imaa-cnr research activities throughout europe and at … · 2019. 3. 13. · 5 principali...

IMAA-CNR research activities throughout Europe and at International level Report on Horizon 2020, COSME, ESA, Copernicus, ERA4CS, Interreg MED, COST and Bilateral Agreements projects Monica Proto CNR-IMAA reference person for European and International Relations Latest updated: February 2019

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Page 1: IMAA-CNR research activities throughout Europe and at … · 2019. 3. 13. · 5 principali infrastrutture di ricerca ambientali e finalizzate allo studio del sistema Terra in Europa

IMAA-CNR research activities throughout Europe

and at International level

Report on Horizon 2020, COSME, ESA, Copernicus, ERA4CS,

Interreg MED, COST and Bilateral Agreements projects

Monica Proto

CNR-IMAA reference person for European and International Relations

Latest updated: February 2019

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Index Sintesi estesa in italiano ..................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. 10

HORIZON 2020 ................................................................................................................................... 12

The programme and the monitoring of results ................................................................... 12

CNR-IMAA in HORIZON 2020: the projects approved and funded ............................. 14

List of CNR-IMAA projects funded under Horizon 2020 ................................................. 17

List of CNR-IMAA projects funded under COSME ....................................................... 33

European Space Agency .................................................................................................................. 37

Copernicus ............................................................................................................................................ 43

European Research Area for Climate Services ERA4CS ...................................................... 48

The European Territorial Cooperation Programmes: The Interreg MED ........................... 52

COST ACTION .................................................................................................................................... 54

Bilateral agreements of Scientific and Technological Cooperation ..................................... 56

Reference Documents ...................................................................................................................... 57

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Sintesi estesa in italiano

I ricercatori IMAA nel corso degli ultimi anni hanno fortemente contribuito ad accrescere la

presenza dell’istituto nei programmi di ricerca e di cooperazione europei ed internazionali,

ricoprendo ruoli di responsabilità scientifica ed in alcuni casi di coordinamento. Nell’ultimo

decennio, infatti, l’IMAA ha gradualmente maturato una buona partecipazione nell’ambito di

programmi di ricerca e innovazione. Il 2018 si è concluso con la firma di nuovi contratti con

la Commissione Europea, per l’aggiudicazione di due progetti nell’ambito di Horizon 2020,

consolidando la presenza dell’IMAA nei programmi di ricerca e innovazione in Europa e

stipulando contratti attivi di oltre 3 milioni di Euro. Il portfolio dei progetti che vedono la

partecipazione dell’IMAA è dunque di 9 progetti Horizon 2020 a cui va aggiunto un progetto

approvato e riconosciuto dalla Commissione Europea come “evento associato” all’iniziativa

“Notte Europea dei Ricercatori” nell’ambito delle azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie di Horizon

2020. Inoltre l’IMAA ha partecipato a 2 progetti nell’ambito COSME. Nel VII Programma

Quadro l’IMAA ha concluso 21 progetti finanziati (vedasi report “La partecipazione

dell'IMAA nei Programmi Quadro dell'Unione Europea”

In Horizon 2020, i progetti finanziati ricadono in tutti e tre i principali pilastri di finanziamento:

“Eccellenza Scientifica”, “Tecnologie Industriali” e “Sfide Sociali”, nonché nel pilastro

indipendente “Diffondere l’eccellenza e ampliare la partecipazione”.

Programma HORIZON 2020

Ambito Acronimo Titolo del progetto Ruolo dell’IMAA Stato




nza S





ACTRIS-2 Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research InfraStructure

Coordinatore In corso

ACTRIS PPP Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project

Partner In corso


Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society

Partner In corso


ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research

Partner In corso

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ie I




GAIA-CLIM Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring

Partner Concluso

CORDINET Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network

Terza parte – TeRN (Partner)

In corso







European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation

Partner In corso








za e



re la





ATHENA Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage

Partner Concluso

ECARS East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Partner Concluso

Nell’area “Infrastrutture di Ricerca” del primo pilastro “Eccellenza Scientifica”, l’IMAA, in

qualità di partner, si è aggiudicato recentemente la partecipazione al progetto ENVRI-FAIR,

che è la connessione del Cluster ESFRI di Infrastrutture di Ricerca Ambientali (ENVRI) al

Cloud Europeo “Open Science Cloud (EOSC). E’ al quarto anno di attività il progetto

ACTRIS-2 "Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure", coordinato dalla

Dr.ssa Gelsomina Pappalardo, Dirigente di Ricerca del CNR-IMAA, che coinvolge 31 partner

appartenenti ad università e centri di ricerca di 21 Paesi europei ed integra le più rilevanti

Infrastrutture di Ricerca (IR) europee per lo studio di aerosol e nubi. Nel 2016 ACTRIS è stata

inserita nell'elenco delle IR di interesse per la Roadmap ESFRI “European Strategy Forum

on Research Infrastructures”. A seguito dell’inserimento nella roadmap, la compagine

europea di ACTRIS ha presentato la proposta ACTRIS PPP “Aerosols, Clouds and Trace

gases Preparatory Phase Project” per il Preparatory Phase Project aggiudicatasi con

successo nel bando Horizon2020 – Infradev2016 - 2. Il Preparatory Phase Project, iniziato

nel 2017 è dedicato a sostenere ACTRIS nella definizione degli aspetti più propriamente

tecnico/organizzativi, supportare il raggiungimento della maturità legale e finanziaria richiesta

per la sua implementazione. Ad ACTRIS PPP partecipa il CNR in qualità di beneficiario ed

in rappresentanza di tutti gli enti/Università italiane coinvolte. Sempre nell’area “Infrastrutture

di Ricerca”, l’IMAA partecipa in qualità di partner al progetto ENVRIPLUS “Environmental

Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society”, che riunisce le

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principali infrastrutture di ricerca ambientali e finalizzate allo studio del sistema Terra in


Nel secondo pilastro, “Tecnologie Industriali”, l’IMAA a fine 2018, si è aggiudicato in qualità

di terza parte del Consorzio TeRN, il progetto CoRdiNet, che mira a sostenere e promuovere

l’uso dei dati/servizi di Osservazione della Terra (OT) del programma Copernicus. l’IMAA ha

concluso in qualità di partner il progetto GAIA-CLIM “Gap Analysis for Integrated

Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring”, finanziato sotto la priorità Tecnologie per lo Spazio.

Il progetto si propone di identificare e documentare le criticità attualmente esistenti nel

sistema globale di osservazione e monitoraggio del clima attraverso una mappatura delle

varie reti e stazioni di osservazione esistenti, che già operano - in modo più o meno

coordinato - per l'osservazione a scala globale delle variabili climatiche legate all'atmosfera,

al suolo e agli oceani. Nel terzo pilastro di Horizon 2020, nella Sfida Sociale “Trasporti

intelligenti, verdi e integrati”, ricade il progetto EUNADICS-AV “European Natural Airborne

Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation”, focalizzato sul rischio legato ai

voli aerei in caso di eruzioni vulcaniche, incidenti nucleari e altri eventi estremi dove gli

aerosol e gas in traccia sono immessi in atmosfera, compromettendo la sicurezza del

trasporto aereo. Nel pilastro indipendente “Diffondere l’eccellenza e ampliare la

partecipazione”, l’IMAA partecipa in qualità di partner con due progetti finanziati nel campo

delle attività di “Twinning”. Questo tipo di azioni sono finalizzate a sostenere lo scambio di

conoscenze e di esperienze a favore di un ente di ricerca emergente, attraverso misure di

coordinamento e supporto quali, scambio di personale, visite di esperti, corsi di formazione,

workshop, partecipazione a conferenze, organizzazione di attività congiunte di tipo summer

school, attività di disseminazione. I progetti finanziati in ambito “Twinning” sono ATHENA e

ECARS. ATHENA “Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage” conclusosi nel

2018, è stato finalizzato alla realizzazione di un centro di eccellenza nel campo delle

tecnologie di remote sensing per la conservazione dei beni culturali in aree archeologiche.

ECARS “East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing” è focalizzato sulle

tecniche di remote sensing per lo studio dell’atmosfera e del clima.

Programma COSME

Ambito Acronimo Titolo del progetto Ruolo dell’IMAA Stato

Cluster Go International

SPACE2ID Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification

Partner concluso

SPACE2IDGO Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification GO

Partner In corso

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Infine, nel contesto del programma COSME “Programma per la competitività delle imprese

e delle Piccole e Medie Imprese”, l’Istituto attraverso la partecipazione al Consorzio TeRN

ha preso parte al progetto SPACE2ID “Space Clusters International Industrial

Diversification”, finalizzato a rafforzare la partnership dei Cluster Tecnologici su alcuni temi

di interesse strategico in Europa, quali la mobilità, la logistica, l’industria creativa e

l’agricoltura. In tale contesto, l’IMAA partecipa al progetto SPACE2IDGO finalizzato alla

promozione e alla diffusione delle tecnologie spaziali.

L’IMAA inoltre si è aperto anche ad altri programmi ed iniziative europee, aggiudicandosi

contratti con l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA). In particolare, attualmente l’IMAA ha tre

contratti attivi con l’ESA per l’offerta di servizi e prodotti nel campo delle osservazioni della

Terra: 1) ARTEK “Satellite enabled Services for Preservation and Valorisation of Cultural

Heritage”; 2) ITT-ESA “Hyperspectral Imaging Mission Concepts”; 3) FLEX-EU “Technical

Assistance for the Deployment of an advanced hyperspectral imaging sensor during FLEX-


Le attività di ricerca dell’IMAA negli ultimi anni sono state valorizzate dal successo

nell’aggiudicazione di bandi nell’ambito dei Servizi Climatici. È stato recentemente firmato il

contratto per la seconda fase del progetto iniziato nel 2017 e finanziato dall’agenzia europea

ECMWF nell’ambito della Call C3S_311a del programma Copernicus, di cui l’IMAA ha il

coordinamento di un intero Lotto. Tale contratto è finalizzato ad armonizzare e fornire prodotti

di livello avanzato per alcune variabili climatiche essenziali (temperatura, vapor d’acqua,

ozono gas in traccia). I prodotti sviluppati rientrano nel Copernicus Climate Data Service

(C3S). Inoltre, in collaborazione con il consorzio TeRN l’istituto contribuisce alle attività del

programma NEREUS “Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies”, la rete

delle regioni Europee per la promozione e la diffusione delle tecnologie spaziali ed ha fornito

supporto alle Nazioni Unite partecipando ad attività umanitarie in Palestina per la gestione

di dati geospaziali. Nell’ambito di NEREUS, l’IMAA ricopre il ruolo di partner di due contratti

Copernicus, indirizzati a promuovere e a favorire l’uso dei dati e informazioni Copernicus

negli attuali processi decisionali degli utilizzatori.

