ibm worklight hands on lab: advanced worklight techniques · 5 7. worklight studio will...

1 IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques Table of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 ADAPTERS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 IMPLEMENTING ADAPTER INTO NEWS APP................................................................................................................................ 7 HOW TO USE AN ADAPTER .................................................................................................................................................................... 7 HOW TO GET ADAPTER RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 JAVASCRIPT LOGGING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 BRINGING RESULTS TO USER................................................................................................................................................................... 8 SKINS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Introduction Welcome to the second part of IBM Worklight lab. This part will show you how to prepare your applications for communication with back-end systems and solve problem with various devices (with different screen sizes, user input or HTML5 capability). Lab will continue with development of an application News App created in first lab. Primary purpose of this lab isn’t developing of demo application, but demonstration of how easily you can use Worklight features and implement them into your own applications. After completion of this lab you should have gained understanding of: Use and implementation of Worklight Adapters Purpose and usage of Worklight Application Skins For full understanding of all steps you should possess basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Familiarity with the Eclipse platform and Firebug is a plus, but not required. Firefox 13+ with Firebug 1.10+ or Chrome

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Page 1: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques

Table of contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1

ADAPTERS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

IMPLEMENTING ADAPTER INTO NEWS APP................................................................................................................................ 7

HOW TO USE AN ADAPTER .................................................................................................................................................................... 7

HOW TO GET ADAPTER RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

JAVASCRIPT LOGGING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8

BRINGING RESULTS TO USER ................................................................................................................................................................... 8

SKINS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Introduction Welcome to the second part of IBM Worklight lab. This part will show you how to prepare your applications for

communication with back-end systems and solve problem with various devices (with different screen sizes, user

input or HTML5 capability).

Lab will continue with development of an application News App created in first lab. Primary purpose of this lab isn’t

developing of demo application, but demonstration of how easily you can use Worklight features and implement

them into your own applications.

After completion of this lab you should have gained understanding of:

Use and implementation of Worklight Adapters

Purpose and usage of Worklight Application Skins

For full understanding of all steps you should possess basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Familiarity with

the Eclipse platform and Firebug is a plus, but not required.

Firefox 13+ with Firebug 1.10+



Page 2: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


Adapters One of the most powerful tools in IBM Worklight portfolio is adapter. Nothing is more easy to use when you need to

integrate sophisticated systems with your application. Integration of web server, database or even complicated

systems through Cast Iron is very simple.

Main benefits of Adapters are:

Security – adapters offer control over the identity of the connected user. Adapter is a server side entity, so

no user can access adapter settings or source code. Application doesn’t receive any unsecure data.

Scalability – By using cache to store retrieved back-end data adapters reduce number of transactions

performed on back-end systems.

Transparency – Regardless of the adapter, data from back-end apps are exposed in a uniform manner.

Fast Development – Defined with simple XML, configured with JavaScript API.

Each Worklight adapter consists of:

XML file – describing connectivity options and adapter procedures

JavaScript file – containing the implementation of procedures declared in the XML file

XSL file (optional) – file(s) with transformation scheme for retrieved raw data

Data retrieved by an adapter can by returned raw or preprocessed by JS/XSL functions inside adapter. Output format

presented to the application is always a JSON object.

Let’s implement an adapter to enhance functionality of our News App:

1. First of all, open FirstWorklightProject in Eclipse IDE. Find blue Worklight icon on main Eclipse toolbar, click

and select Worklight Adapter from dropdown selection.

2. New Worklight Adapter dialog will pop-up. Select FirstWorklightProject, HTTP Adapter and write name of

our adapter “FeedReader”.

This adapter will download RSS feed from remote webserver in form of XML. Resulting JSON will be used later

in our application.

Page 3: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


3. Worklight has automatically generated new folder /adapters/FeedReader. You can notice all three files

described on the beginning of this chapter – XML file with declaration of procedures and general info.

JavaScript file with implementation of procedures mentioned in XML file. And XSL file used for preprocessing

raw data returned from back-end services.

