icy island


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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 2: Icy island

Imaginary island in Greece. First mentioned by Socrates . The information is derived from Herodotus, while he was travelling all over Greece.

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Among others he learned about the existence of the Icy country, an island as large as Europe and Russia together, which disappeared from a volcanic eruption and many earthquakes about 9.000 years ago.

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First king was Ice, son of Frost. His descendants developed a great civilization on the island. Because of the volcanic ash the land was fertile and it had minerals (gold, silver, copper). They made works of art (statues, buildings, jewellery e.t.c.) with them. They also made coins and consequently, they developed trading.

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The capital was built on the most serene beach of the island and it was an important port. It had wide, paved roads and big beautiful buildings. On a hill was the Glorious Palace of the King, surrounded by the temples of Gods and on a lower level there were the luxurious homes of top officials.

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This country was very rich because of trade and fertile land. Apart from trade and shipping, people were farmers, ranchers and great artists. Their works of art, valuable utensils, brilliant statues, ornately woven, wood carvings were sold everywhere and gave them big profits.

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The wonderful frozen waterfalls was the characteristic of this island. Although they were all frozen, there was rich flora and fauna.

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People were very happy and lived peacefully with their neighbours. It is worth noting that they never had wars and enemies, so they were occupied with important things.

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Today scientists from all over the world make inquires about this island. However there is no doubt about the existence of the ICY COUNTRY!!!

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