in spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · web viewdave: that’s right. and i looked...

Program 3: Yah’s Love for You See with new eyes the Father’s love for you. This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA. Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other. Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead. WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s imminent return! * * * Part 1: Yah’s Love for You Miles: Hello, there! And welcome to today’s program. I’m Miles Robey. Dave: And I’m Dave Wright. Thanks for tuning in. Miles: In today’s program, Dave’s going to be telling us 1

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Page 1: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Program 3:

Yah’s Love for You

See with new eyes the Father’s love for you.

This is WBCQ bringing World’s Last Chance Radio to you from Monticello, Maine, USA.

Violent crime! Political unrest! Financial instability! Everything points to an impending crisis; a crisis like no other.

Tune in to World’s Last Chance Radio to learn how you can spiritually prepare for what lies ahead.

WLC Radio: preparing a people for the Saviour’s imminent return!

* * *

Part 1: Yah’s Love for You

Miles: Hello, there! And welcome to today’s program. I’m Miles Robey.

Dave: And I’m Dave Wright. Thanks for tuning in.

Miles: In today’s program, Dave’s going to be telling us about the greatest force in the universe. It’s not a cyclone, volcano or a nuclear bomb. It’s love.

Dave: I just want to add, Miles, that it’s not just any love. It’s not love for a certain sports team, or dessert. It’s not even the love a man has for his wife, or a mother has for her child. More specifically it is divine love.

Miles: That’s a good point. There are certainly warped, and even selfish substitutes that are called love. But true love, pure love, unconditional love, only has its source in the heart of Yahuwah.


Page 2: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: That’s right. When you think about it, love is really the motivating force that brought the universe into existence!

Miles: If this is your first time tuning in, I want to explain that we don’t refer to the Creator by the titles of “God” or “Lord.” Yahuwah is the actual, personal name of God. It’s a privilege to know His personal name, so we prefer to use it, rather than terms that can refer to false gods or . . . titled nobility. Again, “Yahuwah”--or “Yah”--is the name of the Father and “Yahushua” is the name of the Son.

Dave: The titles, Lord and God, have hidden the name of the Father for too long. And it’s a pity, really, because Scripture says specifically that we are to call upon His name!

Miles: Oh, yeah? Can you give us an example?

Dave: Well, the admonition to call upon the name of Yahuwah is throughout Scripture. A very interesting passage is found in the third chapter of Zephaniah and appears to reveal Yahuwah’s foreknowledge that His name would be covered up and people would lose the knowledge of what His name really is.

Miles: Huh. Sounds interesting. What does it say?

Dave: In this passage, it’s talking about something that will happen future to Zephaniah’s day. It says: “I will restore”—notice: future tense—“I will restore to the peoples a pure language, that they all may call on the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one accord.” At least, that’s what it says in the modern Bible. But if you look up the word LORD, it’s actually His name: Yahuwah.

So what is being implied is that the people will have lost the knowledge of His name. However, He promises to restore a “pure language” so that everyone may upon the name of Yahuwah. That’s what it says in the original: “That they all may call on the name of Yahuwah.”

Miles: You know, now that you mention it, Dave, there are a lot of instances in Scripture that tell us to “Call upon the name of the Lord” and yet what you’re saying is, in the original, what was being repeated was “Call upon the name of Yahuwah.”

Dave: Right. Right. That’s it exactly. Over and over it says to “Call upon the name of Yahuwah”. But to call upon Him, you first have to have the confidence that He hears and will answer because, and here’s the crux of the matter, because He . . . loves . . . you.

Miles: And that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. Yahuwah’s love for mankind.


Page 3: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: Yes. His love is infinite. It’s broader, deeper, than our puny human minds can fathom. In 1958, a group called The Teddy Bears recorded--

Miles, laughing: The Teddy Bears?

Dave: What can I say? It was the ‘50s. Rock and roll was in its infancy.

Miles: Obviously! The Teddy Bears! So what did the Teddy Bears record?

Dave: Well, one of the group members had lost his father. On his dad’s tombstone the family had inscribed the words: “To know him was to love him.” This inspired the song, which was entitled, “To know him is to love him.” And that’s true with Yahuwah, as well. Love is the strongest motivating power in the universe and yet, sadly, most people don’t truly love the heavenly Father, and they don’t love Him for a very simple reason: they don’t know Him.

Miles: You mean people who are not Christians. They don’t know the Father, so obviously they don’t love Him.