4. Now open the /adapters/FeedReader/FeedReader-impl.js file and notice, how prepared functions work. It’s

quite easy to understand. Most important part is input variable, which specifies several options of the

procedure. Most important ones are:

method: Mandatory, defines HTTP method used for request – “get” or “post”

returnedContentType: Type of HTTP content, overriding HTTP response mime type “css”, “csv”,

“html”, “javascript”, “json”, “plain”, “xml”, or any MIME-type

path: Mandatory, defines the path of the URL defining the HTTP service (first part of is defined in

Adapter XML file, path in this context is only last substring of whole path – for example


All other properties can be found in Worklight Developer Reference Guide


Page 4: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


5. Now you can verify if procedures are working correctly by deploying them to the server and invoking them.

Right click on /adapters/FeedReader/FeedReader.xml file and select Run As > Invoke Worklight Procedure.

6. In newly opened window you can specify which procedure you want to test (in this case getStories

procedure from FeedReader adapter in FirstWorklightProject) and enter parameters divided by comma

(leave blank). Click Run and wait for the result.

Page 5: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In

a few moments you should see the result and verify, if you’ve implemented the procedures correctly.

8. All deployed adapters can be inspected with Worklight Console – http://localhost:8080/console. When

clicked on Show details button, more details such as connectivity and procedures are revealed.

Page 6: IBM Worklight hands on lab: Advanced Worklight Techniques · 5 7. Worklight Studio will automatically launch Firefox internet browser (if installed) and test your procedure. In a


9. SELF-EXAMINATION: Create another adapter fetching remote RSS feed (of your choice) and verify its

functionality as shown in previous steps.

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Implementing adapter into News App Right now you should have two prepared Adapters for future use. If not, please revise previous steps. Right now we

are going to use adapter as source of data, which will be displayed in the News Application.

1. Every time a new Worklight Application is created, Worklight Studio automatically creates a JavaScript file of

same name as application in <AppName>/common/js folder. In our case it is

NewsApp/common/js/NewsApp.js file. Please open it now.

2. As you can see, file is quite empty right now. Append following code:

function getNewsInit() { var invocationData = { adapter: "FeedReader", procedure: "getStoriesFiltered" }; var options = { onSuccess: loadFeedsSuccess, onFailure: loadFeedsFailure }; WL.Client.invokeProcedure(invocationData, options); }

How to use an Adapter

As you may see on the last line, Adapter procedure is invoked by WL.Client.invokeProcedure command. Parameters

are invocation data and options.

Invocation data consists of definition which Adapter and procedure is used. In this case it is FeedReader

adapter and getStoriesFiltered procedure. Invocation data variable may also contain array of parameters,

which are used during invoking of the procedure. It's a mandatory item, so in this case we won't specify any


Options section contains specification of functions, which are launched after either successful or failed

adapter run.

Functions invoked after adapter successful or failed run differ in properties returned after (un)successful call.

Properties of a function invoked after successful procedure invocation:

status – the HTTP response status.

invocationResult – An object containing the data returned by the invoked procedure and also additional

information about the procedure run.

Properties of a function invoked after failed procedure invocation:

status – The HTTP response status.

errorCode – An error code returned as string. All error codes are defined in WL.ErrorCode object in


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errorMessage – Error message for developer use only. Not translated into user's language. Should not be

displayed to the end-user.

How to get Adapter results

Right now we are going to specify functions invoked after Adapter's procedure run. Insert following code at the

beginning of getNewsInit() function:

function loadFeedsSuccess(result) { console.log("Data sucesfully downloaded, HTTP " + result.status); if(result.invocationResult.Items.length > 0) { console.log("Server has returned " + result.invocationResult.Items.length + " item(s)"); displayRSSFeed(result.invocationResult.Items); } } function loadFeedsFailure(result) { console.log("Error while loading RSS feed: " + result.errorMessage); }

Important part is done on lines 4 and 6. Script checks, if adapter returned at least one result and subsequently

passes all returned data to function displayRSSFeed(), which will show received data to the user.

JavaScript logging

As you can see, most of the code is made of diagnostic reports

(console.log command). These reports can be viewed in JavaScript

console (Chrome browser contains built-in JS console and so does Firefox

with Firebug extension) by right clicking on page, selecting “Inspect

element” and opening a Console. This procedure in Chrome browser is

shown on next picture, usage in Firefox is very similar.

