imam mahdi as

Let’s learn about Imam Mahdi AS 1 Let’s learn about Imam Mahdi AS Written for children By Sakina Hasan Askari 2008

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A brief description related to Shia's 12th IMAM MAHDI ATF.


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Let’s learn about Imam Mahdi AS


Let’s learn aboutImam Mahdi AS

Written for childrenBy Sakina Hasan Askari


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For my grandchildrenMuhammad AliNur e FatimaSakina Zahra


And many more to comeInshaallah

This book is to help youto learn about

Imam Mahdi (A.S.)The Imam of our time

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Introduction 4Who is Imam Mahdi...............................11His Titles..................................................13His Father................................................17His Mother...............................................20Birth of our Imam..................................24Infancy and Childhood..........................27Loss of his father..................................30Hidden from View...................................33Meeting the Imam..................................38Our Duties as Shia.................................41Signs of his Zahoor................................49His Reappearance....................................51Dua for the Imam...................................55Salams to the Imam...............................57The twelve Imams..................................59

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Imam Mahdi (AS) is our twelfthImam. The holy Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.) had said “There will be 12Imams after me.” They are theGuides of Muslims: “the first ofthem is Ali and the last is Al Qaimwho will be from the line of mydaughter Fatima Zahra (AS).

The Imam is the most excellent andpure being of his time. He is free ofsin and has no faults. He hascomplete knowledge and no one canattain his rank. He has the help andsupport of Allah. He has all goodvirtues given to him by Allah.

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Many verses of the holy Quraan tellus about our Imam. When Jabir ibnAbdullah asked the Holy ProphetSAW the meaning of “Ulul Amr” theholders of authority who we have toobey by Allah’s command, he replied,

“The first of them is Ali ibne AbiTalib. He will be followed by his sonsHasan and Hussain, then Ali ibnHussain; then Muhammad al Baqirwhom you will live to see. When yougo to meet him, give him my salam.He will be followed by Jafar alSadiq, Musa al Kazim, Ali al Reza,Muhammad al Jawad, Ali al Hadi,Hasan al Askari and finally theExpected one, the Promised Mahdi.These will be the leaders (Imams)after me.”

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Imam Ali (AS)saidThe Promised Mahdi will emerge atthe end of time from among us.

Bibi Fatima (AS) told her sonHussain AS,When I gave birth to you, theProphet came to see me and said, OFatima, know that he is the fatherof nine Imams. From hisdescendants will appear righteousamong whom the ninth will be theQaim.

Imam Hasan AS saidThere will be 12 Imams following theProphet. Nine of these will be fromthe offspring of my brotherHussain. The Mahdi of this umma willbe among them.

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Imam Hussain (AS) saidTwelve Imams will be from among us.The first will be Ali ibn Abi Taliband the last will be my ninthdescendant, the rightful Qaim.

Imam Ali Zainulabideen (AS) saidThe birth of our Qaim will be hiddenfrom the people.

Imam Muhammad Baqir (AS) saidAt the end of Time, the Mahdi willemerge from among us who willprotect the religion of Allah.

Imam Jafar Sadiq (AS) saidWhoever accepts all the Imams butdenies the existence of Mahdi is likethe one who accepts all the Prophets

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but denies the prophethood ofMuhammad SAW.

Imam Moosa e Kazim (AS) saidThe Qaim who will purify the earthfrom the enemies of God and fill itwith justice is my fifth descendant.

Imam Ali Reza (AS) saidThe promised Qaim will be old in agebut young in appearance when heemerges. The rod of Moses and theseal of Solomon are with him. Thatperson will be my fourth descendant.

Imam Muhammad Taqui (AS) saidOur Qaim is the same as thepromised Mahdi, whom you shouldawait and when he appears you

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should obey. He will be my thirddescendant.

Imam Ali Naqui (AS) saidFollowing me, my son Hasan is theImam and following Hasan it will bethe Qaim who will fill the earth withjustice and equity.

