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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. Welcome to english(dot)works A1 Level 3 Learning Acvity 2 Traveling around the world Plaorm learning me: 20 hours

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  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013.

    Welcome to english(dot)works

    A1 Level 3Learning Activity 2Traveling around the worldPlatform learning time: 20 hours

  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. 2 /21

    Welcome again, dear apprentices!My name is Steve and Im going to guide you through this learning activity, in which you are going to learn how to talk about trips and travel experiences taking into account schedules and probabilities, and under the basis of proper time and place representations. Lets have fun in Lets have fun in this new adventure trip.

    Communicative Result 1 My first trip abroadMaterial source: How to plan a trip

    Task 1: Learning about the Inca Empire

    Task 2: Planning a trip abroad

    Task 3: A dream vacation

    Task 4: The trips and adventures of a famous explorer

    Task 5: Talking about vacation plans with my e-classmate

    Hurry up!

  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. 3 /21

    Task 6: Lets challenge our grammatical and lexical knowledge

    Do you know how to plan a trip? You are planning a trip, but you dont know where to start? Read the following magazine article about how to plan a trip. Then, do the exercises about the text.

    How to plan a tripPlanning a trip is something that can be done spontaneously. The purpose of a trip may change according to different circumstances. Sometimes, you travel for fun and adventure, and sometimes you do it for work and business. Here, we are going to give you some tips you can take into account when planning a trip:

    1. Choose a location: do some research on the internet and discuss the location with the relatives or friends you are going to travel with. Take a look at photos, posters, videos, etc., that may give you an idea about the different possibilities you have. Ask other people who have travelled there, if possible, for useful advice. Keep in mind weather conditions, activities to do, culture, language and currency.

    2. Make a schedule: take into account transportation, free time activities and the time the trip is going to take. Remember that activities vary according to specific times of the day. Make a list of places of interest you want to visit, including restaurants and museums. Do not forget to allocate enough time for each activity, because something unexpected may happen.

    3. Make a packing checklist: it is important to consider what you are going to take in your bag before you leave. Take into account aspects such as transportation, weather, how long the trip is, the kind of clothes you will need, medications, snacks, electronic devices, toiletries, books, travel guides, dictionaries, maps and identification documents.

    4. Set a budget: the resources you will need to afford your expenses are very important. The aspects you have to consider are plane tickets; hotel accommodation, transportation during the trip, tourism expenses, gifts and other expenses. Remember that if you book ahead, you can save some money.

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    Now, answer the following questions about the text:

    1. When choosing a location for a trip it is recommended to:

    A. Choose a place by pointing your finger randomly at a map.

    B. Take the first flight in the morning without considering where you are going.

    C.To do some research on the internet and discuss the location with trip partners.

    2. According to the text, some general tips for planning a trip are:

    A. Choose a budget, buy tickets online, book a hotel and rent a car.

    B. Choose a location, make a schedule, make a packing checklist and set a budget.

    C. Choose a location, make a budget, make a packing checklist and make a savings plan.

    3. When making a schedule, remember that activities vary according to specific times of the day.

    True False

    4. The verb afford, in the sentence the resources you will need to afford your expenses are very important, may be replaced by:

    A. Pay

    B. Distribute

    C. Allocate

    5. When making a schedule it is not necessary to create a list of places of interest to visit, since the best idea is to go sightseeing as you wish.

    True False

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    Task 1: Learning about the Inca Empire

    Your first task is to watch and listen to some videos about Peru. Then, download and complete the associated worksheet, and send it through the corresponding link to the evidences folder within the platform. Do not forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your listening comprehension skills. Lets get busy! Click on the links below to study some support material:

    Introductory video

    Video material


    Learning about the Inca Empire Checklist

    Task 2:Planning a trip abroad

    You were invited to spend your vacation in Peru and you need to plan your trip. Based on the materials below and the materials from the previous task, write a packing list, a schedule and a budget for your trip. After completing the task, send it through the corresponding link to the evidences folder within the platform. Take into account the checklist with the criteria to assess your writing abilities.

    Have a nice trip!

