improving mv network efficiency with feeder automation

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  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    Improving MV Network Efficiencywith Feeder Automation

    Yves Chollot - Schneider Electric - France

    Jean-Marc Biasse - Schneider Electric - France

    Alain Malot - Schneider Electric - France

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011


    Abstract ......................................................................................................p 1Introduction ................................................................................................. p 2

    Fault passage indicators .............................................................................. p 4

    Remote control ............................................................................................ p 6

    MV overhead eeder automation ..................................................................p 7

    Conclusions ................................................................................................. p 8

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 1

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation


    This paper shows how improving the network management by increasing the

    level o network automation and control improves the operating eciency o

    medium voltage distribution networks. The presentation shows the steps to

    equip the network according to progressive investment capability, rom ault

    passage indicators (FPIs) and remote control, to automatic circuit reclosers

    (ACRs) and sectionalizers used in a eeder automation scheme to minimize

    the number o disturbances and the outage times experienced during them.

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 2

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation


    Depending on the technical solutions chosen,

    it is possible to help chase the revenue losses

    (nondistributed energy or nontechnical losses).

    The present paper describes the benets o ault

    tracking and network reconguration to help

    achieve these goals.

    An increasing demand for energyA direct consequence o population growth and

    related economic development at the industrial,

    commercial, and tertiary levels is an increasing

    demand or energy. To meet that, utilities need

    to produce more power but also to improve

    their transmission and distribution networks or

    customers who demand more energy reliability.

    In countries with ast growing economies, MV

    distribution networks spread at such a speed that

    utilities and their employees need very ecientglobal solutions to decrease outage occurrences

    and duration, hence improving the quality o


    Measuring the quality of supply

    To reach the required level o quality o service, it

    is rst necessary to accurately quantiy it. To do

    so, utilities commonly use measurement indexes

    (source: CEER EU25 3rd benchmarking report on

    quality o electricity supply):

    the "SAIDI" (System Average InterruptionDuration Index) measures the average cumulated

    power outage time during one year and per


    the "SAIFI" (System Average InterruptionFrequency Index) measures the average number o


    When comparing the SAIDI measured in the 1990s

    on the LV standpoint, we can see that this index

    varied rom 16 min to 11 h 30. In France, the

    quality o service in the 10 largest cities continually

    improved rom 1990 to 1997 thanks to EDF's

    investment eorts: in seven years the SAIDI went

    rom 2 h 00 to 19 min.

    Fig. 1 - Source: CEER 2005 report

    Fig. 2 - Source: CEER 2005 report

    Fig. 2 - Source: CEER 2005 report

    But the picture is not as nice when "exceptional

    situations" are taken into account:

    Last but not least, i we look at the cause o aults,

    25 per cent come rom the HV network, 25 per

    cent rom the LV network, and 50 per cent rom

    the MV network. The MV network is thereore the

    part o the overall network to which the greatest

    care should be taken to improve the quality o


    Another variable to be taken into account in

    the quality o service is the cost estimation or

    nondistributed energy per year. It increases with

    the number o aults per year, the peak power

    demand, the length o distribution lines or cables

    that are connected to each eeder, the length o

    the outage, the billed price per kWh, and above all

    the cost o consequences. That is why this cost

    can vary rom 5 to 30 dollars per kWh.

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 3

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    Each o the signicant problems listed here (saety,

    voltage losses and drops, long outages, and

    numerous short outages) can be solved by taking

    appropriate actions on the MV network, such as

    protection, reactive compensation, an adapted

    neutral system with ASC, multiple sectionalizing,

    and the use o appropriate ault detection tools.

    Among these dierent problems, two kinds, long

    outages and numerous short outages, can be

    solved using dierent types o solutions:

    standalone FPIs remote monitored FPIs remote controlled switchgears recloser and sectionalizer automation.

    These solutions o eeder automation can be used

    separately or together. Historically, the remote

    control with SCADA comes rom European

    networks, while the recloser and sectionalizer

    automation without remote control is inspired

    by American networks.

    The choice between these kinds o solutions is

    indeed a technicaleconomical choice, FPIs being

    a very economical solution to signicantly improve

    the quality o service, while remote controlled

    systems require a bigger investment but allow an

    even bigger impact.Pole mounted reclosers used

    in distribution lines are a very ecient solution to

    clear transient aults and isolate aulty sections,

    however no utility is rich enough to install on everybranch.

    The global approach concept aims to increase

    the eciency o network management, in terms

    o investment optimization, reduction o minutes

    lost, reduction o customers concerned by loss

    o voltage, and reduction o time to localize and


    It involves the segmentation o the network into

    three levels. Three types o substations will split

    the distribution network into three types o section.