Nell’ambito dell’Area Europea della Ricerca per i Servizi Climatici (ERA4CS), l’IMAA

prosegue l’attività di coordinamento di due progetti per il CNR: SERV_FORFIRE “Integrated

services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire

and post fire risk prevention”, iniziato a settembre 2017 e finalizzato alla costruzione di un

network europeo sullo studio e sulle misure da adottare nell’ambito del rischio da incendio;

DustClim “Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user‐oriented Climate Services

in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe”, mirato a produrre e sviluppare la rianalisi di

modelli regionali delle polveri attraverso elaborazioni dei dati degli aerosol da satellite.

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Nella seguente tabella, sono riportati i contratti ESA, Copernicus ed ERA4CS che vedono il

coinvolgimento dell’IMAA.

Contratti ESA

Bando Titolo del progetto Ruolo dell’IMAA Stato

ARTES 20IAP programme

ARTEK “Satellite enabled Services for Preservation and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage”

Partner In corso

ITT ESRIN/AO/1-8579/16/I-Sbo

Hyperspectral Imaging Mission Concepts

Partner In corso

4000107143/12/NL/FF/If CCN2

Technical Assistance for the Deployment of an advanced hyperspectral imaging sensor during FLEX-EU

Partner In corso

Programma COPERNICUS Climate Change Service (C3S)

Call C3S_311a

C3S-Baseline And Reference Observation Networks -SC1

Coordinatore concluso

Call C3S_311a C3S-Baseline And Reference Observation Networks -SC2

Coordinatore In corso

Programma COPERNICUS User Uptake Framework

Contract No 385/PP/2014/FC

LOT 1: Support to Copernicus user uptake promotion, communication and dissemination activities

Partner In corso

LOT 2: Support to the use and user uptake of Copernicus data and information

Partner In corso

Programma ERA4CS


Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention

Coordinatore In corso


Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user‐oriented Climate Services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe

Partner In corso

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Oltre a tali bandi e programmi di ricerca, innovazione e sviluppo a livello europeo, l’IMAA si

è aperto ad altre iniziative di cooperazione transnazionali, quali l’Interreg MED. L’ingresso

nel programma per eccellenza di cooperazione transnazionale nel Mediterraneo è

testimoniato dal progetto PrioritEE che vede l’IMAA ricoprire il ruolo di coordinatore di

istituzioni scientifiche ed enti locali ed agenzie provenienti da 5 paesi dell’area MED (Italia,

Portogallo, Spagna, Grecia e Croazia). Il progetto, che volge alla sua conclusione a luglio

2019, mira a rafforzare le capacità delle pubbliche amministrazioni nella selezione ed

implementazione di misure di miglioramento dell’efficienza energetica (EE) negli edifici


L’IMAA ha partecipato al JP EERA Smart Cities il cui obiettivo è lo sviluppo di metodi per la

progettazione, pianificazione e il funzionamento intelligente dei sistemi energetici delle città

del futuro. Nel 2018, è continuata la partecipazione ai gruppi tematici di lavoro in URBAN

EUROPE, su “Urban Environmental Sustainability and Resilience” e “Urban Governance and

Participation” in European Energy Research Alliance (EERA - JPI Urban Europe) Smart


L’IMAA partecipa alle azioni COST, quali l’azione“In Dust” per costituzione di un network

internazionale per promuovere l‘uso delle osservazioni e dei modelli previsionali (COST

CA16202) delle polveri desertiche, ed all’azione ENGAGER, focalizzata sul tema della

“Povertà energetica europea: co-creazione di agenda e innovazione della conoscenza”.

L’IMAA ha contribuito ad EUFAR (European Facilities for Airborne Research) con il sistema

TASI-Partenavia. e ad altre azioni COST conclusisi nel 2017 (es. TOPROF, COST Action


Particolare rilevanza va data anche alle attività di cooperazione internazionale che l’IMAA ha

intrapreso da anni con istituzioni scientifiche di paesi europei ed extraeuropei sia per favorire

mobilità del personale che per la realizzazione di laboratori congiunti. Tali attività vengono

svolte grazie agli accordi di cooperazione bilaterale promossi dal CNR al fine di sostenere lo

scambio di conoscenze e di esperienze fra unità di ricerca CNR e di altri organismi di ricerca.

I ricercatori IMAA sono impegnati in progetti finanziati nell’ambito di accordi di

cooperazione bilaterale con Messico, Malta, Egitto, AZERBAIJAN, Taiwan, Libano, Cina e


Il breve resoconto illustrato sulle attività di ricerca e di cooperazione a livello europeo ed

internazionale conferma la capacità dell’IMAA di competere a livello europeo e dimostra la

maturità della ricerca nell’accedere a diverse tipologie di iniziative e finanziamento. I progetti

e le iniziative in ambito europeo contribuiscono ad un costante trend di crescita, sia in termini

di risorse umane che di Infrastrutture di Ricerca. Il CNR-IMAA è un istituto che afferisce al

Dipartimento di Scienze per il Sistema Terra e tecnologie per l’Ambiente del CNR (DTA-

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CNR), ha una unica sede localizzata in Regione Basilicata con uno staff costituito da 96 unità

di personale strutturato e circa 50 tra assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi, associati universitari,

collaboratori e stagisti. Attualmente il CNR-IMAA rappresenta la più alta concentrazione a

livello nazionale di ricercatori nel settore delle Osservazioni della Terra (

Da diversi anni l’IMAA ha investito nella formazione e specializzazione di personale dedicato

al supporto e implementazione di progetti di ricerca e sviluppo in ambito nazionale ed

europeo. Si è così costituito un ufficio di Ricerca&Sviluppo all’interno dell’IMAA che oltre a

fornire assistenza ai ricercatori nella predisposizione di proposte progettuali si interfaccia con

l’Ufficio “Relazioni Europee e Internazionali” del CNR per la risoluzione e la condivisione dei

quesiti inerenti alla partecipazione dell’ente ai programmi di ricerca, cooperazione e

trasferimento tecnologico. Nell’ambito di queste attività, sono stati seguiti diversi progetti di

ricerca e sviluppo precompetitivo con il sistema industriale in ambito nazionale ed europeo.

Inoltre, l’IMAA è fortemente coinvolto della gestione dello Sportello regionale di APRE

“Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca in Europa”, ospitato presso il Consorzio TeRN,

avendo tre unità di personale dedicato alle attività dello Sportello. Si tratta di attività di

informazione, promozione e supporto per favorire una migliore e più consapevole

partecipazione al programma Horizon 2020.

Il report si compone di sette sezioni dedicate ai singoli programmi ed iniziative, partendo da

Horizon 2020 e COSME, e a seguire l’Agenzia Spaziale Europea, il servizio Copernicus,

l’Area Europea della Ricerca per i Servizi Climatici, l’Interreg Med, le azioni COST e gli

accordi di cooperazione Bilaterali. Ciascuna sezione è riportata mediante un’introduzione

generale seguita dalla descrizione sintetica dei progetti finanziati.

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The Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) of the National Research

Council (CNR) of Italy is actually involved in several programmes and initiatives at European

and International level, where IMAA researchers have experienced scientific responsibility

as well as played coordination roles.

In the framework of HORIZON 2020, IMAA has already recorded n.9 projects approved and

funded with a European financial contribution to CNR-IMAA which is above 3 Mil. Euro and

has finalized all the FP7 projects. In 2018, a project was approved within the “EU

Researchers’ Night” call and recognized as Associated Event. Even in COSME, the

European programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized

Enterprises, IMAA has obtained a funding in 2 projects addressed to create a European

Strategic Cluster Partnership.

IMAA played the role of partners as well as coordinator in international partnership

constituted by academic, research and industrial partner. It is worth noting that IMAA is

coordinating ACTRIS “Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network”,

an infrastructural project financed within Horizon 2020, which includes 21 Countries for 31

partners and integrates the most important European infrastructures for the study of aerosols

and clouds. ACTRIS has been selected to the European Strategy Forum on Research

Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap in 2016.

With the European Space Agency (ESA), IMAA has played the role of contractor of three

services for Earth Observation.

IMAA has reinforced its participation in the European Research Area for Climate Services

(ERA4CS), by coordinating two projects, and in the Copernicus Climate Change Service

(C3S), by coordinating a service for the development of products related to the Access to

Observations from Baseline and Reference Networks, which has recently started the second

phase of the contract. IMAA, through the participation in TeRN Consortium, is also involved

in Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies (NEREUS), by participating in

two activities aiming to promote the use and uptake of Copernicus data and information by

users (intermediate and end-users).

In the frame of the Interreg MED programme, IMAA has been playing the role of Lead Partner

of PrioritEE, a modular project aimed at fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency

in specific MED territories.

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Moreover, IMAA is participating in two COST actions, reinforcing its presence on the strategic

network for the transnational cooperation on key scientific themes, such as Earth System

and Smart Cities.

