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As an ideology Pancasila


Thank God we pray to Allah SWT 's presence because His gift was over , we were able to complete the preparation of this paper .

Historically , the notion of ideology has changed from time to time . To that end , here described an initial understanding of ideology and the changes that occur following meanings and discussion - a discussion of other ideologies .

In this occasion the authors also wish to thank all those who have assisted the preparation of this paper . Hope the author , this paper would be useful for readers to be used as reference material in studying this topic .

Finally, there is no ivory that is not cracked . The author realizes that this paper is still far from perfection . Therefore , the author will gladly accept constructive criticism and suggestions .


Surabaya , January 2013

Table of contents

Introduction ........................................................................ 1

Table of Contents ............................................................................... 2

CHAPTER . I Introduction ............................................................... 3

A. Background ........................................................

B. Problem Formulation ...................................................

C. The purpose ...................................................................

Discussion BAB.II ...............................................................

A. Understanding Ideology ...................................................

B. Ideological meaning for a country .................................

C. Definition Miscellaneous ideology ..............................

D. The role of ideology for the nation and the State .....................

E. Pancasila as the state ideology of Indonesia nation and open , reformative and dynamic ...........

F. Comparison with the ideology of Pancasila ideology of liberalism and communism ideology ....

1 . Pancasila ideology ................................................

2 . Liberalism ideology ..............................................

3 . The ideology of Communism .............................................

CHAPTER III CLOSING ..................................................................

A. CONCLUSION ..........................................................

B. ADVICE ..................................................................





Pancasila is the basic philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia which was formally endorsed by PPKI on August 18, 1945 and is listed in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution , legislated in the news in the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 year . 7 together with the torso 1945

In a way , the historical existence of its Pancasila as the basic philosophy of the Republic of Indonesia to experience a wide variety of interpretations and political manipulation in accordance with the interests of the ruling powers in order upholding sturdy and hide behind the legitimacy of the state ideology Pancasila Pancasila in other words, just as a formality only a symbol but not functioned as a function that must be executed and no longer placed as a basic philosophy and outlook on life . In terms of the historical basis of Pancasila has been through a long and complicated process related to its existence as a basic national ideology in the political life of our nation ..

For more details on the matter in question together let us refer to the next chapter of the national ideology of Pancasila as .


            Formulation of the problem in this paper is as follows :

Definition of ideology

Ideological meaning for a country

Understanding kind of ideology ( open , closed , Komperenhensif , Particular )

The role of ideology for a State .

The ideology of Pancasila as Indonesia nation that has a characteristic open , Komperenhensif , Reformative and Dynamic .

Comparison with the ideology of Pancasila ideology Liberalism and Communism Ideology .


 Purpose of this paper are :

To know the definition of ideology

To know the meaning of the ideology of a country

To find a wide definition of ideology ( open , closed , Komperenhensif , Particular )

To determine the role of ideology for a State .

To know that the ideology of Pancasila as Indonesia nation that has a characteristic open , Komperenhensif , Reformative and Dynamic .

To determine the ideology of Pancasila Comparison with Liberalism and Ideology Communism Ideology .




Etymologically the term ideology is derived from the idea that meaningful ideas , concepts , basic understanding , ideals , and logos meaning science and word idea is derived from the Greek eidos meaning form . In addition there is the word that means idein see . So literally, science or ideology is the basic notions .

In terms of day-to- day , meaning the idea equated with ideals . Ideals in question are the ideals that are still to be achieved , so that the ideals that were once a permanent basis , the view or ideology . It is in essence , between the base and the ideals it may actually constitute a single unit . Basic set for on the basis of the foundation , or the basic principles that have been set as well . Thus the notion of ideology includes ideas , basic understanding , ideas and ideals .

When traced historically first used the term ideology and raised by a French , Destutt de Tracy , in 1976 . As with Leibniz , de Tracy aspires to membanggun a knowledge system . When Leibniz says his dream as one great system of trunth which incorporated all disciplines and all scientific truth , mak De Tracy mentions that ideologie scieence of ideas , a program that is expected to bring change in the society of French International . But Napoleon ridiculed as a mere illusion , which has no practical meaning . This sort of thing was just a dream that will not find reality .

While the terminology , according Soerjanto Poespowardjojo , ideology is an obvious choice and bring a commitment to make it happen . Correspondingly, Sastrapratedja argued that the ideology of load orientation on the action . He is a guideline of activities to realize the values contained in it .