    Three types of substations

    The ault location and network reconguration

    scheme is dened by the use o three main types

    A graduate solution

    The concept o the denition o three main types

    o sections helps to simpliy the investmentanalysis regarding the reality o the network. A

    network could be equipped gradually according to

    progressive investment capability.

    The rst step is to place FPIs in all ground

    mounted S/S. The benet is immediately visible

    in terms o time to locate aults, but also in terms

    o saving assets because FPIs are easy to install

    in an existing network and the localization o the

    aulty section is done relatively quickly by a patrol.

    The second step is either to install ully remote

    controlled S/S, which oers the benet o quickly

    isolating the aulty section rom the control centre,

    or to install an FPI connected to the control centre

    in order to decrease the duration o outages.

    A global approacho substation:

    Type 1: S/S or pole mounted switch withstandalone FPI

    Type 2: S/S or pole mounted switch tted withremote controlled FPI

    Type 3: S/S or pole mounted switch tted with aremote control cabinet including FPI unction.

    A tradeo is to mix the three types according

    to various criteria such as number o customers,

    accessibility o the S/S, importance o customers

    in each section (hospital, ministry, plant, etc.).

    According to all these above considerations, a

    typical network eeder could be organised as


    1 to 3 S/S with ull remote control 5 to 10 S/S with remote controlled FPI all other S/S with 1 FPI or all other S/S.

    Immediately isolated section

    Immediately localized section

    Manually localized and isolated section

    Substations with remote

    controlled switchgear

    Substations with remote

    controlled FPI

    Substations with

    standalone FPI


  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 4

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    true RTU with advanced eatures like remote FPI

    conguration (ault thresholds, etc.), more than

    three FPIs connected to a receiver, and metering


    Fault passage indicators

    Standalone FPIs

    Remote controlled FPIs

    The ault detection unction must be seen as a part

    o the network protection plan. So, depending on

    local specicity o line and cable distribution, the

    setting should be adapted or greater accuracy o

    the unction.

    Clip-on FPIs

    The rst solution was simply to add a radio chipinside an existing clipon FPI, which was sending

    a short range radio signal to a radio receiver

    located in direct line o sight at 10 metres rom it.

    The contact o the receiver was connected to the

    digital input o a small RTU that was orwarding the

    signal to the SCADA. Since then, users have

    discovered that this technical solution lacked three

    main eatures:

    First, it was impossible to remotely test the shortrange radio link: i a tree branch grew in the path

    o the direct line o sight between the FPI and its

    receiver, then the whole system stopped working.

    Second, when the battery was empty, thereceiver could not be inormed and so the SCADA

    operator would not get an alarm.

    Third, given the act that there is a remotecommunicating indicator installed, it should be

    possible to get current measurements as well, in

    order to optimize the data communication costs

    (GPRS, etc.).

    Some manuacturers have covered the gap,

    by designing a system where the FPI and the

    receiver use a bidirectional radio communication

    system, and where the receiver is based on a

    Fig.5 - OH: clip-on fault passage indicators

    Fig. 4 - UG: FPI embedded in the RMU



  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 5

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    Pole-mounted FPIsObviously such FPIs do not suer the drawbacks

    o a wireless link. It is very easy to connect the dry

    contact output relay o a standalone FPI to a small

    RTU and this allows it to report an alarm to the


    Underground cables

    With underground cables, the solution is even

    easier because there is no wireless link requested.

    The FPI is connected to three phase CTs. From

    a unctional point o view, this is a downsized

    version o a true remote control cabinet, with the

    However, it is not able to manage more than one

    MV line, except when located near a branch. In

    addition, it cannot accurately measure the load on

    the phase conductors.

    dierence that it does not have the power supply

    to run a switch motor (it oers current and power

    measurement, timestamped event recording,

    remote parameter settings, etc.).

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 6

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    Fig.7- IRTU : integrated remote terminal unit for four feeders

    In a remote controlled S/S, electronic components

    have to perorm a number o unctions. The rst

    one is an RTU unction to control the switchgear

    rom the SCADA when a ault occurs. The RTU

    supports a range o protocols (IEC, DNP3, etc.)

    and MODEMs (GPRS, GSM, PSTN, radio, etc.).

    It concentrates existing intelligent electronic

    devices (FPIs, protection relays, power

    measurement devices, etc.).

    The remote controlled S/S also serves as a backup

    power supply or switchgear motorization, becausemost remote controls are operated during outages.

