ill). ricr.iomcal •sioxvtfiouh€¦ · the saint paul sunday globe, sunday morning, apkll 25,...

THE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, APKLL 25, 1830 DEMOCRATIC,CITY TICKET, [Election Tuesday May 4th.] City Treasurer— A. RENZ. Justice of the Third, Fourth and Sixth wards—E. H. WOOD. ALDKRiIKN. Ist precinct, First ward A. Allen. Ist precinct. Second ward John O'Connor. Ist precinct, Third ward— Grack. Ist precinct, Fourth ward Chas. I'INOWALD. Sad precinct, Fourth ward— W. D. Cornish. 3d precinct, Fourth ward— C. W. Gbiqgs. Ist pre:inct, Fouith ward—Wm. Rhodes. SCHOOL INSPECTOR. lit precinot. First ward— J. H. Muephy. Ist precinct, Second ward— J. G. Donnelly. Ist precinct, Third ward E. J. Abbott. Ist precinct. Fourth ward P. H. SMITH. 3d precinct, Fourth ward— H. Athey. Ist precinct. Fifth ward— Abthcb Koenig. DEMOCRATIC CITY CONVENTION. F. A. lieu/. Nominated for Treasurer and E. H. Wood for Justice. The Democratic city convention was held at the old court house, yesterday forenoon, to nominate a candidate for city treasurer and justice of the peace of the Upper Dis- trict. The delegates got together promptly at 10 o'clock, and expeditionsly and harmo- nionsily accomplished the work for which they were convened. THE ORGANIZATION. On being called to order, an organization was effected by electing Dr. Rieheson to preside and Joseph Ellis as secretary. COMMITTEE ON CREDENTIALS. J. C. McCarthy moved the appointment of a committee on credentials, consisting of one from each ward. The chair appointed the following as such committee: David Burke, John Bell, Frank Schlick, C. H. Manship, B. Scheffer and J. C. Mc- Carthy. After being out for half an hour the committee returned, and, through Mr. C. H. Manship, reported that the following delegates were entitled to seats in the convention: LIST OF DELEGATES. First ward, first precinct Oppenlieim, John X. Davidson, David Burke. First ward, second precinct— Geo. W. Turner, Casper Schott. Second ward, first precinct John Bell, Wil- liam Delaney, Joseph Elles, John Doyle. Second ward, second precinct Joseph Oppen- heim, John Patterson, H. P. Hall. Third ward, first precinct Frand Schlick, Theodore Jans, Henry Meyerding, Frank Brewer. Third ward, second precinct Theodore Wei- mann, Nic. Schmitz, Nic. Vidua. Fourth ward, first precinct Adam Stauble, Anthony Coffe?, Frank Brom, John Picha, Thos. Madigau. Fourth ward, second precinct J. J. Williams, C. H. Manship. Fourth ward, third precinct Nic. Gruber, Thos. Caulfield, F. W. H. Geldermann. Fifth ward, first precinct Wm. Richeson, Bertram Scheffer, IS. Schiffmaa. Fifth ward, second precinct Thos. Brennan, Pat orris, U. Lyons. Sixth ward—J. C. McCarthy, G. A. Wells, A. M.Doherty, John Burch, baptiste Dufour. The report was adopted. CITY tbeastjeee. The convention proceeded to the nomina- tions for city treasurer : Frank Schlick placed F. A. Eenz innomi- nation. On motion of Joseph Oppenheim the nomination was made by acclamation. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. The convention then proceeded to nomina- tions for justice of the peace for the upper district. J. C. McCarthy nominated E. H. Wood. C. H.Manship placed W. J. Parsons in nomination, and claimed his election as a sterling Democrat and able lawyer. The vote taken viva race resulted as fol- lows : . - E. H. Wood 18 W. J. Parson 2 The nomination of E. H. Wood was made unanimous. THE CITY COMMITTEE. J. C. McCarthy moved that a city com- mittee be appointed, one from each "ward and a chairman at large. Carried. The chair asked for time to make Bnch so- lections, and there being no farther business before it, th« convention adjourned sine die. THE CITY COMMITTEE. Later in the day. Dr. Richeson, chairman of the city convention, appointed the follow- ing city committee. First Ward A. Oppenheim, chairman. Second John Bell. Third Ward— Frank Schlick. Fourth Ward— C. W. Grigg*. Fifth Ward— Rice. Jr. Sixth Ward— J. C. McCarthy. A remarkable instance of the curative quali- ties of St. Jacobs Oil is the case of Mr.Schaefer, Allegheny City, Pa., who suffered withRheuma- tism 'for over eight 3 ears, and had used all known remedies without relief. A single bot- tle of St. Jacobs Oil cured him. Schliek &Co.'s is the place, and don't you forget it; there yoa can hay solid leather Boots and Shoes cheaper than elsewhere. NEW GOODS- —- New , \u0084' . Arrivals. The Pnbilc is invited to Examiae Goods and Prices, . We have as;ain received a new supply of Doeskins and Cassimeres, well worth the at- tention of those wishing a nobby suit. HAAS, THE TAILOE, Is the only place in the Northwest where suits are made to order for the same price paid for ready-made clothing, and made in the best style and cut from thelatest fashions. We em- ploy the well-known cutter, M. C. Ten Eyck, and employ none but the best of workmen. A perfect fit guaranteed in every case. Consult your own interest and call on HAAS, THE TAILOE, Ho. 23 East TDM Street, St. Paul. GALVANO-ELECTRIC PLASTER. R. P. HALL'S MLVAIO-EUCIUC PLASTER. A Galvanic Battery is imbedded in a medicated blaster, and. when applied to in» oody, prodncas a. constant current of electricity, forming the most powerful remedial itgent for the core Of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headache. Sprain; spinal Difficulty, Nervous Dueatet, or Female Weakneti \u25a0tot known. Its effects are magical. Sold byDruggists. or Bent by mail on receipt of SOcents. Addres* BELL MANN &CO., Proprietora, Iff WabMb-avo., Chicago. LIVEK CURE. DR. A. L. CLUM'S LIVER CATHARTIC. ! Purely Vegetable. Cores all billons diseases act- fag on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warranted in all cases. Ask your Brupjrfst for this Medicine, also for circnlars. CLUHCQapOUMIBiG (XL* . frold by all Druggists. **&fp*> t NOVELTIES- AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTSON & GO. Special Novelties in \ . Guipure, Antique, Swiss & Drapery Curtains. Spreads, Pillow Shams, Upholstery Goods and Furniture Coverings. All Oar Spring Stock of Body, Tapestry Brussels and Ingrains, In the Newest and Choicest Colorings, adapted to the present Style of Decorations. Turkish, Persian, Smyrna, Kurrachee, Singapore, Axminster and Velvet Rugs and Mats . In Great Quantities. Wall Paper Decorations a Specialty. 