Dave: No, but Christians as well! Think about it for a minute. How can you truly love someone if you think that, if you are lost, if you don’t repent enough, if you don’t somehow meet all the criteria for salvation, you’re going to burn in hell for eternity? How can you love someone so unjust that He would give you a sentence of eternal torture for the sins committed during a single lifespan spent on earth? Even humans don’t do that.

Miles: That’s true. It would be rather difficult, wouldn’t it? The very worst sentence handed down for the very worst crimes, is the death penalty – and not even all countries have that! Most European countries have outlawed the death penalty. Even for the most heinous crimes, no one is sentenced to years and years of physical torture, certainly not an eternity of being burned alive!

Dave: You can see how such a belief would instill fear of Yahuwah! And I can see how people who believe that way may give lip service to loving “God” but they don’t truly have a deep emotional love or a lasting connection with Him. How can they?

Miles: How could anyone if you’re afraid of Him?

Dave: Precisely. And, unfortunately, it’s not only those who believe in an ever-burning hell who don’t know the Father as it is our privilege to know Him. Many people don’t know Him because, and this is going to sound shocking, but in a sense they almost commit idolatry by shifting their focus away from the Father and onto the Son.


Page 4: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Miles: Wait a minute. Yeah, that does sound rather shocking. We’re supposed to love and honor the Son. After all, Yahushua is Yahuwah’s Son – the Son “in whom He is well pleased.” He’s our Saviour! Yahushua Himself said that His Father and He are one. So how can it be idolatrous to focus on the Son?

Dave: Well, let me ask you a question, Miles.

Miles: All right.

Dave: When your children were little, you taught them to pray, right?

Miles: Of course. Well, my wife did more, but yeah. We did.

Dave: Okay. So, to whom did you teach them to pray? To the Father? Or the Son?

Miles: Well. To the Son. In fact, when the kids pray, that’s still what they say.

Dave: Right. Children are taught to pray to “Dear Jesus”. Another area in which this shift of focus away from the Father and onto the Son can be seen is in hymns.

Miles: Hymns! But--but those are just singing praises to Yahuwah!

Dave: Are they? Or are they singing primarily about the Son?

Miles: Well . . .

Dave: I don’t care what language you’re talking about, most hymns are about Yahushua. In English, you’ve got:

“Fairest Lord Jesus”“Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine”

There’s “Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling”

And then there are all the hymns whose lyrics refer to His birth, His blood, His resurrection.

In Spanish, there’s a hymn called “La segunda venida de Cristo” or, The Second Coming of Christ.

In Swahili, there’s “Kamili ni Yesu Pekee” – not sure if I’m pronouncing that correctly, but it translates to Saviour Jesus Alone.


Page 5: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

I don’t care what language you go to, you’re going to find the majority of hymns sung are all about the Son: His love; His kindness; His goodness; His forgiveness.

Miles: That’s interesting.

Dave: What’s really interesting, Miles, is when you contrast the many hymns and praise songs about Yahushua with the handful of hymns that are about Yahuwah.

An old hymn in English is entitled “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise.” But the song focuses entirely on the majesty and the grandeur of Yahuwah. The verses talk about how He is so magnificent, so bright we can’t even get near Him. There’s one line that says: “In light inaccessible hid from our eyes.” And another verse talks about how even the angels have to veil their sight from Him.

But does such a song really make you want to go to Him when you’ve messed up or made a mistake? Does this sort of song draw your heart to Him and assure you of His infinite love?

Miles: No. No, it really doesn’t. Now that you mention it, you’ve got my mind filling with hymn titles and, you’re right. Most are about Yahushua, and those that are about Yahuwah are all grand, and glorious. I can’t think of any that are especially tender or soothing.

Dave: There just aren’t that many!

Miles: A lot of people don’t realize that Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, also wrote a lot of hymns. He actually wrote over 20 hymns that I know of.

Dave: I didn’t know that!

Miles: Yes, he was quite prolific. Most of them, of course, are only in German, but there’s one hymn of his that is, arguably, his most famous. It has been translated into many different languages.

Dave: Which one is that? Miles: It’s called, “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.”

Dave: Oh, yep. I like that one.

Miles: I do, too, but, like you pointed out, it’s not really one that reveals the soft, tender side of the Father. It’s full of battle imagery, and references to strength and might. In fact, it’s been called the “Battle Hymn of the Reformation.”


Page 6: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: I can see why! And here’s something you may not know--

Miles: What’s that?

Dave: According to tradition, the Lutheran king of Sweden, King Gustavus Adolphus, actually ordered it be played as his forces marched into battle in the Thirty Years’ War!

