impact on ict


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Page 1: Impact On ICT
Page 2: Impact On ICT

1. Communication2. Employment

3. The way the restricted data being secured.

Page 3: Impact On ICT

Modern communication has become almost instantaneous. Email is cheap and

fast and ICT allows documents and diagrams to be faxed around the world.

More and more people are now working from home and this is likely to

increase as video-conferencing becomes more and more commonplace. In

communication technology, there have been huge advances in digital

communication through satellite and cable television and digital radio.

The vast quantity of information available through the Internet requires new

skills to search out and select the information needed from the various sources

and articles.Mobile phones are now used to communicate via text messages, images and

even video as well as being able to access information over the Internet and send email.

Page 4: Impact On ICT

The introduction of computers has resulted in many changes in employment patterns. Many jobs were lost, particularly from the manufacturing industries, as the repetitive tasks of unskilled workers were replaced by machines. An example

would be the replacement of car body assembly workers and body part painters by robots. However, computerisation has replaced jobs across most areas of the

workplace, right up to middle management positions. There have been positive effects on employment, many new jobs have been created in communication

technology and computing, both in the service and manufacturing industries.

Page 5: Impact On ICT

Those who said that the use

of computers would lead to

the paperless office were sa

dly wrong. In fact,

computers have lead to an in

crease in the overall

amount of paper printed. Thi

s is partly due to the

amount of information about

people held on computer

files which is then used to

generate computerised mail

that is delivered to our hou

ses as letters, bills,

forms and advertising. Such

data may be highly

confidential, for example cr

iminal, medical and

financial data. Any errors i

n this data due to errors

in the source of the data or

when it is entered can

have an issue that may have

a huge effect on our lives.

Page 6: Impact On ICT

In a nutshell..

We can say that..

This rapid increase in the use of computers is

having an enormous impact on our lives. Our

modern way of living simply could not exist if this

modern technology were removed. We depend a lot

on technology. For examples, our financial system is

depend on modern technology to process the

millions of cheques written every day and without

modern telecommunications, it would be impossible

to control the millions of telephone calls made every


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