i ziegler catalyst? - eenadu pratibha

ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù Wû 24, 2020 n e-mail: [email protected] 17 1. Which one of the following state- ments is not correct? 1) Rate of a zero order reaction is independent of initial concentra- tion of the reactant 2) Half-life period of a first order reaction is independent of initial concentration of the reactant 3) The unit of second order rate constant is mol 2 L -1 s -1 4) The molecularity of a reaction cannot be zero or a fraction 2. The standard free energy change for the cell reaction Zn (s) + Cu 2+ ( aq) Zn 2+ ( aq) + Cu (s) is (E 0 Zn 2+ /Zn = -0.76V, E 0 Cu 2+ /cu = + 0.34V, If = 96500 C mol -1 ) 1) +212.3 kJ mol -1 2) -212.3 kJ mol -1 3) 106.2 kJ mol -1 4) -106.2 kJ mol -1 3. Identify the correct statements from the following I) Protective power of a lyophobic colloid is expressed by gold num- ber II) Haemoglobin is a positively charged sol III) Metal sols are prepared by pep- tization process IV) Colloidal solution and true solu- tion can be distinguished by Tyndall effect 1) II & IV 2) I & IV 3) I & III 4) III & IV 4. From the Ellingham diagram given below, identify the correct state- ments I) Below 673K CO can reduce FeO to Fe II) Above 63K Coke can reduce FeO to Fe III) CO is the strong reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO to Zn above 1073K than coke IV) Coke reducs ZnO to Zn readily at 1673K 1) I, II, III 2) I, II, IV 3) III, IV only 4) I, III only 5. Which of the following statements are correct for hydrides of 16th group elements? I) Boiling point is highest for water and lowest for hydrogen sulphide II) Bond dissociation enthalpy is highest for water and lowest for hydrogen sulphide III) Reducing property increases from H 2 S to H 2 Te IV) Δ f H (Enthalpy of formation) is more negative for H 2 O and more positive for H 2 Te 1) I, II only 2) I, II, III, IV 3) II, III, IV only 4) I, III, IV only 6. Chlorine on reaction with excess of ammonia gives nitrogen gas along with a compound X. X reacts with Ca(OH) 2 and gives Y, a colourless gas with pungent smell. Y on reac- tion with excess of chlorine gives Z and HCl. What is Z? 1) NH 4 Cl 2) NH 3 3) CaCl 2 4) NCl 3 7. The reaction which does not involve the formation of H 3 PO 3 is 1) CH 3 COOH + PCl 3 2) C 2 H 5 OH + PCl 3 3) PCl 3 + H 2 O 4) POCl 3 + H 2 O 8. Which of the following is the composition of Ziegler catalyst? 1) PdCl 3 + Al(CH 3 ) 3 2) ZnCl 2 + Al(CH 3 ) 3 3) Ti(CH 3 ) 4 + AlCl 3 4) TiCl 4 + Al(CH 3 ) 3 9. A d-block metal M forms two com- plexes with the formulae MCl 4 . 2HCl and MCl 2 . 2NH 3 . When excess of AgNO 3 solution is added to 1 mole of each complex, AgCl precipitate is not formed. The secondary valency of metal M in the complexes is respectively 1) 4, 2 2) 2, 4 3) 6, 4 4) 6, 2 10. The monomers used in the forma- tion of Dacron are I) Glycerol II) Terephthalic acid III) Adipic acid IV) Ethane-1, 2-diol 1) I, II 2) I, III 3) III, IV 4) II, IV 11. The correct statement about the denaturation of a protein is 1) 1° and 2° structures of a protein are destroyed but 3° structure remains intact 2) 2° and 3° structures of a protein are destroyed but 1° structure remains intact 3) 1° and 3° structures of a protein are destroyed but 2° structure remains intact 4) 1° and 4° structures of a protein are destroyed but 2° and 3° structures remain intact 12. Identify the incorrect match from the following 1) Paracetamol - Non-addictive analgesic 2) Valium - Tranquillizer 3) Ofloxacin - bacteriostatic antibiotic 4) Novestrol - Antifertility drug 13. Identify X in the reaction given below 14. Arrange the following alcohols in order of their increasing boiling points Pentan-1-ol Butan-2-ol I II Butan-1-ol Propan-1-ol III IV Ethanol V 1) V < III < IV < II < I 2) V < IV < II < III < I 3) V < IV < III < I < II 4) IV < V < III < I < II Identify Y in the above sequence of reactions 1) R - CH - OH 2) R' - C - OH R' O 3) R ' - C - O - K + 4) R - CH 2 - R' O 16. Consider the reactions I and II dil KMnO 4 II) CH 2 = CH 2 Z 283K Identify the polymer from the follow- ing in which Y and Z are the monomers. 1) Terylene 2) Glyptal 3) Nylon 6, 6 4) Novolac 17. Assertion (A): -OH group of phenol is ortho, para directing in elec- trophilic substitutions Reason (R): -OH group stabilises the arenium ion formed by the ortho, para attack of the electrophile The correct answer is 1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation to (A) 2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) 3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not correct 4) (A) is not correct but R is correct 18. Fehling’s reagent is a mixture of two solutions of A and B. What are A, B? A B 1) [Ag(NH 3 ) 2 ] + Aqueous CuSo 4 solution 2) Aqueous CuSO 4 Alkaline sodium solution potassium tartarate 3) [NaOH (aq) + I 2 4) Aqueous Neutral NaHCO 3 FeCl 3 solution solution 19. Acid amide on reaction with reagent ‘X’ gives a primary amine having one carbon less than the amide. Identify ‘X’ from the follow- ing 1) Br 2 /NaOH (aq) 2) NaOH/CaO.Δ 3) KMnO4 / KOH.Δ 4) Pd - BaSO4 20. The energy of an electron in the excited state of hydrogen atom is -1.36 × 10 -19 J. Then according to Bohr’s theory, the angular momen- tum of this electron in Js is 1) 4.21 × 10 -34 2) 2.11 × 10 -34 3) 1.05 × 10 -34 4) 3.16 × 10 -34 21. The wave number of the spectral line in the atomic spectrum of 8 hydrogen is equal to R H m -1 . 9 The energy associated with that spectral line is (R H = Rydberg con- stant) 1) 1.104 × 10 -24 R H Jm 2) 2.208 × 10 -26 R H Jm 3) 3.312 × 10 -27 R H Jm 4) 1.766 × 10 -25 R H Jm 22. The oxidation state and covalency of aluminium in [Al(H 2 O) 5 Cl] 2+ are respectively 1) +2, 3 2) +3, 3 3) +2, 5 4) +3, 6 23. In which of the following group of molecules, bond angles are in the increasing order? 1) CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2 O 2) H 2 O, BeCI 2 , BF 3 3) H 2 S, CH 4 , SO 2 4) BF 3 , NH 3 , SF 6 EAMCET - 2020 Agriculture 1-3 2-2 3-1 4-2 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-3 10-4 11-2 12-3 13-4 14-2 15-4 16-1 17-1 18-2 19-1 20-1 21-4 22-4 23-3. Key Model Questions (Chemistry) The composition of Ziegler catalyst? R Hydrazine KOH/Δ C = O X Y + N 2 Ethylene Glycol R 15. KmnO 4 /KOH dilH 2 SO 4 X Y Δ National I-Lab for COVID testing India’s first I-Lab (Infectious disease diagnostic lab) for COVID testing in rural and inaccessible areas of India was inaugurated by the Minister for Science & Technology, Earth Sciences and Health & Family Welfare, Dr Harsh Vardhan on 19 June 2020. The I-lab can run 50 RT-PCR and about 200 ELISA tests in a day. This mobile testing facility will be deployed through the DBT (Department of Bio Technology) testing hubs to remote regions of the country for COVID test- ing. The Department of Bio-technology (DBT) under the Ministry of Science and Technology, along with the Andhra Pradesh Med-tech Zone (AMTZ), initiat- ed the DBT-AMTZ COMManD (COVID- 19 Medtech Manufacturing Development) consortia to address the shortage of critical healthcare technolo- gies in the country and move progres- sively towards a stage of self-sufficien- cy. Coal blocks for commercial mining On 18 June 2020, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi launched the auc- tion of 41 coal mines for commercial mining. The decision took as part of the announcements made by the Central government under the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. By this, the government opened the coal and mining sector for competition, capital, participation tech- nology. He criticized the earlier govern- ment policies to keep the coal sector closed. PM pointed out the irony that India has the fourth largest coal reserve in the world, is the second largest pro- ducer in the world but is also the second largest coal importer. The government of India set a target to gasify around 100 million tonnes of coal by 2030. 9th rank in FDIE India became the world’s 9th largest recipient of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in 2019 with 51 billion dollars of inflows, as per the World Investment Report 2020 published by the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). India received $ 42 billion of FDI in 2018 when India ranked 12 among the top 20 host economies in the world. But the report hoped a lower but positive economic growth in India in the post- COVID19 pandemic period. Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan On 20 June 2020, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA). This programme creates jobs for mil- lions of migrant workers who returned home during the coronavirus induced lockdown across the country. Rs. 50,000 crore will be spent on this mega campaign and the scheme cov- ers 116 districts in the 6 states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha. Each of these states has a large number of labourers returning home after being left unemployed by the coronavirus lockdown. GKRA create a durable infrastructure along with boost- ing employment opportunities. Lying of fibre optics cable, railway works, Rurban mission jobs, sanitation works, waste management, poultry, farm ponds and training through Krishi Vigyan Kendras will be given to the migrant workers under the programme. First National Report on Climate Crisis India released its national report on the state of the climate crisis first time. The report by the name ‘Assessment Of Climate Change Over The Indian Region’ prepared under the aegis of Ministry of Earth Science (MoES). The report forecasted that annual rainfall increase along with more severe cyclones and paradoxically more droughts. The average temperature of India raised by 0.7 degree Celsius in 1901- 2018. This has resulted due to the emis- sion of greenhouse gases, and it is pro- jected to rise by 2.7 degree Celsius by 2099 in case of if essential care is taken on climate change and in the worst case it will rise to 4.4 degree Celsius. In the Indian region, the April-June heatwaves will become four times more frequent by 2099. Amara Veeraswamy Subject Expert Writer General Awareness Others Albert II of Monaco Foundation Award The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Award conferred on Deccan Development Society (DDS), the NGO (non-governmental organization) having a base at Hyderabad. The award will be given to organ- isations with a deep commitment to preserving the planet. The award was conferred in recognition for the work of Deccan Development Society women to rehabilitate degraded lands and promote biodi- versity. DDS organized a network of small and marginal farmers and helps them in growing millets in the rain-fed areas of Telangana. The women run seed-banks, protecting biodiversity. The organization also helps in providing market linkages by con- necting them with the urban con- sumer and bulk buyers of millets. Tech pioneers ZestMoney and Stellapps, the two Indian firms found a place the new list of 100 Tech Pioneers released by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which described these enti- ties as future headline-makers addressing global issues with cut- ting-edge technology. The selected companies think dif- ferently and stand out as potential game-changers. The WEF said that ZestMoney, using its technology to transform the financial service industry, offering affordable credit to those who are unable to access this through traditional finance paths. Stellapps is a data-led, the inter- net of things (IoT) based, farm-to- consumer dairy supply chain digiti- zation service provider. World Refugee day World Refugee Day observed on 20 June every year dedicated to raising awareness of the situation of refugees throughout the world. The day honours the courage and deter- mination of those who have been forced to abandon their homes and flee. The theme of World Refugee Day this year is "every action counts". The UNO Refugee Agency is