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    Click on the links below to study some support material:

    Future forms

    Sightseeing vocabulary 1

    Sightseeing vocabulary 2

    How to plan a trip 1

    How to plan a trip 2

    Modals and adverbs of probability

    Planning a trip abroad Checklist

    Task 3:A dream vacation

    When we want to go on vacation, we sometimes ask our friends for advice on where to go. Imagine you have a friend who needs to make a decision about where to spend his/her vacation, so he asks you to give him / her advice about a tourist location. Create a presentation about an ideal place for vacation, highlighting interest places, activities and cultural issues. Schedule an interview with your tutor to talk about your product. The interaction tool for the interview is established by the tutor. Remember to take into account the materials below. Do not forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your performance.

    Enjoy your vacation!

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    Click on the links below to study some support material:

    Travel destinations

    Conditionals 1

    Conditionals 2

    Conditionals 3

    Conditionals 4

    Planning a trip abroad Checklist

    Task 4:A famous explorer adventures

    How much do you know about famous explorers? Do you know any of them? What can you tell us about their trips and adventures? Your task now is to read an article about the life of a famous explorer by clicking on the link named The life of a famous explorer. Then, complete the proposed activities and send them through the corresponding link to the evidences folder within the platform. Do not forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your reading abilities.

    Lets go ahead!

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    Click on the links below to study some support material:

    The life of a famous explorer

    The present perfect

    A famous explorer adventures Checklist

    Task 5: Sharing my vacation plans

    Have you already planned your next vacation? Where are you going? Who are you going with? Your last task is to schedule an interview with an e-classmate about your plans for your next vacation. To do so, first take a look at the support material, get together with your e-classmate and record an interview: ask and answer questions about the locations you want to go to, the places of interest you want to visit and the activities you want to do.

    Then, upload your video into a webpage like YouTube or Vimeo and send the link to your instructor through the evidences folder within the platform. Do not forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your speaking abilities.

    Lets continue!

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    Click on the links below to study some support material:

    Vacations video

    Travel vocabulary

    Hotel vocabulary

    Task 6: Knowledge test 3.2.1

    Dear apprentices,

    We are about to finish this first part,

    Its time to take a test to review some basic grammatical and lexical items, and to improve the English language abilities you have worked on up to this first part. To complete this task, go to the Tests & Exams section in the platform and take the Knowledge test 3.2.1. to assess your knowledge about the following topics: modals and adverbs for probabilities; transportation; present perfect; present, past and future integrated; zero and first conditional.

    Good luck!

    Knowledge test 3.2.1

    Talking about vacation plans with my e-classmate Checklist

  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. 10 /21

    Dear apprentices,

    We are halfway through this learning activity. Up to this point, you can:

    Ask and answer questions (in oral and written form) about travel experiences taking into account time, place and personal perception details

    Present tourist and business trip experiences in relation to specific times, places and personal perceptions

    Identifying times, places and personal perceptions under the basis of proper listening techniques

    Communicative Result 2 Material source: World traveler

    Task 1: Writing about a memorable trip

    Task 2: Sharing your travel experiences

    Task 3: Top travel destinations post

    Task 4: Traveler questionnaire

    Task 5: Have you been busy these days?

    Task 6: Test your knowledge

  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. 11 /21

    Lifetime travel experiencesMaterial Source: World Traveler

    Watch and listen to the following conversation between Bob and his teenage daughter, Annie. Bob will talk about some of his most memorable travel experiences as both of them look at an old Photo Album. Be ready to answer some questions after listening to the dialogue.

    Bob: Home, sweet home!

    Annie: Hi, Dad! You are coming home earlier than expected. How was your trip to Peru? Tell me all the details!

    Bob: Hi, sweetie! The trip was very fun and exciting, but Im completely exhausted. I bought a lot of nice souvenirs for you and your mom. I will show you later.

    Bob: How was school today? Interesting? Boring? Any assignments to do?

    Annie: It was fine, dad. Mrs. Johnson, our Social Studies teacher, asked us to write a report on our last vacation. I have been looking for some pictures of our last trip to the Amazon since I got home from school. I want to write about it.

