^r^ts, * J^alilor, wjbo as physiologist, anatomist, and shrewd observer of natural phenomena scarce- ly ranks as an inferior to Darwin him- self That o\W readers' may under- stand the additional strength the Par- ] don't pay. wininn system has received, by the ad- hesion of Dr. Muller, we WtU bHefly rehearse tho prominent features of the theoty as maintain^ h> its numerous disciple*. : ,u ,„*;:•><'. iij;l-ivJiV>vr(ij ! . , The theory maintains that tho ori- gin of species is attributable to the I in a oold room, or in tjhe wood-house, rnnm t .rn iinj mi \ ^he western liu> {make rag not; aud for our docision. R a g Carjj»ets. Jennie T. Hasen, in rat, says; Does it pay to carpets ? Wo think it docs will give some reasons In ^he first place, if jyou re|okon yOur time as worth auything, it loti't pay lu the second , plao< •, if y >u out or tear up garments which might bo worn longer as they are, <r out over for some other purpose, it don't pay. If you buy new-clonh, reil or green —as 1 havo known women do—it If you devoto all yojur timo to it, to the/titter ©xolwrrtonv ofj othef a«t«lw»,' \v dpn't pay. ' If'yon hire it wovoi, and pay fif- teen oehts per yard, it don't! pay. tf you woavo it jfbi rsolf, up stain Here is an instance of the way they dojusffbe in Texas. A blaok maro was sJolen from a livery stable, and after seatoh Was heard ' from in a dis- tant tloWn. Th'e i pfoprieto!r , s' sent a messenger after her, and a day or two afterwards received a despatch its foil- lows: "Your marc is hero; I will bring bCr; thief Iraiig." A BVonqb journal,,a responsible for. the following: "In a certain small provincial town, ono of the residents, M, A. K B„ found' 1 that^hlsteottsBWas rendeild both,ijUtmp |iia ^kjtiy 1 ;the contiguity of a largo tree which was inconveniently near to his WIIUIOWH. - He would gladly have had it cut down, but the treo belonged to the' commune, ,'and w ^ n o i tp pe meddled with. .'Be- iiig a man of resources, lie sent for in- sertion to one of the I'm is papers the follcvflrig parS^ph'iV-'Theie' »s stilt ill existence one of tho trees of liberty of thft^a^ tfW, t $ 'jtwj ,',t?e 'e'e'^h at X , elose to tho house of'JM, A. 1?., and : the passers-by reverently uucover their heads to this venerable witness of our f [rainiest struggles and Our most illus- rlpus! victory. ; Three days afterward an order came from the Prefecture in Parisifbr the Mayor of X. to oauso tho said tree to he' ! onf 1 *oWn i Hv*hioh was' yt0mm,$BJww^ w»* * timo when the word "wedding present" liBd's^ohftrm-ih it/'Wlien -it meant som«)thiflg fresh, spotitarioous, repre- seiftanjveof tna giy^'B'^ooVioi)^and when'*he giver was pormittcd, with- out m-eating a scandal, to proportion transmutation of a certain original type or t y ^ o f Using beings, by de- scent; with gradual mudiiloationts, at- tributable to> the natural selection of progenitors having certain peculiari- ties, which «giya them tho power of impressing upon offspring tho same pec,ulia,ritiftf„ Nl t|iSt tthe psrewts possess bu^in's.'jgrevVt^r, *Jegre»{ and that these peculiarities finally reach such a point that the individuals possessing tftem form ft dfatinfiMpeoioa from their firsvprostenitoi^ in rmtfj t Tho method adopted by Parwin to demonstrate tho truth of this theory, Wfts as simple as it has proved incon- trovertible. Uo undertook to pro- duce, species by a process of artificial selection pf: individ USJs. of kinds of an- imals which reproduce very rapidly, sHch^aaursb^its, pigwns, etc., and found rtbRt,, hy ;pf\iring | euoh as exhibi- ted slight vanatious of, form, and se- lecting from their offspring such as exhibited in the most marked manner the same peculiarities, after a time he obtained so wide variations from tho Original type that the animals thus obtained might bo properly consider- ed as belonging to a distinct species. Among the most prominent scientific men who havo fully embraced this theory is the veteran ;Sir Charles Lyoll whose past record does not indicate a man likely to bo led to hasty conclu- sions, or apt to adopt any i theory un- supported by amplei evidence of its Thjfl fi ft lffihrH*iOd anii'ir* tt r t -*-r- wqnppd his geologwal with no bias towftrd.a,ny! .theory apd after impartial and candid investigation came out a .'Darwinian. I - j Ol. J I'» .1 in like manner Dr. Mullpr,,sot him- self to work to deviso some tost by which ho might demonstrate the truth or falsity' of the, P^rwiuian system. Haying decided, that the Cvusjtaoea af- forded a favorable field for observa- tion, he proceeded to South America for the purpose''of gaining .facilities for observation and study. Wo cart not, of course follow Pr. Muller through all tho iaboHous researches, which he 1 has rooofcle'd in his * Pact* arid' Argtitachts for Pai'w'nV' or 1 Wve in detail the important facts and dis- coveries which have rewarded his in- vestigations, but tho conclusion he ar- rive* at isv thati'tho 'facts! ho has'ob- served afford a most striking confirm- ation of Darwin's views, si I ./, 'I Conceding>the truth- "Of Bftrwin's, theory, an interesting question arises as to which of the known species is tho least ifemoved from' the original type or types. Probably this ques- tion cannot at present bo definitely answered, but Div;M u H er •'.remarks AhaUHhe primitive.liistoryof aBpo- oics: Will he: preserved J in its develop- mental history the more perfectly, th^ ' o f .young states Trnise i SSOO PXS YlAn, TERMS, |fs.oo iv pan, a Axnuiaa. I .'