ask- ing people from all walks of life to join the #WithRefugees with a mes- sage that everyone can make a dif- ference, and every action counts. The people who fled their homes and countries due to a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion is a refugee. International International Yoga Day celebrations 6th International Day of Yoga celebra- tions celebrated throughout the world on 21st June. The celebrations com- menced with a message from Prime Minister Narendra Modi who said that Yoga brings people together and gives a message of universal brotherhood. The Theme of Yoga Day 2020 is ‘Yoga at home, Yoga with family’. Yoga gives physical strength; mental balance and emotional stability to confidently face the challenges occur in day to day life. The World Health Organization (WHO) mentions yoga as a means to improve health in its Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030: More active people for a healthier world. Earlier, the observation of International Day of Yoga marked by mass demonstrations of Yoga in public places. But this year, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the main focus is on encouraging people to do Yoga at their homes with the participation of the entire family. The Union Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said that over 96,000 people had trained as Yoga Instructors and Trainers under Skill India Mission. They have been trained through different skilling initia- tives under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) IMD ranking India retained 43rd rank in the annual World Competitiveness Index compiled by Institute for Management Development (IMD). Singapore retained its top position on the 63-nation list. Denmark and Switzerland stood in the 2nd and 3rd ranking respectively. Singapore’s success lies in its strong economic performance which stems from robust international trade and investment, employment and labor market measures. India’s rank is low due to traditional weaknesses like poor infrastructure and insufficient educa- tion investment keeping. But IMD report hailed the perfor- mance of India shown some recorded improvements in areas like long-term employment growth, current account balance, high-tech exports, foreign currency reserves, public expenditure on education, political stability and overall productivity. Report on Children Violence On 18 June 2020, the United Nations Orgnisation(UNO) released a first of its kind report “Global Status Report on Preventing Violence Against Children 2020”. The report observed that half of the world’s children, or approximately one billion children each year are affected by physical, sexual or psycho- logical violence, suffering injuries, dis- abilities and death because countries have failed to follow established strate- gies to protect them. It charted progress in 155 countries against the “INSPIRE” framework, a set of seven strategies for preventing and responding to violence against children. The report estimated that one out of two children aged 2–17 years suffer some form of violence each year. Around 40,000 children were victims of homicide in 2017. The report also said that 300 million children aged 2–4 years regularly experience violent discipline by their caregivers. India in UNSC India was elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council (UNSC) for a two-year term after win- ning 184 votes in the 193-member General Assembly. This is the eighth time that India will sit at the UN high-table, which compris- es five permanent members and 10 non-permanent members. India’s two- year term will begin on 1 January 2021. India’s overall objective during this tenure in the UN Security Council will be the achievement of N.O.R.M.S: New Orientation for a Reformed Multilateral System. India's work in the UNSC will be guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call for a reformed multilateralism and the dynamic 5S vision: Samman (Respect), Samvad (Dialogue), Sahyog (Cooperation), Shanti (Peace), and Samriddhi (Prosperity) Model Questions 1. Who was elected as the president of the 75th United Nations Organisation (UNO) General Assembly? 1) Audrey Azoulay 2) Henrietta H. Fore 3) Volkan Bozkir 4) Tedros Adhanom 5) Mukhisa Kituyi 2. Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziyev resigned as the Prime minister of.. 1) Kazakhstan 2) Tajikistan 3) Kyrgyzstan 4) Azerbaijan 5) Lithuania 3. India pledged to construct Rs. 2.33 crore sanitation facilities at the iconic Pashupatinath Temple com- plex located in… 1) Cambodia 2) Thailand 3) Sri Lanka 4) Nepal 5) Bhutan 4. Who got one year extension as ethics officer and Ombudsman of BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India)? 1) Vijay C kelkar 2) Shripathi Ravindra Bhat 3) D.K.Jain 4) R. Banumathi 5) N V Ramana 5. Asian Youth Para Games to be held in 2021 in.. 1) Bahrain 2) New Delhi 3) Abu dhabi 4) Tokyo 5) Shanghai 6. NITI Aayog formed panel to devel- op job platform for migrant labours under the chairmanship of… 1) Rajiv Kumar 2) Ratan P Watal 3) Ajay Kumar Bhalla 4) Amitabh Kant 5) Shakthikanth Das 7. Who is appointed as the chairman of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP) for a period of four years? 1) Raghuram Rajan 2) R.Gandhi 3) Urjit Patel 4) Amitabh Kanth 5) Dr. Ravindra H. Dholakia 8. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) approved $ 750 million loan to India to strengthen its battle against the adverse impact of Covid-19 on poor and vulnerable households. Who is the present President of AIIB? 1) Jin Liqun 2) K V Kamath 3) David Malpass 4) Masatsugu Asakawa 5) Kristalina Georgieva 9. Who is the chairman of the SEBI panel suggested the measures to strengthen enforcement, recovery mechanism? 1) Justice Madan Lokur 2) Justice Indu Malhotra 3) Justice K G Balakrishnan 4) Justice Anil Dave 5) Justice Deepak Mishra KEY 1-3 2-3 3-4 4-3 5-1 6-4 7-3 8-1 9-4 Yoga at home Yoga with family Volkan Bozkir