Perceptions that accompany orientation , guidance and commitment crucial role in coloring the attitudes and behavior when performing actions , events or perbuaan in order to realize or realize the values contained in the ideology . Logically , an ideology demanding to those who believe the truth to the perception , attitude and behavior are appropriate , reasonable and healthy about her , nothing more and nothing less . Because , through it can be expected to be born and develop attitudes and behaviors that fit and proper in the process of its manifestations in various areas of the life of society , nation and state .

As Sastrapratedja opinions expressed by the above , it has a tendency to doctrinaire ideology , especially since he was oriented to action or actions to merealiasikan values .

Although the tendency was not always significant doctrinal negative , the possibilities are not always meaningful doctrinaire negative , the possibilities in that direction is always open . Obsession or excessive commitment to ideology , usually stimulates people to berpersepsi , act and behave very doctrinaire , and is obviously very wrong .

There are several terms of ideology , according to some experts , namely :

 1 . Destut De Traacy :

term ideology was first put forward by destut de Tracy in 1796 , which means a program that is expected to bring an institutional change in the French society .

2 . Surbakti split in two senses namely :

a. Functionally Ideology : a set of ideas about the common good or

     on society and the State is considered the most well yag .

b . Ideology is structural : a system of justification like the idea and formula

     politics of all policies and measures taken by the authorities .

3 . AL - Marsudi ;

ideology is the doctrine or science of ideas and thoughts or science des ideas

4 . Puspowardoyo :

that ideology can be formulated as a complex whole of knowledge and values form the basis of a person or the public to understand the universe and the earth all of them and determine the basic attitude to cultivate . Based on the understanding that dihayatinya one can capture what is seen was not true and correct , and what is considered good and not good .

5 . Harol H. Titus :

The definition of ideology is : at term used for any group of ideas concerning various issues and political and social philosophies aconomic Often applied to a systematic scheme of ideas held by groups or classes , meaning a term used for a group of ideals about the kinds of political problems economic social philosophy which is often carried out for a systematic plan of an ideal that is run by a group or society .

6 . Descartes :

Ideology is the core of all human thought

7 . Machiavelli :

Ideology is power protection systems that are owned by the ruler .

8 . Thomas H :

Ideology is a way to protect the powers of government in order to survive and organize people.

9 . Francis Bacon

Ideology is a synthesis of the fundamental ideas of a concept of life .

10 . Karl Marx :

Ideology is a tool to achieve equality and shared prosperity in the society .

11 . Napoleon :

Overall ideology of the political thinking rivals .


Ideology is essentially the result of human reflesi thanks to its ability to hold the world distansi life . Then there is an ideology that is dialectic between the state masyarat . At a party make ideology more realistic and the other parties to encourage people to approach the ideal shape . Idologi reflects the way of thinking of society , nation and state , but also to shape society towards its goals .

Thus ideology is crucial eksestensi a nation and the state to achieve its objectives through various pembanggunan realization . This is due to the ideology contained a practical oreantasi .




1 . ideology Open

            Sitem open ideology is thought to have characteristics , as follows :

Wealth is spiritual , moral , and cultural communities ( philosophy ) .So , not a belief ideologissekelompok people , but the deal society .

Not created by the state , but are found in their own communities . He is the property of all the people and can be extracted and ditemuksn in their lives .

The contents are not directly operational . So that each new generation can and need to dig up the philosophy of the situation and look for implications in all their late now .

Never force the freedom and responsibility of the community , but rather inspire people to strive to live responsibly in accordance with the falsadah .

Appreciate plurality , so that citizens can be received from different cultural and religious backgrounds .

2 . ideology closed

Ideology closed is a closed system and its absolute emikiran which has the following characteristics :

Is not an ideal that already live in the community , but the ideals of a group that is used as a basis for changing society .

If the group managed to control the country , the ideology will be forced to the community . The values , norms , and various aspects of community life will be changed in accordance with the ideology .

Totalitarian nature , meaning that covers / take care of all areas of life . Ideology tends closed quickly trying to master the field of information and education . Because both of these fields is an effective means to influence people's behavior .

Pluralism and cultural views abolished , human rights are not respected .

Nasyarakat demanded to have total loyalty and willingness to sacrifice for the ideology .