14 West TIM Street, St, Pant, Minn. ne-117 DRY GOODS. IMIII BROS. WILL OPEN ON Monday, April 26tli, Novelties in Dress _ Goods. In a Variety Unexcelled by any House in the State. Freud Homie Cloths. \u25a0 Freud Camels Hairs. French Wool Stripes. : All fool Deteges. All fool Buntings. Lace Stripe} Home Glottis. Lace Buntings. NEW STYLES Ing Fairies. Camels Hair Grenadines. Silk Warn Crepes. Sift am Drap He Cressy. Sift Warp Drap le Alma. Sift Warp Drap de Bnssy. s Sift Warp Barathea. Stand fool Fancies All in most reliable qualities, at popular : \ V VV: prices. COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OF Crapes, Henriettas, Tamise Cloths, Cashmeres and Mairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. New Styles in Summer Silks, Brocaded Silks. Petti Striped Silk?, ..-\u25a0 r > Brocaded Satins. ALL NEW SHADES IN Plain Colored Silks. Plain Colored Satins. Satins dc Ljon, Surah Satins. Inspection invited. HATTER. llfjlllll 96 East Third -Street: . ''\u25a0•' \ \u25a0 \u25a0 ..\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Whose work is his best advertisement, not only does J«fcMMg and repairing, but fflOGUlactuttie very class OtlUtS* CUre him » call- / 116 LAIIES' WEAR. DOLMANS, ULSTERS POmIiTHERS, , 91 East Hurt Street, WILL OFFEU On Monday, April 26. New Lies Licht Cloth Dolmans. New Lines Cloth Ulsters. New Satin Ds Lyon Dolmans. The above are best garments that we have over shown, and prices are low. Also large line new styles Shetland Shawls, New Skirts, and 200 dozen Ladies' White Muslin Underwear, of very best styles and best workmanship, all at LOWEST PRICES. 116-117 TRIMMINGS &c liiiiiiiiii &c, &c. On liaUiril 26, We will place on centre counters 500 pieces FINE HAMBURG EMBROID- ERIES, in widths from 1-2 to 2 1-2 inches, at the Z/NI- EORM PRICE OF 12 l-2c per yard. Fully one-half ot above are Finest and Best make of Embroideries 9 and not one piece worthless than 15C) while many are worth 35c. Also 100 pieces Real Torchon laces at the uni- form price of 10c per yard, WORTH FULLY ONE- THIRVMORE. The above arebest bargains ever offered and will not be sold at these prices after Wednesday, Also now opening : 100 Pieces Black Sift Fringes. 100 Pieces Colored Sift Fringes. 100 Pieces Beaded Gimps. 100 Gross Cut Jet Bnttons. 200 Gross Ornamented Jet Bnttons, 500 Gross Fancy Pearl Bnttons. 300 Gross Plain Pearl Bnttons. 100 Gross Metal Bnttons. 100 Dozen Fans. 50 Dozen Sift Mitts. 2,000 Parasols and Snn Umbrellas. All guaranteed at lower prices than same quality can bo bought at elsewhere. POrasIBOTBERS, 81 Eiil TIM BW, Tie Grasiopper Sits CN THE Sweet Potato Vine. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES- The above cut represents one*of the beauti- ful Children's Carriages, with the "felly Spring/ from Ike Celebrated Factory of Sweet & Son, Buffalo, New York. S. G. DICKINSON, i i AT THE 99 CENT STOKE, is Agent for this State, and keeps on hand a Full and Complete Assortment, at Prices which Defy all Competition. Bo sure to Examine his stock before purchasing. •?.^ ; : ' -\u25a0.\u25a0 °- \u25a0•...'. 116-117 CLOTHEB WBIN3EBS—Save your old wringers Vj And have now roll^ro put on, by leaving them at ti>e St. Paul BabDer awrt*. *i a. X Bird at. SO* » .. \u25a0 -I ,-. -.: ...».\u25a0-..- .-.....:\u25a0 JOHNSON'S fair Dealing Clothinc Boise; 66 E. Third-st., St. Paul. NEW GOODS, 1 BARGAINS- FOR SALE. AT THE Popular Tailorioi Establishment KNOWN AS \u25a0'-. HAAS, THE TAILOK, . 23 East Third Street, 30 Nice, failed Business Suits, at $10.00 a Suit, 30 at SH.OO, 30 at -$12.00, and 30 at $13.00 a Suit. 25 Nobby Cassiraere Soils at $14.00 and $15.00. -40 Good Workmen's Panls at J2.00 a Pair, 35 Pair Very Heavy at 52.50.- -35 Pairs all wool Gassiniere Pants at $4.00 Per Pair. We have also received 50 New Styles of Cassi». really the Nobbiest Patterns ever opened in Si, Paul, or elsewhere,'; from wliicli we, willmate Suits to Order for \ $20.00 and upward. Remember, HAAS, THE TAILOB, 23 East JIM Street. P, 8. The above goods were made In our own establishment, during dull times, and will be sold at ACTUAL COST. INSURANCE. \ WJGHSOI 4 IEISWAI, Tnsur anc c -A. gents, 22 E. THIRD STREET. PENNSYLVANIA FIRE Insurance Company, OF Philadelphia, Pa, PRE51DENT. ....... . ;. .. JOHN DEVEREUX. SECRETARY. \u0084 . W . G. CROWELL. ASSETS. Value of real estate owned $140,000 00 Loans secured by mortgages en real estate ; 314,236 33 Market value of all bonds and Blocks 1,385,669 50 Loans secured by bonds and stocks as collateral .:..... 27,200 00 Cash on hand and in bank......... ; 57,951 45 Premiums in course of collection, 5G.054 83 Total admitted assets $2,011,112 11 LIABILITIES. Paid capital 8400,000 CO Reinsurance reserve . : . 740,038 88 Unpaid losses and other liabilities, 64.000 00 Total liabilities, including capitalsl,2o4,o3S 88 INCOME IN 1870. From premiums received $532,537 19 From interest and dividends 102,841 06 Total income $035,373 25 EXPENDITURES IN 1879. Losses $318,450 03 Dividends 40,000 00 Commissions and brokerage 83,361 03 Salaries of officers and employes. 52.433 68 Taxes and other expenses 29,804 84 Total expenditures 6554,079 58 >> BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1579. f;be. Risks writtoa $844,396 tO Premiums received 15,453 78 Losses paid . ....-.-. 12,344 04 Losses incurred .^. v . ...... 13, 137 11 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ). Department of Insurance. \ . I, A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Company above named, has complied withthe laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now folly empowered through it 3authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of late insur- ance in this State for the year ending January 31st, 1881. St. Paul, February 10, 18S0. A. B. McGILL. Insurance Commissioner. MILLIMERYGOODS. An Entire Now Line of tho Latest Novelties in ' SUMMER MILLINERY GOODS NOW OPEJS'. The attention of Milliners is called to this, the \u25a0 Finest and oat Complete Stock ever offered. CACHEMERE HATH, CACHEMERE SILKS, CACHEMERE FLOWERS, CACHEMERE LACES«£• ORNAMENTS. ". Merchants will find ours to ; be the Largest, Hand- somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' Trimmed Hats in this market. J. OPPEAHEIM ft CO. ES/^Faßhion Plates gratis upon application. Farms tor Sale . \u25a0 160 scree In Jaekion oonnty, lCnneaeta. 