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Page 1: I Ziegler catalyst? - Eenadu Pratibha

ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù Wû 24, 2020 n e-mail: [email protected]


1. Which one of the following state-

ments is not correct?

1) Rate of a zero order reaction is

independent of initial concentra-

tion of the reactant

2) Half-life period of a first order

reaction is independent of initial

concentration of the reactant

3) The unit of second order rate

constant is mol2L−1s−1

4) The molecularity of a reaction

cannot be zero or a fraction

2. The standard free energy change

for the cell reaction

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+

(aq) + Cu(s) is


= −0.76V, E0Cu2+/cu

= +

0.34V, If = 96500 C mol−1)

1) +212.3 kJ mol−1

2) −212.3 kJ mol−1

3) 106.2 kJ mol−1

4) −106.2 kJ mol−1

3. Identify the correct statements from

the following

I) Protective power of a lyophobic

colloid is expressed by gold num-


II) Haemoglobin is a positively

charged sol

III) Metal sols are prepared by pep-

tization process

IV) Colloidal solution and true solu-

tion can be distinguished by

Tyndall effect

1) II & IV 2) I & IV

3) I & III 4) III & IV

4. From the Ellingham diagram given

below, identify the correct state-


I) Below 673K CO can reduce FeO

to Fe

II) Above 63K Coke can reduce

FeO to Fe

III) CO is the strong reducing agent

for the reduction of ZnO to Zn

above 1073K than coke

IV) Coke reducs ZnO to Zn readily

at 1673K

1) I, II, III 2) I, II, IV

3) III, IV only 4) I, III only

5. Which of the following statements

are correct for hydrides of 16th

group elements?

I) Boiling point is highest for water

and lowest for hydrogen sulphide

II) Bond dissociation enthalpy is

highest for water and lowest for

hydrogen sulphide

III) Reducing property increases

from H2S to H2Te

IV) ∆fH (Enthalpy of formation) is

more negative for H2O and more

positive for H2Te

1) I, II only 2) I, II, III, IV

3) II, III, IV only 4) I, III, IV only

6. Chlorine on reaction with excess of

ammonia gives nitrogen gas along

with a compound X. X reacts with

Ca(OH)2 and gives Y, a colourless

gas with pungent smell. Y on reac-

tion with excess of chlorine gives Z

and HCl. What is Z?