IMAA has also promoted activities and bilateral projects of international cooperation with

scientific institutions from European countries (e.g. Portugal, Czech Republic) and countries

outside the EU (China, Azerbaijan, Egypt, etc.) to favor the mobility of the personnel and the

realization of joint research laboratories.

These successful data testify the effective ability of IMAA’s researchers to be competitive at

European level and the positive growth trend, both in terms of human resources and

Research Infrastructures. IMAA has the highest concentration of researchers working in

Earth Observation within the network of the Department of Science for Earth System and

Environmental Technologies with a high percentage of young researchers. The IMAA

headquarters is located in the Basilicata region in a single “CNR Research Area”. To-date,

the permanent staff includes 96 people, whereas the non-permanent one includes 50 people.

This result has been obtained by means of a continuous and effective research policy aimed

at improving the attractiveness of top talents and young scientists in Earth Observation and

Environmental Sciences.

IMAA is also strongly involved in the promotion and dissemination of the Framework

Programme initiatives through the involvement in APRE “Agency for the Promotion of the

European Research” ( APRE has different information points distributed in each

region of Italy and the Basilicata one is located at Research Area of CNR, at TeRN

Consortium. The close and strong collaboration between IMAA and TeRN has led to different

positive initiatives and a larger involvement of researchers and entrepreneur in national and

European research projects.

This report consists of six sections devoted to the single programs. The first section is

focused on HORIZON 2020 and COSME, by reporting a general preface on the monitoring

results and followed by a brief description of each project funded. The other five sections are

respectively focused on the Interreg Med programme, European Space Agency project,

Copernicus service, COST actions and finally on the Bilateral Agreements. All sections are

organized in two parts: a general preface followed by the focus on the project/initiative funded

in that specific programme.

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The programme and the monitoring of results

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme which has the

challenging aim to contribute to reach a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe

funding the most innovative and competitive ideas and projects. Horizon 2020 is the financial

instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at

securing Europe’s global competitiveness. Horizon 2020 aims to cover the full value chain,

from frontier research, to technological development, demonstration, valorization of results

and innovation. Compared to the previous Framework Programme, in Horizon the funding

schemes have been substituted by the so called “actions”.

H2020 is structured in three main pillars: Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and

Societal Challenges, and integrated with 5 horizontal initiatives, which are Euratom, Joint

Research Center, Science with and for Society, Spreading Excellence and Widening

Participation and finally the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The

overall structure is reported in figure 1.

Figure 1: Structure of Horizon 2020

The total budget of Horizon 2020 (including the Euratom nuclear research programme) in

current prices is nearly €80 billion and in constant prices €70.2 billion for 7 years.

The repartition of the budget on each programme is shown in the figure 2.

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Figure 2: Budget for each programme

HORIZON 2020 is going to be concluded with the launch of the final 2018-2020 calls and the

second phase was concluded with the closure of all calls planned in the work-programme

2014-2015 and 2016-2017.

On the basis of the monitoring report on the three years published by the European

Commission in 20171, the number of proposals received in total was 115 235, out of which

13.303 proposals were the overall signed grants; therefore, the overall success rate of

eligible full proposals is around 12.6% in terms of number of eligible proposals in the

reference years. The number of eligible applications per European Member States testifies

how much some European countries are active and how more recent member states are

coping with this new research and innovation programme (Fig.3).

1 “Horizon 2020 in full swing – Three years on – Key facts and figures 2014-2016 PDF icon” - European

Commission, 2017

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Figure 3 – Number of Horizon 2020 applications per EU Member State 2014-2016, and share of overall Horizon 2020 applications (from “Horizon 2020 in full swing – Three years on – Key facts and

figures 2014-2016 PDF icon”)

Italy falls among the first Member States as number of eligible applications anyway the

success rate is still below the average, being of 11.2%, with a maximum value in Societal

Challenges (13% in 2014) and a minimum value in Excellent Science (8% in 2015).

CNR-IMAA in HORIZON 2020: the projects approved and funded

The IMAA inclusion in international programmes furtherly increased in 2018 thanks to the

successful participation in Horizon 2020 calls where IMAA researchers have experienced

scientific responsibility as well as played coordination roles. Up to now, IMAA has recorded

n.9 projects funded in Horizon 2020 (H2020) with a European financial contribution to

CNR-IMAA which is above 3 Mil. Euro. In 2018, a project was approved within the “EU

Researchers’ Night” call and recognized as Associated Event by the European Commission.

There are four projects falling in Excellent Science (INFRA theme), two in Industrial

Leadership (Earth Observation theme), one in Societal Challenge (Smart, green and

integrated transport) and two in Spreading excellence and widening participation (Twinning


IMAA plays the role of Coordinator of one project out of eight. It is worth noting that the project

coordinated by IMAA is ACTRIS “Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure

Network”, an infrastructural project financed within the FP7 and Horizon 2020, which includes

21 Countries for 31 partners and integrates the most important European infrastructures for

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the study of aerosols and clouds. ACTRIS has been selected to the European Strategy Forum

on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap in 2016.

The list of all funded projects is reported in the table below, where the status of the project

as well as the role of CNR-IMAA are present.

Table 1- List of the projects granted to funding in HORIZON 2020 and in COSME

HORIZON 2020 Programme

Pillar Project Acronym

Project Title Role of CNR-IMAA Status



ial L





ACTRIS-2 Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research InfraStructure




Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society



ACTRIS PPP Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project




ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research





ial L





GAIA-CLIM Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring

Partner Closed

CORDINET Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network

Third Party of TeRN (Partner)










European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation

Partner Ongoing







ce a









ATHENA Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage

Partner Closed

ECARS East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Partner Closed

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Besides those projects, two projects were granted to funding under the programme for the

Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME).

COSME programme is improving access to finance for SMEs through two financial

instruments that have been available since August 2014: the Loan Guarantee Facility and

the Equity Facility for Growth. COSME has a budget of over EUR 1.3 billion to fund these

financial instruments that facilitate access to loans and equity finance for SMEs where market

gaps have been identified.

COSME Programme

Topic Project Acronym

Project Title Role of CNR-IMAA Status

Cluster Go International

SPACE2ID Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification

Partner Closed

SPACE2IDGO Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification GO

Partner Ongoing

In the following section, a brief description of each project is provided. General information

including the reference call, the type of action, the duration, the actual status of the project,

the project cost, the content and the reference contact of the project are reported. Besides

this general information, data about the participation in each call are reported on the basis of

the “Flash call info” document. This document is available for each call closed for which the

evaluation process has been finalized. It provides details on the number of proposals

evaluated above the threshold and number of proposals submitted for each call.

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List of CNR-IMAA projects

funded under Horizon 2020

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Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research InfraStructure

The project ACTRIS-2 was one of the 18 projects funded under the call INFRAIA-2014-2015 “Integrating and Opening Research Infrastructures of European Interest”, where 60 proposals were submitted and 47 out of these were evaluated with a score above the threshold. The project is coordinated by IMAA and involves 31 partners belonging to Universities and Research Centres from all 21 European countries. The project is a successful follow-up of ACTRIS “Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Network” project, funded under the Seventh Framework Programme, on the call INFRA-2010-1-1.1.16: Research Infrastructures for Atmospheric Research.

ACTRIS has been selected to the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap in 2016. In the project consortium the CNR Department of Earth System Science and Environmental Technologies is involved with two institutes: IMAA and ISAC “Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate”. ACTRIS has been selected to the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap in 2016.

General information


Title Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace Gases Research InfraStructure

Project Acronym ACTRIS-2

Reference call INFRAIA-2014-2015 “Integrating and Opening Research Infrastructures of European Interest

Type of action Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Duration 48 months

Starting date 1st May 2015

Status Ongoing

Project cost 10.126.484,54 Euro

IMAA’s budget 911.846,00 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Coordinator

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Gelsomina Pappalardo



ACTRIS-2 is the pan-European initiative for coordinating long-term observations of aerosols, clouds, and short lived gases from the ground.

The objective of ACTRIS-2 is to consolidate the construction of a unique user-oriented Research Infrastructure initiated more than 15 years ago for providing 4-D integrated high-quality data from near-surface to high altitude (vertical profiles and total-column), relevant to climate and air-quality research. ACTRIS-2 is a European contribution to the Global Atmosphere Watch program of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO-GAW) and the research component of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). It

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supports European activities of the Aerosol Robotic NETwork (AERONET). ACTRIS-2 activities also support the strategic priorities of the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and develop synergies with national initiatives.

The distributed observation platforms of ACTRIS-2 are located both in Europe and outside and will improve systematic and timely collection, processing and distribution of data and results for use in 19odelling, in particular towards implementation of atmospheric and climate services.

ACTRIS-2 pursues the following targets:

- Maintaining and increasing the availability of long-term observational data relevant to climate and air-quality research on the regional scale

- Continuing to develop and disseminate integration tools to fully exploit the use of multiple atmospheric techniques at ground-based stations, for the calibration/validation/integration of satellite sensors and for the improvement of the parameterizations used in global and regional-scale climate and air-quality models

- Opening calibration facilities and advanced observing platforms to Trans-National Access for the benefit of a large user community including SMEs, and further facilitating virtual access to high-quality information, products and services enhancing the ACTRIS Data Centre

- Maintaining and enhancing the capacity of training in the field of atmospheric observations particularly directed to young scientists and researchers from non-EU developing countries

- Promoting innovation potential and technological standardization with European SMEs for transfer of observation technologies and methods

- Developing a sustainable strategy for maintaining ACTRIS-services in the long term.

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Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society

The project ENVRIPLUS was one out of 12 proposals submitted to the call INFRADEV4-2014-2015 and among the 8 projects funded under the call INFRADEV4-2014-2015 “Implementation and operation of cross-cutting services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other relevant research infrastructure initiatives” in “Research Infrastructures – INFRA” programme. CNR-IMAA is participating in ENVRIPLUS as partner together with the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC), the Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET-CNR) and the Institute of Information Science and Technologies “A. Faedo” (CNR-ISTI).