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) saidLet it be known to you that theGhaibat of my son will be so longthat people will fall in doubt exceptthose whose faith Allah protects.

Each of the Masoomeen spoke ofthe coming of the Mahdi, who wouldfill the world with justice andfairness. If we die without knowinghim, then it is as if we were not

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Muslims. So it is very important thatwe recognise our Imam, know himand follow his teachings.

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Who is Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi (AS), our 12th Imam isthe son of our 11th Imam HasanAskari (AS). Each of our Imamsstood for justice but it will be our12th Imam who will wipe out injusticefrom the world.

He is the Guide towards Allah, thepromise of Allah, the caller towardsthe Book of Allah and the perfectWord of Allah. He is the Master ofthe time and has power given byAllah over everything. He is thefriend of the believers and thehelper of those in distress. He is asource of pride to the Muslims,

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anger to the hypocrites andunbelievers.

He is the one chosen by Allah totake revenge from those who killedImam Hussain (AS) and his familyand followers in Karbala. He will behelped by Allah in this task. He willbring honour to those who believeand will revive Islam.

The knowledge of Imam Mahdi (AS),given to him directly by Allah, is sovast that nothing is hidden fromhim. During his rule, people’sknowledge will increase in everysubject. His government will beuniversal. He will bring peace, orderand justice.

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Such are hisqualities thatAllah says inHadees e Qudsidescribinghis position in theshiny sky of Imamat: “Among themal Qaem is like a sparkling star.”

His Titles

The twelfth Imam’s name isMuhammad. His kunniyat is AbulQasim. He is the only Imam whoshares this name and kunniyat withthe Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

He has many titles, which show hishigh position:

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Sahib uz ZamaanSahib ul AsrHujjat ibn HasanAinullahBaqi atullah MahdiHadiYousuf e ZahraMuntazarQaim.

When we hear his title Qaim, wemust stand up to show our respect.Imam Reza (AS) used to put hishand on his head and stand upwhenever he mentioned the Imam’stitle al-Qaim. This title is specialfor the twelfth Imam. Momineenstanding up whenever they hear thistitle show they are ready to beamong the Imam’s helpers.

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Imam Mahdi (AS) will fulfil Allah’spromise to the believers. Throughhim, Allah will complete Hisauthority. The Imam will wear a ringwhich will have “Ana Hujjatullah“(Iam Allah’s Authority) engraved on it.He will bring comfort to those whoare good and will punish all the evildoers. He will call people to thebook of Allah and will rule the worldwith wisdom and truth.

Muntazar is from the word intezar:it means waiting. We are waiting forthe Imam and the Imam is waitingfor Allah’s command to reappearopenly so the laws of Islam arefollowed by all.

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Imam Mahdi (AS) is the perfectsuccessor to the Prophets andImams, so is called the KhalafeSwaleh. He will say “If you want todo the ziarat of the prophets,behold me. I am their successor.”

When we see flowing water, we seethe mercy of Allah. When we willwitness the flowing mercy ofknowledge and wisdom of AaleMuhammad SAW we will know thatAllah’s mercy is at hand.

Our twelfth Imam Mahdi is Ghaaib,not seen. He is present but we donot see him. He is there during Hajj.Even those who see him may notrecognise him during the meeting.

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He is the Baqiatullah, the one whoAllah has kept alive. He will be asource of goodness for those whoare true believers.

His Father

Imam Mahdi’s (AS) father was oureleventh Imam Hasan Askari (AS),who was the son of the 10th ImamAli Naqui (AS). He has given us awonderful detailed tafseer, whichexplains the verses of the HolyQuran.Imam Hasan Askari(AS) lived most of hislife under housearrest in Samarra,Iraq and was not

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allowed to meet his Shias freely. Hekept in touch through letters andspecial followers who took hismessages and collected Khums on hisbehalf.

