ilse michiels travel brochure

[1] LET’S MEET April - August 2011 // Central & Northern Europe ... AND SHARE IDEAS, INSPIRATION & CREATIVITY. After a large market research by The SmartAgent Company ( ) on the demands and desires of the Dutch tourists ( ), after having translated those research results into presentations, campaigns and marketing plans and after having met many, many Dutch & Belgian enthusiasts who are looking to improve the Dutch& Belgian tourism & leisure industry, it’s time to expand my territory and meet new people, new enthusiasm, new ideas. Will we meet? My name is Ilse Michiels, 26 and with a Master degree in Marketing Management & an additional Bachelor degree in Leisure & Event Management. I have worked for three years for RECRON, the Dutch Association of Entrepreneurs in Leisure. My job was to help Dutch entrepreneurs as a branche in improving their profits. Therefor, we gave order to The SmartAgent Company ( ) to do research to what the Dutch are looking for in their holiday and leisure time. And with this knowledge, we started a campaign to inspire all involved in the Dutch tourism & leisure industry, from entrepreneurs till tourism agencies or students. Both research and campaign were called ‘Gastvrij Nederland’: . After this project, I advised and assisted some Dutch SMB’s (small & medium sized companies) on their marketing plan. And, now I would like to move further. Further in tourism, leisure & marketing. Further abroad. And in my search for a job in tourism, leisure & marketing abroad (by preference Norway, Sweden, Finland or Estonia), I will travel through Central and Northern Europe and meet with entrepreneurs, marketeers and all other enthusiasts and share ideas, inspiration and creativity about the leisure & tourism industry.

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Post on 25-Dec-2014




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The ins and outs of my journey through Central & Northern Europe, April-August 2011. More on


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LET’S MEETApril - August 2011 // Central & Northern Europe

... AND SHARE IDEAS, INSPIRATION & CREATIVITY.After a large market research by The SmartAgent Company ( on the demands and

desires of the Dutch tourists (, after having translated those research results into presentations, campaigns and marketing plans and after having met many, many Dutch & Belgian

enthusiasts who are looking to improve the Dutch& Belgian tourism & leisure industry, it’s time to expand my territory and meet new people, new enthusiasm, new ideas. Will we meet?

My name is Ilse Michiels, 26 and

with a Master degree in Marketing

Management & an add i t iona l

Bachelor degree in Leisure & Event

Management. I have worked for three

years for RECRON, the Dutch

Association of Entrepreneurs in

Leisure. My job was to help Dutch

entrepreneurs as a branche in

improving their profits. Therefor, we

gave order to The SmartAgent

Company ( to

do research to what the Dutch are

looking for in their holiday and leisure

time. And with this knowledge, we

started a campaign to inspire all

involved in the Dutch tourism &

leisure industry, from entrepreneurs

till tourism agencies or students.

Both research and campaign were

c a l l e d ‘ G a s t v r i j N e d e r l a n d ’ : After this

project, I advised and assisted some

Dutch SMB’s (small & medium sized

companies) on their marketing plan.

And, now I would like to move further.

Fur ther in tour ism, le isure &

marketing. Further abroad. And in my

search for a job in tourism, leisure &

marketing abroad (by preference

Norway, Sweden, Finland or Estonia),

I will travel through Central and

Northern Europe and meet with

entrepreneurs, marketeers and all

other enthusiasts and share ideas,

inspiration and creativity about the

leisure & tourism industry.

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Find or follow me:

Central & Northern EuropeI  will  travel   through  Central  &  Northern   Europe.   I   will   share  my   knowledge  &   ideas   on  the  leisure   &   tourism   industry,   in  exchange   for   your   knowledge  and   ideas.   Because   I   want   to  ‘link’   creativity   in   different  countries  &  different  area’s.  In  order   to   create   many   more  fasc inat ing ,   un ique   and  precious   leisure   &   tourism  experiences.   Because   in   this  t ime   of   c r i s i s ,   ca re   fo r  s u s t a i n a b i l i t y   a n d  globalisation,   we   need   to   re-­‐create,   re-­‐design   and   re-­‐develop   business   models,  marketing   plans   and   more.  But,   let’s   not   make   it   too  complicated.  Let’s  just  look   for  how   to   be   more   creative   in  what   we   do.  And   in   this   case  what   we   look   for   or   offer   in  leisure  and  tourism.


Czech RepublicSlovakiaPolandLithuania

All +/- 1 week

Latvia+/- 1 week

Estonia+/- 4 weeks

Finland+/- 3 weeks


Together 4-5 weeks



I will write, tweet and post about

my experiences, meetings and more

on:, Facebook,

Twitter, LinkedIn,,

Mappyfriends, Trip Elated, Virtual

Tourists and many more online &

offline channels.

Live with passion.

Dream, dare, do!

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Creative Marketing




Contact me:

Ilse Michiels

[email protected]

0032 476-89 54 09