General information


Title Environmental Research Infrastructures providing shared solutions for science and society

Project Acronym ENVRIPLUS

Reference call INFRADEV4-2014-2015 Implementation and operation of cross-cutting services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other relevant research infrastructure initiatives

Type of action Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Duration 48 months

Starting date 1st May 2015

Status Ongoing

Project cost 14.998.034,25 Euro

EU contribution 14.683.534,25 Euro

IMAA’s budget 332.750,42 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Gelsomina Pappalardo



ENVRIPLUS is a cluster of research infrastructures (Ris) for Environmental and Earth System sciences, built around ESFRI roadmap and associating leading e-infrastructures and Integrating Activities together with technical specialist partners. ENVRIPLUS is driven by 3 overarching goals:

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1) favoring cross-fertilization between infrastructures, 2) implementing innovative concepts and devices across Ris, and 3) facilitating research and innovation in the field of environment to an increasing number of users outside the Ris. ENVRIPLUS organizes its activities along a main strategic plan where sharing multi-disciplinary expertise will be most effective. It aims to improve Earth observation monitoring systems and strategies, including actions towards harmonization and

innovation, to generate common solutions to many shared information technology and data related challenges, to harmonize policies for access and provide strategies for knowledge transfer amongst Ris.

ENVRIPLUS develops guidelines to enhance trans-disciplinary use of data and data-products supported by applied use-cases involving Ris from different domains. ENVRIPLUS coordinates actions to improve communication and cooperation, addressing Environmental Ris at all levels, from management to end-users, implementing RI-staff exchange programs, generating material for RI personnel, and proposing common strategic developments and actions for enhancing services to users and evaluating the socio-economic impacts.

ENVRIPLUS is expected to facilitate structuration and improve quality of services offered both within single Ris and at pan-RI level. It promotes efficient and multi-disciplinary research offering new opportunities to users, new tools to RI managers and new communication strategies for environmental RI communities. The produced solutions, services and other project results are made available to all environmental RI initiatives, thus contributing to the development of a consistent European RI ecosystem.

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Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project

General information


Title Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Preparatory Phase Project

Project Acronym


Reference call INFRADEV-02-2016 Preparatory Phase and support to early phase of ESFRI projects

Type of action Coordination and support action (CSA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st January 2017

Status Ongoing

Project cost 399.9996,25 Euro

CNR’s budget 505.625, 00 Euro

Role of CNR Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Gelsomina Pappalardo



The Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS – Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases – is the pan-European RI that consolidates activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes, to provide RI services to wide user groups. ACTRIS is composed of 8 connected elements: distributed National Facilities (observation platforms and exploratory platforms) both in Europe and globally, and 7 Central Facilities (Head Office, Data Centre and 5 Calibration Centres).

ACTRIS provides access to its facilities, open-access data, research support, instrument calibration and development, and training to various user groups. By providing data and access ACTRIS enhances science, but it also generates and disseminates knowledge, boosts technological development, and creates human capital and jobs for the benefit of the society.

ACTRIS will positively impact on e.g. human health, climate resilience, and protection from environmental hazards and reduction of air pollution. ACTRIS has been selected to the ESFRI roadmap in 2016 as mature enough to be implemented within the next ten years. ACTRIS Preparatory Phase Project (PPP) will have a significant role in enabling the transition from a projectbased network of research facilities to a centrally coordinated integrated pan-European RI.

ACTRIS PPP brings together a wide community of research performing organizations, research funding organizations and ministries needed to take the decisions and actions to move forward in the implementation of the ACTRIS. The main objectives of ACTRIS PPP are to develop the organizational, operational and strategic frameworks of the RI. The work includes legal, governance, financial, technical, strategic, and administrative aspects carried

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out in 9 work packages. The main outcomes of PPP are signature-ready documents for establishment of a legal entity with well-defined operations and a sound business plan.

CNR-IMAA is involved together with the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (CNR-ISAC) through the participation of the Department of Earth systems science and environmental technologies (DTA-CNR) in ACTRIS PPP.

The planned ACTRIS research infrastructure implementation activities

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ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services

Accessible for society, Innovation and Research

General information


Title ENVironmental Research Infrastructures building Fair services Accessible for society, Innovation and Research

Project Acronym ENVRI-FAIR

Reference call H2020-INFRAEOSC-2018-2

Type of action Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st January 2019

Status Ongoing

Project cost 18.997.878,75 Euro

IMAA’s budget 593.437,50 Euro

Role of IMAA Partner

Responsible for IMAA Gelsomina Pappalardo



ENVRI-FAIR is the connection of the ESFRI Cluster of Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRI) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Participating research infrastructures (RI) of the environmental domain cover the subdomains Atmosphere, Marine, Solid Earth and Biodiversity / Ecosystems and thus the Earth system in its full complexity. The overarching goal is that at the end of the proposed project, all participating RIs have built a set of FAIR data services which enhances the efficiency and productivity of researchers, supports innovation, enables data- and knowledge-based decisions and connects the ENVRI Cluster to the EOSC. This goal is reached by: (1) well defined community policies and standards on all steps of the data life cycle, aligned with the wider European policies, as well as with international developments; (2) each participating RI will have sustainable, transparent and auditable data services, for each step of data life cycle, compliant to the FAIR principles. (3) the focus of the proposed work is put on the implementation of prototypes for testing pre-production services at each RI; the catalogue of prepared services is defined for each RI independently, depending on the maturity of the involved RIs; (4) the complete set of thematic data services and tools provided by the ENVRI cluster is exposed under the EOSC catalogue of services.

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Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring

First successful results about the participation of CNR-IMAA in Horizon 2020 have been recorded at the beginning of 2015 with the submission and the approval of GAIA-CLIM project under the call ““Earth Observation-2014”. It was submitted under the call EO-3-2014 “Observation capacity mapping in the context of Atmospheric and Climate change monitoring” under “Earth Observation-2014” where n.3 proposals out of n.3 proposals submitted have received an evaluation score above the applicable threshold.

General information


Title Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring

Project Acronym GAIA-CLIM

Reference call EO-3-2014 ‘Observation capacity mapping in the context of Atmospheric and Climate change monitoring’

Type of action Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st March 2015

Status Closed

Project cost 5.999.726,25 Euro

IMAA’s budget 426.250,00 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Fabio Madonna



The GAIA-CLIM (Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring) project has been funded in the frame of the call EO-3-2014 ‘Observation capacity mapping in the context of Atmospheric and Climate change monitoring’ of EU framework program for Research and innovation Horizon 2020. The project sees 21 partners involved, including European institutions, met service and US partners, such as ECMWF, MetOffice, NOAA, under the coordination of NERSC (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center).

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The project will develop appropriate methods to map reference quality comparators onto EO measurements. It will document gaps in the current observing system and all aspects of measurement uncertainty mapping, and propose strategies to address these including recommendations regarding future funding of surface and sub-orbital observing capabilities to meet long term EO comparator needs. Finally, it will develop tools to aid end users through a ‘virtual observatory’. The project will significantly increase the quality and use of ground based data for validation of satellite sensors and climatological models, with relapses of considerable interest for several sectors (climate, ocean monitoring and extreme events, land conservation, ...) and end users (meteorological services, civil protection, space agencies, environmental agencies, ...).

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Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network

General information


Title Copernicus Relays for digitalisation spanning a Network

Project Acronym CORDINET

Reference call H2020-SPACE-2018

Type of action Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

Duration 24 months

Starting date 1st October 2018

Status ongoing

Project cost 999.663,75 Euro

IMAA’s budget 89.297,50 Euro

Role of IMAA Third Party of Tern Consortium (Partner)

Responsible for IMAA Nicola Pergola

Website t.b.d.


CoRdiNet is an open network of five very diverse Copernicus Relays with a coordinating function on local, regional, cluster and national level, supporting, promoting and stimulating digitalisation and new business solutions based on Earth Observation (EO) i.e. Copernicus data. This coordination & support action bundles the local expertise in the civil use of EO, close to the needs and offers of citizens, administrations and businesses, and will share them with other Copernicus Relays, Academies and new EO players. Three Relays have a regional focus (Basilicata, Bavaria, East Midlands), one a national focus (Norway), while the fifth contributes the expertise of a space application company, GMV. NEREUS, the Network of European Regions using Space Technologies, comprises 26 regions and is active in exploiting the benefits of space technologies while supporting European regional space policies. As sixth partner it will be entrusted, supported by a yet to be set-up, evaluation board, to hold and decide on the distribution of a specific “fund” of 100 k EUR supporting more than 20 joint activities between the consortium and external partners with concrete proposals to collaborate. Coordination of CoRdiNet with both, the Copernicus FPA and the Copernicus Support Office, will be paid attention to. To offer tangible opportunities to collaborate with, the consortium will gather local expertise in sector oriented European-wide working groups to design better strategies and guidelines for new digital services, support the creation of pilot projects linking users & suppliers of services, organise awareness raising, bi-lateral events, while providing user-targeted information and find out about as well as bundle local key players and local societal challenges and needs, EO data are able to match. Joint outreach and dissemination activities ensure embedding of its work in national and EU/ESA activities. CoRdiNet enjoys support of EARSC, the FPA, the CSO, and 6 external regions.

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European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation

General information


Title European Natural Airborne Disaster Information and Coordination System for Aviation

Project Acronym EUNADICS-AV

Reference call H2020-MG-2016-SingleStage-INEA

Type of action Research and Innovation action (RIA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st October 2016

Status Ongoing

Project cost 7.509.318,75

IMAA’s budget 556.250,00

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Gelsomina Pappalardo


Aviation is one of the most critical infrastructures of the 21st century. Even comparably short interruptions can cause economic damage summing up to the Billion-Euro range. As evident from the past, aviation shows certain vulnerability with regard to natural hazards.

