implementing microsoft exchange hosted services

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  • 8/8/2019 Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services


    Implementing MicrosoftExchange Hosted Services

    Microsoft Virtual Labs

  • 8/8/2019 Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services


    Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services

    Table of Contents

    Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services ................................................................. 1

    Exercise 1 Setting Up Domains in the EHS Admin Center...........................................................................................2

    Exercise 2 Changing an MX Record to Direct Inbound SMTP Messages to the EHS Data Center Network.............. .3Exercise 3 Modifying a Firewall to Accept only Messages from EHS .......... ........... ........... .......... ........... .......... ..........4

    Exercise 4 Configuring Outbound E-Mail to Flow Through the EHS Network............................................................5

    Exercise 5 Setting Up Password Policies and Administrative Privileges in the EHS Admin Center ......... ........... ........6

    Exercise 6 Setting Up Envelope Journaling to Capture Internal E-Mail for EHA.........................................................9

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    Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services

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    Implementing Microsoft Exchange Hosted


    Objectives After completing this lab, you will be better able to:Note: Exchange Hosted Services provides messaging services "in the cloud." Assoftware-as-a-service, EHS does not require any hardware or software to be

    installed, and all administration and interaction with the services is performed

    via Web-based tools. This lab replicates the EHS Web-based user and

    administrative interface in a controlled-action lab environment. Unlike the live

    product interface, your actions in this lab are restricted to the steps prescribed in

    the lab exercises to most optimally simulate the actual service environment.

    Create new domains on the EHS. Change a Mail Exchange (MX) record to direct inbound SMTP messages to

    the EHS data center network.

    Modify a firewall to accept only messages from EHS. Configure outbound e-mail to flow through the EHS network. Set up journaling in Exchange to capture internal e-mail for the Microsoft

    Exchange Hosted Archive (EHA).

    Understand inbound and outbound message flow.Scenario

    This lab demonstrates the ease of setup and configuration of Microsoft

    Exchange Hosted Services (EHS). You will configure inbound Simple Mail

    Transport Protocol (SMTP) messages to be directed to EHS. You will then

    configure the Exchange SMTP hosts to only accept messages from EHS. You

    will also use the Administration Console to perform implantation tasks necessary

    to enable basic EHS services.

    Estimated Time to

    Complete This Lab 60 Minutes

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    Exercise 1Setting Up Domains in the EHS Admin Center

    ScenarioIn this exercise, you will add and activate a domain in the EHS Admin Center.You need to add and enable a new domain on the EHS filtering services. To do this, you will add a new domain for

    your organizations Admin Center account and transfer settings from an existing domain.

    When your services are initially configured and set up, at least one domain will be set up for you. You can set up

    additional domains from the Add a Domain section of the Organizations page.

    For any domain that is sending outbound mail through the filtering services, you must specify the Internet Protocol

    (IP) address and the domain name address (as explained in the following section).

    Tasks Detailed Steps

    1. Set up your domainin the EHS AdminCenter

    a. Notice that Internet Explorer is opened to On the Admin Center Log On page, log on to EHS by [email protected] in

    the Email Address text box, and then pressing ENTER.

    c. Click in the Password text box, type P@ssw0rd, and then press ENTER.d. ClickLog On.e. On the menu bar, clickorganizations.f. In the organizations area, clickAdd Domains.g. In the Add Domains text box, type and then press ENTER.h. To carry over the same settings of a previously customized domain, click the

    Choose Template drop-down list and then

    Note: When carrying over the settings from a previously customized domain, you can

    also copy the SMTP delivery profile by selecting Use mail distribution profile from


    i. Select the Use mail distribution profile from template check box and then clickAdd Domains to add your new domain.

    Note: Domains cannot be deleted after they have been entered. A domain can be

    disabled, but the domain listing will remain in your organizations Admin Center.

    Note: Because Use mail distribution profile from template was selected, this domain

    will be automatically activated. If this option is not selected during domain creation,

    you will need to add the inbound mail server and then activate the domain. After the

    domain has been activated, allow at least 30-90 minutes after the top of the hour, and

    then change the MX record (the mail server that is responsible for handling the e-

    mail) for this domain so that the primary and only MX record is This time period allows your additional domains to first

    be replicated to our network.j. ClickLOGOUT.k. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower-right area of the screen, click2 to

    continue to the next exercise.

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    Exercise 2Changing an MX Record to Direct Inbound SMTP Messagesto the EHS Data Center Network

    ScenarioIn this exercise, you will modify your MX Domain Name System (DNS) record so messages sent to your

    organization are first delivered to EHS.

    Note: There are many methods for setting up and configuring an MX record, depending on how an organization

    manages their DNS. This exercise shows one method for redirecting an MX record to send e-mail to the EHS data

    center network. If your Internet service provider (ISP) is managing your DNS, you would need to contact your ISP

    to make this change to your MX record.

    When implementing EHS, the first step is to redirect SMTP messages to the EHS data center network, where

    messages are processed to eliminate spam, viruses, and other unwanted content before continuing on to your

    organizations network.

    Tasks Detailed Steps

    1. Change the MXrecord to direct

    inbound SMTP

    messages to EHS

    a. ClickStart, clickAdministrative Tools, and then clickDNS.b. Expand EXBE01, expand Forward Lookup Zones, and then click

    c. Double-click the record for the type Mail Exchanger (MX). This is thehighlighted record.

    Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    d. ClickProperties.e. In the Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of mail server field, click to delete the entry, and then press ENTERand clickOK.

    f. Close the DNS management console.g. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower- right area of the screen, click3 to

    continue to the next exercise.

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    Exercise 3Modifying a Firewall to Accept only Messages from EHS

    ScenarioIn this exercise, you will modify your organizations firewallin this case, Microsoft Internet Security andAcceleration (ISA) Serverto only allow receipt of SMTP messages from EHS.

    Note: This exercise focuses only on the steps for modifying Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA)

    Server. If your organization uses a different firewall product, you will need to consult its documentation for

    instructions on performing these modifications.

    The next step in implementing EHS is to ensure that only SMTP connections from the EHS data center are accepted.

    This will protect your organization from rogue SMTP hosts trying to connect to your SMTP gateway, while

    ensuring that all valid e-mail will be delivered from EHS.

    Tasks Detailed Steps


    Modify the firewallto accept only

    messages from EHS


    ClickStart, clickAll Programs, clickMicrosoft ISA Server, and then clickISAServer Management.

    b. In the navigation tree, expand the Server named NYC-ISA1 and then clickFirewall Policy.

    c. In the result pane, clickSMTP Traffic and then clickProperties.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    d. Click the From tab, select External, and then clickRemove.e. Click the top Add button.f. In the Add Network Entities window, clickNew and then clickNetwork.g. In the New Network Wizard, in the Network name text box, type Microsoft

    Exchange Hosted Services, press ENTER,and then clickNext.

    h. On the Network Type page, clickExternal Network and then clickNext.i. On the Network Addresses page, clickAdd.

    j. In the IP Address Range Properties window, in Starting address text box type12.129.199.61 and then press ENTER. In the Ending address text box, type press ENTER, and then clickOK.

    k. Repeat steps p and q for addresses and a typical installation, there will 12 addresses to add.

    l. After the IP addresses have been entered, clickNext.m. Review the summary and then clickFinish.n. In the Add Network Entities window, expand Networks, select the Microsoft

    Exchange Hosted Services network you just created, and then clickAdd.o. Notice that Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services is added to the window on the

    From tab. In the Add Network Entities window, clickClose.

    p. ClickApply and then clickOK.q. ClickApply to save changes and update the configuration, and then clickOK.r. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower-right area of the screen, click4 to

    continue to the next exercise

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    Exercise 4Configuring Outbound E-Mail to Flow Through the EHSNetwork

    ScenarioIn this exercise, you will modify your Exchange Server SMTP Connector to send all outbound e-mail to EHS. All

    outbound e-mail will be scanned for viruses and any outbound policies, such as policies requiring encryption

    between your organization and a partner organization.

    When configuring your organizations outbound Internet e-mail to be delivered to EHS and then relayed to the

    recipients organization, you will allow all outbound messages to be scanned for viruses as well as conformity with

    corporate e-mail policies.

    Tasks Detailed Steps

    1. Configure outbounde-mail to flow

    through the EHS


    a. ClickStart, clickAll Programs, clickMicrosoft Exchange, and then clickSystem Manager.

    b. In Exchange System Manager, expand Administrative Groups, expand FirstAdministrative Group, expand Servers, expand EXFE01, expand Protocols,

    click the lower scroll bar to scroll to the right, and then expand SMTP.

    c. ClickDefault SMTP Virtual Server and then clickProperties.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    d. Click the Delivery tab and then clickAdvanced.e. In the Smart Host text box, type then press

    ENTER and clickOK twice.

    f. Close Exchange System Manager.g. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower-right area of the screen, click5 to

    continue to the next exercise

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    Exercise 5Setting Up Password Policies and Administrative Privilegesin the EHS Admin Center

    ScenarioAdministrators have the option of imposing strict password policies for Spam Quarantine and Admin Center

    accounts to comply with varying corporate password policies. In this exercise, you will set up password policies to

    enable the organizations administrators and end users to access the Admin Center and Spam Quarantine. You will

    also add administrator accounts with varying privileges.

    Your company has recently added new administrators to its IT staff and wants to grant them access to the EHS

    Admin Center. While adding the new domain and administrators, you want to increase the security of your

    information, so you will implement strong password policies by using the Admin Center password tool.

    Tasks Detailed Steps

    1. Set a securepassword policy

    a. On the Admin Center Log On page, click in the Email Address text box, [email protected] and then press ENTER.

    b. Click the Password text box, type P@ssw0rd and then press ENTER.c. ClickLog on.d. On the menu bar, clickorganizations.e. Click the right scroll bar once to scroll down the page.f. At the lower-right side of the Organizations page, in the Password Policy section,

    click the Minimum length text box, type 7, and then press ENTER.

    g. Click the Maximum length text box, type 12, and then press ENTER.h. Click the check box next to Require mixed case.i.

    Clear the check boxes next to Allow same chars consecutively, Allow usernameas password, and Allow username reversed.

    j. Click the right scroll bar to scroll down the page.k. Clear the check box next to Allow password reuse.l. ClickUpdate Company.

    2. Create new useraccounts for your

    new administrators

    Note: The Accounts page is where you create and administer individual user accounts,

    as well as add new administrators.

    a. On the Admin Center toolbar, select accounts.b. On the Select Action drop-down menu, verify that Create/Manage Account(s) is

    selected, and then clickGo.

    c. On the Select Domain drop-down menu, select and then clickGo.d. In Step 1, use the Select Account Type drop-down menu to select Spam

    Quarantine/Quarantine/Admin Center account(s).

    e. In Step 2, verify that Select Action is set to Add to existing accounts.f. In Step 3, click the Enter Addresses text box, type [email protected], and

    then press ENTER. Type [email protected], and then press ENTER.

    g. Click the right scroll bar twice to scroll the page down.h. In Step 4, verify that Yes is selected for Spam Filter and Spam Notifications.i. In Step 5, under Assign Password To Accounts, click the Enter Password text

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    Tasks Detailed Steps

    box, type P@s$w0rd and then press ENTER.

    j. In the Confirm Password text box, type P@ssw0rd and press ENTER.k. ClickCreate Accounts.Note: The Admin Center informs you of the number of accounts you are creating.

    l. ClickProceed.Note: The accounts are created.

    3. Set fulladministrative


    Note:In this procedure, you will give Rachel Valdez (whose account was added in a

    previous exercise) full administrative access to the entire Admin Center.

    a. On the Admin Center toolbar, select accounts.b. In the Search text box, type [email protected], press ENTER, and then click


    c. In the Name section, type Rachel in the First Name text field, and then pressENTER. Type Valdez in the Second Name text field, and then press ENTER.

    d. Click the right scroll bar to scroll down the page, and then clickSave Changes.e. Click the right scroll bar, and then clickAdd Permissions.f. In the Administrative Permissions section, clickCompany to set it as the

    Target, and then on the Target drop-down menu, select Contoso.

    g. Click the right scroll bar and then on the Section drop-down menu, select AllStandard Areas.

    h. Under Privileges, select Full.i. ClickSave Permission.

    j. Click the right scroll bar and then clickSave Changes.4. Set partial



    Note:In this procedure, you will give Maurice Taylor (whose account was added in a

    previous exercise) permissions to access and make changes to the domains area, while

    limiting him to read-only access elsewhere in the Admin Center.

    a. On the Admin Center toolbar, select accounts.b. In the Search text box, type [email protected], press ENTER, and then click


    c. In the Name section, click the First Name text field, type Maurice and then pressENTER. Type Taylor in the Second Name text field, and then press ENTER.

    d. Click the right scroll bar and then clickSave Changes.e. Click the right scroll bar and then clickAdd Permissions.f. In the Administrative Permissions section, clickCompany to set it as the

    Target, and then on the Target drop-down menu, select Contoso.

    g. Click the right scroll bar and then on the Section drop-down menu, selectDomains Area.

    h. Under Privileges, select Full.i. ClickSave Permission.Note:Notice that the new permission set shows underAdministrative Permissions.

    j. Click the right scroll bar and then clickAdd Permissions.k. In the Administrative Permissions section, clickCompany to set it as the

    Target, and then on the Target drop-down menu, select Contoso.

    l. Click the right scroll bar and then on the Section drop-down menu, select AllStandardAreas.

    m.Under Privileges, verify that Read-Only is selected.

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    Tasks Detailed Steps

    n. ClickSave Permission.o. Click the right scroll bar and then clickSave Changes.p. ClickLOGOUT.Note:If you are using the Spam Quarantine option to manage your spam and want the

    newly created administrators to help manage Spam Quarantine user accounts, you

    must add Spam Quarantine/Quarantine as an additional permission.

    If you are using Directory Services, you must also add the Directory Service

    permission to be able to add and manage Directory Services users.

    You can give each of your new administrators read-only access, or read and write

    (full) access. You can also restrict permissions by selectingNone

    q. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower-right area of the screen, click6 tocontinue to the next exercise.

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    Exercise 6Setting Up Envelope Journaling to Capture Internal E-Mailfor EHA

    ScenarioEnvelope journaling is a Microsoft Exchange journaling enhancement that provides e-mail archiving solutions with

    the opportunity to identify Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) and distribution list recipients of any e-mail message.

    In this exercise, you will configure envelope journaling on your Exchange messaging system to capture messages

    between users within your Exchange organization.

    Woodgrove Bank wants to archive all messages sent to and received from the Internet. The company also wants to

    archive messages sent between users within the organization. You will achieve this by using the envelope journaling

    feature provided in Exchange Server 2007. This will involve the following procedures:

    Create a new mailbox store on the primary or another Exchange server. Create a Microsoft Active Directory contact with an external SMTP e-mail address. Create an Active Directory user with a local mailbox in the new mailbox store created in step 1. Create a server-side Exchange rule on the mailbox of the Active Directory user created in step 3. The rule

    will forward each message to the Active Directory contact created in step 2 and will then move each

    message to the Deleted Items folder.

    Configure Mailbox Manager to housekeep that local mailbox. Enable standard journaling on the primary mailbox store(s), journaling all mail into the mailbox of the

    Active Directory user created in step 3.

    Enable envelope journaling.Tasks Detailed Steps


    Create a newmailbox store a.

    ClickStart, clickAll Programs, clickMicrosoft Exchange, and then clickSystem Manager.

    b. Expand Administrative Groups, expand First Administrative Group, expandServers, and then clickEXBE01.

    Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    c. ClickNew, and then clickStorage Group.d. Click the Name text box, type EnvelopeJournal press ENTER, and then click


    e. Expand EXBE01.f. Click the EnvelopeJournal storage group, clickNew, and then clickMailbox


    Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    g. Click the Name text box, type Journaling Mailbox Store, press ENTER, and thenclickOK.

    Note: Do not select the Archive all messages sent or received by mailboxes on this

    store check box.

    h. ClickJournaling Mailbox Store, and then clickMount Store.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

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    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    i. ClickOK to the message reporting that the store was successfully mounted.j. Close Exchange System Manager.

    2. Create an ActiveDirectory contact

    named JournalRemoteContact

    a. ClickStart and then clickActive Directory Users and Computers.b. Under nwtraders.msft, clickUsers, clickNew, and then clickContact.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this hasbeen modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    c. Click the First name text box, type Journal and then press ENTER.d. In the Last name text box, type RemoteContact and then press ENTER.e. Click the Display name text box, type Journal RemoteContact and then press


    f. ClickNext.g. On the New Object Contact page, clickModify.h. In the New E-mail Address dialog box, clickSMTP Address and then clickOK.i. In the E-mail address field, type

    [email protected], press ENTER, and then


    j. Verify that the appropriate SMTP address is shown in the E-mail field, clickNext,and then clickFinish to create the contact.

    3. Create an ActiveDirectory user named

    Journal LocalUser

    a. Under nwtraders.msft, click the Users OU, clickNew, and then clickUser.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    b. Click the First name text box, type Journal and then press ENTER.c. In the Last name text box, type LocalUser and then press ENTER.d. In the User logon name text box, type Journal LocalUser and then press ENTER

    and clickNext.

    e. In the Password text box, type P@ssw0rd and then press ENTER.f. In the Confirm Password text box, type P@ssw0rd and then press ENTER.g. Clear the User must change password at next logon check box, and then click


    h. Verify that the Create an Exchange mailbox check box is selected.i. Click the Mailbox Store drop-down list, clickEnvelopeJournal/Journaling

    Mailbox Store, and then clickNext.

    j. ClickFinish to create the new user.k. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

    4. Create a server-sideExchange rule

    Note: On the new mailbox of the Journal LocalUser you just created, you need to

    create a mailbox rule on a client workstation that has Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

    installed and is configured for Journal LocalUser. The mailbox rule does the


    Forwards a copy of each message to the offsite Microsoft Exchange HostedArchive.

    Moves each message from the Inbox to the Deleted Items folder for properhousekeeping (pruning).

    a. The video will automatically switch to a Microsoft Windows XP workstation andlog on as Journal LocalUser.

    b. ClickStart and then clickE-Mail.

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    c. On the menu bar, clickTools and then clickRules and Alerts.d. On the E-mail Rules tab, clickNew Rule.e. At the top of the Rules Wizard dialog box, clickStart from a blank rule and then


    Note:In the Which condition(s) do you want to check? dialog box, do not select any

    conditions from the list. You deliberately want to create a rule that fires on all


    f. ClickNext.g. Because a rule that applies to every message is unusual, Outlook will prompt you

    for confirmation. ClickYes.

    h. In the Rules Wizard dialog box, click the forward it to people or a distributionlist check box.

    i. In the Step 2: Edit the rule description (click an underlined value) text box,click the underlined people or distribution list link.

    j. Double-clickJournal RemoteContact and then clickOK.k. Click the Move it to the specified folder check box.l. In the Step 2: Edit the rule description (click an underlined value) text box,

    click the specified link.

    m.Click the Deleted Items folder, clickOK, and then clickNext twice.n. Verify that Journal RemoteContact is entered in the Specify a name for this

    rule text box, and that the Turn on this rule check box is selected, and then click


    o. ClickOK to close the Rules and Alerts window.p. Close Outlook.q. The video display will automatically switch back to the Windows Server 2003