Miles: Wow. I didn’t know that. Then there’s the English hymn, “Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne.”

Dave: Yeah, that one’s really something else. But, you see, every last one of these emphasizes Yahuwah’s might, His power, His strength, His majesty, even His wrath! These songs underscore how truly little and insignificant we are in comparison. There is nothing in these hymns that would draw the heart and inspire confidence that such a high and mighty being would love little, old you. Miles: You’re right. You’re right. And that’s sad.

Dave: It really is. And that’s why we teach our children to pray to Jesus. One of the first songs we taught our children was “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” And the Father remains this shadowy, scary power-figure that is too big and too mighty to actually tenderly love a little child and forgive a sinner’s mistakes.

Miles: That’s really too bad. I can see why you said that our focus shifts away from the Father and rests, almost exclusively, on the Son.

Dave: Poems are written about Yahushua’s kindness and faithfulness. We sing hymns praising His love and His self-sacrifice. Sermons are preached about His life and His death. And yet, how many of those poems, sermons and hymns are ever about the love of the Father?

Miles: Hmm. Not many.

Dave: No, even though the whole purpose of the Son coming to earth was to demonstrate the Father’s love. And so, as a result, people go through life focusing on the Son and paying scant attention to the Father, whose love the Son came to reveal!

Miles: Yahuwah is strong and mighty, and yet He’s also tender and loving, kind and protective. I mean, you think about it, that’s why Yahushua even invited us to call Yahuwah our “Father.”

Dave: Exactly.


Page 7: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Miles: The Gospel of John really expands on this. You’ve got John 10: “I and my Father are one.” Then you’ve got Yahushua’s words to Mary right after His resurrection. He said: “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my Theos, or God, and your Theos.”

Dave: Right! Yahuwah wants us to think of Him as our loving Father. But by focusing almost exclusively on the Son, His tender, loving care, His forgiveness and kindness, we’ve forgotten that those are the very character attributes of the Father!

Miles: Wow. You’re right. I’d never really thought of that before, but when you put it like that, I can really see what you’re saying.

Dave: Listen—and this is very important—if Yahuwah Himself had come down to earth and lived out a life here, if He had veiled His glory and humbled Himself, taking on a human body so we could see Him, the history that we have of the life of Yahushua would not have been changed an iota in its record of His loving words and kind deeds.

In every single act of the Son, in every lesson He taught, we are to see, and hear, and recognize the Father. In sight, in hearing, in effect, it is the loving acceptance, the kind smile, the very movements and deeds of the Father!

Just—just let your mind try to wrap itself around that for a moment. Yahushua went and enjoyed the hospitality of the publicans and sinners. It’s one of the reasons the Pharisees rejected Him! He accepted society’s outcasts. He was a willing guest in their homes. He had a kind word for mothers. He was patient and gentle with the elderly. He welcomed children, not shooing them away. When people made mistakes, He quickly and readily forgave!

Miles: It’s beautiful!

Dave: Yes! It is. And yet, what we need to remember, is that in every single word and action of Yahushua’s, we are to see what the Father would say, how He would act, if He were a human!

Miles: Wow. That’s—that’s just incredible. I never really thought about it quite like that.

Dave: When people focus exclusively on the Father’s strength, power, glory, and might, it’s too easy to forget that the tender love revealed in the life of the Saviour is revealing exactly what is in the heart of the Father and how He would speak, and act, and forgive, if He were human!

Miles: I can see that. But wait a minute. Scripture speaks of fearing Yahuwah as


Page 8: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

a good thing. For example, Proverbs 9 says: “The fear of Yahuwah is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

Dave: You’re right. It does. And that’s not the only place. In Proverbs 1 as well as in the psalms Scripture states that the “fear of Yahuwah” is the beginning of wisdom, or knowledge.

Miles: So, a little healthy fear’s not a bad thing, apparently.

Dave: Frankly, no. I do not think “a little healthy fear” is a good thing.

Miles: But the Bible says it is!

Dave: Well, bear with me for a minute. I’m going to get a little pedantic here.

Miles: All right! Go for it.

Dave: If you look up the word translated as “fear” in a Bible dictionary, it says “reverence.” It does say ‘fear’ but it also says reverence.

Miles: So it does say “fear”.

Dave: It does, but hold on. The thing we’ve got to remember is that languages change. They evolve over time.

Now, the other day you were telling me about that really old, 1828 dictionary you found. I asked you to bring it in today because I wanted you to look up the word “reverence”. Go ahead and look it up. How does it define reverence?