    Bob: Lets look for some pictures then. That trip was such an unforgettable experience that If we have the chance to go back there this year, we certainly will.

    Annie: That sounds great! I hope we can go back there soon!

    Annie: This is awesome, dad! You have amazing pictures of all your trips. I didnt know you had been in so many places.

    Bob: Sweetie, I have been to almost every continent in the world. My job as a training manager requires me to train people all over the world. That is why the company I work for usually sends me over to different places in order to train managers. I really enjoy this job because I can go anywhere, make a lot of friends and explore different cultures.

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    Bob: Look! This picture was taken at the pyramids, in Egypt. I must confess that I had never ridden a camel before, I was scared to death, but I rode that animal without hurting myself. It was a very exciting experience.

    Annie: Thats cool, dad. Im really surprised!

    Annie: I have read about those pyramids in my Social Studies class. They look marvelous. Where else have you been, dad?

    Bob: I have been to a lot of places such as Italy, Japan, and Russia among others. Venice, in Italy is a beautiful destination. If one goes there during the spring, one can enjoy the Venice Carnival and its wonderful events.

    Annie: Look at this picture! You looked very funny in that outfit, dad. Where did you take this picture?

    Bob: That was in Africa during a safari trip three years ago. Africas landscapes are incredible; I had never seen a place like that before. The weather is nice, the locals are very friendly and kind, and the atmosphere is so welcoming. I really loved it.

    Bob: Im going to India next week and Im staying there for five days. I have never been to India before so Its going to be a memorable trip for sure.

    Annie: Can you take me with you in your next trip, dad? Please, please, please. I have never been abroad.

    Bob: If you get a good mark on your report, I will take you with me sweetie. We could have a great time together in India.

    Annie: Thanks, dad! This is going to be the best report ever. Lets get busy!

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    Lifetime travel experiences

    Comprehension questions

    A. Based on the dialogue you just watched answer the following questions. Choose the best option for each question.

    1. Where was Bob before coming home?

    a. He was in a meeting with his boss.

    b. He was on a trip to Peru.

    c. He was at the supermarket buying some groceries.

    d. He was at a restaurant having lunch with some friends

    2. What does Annie have to do for her Social Studies class?

    a. She has to do some research about The Amazon

    b. She has to write an essay about her hobbies

    c. She has to write a report on her last vacation.

    d. She has to make a poster about her favorite writer.

    3. Why Bob travels so frequently?

    a.He has friends all over the world.

    b. He likes to get to know new cultures from different countries.

    c. He goes to different countries to practice extreme sports.

    d. He works training people all over the world.

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    4. How did Bob feel about his trip to Africa?

    a. Pleased

    b. Disappointed

    c. Frustrated

    d. Unsatisfied

    5. How long will Bob stay in India?

    a. 2 days

    b. Two weeks

    c. 5 days

    d. A month

    Task 1A memorable trip report

    Now, it is time for you to share your travel experiences; to do so, explore the materials below and write an article about your most memorable trip including details about weather, destination, transportation, local people, accommodation, the activities you did and your general impression of it. Take into account the Guiding questions and dont forget to add some nice pictures of your destination.

    After completing your task, send your paper to your instructor through the corresponding link in the evidences folder within the Platform. Remember to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your reading and writing abilities.

    Lets get started!

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    Click on the links below to study some support materials:

    Travel experiences 1

    Travel experiences 2

    Simple past

    Adjectives: -ed and -ing endings 1

    Adjectives: -ed and -ing endings 2

    Adjectives: -ed and -ing endings 3

    A memorable trip report Checklist

    Task 2: Unforgettable memories

    Bringing back old memories from our travel experiences can be an interesting and amusing topic for a conversation between friends, co-workers or family members. Get together with a classmate to prepare and record a conversation where you both talk about your travel experiences in or outside the country.

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    Take turns to ask and answer questions, participating equally. Prepare the audio file, upload it into a webpage like YouTube or Vimeo and send the link to your instructor through the corresponding section in the evidences folder within the platform. Dont forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your speaking abilities.

    Do your best!