6 . Fill ideology not only the values and ideals , but the demands of the harsh concrete and operational , absolute , and total .

3 . ideology Komperenhensif

Comprehensive ideology is defined as a system of comprehensive thinking about all aspects of social life . In this ideology there is an ideal that aims to bring about social transformation on a large scale to the particular shape .

4 . Particular ideology


Defined as a tersususn beliefs systematically and closely linked to the interests of a particular social class in society


If you look at the history of the independence of the third world countries , both in Asia , Africa and Latin America in general long enough to be under the grip of the occupation of other countries , ideology is defined as the overall outlook , ideals , values , and beliefs that they want to achieve in the real fact of life .

Ideology in this sense is very necessary , because they are able to raise awareness of the independence , provide direction on the world and its contents , as well as instilling the spirit of the struggle against colonial society to move , which in turn make it happen in the life of the state organization .

The importance of ideology for a state ideology is also evident from the function itself. The function of ideology is a form of identity or characteristic of a group or nation . Ideology has a tendency to separate us from them . Ideology serves to unite our neighbor . When compared to religion , religion also serves to unite people from different outlook on life even of various ideologies .

Instead ideology unites people of different religions . Therefore, ideology also serves to overcome various conflicts ( conflicts ) or social tensions . In this case serves as an ideology of solidarity forming ( sense of community ) by lifting the differences in values higher . Unifying function was performed by memenyatukan uniformity or diversity , for example by using the slogan unity in diversity and difference in unity .


Ideology of Pancasila as the Indonesian state and nation rooted in the nation's way of life and culture and ideology rather than lifting or taking of any other nation .

Speaking about the development of new ideas relevant to the Pancasila ideology needed to be unavoidable . Therefore, to make Pancasila as the ideology of an open , vibrant and dynamic indispensable . It can be used as a means of discourse and to maintain and strengthen the relevance of Pancasila from time to time . In short , there needs to be some sort of interaction between ideology with the reality of society .

Pancasila as the basic philosophy and ideology of the nation and state of Indonesia , not formed suddenly and not just created by someone as the case may be on - ideologilain ideology in the world , but the formation of Pancasila through a long process in Indonesian history .

In quality Pancasila before becoming a basic philosophy states syahkan others have been there and come from the Indonesian nation itself in the form of values customs , cultural and religious values . Then the founders of the Indonesian state menggangkat values are formulated based on moral deliberation sublime , among other sessions BPUPKI first , nine panitai trial which resulted in the Jakarta Charter which contains panccasila first once , then discussed again in the second BPUPKI session . After the independence of Indonesia before the official session PPKI Pancasila as the basic philosophy of the candidate countries discussed and refined again ahirnya on 18 August 1945 approved by PPKI as the basic philosophy of the republic of Indonesia.

An ideology of Pancasila as a non- rigid and closed , but is reformed, dynamic and open . It is intended that the ideology pansila are actual , dynamic , and senentiasa antisifasif able to finish with the times , science and technology as well as the dynamics of the development aspirations of the people . Disclosure ideology Pancasila does not mean changing the basic values contained therein , but more concrete insights explicit , so that reformative ability to solve actual problems that senentiasa been growing in line with the aspirations of the people , the development of science and technology and the times .

Based on the notion of an open ideology values contained in an open ideology of Pancasila as an ideology is as follows :

Basic values . That is the essence of the fifth Pancasila , namely , ketuhannan , humanity , unity , democracy , justice . The basic values are the essence of Pancasila values are universal pliers , so that the values embodied in the ideals , goals and values are good and true .

The ideology of the value contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution , thus opening sehimgga contains elementary values of Pancasila ideology then 1945 is a basic norm which is the highest tertiphukum , so the source of positive law in the country that has a position as principal kaefdah staatsfundamentalnorm or fundamental state .

Instrumental value , which is the direction , policy , a strategy , suggestions , as well as the implementation agency . Intsrumental value is eksplistasi , further elaboration of the basic values of Pancasila ideology . For example, the Guidelines were five years senentiasa adapted to the times and the aspirations of the people , the law , departments - departments , as implementing agency , and so forth . In this aspect can always be changed ( reformed ) .

Practical value , which is the instrumental realization of values in a real realization bersifa experience , in everyday life in the community , state and nation . In the practical realization of this is the translation of the values of Pancasila senentiasa evolving and always do change and improvement ( reform ) in accordance with the times of fiber science and technology community aspirations .