160 lores la Meeker comity, Minnesota. 140 tores In Isanti oonntj, Minnesota. \u25a0 - . 80 acres In Todd county, Minnesota. . 40 acres In Douglas county, Minnesota. M acres InHouston* county, Minnesota. . S \ "' Til* above Is all choice f armlnjt lands, which will Mil at lew •rice for. cask, or part oasb tad bal «aoa «b time with ipprovwl ; taourity. . For . desor^ Uon lat buds sad further p*rUcnJar«, «ddrsor AT ' SABLstABYsWrXB WOBKB, 84. aal, Uim» ' -• \u25a0 - .'.\u25a0: •'-.. \u25a0:,-:;.M-4»-*..' -\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0-. •--\u25a0 . . - BOAKD WANTED. WANTED— By a gentleman , and wife, board in nice, private family. Address B, E , thl» office, givinglocation and terms. 101* Artistic Household Furniture, Wood Mantels. CONFECTIONERY. ' £\ 13 fIIT"BT^ H"T Hend one, two, three, or \u25a0]M m nS ll five dollars for a sample I I H 1HI •HI box, >>y oxpresP, of tho best i In M 1a : V Candies in America, put up i I? > m I I i I 'elegantly and strictly pure. t Ilh 11H I Refers to all Chicago. Ad- -1 \u25a0 111 HSi S drcsaC. F.OUNTBEU, \J ii I « fcSJF \u25a0 JQ. Confectioner, IBMADIbfcMS blKi^l, OHIOAGO. , TESTIMONIALS FROM RETAIL DRUGGISTS. TESTIMONIALS FROM PATIENTS. . fsg'""Above are only eamplja of what we receive dally, «4£j \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 ; £3f?-Tne Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six package* for $5; or will be scut free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing . "• \u25a0 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO. * ICo. It .MtK-riuiiios' Block, Detroit, .Mioii. For Sale in *t. Paul by E. U. ltrW4H and STUART «£\u25a0 JL.UTZ. Cor. Wabaxhnw n».i Oth #t*. InMinneapolis, Wholesale an » ts—m*, fry Uhr»g & 4U>j/i «», JOHNSON'S Fair Dealing Clothing Honse, 66 E. Third St. Paul. IST E W STORE. CLOTHING Cavalry Knee, Cavalry Knee, Cavalry Knee, Cavalry Knee. Cavalry Knee, \ . v Cavalry Knee. Cavalry Knee, Mothers will appreciate a Cavalry Knee on a!! Little Boy's .Pant* ; it l protects the pants whore Mia most wear comes, causing one pair of pant* to wear as long as two without this improvement. " CAVALRY KNEE, \ For Sale Only at the BOSTON ONE-PRICE Clothing House, 43 East Third Street St. Pail. \u25a0 . JNEW YOKK .001 ;ll Sli Stim, 37 EAST THIRD STREET. \u25a0 : /, \u25a0 \u25a0 CHISLETT & SONS, (Succe3eors to W. T. Whitehonse,) Are daily reoftirinf; large shipments of their NEW SPKING SHOES FROM THE BEST M^aJSTXTF^CTTTRBIEtS, In the United States, and will soon hare a large and STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS STOCK, IN ALLTHE LATESTSTYLES We respectfully ask an inspection of our Goods and Prices . Our patrons will receive the POLITEST AT- TENTION, and should their purchases be unsatisfac- tory, we will cheerfully REFUND THEIR MONEY. CHISLETT SONS. 114-127 _^ LIQPQg UEALEB3. W. L. PEItKINS. MAUKIGi: LIO»3. [Established 1859.] PERKINS, LYONS CD,, REMOVED TO 31 ROBERT ST., NEAP- THIRD. Wholesale Dealers in Para Kentnciy Bonrlion & Rye WMsfeies California and Foreign Wises and Brandies. m Country and City Orders Solicited. 64-S8 Important to the Fair Sex! ricr.iomcAL •SIOXVTfIOUH THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, Cures Ulcera- tion, Ovarian Diseases and all diseases known ns fe- male Weakness They have . been used in England for yeais (s a periodical acd regulating rill. Sold by all Drngglßtse verywhere. Pj ice $I.CO per box or six boxes for $5.00, s-.ntoy mail free of postage, securely sealed. THE GItAY MEDICINE CO., i Mechanics' Block,Detroit, Mich. Wholesale Agents for United States. iT£/~Pamphlet3 Bent fiea._^J Sold in St.Paul by E. H. Biggs and Stnart & Lutz, corner Wabnehaw and Sixth streets. In Minneapolis byGray&Hoffiin. 114-113 GALVANICINSTITUTE. (TBISAXBUSfiT FOB. JUIBEASJSB OF THE HEAD.) THE TONGUE GALVANICINSTITUTE, for the treatment of all the various diseases of the Head, Eye and Ear, as well as Rheumatism, DyBi-i«i>»l*, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Soros, Whit« Swellings, Disease of the Ki>lney?, Paralysis, Female weakness in all its different f ormß, and eruptions of the face and body. The above diseases are al] speedily and permanently cured at the Institute. No Medicine Given or Knife used. Separate apartments for Ladies, with competent lady attend- ants . Allcommunications regarding treatment, or rights to use the Galvanic Process, which is Patented and offered for sale, should be addressed to the TONGUE GALVANIC INSTITUTE, 212 8. CLARK BT., CHICAGO, ILL , Which will receive prompt attention. Consultation and examination free. F. J. TONGUE, M. D., Con- sulting Physician : EDWARD TONGUE, Operator; ! OLUMDREW, General Alau«eer. KKNI>FOROTKOFr.AP. **• FUENITUBE. MnmzAi" is, Minn., April 2, 1880. To the Gray Medicine Co. : We liave much pleasure in statHji that your medi- cine is a complete success in this vicinity. We have now sold four gross of the Specific for nervous de- bility, and the sale continues as brisk or more 6O than ever. A great number of ieople who have used it speak highly of it. Yours truly, OKAY & HOFFLIN. AUBUBS, N\ V., July 20, 1879. To the Gray Medicine Co. : It might not be uninteresting to you to know some- thing of what we are doing withyour Specific Medi- cine. I think that since we took the agency, about eight mouths ago, we hava sold nearly three gross. Inclosed is a testimonial from one of our customers, who has thoroughly tried the remedy and seems well rieaped with it. Very truly youra, SAGAR & BOWMAN. Geotox, X. V., July 16, 1879. Sagar .'; Bowman : WORM : Please send me two packages ''Gray's Spe- cinc Medicine.'' I can heartily endorse it m a never- failing cure. Your*. L.H. BULKLEY. Wobcesteb, Ma&» , March 24, 1870. To the Gray Medicine Co. : Please send me one-half gvosa of your Specific Medicine. I sold the last box I had to-day. It sells well, and seems to be satisfactory to those who use it. I Yours truly, GEO. E. FAIRBANKS. TuXEXAimoac, Pa., Dec. 8, 1879, T*the Gray Medicine Co. : I have a customer who has been taking your Spe- cific with splendid success. I never had a raedicum that sells like your Speci&c. Youra truly, 8.8 HATFIELD, Druggist. Save Rooci-RcdS ant> Buy Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed, The most Compact, Elegant and Sub' stantial. Best Steel Spring Mattrass : Bedding folds out of sight in Bureaus, \u25a0\u25a0Book-Cases, Desks, &c. A. H. Andrews & Co., 1195 Wabash Atp., CHICAGO. I Also Manufacturers of The foUowing testimoniala a:-e genuine, *nd can be verified by reference to the originals. For reasons v.hich will appear obvious to, and be respected by all, we withhold the names of the writers o these letters : JONKBYII.I.K, iiich., Feb. 26, 18S<\ To the Gray Medicine Co. : I have used two packages of yonr Specific withen- tire satisfaction, as 1 have not had one emission since I commenced taking it I strongly recommend it to those suffering. Very truly, Walnut, 111., March 3, 1880. To the Gray Medicinne Co ; Enclosed find $1for one package of your Specific. I have taken bnt one box ef your medicine, and it has dono me more good than all the other medicines I have ever taken. Yours, etc, Habvabp, Xeb . , Feb'y, 1380. To the Gray Medicine Co. : I have taken nearly six packages of your Speoinc, and it is with pleasure I can testify that ithas done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken. I have suffered from seminal weak- ness from my youth, and had given up all | hope of a cure until I conu&mosd taking your medi- cine. lam now in better health, an.l the emissions j have almost entirely ceased. St. Cram.b&, Minn., Not. 16, 1879 . i To the Gray Medicine Co : I ha»e taken six boxes of yoar medicine and am j entirely cored. I had bets* suffering with seminal \u25a0 weakness for years, and had expended hundreds of ! dollars Inmedical treatment. I strongly recommend ! it to all sufferers . Yours truly. KruKhViiic, Mo., Feb. "8, 1830. I To the Gray Medicine Co: Your medicine is doing me more {rood than any- ; thing I ever tried. I have only taken three boxe*, I and } have increased in weight from 130 to 140 I pounds. Respectfully your*. Post HtrnoN, Mich., Sept. SO, 1880. To the Gray Medicine Co: Enclosed please find one dollar for another pack- I age of yonr Specific. I have now taken two boxen I and am very much improved. I have been under phyisicians' care for nearly two years with no bene- ficialresults, and your medicine is the only thing yet tried that has dona me a&y good, and I can safe- ly recommend it to all. Yours truly. JOHNSOiYS Fair Dealing Clothing House, 60 .E. Third-st., St. Paul. OLD PEICES. JOHNSON'S Fair Dealing Clothing to, 66 E. Third-st., at. Paul. NO OLD STOCK. i CLOTHING. 61 SAINT IPA.XJL 61 ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 61 East Third Street, St. ]Paul, Minn. , .' '-1 {^-Orders by Mall Promptly Attended to.^ca 61 SATTLER BROS. 61 \u0084' PIANO 3 AND IQSQANS- GHIGKERING ". -:>"•< *.•\u25a0.>. '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ''-. .•... TV «. \u25a0••.. \u25a0\. ' * \u25a0-. \u25a0-i .\u25a0":\u25a0\u25a0"..'--.,\u25a0. v- V '-\u25a0•-'_\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0— - .-.\u25a0...'• .•"••' '\u25a0\u25a0"'*..';» """..V , .f\ '\u25a0' PIANOS I AND ESTEY OEGANS ! ARE THE Standard of the World. Tie dickering is the largest Piano Factory in the World. Chicking & Son ink EVERY PART of tlieir Pianos in their own factory. The ANNUAL SAtiS of tin ffielerio; Piano exceed by far those of any other first-class make. , _ DO NOT BE MISLED, And buy an ancient rattle box that has been tinkered ap into a piano, but di and § my prices on (licking & Sons, flenrj F. Killer, Decker & Son Pianos, and Estej aad Wibi aai White Organs ami see for yoir^elf that joa caofsare from $25 to $150 liy placing jour orders with me. F. V. BINGHAM, No. 12 West Third Street, St. Paul. GLOVES. KidT^ioves, BEST IN THE CITY, One Dollar Per Pair, Every Pair Warranted. ESI Ell k\ El HtlNElnJilfN 103 and 105 Seventh Street, "- Comer of Jacta, THE HUT HI ill). TRADE MARK FOR TRADEMARK [NERVOUS DEBILITY.] IS BEFORE TAKING. AFTER TAKING. GRAFS SPECIFIC iIINE. Which i 3 a safe, certain, radical and permanent cure for Nervousness, Palpitation, Nervous DehQty and Nervous Prostration. The Specific is specially recommended as an unfailing Remedy for weainess, ai:d all diseases that follow as a sequence of self-abuse. We do not believe much inthe "fashion" of publishing testimonials ;we have, however, deviated at the request of many of onr friends to publish a few. TESTIMONIALS FROM WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS Chicago, 111., July 24, 1579. To the Gray Medicine Co. : Our sales of your Specific have been truly won- derful, far exceeding your f-tatement as to what it would be when we took hold: sod the best of all i 9, hat the reports of ita use have been very satisfactory from all sources . Yours truly, YANSHAACK, STEVEXSOX & CO. Cleveland, 0., March 19, :88J. To the Gray Medicine Co. : It affords us much pleasiixe to testify to the re- markable pale of your Hpecinc Medicine, whica has not been equaled, we -thlnl, in our experience with articles for similar purposes. We have had testi- mony from our customers auiOBR the retail druggist* as to the effectiveness, but the extensive aalm furnish sufficient evidence of its rains. Yours truly, STRONG, COBB & CO. CisciNXATr, 0., March 22, 1£50. To the Gray Medicine Co. : During the year 1579, we hare sold one hundred gross of Gray's Specific Medicine, and it give« uni- versal satisfaction : and we know it to be a good med- icine from personal observation . •JOHN D. PARK & CO.