Miles: Reverence . . . it says: “Fear mingled with respect and esteem; veneration.”

Dave: Good. Thanks. Now, before we went on air, I also looked up the word “fear” in it. You want to know what it says?

Miles: What?

Dave: Well, it actually has a number of different definitions for fear. Among them, it says “fear” is “the worship of God” and it says it is “Reverence; respect; [and] due regard.”

Miles: Huh! That’s interesting.

Dave: But don’t forget – that dictionary is almost 200 years old! I looked up both words on line and got quite different definitions.


Page 9: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

The modern definition of reverence is: “honor or respect felt or shown:  deference; especially:  profound adoring awed respect.” Now that kind of goes along with the 200-year old definition of fear, doesn’t it?

Miles: Yeah. Yeah, it does.

Dave: Okay. But now, I want you to read the modern definition of fear. Here, I printed it out for you. Read that.

Miles: All right. It says: “Fear is a very unpleasant or disturbing feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. [It is] A feeling of disquiet or apprehension.”

Dave: Now that is how most people define fear. And even when you can find a dictionary that includes the definition of reverence, most people aren’t going to think “profound, adoring, awed respect” when they hear the word! Instead, they’re going to think “a very unpleasant feeling caused by the presence of danger.”

And because songs and sermons about Yahuwah invariably focus on His might and His power, while songs about Yahushua focus on His tender, loving care, guess what emotion most people equate with Yahuwah?

Miles: Fear.

Dave: Precisely.

Miles: Well, and you factor in a belief that if you don’t somehow measure up to impossibly high standards of behavior, if you are lost, you’ll spend an eternity being burned alive, it really doesn’t help matters, does it?

Dave: No. And the devil’s certainly had a hand in this.

Miles: What do you mean?

Dave: If you can’t get people to forget the Saviour, than the next best thing is to get them to forget that the Saviour came to reveal what the Father is like. If the whole purpose of Yahushua coming was just to die, He could just as easily have come to earth and died immediately. He didn’t need to be born as an infant and live a life on earth.

But the Saviour’s coming was for more than just dying. It was to also reveal the character of the Father as loving, kind, patient, cheerful, forgiving, thoughtful of others, the best friend you could ever have. So, I want to talk about what we know of the Father’s character because, truly, to know Him is indeed to love Him.


Page 10: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Miles: That sounds really good and I want to hear it. We’re going to take a quick break, but when we come back, we’re going to talk about what Yahuwah is like as a person. Be right back!

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* * *

Part 2: Yah’s Love for You

Miles: Welcome back to WLC Radio. This is Miles Robey and with me is Dave Wright. We’ve been talking about the love Yahuwah has for the human race. And not just our race as a whole, but His infinite love for the individual. For you, and for me.

In the last segment, Dave was pointing out how most believers’ attention is focused on the Saviour, rather than the Father whom the Saviour came to reveal. We’ll talk about the Saviour’s love and forgiveness, but when it comes to Yahuwah, we focus on His might, strength, and power.

Dave: It doesn’t hurt to know someone is all-powerful just so long as you know they’re good and they love you.

Miles: That’s true.

Dave: So for this next segment, allow me to introduce to you, in a whole new way, the very best friend, you will ever have.

Probably the one passage of Scripture that encapsulates the character of Yahuwah more than any other is found in Exodus 34. You’ll recall that Moses, overcome with love for Yahuwah had begged in the previous chapter: “I beseech Thee, show me Thy glory.”


Page 11: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Miles: Right. I remember that.

Dave: Now this isn’t talking about just bright light. When the word “glory” in Hebrew is used in relation to Yahuwah, it represents a quality corresponding to Him and by which He is recognized.

Miles: Say that again?

Dave: When the word that is translated glory is applied to Yahuwah, in the Hebrew, it isn’t talking about light emanating from His presence. It’s talking about qualities, of character, of rank, that belong to Him and by which He is recognized. You could say, even, that His character is one of those qualities that reveal His glory.

Miles: Ohhh! Well, that makes more sense then. I always wondered why, when Moses asked to see Yah’s glory, the answer was: “I will make all My goodness pass before you.”

Dave: Exactly. Yahuwah was going to reveal to Moses His inner heart, His thoughts and feelings.

Miles: Wow.

Dave: So, you remember the story. Yahuwah hid Moses in a cleft of the rock and covered him with his hand because no one can see the face of Yah and live. And as He passed by, Scripture says He declared His name.