Once, to impress the Imam with hishuge army, the ruler collected all hissoldiers together and called theImam to see them. Imam HasanAskari (AS) asked him to lookbetween the Imam’s fingers. Whatthe ruler saw amazed him. TheImam’s army seemed to stretch onand on and on. No wonder that thetitle of the Imam is “Askari”,meaning soldierWe have many sayings from ImamHasan Askari (AS) that give usguidance. He said:

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The heart of a fool is in hismouth, and the mouth of a wiseman is in his heart.

Anger is the key to every evilThe best of your brothers is he

who forgets your wrong againsthim and remembers yourkindness to him.

Two qualities that are betterthan everything else are faithin Allah and service to people.

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) wasgiven poison. He was martyedwhen he was only twenty eightyears old. He was buried insidehis house in Samarra, Iraq.

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His Mother

Imam Mahdi’s (AS) mother wascalled Narjis Khatoon. She tracedher family back to Simon Peter, thedisciple of Jesus, on her mother’sside; and the Caesar of Rome on herfather’s side.

Imam Ali Naqui (AS) our tenth Imamsent one of his Shia, named Bashar,with 220 gold coins and a letter togo to the bridge in Baghdad. He

would see boats on the river.TheImam told Bashar that on one of theboats, he would see a veiled lady who

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would be refusing all offers fromthose who wanted to be hermasters. When everyone failed, thenhe must approach and give the letterto the lady and the money to thetrader.

Bashar went to Baghdad andeverything that the Imam had toldhim happened. Bashar returned toSamarra with Hazrat NarjisKhatoon. When she met Imam AliNaqui AS, she told him how twiceher family had tried to organise herwedding but could not succeed. Shesaid that then she had a wonderfuldream where she saw the holyProphet Muhammad SAW askingJesus, son of Hazrat Maryam, for

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her hand in marriage to Imam HasanAskari (AS).

She was guided to read the kalma,accepting Islam when she sawHazrat Fatima Zahra (AS) andHazrat Maryam (AS) in a vision.Then on reaching Samarra, she wasmarried to Imam Hasan Askari( AS).The nikah was read by our tenthImam Ali Naqui (AS).

When we say our salams to HazratNarjis Khatoon, we have been taughtto recall her special status as one inwhose marriage the holy Prophetshowed interest; the daughter ofthe disciple of Jesus; the lady whobore the best of mankind, themother of the twelfth Imam.

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She was pious (Taquia) and pure(Naquia), and offered the bestprotection, observing the trust givento her in protecting and guardingAllah’s Proof. She was similar to themother of Moses, hiding herpregnancy when she carried thetwelfth Imam in her womb. Oursalams to her, her husband and herson, on her pure soul and body. Hermazar is within the zareeh of thetenth and eleventh Imams.

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Birth of the Imam

Our twelfth Imam Mahdi (AS) wasborn on Friday, the 15th day of themonth of Shabaan in 255 A.H. inSamarra. It is related from HazratHakeema, the daughter of our tenthImam Mohammad Taqui (AS), thatone day Imam Hasan Askari (AS)

called her to his houseto stay the night as ason was to be born tohim. She says that shewas surprised for shecould see no signs ofpregnancy in Hazrat

Narjis. The Imam replied that Allahsends His Proof like so, just as the

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mother of Moses had shown no signseither.

Hazrat Hakeema stayed the night.When it was past midnight, she sawHazrat Narjis wake up, do wudhu,pray namaz e shab. Then she startedto feel the pains of labour. HazratHakeema did dua. Imam HasanAskari (AS) from the next room saidto her “Recite the sura of Qadr.”

Hazrat Hakeema says “I could feelthat the baby still in the womb wasreciting the sura with me. Thenafter a while there seem to be a veilbetween Narjis and me. I was

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worried”. Imam Hasan Askari said“Don’t worry, aunt!” She says “Whenthe veil was lifted what I sawamazed me. There was a beautifulbaby in sajda, praying:”O Allah, fulfilyour promise, complete myauthority, fill the earth with equityand justice through me. “

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) named himMuhammad and gave him the samesurname “Abul Qasim” as the holyProphet SAW had. This was the

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awaited Imam Mahdi, who would bethe final authority of Allah on earth.On the third day he showed him tohis companions and said, ”This son ofmine will be your master and Imamafter me. He is the Qaim who isawaited by everyone. When theearth is filled with injustice andtyranny, he will rise and fill it withjustice and equity.”