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Page 1: ill). ricr.iomcAL •SIOXVTfIOUH€¦ · THE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, APKLL 25, 1830 DEMOCRATIC,CITY TICKET, [Election Tuesday May 4th.] City Treasurer— A.RENZ



[Election Tuesday May 4th.]City Treasurer— A. RENZ.Justice of the

—Third, Fourth and Sixth


Istprecinct, First ward—

A. Allen.Ist precinct. Second ward

—John O'Connor.

Istprecinct, Third ward— Grack.Istprecinct, Fourth ward


Sad precinct, Fourth ward— W. D. Cornish.3d precinct, Fourth ward—C. W. Gbiqgs.

Ist pre:inct, Fouith ward—Wm. Rhodes.SCHOOL INSPECTOR.

litprecinot. First ward—J. H.Muephy.

Istprecinct, Second ward— J. G. Donnelly.

Istprecinct, Third ward—

E. J. Abbott.Ist precinct. Fourth ward


3d precinct, Fourth ward— H. Athey.

Ist precinct. Fifth ward— Abthcb Koenig.


F. A. lieu/. Nominated forTreasurer and E.H. Wood for Justice.

The Democratic city convention was heldat the old court house, yesterday forenoon,to nominate a candidate for city treasurerand justice of the peace of the Upper Dis-trict. The delegates got together promptlyat 10 o'clock, and expeditionsly and harmo-nionsily accomplished the work for whichthey were convened.


On being called to order, an organizationwas effected by electing Dr. Rieheson

to preside and Joseph Ellis as secretary.COMMITTEEON CREDENTIALS.

J. C. McCarthy moved the appointment ofa committee on credentials, consisting ofone from each ward.

The chair appointed the followingas suchcommittee:

David Burke, John Bell, Frank Schlick,C. H. Manship, B. Scheffer and J. C. Mc-Carthy. After being out for half an hourthe committee returned, and, throughMr. C. H. Manship, reportedthat the followingdelegates were entitled toseats in the convention:


First ward, first precinct—

Oppenlieim,John X.Davidson, David Burke.

First ward, second precinct— Geo. W. Turner,Casper Schott.

Second ward, first precinct John Bell, Wil-liam Delaney, Joseph Elles, John Doyle.

Second ward, second precinct—Joseph Oppen-

heim, John Patterson, H. P. Hall.Third ward, first precinct

—Frand Schlick,

Theodore Jans, Henry Meyerding, FrankBrewer.

Third ward, second precinct—

Theodore Wei-mann, Nic. Schmitz, Nic. Vidua.

Fourth ward, first precinct—

Adam Stauble,Anthony Coffe?, Frank Brom, John Picha, Thos.Madigau.

Fourth ward, second precinct —J. J. Williams,C. H. Manship.

Fourth ward, third precinct—

Nic. Gruber,Thos. Caulfield, F. W. H. Geldermann.

Fifth ward, first precinct—

Wm. Richeson,Bertram Scheffer, IS. Schiffmaa.

Fifth ward, second precinct—

Thos. Brennan,Pat orris, U.Lyons.

Sixth ward—J. C. McCarthy, G. A. Wells,A.M.Doherty, John Burch, baptiste Dufour.

The report was adopted.CITY tbeastjeee.

The convention proceeded to the nomina-tions forcity treasurer :

Frank Schlick placed F. A. Eenz innomi-nation.

On motion of Joseph Oppenheim thenomination was made by acclamation.


The convention then proceeded tonomina-tions for justice of the peace for the upperdistrict.

J. C. McCarthy nominated E. H.Wood.

C. H.Manship placed W. J. Parsons innomination, and claimed his election as asterling Democrat and able lawyer.

The vote taken viva race resulted as fol-lows :. -E. H. Wood 18W. J. Parson 2

The nomination of E. H. Wood was madeunanimous.


J. C. McCarthy moved that a city com-mittee be appointed, one from each "wardand a chairman at large. Carried.

The chair asked for timeto make Bnch so-lections, and there being no farther businessbefore it,th« convention adjourned sine die.


Later in the day. Dr. Richeson, chairmanof the city convention, appointed the follow-ing city committee.

First Ward—

A. Oppenheim, chairman.Second

—John Bell.

Third Ward— Frank Schlick.Fourth Ward— C. W. Grigg*.Fifth Ward— Rice. Jr.Sixth Ward— J. C. McCarthy.

Aremarkable instance of the curative quali-ties of St. Jacobs Oilis the case ofMr.Schaefer,Allegheny City,Pa., who suffered withRheuma-tism 'for over eight 3 ears, and had used allknown remedies without relief. A single bot-tle of St. Jacobs Oilcured him.

Schliek &Co.'s is the place, and don't youforget it; there yoa can hay solid leather Bootsand Shoes cheaper than elsewhere.


New , \u0084' .

Arrivals.The Pnbilc is invited to Examiae Goods

and Prices, .

We have as;ain received a new supply ofDoeskins and Cassimeres, well worth the at-tention of those wishing a nobby suit.

HAAS,THE TAILOE,Is the only place in the Northwest where suitsare made to order for the same price paid forready-made clothing, and made in the beststyle and cut from thelatest fashions. We em-ploy the well-known cutter,

M.C. Ten Eyck,and employ none but the best of workmen. Aperfect fit guaranteed inevery case. Consultyour own interest and call on

HAAS, THE TAILOE,Ho. 23 East TDM Street, St. Paul.




is imbedded ina medicatedblaster, and. when applied toin» oody, prodncas a. constant current of electricity,forming the most powerful remedial itgent for the coreOf Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Headache. Sprain;spinal Difficulty,Nervous Dueatet, or Female Weakneti\u25a0tot known. Itseffects are magical. Sold byDruggists.or Bent by mail onreceipt of SOcents.