The project EUNADICS-AV addresses airborne hazards (environmental emergency scenarios), including volcano eruptions, nuclear accidents and emergencies and other scenarios where aerosols and certain trace gases are injected into the atmosphere. Such events are considered rare, but may have an extremely high impact, as demonstrated during the European Volcanic Ash Crisis in 2010. Before the 1990s, insufficient monitoring as well as limited data analysis capabilities made it difficult to react to and to prepare for certain rare, high-impact events. Meanwhile, there are many data available during crisis situations, and the data analysis technology has improved significantly. However, there is still a significant gap in the Europewide availability of real time hazard measurement and monitoring information for airborne hazards describing “what, where, how much” in 3 dimensions, combined with a near-real-time European data analysis and assimilation system.

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The main objective of EUNADICS-AV is to close this gap in data and information availability, enabling all stakeholders in the aviation system to obtain fast, coherent and consistent information. This would allow a seamless response on a European scale, including ATM, ATC, airline flight dispatching and individual flight planning. In the SESAR 2020 Programme Execution Framework, EUNADICS-AV is a SESAR Enabling project (project delivering SESAR Technological Solutions).

The project aims at passing a SESAR maturity level V2, which includes respective service validation activities, including validation exercises. Work will be also done to prepare a full V3 validation.

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Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage

ATHENA was funded under the call for Twinning 2015 where 321 out of 552 proposals have been evaluated above the threshold. The project ATHENA started in December 2015 within the programme Spreading excellence and widening participation. CNR-IMAA participated in the project together with the Institute of Archaeological and Architectural Heritage of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IBAM)

General information


Title Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage

Project Acronym ATHENA

Reference call CALL FOR TWINNING – H2020-TWINN-2015

Type of action Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st December 2015

Status Closed

Project cost 972.841,25 Euro

CNR’s budget 176.250,00 Euro

IMAA’s budget 88.125,00 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Rosa Lasaponara


The “ATHENA” proposal aims to establish a Center of Excellence in the field of Remote Sensing for Cultural Heritage in the areas of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage through the development of an enhanced knowledge base and innovative methods. This center will be established by twinning the existing Remote Sensing and Geo-environment Research Laboratory at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) with internationally-leading counterparts from other Member States of the EU, such as the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (CNR-IMAA) and the Institute of Archaeological and Architectural Heritage (CNR-IBAM) of the National Research Council of Italy, and the German Aerospace Centre (DLR).

The goals of the Center will be aligned with the Smart Specialization Strategy of Cyprus. The close collaboration between CUT and other experts in the field of Remote Sensing for Cultural Heritage in the EU will form a synergic network that will permit the transfer of knowledge and training of the existing personnel of CUT. As a result, the ATHENA project will have both direct and indirect social, scientific, and economic outcomes. In addition, the implementation of the project will facilitate future collaborations with experts of the Archaeology and Cultural Heritage sector in an EU level, increase the Centers’ research capabilities, as well as enhance the research and academic profile of all participants. It is noteworthy to underline the importance of the geographical position of the Center in the region of eastern Mediterranean, a region inhabited thousands of years before and therefore abound in archaeological residues.

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East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing

ECARS falls among the projects funded under the call for Twinning 2015 where 321 out of 552 proposals have been evaluated above the threshold. The project has just started within the programme Spreading excellence and widening participation.

General information


Title East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing

Project Acronym ECARS

Reference call CALL FOR TWINNING – H2020-TWINN-2015

Type of action Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st January 2016

Status Closed

Project cost 1.000.000 Euro

IMAA’s budget 160.000 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Gelsomina Pappalardo



ECARS addresses the challenges of the Twinning programme by tackling deficiencies and networking gaps between INOE, a very dynamic research institution in Romania, and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. The activity will strengthen the excellence of INOE Center for atmospheric remote sensing and will stimulate high-level environmental and climate research, conform to Romanian Smart Specialization Strategy. This will be achieved by consolidating INOE’s links with four highly esteemed research institutions, each one having high-level expertise in specific areas: MPI-M (ground-based remote sensing), DLR (airborne remote sensing), NOA (satellite remote sensing) and CNR-IMAA (data exploitation).

The coordination and support actions address specific areas of atmospheric remote sensing where the expertise of INOE will be strengthen, increasing its innovation capacity and research profile. The focus is on cutting edge passive and active remote sensing technologies, good practices and data synergy, leading to better data exploitation for environmental and climate research. Transfer of know-how is performed in a larger context of training through research, with ECARS complementing undergoing projects in HORIZON2020 and ESA Earth Observation programs. ECARS’ goal is to create a collaborative framework around INOE for sharing specialized knowledge, brainstorming for new ideas and elaborating scientific publications. Measures to maximize the impact involve

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short-term staff exchanges and on-site training, expert visits, virtual training, technical workshops, summer schools, webinars and outreach activities.

ECARS is envisaged to increase by 50% the annual number of scientific papers published by INOE, and the impact factor by 25%. Knowledge will be further spread through national Master and PhD programs, reinforcing the atmospheric remote sensing activities in Romania and enhancing the related S&T capacities.

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List of CNR-IMAA projects

funded under COSME

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Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification

SPACE2ID project was submitted and approved under the call “Cluster Go International” COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03 within the COSME programme. The main objective of this action is to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and sectoral boundaries and to support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP) to lead international cluster cooperation in fields of strategic interest – notably in support of the development of emerging industries. CNR-IMAA is involved in the project through TeRN Consortium, a public-private consortium operating in technologies for Earth Observation and Natural Risks.

General information


Title Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification

Project Acronym SPACE2ID

Reference call COSME-2014-3.1 Cluster Go International: Strand 1: Supporting preparatory actions for establishment and shaping of new European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

Type of action COSME-GA Grant agreement

Duration 14 months

Starting date 01 January 2016

Status Closed

Project cost 187.469,25 Euro

TeRN’s budget 29.291,00 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Scientific Responsibility

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Carmela Cornacchia



Due to their intrinsic capacity to apply to several industrial and business sectors, space technologies (both Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Earth Observation technologies) are expected to know an important growth and new business value chain should be developed in the coming years related to this use of space technologies in various economic sectors, at the international scale. The SPACE2ID proposal (Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification) main objective is to create an ESCP between European space Clusters and several other European clusters, namely MELCA clusters (MELCA stemming for Mobility, Energy, Logistics, Creative industries and Agriculture). It proposes to pave the way to the international business development of space technologies providers in the following applicative sectors:

• Mobility (i.e. transports of people)

• Energy

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• Logistics (i.e transport of goods)

• Creative Industries (i.e., design, games and music)

• Agriculture

The commercial products that should stem from this international diversification process are particularly adapted to countries in which space ground infrastructures are not developed enough to allow these services to be provided by traditional ways. Therefore, the capability for space companies to grow is only based on their own capabilities to export their services. However, in these relatively new domains, these companies are generally too small to be able to have commercial actions abroad. Cluster may thus play an important role in this internationalization by organizing, on a long-term basis, commercial actions in several identified countries, commonly chosen for the five diversification sectors.

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Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification GO

General information


Title Space Clusters International Industrial Diversification GO

Project Acronym SPACE2IDGO

Reference call COS-CLUSINT-2016-03-01

Type of action COSME-GA Grant agreement

Duration 24 months

Starting date 1st January 2018

Status ongoing

Project cost 448,593.78 Euro

TeRN’s budget 54,711.24 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Scientific Responsibility

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Carmela Cornacchia


SPACE2IDGO is a 24-month project led by Aerospace Valley that seeks to export European space-based innovation in third countries. It is the second step of a two-stand process started in January 2016 with SPACE2ID project. The main ambition of the project is to implement the joint internationalization strategy plan agreed in 2016 by the consortium partners, that aims at boosting clusters presence and European SMEs business in 5 top-priority countries : China, United Arabic Emirates, Canada, Colombia and Chile. Following the results of SPACE2ID project, the consortium will concentrate its effort on market segments where the use of satellite data provide strong added value and accelerate the development of new value chains. To reach this ambition, SPACE2IDGO clusters propose a personnalized "Fast track to internationalisation" service in order to help its members to efficiently go international. A call for SMEs will start the process to select the interested SMEs. A personalized diagnosis will take place in order to analyze the gaps and their needs to properly go international. Clusters will represent them in abroad institutionnal missions to open first doors and establish contacts. In Europe, the selected SMEs will be trained through specific workshops on export and target countries. Match making missions will be set up, in order to bring the SMEs abroad and foster the emergence of business links. Finally, clusters will keep the link by providing legal support to business agreement writing, analyse the opportunity of establishing local sales representative, and by continuing the mid-term follow-up to analyze impact and results. Finally, it has to be highlighted that the project will develop a concrete service offer, where SMEs will have to financially contribute to the effort by paying a fee to the project and its contributors. This will pave the way towards a sustainable and European joint service, led by clusters, to develop space based business abroad.

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European Space Agency

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Satellite enabled Services for Preservation and

Valorisation of Cultural Heritage

ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) programme transforms research and development activities into operational, profitable and self-sustaining products and services. The success of ARTES is the result of consolidating public-private partnerships between the decision-makers from space industry, service providers, organisations and user communities within participating Member States.

The ARTES Applications programmes are dedicated to funding and promoting the development of space-based applications, services and solutions for the needs of European citizens and society at large.

The ARTES IAP programme is dedicated to the development, implementation and pilot operations of Integrated Applications. These are applications that combine (or ‘integrate’) data from at least two existing and different space assets, such as Satellite Communication, Earth Observation, Satellite Navigation, Human Spaceflight technologies and others.

ARTES IAP projects cover Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects.

General information


Title Satellite enabled Services for Preservation and Valorisation of Cultural Heritage

Project Acronym ArTeK

Reference call ARTES 20IAP programme

Duration 24 months

Starting date 2nd November 2016

Status Closed

Project cost 4.400.000

IMAA’s budget 399.960

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Rosa Lasaponara



ArTeK is a project successfully evaluated in the frame of ARTES 20 IAP programme of the European Space Agency (ESA), supported by the Italian Space Agency (ASI).