Infancy and Childhood

When Imam Mahdi AS was born, hisfather Imam Hasan Askari (AS)celebrated his aqeeqa on a largescale. Meat from several sheep andgoats as well as bread was sharedamong the people of Samarra. This

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was done perhaps to make sure thatmany people find out about the birthof the twelfth Imam.

Goat for Aqeeqa Bread for Aqeeqa

Only some of the Shias who could betrusted by the eleventh Imam sawImam Mahdi (AS). Ahmad son ofIshaaq came to visit the eleventhImam at his house and asked “Whowill be the Imam after you?”

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) wentinside and came out holding a threeyear old boy, Imam Mahdi on hisshoulder and said, ”O Ahmad, you

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have honour near Allah so I amshowing you my son. He is the onewho will fill the earth with justiceand fairness.”

On another occasion, about fortypeople gathered at the house ofImam Hasan Askari (AS) to find outabout his successor. In answer totheir question, the Imam came outwith a small boy whose face shonelike the full moon and said “This isyour Imam. Obey him. And also knowthat you will no more see him aftertoday.”

He also said,” Praise be to Allah whodid not take me out of this life tillHe made me see the Successorafter me.”

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Loss of his father

Imam Mahdi (AS) was hardly fiveyears old when his father, ImamHasan Askari (AS) was given poisonby the wicked ruler named Motamadin Samarra. For one week, the Imamwas very ill. Then on 8th Rabiulaval260 A.H. he died at the young age oftwenty eight.

As his end came near, he recitedthe verses of the holy Quraan. Thenews of his death spread throughSamarra. Thousands came out toweep at the loss of the son of theHoly Prophet SAW. Men, women,officers of the government, allgathered to pay their respect.

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As the time came to read the namazfor the funeral of the Imam, hisbrother Jafar stepped forward. Butbefore the namaz could begin, a fiveyear old boy (Imam Mahdi) stoppedhim saying:“The namaz for an Imamcan only be read by an Imam.” Sayingthis, Imam Mahdi (AS) led thenamaz.

Imam Hasan Askari (AS) was buriednext to his father, Imam Ali Naqui(AS). The tombs of Hazrat NarjisKhatoon and Hazrat Hakeema arealso inside the same zareeh inSamarra. Our salams to them all.

When the rulers found out that ayoung child of the eleventh Imamhad led the funeral prayer, spies

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were sent to search and kill him.They came into the house and lookedeverywhere but could not see him.Allah hid him from his enemies.

It is said that some saw him sayinghis namazon a musallathat wasfloating onwater. Thespies sentby the rulerwere scared. They did not wantother people to know about thismiracle, so kept quiet.

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Hidden from View

After the shahadat of his father,Imam Mahdi (AS) has lived,hidden from people. The firstpart of this period lasted forabout seventy years. This is calledGhaibat e Sughra. During thistime, only the special deputy,named by the Imam was able tomeet him.

This special Deputy/Naaib wouldget the answers to the questionsdirectly from the Imam. Theywere very pious and learned andwere chosen by Imam Mahdi (AS)himself. When one Deputy died,

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then the next one took over bythe orders of the Imam.1. Usman ibn Saeed Umravi. He

was the most trustworthy andwell known companion of ImamHasan Askari (AS) and had alsoserved Imam Ali Naqui (AS).Hewas highly respected andreliable. The Imam said “. If herelates something for you thenhe is telling the truth. Listen tohim and obey him because Itrust him.”

2. Muhamad ibn Usman ibn SaeedUmravi was the son of the firstdeputy and succeeded hisfather on the orders of the12th Imam. He also enjoyed thehighest respect in the eyes of

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his Master. He was the Imam’sdeputy for almost fifty years.