«. • ' — I. I I II I t, I ' NO. 50 h »3l lit and take a cold which may terminate ih something v^y serious if not fsUl, J it don't pay. , , °1 . jlf you huy* your dye stuffs at the present prioos, it don't]pay. If yon can do any | other kind ol work, and earn a uarput, it don't pay. If it is made for the! "other room," and Is to bo kept immaculate from the tread of profane feet, except on com- pany days, it don't pay. If it involves the sitting up of ball the night, when nature demands re- pose, it don't pay. uA'H* ' If it makes you nervous and cross, t and you scold your husband and spank the children, it don't pay. -' If your husband only knew how many siok-headaohesj and sleepless nights, and matrimonial sqwtUs, would never have been, but lor the making of the rag carpet, he'would put Ins willing hand into his pocket, and give you money to buy a nice ingrain floor covering, and say to. you, "Mollic, never mako another, rag oarpot; it don't pay." Now, ladies, we 5 * h| ave given our opinion; let us hoar' yours. Count tho cost of your rag c irpets, and give us tho results. Pon'tj forgot to count how many dross-shii'ts and aprons, how many sheets and blankets, wont into its makings; count t;ho oost of every item, and mare it a candid statement to us, and < ithors, who, like US, are not a little skeptical upon this th llissinis>ai<» ,si«uuVt,»»m— .A.— A JosM BILLINOS P^l»Kit.-UThe mind of the young iz easily trained; it its hard work to git an bid hop vino to dime a now polo. . Just m proportion that, a man is thankful'to hoayon anl his,naber, just in that proportion is ho happy. Blessed is them who have no eyofor knot or key hb)oB. A man should leant to,boa good servant to himself bo fore he is fit t o boss others. The more exalted our Htashun, the more oonspiouous ourvirtews; jist its a rich satin adds to the biijlianoy of a juej. • ' Blessed arc tho siiigle, for they can double at their leisure, i f ybji "want tew Warn ; a ohild to steal oats in tho bundle, make him beg out of y<>u jftyory t/UlMg th(tt you give hlmi ull|»|ril')hl in-.-- rji -i: «l There > is nothing So diffinult fbr the best nv ui R* lo git the approval of our own conscience, i ,| Blessed ie he who can pocket abuse and feel that is no disgrace to be bit by a dog. - - 'I i Punishment tew hit the spot should bo few, but red hot. Hapyness oonoists in boip perfektly satisfied with wat we; have got, and <wat We haint got, .. in i II i|sa>*A»i4l I to his Aieans. Btat that was a iie.'s^o: l^iiwlijrj'D^coitoe'a .'»f% fit btwness, [ l %ere>nei- iv'e nor feoliug w the .matter. 4 ;t that there are ; lov«i ! Sud fcol- ll'ltt the World ifJfpWfity, dhljy; d afeem, ^heyfaafe tikeh to s^ilo- other thingsitr^an ^hey uae^.f-' r ding present;>now isftjfoUofd contribution, or a means of stratifying the giver's vanity or o'stenttt'tioU, Or an .ijlyestuient ma,de for the sakp of gotttsg a peg higherin "soeiotiy." .A n the sentiment is go'ne'eleftn out of it.' It means, at tho beat^ nothing ttto)re tend#'tha : tt "good worhini{ > *-~»B said' as easily'and forgot oa soon. s fk|»( is; if the gjiver can forget it as easily•-'- Kor it is not to be disguised that the wodding present has becomo a serious tax,1|nd is only endured with patience by those who count on getting buck the val no of their gift when thoy them- selves shall he marriod.—lhtinam'a Magazine. •'' '' '"""-'''.<'' n '- :Ii) ' • from that of the adults, an the peculiarities of the individual young states can be conceived as Uans- fttred ,: haok 3 from" latei'' 6he's W^lfcvi; Otis periods of life, or as independently 1 ^AtiTrt*yAt^**i1rTO*if8pAti>.'' JAiThlH'trutlf Cain Ttot be todOftSri r«y pouted. A cow that is a good milker should bo fed liberally, not only while she, is .giving/milkj ,but while she is ,dry. i All the fat ate accumulates be- fore she calves will find its way to the pall during; the, summer. .There is no period at which a cow lays on fat so rapidly as before she calves, provided she has food enough. Ii- in a wise pro- vision of nature. . And yet man y far- mers feed nothing but st,raw and corn- stalks at this .penod. Because t(ie cow is not giving milk, they think il wilt'not pay to supply more food than is necessary to sustain life. Frequent-, ly the poor <?owa are not even provid- cd with shelter from tho storm, and it is a mystery how, they manage to di- gest straw enough to keep up their an- imal heat. No wonder that many of them have to bo "lifted" in the spring.' TheWis'nothinfV that pays so well as good shelter and good feed for cows during winter, whether' they afo jjiv-' ingtnilk 6r pot.. ISvery ^pound orfet stdredUp D'oto^e'catv)njg" wilT, « ' t h e cow is a good milker, find its Way to tho pall duririg the summer, Arid a | pound of tallow will make more than a poundof bu'ttor, bebahse thll former contains little dr ho water, while gut- ter coiititiiiH from 16 to «0 j»er cenl.. Ametkan AgrtdcittUrUt. , A GRJBAT M * N ' S KejrutA'l'M OP AGRI- CUI.TUKR.- -M o man is so high as to be independent, oti.the succiw of this | great interest; no inan it) HO low as not to be effected by Its prosperity or decline. '1'he cultivation df the earth is the\ most important labor of man. Man may be civilized .in some degree, withonp great progrjgs tk .manufao- turcs,and with little com me (co with his distant neighbors f bit without culti vation of the earth, he Is/in all coun- tries, a savage. TTntjl He pjiyes nptbe chase, and Axes himself lo some place, and seeks a living fr »m tlie earth, he. Is a roatnirig'barbaTia i. Vyhiivtillago begins; ! oihoi" arts f jllbwi Tho far mors, tfrerefore, are'tho f^und^rs of human civilization.—\Danm Webster. A Plea for the Uttle Folks. Don't expect' too much of them ; it has taken fort,y years, it may be, to make, you what you are, with all your lessons of experience; and I Will dare say you aro a faulty being at best, Abovo all don't expect judgment in a child or patience under trials. Sym- pathise in their mistakes and troubles; don't ridicule them. Remember not to measure a child's trials by your standard. "As one whom his mother conifortetli," says the inspired writer, aud beautifully does he oonvey to us tho deep, faithful love that ought to |"D - d18iSW«ln eTefjr^Wb-mah'a Tioart, tho unfailing sympathy with all her chil- dren's griefs. Let the memories of.their childhood be as bright as you can make them. Grant them every innocent pleasure in your power. Wo have often felt our temper rise to see how. carelessly their little plans were thwarted by older persons, when a little trouble on their part would have given the child pleasure, the memory of which would last a lifetime. Lastly, don't think a ohild hopeless because, it betrays somo very bad habits. We have known children that seemed to have been born thieves and liars, so early did they display these undesirable traits, yet we. have lived to see those same ' Children' become noble men and wom- en, and ornaments to society. We must oonfeas they had wise, aseotion- ato parents. And whatever alas yon may be compelled to deny your child by your circumstances in [ire, give It what it most values, plenty of love. Advantage ol Law, A YouNo man who studied law In Connecticut beoStrie acquainted with tho following facts, whloh are very re- markable, though not so very singu- lar : A farmer out down a tree whloh stood so noar tho boundary line of his farm that it was doubtful Whether it bolonged to him or his neighbor. The neighbor, however, claimed the tree, and prosecuted the man who cut it for damages. Thcoase was committed from obiirt to oourt. Time was was- ted, temper homed, and temper lost; but the oust! was finally gained by the prosecutor. The last my friend knew «fl 0*w •etmnaoUoTV' woe, the man who " gained tho oause " einno to tho law- yer's office to oxcciito a deed on his whole farm, which he had been com- polled to sell to pay his costs 1 Then, houseless and homeless, he could thrust his hand into his pobkot and triumph- antly exclaim, "I've beat hint I" •**) *»• m< i ' HOW .IT STKIUKH I'KOJ-I.K IK THB COUNTRY.—-"Justioo" writes from 8a- lorn, NoW Jersey, to tho Philadelphia JPi'iss:—"I seo by most every paptr au account of strikes for higher wages, and a shortening of hours; a uniting of labor against capital. Will not cap- ital have to form itself into societies against the labor movement? Now, everything else, is going down but la- bor ; it takes two bushels of wheat now to pay a carpenter tor a day's work, throe, to pay a mason, nearly four bushels of born for a carpenter, six for a mason, and all other laoorera in proportion. Now, it has come to this: Produoe must go up, or labor must come down, SB farmers cannot stand it.' There is not ono farmorWt of four, to speak within bounds, that made a living last year. For myself, I can see no reason why labor should not como down in proportion to other things. Now farmers' produce is near- ly whore it was before tho war-r-and labor in all oases more than twioe as high, and in many oaees three and four times higher."; ,: ,' < . . . _ A PISTRKSHINO UAS>.—lloro is a po Her fbr the philanthropist* The* Governor of jthe Bahamas re ports that "The diminution in tho num- ber and valuation of wreiks has dc prived numbers of their for nor sources of employment and profit." Wc have heard of 1 villa je so peace- ful that the local ! awyei > beoame a bankrupt; and of di itrictc so healthy that the doctors couldn't live. These were hard cases enough to see a reme- d y for—'but w h a t is to >e done for those worthy poopl i at the Bahamas who are deprived o T their work and profit, because selfish captains won't wreok'their ships ami drowa their ibreWe ?! rhwi<>o}im\i>-i.^^0[ •i s". i—-- i •*.« » The Northern PaWdRJailroad from St. Paul, Minn., U : advancing at the rate of half a mile n day, land the oon- traotoi\iwho now er>ploy*j :one thons- and mety promise* one hundred' and sixty fnlles of track before snow flies. Our witty Counsellor Lanlng's joke on Judge Bgrko is going the rounds, told as follows:—A few days since, in the rSuprertie Court, St LockpOrt,N. Y., a dog occupied the seat of au absent juryman. The presiding judge turned to.the counsel, and remarking that all tlie seats, in the jury box were filled, asked was he willing to proceed?— The counsel, looking at the dog, re- marked that, "while that fellow might do for a judge, he was not willing to take him as a juror," This story re- minds a cotemporary of another, which establishes a precedent for a dog sit- ting as associate oti tlio judicial bench. On one occasion Curran,tlie great ora- tor, pleading before an Irish judge, stopped suddenly in bis speech, "Do On, Mr. Ctirran, I am listening," said the judge. "I thought," said the law- yer, with a significant look at a huge Newfoundland dog that the magis- trate was fondling, M I thought your lordships wero' consulting."—Buffalo Commercial. 4 . ^ The Printer's Union, of Brie, Pa, has been sued by the ./tepitbUean of that city fot 'publishing circulars de- houno^g it «ffi a "rat-office.* ' Au Iowa boy has caught seven hun- dred gophers- since Maroh 1st. He gots ten oolite each from the county, "• LJ *v-i-i»— i»'*,4 »,,„ fa- ton from tho hide. the farmers, '»hd ten for There is tl uo talk of the impending marriage of Madame Lincoln, widow of tho late President of the United State*, with Count Sohmidtville, Chamberlain of the duke of Baden. ,; :: j, v- Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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    ,'.l — i -JU-—i— vvttuqo :»HT %f> na*»Afi jM^rwii

    i.,u!..;;dn'.,jJ„ ,«.,;: ..liTT ' , /I -, i..-, •1'*^ff^^S^^f^|yf'y!* m A m u u B v i KDITOR AND Pitorarma. "Let all the ends thou aim'st at, be thy Country's, thy Qod^and Truth's."

    •if i ji ' . ij .

    I,,, ,.,,, . „ , . — - v . n 'i'HIWI'1 rtnl"'^'W.> |i ' i iwui"; ? 'i "win" B'i "lymmfri "«'"

    2 .

    "* IP' * • -T • ?- F W r TT — Cortland County Standard.

    P i m U U O D »V1»T TUKDAT, AT

    CORTLAND, CORTLAND CO., N. Y., BT C O . Kinney, Editor and Proprietor.

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    ?..Url«. labile, Keetor Block, Cortlaml. N. Y. . BOUTON. nl» R, CHAJrlPUN. HOIMKS * P A V p m .

    a T T O R N S Y B A N D COUNSELORS A T LAW. IN the SUM and Untied State* Court*, and Solicitor*

    UMBc* to Me*»eug*r Hall Block, Malu

    § L M W , ' t>1 IBVTNQ PALMBB,



    North Chtii theOorthvm

    ATTORNBY AND OOTO8RU0B AT LAW AND U. H. Pension and Claim Agent. Office on corner of

    Iron aud Kill slre.t*. a few doom oast of nd DOOM, Cortland village, N. T. 81

    811 A VI NO, HAIR CUTTING, Nil AM POOl NO, AND Ilalr Dreaaliur, eiecoUxl in a manner to ault cdato-

    Salooo In Bqntrea' Block, Cortland, N. T. men. n»l

    •UCCB880R td W. H. VAN HI.YCK, BILL KW-tor and Dl.trlbulor. Boaldenco No. IS, Mill »tfc..t.

    In thin Hi All work In thin line executed In a workmanlike manna/. Order* )*A at the HTAMDAKU or Davo-QBATOMta*, wl»*««*l*aprwnp4aUei* T ^ « i ' i i i t n i * « ,

    SPBIN0BED8, 8PBINGC0T8, Hair, Husk and Hpong«

    0MB t*u TP T.>Et K5 m N H 6 S*' F E A T H E R S ,

    Office Furniture, Churoh Furniture,

    , . , . Turkieh Um*9Qtpk*, •'•^•' AMWartlatatat'' li:> f* '

    R O O K I N G O H A I R S , Without Rocker*.



    " J. 0 . 0ABMI0HAKL,

    i8 ie . ZT"—"

    CORTLAND, N. YM TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1869. RaRWja>W»M

    Br. RussellJ. White, \ nulj'Meal Physician, ,

    / I A N BB CON.HJI.TKli AT HIS OPPIC8 AS \J follow*:-. JtJA.iX 1 1*13 TTJjTi

    aTKA0U8»~glfflKS ffOTOB-Satnrday, the Blh of Juno, and Monday, the 5th of July, and Satur-

    ' JtOTKr, -Tuosaay, the 6th of July'.

    VOUTl.Atfn -MKSamOEH IIOUSK- Wodne*. day. the 7th of July ty, the 7th of Jnly. _ ^ ^ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ .

    iHMUIUUrort KXMAtfOKifOrE&-Thnra-day and Friday, the 8th and III h of Jnly. »

    AVBVHH-NATIONAL HOTBI^-VAinj, the (llll of August.

    BAftlo-Prloelual Oflfea, No. 604 Praoklin stroet, a doom above Alls .lion street.

    Thoee affected wit of the Liver or Ktdm

    r the Long*, dlaeaae* . ,u~-....i.-tlom, Dropsy,

    Kheiiinallsni. Asthma, sliorlncss of Breath or llitn-c.ulty of Breathing. Dyspepsia, Weakness or Nervoo* Debility, Kits, St. Vitus Dance, ReeUeune**, Lous of

    tv :_.:_.„:.. „.;;.:..T..;..:.V". Abaeease*, Ulcers, Huuulug from the Bar*, Inflamma-tion of the Byea, and all form* of Cataarh or any chronic — %Tf—• — - * — • - - • . - • — ZSS W a r -tr*a4m^l»"enUreTy_o»ToVnVra»d" our reuedioa are dnpaied by ourselves. n4»»l

    ehllity. Fit*, St. \ . _ _ „ . . opellle. CoosUpallon. DeraagemroU of the Htorn-in, lllllous AfTectlnii*, Omvul, Hcrofula, raver Sore*, 'wee****, Ulcers, Huuulug from the Bar*. Influmma-• of the Bye*, and all form* of Cataarh or any roolcor Ungerlog^mpIalnUare InviUiiJoeaU.

    d 1 S X o r ^ « » ^ . ^



    Top and Open Buggies,

    Platform Spring WAGONS,

    • ,99ftr«i art* lontfenYrrt^T!

    Sleighs, ,, , jj M i i / ' . - . i i

    CUTTERS, Ao.

    R. EC. Spendley & Oo. !

    HATS, 0AH AflD TUBS ! ,8"'r • il :-• ' '.'i ' I )

    - A T -

    WtiOLmLE AND RETAT^! t

    nmi till- the moot d«*lrahlu IIOUHO to nop at. in

    * » • » ! . w . "•"•T'lft .TV''f Tft . A T T O R N B T AND C O U N S B L O R A T L A W , PSOK'B

    Hlook, Marathon, N. V.

    . • H A N K L A N D A COUCH,

    T LAW A N D 'eeseuger Hall

    ; COUCM.


    laoaa entjrjisted to th*rt will reoelve careful a i u tlon. Onlce over the storo of IIOIWK A IUIHHIII



    tlon. Office over the store or i t ouu t»., Horse Clothing of all kinds. A full llnoofDreught

    " •asr"^ ^-^«^|at»*c4*_ to

    : New Spring and Summer Stylos

    > if H i. > .Ljtfr# — | \,jjjjii< " i t ,_

    TITK tare added to onr flxtore* aa ..

    American Conformerter, which eaehiM us to make a perfect 6t.

    IT IH Tint ONLY AttlTOLaT 0 » Tttaf MNB IN O B N T B A L N B W Y O R K . - - , • '

    I Gents ' Furn^i i ing G o o d s !


    HAVING relumod to his old location in the B a a HAHI) lIMHIK, would call attention to his large and complete stock of

    C l o t h s , C & « t s i m e r e a *

    i o n - i.- / yfiWiW^ GENT8'FURNISfflNGi , Till from Captive, .Kinaucipithi, Krln ho saw, In the liberty won by the triumphi.of L*W. Why gauge the alloy that Was mixed with'

    '"' l im«ol i l f Barth and matrix w h y weigh j 'galtist the

    ' gems In their hold? A great wot k was laid on him, and that Work

    ' h e wrought; "* He'd a battle to light, and that battle he

    fought! / And he wrought to good eud, and ho fought

    ,-ij till ho won, i ii And the sum of injustice was less 'neath the

    i sun: Let what smallness or selfishness darkens his

    name Be drunk up and drowned in the light of ' Hi that fame. ••• ••'! swxsA* now wailed, and now rung,

    O'er the wroug of' the slaves he was vowed to sot free, '

    Or in pruiso of Ids green isle, his gem of the seal'

    On the bier tliat is boruo to Qlasuevin to-day.

    One offering tho hand of tho Saxon can lay— | Tho I)U1 that the Church of tho stranger [ s*j*j|a**w*|*||g*n*M*j*j*j*j*j*j***a*a*W^

    Of the work of AM life consummation and Crown!

    Last link of the chain, once rod-rusted with goro,

    Forged by BaXon for Colt, In tho Ill-times ol yoro,

    At whoso crushing coil, forty long years ago, Ills hand struck tho first and tho deadliest

    blow 1

    , •1 ' : . F I R E .MI.

    TQ I N S U U K .* X K?


    IN SAD iSSviipiL

    'e*t„ Marathon, N,

    one door east of i»tf ,n, ii> I . AS • P. I. U A T B V S T .

    Horse awiL suit

    H E R R Y R R E W E R * E O N , M A N l W A O T D W ! « ^ » A M D B A ^ ^ ^

    .onPortWaU , • il M

    satlsfkeUun glvaa la the extraction of teeth. , work warranted. n*


    fort Wal'son St I |

    Attention, DadrymeiiJ

    Jenuings1 ImprovedMilkPian


    For raising the largest amount of CKKAM, and pre-serving It In It* purity until Ike t ime Of skimming.

    It UTlarge enough to bold the mllklug of a

    «onn» \ OAIRY. It save* three-fourth* of the labor of straining and

    eetting up the milk, skimming and washing nan*.

    C R E A M F L A K E S , And no l i e * or dust can get In the cream. I t pre vents loss in cold weather by !

    Keeping the Milk Warm, And raialng the cream in doe time.

    By removing MM heat from tho milk aa *oou aa

    • V ^ M * t , t . < f ) ( - ; , . i • • : : > .

    I t P r e v e n t s L o s s Prom tb* milk souring la hot weather, before all the cream la up. By uslog ibts p«a,

    " G O O » JaWJTITKI^t : | • I'- ;M

    "'. RICrHT OOLO», ; ; A* well a* quality, can be made at all season*, in any. &S0SSr W t D WKIX or WRING W A T i R , c «

    These Pan* are maaalhcMired and lea aale by M i x S A GOODRICH only, at Cortland, N. T., for CortLmd ' i r.|»| ..!i\!' .-1J < *fHM IMI« esAOvir *̂|1}|lrve4 j

    D O N ' T VMh TO » '

    • ' ' ^ l o r l r f L e r t o a n


    jwman '*wwA In >!ot I


    1 Rates Reasonable. • „, . < » A tHARtisi POSTER, Agent OFPI0B 0VBB BATOIOL BABX. OORTtABD.


    * Bverythlng well kept, the Germ

    UVBRT OTABlJt HORSBB AND CAKItIAOKS to let o* r***0»*ae kstm*. Bverythl " ««'" indlUTtbTfcaeTof s^^OM»5. l«e Brock, on Main atreet, Cortland, N. Y J£

    , -T ATTOJUOnr*


    W A T E R S T W t W . [A, co, oomer of Y. Business


    ^ < s ^ P ^ 5 r ' . K i u d « i t o . " T ^ ' A . D. WATBBS.


    Oaa used In extracting teeth. This gas I* harmless, aad all wtablng teeth removed wl thoat fccltng the pain, akoaM try is. Particular attention given lo saving aavd Ailing the natural teeth. Preparation*, for dlssassd aaeuth and gtirn* kept prepared. N o charge tor adjotal tUrlag Chloroform, Ether, or Narcotic Spray. All operation* warranted. n l

    • 'I us. . , . . . . ...•'.- .A. A S'u*i«) r~


    Jew oepoajt* County 0**rif* o»*o», (np sUIra,) Cort-


    Raak, Cortlaud. N. Y. n l OlIAS. POSTER. — . — - . 11 .;.„. . , . . sjJL ' ••

    CortkiHl. P . b . 1»,!»»». • n |M


    NI^firlflr'ibQfiWr.VlB. B y Kev . Danie l Marob, D . D,


    Pomeroy Pot Whooping

    ' R o t r t s r ^ i i


    • • C o u g h a n d Croup Cur* ' , % ^ * * k n b w

    tottl HiisVArnlsa

    ekar, ayerkUnjf.janr*_« Ho gwiin*; for •MMMl I ImatliuiUoii; for nice r ».'.l.e vTiz L A ^^. .. y s l s ^ f o i L w t e r J r i i ^ d e l a t i o n s »»drlpa *

    Jy"lllustratlon*, thlf work has uo oqnal. Buch i endatlon.,** the above, hate been received i

    (Ice over ] . H II. IIUBI.f..


    clal attentti , ^ ^ ^ ^ aiid all chronic defease*

    BPK-uiveo to fcmale complaint*, eaaeert ' Over FirstNationalBanI)

    . , . „ « . . „ . , sad « tut P . — Kesidenc* No a Orant St. eyl

    Offlc*'hoi»f» f r e l f t ' » 10 A. M. OMe* terei* eaak. BeskUocel


    Silver and P i t i ed Ware of every deeerlptlon. Re-pairing done on abort notice and In a workmanlike



    i)*a*eee *neee**Hb; without the use of drugs. Pa-Uente received in the haute, and cat« from horn* proMUy *tterWI*d to. BapiclaJ atteutiou paid to thronlc and uterine dlteaeSt, Reei^epce on Court

    Py i i iu . t i . i ivw, , inn, * .w~ T— —- --m mendatlon*, aa the above, h a t e been eecelved Klshop,Simpson. Rev. Albert Barnes, Noah Porter,

    a^ t t^;awt:siw.»2l, •VaganUy hound book, and plea*** everybody.

    Oosunitaka* 1 1 0 0 to | J 0 0 p»r moath,

    aeeordlugtoahlUtyajWIcuargy. Adda***, Z1KOI.KR, MoCURDY A CO.,

    PhtladelphU, Pa., Cincinnati, O., Ohleago, Ul., or St. Louis, Mo. t

    A*m^*eonm\tatt and ear. Giving directions for every pi show leg how to draw and execute every

    Explaining the •torn of all the relaUoaa of

    of contract aud legal obllga-

    4nfk Oouiudor and «R** Of law hook* in the

    Send for 0«r descriptive olreuUr. Address *B4f tj, 8 . 80BANT0H A 0 0 , Hsrtfwd, Oonn.

    • W o p o a n . "Twelve baskets of chit chat were emptied

    from heaven into paradise. Adam, being busy, gathered only three: Eve secured, and laid carefully away for future use, tho remain-ing nine."

    I srjouW think.$l)o #$, . It reijuiros no stretch, of the huiigiimtiou to be-Hove Biiy part of tho s tory, except that the gift was1 sent from heaven- -if that was tho oust) she baa not, In bequeath-ing thn windfall to her fair descend-ants, sent dpwu tho attendant bless-ing, which must havo necessarily sanc-tified it , coming from such a spurce.— Ratt le , hiss, flee, b a n g ! W a s there, ever anything on earth like tho tongue of a woman 1 Philosophers have stummed in vain for "perpetual nio-tton." I have found i t - i t s instru-ment, woman's t o n g u e ; its moving cause, a stream of nonsense, or a oir-rent of Hlunder, well ing up from worn-' un's heart. A woman's heart, did 1 sayV I beg tho pardon ol the noble sisterhood—I meant a W y V . / Bfo toofr*a»» would stoop t o rehears* such a t ir ing o f words without ideas'} once again, I beg their pardon!

    Listen'now with mo for a moment. " W h y , dear me, Miss Howo, what a beautiful dress you have on—a perfect love—have you seen tho now stylo on Washington street ¥ liy the way, dear, I heard a gentleman giyo you a great compliment last evening at tho

    pertinent puppy, I dare say." "No, some one you lijw very much^'^ ^'Oh 1 do tell iuo who it w a s ; do, that's a

    ti'tiiit* L A> '

    good creature." "Wel l , dear, Mr. Jones said yon' W*rf. deoidedly tho belle of the r o D m > ' ^ 3 ^'e V .He is a f inelooking fellow, i sn ' ihe f*- ""NOWJ you naughty girl, don't you tell him of that I 1 must go. Good morning!" "Good-iriorriing, dear 1 ' Call again soon 1" (Aside, as tho door closes) f Dt»agreey»bl^ tWnjSl rj «P*;|1»4 she has gotiel ' T o sbe nsir try to blush aud look interesting when I spoke of Mr. J o n e s ! Humph I I rather thiuk aha won't g e t him'.M 'fi ~ -':' v '

    InterestJBig! W n t l l u l I divine'If-And these are the minds' that are to direct tho lifo-coiirso of generations yet to come! These aro the wives and mothers who are to train up our future statesmen and heroes. These fiuo la-dies, with their pale, lovely faces, cor-seted'waists and delicate lingers spark-ling with jeweht, who sit all day in the parlor, bonding oyer an embroidery* frame, or snapping tho ivory keys of the piano, while their old mothers, it may he, drudgo uncomplainingly in the kitchen 1 Were the noble female heroines of the Revolution such sa

    ' these—who, if called upon, like those

    bold hlsrts, to fight for their Homes and children with ft band of 'cruel In-dians, would handle a musket with gloves on, and hold a sword as dainti-ly as if it were a plumed and Eilded fknr :#ar from it I And tho ehcer-ful, quick obedience rendered to pa-rents, the devoted self-sacrifioe to save thtm fRtm toil and trouble—*weve those all a fable, never to be known to us again J> There aretco/ner* note among us, bull; we, need, more I Wo need hoarts of steel and souls of fire, as in the olden time. .Let the false notion tin regard to ladies bo abolished; lot '&&>m!Q*.&»bouW bet^eirijuiHheiit boast to be a woman. In short, let