1) NH4Cl 2) NH3

3) CaCl2 4) NCl3

7. The reaction which does not involve

the formation of H3PO3 is

1) CH3COOH + PCl3 →

2) C2H5OH + PCl3 →3) PCl3 + H2O →4) POCl3 + H2O →

8. Which of the following is the

composition of Ziegler catalyst?

1) PdCl3 + Al(CH3)3

2) ZnCl2 + Al(CH3)3

3) Ti(CH3)4 + AlCl3

4) TiCl4 + Al(CH3)3

9. A d-block metal M forms two com-

plexes with the formulae MCl4. 2HCl

and MCl2. 2NH3. When excess of

AgNO3 solution is added to 1 mole of

each complex, AgCl precipitate is

not formed. The secondary valency

of metal M in the complexes is


1) 4, 2 2) 2, 4

3) 6, 4 4) 6, 2

10. The monomers used in the forma-

tion of Dacron are

I) Glycerol

II) Terephthalic acid

III) Adipic acid

IV) Ethane-1, 2-diol

1) I, II 2) I, III 3) III, IV 4) II, IV

11. The correct statement about the

denaturation of a protein is

1) 1° and 2° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 3° structure

remains intact

2) 2° and 3° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 1° structure

remains intact

3) 1° and 3° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 2° structure

remains intact

4) 1° and 4° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 2° and 3°structures remain intact

12. Identify the incorrect match from

the following

1) Paracetamol - Non-addictive


2) Valium - Tranquillizer

3) Ofloxacin - bacteriostatic


4) Novestrol - Antifertility drug

13. Identify X in the reaction given


14. Arrange the following alcohols in

order of their increasing boiling


Pentan-1-ol Butan-2-ol


Butan-1-ol Propan-1-ol




1) V < III < IV < II < I

2) V < IV < II < III < I

3) V < IV < III < I < II

4) IV < V < III < I < II

Identify Y in the above sequence of


1) R − CH − OH 2) R' − C − OH

R' O

3) R ' − C − O−K+ 4) R − CH2 − R'O

16. Consider the reactions I and II

dil KMnO4II) CH2 = CH2 → Z


Identify the polymer from the follow-

ing in which Y and Z are the


1) Terylene 2) Glyptal

3) Nylon 6, 6 4) Novolac

17. Assertion (A): −OH group of phenol

is ortho, para directing in elec-

trophilic substitutions

Reason (R): −OH group stabilises

the arenium ion formed by the ortho,

para attack of the electrophile

The correct answer is

1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and

(R) is the correct explanation to


2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but

(R) is not the correct explanation

of (A)

3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not


4) (A) is not correct but R is correct

18. Fehling’s reagent is a mixture of

two solutions of A and B. What are

A, B?


1) [Ag(NH3)2]+ Aqueous

CuSo4 solution

2) Aqueous CuSO4 Alkaline sodium

solution potassium


3) [NaOH(aq)

+ I2

4) Aqueous Neutral

NaHCO3 FeCl3 solution


19. Acid amide on reaction with

reagent ‘X’ gives a primary amine

having one carbon less than the

amide. Identify ‘X’ from the follow-


1) Br2/NaOH(aq)

2) NaOH/CaO.∆3) KMnO4 / KOH.∆4) Pd − BaSO4

20. The energy of an electron in the

excited state of hydrogen atom is

−1.36 × 10−19J. Then according to

Bohr’s theory, the angular momen-

tum of this electron in Js is

1) 4.21 × 10−34

2) 2.11 × 10−34

3) 1.05 × 10−34

4) 3.16 × 10−34

21. The wave number of the spectral

line in the atomic spectrum of

8hydrogen is equal to RHm−1.


The energy associated with that

spectral line is (RH = Rydberg con-


1) 1.104 × 10−24 RHJm

2) 2.208 × 10−26 RHJm

3) 3.312 × 10−27 RHJm

4) 1.766 × 10−25 RHJm

22. The oxidation state and covalency

of aluminium in [Al(H2O)5Cl]2+ are


1) +2, 3 2) +3, 3

3) +2, 5 4) +3, 6

23. In which of the following group of

molecules, bond angles are in the

increasing order?

1) CH4, NH3, H2O

2) H2O, BeCI2, BF3

3) H2S, CH4, SO2

4) BF3, NH3, SF6

EAMCET - 2020


1-3 2-2 3-1 4-2 5-4 6-4 7-4 8-4 9-3

10-4 11-2 12-3 13-4 14-2 15-4 16-1

17-1 18-2 19-1 20-1 21-4 22-4 23-3.


Model Questions (Chemistry)

The composition of

Ziegler catalyst?