Miles: It says that?

Dave: Yes. Exodus 34:5 to 7 says: “ And Yahuwah descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of Yahuwah. And Yahuwah passed by before him, and proclaimed, Yahuwah, Yahuwah Eloah, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.”

And then I like the very next verse. It says: “And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped.”

Miles: Well, yeah! I would, too!

Dave: Me, too. He was being given an incredible glimpse into the very heart of the divine and what he saw was purity. Beauty. . . . love.

Miles: What an indescribable experience. And how beautiful that this revealing of Yah’s glory focused entirely upon His character.


Page 12: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: That’s right! And that’s what we need to do, too. We’re not going to have that emotional connection with the Father that we do with the Son, until we are convinced on a soul-deep level, that He loves us with every fiber of His being.

Miles: I like that. You’re right. By focusing on His might and power, we’ve overlooked the very heart and soul of Him which is . . . pure love! So tell us some more about the character qualities revealed in this passage.

Dave: I’m glad you asked that. So often we sling words around, words of which we have a working definition but we don’t always have a clear mental grasp of what the words mean. We can’t always define it by explaining it with other words.

For example, take the word “mercy”. Exodus 34 says that Yahuwah is merciful. But what does that really mean? To you?

Miles: Ummm. Taking pity on someone? Being kind?

Dave: Well, those are good guesses!

Miles: You got me. I had to guess.

Dave: “Mercy” is defined as “That benevolence, mildness or tenderness of heart which disposes a person to overlook injuries, or to treat an offender better than he deserves; [it’s] the disposition that tempers justice, and induces an injured person to forgive trespasses and injuries, and to forbear punishment, or inflict less than law or justice will warrant.”

Miles: Wow! I didn’t know that! And so when it says that Yahuwah is merciful , it’s pointing out that part of His character that is so tenderhearted, He’s quick to forgive and even overlook personal injuries.

Dave: Exactly. And, if punishment is given, it is tempered with kindness and is less than what the law or strict justice can demand.

Miles: Huh. That’s something to think about. Because usually, when we think of Yahuwah, we’re aware of the fact that WE are sinners and just as soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they had a death sentence hanging over them. It doesn’t really make me immediately think of forgiveness or mercy.

Dave: I know. And you’re not alone. Most people assume that the “wrath of Yah” was only appeased because Yahushua stepped in and said, “I’ll take the blame. Punish me instead.”

Miles: Well, yeah. That’s–that pretty much sums it up.


Page 13: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: But that’s wrong.

Miles: Really? Say more. Because I’ll tell you, with promises of eternal retribution hanging over our heads, it can be a little difficult to see.

Dave: All right. Let me ask you something, Miles.

Miles: Okay.

Dave: When someone wrongs you, I mean really wrongs you … say, when someone cheats you in business and then turns around and smears your reputation, causing you even further harm, and negatively impacting your ability to earn a living and support your family, what is your instinctive, very-first, knee jerk reaction?

Miles: Well, that’s easy. They build up for themselves a very sure retribution if they don’t take back every single word they said. I certainly will never trust them again. Dave: I’m with you there! I can be quite good at carrying a grudge if provoked enough!

Miles: Agreed!

Dave: But you see, that’s not Yahuwah’s reaction. His very first, knee-jerk reaction to insult and injury is to forgive. That’s why we can say, just as soon as there was sin, there was a Saviour. Adam and Eve weren’t immediately wiped out of existence when they transgressed. Why? Because Yahuwah immediately forgave them!

Miles: What you’re talking about here is the difference between action and reaction. We’re used to thinking of Yah’s forgiveness as an action. Yahushua died for our sins. Therefore, Yahuwah makes the conscious decision to choose to forgive us.

But what you’re saying is that, even before then, His very first RE-action was forgiveness.

Dave: That’s right. You got it.

Miles: This is a concept I was just explaining to my son the other day. Too many young people waste their teenage years by simply reacting to circumstances around them. I was encouraging him to be proactive. Make conscious decisions and choices. Act rather than react in his life.


Page 14: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: That’s good advice. We all should act logically, rather than react. When we react to someone else’s action, we’re not really thinking about it. Our actions come from our brains. Our RE-actions come from our gut, our heart. We react without thinking about it.

And that is the point I am trying to make. Yahuwah is merciful. This means that His very first reaction to insult and injury is instantaneous forgiveness. No grudges. Just forgiveness. A willingness to give the offender the benefit of the doubt.

Miles: That’s beautiful.