    5. Configure MailboxManager to maintain

    the journal mailbox

    Note: The Deleted Items folder of the Journal LocalUser mailbox may grow beyond

    manageability unless you implement some maintenance. You can configure Mailbox

    Manager to keep the mailbox under control.

    a. ClickStart and then clickSystem Manager.b. Expand Recipients.c. ClickRecipient Policies, clickNew, and then clickRecipient Policy.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    d. In the New Policy dialog box, click the Mailbox Manager Settings check box,and then clickOK.

    e. Click in the Name text box, type Journal Mailbox Maintenance Rule, pressENTER, and then clickModify.

    f. In the Find Exchange Recipients dialog box, leave all of the check boxes on theGeneral tab clear except for the check box labeled Users with Exchangemailbox.

    g. Click the Storage tab, clickMailboxes in this mailbox store, and then clickBrowse.

    h. In the Enter the object name to select field, type Journaling Mailbox Store andthen press ENTER.

    i. ClickOK.j. Click the Advanced tab, click the Field drop-down list, clickUser, and then click

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    Display Name.

    k. In the Value text box, type Jou and then press ENTER.l. ClickFind Now.m.In the Find in the Directory window, clickYes.n. Notice that only one user named Journal LocalUser is in the Search results

    window, and then clickOK.Note: The recipient policy should resolve to exactly one mailbox: the one you created

    for Journal LocalUser.

    o. In Exchange System Manager notification, clickOK.p. Click the Mailbox Manager Settings (Policy) tab.q. In the list of folders, clear the check boxes for all for the following folders:


    Sent Items





    System Cleanup

    r. Click the When processing a mailbox drop-down list and then clickDeleteImmediately.

    s. In the Folder column, clear the All Other Mail Folders check box.t. In the folder list, clickDeleted Items and then clickEdit.u. In the Folder Retention Settings dialog box, clear the check box for Message

    Size (KB).

    v. Leave the Age Limit (Days) text field set at 30.Note: The default policy is to purge messages that have been in the Deleted Items

    folder for 30 days. If you do not have adequate storage to hold 30 days worth of e-

    mail, you might want to consider decreasing the age limit. You are encouraged to keep

    a full 30 days of e-mail, but if that is not possible, keep at least 7 days.

    w. ClickOK.x. In the Properties dialog box, clickOK.y. Expand Administrative Groups, expand First Administrative Group, and then

    expand the Servers.

    z. ClickEXBE01 and then clickProperties.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    aa.In the Properties dialog box, click the Mailbox Management the Start mailbox management process drop-down list and then clickRun

    Saturday at Midnight.

    cc.ClickOK in the Properties dialog box to save your Mailbox Manager schedule.6. Enable standard


    a. Expand First Storage Group, clickMailbox Store, and then clickProperties.Note:Normally, this action would be executed with a right-click; however, this has

    been modified for the purpose of this simulation.

    b. In the Properties dialog box, click the Archive all messages sent or received by

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    the mailboxes on this store check box, and then clickBrowse.

    c. In the Enter the object name to select field, type Journal Loc, press ENTER,and then clickCheck Names. This should validate your entry.

    d. ClickOK.e. ClickApply and then clickOK to save your settings and close the Properties

    dialog box.

    f. Close Exchange System Manager.Note:Normal journaling is now enabled. Copies of messages will be sent to the

    Exchange Hosted Archive, but they will be in standard format, not in envelope journal


    7. Enable envelopejournaling

    Note: Previously the Exchange Email Journaling Advance Configuration (exejcfg)

    tool was installed on the server. The tool was installed to the C:\EXejcfg folder. After

    you open the command prompt, the video presentation will demonstrate how this tool

    executes to enable the Email Journaling Advanced Configuration feature.

    a. ClickStart and then clickCommand Prompt.Note: Your environment is now fully configured to send envelope journalformatted

    messages to the Exchange Hosted Archive.

    b. On the Lab navigation menu, in the lower-right area of the screen, clickEXIT toreturn to the Lab 1 menu.

    c. In the upper-right corner, click Lab 2 to begin the Lab 2 exercises.