3. Hussain ibn Rooh, was verylearned and was made the thirdDeputy by the Master of theAge. He was trusted by theImam above all others. Whenwe write our areeza and put itin flowing water, we read a duacalling Hussain ibn Rooh todeliver it to the Imam’spresence.

4. Abul Hasan Ali ibn MuhammadSamarri, the fourth Deputy ofthe Hidden Imam, had also thehonour of serving the 10th and11th Imams. He got a letterfrom Imam Mahdi (AS) whichhe read out to the people. Itsaid “In the name Of Allah, O

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Ali ibn Muhammad Samarri. MayAllah reward your brothers inyour death, which is going totake place in six days time. Sotake care of your affairs anddo not appoint anyone in yourplace.”

During the time of Ghaibat eSughra, the Shias could contact theImam through his special deputies.But now with the death of thefourth deputy, the time had comefor the Ghaibat e Kubra. This isthe period when the Imam willremain hidden from view for a longtime.

In this period, the Shia follow theirLeader who is a Mujtahid, an expert

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in religion and who governs theMuslim nation. This Leader is calledWali Faqih, and under the rule ofthis Leader, Shias strive to preparethe ground for the Imam’sreappearance, Inshallah.

Shia Muslims are deeply saddenedby the suffering of the people inmany parts of the world. They donot sit idle and just wait. Theysupport the helpless, and standagainst the cruel people. By doingthis, they support the cause ofImam Mahdi (AS) which is to bringjustice to the world.

There is no time limit for thisperiod. Imam Mahdi (AS) himselfwrote “I will not appear until Allah

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permits me to do so(may His namebe exalted) and that will be after along time and after hearts becomehard and the earth is filled withwickedness” This second period ofthe Imam in hiding will last till hisZahoor, or Reappearance.

Meeting the Imam

Those people who have had thehonour of meeting Imam Mahdi (AS)can be grouped into two:

Those who met the Imam in thefirst phase of his Ghaibat

Those who met the Imam in thesecond phase of his Ghaibat.

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In the first group we have morethan thirty names of men, whomet the Imam. They weremembers of the family, Shias ofthe eleventh Imam, the fourDeputies and others.

During the time of second phase,called Ghaibat e Kubra, thosepeople who have seen and met theImam did not realise his identityin the meeting. Many incidentshave been reported across thecenturies giving details of howImam Mahdi (AS) helped them toovercome their problems.

An incident that has been reportedrecently is when a little girl was lost,while she was going round the Kaaba.

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There were millions of people. Shewas with her mother, but suddenly in

the rush of people, she lost hold ofher mother’s hand. She felt scaredand called out Ya Sahib uz Zamaanadrikni O Master of this Age, helpme!” She didn’t know what to do.

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Suddenly she heard someone call herby her name. He was in ehraam andtold her to do as he did in the tawaf.When the tawaf finished and shecompleted the seven rounds, hepointed which way she had to go.She was amazed to see her motherright there.

No wonder! Our Imam says: “I amaware of your affairs. Nothing aboutyou is hidden from me. I am there toprotect you. “

Our Duties as Shia

We live during the time of ourtwelfth Imam but cannot see himwith our eyes. Imam Mahdi (AS) is

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also waiting for the commandfrom Allah to come out openlybefore the world. The Earthcannot be without a divine proof.

His presence though hidden stillbenefits us. The Imam himselfhas said that “people can benefitfrom me in ghaibat just as theyderive benefit from the Sun whenit is hidden behind the clouds.

Imam Mahdi (AS) is the reminder ofAllah in his creation and has said tohis followers “Then each of youshould do those deeds which bringyou closer to our love.” He asked us

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to keep away from all acts thatdisplease him and make him angry.What keeps him away from us isthat we attach ourselves to what hedislikes.

If we think, then we will realise thatif we follow the rules set by theQuran and shown by the Ahle Baytthen we will please our Imam. In oneof his letters, he has written“Nothing is better than namaz tomake Shaitan bite the dust, thenperform namaz and make Shaitanbite the dust.”