Dave: That’s Yahuwah.

Miles: Amen!

Dave: Okay, the next character attribute given says that Yahuwah is “gracious.” Gracious is defined as kind. Friendly! Isn’t that nice? Isn’t that a beautiful portrayal of the All-Mighty? He’s friendly!

Miles: I like that. I really do. And I have to confess, that’s really not a word I’ve ever thought of in connection with Him.

Dave: I know! Me, neither. But He is! He’s kind. He’s friendly, and the definition of “gracious” also includes the word “benevolent.”

Miles: Now that’s an old-fashioned word we don’t use very often any more. Hold on a second while I look that up.

Dave: Go ahead and read it to us when you find it.

Miles: Okay, here we go . . . it says benevolence is the disposition, or natural attitude of the mind, to do good. It is the love of mankind, accompanied with a desire to promote their happiness!

Dave: Another word that keeps popping up here is “kind.” 1 Corinthians 13, verse 4 states that “Charity suffers long and is kind.” Look up the word “Kind” for us.

Miles: All right.

Dave: What does it say?

Miles: It says: Kind is defined as “Disposed to do good to others, and to make them happy by granting their requests, supplying their wants or assisting them in distress; having tenderness or goodness of nature.” That’s “Kind.”


Page 15: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave: That’s beautiful! Okay, we’ve gone over “kind, gracious, benevolent, merciful.” But there’s more. Psalm 111:4 says: “Yahuwah is gracious and full of compassion.”

Miles: That’s another word we toss around without always being able to define, precisely, what it is. Give me a second. I’ve almost got it.

Here we go. Compassion: “Suffering with another; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another. Compassion is a mixed emotion, compounded by love and sorrow.” It’s saying that Yahuwah hurts when we hurt because He loves us.

Dave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has “a heart that is tender, and easily moved by the distresses, sufferings, wants and infirmities of others.”

Miles: That’s beautiful! In fact, “beautiful” is too mild a word for a character like that. How can you not love someone who loves you like that?

Dave: It’s impossible. You can’t help but love someone like that! And that’s why I say that people who don’t love Yahuwah, simply don’t know Him. Because truly, to love Him is to know Him! Miles: These character qualities are beyond what is possible for a human, on their own, to feel.

Dave: Oh, I’m with you there! Let me tell you about my wife. She is a mother-bear when it comes to our kids. I mean, that woman can hold a grudge like you wouldn’t believe when it comes to defending or protecting one of her kids.

Miles: Mothers are like that.

Dave: Yeah. And she really is. When our oldest daughter was born, we were friends with a couple that had a baby boy about the same age as our daughter.

The boy, being just a baby himself, would sometimes hurt our baby. It wasn’t intentional. He was just a baby, too! I remember one time, our little girl grabbed hold of a bottom drawer and pulled herself up to stand. She was about, oh, I don’t know. Maybe 10 months old? Anyway, as she was hanging on to the drawer, the other baby pushed on the drawer, pinching our little girl’s fingers.

Naturally, she started to cry. It hurt! This happened several times where the other baby would hurt our little girl. It wasn’t long before my wife decided that she didn’t like the other baby. She likes kids, but she did not like this one child that had hurt her little girl – regardless of the fact that the other child was just a baby, too!


Page 16: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

But you know? She developed quite a grudge against that little boy! She was never mean to him, but even now, years later, you mention that boy (who, I might add, has grown into a very nice young man currently in medical school, and she’ll still get a glint in her eye. Her reaction was not one of love and forgiveness. Her reaction was one of resentment and indignation that he would dare to hurt her little girl!

Miles: That’s a mother-bear for you! I can’t imagine how she’d react if someone knowingly, injured and even tortured her child.

Dave: Oh! Pfft! Don’t want to even think about that!

Miles: And yet, while that is a very human reaction, it’s exactly the opposite of Yahuwah’s reaction, isn’t it? It reminds me of that verse in John 10 that says: “Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life.”

In other words, it’s saying: “My Father loves you so much, that He loves Me even more because I am willing to lay down My life for you.”

Dave: Amen. That’s right. And that is the love that has been lost sight of. The Father Himself loves you. And what’s more, He wants to do things for you. He delights in making you happy. And He hurts when you hurt, again, because He loves you.

Miles: Amen! Praise Yah.

Don’t go away! We’ll be right back with some questions from our Daily Mailbag.

* * *

You are listening to World’s Last Chance Radio on WBCQ, at 9330 kilohertz on the 31-meter band.

World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!

