ilmunc xxix prospectus


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Hosted by the University of Pennsylvania, the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) is one of the world's most renowned Model UN conferences.



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A Legacy of Excellence 3

A Dynamic Delegate Experience 3

Our Mission 4

A Focus on Delegate Improvement 4

Our Staff 5

The City of Philadelphia 5

Technological Innovations 5

Distinguished Scholars 6

Giving Back 6

Tentative Schedule 6

Beyond Committee 7


General Assembly 8

Economic and Social Council 9

Specialized Agencies 9

Crisis Simulations 10



Not only is the staff of ILMUNC diverse, but ILMUNC has consistently attracted delegates from around the nation and the world—schools attending the conference have traveled from six continents and over twenty-three differ-ent countries. This allows delegates to meet fellow high school students from a wide variety of backgrounds, which fosters lively debate and leads to life-long friendships. In addition to the high level of debate on important interna-tional issues during committee sessions, we believe that delegates should have an equally meaningful experience while outside of committee. We seek to create a balance between intellectual engagement and fun by offering a wide range of programs throughout the weekend of conference. Our Keynote Speaker will open conference with exclusive and fascinating insight into the current state of global affairs. This emphasis on education is continued throughout the weekend as delegates will interact with Penn professors through our highly regarded Distinguished Scholars program, where members of academia in pertinent fields come to ILMUNC to discuss a committee’s topics with the delegates of that committee. After the day’s committee sessions conclude, students are free to explore Philadelphia, meet peers at our Delegate Festival (with food, soda, and performances by Penn performing arts groups), or have fun at the Delegate Dance, which will again feature professional sound and lighting, a live DJ, and many giveaways.

The twenty-ninth session of the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) will continue the University of Pennsylvania’s International Affairs Association’s tradition of hosting one of the largest and most prestigious Model United Nations simulations in the world. This year, ILMUNC will host about 3,000 high school students from all parts of the globe to debate pressing world issues in the heart of historic Philadelphia. Through our conference, delegates will gain a deeper understanding of international affairs, improve their public speaking and leadership skills, and meet countless new friends from around the world. The hallmark of ILMUNC is its committees, and this year’s of-ferings are no exception. ILMUNC XXIX will be featuring a wide array of committees, from traditional General Assem-bly committees to the more challenging and fast-paced crisis simulations. Our unique offerings this year will include a Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations, an Internet Security Consortium, and a host of other innovative and unique committees and agencies. Additionally, we will once again be offering an all-novice committee, which will be the United Nations Development Programme this year.

A Legacy of Excellence

A Dynamic Delegate Experience

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ILMUNC seeks to provide a high level of substantive debate while simultaneously offering a fun and formative experience.

Beyond committee session, we offer networking and personal growth opportunities, ranging from our Summer and Opportunities fair to social events for delegates. Furthermore, we seek to push the limits of Model UN with new offerings and innovations, in addition to expanding the reach of the activity to schools without clubs or those in underprivileged areas. At ILMUNC, our goals are to:


• Make real-world connections – Model UN should be relevant to the world we live in. We do this by picking current and interesting topics enriched by insight from Ivy League professors.

• expand access – We offer scholarships for delegates and schools who demonstrate financial need, so as to provide access to this incredible learning opportunity to students at all levels.

• push the activity – We are constantly innovating, always pushing to provide the best quality we can. This year, we are adding a paperless committee, our Summer and Opportunities fair, and more!

• elevate the discussion – From distinguished scholars to high-level substantive debate, we aim to challenge every delegate, no matter their skill level.

• Create an enjoyable experience – Come for the debate, stay for the fun. We recognize the need to pair rigorous academic debate with stress-relieving special events.

• go beyond committee – ILMUNC is an opportunity to do more than just Model UN. Delegates will network with the best and brightest of their peers, visit the University of Pennsylvania, and can browse the options at our new Summer and Opportunities fair.

While ILMUNC is known for substantive excellence and draws many of the best delegates in the country, we also provide resources for new delegates to introduce and draw them to the activity. In the pre-conference stage, we offer advice as well as remote training for those teams that are seeking to build or create Model UN programs at their schools. We also offer a Model UN 101 guide in addition to a training video designed by ILMUNC to teach delegates everything they need to know to jump into Model UN. From there, we focus on the novice delegate’s conference experience: on Thurs-day afternoon we offer several workshops, including one for international students, one for Model UN beginners, and one for more advanced delegates. Finally, we offer a truly unique all-novice committee at ILMUNC, which this year will be the United Nations Development Programme, with a dais staff specially trained to guide new delegates through their first conference and make the process as enriching as possible.