Another important duty that ourImam has reminded us about is thegiving of Khums. This is one fifth ofyour yearly savings. Khums is divided

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into two parts,: one half is SehmeImam, which must be given to therepresentative of the Imam and theother half Sehme Sadaat to be usedto feed, clothe and educate the pooramong the Syed families of the Shiacommunity.We must always remember ourImam. We must pray to Allah tohasten his return. We can reciteDua e Nudba every Friday: “Wish Iknew where the far off place whereyou are settled. How long must Iwait for you my Master?”

“Where is the Master

of the Day of Victoryand the where is he

who will spreadthe flag of guidance?

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We should remain sad at the lack ofcontact with our Imam and at thestate of affairs while there is somuch cruelty in the world, speciallythe suffering of the momineen. Wemust try to create conditions whichwill be favourable for our Imam.When Imam Mahdi (AS) returnsthen it will be time to celebrate.

We shouldperform Hajj andUmra on hisbehalf. We shouldgive alms in thename of the Imam.Giving charity saidour first Imam prevents mishaps.

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Before we give charity for ourselveswe should give alms for our Imam.Imam Mahdi (AS) has said if youcannot give to him directly then “heshould give it to our pious Shias. Youwill get the same reward of giving tous.”

Before we pray for our own needs,we should pray for our Imam Mahdi(AS). We must pray for his safetyevery day. The Ahlul Bait haveshown us many duas where we prayfor his return.

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We must celebrate Imam Mahdi‘sbirthday on 15th Shabaan in such away that we spread knowledge abouthim. We should organise meetings toremember him.

We must offer our sympathy to theImam on the day of Ashoora, as heis the remaining son of ImamHussain (AS).

We should remain in touch withImam Mahdi (AS) always for he hasimmense love and affection for hisShia. We must pray for theprotection of Islam and eimaan. Indistress, we should read theisteghasa, a dua shown by the Imam.Our Imam is the best waseela, a

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means of approach to Allah for theacceptance of duas.

We can also write our needs in theform of a letter, an areeza. This canbe then put in flowing water. Somepeople put their areeza in the wellat the Masjid e Jamkaran, a placededicated to the living Imam Mahdi(AS).

Masjid e Jamkaraan,,Iran

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During the time of Ghaibat e kubra,we have to follow the rulings of amujtahid (marja) in the way we live,showing in our actions that we aretrue followers of Islam. This iscalled Taqleed. A mujtahid is apious and just man who is trained inthe laws of Islam and can guide us inthe day to day rules. He has a bookof guidance called “Risala” to explaindo’s and don’ts.

Signs of His Zahoor

The holy Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said that even if one day isleft before the end of the world,Allah will expand that day so thata person from his Ahlebait will fill

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the Earth with justice as it willhave been full of injustice andtyranny.

Many signs have been forecast toshow when the time of the Imam’sreturn is near.

Rulers and kings will be harshand cruel.

There will be many naturaldisasters, like earthquakesand black winds.

Fear will cover the people ofIraq and Baghdad.

Swift death will occur andlives, property and harvestswill be lost.

A reddish yellow fire willappear for a long time in theEast.

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A solar eclipse will be seen inmid-Ramadan and a lunareclipse at the end of themonth.

A pure soul will be killedoutside Koofa with 70 men

A call will be heard from thesky in such a way that peoplewill hear it in their ownlanguage.

The Reappearance

When Imam Mahdi (AS) reappearshe will be supported by ProphetJesus (AS), Prophet Khizr (AS) andProphet Ilyas (AS). The angelJibraeel will be sent by Allah toname the 313 companions of theImam who will help him. These 313

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supporters will be pious and bravewith great faith in the Imam. Theywill be ready to assist and help theImam in every way. Another 1000people will be in the army of theImam. These people will fightbattles and kill enemies like Dajjal.