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Page 17: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

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Daily Mailbag

Miles: Welcome back to WLC Radio’s Daily Mailbag. This is Miles Robey.

Dave: And I’m Dave Wright. Looks like we’ve got some interesting questions today.

Miles: We do. Let’s see, our first question comes from Sung Chul in Jinju, South Korea. He writes: “My family and I home church because there are no other Christians who share our particular beliefs near us. My son is 14 and wants to be baptized. I’m not a pastor or even an ordained deacon. What can we do?”

Dave: That’s a good question.

Miles: It’s a dilemma that more and more people are facing. As they separate from the various churches that have refused to advance with the light, what are they to do?

Dave: Certainly, in Scripture there is a clear precedent that those who had been “ordained” by the laying on of hands were the ones who baptized people. But ask yourself this: If baptism can be done only by ordained ministers, then who ordained John the Baptist?  Miles: Well that’d have to be—that’d have to be Yah, wouldn’t it?

Dave: It would! There was no one else in the wilderness to do it. And, because Yahuwah doesn’t change, than He must be doing the same today for His Called Out Ones, those who believe in the restoration of all things through the spirit of Elijah. This is the same spirit in which John also operated!  


Page 18: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Miles: That makes sense. Yahuwah Himself declares in Malachi 3: “I am Yahuwah: I change not.”

Dave: If you have other believers with you, you can baptize each other.

Miles: What if you’re alone? I mean, some people are completely alone in their beliefs.

Dave: Actually, quite a number of individuals are totally alone, with not even their family members sharing their convictions. It can be a very solitary walk.

Miles: Yes. But the individual believer is as precious to the heart of Yah as is a multitude!

Dave: Very true. Well, if you’re completely alone, there is no mandate in Scripture that says baptism must be performed by someone else. If necessary, you can pray and say: “I receive your baptism in the name of Yahushua,” and then fully immerse yourself. The point is, being baptized in the name of Yahushua and by faith in the merits of His blood. That’s the important thing. Not who does it.

Miles: You know, another thing, Dave, I feel should be brought out here is the fact that baptism itself has changed since the days of the apostles. Dave: How do you mean?

Miles: Well, a lot of churches today baptize people into their denomination, or their specific communion. There is a set of beliefs that one must agree to before the minister will baptize the person. They are not being baptized “into the body of Christ,” so to speak. Rather, they’re being baptized INTO a particular faith community with that specific denomination’s set of doctrinal beliefs.

Dave: That’s a good point, Miles. Yes, with every organized denomination having some error, or, at best, having rejected some ray of advanced light, to be baptized INTO that denomination is something sincere believers cannot do. Because it would require the acceptance of some beliefs which are wrong.

Miles: Well, if you have a question or comment, visit our website at WLC always enjoys hearing from listeners. Click on “Contact Us” and drop us a line. We may not be able to answer everything on air, but if not on air we’ll get it written up in our Q&As on the website. Again, that’s We want to hear from you.

* * *


Page 19: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Daily Promise

This is Elise O’Brien with your daily promise from Yah’s word.

It had been a very long day. Multitudes had crowded about. It was exciting to see someone healed! Better still was hearing the beautiful, encouraging words that fell from the lips of the Saviour.

Finally, Yahushua and the disciples entered a little boat. The Saviour was so exhausted, He lay down in the bottom of the boat and almost immediately fell asleep.

At first, it was pleasant out on the lake. The lowering sun glistened like diamonds on the breeze-rippled water as the disciples quietly discussed what they’d seen and learned that day. The calm didn’t last long, however. An unexpected storm blew in. The strong fishermen strained at the oars, reassuring those who weren’t fishermen that they’d been through worse.

But it soon became apparent that they hadn’t. Lightening, always a concern on water, stabbed in bright dagger points dangerously close. The wind, screamed like a horde of demons, blowing the waves in gusts over the shivering men.

Through it all, Yahushua slept. He had labored, doing His Father’s will all day. Now, even the wild rocking of the boat, or the cold spray of water, was insufficient to rouse Him.

The disciples did their best. But it wasn’t enough and they knew it. Without divine help, they were all going to drown. Finally, in desperation, they screamed through the dark and the storm: “Master, save us! We perish!”

This is a prayer that will always receive an immediate response.

Where the wind, the waves, the thunder, and the lightening had not been able to wake the Saviour, that desperate cry did. He sat up and, trusting in His Father as always, calmly said: “Peace! Be Still.”