    [ them know that they have minds, and are to,Cultivate them;: and while we have less of this vapid drawing-room chit-ohst, we shall have a ltighur, holi-er,, and nobler thing—Woman as God intends*) her tohel: ! its numerous disciple*.:,u ,„*;:•>u out or tear up garments which might bo worn longer as they are, the natural selection of progenitors having certain peculiari-ties, which «giya them tho power of impressing upon offspring tho same pec,ulia,ritiftf„Nlt|iSt tthe psrewts possess bu^in's.'jgrevVt^r, *Jegre»{ and that these peculiarities finally reach such a point that the individuals possessing tftem form ft dfatinfiMpeoioa from their firsvprostenitoi^ in rmtfj t

    Tho method adopted by Parwin to demonstrate tho truth of this theory, Wfts as simple as it has proved incon-trovertible. Uo undertook t o pro-duce, species by a process of artificial selection pf: individ USJs. o f kinds of an-imals which reproduce very rapidly, sHcĥ aaursb̂ its, pigwns, etc., and found rtbRt,, hy ;pf\iring | euoh as exhibi-ted slight vanatious of, form, and se-lecting from their offspring such as exhibited in the most marked manner the same peculiarities, after a time he obtained so wide variations from tho Original type that the animals thus obtained might bo properly consider-ed as belonging to a distinct species.

    A m o n g the most prominent scientific men who havo fully embraced this theory is the veteran ;Sir Charles Lyoll whose past record does not indicate a man likely to bo led t o hasty conclu-sions, or apt to adopt any i theory un-supported by amplei evidence of its

    Thjfl fiftlffihrH*iOd anii'ir*ttrt -*-r-wqnppd his geologwal with no bias towftrd.a,ny! .theory apd after impartial and candid investigation came out a .'Darwinian.

    I • - j • O l . J I ' » . 1

    in like manner Dr. Mullpr,,sot him-self to work to deviso some tost by which ho might demonstrate the truth or falsity' of the, P^rwiuian system. Haying decided, that the Cvusjtaoea af-forded a favorable field for observa-tion, he proceeded to South America for the purpose''of gaining .facilities for observation and study. W o cart not, of course follow Pr . Muller through all tho iaboHous researches, which he1 has rooofcle'd in his * P a c t * arid' Argtitachts for Pai'w'nV' or1 Wve in detail the important facts and dis-coveries which have rewarded his in-vestigations, but tho conclusion he ar-rive* at isv thati'tho 'facts! ho has 'ob-served afford a most striking confirm-ation of Darwin's views, si I ./, 'I Conceding>the truth- "Of Bftrwin's, theory, an interesting question arises as to which of the known species is tho least ifemoved from' the original type or types. Probably this ques-tion cannot at present bo definitely answered, but Div;MuH e r• ' .remarks A h a U H h e pr imit ive . l i i s toryof aBpo-oics: Will he: preserved J in its develop-mental history the more perfectly, th^

    ' o f .young states

    T r n i s e i SSOO PXS YlAn, T E R M S , |fs.oo iv pan, a Axnuiaa.

    I • . ' « . • ' — I. I I I I I t , I '

    NO. 50

    h »3l lit

    and take a cold which may terminate ih something v ^ y serious i f not f s U l , J it don't pay. , , °1 .

    jlf you huy* your dye stuffs at the present prioos, it don't]pay.

    I f yon can do any | other kind ol work, and earn a uarput, it don't pay .

    If it i s made for the! "other room," and Is to bo kept immaculate from the tread o f profane feet, except on com-pany days , it don't pay.

    I f it involves the sitting up of ball the night, when nature demands re-pose, it don't pay. uA'H* '

    If it makes you nervous and cross, t and you scold your husband and spank

    the children, it don't pay. -' If your husband only knew how

    many siok-headaohesj a n d sleepless nights, and matrimonial sqwtUs, would never have been, but lor the making of the rag carpet, h e ' w o u l d put Ins willing hand into his pocket, and g ive you money to buy a nice ingrain floor covering, and say to. you, "Mollic, never mako another, rag oarpot; it don't pay."

    N o w , ladies, we5* h| ave g iven our opinion; let us hoar' yours. Count tho cost of your rag c irpets, and g ive us tho results. Pon'tj forgot to count how many dross-shii'ts and aprons, how many sheets and blankets, wont into i ts makings; count t;ho oost of every i tem, and mare it a candid statement to us, and < ithors, who, like US, are not a little skeptical upon this


    llissinis>ai*-~»B said' as easily'and forgot oa soon. s fk|»( is; if the gjiver can forget it as easily•-'-Kor it is not to be disguised that the wodding present has becomo a serious tax,1|nd is only endured with patience by those who count on getting buck the val no of their gift when thoy them-selves shall he marriod.—lhtinam'a Magazine. •'' '' '"""-'''.