    The FPI unctions include direct acquisition rom

    current transormer, phase over current and earth

    ault thresholds, load, and/or power measurement


    The devices also have interace unctions: a

    dedicated interace with the switchgear, ready to

    connect, with a graduated capacity rom one to

    numerous eeders and operating local interace

    and maintenance acilities.

    Such a control cabinet may be built rom standard

    components: however, a specially designed control

    cabinet (IRTU or integrated remote terminal unit),

    is cost eective. Fully tested units rom complete

    control cabinet manuacturers are more attractive,

    or they guarantee a sae installation, a simplied

    commissioning, ull EMC compatibility, and the

    minimum wiring and cabling, which dramatically

    increases the reliability and the availability o the

    control system.

    Remote control

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 7

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    change the protection settings in anticipation o

    power fowing in the opposite direction.

    The normally open tierecloser closesautomatically.

    Due to the ault still being present, the recloser

    immediately downstream o the ault trips, and

    locks out without reclosing. This will automatically

    restore power to the healthy parts o the network.

    An operator can now despatch line crews to the

    aulted segment.

    presence o a ault and the sectionalizers count

    the throughaults similarly to the sectionalizing

    switchgear network described earlier. The

    dierence is that i the ault occurs downstream

    o a sectionalizer, the sectionalizer closest to the

    ault will open beore the recloser reaches lockout.

    Thereore, or this system to work correctly, it

    is essential that the recloser is congured withour trips to lockout and the sectionalizers are

    congured with supply interrupt counters o three

    and two respectively.

    assistance would be required to clear the ault.

    Some aults are however more permanent.

    Examples include distribution equipment, such as

    transormer ailures and allen power lines due to

    motor accidents or storms. Protection equipment

    is designed to minimise damage by interrupting the

    supply to a segment containing a ault. The supply

    will remain o until the ault is removed and the

    protection equipment is turned back on.

    Todays reclosers are capable o sophisticatedprotection, communication, automation and

    analytical unctionality. It is possible to operate in

    either a 'manual' mode where the operator has

    to perorm the reconguration o the network, or

    in a 'loop automation' mode where the reclosers

    perorm the task automatically.

    Loop automation

    Recloser and sectionalizer automation

    Loop automation uses time, voltage, power

    fow, and these simple rules to isolate the

    ault and recongure the network, without any

    communications or operator assistance. In a loop

    automation network, the ollowing actions will take

    place when a ault occurs:

    The recloser immediately upstream o theault automatically trips, recloses to lockout, and

    remains open.

    Reclosers downstream o the ault automatically

    A eeder automation network combines reclosers

    and sectionalizers in a eeder to provide grading

    on both current/time and number o operations.

    This is accomplished by introducing up to two

    sectionalizers in each zone protected by a recloser.

    In a eeder automation network the reclosers

    protect the downstream portion o the eeder up to

    the next recloser.

    Similarly to the recloser network described

    earlier, the recloser will trip and reclose in the

    In an eort to improve the reliability o supply,

    providers are rethinking the levels o sophistication

    deployed in their medium voltage (MV) overhead

    eeders. An autoreclose cycle should clear a

    transient ault without interrupting supply to the

    customer. In most cases no urther operator

    MV overhead feeder automation

    Fig.8 - Solid dielectric recloser

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


    C I R E D - 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution

    Frankfurt, 6-9 June 2011 Paper 0245 | 8

    Improving MV Network Efficiency with Feeder Automation

    It is now clear that in most countries, delivering

    electricity with a high level o quality and availability

    is becoming a priority challenge. For years and

    years the utilities have experimented with various

    solutions. It is now time to take advantage o all

    this experience.

    It appears clear that remote control and ault

    detection are two o the key solutions. The

    customers are mainly aected by aults on the

    distribution MV network, to which, consequently,

    we have to pay particular attention.

    The introduction o ault detection, network

    monitoring and control and automation needs to

    be driven by pragmatic and optimized actions.

    The icing on the cake when using remote

    controlled FPIs and IRTU tted with load

    measurement and eeder automation, is that

    utilities can easily optimize their power generation

    and chase nontechnical losses.


    The global concept described here synthesizes the

    experience cumulated rom various utilities world

    wide (France, Spain, UK, Australia, Canada, etc.).

    The components which must be associated to

    such a concept, such as IRTU, remote controlled

    FPIs, reclosers, and sectionalizers are available on

    the market.

    Cost eective solutions are also being proposed by

    the main manuacturers with embedded concepts.

    This allows the proposal o FPIs, IRTUs, and other

    electronic devices built into the RMU or into theMV cubicle.

  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


  • 7/28/2019 Improving MV Network Efficiency With Feeder Automation


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