The Imam will appear first in Mecca,on the day of Ashoora. He will go tothe Kaaba and announce his comingwith this verse of the Holy Quraan:

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Wa qul ja al Haq wa zahaq al batilinnal batil kaana zahuqa

And say Truth has come andfalsehood has vanished. Indeedfalsehood is bound to vanish

His Shias will come to him from theends of earth to do his bayat. Thosewho oppose him will be punished. Hewill then go from Mecca to Koofa.The Imam’sresidence willbe in the Masjide Sahla, nearKoofa.

Masjid e Sahla, near Koofa Iraq

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When Imam Mahdi (AS) will readnamaz, Prophet Jesus (AS) will bebehind him. He will invite people toIslam and guide them. He will rulewith justice and every due will berestored to its proper owner. Roadswill be safe. Blessings from Allah willbe such that there will be no one inneed of charity. Everyone will berich.

Imam Mahdi (AS) will teach theQuran as it should be taught. He willjudge among the people with thestyle of Prophet David (AS). Theworld will be filled with justice. Thesuccessor of Imam Hussain (AS) willavenge the blood of his grandfatherto defeat all tyranny.

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Let’s learn about Imam Mahdi AS


Let us pray to Allah to hasten thereappearance of our Imam and giveus the faith to be with the Imamamong his helpers, when heestablishes justice in the world.

Dua for the Imam

Imam Mahdi (AS) in one of hisletters has said “Pray more for myreappearance because in it is yoursalvation.”

O Allah, be, for Yourrepresentative, the Hujjat (proof),son of Al Hasan,Your blessings be on him and hisforefathers,in this hour and in every hour,

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a guardian, a protector,a leader, a helper,a proof, and an eye.Until You make him live on the earth,in obedience (to You), and cause himto live in it for a long time.

Allaahumma kun le-waliyyekalhujjatibnil hasane salawaatokaa'layhe wa a'laa aaabaa-ehi

Fee haazehis saa-a'te wa feekulle saa-a'tinWaliyyawn wa haafezawnWa qaa-edawn wa naaserawnwa daleelawn wa a'ynan

Hattaa tuskenahu arzaka taw-a'nwa tomatte-a'hu feehaa taweelaa.

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Salams to the Imam

Salam on the offspring of YaseenSalam on you the caller of Allahand His signSalam on you the proof of Allah..Salam on you the reciter of Hisbook and its explainerSalam on you in your night and inyour day......Salam on you while you arestandingSalam on you while you are sittingSalam on you while you arereading and explainingSalam on you while you are prayingnamaz and duaSalam on you while you are doingruku and sajda

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Salam on you while you are saying“La ilaha illallah” and “Allah oAkbar”Salam on you while you arepraising Allah and seekingforgivenessSalam on you when you enter themorning and eveningSalam on you in the night when itgathers and the day when it isseenSalam on you the Imam, theprotected one....Salam on you by the set of salams

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The Twelve Imams

1. Imam Ali Mutuza AS2. Imam Hasan Mujtaba AS3. Imam Hussain AS4. Imam Ali Zainulabideen AS5. Imam Muhammad Baqar AS6. Imam Jafar Sadiq AS7. Imam Moosa Kazim AS8. Imam Ali Reza AS9. Imam Muhammad Taqui (AS)10. Imam Ali Naqui AS11. Imam Hasan Askari(AS)12. Imam Muhammad Mahdi AS

Please recite sura Fatihafor all momineen and mominaat.May Allah forgive our faults

And keep us on the straight path.

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Title Let’s learn about Imam Mahdi (AS)Author: Sakina Hasan AskariPublisher: Salman Publications

Hyderabad IndiaFirst Edition: 1429 A.H. 2008Pages: 60Copies: 1000ISBN: 81-88823-19-8

Other Books by Sakina Hasan AskariAza e HussainAza e ZainabAza e MasoomeenSana e MasoomeenZikr e Aale Muhammad

Copies available fromU.K. Sakina Hasan Askari00441514285771Email:[email protected] Syed Abbas Hasan Jafri001 248 952 5151Email [email protected] Salman Book Centre0091 4024560156/32561156Email [email protected]