Bringing results to user

Finally it’s time to display obtained results from Adapter to the user. In this case we are going to use DoJo Object

Store component, which is a special data structure used in many DoJo components. Insert following code at the end

of /commons/js/NewsApp.js file:

function displayRSSFeed(rawData) { var store = new{data:rawData, idProperty: "guid"}); require(["dijit/registry"], function(registry){ var newsList = registry.byId("newsList"); dojo.empty("newsList"); store.query(function(news){ var newsItem ={label:news.title}); newsList.addChild(newsItem); }); }); }

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A brief explanation is in place:

1. We are using data provided by an Adapter to create an Object Store data structure. idProperty is unique

identifier of each item in store (line 2).

2. List newsList, which is supposed to display news to the user, is located (line 5).

3. All previous children elements of newsList are destroyed – including ListItem with “Work in progress…” label

(line 6)

4. Each item in store is iterated (line 8).

5. Creation of ListItem with current news name (line 9).

6. Newly created ListItem is subsequently added to newsList (line 10).

Almost there, now we need to start getNewsInit() function after Worklight is loaded. If you invoke an Adapter before

Worklight is loaded, it will result in an error. There is a special function called wlCommonInit(), which is launched

after Worklight initialization is complete. Insert getNewsInit(); into this function at the beginning of

/common/js/NewsApp.js file.

Almost last thing to do is set proper requirements in /common/NewsApp.html. Open this file and find DoJo require

section. Insert “dojo/store/Memory” – this statement tells DoJo, that you intent to use this element and it should be

ready for use.

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Build and deploy whole application. After loading all the news it should look like this:

SELF-EXAMINATION: Try to work out how to make your ListItems with news clickable. User should be redirected to

news full version (supplied in variable) after clicking on a news header.

HINT: Look at for useful information.

SOLUTION: Modify ListItem constructor to following appearance: var newsItem ={label:news.title,});

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Skins IBM Worklight has unique ability to support unlimited variance of devices. Worklight can offer user interface

specially built for target device. Typical use cases are:

Devices with different screen sizes, ratios and screen densities

Different input methods (touch screen x keyboard)

Devices with different level of HTML5 support

Skins are sub-variant of an environment. Skins are packed within a single executable file for devices with same OS.

Decision on which skin to use is done automatically at runtime. Decision logic can be fully customized and changed

during use of an application.

Probably most frequent case is when developer needs to achieve most effective display of information on phones

and tablet platform. For example on Android platform since version 3 developers may use Fragments to achieve

effective interface for both devices, but Worklight skin solution is much simpler and easier to implement.

Creating of a skin is very easy and can be done in few simple steps:

NOTE: Following Application Skin instructions may not be fully functional without Android SDK installed.

Functionality isn’t crucial for our sample application, so you can skip this section – but at least brief read-through is


1. Verify, that you’ve already added Android as Worklight Environment – you should see android folder in

/apps/NewsApp. If not, add Android Environment by clicking Worklight icon in main Eclipse toolbar, select

Worklight Environment and select Android phones and tablets for current project (FirstWorklightProject).

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2. If you’ve already added Android Environment, click again on Worklight icon in main Eclipse toolbar, click and

select Worklight Application Skin

3. In newly opened dialog, select FirstWorklightProject, NewsApp and Android phones and tablets. Set a

name for new Application Skin “”

4. Repeat step two and create new skin called “android.tablet”. Your Project Explorer should look like on

following picture:

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5. Notice that both /NewsApp/ and /NewsApp/android.tablet contains css, images and js

directories. Build priority (which resources are going to be used in first place) is determined by hierarchy in

/NewsApp/application-descriptor.xml file:

6. Build and deploy NewsApp by right-clicking /apps/NewsApp folder and select Run As > Build All and Deploy

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7. Worklight will now warn you about empty and android.tablet folders, but don’t worry about

it for now. After successful deployment open FirstWorklightProjectNewsAppAndroid project and open

/assets/www/default/js/skinLoader.js file.

Notice the pre-defined functions and comments. You may notice how easy is to change app interface and/or

behavior based on OS version, screen resolution, device name, etc.