ielts writing correction


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IELTS Writing Correction and Feedback

Getting your IELTS writing corrected by a professional is one of the effective

ways to improve your writing. I will check your writing and give you feedback on errors and ways to improve your writing. My correction service

includes task 2 essays, task 1 academic reports, and task1 general letters. Receive valuable feedback on your mistakes from an IELTS



Although many benefits may result from space exploration, the costs involved are enormous.

There is some debate as to whether this money could be more wisely spent to provide for the basic needs of mankind such as food, clean water, and housing.

To what extent do you agree?

Student's Answer:

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1. Feedback from IELTS examiner

Criteria Grade Feedback


response 6

Well structured and addresses all parts of the question.

Arguments relate well to the question. Logical conclusion based on arguments. However,

Over 350 words, write less and use the extra time to check your answer





Wide range of connectors used: furthermore, in addition etc.

Clear progression of argument. However, the high frequency of errors

with language interferes with the coherence

Vocabulary 5

Some level 7 words like:phenomenon,nethertheless, but frequent errors with word choices (e.g. “emergent”)

Many errors with verb endings

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Grammar 5

Too many short simple sentences

Confusion of singular and plural

Errors with articles, especially missing out “the”

overall 5.5

You have good arguments to support your point of view and your essay is well structured.

Some use of high level vocabulary. Nethertheless, High frequency of

grammatical and lexical error limit the quality of your response.

Suggested Next Steps:

1. Grammar is a serious issue, you need to work on singular/plural, articles,

and verb endings. I suggest you go tomy grammar page.

2. Work on connecting more of your simple sentences together to create more compound and complex sentences. An excellent site that explains

sentence parts and allows you to do practice quizzes is


2. Getting your IELTS writing checked

If you are interested in having me check your IELTS writing you can go

to website:

More detailed information of how this works.

3. Process for correction

1. Make a payment for my correction. Four tasks for $30

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2. Email me your writing task. This can be in the following formats: ms-

word, pdf, photo of a handwritten task. I suggest you send your tasks one at a time, so that you can use the feedback from each task to improve the

subsequent task.

[email protected]

3. Choosing Tasks. You can select your own task questions or choose

them using the links below:

Task 1 Academic

Task 1 General

Task 2 Essay Topics

4. Writing your task: When you do a practice test I suggest you time yourself - 1 hour for the whole writing exam or 40 minutes for an essay and

20 minutes for a Task 1. Part of the reason for doing practice writing tests is

to push yourself to complete the task within the required time.

5. I will usually send back your task with corrections and feedback within 24 hours.

6. Review your essay and you are welcome to ask questions if anything is unclear.

4. How I will assess your essay

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Your essay will be assessed against IELTS test criteria which include:

Task Response: How well did you meet the task requirements

Coherence and Cohesion: the structure and ease of understanding your


Lexical Resource: The level of vocabulary and errors in word choice or form

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The frequency of grammatical errors and

the range of sentence types used.