ArTeK is intended as an advanced instrument, missing today, aimed at supporting institutions responsible for Cultural Heritage (CH) in terms of:

- Safeguard, through a constant multi-modal site monitoring, for those sites that need special controls because threatened by environmental factors (both natural and anthropic); - Valorisation, through advanced fruition mechanisms;

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- Management, through site control mechanisms.

Image extracted from

ArTeK is aimed at the development and demonstration of an innovative, effective and sustainable service to supply a complete and systematically updated view about the cultural assets condition and support their management/fruition.

ArTeK enabling technologies encompass:

- Satellite Earth Observation (optical and SAR) used for (i) identification and evaluation of environmental risks that could have a potential negative impact over cultural assets, (ii) identification of changes, (iii) conditions evaluation, (iv) sites and artifacts mapping;

- Satellite Telecommunication enabling data transmission from sensors network located inside remote sites to the ArTeK service centre;

- Satellite Navigation, at the base of visitor’s flow monitoring inside the visited area. Moreover, precise positioning data, coming from ad-hoc or permanent GNSS networks, will be exploited for improving SAR data elaboration;

- Airborne Remote Sensing from UAVs equipped with sensors selected on the base of mission specificities, used when requested by the situation (e.g. when spatial resolution offered by satellite sensors is not sufficient);

- On site sensors located inside sites of interest used in case of identifications of criticalities that require a continuous monitoring (e.g. daily measurements) or to compensate the absence of spatial or aerial sensors. CNR-IMAA is involved a partnership led by NAIS and composed by 8 international partners.

Pilot sites selected for the demonstration of ArTeK, each one with their specific critical situation, are:

- Villa Adriana (UNESCO site since 1999) and the historic centre of Tivoli (Rome); - Civita di Bagnoregio (VT, Italy); - Matera (UNESCO site since 1993) (MT, Italy); - Baia (NA, Italy); - Gianola (LT, Italy).

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Hyperspectral Imaging Mission Concepts

General information


Title Hyperspectral Imaging Mission Concepts

Reference call ITT ESRIN/AO/1-8579/16/I-Sbo

Duration 12 months

Starting date 15 December 2016

Status Closed

Project cost 400.000 Euro

CNR’s budget 120.000 Euro

IMAA’s budget 39.000 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Stefano Pignatti


Following the investments of the European Commission (EC) and European Space Agency (ESA) to design, build and operate Copernicus Sentinels, a fully-fledged EU Earth Observation satellite capacity is now operational with the primary objective of providing appropriate satellite observations supporting (mainly) the implementation of EU policies and Directives. The concept of the Sentinels fully reflects the Copernicus approach: user driven and based on the subsidiarity principle that is integrating and complementing existing national capacities (in this case, the Copernicus Contributing Missions such as COSMO, SkyMed, Pleiades, etc.) with an operational EU Earth Observation system.

Currently, Copernicus space data offer does not include hyperspectral imaging capabilities, as there is not yet any in orbit national Copernicus Contributing Mission in this segment and an hyperspectral Sentinel mission is not yet planned. However, satellite hyperspectral imaging is an emerging technology becoming more and more mature thanks to current and previous national (EU and non EU) efforts that have resulted into a number of hyperspectral missions, some of which have already flown in space (e.g. CHRIS-Proba and Hyperion EO-1) and others (e.g. PRISMA and EnMAP) that are currently planned and undergoing development.

Given this scenario, the European Commission is now intending to evaluate the overall utility of a complementary Copernicus hyperspectral mission to be added to the Copernicus Sentinels fleet, avoiding (or at worst minimizing) overlaps with current and planned multispectral and hyperspectral missions.

The user requirements for such new Copernicus hyperspectral mission will be analyzed taking into account authoritative sources and addressing both institutional and private sector downstream user communities, at the same time the core identified hyperspectral applications will demonstrate the unique contribution of hyperspectral technology in the specific application domain and prove to be useful to match the original users’ requirements.

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The project goal is to figure out whether such hyperspectral mission is going to enable new applications that can satisfy current and new user needs and that can lead to tangible benefits for civil society, for EU policies and for the EU private market (downstream).

Hyperspectral Cube formed by hundreds of bands (left) and examples of spectral signatures (right)

The main objectives of this project on Hyperspectral imaging mission concepts are:

• Understand the demand to consolidate a clear, documented and validated user requirements baseline for operational information data streams not yet covered by current (or planned) in orbit satellite capacity and which could take benefit from the availability of hyperspectral data under operational conditions;

• Identify, describe and quantify the benefits of complementary and gap filling hyperspectral applications that can provide suitable and operational information streams;

• Design an innovative mission concept by exploiting innovative satellite mission concepts both in the space and in the ground segments, based on hyperspectral sensor technology.

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Technical Assistance for the Deployment of an advanced hyperspectral imaging sensor during


Contract Change Notice 2

General information


Title Technical Assistance for the Deployment of an advanced hyperspectral imaging sensor during FLEX-EU

Reference ESA contract 4000107143/12/NL/FF/If CCN2

Starting date 01 October 2014

Status Closed

Role of CNR-IMAA Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Angelo Palombo

Vegetation monitoring has been one of the key objectives of many different satellite missions in the past, Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) is the first mission explicitly designed to monitor the photosynthetic activity of the terrestrial vegetation layer by using a completely novel technique measuring the chlorophyll fluorescence signal that originates from the core of the photosynthetic machinery. This will provide new possibilities to assess the dynamics of actual photosynthesis through sun-induced fluorescence, which offers a great advancement over current capabilities that can only detect potential photosynthesis as derived in passive reflectance measurements by conventional land surface monitoring satellites. While current observational techniques provide information about the amount of light absorbed by vegetation, FLEX will provide direct insight on how much of such absorbed energy is actually used for photosynthesis, which is a fundamentally new type of information never available before from space observations.

Within this Contract Change Notice (CCN2) the analyses is extended to repeated measurements over Germany and Czech Republic and Italy in order to assess how fluorescence changes in time. Additional measurements over Italy are used to investigate how stress influences the fluorescence signal and how soil amendment has a detectable effect on the fluorescence signal.

The overall objectives of the CCN2-funded activities are to:

i) Acquire and process high quality hyperspectral datasets of fluorescence in conjunction with extended correlative data;

ii) Perform initial analyses of data quality and generate first estimates of fluorescence.

In this framework, CNR IMAA participated to the experimental activities with the TASI-600 airborne sensor providing multispectral thermal bands. Multiple flights have been executed over the Italian test sites (Latisana, Carlino, Spilimbergo) from June 6, 2014 (UTC 12:41 first strip) to June 21, 2014 (UTC 15:23 last strip) at a flight altitude varying from 500 to 1000 m a.s.l. The main aim was to assess how changes in energy dissipation pathways caused by different factors modulate changes in photosynthetic rates and fluorescence.

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The European Earth observation programme Copernicus, previously known as GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), is a European system for monitoring the Earth. It consists of a complex set of systems which collect data from multiple sources: earth observation satellites and in situ sensors such as ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. It processes these data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services related to environmental and security issues. The services address six thematic areas: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security. They support a wide range of applications, including environment protection, management of urban areas, regional and local planning, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, health, transport, climate change, sustainable development, civil protection and tourism. The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), still in its development phase, will combine observations of the climate system with the latest science to develop authoritative, quality-assured information about the past, current and future states of the climate in Europe and worldwide. ECMWF operates the Copernicus Climate Change Service on behalf of the European Union and will bring together expertise from across Europe to deliver the service. C3S will provide key indicators on climate change drivers such as carbon dioxide and impacts, for example, reducing glaciers. The aim of these indicators will be to support European adaptation and mitigation policies in a number of sectors. In the context of the Copernicus Service and In-situ activities, several contract opportunities are opened. In April 2016, a tender in the frame of C3S was opened: the C3S_311a Collection and Processing of In Situ Observations. This is divided into four Lots:

- Lot 1: Coordination of data rescue activities - Lot 2: Access to observations from global climate data archives - Lot 3: Access to observations from baseline and reference networks - Lot 4: Climate monitoring products for Europe based on in situ observations

In the frame of C3S, CNR-IMAA is a lead partner of a specific service (C3S_311a_Lot3), named BARON “Baseline And Reference Observation Networks” (see details in the following). Copernicus User Uptake Framework Copernicus user uptake refers to both the intermediate users (downstream users) as the end-users. Intermediate users build upon the Copernicus data and information to deliver value-added information (services) to the end-users. Support to the uptake of Copernicus services by users can be understood as the use and integration of Copernicus data, information, products that are available across the different Copernicus services including the in situ data, by the end-user into their own applications and workflows. These can either be provided directly by the Copernicus services or provided by intermediate users (added-value services). In September 2014, the European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate General, to fill the gap between on the one hand, the European investments in the space technology push (space component e.g. Copernicus, Galileo/EGNOS) and the development of satellite

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services and information, and on the other hand the user uptake of these satellite services and information issued a specific call for tender. The Tender (No ENTR/385/PP/2014/FC FRAMEWORK CONTRACT – SUPPORT TO THE UPTAKE OF THE COPERNICUS SERVICES BY USERS) was intended to conclude a framework service contract in cascade for activities aiming to promote the use and uptake of Copernicus data and information by users (intermediate and end-users) including 2 Lots, as follows: - LOT 1: Support to Copernicus user uptake promotion, communication and dissemination activities: deal mainly with the demand for information on the usefulness of Copernicus data and information by offering innovative and creative ways to communicate and inform on how Copernicus data and information can add value to current (decision/working) processes/practices, with special attention to the national/regional/local level target audiences (end- and intermediate users). - LOT 2: Support to the use and user uptake of Copernicus data and information: deal mainly with the demand for practical solutions to integrate Copernicus data and information by developing activities that will enable interactions between the (demands of) end-users and the offer provided by Copernicus and/or intermediate users with special attention to the regional and local level target audiences and their environment, participatory approaches and innovative practices e.g. capacity building that can support the engagement of the Copernicus data and information in current (decision/working) processes/practices. In this User Uptake framework, CNR-IMAA is acting as a service provider for NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) who is a partner contractor (see details in the following).