A Focus on Delegate Improvement

Our Mission

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ILMUNC boasts a knowledgeable and devoted team of over 250 Penn undergraduates. Our staff’s diversity is one of ILMUNC’s greatest assets; hailing from over thirty-two countries and countless courses of study, each member brings his or her own unique skill set and perspective on international affairs to the conference. Prior to conference, ILMUNC staff members are thoroughly trained to ensure their mastery of parliamentary procedure, knowledge of committee topics, and ability to manage the flow of debate. In addition, when not preparing for ILMUNC, our staff comprises one of the most successful intercollegiate Model United Nations teams in the country, which travels to more major confer-ences than any other school. As a result, more of our staff members have had practical experience as delegates than any other college-run conference in the nation. Thus, our staff is not only highly trained, but uniquely able to empa-thize with delegates, which leads to outstanding reviews from delegates and faculty advisors year after year.

One of ILMUNC’s greatest features is the city around it. Philadelphia is rich in history and culture. The conference is located just steps away from the historic Benjamin Franklin Parkway, which is home to the Franklin Institute, City Hall, and the renowned Philadelphia Museum of Art. The nearby Old City contains celebrated landmarks from the Revolutionary period that enhance the visitor’s expe-rience. A thriving art and restaurant scene makes Phila-delphia one of the most cosmopolitan and historic cities in the world. Additionally, we are thrilled to coordinate tours of and offer information about our own Univer-sity of Pennsylvania, one of the world’s finest academic institutions. These are intended to grant delegates the opportunity to experience the Ivy League firsthand. The conference is traditionally held in the heart of downtown Philadelphia, giving delegates easy access and enough free time to explore the city.

We keep ILMUNC on the cutting edge of technology, using our talented and ambitious staff to create videos for purposes ranging from training videos to crisis updates, and offering these resources over a variety of media. Addi-tionally, this year, we will be making a major change and allowing laptops outside of committee, in an effort to further enhance the delegate experience. We will also be implementing various new programs and forms of technology to improve and streamline the delegate experience at conference. Finally, we are introducing a paperless committee that will rely on projectors at the working paper stage to improve speed and efficiency while reducing waste.

Our Staff

The City of Philadelphia

Technological Innovation

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The University of Pennsylvania boasts top scholars in many fields, from negotiations to Greco-Roman history. We take advantage of that in one of our most popular programs, the Distinguished Scholars Initiative. As mentioned above, the Distinguished Scholars program brings in top professors in fields relevant to committees for a brief presentation followed by questions from the delegates. This experience is intended to bring a different perspective to the debate and to allow delegates to further their knowledge on the subject in a truly novel and engaging format.

The Franklin Legacy Charity Program provides an amazing opportunity for our staff and delegates to make an impact on some of the most pressing humanitarian issues currently facing the international community. ILMUNC has always been committed to improving the broader world around us through this program, which collects money for a specific charity chosen for its relevance to this year’s conference theme, which will be announced in the coming months. In the past, we have raised money to buy textbooks for impoverished children in Africa, offset carbon emissions through purchasing credits, started a fund for tsunami victims, and supported victims of the earthquake in Haiti. In addition, this year, we will develop a more local approach to giving back. We have reached out to inner city schools and offered them scholarships to attend the conference. Not only does this enrich the lives of students that might not have many opportunities to learn about the world, but it also provides ILMUNC with unparalleled diversity.

Thursday, January 24, 201312:00pm – 5:00pm: Conference Registration2:00pm – 5:00pm: Hotel Check-in and Registration4:00pm – 5:30pm: Pre-Conference Training Workshops6:30pm – 7:30pm: Opening Ceremonies8:00pm – 11:00pm: Committee Session I9:30pm – 10:30pm: Faculty Reception

friday, January 25, 20139:00am – 2:00pm: Penn Programs or Exploration of Philadelphia12:00pm – 2:00pm: Summer and Opportunities Fair2:00pm – 5:30pm: Committee Session II5:30pm – 7:00pm: Dinner Break7:00pm – 10:00pm: Committee Session III11:00pm – 12:00am: Delegate Fest

saturday, January 26, 20139:30am – 12:30pm: Committee Session IV12:30pm – 2:30pm: Lunch Break2:30pm – 6:00pm: Committee Session V6:00pm – 9:00pm: Dinner Break9:00pm – 12:00am: Delegate Dance

sunday, January 27, 20139:00am – 11:00am: Committee Session VI12:00pm – 1:30pm: Closing Ceremonies

Distinguished Scholars

Giving Back

Tentative Schedule

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Though the committee sessions make up the core of the ILMUNC experience, we feel that the complimentary events play a large role in shaping the delegate experience at ILMUNC. Our special events fulfill two main goals: first, to encourage the individual development of delegates, and second, to allow delegates to unwind andnetwork after a long day of debate.