    Click on the links below to study some support materials:

    Video- Travel Experience:

    Simple past / Present perfect 1

    Simple past / Present perfect 2

    Traveling in South America

    Pronounciation: -ed endings:

    Unforgettable memories Checklist

    Task 3: Top travel destinations post

    Nowadays, it is very common to find on the internet many travel-sharing websites where people can post their reviews, comments or travel tips. In this websites we can find information related to our destinations such as accommodation or entertainment activities.

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    Your task is to explore the materials below, choose a destination you have already visited and write a short review to post in a travel-sharing website. Participate in your class forum by posting your review and commenting on other classmates reviews. Dont forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your performance and writing abilities.

    Enjoy your trip!

    Click on the links below to study some support materials:

    Old Bogot

    Expressing opinions

    Adjectives for places 1

    Adjectives for places 2

    Top travel destinations post Checklist

    Task 4: Traveler questionnaire

    Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever travelled on a boat? How many places in Colombia have you visited? Have you ever had a difficult situation when travelling? Lets find out if you are a trip lover or a kind of stay-at-home person when it comes to planning a vacation. It is time to put into practice all you have learned so far.

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    Your task is to schedule a session using the established means to participate in an oral interview with your instructor about your travel experiences and preferences. Click on the link below and prepare your answers to the questions presented in the questionnaire, including as many details as possible. Dont forget to download the checklist with the assessment criteria for this task.

    Good luck!

    Click on the link below to study a support material:

    Traveler questionnaire

    Traveler questionnaire Checklist

    Task 5: I deserve that trip

    An NGO has been organizing a Citizen of the year contest and wants to reward a good citizen with a trip to Paris in France. They will pay for all the expenses but you need first to justify why you deserve to go on that trip.

    Record a video of you explaining to the NGO why you think you deserve to go to France. Include as many details as possible about all the activities you have been doing or working on lately to help your community. Upload your video into a website like YouTube or Vimeo and send the link to your instructor through the evidences folder in the platform.

    Dont forget to download the checklist with the criteria to assess your speaking abilities. Hurry up! France is a great destination and there are many people competing for that chance to go there.

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    Click on the links below to study some support materials:

    Present perfect / Present perfect continuous 1

    Present perfect / Present perfect continuous 2

    Present perfect / Present perfect continuous 3

    Present perfect / Present perfect continuous 4

    I deserve that trip Video Checklist

    Task 6: Knowledge test 3.2.2

    Very well done,

    dear apprentice!

    Now that you have gone through the whole activity, its time to check your understanding of all the contents you have learned up to this point. To carry out this task, go to the Tests & Exams section in the Blackboard platform and take the Knowledge test 3.2.2 to assess your knowledge about the following topics: tense integration, present perfect and present perfect continuous, past perfect and adjectives for expressing personal perceptions, and hotel and traveling expressions.

    Knowledge test 3.2.2.

  • Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje - SENA. Reservados todos los derechos 2013. 20 /21

    Well done, dear apprentices!

    You have completed this learning activity. Up to this point, you can:

    Ask and answer questions (in oral and written form) about travel experiences taking into account time, place and personal perception details

    Present tourist and business trip experiences in relation to specific times, places and personal perceptions

    Identify times, places and personal perceptions under the basis of proper listening techniques

    Further Material Check the information of the following external links, which can help you to reinforce the contents of this activity:


    In the following link, you can find a set of podcasts and activities from the British Council to practice elementary listening skills:


    In the following link, you can find a quick grammar reference from the British Council, with brief explanations on common topics and interactive activities:


    In the following link, you can find an elementary vocabulary exam from Cambridge University:

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    In the following link, you can find elementary vocabulary exercises from Oxford University Press:


    In the following link, you can find elementary pronunciation exercises from Oxford University Press:

    Further Material Check the information of the following external links, which can help you to reinforce the contents of this activity:


    In the following link, you can find a set of podcasts and activities from the British Council to practice elementary listening skills:


    In the following link, you can find a quick grammar reference from the British Council, with brief explanations on common topics and interactive activities:


    In the following link, you can find an elementary vocabulary exam from Cambridge University: