illustrations for dan brown's inferno

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  • 8/13/2019 Illustrations for Dan Brown's Inferno


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    Illustrations for Dan Brown's Inferno

    Inferno illustrations

    Illustrations for Dan Brown'sInferno

    These illustrations shed light on many of the people, places and clues discovered in Da

    Brown'sInfernonovel. Dan's complicated trail of action and clues can be fascinating

    but also a little difficult to follow sometimes. So as you read through the book you m

    want to check these illustrations and get a clearer picture of who, where and what

    going on. And if you enjoy them like many other people already have, you'll want to te

    your friends by share, tweet or post so they can do the same.

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    Leading off this gallery is the image above. In it, Dante sees Beatrice, the love of his lif

    She later appears to him as he goes through his experience in hell (inferno). This 188

    painting by Henry Holiday shows the famousPonte Vecchioor Old Bridge of Florence

    the background.

    In Dan Brown's Inferno....

    The prologue opens in Florence, Italy, with a man running past the Uffizi, the Palaz

    Vecchio, and the Bargello, then turning west. I have been to that city, but even so cou

    not figure out where he ended up. So I made this little map. An "X" marks the spot. A

    you may have noticed, a picture makes it easy.

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    Credit: Hol


    What did the running man find there? Something referred to as "the spire of the Badia

    That is about as understandable as the inside of a fortune cookie written in Chinese. Bthe place actually exists, and here it is. Known formally as the Badia Fiorentina, you se

    the spire on the right. On the left is the square tower of the Bargello.

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    Credit: Sailk


    In chapter one we are told, "She pointed now to a writhing pair of legs, which protrude

    upside down from the earth, apparently belonging to some poor soul who had beeburied headfirst to his waist."

    That is inspired by this particular scene in Dante's Inferno. The drawing was made b

    Gustave Dor in 1861. If you are one of the bookish types who actually looks these thin

    up (OK, I'm guilty, I did it too) it appears in Canto 19 around line 49.
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    Credit: Do

    To digress for a moment, the interest and passion that got m

    into all this was the Knights Templar. When I discovered the Templars being burned

    the stake inspired Dante to write his Inferno, it became a big part of my latest boo

    Templars follows the trail of clues that set the Vatican against the Templars and Mason

    This is what you dream of seeing in a Dan Brown novel. And it actually happene

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    Follow this exploration deep inside the lives of individual knights and experience som

    intriguing discoveries.See Templars book.

    There are many other people, places and things of note that either appear in Da

    Brown's story directly or are relevant to it. Among them are the following.

    Palazzo Vecchio

    This "Old Palace" was built to be the city hall of Florence in the 1300s. Its famous tow

    stands 300 feet high. Like many other buildings in Florence, the Palazzo Vecchio is no

    a museum.
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    Credit: Jansoo

    Dante Alighieri

    Dante'sInferno led to Dan Brown's novel of the same name, and he is important to th

    story. Born in Florence around 1265, Dante was later banned from that city for resistinthe pope's political authority there. After the Templars began to be arrested in 130

    were put on trial in Italy and other countries, and hundreds of them were burned

    death, the words of Dante'sInfernocame pouring out of his pen.
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    Credit: Bottice

    Beatrice Portinari

    Dante fell in love with Beatrice when he was only nine years old, but would love her a

    his life. Unfortunately his parents signed a contract for him to marry someone else, so hand Beatrice could never become a couple. Then she tragically died when he was 25. Y

    in his writings, she was everywhere. She appeared briefly to him in Inferno, the

    escorted him through heaven inParadiso. Here we see them together at last.

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    Credit: Do

    More Illustrations of Dante'sInferno....

    Dante's unusual scenes creep into Dan Brown's novel in different ways. To see what

    going on it really helps to see pictures. Otherwise it's hell, so to speak. Here are moillustrations.

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    Sandro Botticelli was a painter in Florence who suffered the unfortunate fate of havin

    his work become much more famous than himself. His "Birth of Venus" is wide

    recognized and still used today as an image of beauty and radiant good health. Hard

    anyone can recall whose hand and artistry created it.

    Credit: Bottice

    Map of Hell

    One of Botticelli's less well-known works is very relevant here, and that is his La Mapp

    dell' Inferno -- the map of hell.

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    Credit: Bottice


    This is the grand cathedral of Florence, and bears the lengthy official name ofBasilica

    Santa Maria del Fiore. It is traditionally called the Duomo because of its larg

    distincitve dome. This is perhaps the single most well-known landmark of the city.

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    Credit: Enn

    Porta Romana

    Back when Florence was a walled city, this was the main gate. Now most of the wall

    gone, but the Porta Romana gate is still there, able to tie up traffic on occasion.
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    Credit: Sailk

    Cosimo de' Medici

    As heir to his family, young Cosimo became Duke of Florence, but through military an

    political means he took contol of all the surrounding lands and became Grand Duke

    Tuscany. He moved the family seat to Palazzo Pitti, south of the Arno River, and th

    caused him to build the secret passageways of Florence.

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    Credit: Bronzin

    Florence Map

    This is a slightly wider view of Florence showing more of its famous locations.

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    Credit: Hol

    Secret Passageways (Vasari Corridor)

    Cosimo de' Medici ordered this collection of passageways to be built in 1564 so he cou

    move about the city of Florence in safety and without being seen. Giorgio Vasacompleted the task for him, and the corridor is shown here crossing the Ponte Vecchi

    mixed in with the upper levels of buildings on the bridge.

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    Credit: Gay

    More Illustrations of Secret Passageways....

    Get a closer look into the world of secret passageways in Florence with these illustratio

    and map.

    Cerca Trova,_Florence,_Italy.jpg
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    Vasari was also a prolific painter and included the strange words "cerca trova" on one

    his paintings. It means "search and find," a phrase that haunts Robert Langdon in h


    Credit: Vasa


    This extraordinary artist was actually named Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarro

    Simoni, so you can understand why everyone just called him Michelangelo. Know

    mainly as a sculptor and painter, he was a true Renaissance man with many talents. H

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    sculpted the beautifulPietwhen he was only 24, then he went on to paint the ceiling

    the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, a role in which he is often portrayed and remembered

    Credit: Jacopino del Con


    Perhaps Michelangelo's most famous sculpture was his colossal and magnificent Davi

    which he crafted when he was 29 years of age. Commissioned by the city of Florence,

    stood in front of the Palazzo Vecchio for many years, before being moved to the mo

    sheltered confines of the Accademia Gallery in Florence.

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    Credit: Ga

    Campanile by Giotto

    Giotto di Bondone was the Florentine painter and architect whose most visible work w

    his design of the distinctive Campanile bell tower that serves the Duomo, and standbeside it.
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    Credit: Peril

    Brunelleschi's Dome

    Filippo Brunelleschi was an engineer and architect, which sounds rather boring, excep

    for the fact that he created wonders of art with his skill. The most famous of these is thdome of the Duomo cathedral that gives it that name. It was the largest dome built sin

    the days of the Romans. That it is still standing and still beautiful adds to h

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    Credit: Kovalch

    Baptistry of San Giovanni

    In front of the Duomo stands this smaller building of similar design, where Dante an

    many other people of his day were baptized. The large, elaborate and heavy doors aknown as the "Gates of Paradise."'s_dome,_Florence.jpg
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    Credit: Gryffind

    Harris Tweed Worn by Robert Langdon

    The coat worn by Robert Langdon is always Harris Tweed, and he notes that the lab

    inside his coat includes the red Templar cross.
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    Credit: Harris Twee

    Dante's Death Mask

    This is a replica of the death mask made for Dante shortly after he passed away in 132

    Robert Langdon tries to get inside his head.

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    Credit: JoJa

    Rialto Bridge in Venice

    This is the famous and beautiful bridge found in Venice, Italy. The canals and lagoons

    Venice are part of its mystique.
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    Credit: Chene Be

    St. Mark's Basilica

    Standing in the heart of Venice, St. Mark's Basilica contains the relics of Mark th

    Evangelist . . . and possibly more?
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    Credit: Tetrakt

    Dandolo Preaching the Crusade

    Enrico Dandolo passionately urged the launching of another Crusade in 1202, in whic

    he led troops from Venice to the battle at Constantinople, which is now called Istanbul.
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    Credit: Do

    Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

    First it was a church, then a mosque and now a museum, Hagia Sophia is one of th

    most easily-recognized places in Istanbul.

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    Credit: Jerzy Kociatkiewi

    Inside Hagia Sophia

    This spectacular place contains a vast area, with many mysterious objects, spaces an

    secrets. This golden image inside the dome was painted by John Singer Sargent in 1891
  • 8/13/2019 Illustrations for Dan Brown's Inferno


  • 8/13/2019 Illustrations for Dan Brown's Inferno


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    told in Templars: The Rise, Fall & Survival of the Knights Templar. It reads like a Da

    Brown novel, with its trail of clues that reveal the struggles between Templars and th

    Vatican, but these are real people and events.

    Two intriguing books--

    buy them together.

    Dan Brown's Inferno Illustrations

    Inferno Templars.

    Is on sale now Is on sale now

    Illustrations for Dan Brown's Inferno

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