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Baseline And Reference Observation Networks

General information


Title C3S-311a_Lot3_CNR_Baseline And Reference Observation Networks

Project Acronym C3S-BARON

Reference tender C3S_311a_Lot3: Access to Observations from Baseline and Reference Networks

Duration 48 months (divided in two service contracts of 22 and 26 months respectively

Starting date 1st March 2017

Status Ongoing

Project cost 2.085.247,46 Euro

IMAA’s budget 648.355,23 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA Lead Contractor

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Fabio Madonna (Technical/Service Manager)


The C3S-BARON project (C3S-Baseline And Reference Observation Networks) has the main objective to rationalise, harmonise and improve access to open and free observational records and data streams from selected in-situ GCOS-relevant Baseline and Reference observing networks facilitating climate monitoring, estimation of ECVs and uncertainty assessments, and maximizing the number of users of the existing high-quality in-situ observing capabilities.

The C3S-BARON proposal is focused upon access to and redistribution of harmonized data products from atmospheric in-situ observations networks measuring a subset of ECVs which includes surface temperature, atmospheric temperature and humidity (vertical profiles), ozone (column and profiling concentration), wind profiles (from radiosoundings), CO, CO2 and CH4 (column concentrations), and water vapour content (columnar from GPS/GNSS only). For these ECVs demonstrable Baseline and Reference quality measurement networks are assured.

The successful implementation of the proposal will allow the development of consistent quality control algorithms for in-situ climate data arising from Baseline and Reference networks at various time scales (hourly, daily, monthly, annually). Methods will be developed and implemented to detect and adjust for inhomogeneities due to issues such as instrumentation changes, calibration drifts or observing station relocations and to quantify uncertainty in a consistent and metrologically rigorous manner.

Technical solutions shall build upon the considerable heritage of pre-existing expertise and tools developed under the H2020 project GAIA-CLIM (, QA4ECV (, and the ACTRIS Research Infrastructure (, to which the

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Lead Contractor and sub-contractors are active participants. They will be implemented in coordination with the different solutions provided under remaining awardees for Lot1, Lot2, and Lot3 of this ITT upon discussion with ECMWF. A Data Management Facility will be operated on a continuous basis to process the Baseline and Reference quality data and to make all the output available to C3S users via the CDS by directly uploading data and products to a designated server using ODB (Observation DataBase) as the basis for a Common Data Model.

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Service Agreement in the framework of the Copernicus User Uptake Framework

General information


Title First specific contract: “Engaging with public authorities, the private sector and civil society for Copernicus user uptake” – Lot2 Fourth specific Contract: “Copernicus Training and information Sessions” – Lot1

Project Acronym User Uptake Framework Contract

Reference tender Copernicus User Uptake Framework Contract No 385/PP/2014/FC

Duration 4 years

Starting date October 2015

Status Ongoing

Project cost € 299.396,60 (First sp. Cont.) + about 600.000 (Fourth sp. Cont.)

IMAA’s budget € 9.570,00 (First + Fourth contracts)

Role of CNR-IMAA Service provider for NEREUS

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Nicola Pergola


In the framework of the First specific contract: “Engaging with public authorities, the private sector and civil society for Copernicus user uptake”, CNR-IMAA contributed, as NEREUS expert, to providing recommendations for a comprehensive and integrated strategy to reinforce Copernicus user uptake through public authorities and civil society. In particular, CNR-IMAA’s activities focused on the following three main project objectives/tasks: 1) Mapping of existing user uptake initiatives across the European Union (Task 1) 2) Evaluation of existing initiatives & gap analysis (Task 2) 3) Recommendations for a comprehensive and integrated strategy (Task 3)

Moreover, in the frame of the Fourth specific Contract: “Copernicus Training and information Sessions”, CNR-IMAA contributed to the activities devoted to the development of specific training and information modules on “Copernicus for LRAs” and to give presentations in specific sessions organized in Member States. In particular, CNR-IMAA developed (and presented in some Copernicus Infosessions) a module on “Earth Observation for Local and Regional Authorities: How Copernicus can support Public administrations in assessing farmers' eligibility to EU aids”.

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European Research Area for Climate Services ERA4CS

The ERA-NET Consortium “European Research Area for Climate Services”, so-called ERA4CS, has been designed to boost the development of efficient Climate Services in Europe, by supporting research for developing better tools, methods and standards on how to produce, transfer, communicate and use reliable climate information to cope with current and future climate variability (

ERA4CS launched a joint call on these following topics:

Topic A- Advanced co-development with users, supported in cash by 13 national Research Funding Organisations (RFOs)

Topic B - Institutional integration between 30 predetermined Research Performing Organisations (RPOs)

The overall objective of this call was to enhance user adoption of and satisfaction with Climate Services (incl. adaptation services). Improving the quality of Climate Services is also within the scope of this call. At the same time ERA4CS aims to improve the scientific expertise on Climate Change risks and adaptation options, and to connect that knowledge with decision-making, e.g. by developing and assessing climate adaptation strategies and pathways at different scales (regions, cities, catchments, vulnerable sectors, etc.).

To improve user adoption of and satisfaction with CS, the overall aim is to research and advance CS development by supporting scientific research for developing better tools, methods and standards on how to produce, transfer, communicate and use reliable climate information to cope with current and future climate variability and change across national boundaries.

The present joint call was financed by ERA4CS partners from 18 countries, contributing either by cash funding or by in-kind re-sources, plus co-funding from the European Commission (Grant Agreement reference 690462). A total budget of about 72 Mio € has been provisionally allocated for this call to support 3 years research projects.

IMAA has reinforced its participation in the European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS), by coordinating two projects, funded under the Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development.

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Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention

General information


Title Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention

Project Acronym SERV_FORFIRE

Reference tender Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development by Institutional integration

Duration 36 months

Starting date 15 September 2017

Status Ongoing

Project cost 2.311.808,93 Euro

CNR budget 1.200.111,00 Euro

IMAA’s budget 400.111,75 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA CNR coordinator/Lead Principal Investigator

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Rosa Lasaponara



SERV_FORFIRE has the aim of creating an international collaborative community, expert in remote sensing soil and vegetation, risk management and mitigation, and the challenge of providing climate information along with decision makers and planning authorities for the fire and post fire risk prevention. This objective will be achieved by (i) conducting quality and innovativeness cutting-edge research and develop services and tools useful for fire and post fire seasonal estimation risks (ii) leading to an improved fire risk management and to a more efficient and safer control of forest fires (iii) developing knowledge and tools that will help to reduce the negative impacts of fire while enhancing its beneficial effects for society and the environment, (iv) helping stakeholders, users and land managers to better understand and manage fire. The project is led by the Department of Earth system science and environmental technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (DTA-CNR), where dr. Rosa Lasaponara, has been playing the role of Lead Principal Investigator and coordinates a partnership composed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland), Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (France), National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (Greece), the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (The Netherland). The core activities is represented by the seasonal fire occurrence model development, the Post fire risk assessment through the model development and setup at

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different temporal and spatial scales, and by the implementation of the joint activities among partners. Monitoring and mitigation strategies will be defined at both European and local scales also investigating significant pilot areas selected in several geographic areas and with different environmental features, ranging from Southern to Northern Europe. Current test sites are located in: Czech Republic, Attika (Greece) and Cyprus, Basilicata Region (Italy).

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Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user‐oriented Climate Services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe

General information


Title Dust Storms Assessment for the development of user‐oriented Climate Services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe

Project Acronym DUSTCLIM

Reference tender Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development by Institutional integration

Duration 36 months

Starting date 1st September 2017

Status Ongoing

Project cost 2 133 640

CNR budget 377 500 Euro

IMAA’s budget 210 556 Euro

Role of CNR-IMAA CNR coordinator/Partner

Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Lucia Mona



Sand and dust storms (SDS) are an important threat for life, health, property, environment and economy in many countries, and play a significant role in different aspects of weather, climate and atmospheric chemistry. There is an increasing need to be prepared for SDS and to mitigate their impacts. In this context, DustClim will make a significant step forward in the way SDS affects society. In alignment with the mission of the WMO Sand and Dust Storm Warning Advisory and Assessment System, the objectives of DustClim are to produce and deliver an advanced and thoroughly evaluated dust regional model reanalysis for Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe covering the satellite era of quantitative aerosol information, and to develop dust-related services tailored to specific applications. The novelties of the DustClim reanalysis include an unprecedented high resolution, the assimilation of satellite products over dust source regions with specific observational constraints for dust, and a thorough evaluation using a wide variety of observations and data from experimental campaigns. There is currently a very limited integration of dust information into practice and policy. The reanalysis will provide reliable information on SDS trends and current conditions that will be used in pilot studies to assess dust impacts upon three key economic sectors (air quality, aviation and solar energy). Since the beginning of the project there will be a continuous feedback between the scientific teams and the main user communities. This collaboration will be fundamental for better defining the dust parameters to be investigated and to optimize the provision of dust services.

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The European Territorial Cooperation Programmes: The Interreg MED

“Interreg MED” means European Territorial Cooperation for the Mediterranean area. It is a trasnsational programme where the Partner States from 13 countries are involved and work together to tackle challenges beyond national borders. Accordingly to the Interreg MED Programme Programme, the main objective is to “promote sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area by fostering innovative concepts and practices and a reasonable use of resources and by supporting social integration through an integrated and territorially based cooperation approach”. The rise of low carbon economy, the protection of natural and cultural resources and the strengthening of innovation are the main challenges setup by the Programme. In September 2015 the first call for Modular projects was published and opened to the following priority axis:

- Priority Axis 1: Promoting Mediterranean innovation capacities to develop smart and sustainable growth

- Priority Axis 2: Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and rural areas

- Priority Axis 3: Protecting and promoting Mediterranean natural and cultural resources

The indicative ERDF allocation for the call was 75M€ (25M€ for each priority axis) and 3M€ (1M€ for each priority axis) as indicative IPA allocation. After the evaluation of the proposals, the Steering Committee approved 61 Modular Projects in total.

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Prioritise energy efficiency (EE) measures in public buildings: a decision support tool for regional and local public authorities

General information


Title Prioritise energy efficiency (EE) measures in public buildings: a decision support tool for regional and local public authorities

Project Acronym PrioritEE

Reference call 1st Call for Modular projects

Priority Axis 2 – Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas

Specific objective 2.1 – To raise capacity for better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level

Duration 30 months

Starting date 1st February 2017

Status Ongoing

Project cost 2.234.295,85 Euro

IMAA’s budget 396.801,00 Euro


Responsible for CNR-IMAA

Monica Salvia



PrioritEE project, was one of 61 Modular projects funded under the first call of the Interreg MED Programme. In the Priority Axis 2: Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas – Specific objective 2.1: To raise capacity for better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level.

PrioritEE has the purpose of prioritizing European investments in Public Buildings in the MED area, by reinforcing the capacities of public administrations in selecting and implementing eco-friendly and cost-effective energy planning measures. It will be focused on three main pillars (Capacity building, Development of decision-making support tools, Communication and knowledge transfer) to reduce energy consumption and prioritize EE investments in Municipal Public Buildings.

The project partnership coordinated by CNR-IMAA is composed by 5 professional institutions (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, New University of Lisbon/Faculty of Science and Technology, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency, University of Zaragoza) and 5 Local public authorities (Società Energetica Lucana, Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia S.A., Lezíria do Tejo Intermunicipal Community, City of Karlovac and Provincial Government of Teruel ) from 5 MED countries (IT, PT, ES, EL and HR).

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COST is the longest-running European framework supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. IMAA-CNR participates in the following COST actions: COST Action CA16202: International Network to Encourage the Use of Monitoring and Forecasting Dust Products - InDust Period of the Action: 23/06/2017 starting date Responsible for CNR-IMAA: Lucia Mona (Working Group “USER'S PRODUCTS” Leader and Management Committee member Website:|Name:overview Sand and Dust Storms (SDS) are extreme meteorological phenomena that generate significant amounts of airborne mineral dust particles. SDS play a significant role in different aspects of weather, climate and atmospheric chemistry and represent a serious hazard for life, health, property, environment and economy. Understanding, managing and mitigating SDS risks and effects requires fundamental and cross-disciplinary knowledge. Over the last few years, numerical prediction and observational products from ground- and satellite platforms have become prominent at several research and operational weather centres due to growing interest from diverse stakeholders, such as solar energy plant managers, health professionals, aviation and policy makers. Current attempts to transfer tailored products to end-users are not coordinated, and the same technological and social obstacles are tackled individually by all different groups, a process that makes the use of data slow and expensive. The overall objective of the proposed Action is to establish a network involving research institutions, service providers and potential end users of information on airborne dust. Because, airborne dust transport has multi- and trans-disciplinary effects at local, regional and global scales; the present Action involves a multidisciplinary group of international experts on aerosol measurements, regional aerosol modelling, stakeholders and social scientists. The Action will search to coordinate and harmonise the process of transferring dust observation and prediction data to users as well as to assist the diverse socio-economic sectors affected by the presence of high concentrations of airborne mineral dust. COST Action CA16232: European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation - ENGAGER Period of the Action: 2017- 2021 Responsible for CNR-IMAA: Senatro Di Leo (Management Committee Substitute member) Website: Energy poverty (EP) - commonly understood as a household’s inability to secure socially- and materially-necessitated levels of energy services in the home - is prevalent across Europe. More than 50 million households in the European Union are struggling to attain adequate warmth, pay their utility bills on time, and live in homes free of damp and mould. These conditions adversely affect people’s health and well-being. Recognition of EP is growing across Europe, and the issue has been identified as a policy priority by a number of EU institutions, including the Energy Union Framework. Yet there has been a chronic lack of integrated discussion and interpretation of the problem within relevant scientific and policy communities. This has prevented the development of systematic understandings and effective policy responses.

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The core aim of this Action is to radically transform the extent and depth of scientific knowledge about EP in Europe. It will generate a step change in how EP is theorised, detected and addressed. This will be achieved by establishing multidisciplinary collaborations at the nexus of several domains in which EP has been treated separately to date - human geography, energy studies, economics, sociology and political science. The Action will also produce innovative methods for knowledge exchange among academics, public policy officials, civil society and representatives of vulnerable households, while fostering a new generation of scholars. It will offer a unified platform to harness the analytical insights and resources produced by the large but highly fragmented landscape of funded research projects on EP in Europe.


COST Action ES1303: Earth System Science and Environmental Management - Towards operational ground based profiling with ceilometers, doppler lidars and microwave radiometers for improving weather forecasts (TOPROF) Period of the Action: 22 October 2013 - 21 October 2017 Action Chair: Prof. Anthony Illingworth Responsible for CNR-IMAA: Domenico Cimini, Management Committee member & Grant Holder Scientific Representative) Website:

The new generation of high-resolution (1km) weather forecast models now operational over Europe promises to revolutionise predictions of severe weather and poor air quality. To realise this promise, a dense observing network is required, focusing especially on the lowest few km of the atmosphere, so that forecast models have the most realistic state of the atmosphere for initialisation, continuous assimilation and verification. TOPROF aims at developing tools for making data from three observing networks available throughout Europe: i) ceilometers, ii) Doppler wind lidars, and iii) microwave radiometer profilers. These instruments are relatively inexpensive and have proven suitable for unmanned network operations. In collaboration with Numerical Weather Prediction centres, the action will lead towards operational networking of these existing but so far under-exploited, instruments. COST Action TU1204: People Friendly Cities in a Data Rich World Period of the Action: 11/04/2013 - 10/04/2017 Chair of Action: Professor Mark Dyer,Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Responsible for CNR-IMAA: Filomena Pietrapertosa (Management Committee Substitute member) Website: Cities are the future. In 2008, the percentage of people living in urban areas surpassed those living rural communities. The United Nations estimates that over 70% of the world’s population will be living in towns and cities by 2050. Not surprisingly cities elicit ever greater attention from government, researchers, and industry. Many of the initiatives focus upon the efficient use of resources and carbon reduction in response to climate change. Likewise the "Smart City" concept offers a similar if somewhat broader vision of a more efficient city. The focus upon smarter and more efficient cities is important, but incomplete. It is important that cities be sustainable and pleasant to live within. Against this background, the Action builds on an ESF exploratory workshop on the emerging theme of “smart and liveable cities”. Supported by a European network of candidate cities, the Action co-ordinates a trans-disciplinary network of experts and non-experts that investigate the alignment of the “hardware” and “software” of a city with user needs to promote well being, good health, and a sustainable use of resources, within an evolving people-centred consultation framework for economic, cultural, and political development.

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Bilateral agreements of Scientific and Technological Cooperation

The Bilateral Agreements of Scientific and Technological Cooperation are promoted by the National Research Council to reinforce and encourage the sharing and exchange of the research activities among CNR and foreign homologous Research Councils ( These agreements are implemented for the joined financing of:

- Joint research projects (of biennial or triennial duration, carried out by joint Italian and foreign research teams)

- Individual free exchange programme - bilateral seminars

The Agreements embrace, as a rule, all disciplines and fields of research except in cases of restricted specific competences of the foreign Council concerned.

In the framework of this kind of bilateral agreements, since 2014 IMAA-CNR has successfully obtained funding for n.12 projects and actually six projects are ongoing, as listed in the table below.

List of Bilateral led by IMAA

Country Responsible person

Reference year for the Implementation

CNR/CINVESTAV MEXICO Luciano Telesca 2019-2020

CNR/UoM MALTA Enzo Rizzo 2018-2019

CNR/ASRT EGYPT Tony Alfredo Stabile 2018-2019

CNR/ANAS AZERBAIJAN Luciano Telesca 2018-2019

CNR/MoST TAIWAN Luciano Telesca 2018-2019

CNR-CAS CINA Stefano Pignatti 2017-2019

CNR- CNRS LEBANON Vincenzo Lapenna 2017-2018

CNR-CAS (ex AVCR) CZECH REPUBLIC Mariarosaria Gallipoli 2016-2018

CNR/CONACYT PARAGUAY Luciano Telesca 2017-2018

CNR/CAS - CINA CHINA Stefano Pignatti 2014-2016

CNR-ANAS AZERBAIJAN Luciano Telesca 2016-2017

CNR-ASRT EGYPT Vincenzo Lapenna 2016-2017

Enzo Rizzo 2016-2017

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Reference Documents

- Horizon 2020 in full swing – Three years on – Key facts and figures 2014-2016 PDF icon, European Commission, 2017, doi: 10.2777/316104 - Horizon 2020 – Monitoring report 2015 - European Commission, 2016, doi: 10.2777/545931, ISBN 978-92-79-63542-7, - “Horizon 2020 – First Results” – European Commission, doi:10.2777/718503, - Flash call info «EO-3-2014»: - Flash call info «INFRAIA-2014-2015»: - Flash call info «H2020-TWINN-2015»: - Interreg MED Programme - List of Modular projects approved in December 2016

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Contact details

Dr. Monica Proto

Istituto di Metodologie per l’Analisi Ambientale (IMAA)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

Tel. +39 0971 42729

Fax +39 0971 427271

C.da Santa Loja, Z.I.

85050 Tito Scalo (PZ)

E-mail: [email protected]