Therefore, as an ideology Pancasila open stuktual has three dimensions:

1 . Idealistic dimension , namely the basic values contained in Pancasila that is systematic , rational and thorough , which is the essence of the values embodied in the principles of Pancasila are: divinity , humanity , unity , democracy and justice . Hikikat pancasial values are rooted in philosophy pancasial ( yamng philosophical values contained in Pancasila ) .

2 . Normative dimension , namely niali - values contained in Pancasila needs to be translated into a system of state norms . In this sense Pancasila is contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is the supreme law tertip norm in Indonesia, and is staatsfundamentalnorm state ( rules state that the fundamental principal ) .

3 . Realistic dimensions , namely an ideology should be able to reflect raelitas that live and thrive in the community . Therefore, in addition to Pancasila values and a normative ideal that Pancasila should be able to be translated into real people's lives ( kontrik ) both in everyday life and in penyalenggaraan state . Thus Pancasila as an ideology is not open utopisyang only contains ideas that are float but an ideology that is realistic means capable translated in all aspects of real life .


1 . ideology Pancasila

Definition of Pancasila

Pancasila , etymologically derived from two words meaning five and Panca Sila basic meaning . Pancasila of five basic root word means , exactly is the basis of independent Indonesia .

Pancasila is Indonesian ideology was first voiced by Soekarno on I June 1945 , ie at the time of the trial Investigation Agency Business Preparation of Indonesian Independence ( BPUPKI ) . As we all know that Pancasila yudiris formally contained in the fourth paragraph of the opening of the 1945 Constitution . In addition to the formal sense in the formal sense by law or formal yudiris the Pancasila also has the shape and also has content and meaning ( the elements that make up the Pancasila ) . It is based on the historical interpretation in which the opening statement in the fourth paragraph 1945 was named to the shape of the term " Pancasila " from the date of June 1, 1945 . Pancasila ideology interpreted as reflecting the identity , national identity as well as a means of unifying the entire nation to achieve independence struggle .

In a pluralistic Indonesian society , Pancasila as the national ideology is acceptable because it is bringing together a diverse group of people , giving direction and guidance of behavior in the life of the nation as well as being a conflict resolution procedures .

Pancasila has two fundamental sense , namely Pancasila as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila as a Way of Life Nation .

b . Pancasila as the Republic of Indonesia

Pancasila in this sense is often called the Basic philosophy of the State . In other words , the Pancasila was used as the basis of the state to regulate the organization of the State . Principal function than Pancasila as the state is in accordance with the preamble of the 1945 Constitution , and that in essence is as a source of law Segal sources or sources of law and order . The definition is the notion that nature yudiris Pancasila state .

      c.Pancasila as Indonesian nation Worldview

       In this case Pancasila used as a guide everyday life ( Pancasila practiced in everyday life ) . In other words , Pancasila is used as a guide towards all the activities or the activities of life and life in all areas . Pancasila as the fundamental norm , serves as an ideal or an idea that should translate into a reality . The concrete form of Pancasila Pancasila embodies it in every deed . Judging from his position , Pancasila has a high position , ie, as the ideals and philosophy of life of the nation and the republic of Indonesia.

d . Pancasila as an ideology Open

Pancasila as the national ideology of Pancasila as the state ideals or the ideals that form the basis for a theory or system state for all the people and nation of Indonesia , as well as the goal of life of nation and state of Indonesia.

Pancasila ideology made open because , Pancasila has fundamental values and rational philosophy . Pancasila has proven sturdy and strong as a basis of governing the state . In addition , Pancasila is also a form of national consensus because the Indonesian nation state is a modern design that is agreed upon by the founders of the Republic of Indonesia then the value content of Pancasila preserved from generation to generation .

Indonesia is a country and a state requires an ideology to run the existing system of governance in the country , and each country's right to determine what is most appropriate ideology to be used , and in the most appropriate Indonesian is used because it is an open ideology in Indonesia

adheres democratic system of government in which exempt any society to argue and carry out something according to the wishes of each. Thus , the ideology of Pancasila as the ideology of open is the most appropriate for use by Indonesia .

e . Disclosure Incentives ideology Pancasila

Factors that encourage thinking about the openness of the Pancasila ideology is as follows :

The fact in the process of national development and the dynamics of rapidly evolving society .