Addres* BELLMANN&CO., Proprietora, IffWabMb-avo., Chicago.



CATHARTIC. !Purely Vegetable. Cores all billons diseases act-

fag on the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warrantedinall cases. Ask your Brupjrfst for this Medicine,also forcircnlars. CLUHCQapOUMIBiG (XL*. froldby allDruggists. **&fp*>t



Special Novelties in \ .

Guipure, Antique, Swiss &

Drapery Curtains.

Spreads, Pillow Shams,

Upholstery Goods and

Furniture Coverings.

AllOar Spring Stock of

Body, Tapestry Brusselsand Ingrains,

In the Newest and Choicest Colorings, adaptedto the present Style of Decorations.





Axminster and Velvet Rugsand Mats .

In Great Quantities.Wall Paper Decorations a Specialty.

14 West TIM Street, St, Pant, Minn.




Monday, April 26tli,

Novelties in

Dress _

Goods.Ina Variety Unexcelled by any

House in the State.

Freud Homie Cloths. \u25a0 \§Freud Camels Hairs.French Wool Stripes. :All fool Deteges.AllfoolBuntings.

Lace Stripe} Home Glottis.Lace Buntings.


Ing Fairies.Camels Hair Grenadines.Silk Warn Crepes.Sift am Drap He Cressy.Sift Warp Drap le Alma.Sift Warp Drap de Bnssy.

sSift Warp Barathea.

Stand foolFanciesAll in most reliable qualities, at popular

:\VVV: prices.

COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OFCrapes, Henriettas, Tamise Cloths,

Cashmeres and Mairs,ATLOWEST PRICES.

New Styles inSummer Silks, Brocaded Silks.Petti Striped Silk?, ..-\u25a0 r

>Brocaded Satins.


Plain Colored Silks.Plain Colored Satins.Satins dc Ljon, Surah Satins.

Inspection invited.



96 East Third -Street: .''\u25a0•' \ \u25a0 \u25a0 ..\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

•Whose workishis best advertisement, not only doesJ«fcMMg and repairing, butfflOGUlactuttie very classOtlUtS* CUre him» call- / 116



POmIiTHERS,, 91 East Hurt Street,


On Monday, April26.

New Lies Licht Cloth Dolmans.New Lines Cloth Ulsters.New Satin Ds Lyon Dolmans.

The above are best garments thatwe have over shown, and pricesare low. Also large linenew styles

Shetland Shawls,New Skirts, and 200 dozen Ladies'White Muslin Underwear, of verybest styles and best workmanship,all at LOWEST PRICES.




On liaUiril26,We will place on centrecounters 500 pieces FINEHAMBURG EMBROID-ERIES, in widths from 1-2to 2 1-2 inches, at the Z/NI-EORM PRICE OF 12 l-2cper yard. Fully one-half otabove are Finest and Bestmake ofEmbroideries 9 andnot one piece worthless than15C) while many are worth35c. Also 100 pieces RealTorchon laces at the uni-form price of 10c per yard,WORTH FULLY ONE-THIRVMORE. The abovearebest bargains ever offeredand willnot be sold at theseprices after Wednesday,

Alsonow opening :

100 Pieces Black Sift Fringes.100 Pieces Colored Sift Fringes.100 Pieces Beaded Gimps.100 Gross Cut Jet Bnttons.200 Gross Ornamented Jet Bnttons,500 Gross Fancy Pearl Bnttons.300 Gross Plain Pearl Bnttons.100 Gross Metal Bnttons.100 Dozen Fans.50 Dozen Sift Mitts.

2,000 Parasols and Snn Umbrellas.All guaranteed at lower prices

than same quality can bo boughtat elsewhere.


Tie Grasiopper SitsCN THE


The above cut represents one*of the beauti-ful Children's Carriages, with the "fellySpring/ from Ike Celebrated Factory of Sweet& Son, Buffalo, New York.




is Agent for this State, and keeps on hand aFull and Complete Assortment, at Prices whichDefy all Competition. Bo sure to Examine hisstock before purchasing.•?.^ ; :


°- \u25a0•...'. 116-117

CLOTHEB WBIN3EBS—Save your old wringersVj Andhave now roll^roput on, by leaving them atti>e St. Paul BabDer awrt*.*ia. XBirdat. SO* ».. \u25a0 -I ,-. -.: •

...».\u25a0-..- .-.....:\u25a0

JOHNSON'Sfair Dealing Clothinc Boise;

66E.Third-st., St. Paul.NEW GOODS, 1



Popular Tailorioi EstablishmentKNOWN AS \u25a0'-.

HAAS,THE TAILOK,. 23 East Third Street,

30 Nice, failed Business Suits, at $10.00a Suit, 30 at SH.OO, 30 at -$12.00, and30 at $13.00 a Suit.

25 Nobby Cassiraere Soils at $14.00 and$15.00.

-40 Good Workmen's Panls at J2.00 a Pair,35 Pair Very Heavy at 52.50.-

-35 Pairs all wool Gassiniere Pants at $4.00Per Pair.

We have also received 50 New Styles ofCassi». really the Nobbiest Patterns everopened in Si, Paul, or elsewhere,'; from wliicliwe, willmate Suits to Order for \ $20.00 andupward. Remember,HAAS, THE TAILOB,

23 EastJIM Street.P, 8.

—The above goods were made In our

own establishment, during dull times, and willbe sold at ACTUAL COST.


WJGHSOI 4 IEISWAI,Tnsur anc c -A.gents,



Insurance Company,OF

Philadelphia, Pa,PRE51DENT. ....... .;...JOHN DEVEREUX.SECRETARY. \u0084. W.G. CROWELL.


Value of real estate owned $140,000 00Loans secured by mortgages enreal

estate ; 314,236 33Market value of all bonds and

Blocks 1,385,669 50Loans secured by bonds and stocks

as collateral .:..... 27,200 00Cash on hand and in bank......... ; 57,951 45Premiums incourse of collection, 5G.054 83

Total admitted assets $2,011,112 11

LIABILITIES.Paid capital 8400,000 COReinsurance reserve .:. 740,038 88Unpaid losses and other liabilities, 64.000 00Total liabilities,including capitalsl,2o4,o3S 88

INCOMEIN1870.From premiums received $532,537 19From interest and dividends 102,841 06

Total income $035,373 25


Losses $318,450 03Dividends 40,000 00Commissions and brokerage 83,361 03Salaries ofofficers and employes. 52.433 68Taxes and other expenses 29,804 84

Total expenditures 6554,079 58>> BUSINESS INMINNESOTA IN 1579.


Risks writtoa $844,396 tOPremiums received 15,453 78Losses paid .....-.-. 12,344 04Losses incurred

.^.v....... 13,137 11

STATE OF MINNESOTA, ).Department of Insurance. \ .

I,A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner ofthe State of Minnesota, do hereby certify thatthe Pennsylvania Fire Insurance Companyabove named, has complied withthe laws of thisState relating to insurance, and is now follyempowered through it3authorized agents totransact its appropriate business oflate insur-ance in this State for the year ending January31st, 1881.

St. Paul, February 10, 18S0.A. B.McGILL.

Insurance Commissioner.

MILLIMERYGOODS.AnEntire Now Line oftho Latest Novelties in



NOW OPEJS'.The attention of Milliners is called to this, the

\u25a0 Finest and oat Complete Stock ever offered.CACHEMERE HATH,


CACHEMERE LACES«£• ORNAMENTS. ".Merchants willfind ours to;be the Largest, Hand-

somest, Cheapest and Best line of Ladies' TrimmedHats in this market.

J. OPPEAHEIM ft CO.ES/^Faßhion Plates gratis upon application.

Farms tor Sale .\u25a0 160 scree InJaekion oonnty, lCnneaeta.160 lores la Meeker comity, Minnesota.140 tores InIsanti oonntj, Minnesota. \u25a0- . 80 acres InTodd county, Minnesota.. 40 acres In Douglas county, Minnesota.Macres InHouston* county, Minnesota. . S \


Til*above Isall choice farmlnjt lands, which w«willMilat lew •rice for. cask, or part oasb tad bal«aoa «b time with ipprovwl;taourity..For. desor^Uonlat buds sad further p*rUcnJar«, «ddrsor AT


SABLstABYsWrXB WOBKB, 84. J»aal, Uim»' -• \u25a0-

.'.\u25a0: •'-.. \u25a0:,-:;.M-4»-*..' -\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0-. •--\u25a0 . .- BOAKD WANTED.

WANTED—By a gentleman ,and wife, board innice, private family. Address B,E,thl» office,

givinglocation and terms. 101*

ArtisticHousehold Furniture, Wood Mantels.


£\ 13 fIIT"BT^H"T Hend one, two, three, or\u25a0]M m nS llfive dollars for a sampleI IH 1HI•HIbox, >>y oxpresP, of tho besti In M 1a : V Candies in America, putupi I? > mIIi I'elegantly and strictly pure.t Ilh 11HIRefers to allChicago. Ad-

-1 \u25a0 111 HSi S drcsaC. F.OUNTBEU,\JiiI« fcSJF \u25a0 JQ. Confectioner,




. fsg'""Above are onlyeamplja of what we receive dally,«4£j \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 ;

£3f?-Tne Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1per package, or six package* for$5; or willbescut free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing . "•• \u25a0

THEGRAYMEDICINECO.*ICo. It.MtK-riuiiios' Block,Detroit, .Mioii.

For Sale in*t.Paul by E. U. ltrW4H and STUART «£\u25a0 JL.UTZ. Cor. Wabaxhnw n».i Oth #t*.InMinneapolis, Wholesale an» ts—m*, fry Uhr»g &4U>j/i«»,

JOHNSON'SFair Dealing Clothing Honse,

66E.Third St. Paul.



Cavalry Knee,Cavalry Knee,

Cavalry Knee,Cavalry Knee.

Cavalry Knee,\ . v

Cavalry Knee.Cavalry Knee,

Mothers will appreciate a Cavalry Kneeon a!! Little Boy's .Pant* ;itlprotects thepants whore Mia most wear comes, causingone pair of pant* to wear as long as twowithout this improvement. "

CAVALRYKNEE,\ For Sale Only at the


Clothing House,43

East Third Street St. Pail.\u25a0 .


.001 ;llSli Stim,37 EAST THIRD STREET.

\u25a0 : /, \u25a0\u25a0

CHISLETT & SONS,(Succe3eors to W. T. Whitehonse,)

Are daily reoftirinf;large shipments of their


BEST M^aJSTXTF^CTTTRBIEtS,Inthe United States, and willsoon hare a large and



LATESTSTYLESWe respectfully ask an inspection of our Goods and

Prices . Our patrons willreceive the POLITEST AT-TENTION,and should their purchases be unsatisfac-tory, we will cheerfully REFUND THEIR MONEY.

CHISLETT <£ SONS.114-127



[Established 1859.]


Wholesale Dealers inPara

Kentnciy Bonrlion &Rye WMsfeiesCalifornia and Foreign Wises and Brandies.

mCountry and CityOrders Solicited. 64-S8

Important to the Fair Sex!


tion,Ovarian Diseases and all diseases known ns fe-male Weakness They have .been used inEngland foryeais (s a periodical acd regulating rill. Sold by allDrngglßtse verywhere. Pjice $I.COper box or sixboxesfor$5.00, s-.ntoy mail free of postage, securely sealed.

THE GItAY MEDICINE CO.,iMechanics' Block,Detroit, Mich.

Wholesale Agents forUnited States. •

iT£/~Pamphlet3 Bent fiea._^JSold in St.Paul by E.H. Biggs and Stnart & Lutz,

corner Wabnehaw and Sixth streets. InMinneapolisbyGray&Hoffiin. 114-113



THE TONGUE GALVANICINSTITUTE,for the treatment of all the various diseases of theHead, Eye and Ear, as well as Rheumatism,DyBi-i«i>»l*,Dropsy, Erysipelas, Fever Soros, Whit«Swellings, Disease of the Ki>lney?, Paralysis, Femaleweakness inall its different formß, and eruptions ofthe face and body. The above diseases are al]speedily and permanently cured at the Institute.No Medicine Given or Knife used. Separateapartments for Ladies, with competent lady attend-ants .Allcommunications regarding treatment, orrights to use the Galvanic Process, which is Patentedand offered for sale, should be addressed to the


Which willreceive prompt attention. Consultationand examination free. F.J. TONGUE, M.D., Con-sulting Physician :EDWARD TONGUE, Operator;

!OLUMDREW, General Alau«eer.KKNI>FOROTKOFr.AP. **•


MnmzAi" •is,Minn., April2, 1880.

To the Gray Medicine Co.:We liave much pleasure in statHji that your medi-

cine isa complete success in this vicinity. We havenow sold four gross of the Specific for nervous de-bility,and the sale continues as brisk ormore 6O thanever. A great number of ieople who have used itspeak highly of it.

Yours truly,OKAY & HOFFLIN.

AUBUBS, N\ V.,July 20, 1879.To the Gray Medicine Co.:Itmightnot be uninteresting to you toknow some-

thing of what we are doing withyour Specific Medi-cine. Ithink that since we took the agency, abouteight mouths ago, we hava sold nearly three gross.Inclosed isa testimonial from one of our customers,

who has thoroughly tried the remedy and seems wellrieaped with it.

Very trulyyoura, SAGAR &BOWMAN.

Geotox, X.V.,July 16,1879.Sagar .';Bowman :

WORM:Please send me two packages ''Gray's Spe-cinc Medicine.'' Ican heartily endorse it m anever-failingcure. Your*. L.H.BULKLEY.

Wobcesteb, Ma&»,March 24, 1870.To the Gray Medicine Co.:

Please send me one-half gvosa of your SpecificMedicine. Isold the last box Ihad to-day. Itsellswell, and seems to be satisfactory to those who use it.

I Yours truly,GEO. E. FAIRBANKS.

TuXEXAimoac, Pa., Dec. 8, 1879,T*the Gray Medicine Co.:Ihave a customer who has been taking your Spe-

cific with splendid success. Inever had a raedicumthat sells likeyour Speci&c.

Youra truly,8.8 HATFIELD,Druggist.

Save Rooci-RcdS ant> Buy

Burr's Patent Parlor Folding-Bed,The most Compact, Elegant and Sub'

stantial. Best Steel Spring Mattrass :Bedding folds out ofsight in Bureaus,

\u25a0\u25a0Book-Cases, Desks, &c.A.H.Andrews &Co.,

1195 Wabash Atp.,CHICAGO.I Also Manufacturers of

The foUowing testimoniala a:-e genuine, *nd canbe verified byreference to the originals. For reasons

v.hich will appear obvious to, and be respected byall, we withhold the names of the writers o theseletters:

JONKBYII.I.K, iiich.,Feb. 26, 18S<\To the Gray Medicine Co.:Ihave used two packages of yonr Specific withen-

tire satisfaction, as 1have not had one emission sinceIcommenced taking it Istrongly recommend it tothose suffering. Very truly,

Walnut, 111., March 3,1880.To the Gray Medicinne Co ;

Enclosed find$1for one package of your Specific.Ihave taken bnt one box ef your medicine, and ithas dono me more good than all the other medicinesIhave ever taken. Yours, etc,

Habvabp, Xeb.,Feb'y, 1380.

To the Gray Medicine Co.:Ihave taken nearly sixpackages of your Speoinc,

and itis with pleasure Ican testify that ithas doneme more good than any other medicine Ihave evertaken. Ihave suffered from seminal weak-ness from my youth, and had given up all

| hope of a cure untilIconu&mosd taking your medi-cine. lam now in better health, an.l the emissionsjhave almost entirely ceased.

St. Cram.b&, Minn.,Not.16, 1879 .iTo the Gray Medicine Co:Iha»e taken sixboxes ofyoar medicine and am

j entirely cored. Ihad bets* suffering with seminal\u25a0 weakness for years, and had expended hundreds of!dollars Inmedical treatment. Istrongly recommend!it to allsufferers . Yours truly.

KruKhViiic,Mo., Feb. "8,1830.ITothe Gray Medicine Co:

Your medicine is doing me more {rood than any-; thingIever tried. Ihave only taken three boxe*,Iand } have increased in weight from 130 to 140Ipounds. Respectfully your*.

Post HtrnoN, Mich.,Sept. SO, 1880.Tothe Gray Medicine Co:

Enclosed please find one dollar for another pack-Iage of yonr Specific. Ihave now taken two boxenIand am very much improved. Ihave been under

phyisicians' care for nearly two years with no bene-ficialresults, and your medicine is the only thingyet tried that has dona me a&y good, andIcan safe-lyrecommend it to all. Yours truly.

JOHNSOiYSFair Dealing Clothing House,

60 .E. Third-st., St.Paul.


JOHNSON'SFair Dealing Clothing to,

66 E. Third-st., at.Paul.




61East Third Street, St. ]Paul, Minn., .''-1 {^-Orders by MallPromptly Attended to.^ca


GHIGKERING". -:>"•< *.•\u25a0.>. '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ''-. .•...TV «. \u25a0••.. \u25a0\.

' *\u25a0-. \u25a0-i .\u25a0":\u25a0\u25a0"..'--.,\u25a0. v- V '-\u25a0•-'_\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0—

-.-.\u25a0...'• .•"••' '\u25a0\u25a0"'*..';» """..V,.f\ '\u25a0'



Standard of the World.Tie dickering is the largest Piano Factory in the World. Chicking & Son ink EVERY

PART of tlieir Pianos in their own factory. The ANNUAL SAtiS of tin ffielerio; Pianoexceed by far those of any other first-class make. , _DO NOT BE MISLED,And buy an ancient rattle box that has been tinkered ap into a piano, but di and § myprices on (licking & Sons, flenrjF. Killer, Decker & Son Pianos, and Estej aad Wibi aaiWhite Organs ami see for yoir^elf that joa caofsare from $25 to $150 liy placing jourorders with me.

F. V. BINGHAM,No. 12 West Third Street, St. Paul.



One Dollar Per Pair,Every Pair Warranted.

ESI Ell k\ El HtlNElnJilfN103 and 105 Seventh Street, "-Comer of Jacta,




GRAFS SPECIFIC iIINE.Whichi3a safe, certain, radical and permanent cure for Nervousness, Palpitation, Nervous DehQty andNervous Prostration. The Specific is specially recommended as anunfailing Remedy for weainess, ai:d alldiseases that follow as a sequence of self-abuse.

We do not believe much inthe "fashion" of publishing testimonials ;we have, however, deviated at therequest of many of onr friends topublish a few.


To the Gray Medicine Co.:Our sales of your Specific have been trulywon-

derful, far exceeding your f-tatement as to what itwouldbe when we took hold: sod the best of alli9,hat the reports of itause have been very satisfactoryfromall sources .


Cleveland, 0., March 19, :88J.To the Gray Medicine Co.:It affords us much pleasiixe to testify to the re-

markable pale of your Hpecinc Medicine, whica has

not been equaled, we -thlnl, in our experience witharticles for similar purposes. We have had testi-mony from our customers auiOBR the retail druggist*as to the effectiveness, but theextensive aalm furnishsufficient evidence of its rains.

Yours truly, STRONG, COBB &CO.CisciNXATr, 0., March 22, 1£50.

To the Gray Medicine Co.:During the year 1579, we hare sold one hundred

gross of Gray's Specific Medicine, and it give« uni-versal satisfaction :and weknow it to be a good med-icine from personal observation.