Career Building and personal growth

penn Tours and Admissions Information sessionsThe University of Pennsylvania is a model urban campus, offering the feel of a closed campus with incredible architecture and ample green spaces, while simultaneously allowing students to step off campus and into one of America’s most famous cities. On Friday morning, we bus all interested students and faculty advisors onto Penn’s campus, where they will be greeted by Penn’s Kite and Key Society Tour Guides who will provide a full tour of campus. The entire event is absolutely free of charge, and offers aspiring college students a perfect opportunity to explore the campus of the nation’s first university. We supplement the Penn Tour by offering an information session at the Sheraton. An admissions officer will travel down just to speak to ILMUNC attendees, to give an overview of Penn and answer any questions about the application process to Penn or college admissions in general.

penn panelThe other side of the college search is student life. On Friday afternoon, we will bring together a panel of under-grads at Penn from a variety of schools, majors, and walks of life to provide a wide perspective on life at Penn and the college life. The panel will start off with a few prepared questions and then will be opened up to the delegates for any questions they may have.

summer and Opportunities fairA brand new addition to ILMUNC this year, the Summer and Opportunities fair is a chance for delegates to evalu-ate their next steps. The fair will have booths from various universities and colleges, in addition to summer intern-ship programs and travel opportunities. No matter what adventures delegates are seeking this summer or in their college search, the array of opportunities provided at the fair is sure to engage them.

social events

Delegate festAfter a long day of committee, kick back and head to the Liberty Ballroom to socialize with friends and fellow commit-tee members! The event includes snacks, soda, and a live performance from one of Penn’s top student bands. Come by for a few minutes or the full hour to enjoy the show!

Delegate DanceSaturday’s second session has come to a close, and con-ference is nearly over, but there’s one more thing to look forward to: ILMUNC’s delegate dance! Our delegate dance always gets great reviews with a fantastic atmosphere, aprofessional DJ, and state-of-the-art lighting and sound. There’s no better way to wrap up your final night at ILMUNC than at our delegate dance!

Beyond Committee

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first Committee: Disarmament and International security (DIseC)second Committee: economic and financial (eCOfIN)Third Committee: social, Humanitarian, and Cultural (sOCHUM)fourth Committee: special political and Decolonization (speCpOL)sixth Committee: Legal United Nations Development programme (UNDp)

The General Assembly—the principal organ mentioned in the United Nations Charter—is the main deliberative body of the United Nations. As the primary forums for international debate and cooperation, the General Assemblies offer the same right of representation to all 192 UN member states. The General Assemblies have become many countries’ principal diplomatic connection with the entire global community. Every member of the assemblies has the opportu-nity to voice his or her concerns and actively participate in the global decision-making process. The General Assem-blies engage in studies on international issues, recommend action from member states and UN bodies, and develop international law. The General Assembly committees will be the largest at ILMUNC XXIX and will give delegates the ability to debate traditional global issues in a larger forum. This year, delegates will discuss a number of relevant topics that span the entire spectrum of international relations. Alongside four of our hallmark committees, for the first time in several years we will have the Second Committee: Economic and Financial, which is both interesting and relevant given the current state of global financial affairs. Finally, we are excited to once again offer our signature all-novice commit-tee, designed specifically for first-time delegates. This year, the novice committee will be the United Nations Develop-ment Programme.


General Assembly

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United Nations Human rights Council (UNHrC)United Nations High Commissioner for refugees executive Committee (UNHCr)United Nations relief and Works Agency (UNrWA)United Nations Commission on sustainable Development (CsD)Commission on Crime prevention and Criminal Justice (CCpCJ)

United Nations educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNesCO) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)International Maritime Organization (IMO)The World Bankforum of Non-governmental Organizations

ILMUNC’s Specialized Agencies give delegates the opportunity to be a part of committees that are very different from General Assembly and Economic and Social Council committees, both structurally and substantively. Every year, we try to choose exciting committees in order to make debates as pertinent to real-world issues as possible. We are proud to feature several new committees this year in addition to our unique Forum of Non-Governmental Organizations, in which delegates will be able to represent NGOs and participate in other committees while furthering the goals of their organization.. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) will offer delegates the possibility to work to build peace, reduce poverty, and create conditions for dialogue among civilizations. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will deal with shipping safety and security and the protection of the marine environment from shipping hazards. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) mainly focuses on global development through spreading industry, related knowledge, and providing technical support in project implementation. And lastly, delegates in the World Bank will work to support development while aiming to reduce poverty.