The fact is , that the bankruptcy of the ideology that is closed and frozen

because he tends to dim the development .

Experience our political history in the past .

Determination to strengthen awareness of the basic values of Pancasila which is eternal and desire to develop creative and dynamic in order to achieve national goals .

Disclosure boundaries ideology Pancasila

However , the openness of the Pancasila ideology had its limits are not to be violated , as follows :

a. Dynamic national stability .

b . The prohibition against the ideology of Marxism , Leninism and communism .

c . Prevent the development of liberalism .

d . Prohibition against extreme views that unease people's lives .

e . The creation of new norms should be through consensus .


 g . Barriers and Challenges in ideology Pancasila

        In a pluralistic society such as in Indonesia , there is great potential for conflict given these values are shared by different groups of people , and this may also be at odds with the values contained in Pancasila . For that needs to be shared here obstacles and challenges , be it from his own country and from abroad .

1 . obstacle

          Obstacles arise because of differences in schools of thought , for example :

Got individualistic . State law is society that is prepared on the contract of all individuals in society . Here the interests of human dignity upheld . Right to personal freedom is only limited by the equal rights owned by other individuals , not by the interests of the community .

Understand class . The state is a composition class ( class ) class for oppressing another . This understanding relates to historical materialism ( a doctrine that starting point in the relations of production and ownership of the means of production and resulted in the emergence of two opposing classes , the working class and the employer class and all that happens and is in the history of human life .

Issue , the spread slander or false news and rumors with a specific purpose .

Negative symptoms , such as consumptive lifestyle , mental attitude individualistic , forcing the will , laziness , decreased discipline and others .


  - The challenge of domestic

Challenges disintegration , presence caused divisions

menimbulkanpermasalahan disgruntled attitude - problem areas that can destroy the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia , such as the loss of East Timor in 1999 .

b . Rebellions since the days of the Revolution

c . The challenge of religious issues : the efforts arising from the desire to replace Pancasila with religious symbols , among others : Movement of the Republic of South Maluku ( RMS )

d . Challenges of SARA problem : the existence of racial divisions in the name caused some events that can destroy Pancasila are: Event Poso , Cape periok events , events in May 1998 , and many more .

- Challenge of Foreign Affairs

a. The challenges of other ideologies that want to change the ideology of Pancasila

      with other ideologies .

Intervention from other countries to destroy the Homeland eg privatization or American intervention in the handling and safety law in Indonesia .

therefore , Pancasila somehow will try to keep away from all sorts of challenges for the survival of the Indonesian state .

2 . Liberal ideology

    Liberalism evolved from the roots of rationalism is understood that put the ratio as the source of ultimate truth , the material put materialism as the highest value , empiricism is based on the truth of empirical fact ( which is captured by the human senses ) and putting the value of individualism and individual freedom as a value highest in the life of society and the state . According to liberalism considers that the human person as a human being whole and complete and apart from other human beings . Man as an individual has the potential and constantly striving for himself . According to Hobbes the term " homo Homini Lupus " bararti that in life people will save a potential conflict with humans would be a threat to other humans . Liberalism is that people are bonding of individuals who are free , and ties together the lives of law which underlies the state .

Realization of human freedom in a democracy based on freedom of the individual is always on top of everything . The ratio is the essence of the highest levels in the country , so it is possible to be located higher than religious values . It is to be understood as democracy will cover all life aspects in the life of society , nation and country , among other midwives political , economic , social , cultural , science and even religion or religious life . On the basis of these differences in the nature and character of the nation often cause turmoil in applying democracy only based on the ideology of liberalism

The characteristics of liberal ideology as follows

Democracy is better form of government

Members of the public have full intellectual freedom , including freedom of speech , freedom of religion and freedom of the press .

The government only in a limited set of people's lives . Decisions made just a little bit to the people so that people can learn to make decisions themselves .

The power of a person to others is a bad thing .

All the people said to be happy when any individual or individuals most happy .

Certain rights are not transferable and can not be violated by any power .