Psalm 34 declares: “The righteous cry, and Yahuwah heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”

Do you need help? Call on Him! He will hear and will answer you.

We’ve been given great and precious promises. Go and start claiming!


Page 20: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

* * *

Part 3: Yah’s Love for You

Miles: I’ve really enjoyed today’s program. You know, Dave, earlier you kind of shocked me.

Dave: I did?

Miles, chuckles: Yeah, when you said that focusing so exclusively on the Saviour was, basically, idolatry— Dave: Sorry about that!

Miles: Yeah, well, I can see now what you mean. Yahushua came to reveal the Father, but we get so focused on the Son, we forget that fact.

Dave: We do! We do. Listen, if you want to know what Yahuwah is truly like, on the inside, in His heart of hearts, all you have to do is read 1 Corinthians 13 and wherever it says the word, “Love,” insert, instead, the name “Yahuwah.”

Miles: Okay.

Dave: Listen while I do that:

Yah suffers long and is kind.Yah does not envy.Yahuwah does not parade Himself, He is not puffed up.Yah does not behave rudely.Yah does not seek His own.Yahuwah is not provoked. He thinks no evil.Yahuwah does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.Yahuwah bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Yahuwah never fails.

Miles: Hmm. That’s beautiful.

Dave: Well, I can assure you, the same couldn’t be said of me. What happens if each one of us, you and me, and those listening, were to read that exact same passage only, instead of Yahuwah’s name, we inserted our own instead?

Miles: I—I can’t imagine it would sound the same or be a truthful statement.

Dave: Let’s try it:


Page 21: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

Dave suffers long and is kind. . . . Ooo. Dave does not envy. . . Hmm. Well . . .Dave does not behave rudely. . . . Ouch!Dave is not provoked. He thinks no evil. . . .Bigger ouch!Dave does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.Dave bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.David never fails.

I didn’t do so well with my name in there. How’d you do?

Miles: I didn’t either. In fact, it made me kind of want to cringe, thinking of so many times when I’ve failed so spectacularly.

Dave: Same here. But the beautiful thing is, we can trust in our Heavenly Father. The end is here! We’re living in the closing days of earth’s history. There is no way any of us can get ourselves ready. And yet, through faith in the goodness and love of Yah, we can trust Him to get us ready.

And that’s what I want everyone to take away today. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. It doesn’t matter the mistakes you’ve made, or the lies you’ve believed. All that matters is that the Father loves you and HE freely made everything available that you need to get ready.

Miles: And it’s past time to get ready.

Dave: It really is!

Miles: The tensions in the Middle East have spread to Europe with the influx of Muslim immigrants, many of whom do not respect the Europeans’ right to believe differently than the Muslims.

Dave: Furthermore, the actions of the pope are clearly engineered to put him right in line to be the logical choice to act as mankind’s representative and spiritual leader. Were you aware, Miles, that the pope and the Russian orthodox patriarch met in Cuba just before the patriarch went to Antarctica?

Miles: No, I didn’t know that. Makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?

Dave: It does. But one thing is for sure, he will soon be elevated to a position even more powerful and influential than he has now. When this happens, the prophecies of Revelation will be fulfilled in very rapid succession.

Revelation 8 and 9 reveal that, in the days ahead, demons inhabiting hybrid bodies, looking like aliens, will overrun the earth. In the panic that will surely follow, the pope will be the logical choice to negotiate a peace treaty between the


Page 22: In Spanish, there’s a hymn called 3- english.docx · Web viewDave: That’s right. And I looked up the word “compassionate,” too. A person who is compassionate, it says, has

so-called aliens and Earth. During this time, all who stand firmly for truth, refusing to compromise on principle, will face persecution.

Miles: Now, is the time to get ready. Now is the time to make a full surrender. Now is the time to get to know Yahuwah so well that you would deny the very evidence of your senses and cling to the Bible and the Bible alone. So faith and trust must become habits. Only if they are habitual now, will we remember to trust and exercise faith then.

Dave: That’s right.

Miles: Well, our time’s up for today. Join us at this time again tomorrow. Our mission is to warn the world of the Saviour’s soon return while, at the same time, help you get to know the Father and the Son in new, deeper ways. They love you with a love that eternity itself can never, fully reveal.

Until tomorrow, remember: Yahuwah loves you . . . and He is safe to trust!

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You have been listening to WLC Radio.

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Join us again tomorrow for another truth-filled message on WBCQ, at 9330 kilohertz on the 31-meter band.

World’s Last Chance Radio! Preparing a people for the Saviour’s soon return!