The Economic and Social Councils address substantial and criti-cal issues in smaller, more intimate committees than those of the General Assembly. The ECOSOCs serve as forums for discussing international economic and social issues and control 70 percent of the human and financial resources of the United Nations. ILMUNC XXIX is proud to feature innovative simulations on a multitude of topics. The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice will address criminal activity around the world, ensuring a safe, livable environment. The United Nations Human Rights Council will offer delegates the opportunity to protect the rights of world citizens. In the United Nations High Commis-sioner for Refugees Executive Committee, delegates will discuss methods to protect refugees and other displaced people across the globe. The Committee for Sustainable Development, as the name suggests, will address the preservation of the world’s resources. Finally, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine will work to aid Palestinian refugees located around Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the occupied Palestinian territory.

Economic and Social Council

Specialized Agencies

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Ad-Hoc Committee of the secretary-generalUnited Nations security Council pakistani Cabinetpan-Arab security Alliance (2030)

Each year, ILMUNC offers a range of crisis committees, and this year is no different. All of our committees have a dedicated senior staff along with a junior staff of Vice Chairs, Deputy Crisis Directors and Crisis Analysts.

Similarly to last year, the Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General will be application based, and the exact nature of the committee will not be revealed until the weeks before the conference.

This year, we will be offering a special historical committee: The Russian Revolutionary Council. The committee is set in October of 1917, and delegates will be required to seize control of Russia while fending off the other nations of Europe.

We are happy to once again offer a Joint Crisis Committee at this ILMUNC, and we are sure that it will provide a unique experience. This year, the JCC will be a simulation of the American Civil War, pitting the Confederacy against the Union. Throughout the conference, the two committees will be working against (or possibly even with) each other in a coordinated simulation, challenging delegates to adapt and effectively respond to the actions of

Crisis Simulations

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the opposing committee.

In addition to these historical committees, we will be offering several committees set in the near future. The first is the Interna-tional Internet Security Consortium. Members of the Consortium will consider issues of security and property rights in today’s world, where the Internet allows near unfettered access to copyrighted material while also allowing small groups to threaten entire nations.

Second, we will have PASA: the Pan-Arab Security Alliance (2030). In this futuristic committee, delegates will have the unique oppor-tunity to represent members of Islamic paramilitary organizations who have come together out of necessity due to the military and political dynamics of the time.

We will also be offering the Pakistani Cabinet, a present-day council working towards the stabilization of Pakistan. This committee will deal with a wide range of current issues, with a focus on ensuring security and government unity within Pakistan balanced with the need to deal with social and cultural dissatisfaction.

We recommend that more experienced delegates select the United Nations Security Council, which has consistently been one of our most popular committees in years past. In accordance with its UN mandate to maintain international peace and security, the Security Council will address the most relevant and challenging issues facing the international community.

Joint Crisis Committee: ConfederacyJoint Crisis Committee: Unionrussian revolutionary CouncilInternational Internet security Consortium


(Non-refundable and non-transferable. Must be postmarked by November 30, 2012.)

Delegate Deposit: $35 per delegateschool Deposit: $60 per school*

The school deposit will be waived for delegations that register during Priority Registration, which will close on August 6, 2012.


Room Rate: $221.18 (including fees & taxes)

The Sheraton Reservation Form for ILMUNC 2013 is now available and can be located on our website. Any wquestions about hotel reservations can be directed to [email protected]. Please note that there is a required hotel portage fee of $9 on the Sheraton Reservation Form. There is a four guest maximum per room. Hotel fees should be paid directly to the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel.

please mail checks to the following address:

The Ivy League Model United Nations ConferenceThe University of Pennsylvania International Affairs AssociationP.O. Box 31826228 South 40th StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19104

(Non-refundable and non-transferable after December 16, 2012. Must be postmarked by January 4, 2013.)

Delegate fee: $40 per delegatefaculty Advisor fee: $40 per advisor

Please make all checks payable to The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.

Aug 6sept 29Oct 29

Nov 29Nov 30Nov 30

Jan 4Jan 24-27

Priority Registration DeadlineFirst Round of Country Assignment Requests DueSecond Round of Country Assignment Requests DueRegular Registration DeadlineDelegate and School Deposits Must Be PostmarkedLast Day to Decrease Delegation SizeAll Conference Fees Must Be PostmarkedILMUNC XXIX!

Deposits Conference Fees

Hotel Fees

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[email protected]

(321) 345-6862(321) 3IL-MUNC

© 2012 International Affairs Association of the University of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.