Countries that embrace Liberalism Ideology :

Some countries in the Americas which embraces the ideology of liberalism United States , Argentina , Bolivia , Brazil , Chile , Cuba , Colombia , Ecuador , Honduras , Canada , Mexico , Nicaragua , Panama , Paraguay , Peru , Uruguay and Venezuela . Today, approximately liberalism is shared by the state Aruba , Bahamas , Dominican Republic , Greenland , Grenada , Costa Rica , Puerto Rico and Suriname and many more countries are embracing ideology of Liberalism in other continents . 3 . Communist ideology

    A wide variety of concepts and actual socialism komunismelah only understood as to understand the most clear and complete . This is understood as a form of reaction to the development of capitalist society as a result of the liberal ideology . According to this understanding , the emergence of capitalist society causes suffering of the people , sehinggakomunisme emerged as a reaction to the oppression of the common people by the capitalist -backed government . The ideology of communism based on a keyakinanbahwa humans are intrinsically social beings only and absolute set of relations that are not community and individualism . Due to the absence of individual rights , it is certain that under communism that democratic individualism does not exist , that there is a communal right .

    In society there are classes that interact dialectically ie the capitalist class and the proletariat ( the workers ) . The capitalist class is constantly oppression of the working class proletariat . All of these must be eliminated . To change that , then it should be done by changing the revolutionary community infrastructure . Ethical ideology of communism is based solely on the interests of the good of the class for the benefit of society as a totality .

    Relation to the state , that state is a manifestation of man as a communal creature . Society as a revolutionary change must be ended with a victory in the class protelar . The state government must be held by those who put the interests of the proletariat . Individual rights did not exist and human rights in the country centered on only a collective right . So that communism is anti- democracy and human rights .

The characteristics of Ideology Communism :

1 . Atheists . Communists assume God does not exist . However , if he thinks God exists , God be there . Thus , the existence of God is up to humans .

2 . Lack of respect for human life as an individual . People are like machines . If it is old , damaged , be it useless junk as junk machine , as evidenced by his teachings do not allow control of the means of production .

3 . One of communist doctrine is constantly revolution . The revolution spread to the whole world . So , often called go international communism . Communism is programmed to achieve a prosperous society , a classless communist society , everyone is equal . However , in order to get there , there is a phase dictatorship of the proletariat is incompatible with democracy . One of the dictatorship of the proletariat is a cleaning job classes opponent of communism , particularly landlords and capitalists .

4 . In the world of politics , communism embracing one-party political system , namely the communist party . Then , there is the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , the Chinese Communist Party , the PKI , and the Communist Party of Vietnam , which is the only party in the country . So , in a communist country there is no opposition party . So , it's basically communism does not respect human rights .

Countries that embrace Communism Ideology :

In 2005 the country was still adopts the communist People's Republic of China ( since 1949 ) , Vietnam , North Korea , China , Cuba and Laos




Every country has the right to choose their own system of government , Indonesia has also been implementing several systems of government . However , the most suited to the personality of the Indonesian nation is due in sync with the ideology of open democratic system of government that guarantees its citizens freedom of expression as contained in article 28 of the 1945 Constitution .

Pancasila as an ideology has the main character as a national ideology . He is the perspective and methods for the entire Indonesian nation to achieve its goals , which is a fair and prosperous society . Pancasila is the national ideology because he dug up and formulated for the benefit of building a nation-state of Indonesia. Pancasila which gives guidance and guidance for achieving unity and unity among the citizens of the nation and build an inner linkage between citizens and

their homeland . Pancasila is also a form of national consensus because the Indonesian nation state is a modern design that is agreed upon by the founders of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila .

With a stable national ideology throughout the social dynamics , culture , and politics can be directed to create positive opportunities for the growth of the welfare of the nation . Actually , the process of reform over the past six years is a golden opportunity that must be used optimally to revitalize the spirit and ideals of our founding fathers to establish the Pancasila state .

Every ideology requires the presence of a dialectic process so that he can develop himself and remain adaptive with developments . In this case , every Indonesian citizen who loves this country and nation is entitled to participate in the process of revitalizing Pancasila ideology in the life of the nation .

Therefore , achievement of our nation will determine the position of the middle of the arena ideology Pancasila in the world today and in the future .



              Expected to students in order to understand the meaning of Pancasila as an ideology of National .

          So this paper we make with all humility . I apologize profusely if the delivery of the material in it is less pleasing to the reader as well .

          Finally, I thank you .

                                                                        Wassalamu'alaikum WR . WB




Sources Book :

Prof . Dr. . M. Mustopo Habib et al . , 2007. High School History Class XII . Jakarta : Yudhishthira

'45 Constitution and Amendments . Jakarta : Heroine 2006

Internet sources :