Hydrazine KOH/∆C = O → X → Y + N2

Ethylene Glycol



KmnO4/KOH dilH2SO4

→ X → Y∆


I-Lab for COVID testing

India’s first I-Lab (Infectious disease

diagnostic lab) for COVID testing in

rural and inaccessible areas of India

was inaugurated by the Minister for

Science & Technology, Earth Sciences

and Health & Family Welfare, Dr Harsh

Vardhan on 19 June 2020.

The I-lab can run 50 RT-PCR and

about 200 ELISA tests in a day. This

mobile testing facility will be deployed

through the DBT (Department of Bio

Technology) testing hubs to remote

regions of the country for COVID test-


The Department of Bio-technology

(DBT) under the Ministry of Science and

Technology, along with the Andhra

Pradesh Med-tech Zone (AMTZ), initiat-


19 Medtech Manufacturing

Development) consortia to address the

shortage of critical healthcare technolo-

gies in the country and move progres-

sively towards a stage of self-sufficien-


Coal blocks for commercial


On 18 June 2020, the Prime Minister of

India Narendra Modi launched the auc-

tion of 41 coal mines for commercial

mining. The decision took as part of the

announcements made by the Central

government under the Aatma Nirbhar

Bharat Abhiyan. By this, the government

opened the coal and mining sector for

competition, capital, participation tech-

nology. He criticized the earlier govern-

ment policies to keep the coal sector

closed. PM pointed out the irony that

India has the fourth largest coal reserve

in the world, is the second largest pro-

ducer in the world but is also the second

largest coal importer. The government

of India set a target to gasify around 100

million tonnes of coal by 2030.

9th rank in FDIE

India became the world’s 9th largest

recipient of the Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) in 2019 with 51 billion

dollars of inflows, as per the World

Investment Report 2020 published by

the UN Conference on Trade and

Development (UNCTAD). India

received $ 42 billion of FDI in 2018

when India ranked 12 among the top

20 host economies in the world. But

the report hoped a lower but positive

economic growth in India in the post-

COVID19 pandemic period.

Garib Kalyan Rojgar


On 20 June 2020, Prime Minister

Narendra Modi launched the Garib

Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA).

This programme creates jobs for mil-

lions of migrant workers who returned

home during the coronavirus induced

lockdown across the country.

Rs. 50,000 crore will be spent on this

mega campaign and the scheme cov-

ers 116 districts in the 6 states of Bihar,

Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,

Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha.

Each of these states has a large

number of labourers returning home

after being left unemployed by the

coronavirus lockdown. GKRA create a

durable infrastructure along with boost-

ing employment opportunities.

Lying of fibre optics cable, railway

works, Rurban mission jobs, sanitation

works, waste management, poultry,

farm ponds and training through Krishi

Vigyan Kendras will be given to the

migrant workers under the programme.

First National Report on

Climate Crisis

India released its national report on

the state of the climate crisis first time.

The report by the name ‘Assessment

Of Climate Change Over The Indian

Region’ prepared under the aegis of

Ministry of Earth Science (MoES). The

report forecasted that annual rainfall

increase along with more severe

cyclones and paradoxically more


The average temperature of India

raised by 0.7 degree Celsius in 1901-

2018. This has resulted due to the emis-

sion of greenhouse gases, and it is pro-

jected to rise by 2.7 degree Celsius by

2099 in case of if essential care is taken

on climate change and in the worst case

it will rise to 4.4 degree Celsius.

In the Indian region, the April-June

heatwaves will become four times

more frequent by 2099.

Amara Veeraswamy

Subject Expert





Albert II of Monaco

Foundation Award

The Prince Albert II of Monaco

Foundation Award conferred on

Deccan Development Society

(DDS), the NGO (non-governmental

organization) having a base at


The award will be given to organ-

isations with a deep commitment to

preserving the planet. The award

was conferred in recognition for the

work of Deccan Development

Society women to rehabilitate

degraded lands and promote biodi-


DDS organized a network of

small and marginal farmers and

helps them in growing millets in the

rain-fed areas of Telangana. The

women run seed-banks, protecting


The organization also helps in

providing market linkages by con-

necting them with the urban con-

sumer and bulk buyers of millets.

Tech pioneers

ZestMoney and Stellapps, the two

Indian firms found a place the new

list of 100 Tech Pioneers released

by the World Economic Forum

(WEF), which described these enti-

ties as future headline-makers

addressing global issues with cut-

ting-edge technology.

The selected companies think dif-

ferently and stand out as potential

game-changers. The WEF said that

ZestMoney, using its technology to

transform the financial service

industry, offering affordable credit to

those who are unable to access this

through traditional finance paths.

Stellapps is a data-led, the inter-

net of things (IoT) based, farm-to-

consumer dairy supply chain digiti-

zation service provider.

World Refugee day

World Refugee Day observed on

20 June every year dedicated to

raising awareness of the situation of

refugees throughout the world. The

day honours the courage and deter-

mination of those who have been

forced to abandon their homes and


The theme of World Refugee Day

this year is "every action counts".

The UNO Refugee Agency is ask-

ing people from all walks of life to

join the #WithRefugees with a mes-

sage that everyone can make a dif-

ference, and every action counts.

The people who fled their homes

and countries due to a well-founded

fear of persecution because of

his/her race, religion, nationality,

membership of a particular social

group, or political opinion is a



International Yoga Day


6th International Day of Yoga celebra-

tions celebrated throughout the world

on 21st June. The celebrations com-

menced with a message from Prime

Minister Narendra Modi who said that

Yoga brings people together and gives

a message of universal brotherhood.

The Theme of Yoga Day 2020 is

‘Yoga at home, Yoga with family’. Yoga

gives physical strength; mental balance

and emotional stability to confidently

face the challenges occur in day to day

life. The World Health Organization

(WHO) mentions yoga as a means to

improve health in its Global Action Plan

on Physical Activity 2018–2030: More

active people for a healthier world.

Earlier, the observation of

International Day of Yoga marked by

mass demonstrations of Yoga in public

places. But this year, due to the

COVID-19 outbreak, the main focus is

on encouraging people to do Yoga at

their homes with the participation of the

entire family.

The Union Minister of Skill

Development and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said that

over 96,000 people had trained as

Yoga Instructors and Trainers under

Skill India Mission. They have been

trained through different skilling initia-

tives under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal

Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)

IMD ranking

India retained 43rd rank in the annual

World Competitiveness Index compiled

by Institute for Management

Development (IMD). Singapore retained

its top position on the 63-nation list.

Denmark and Switzerland stood in the

2nd and 3rd ranking respectively.

Singapore’s success lies in its

strong economic performance which

stems from robust international trade

and investment, employment and labor

market measures. India’s rank is low

due to traditional weaknesses like poor

infrastructure and insufficient educa-

tion investment keeping.

But IMD report hailed the perfor-

mance of India shown some recorded

improvements in areas like long-term

employment growth, current account

balance, high-tech exports, foreign

currency reserves, public expenditure

on education, political stability and

overall productivity.

Report on Children Violence

On 18 June 2020, the United Nations

Orgnisation(UNO) released a first of its

kind report “Global Status Report on

Preventing Violence Against Children

2020”. The report observed that half of

the world’s children, or approximately

one billion children each year are

affected by physical, sexual or psycho-

logical violence, suffering injuries, dis-

abilities and death because countries

have failed to follow established strate-

gies to protect them.

It charted progress in 155 countries

against the “INSPIRE” framework, a

set of seven strategies for preventing

and responding to violence against


The report estimated that one out of

two children aged 2–17 years suffer

some form of violence each year.

Around 40,000 children were victims of

homicide in 2017.

The report also said that 300 million

children aged 2–4 years regularly

experience violent discipline by their


India in UNSC

India was elected as a non-permanent

member of the UN Security Council

(UNSC) for a two-year term after win-

ning 184 votes in the 193-member

General Assembly.

This is the eighth time that India will

sit at the UN high-table, which compris-

es five permanent members and 10

non-permanent members. India’s two-

year term will begin on 1 January 2021.

India’s overall objective during this

tenure in the UN Security Council will

be the achievement of N.O.R.M.S:

New Orientation for a Reformed

Multilateral System. India's work in the

UNSC will be guided by Prime Minister

Narendra Modi’s call for a reformed

multilateralism and the dynamic 5S

vision: Samman (Respect), Samvad

(Dialogue), Sahyog (Cooperation),

Shanti (Peace), and Samriddhi


Model Questions

1. Who was elected as the president

of the 75th United Nations

Organisation (UNO) General


1) Audrey Azoulay

2) Henrietta H. Fore

3) Volkan Bozkir

4) Tedros Adhanom

5) Mukhisa Kituyi

2. Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziyev

resigned as the Prime minister of..

1) Kazakhstan 2) Tajikistan

3) Kyrgyzstan 4) Azerbaijan

5) Lithuania

3. India pledged to construct Rs. 2.33

crore sanitation facilities at the

iconic Pashupatinath Temple com-

plex located in…

1) Cambodia 2) Thailand

3) Sri Lanka 4) Nepal 5) Bhutan

4. Who got one year extension as

ethics officer and Ombudsman of

BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket

in India)?

1) Vijay C kelkar

2) Shripathi Ravindra Bhat

3) D.K.Jain

4) R. Banumathi

5) N V Ramana

5. Asian Youth Para Games to be

held in 2021 in..

1) Bahrain 2) New Delhi

3) Abu dhabi 4) Tokyo

5) Shanghai

6. NITI Aayog formed panel to devel-

op job platform for migrant labours

under the chairmanship of…

1) Rajiv Kumar 2) Ratan P Watal

3) Ajay Kumar Bhalla

4) Amitabh Kant

5) Shakthikanth Das

7. Who is appointed as the chairman

of the National Institute of Public

Finance and Policy (NIPFP) for a

period of four years?

1) Raghuram Rajan 2) R.Gandhi

3) Urjit Patel 4) Amitabh Kanth

5) Dr. Ravindra H. Dholakia

8. Asian Infrastructure Investment

Bank (AIIB) approved $ 750 million

loan to India to strengthen its battle

against the adverse impact of

Covid-19 on poor and vulnerable

households. Who is the present

President of AIIB?

1) Jin Liqun 2) K V Kamath

3) David Malpass

4) Masatsugu Asakawa

5) Kristalina Georgieva

9. Who is the chairman of the SEBI

panel suggested the measures to

strengthen enforcement, recovery


1) Justice Madan Lokur

2) Justice Indu Malhotra

3) Justice K G Balakrishnan

4) Justice Anil Dave

5) Justice Deepak Mishra


1-3 2-3 3-4 4-3 5-1 6-4 7-3 8-1 9-4

Yoga at home Yoga with family



Page 2: I Ziegler catalyst? - Eenadu Pratibha


141. The mass of sucrose in grams

(molar mass of sucrose is 342 g

mol−1) required to be dissolved in

100 g of water, in order to pro-

duce a solution with 104.74°C as

the difference between the boiling

point and freezing point is

(Kf(H2O) = 1.86K kg mol−1 and Kb(H2O)

= 0.51K kg mol−1

1) 68.4 2) 136.8 3) 102.3 4) 34.1

142. Which one of the following state-

ments is not correct?

1) Rate of a zero order reaction is

independent of initial concentra-

tion of the reactant

2) Half-life period of a first order

reaction is independent of initial

concentration of the reactant

3) The unit of second order rate

constant is mol2L−1s−1

4) The molecularity of a reaction

cannot be zero or a fraction

143. The standard free energy change

for the cell reaction

Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+

(aq) + Cu(s) is


= −0.76V, E0Cu2+/cu

= +

0.34V, If = 96500 C mol−1)

1) +212.3 kJ mol−1

2) −212.3 kJ mol−1

3) 106.2 kJ mol−1

4) −106.2 kJ mol−1

144. Identify the correct statements

from the following

I) Protective power of a lyophobic

colloid is expressed by gold num-


II) Haemoglobin is a positively

charged sol

III) Metal sols are prepared by pep-

tization process

IV) Colloidal solution and true solu-

tion can be distinguished by

Tyndall effect

1) II & IV 2) I & IV

3) I & III 4) III & IV

145. From the Ellingham diagram

given below, identify the correct


I) Below 673K CO can reduce FeO

to Fe

II) Above 63K Coke can reduce

FeO to Fe

III) CO is the strong reducing agent

for the reduction of ZnO to Zn

above 1073K than coke

IV) Coke reducs ZnO to Zn readily

at 1673K

1) I, II, III 2) I, II, IV

3) III, IV only 4) I, III only

146. Which of the following statements

are correct for hydrides of 16th

group elements?

I) Boiling point is highest for water

and lowest for hydrogen sulphide

II) Bond dissociation enthalpy is

highest for water and lowest for

hydrogen sulphide

III) Reducing property increases

from H2S to H2Te

IV) ∆fH (Enthalpy of formation) is

more negative for H2O and more

positive for H2Te

1) I, II only 2) I, II, III, IV

3) II, III, IV only 4) I, III, IV only

147. Chlorine on reaction with excess

of ammonia gives nitrogen gas

along with a compound X. X

reacts with Ca(OH)2 and gives Y,

a colourless gas with pungent

smell. Y on reaction with excess

of chlorine gives Z and HCl. What

is Z?

1) NH4Cl 2) NH3

3) CaCl2 4) NCl3

148. The reaction which does not

involve the formation of H3PO3 is

1) CH3COOH + PCl3 →2) C2H5OH + PCl3 →3) PCl3 + H2O →4) POCl3 + H2O →

149. Which of the following is the

composition of Ziegler catalyst?

1) PdCl3 + Al(CH3)3

2) ZnCl2 + Al(CH3)3

3) Ti(CH3)4 + AlCl3

4) TiCl4 + Al(CH3)3

150. A d-block metal M forms two com-

plexes with the formulae MCl4.

2HCl and MCl2. 2NH3. When

excess of AgNO3 solution is

added to 1 mole of each complex,

AgCl precipitate is not formed.

The secondary valency of metal M

in the complexes is respectively

1) 4, 2 2) 2, 4

3) 6, 4 4) 6, 2

151. The monomers used in the forma-

tion of Dacron are

I) Glycerol

II) Terephthalic acid

III) Adipic acid

IV) Ethane-1, 2-diol

1) I, II 2) I, III 3) III, IV 4) II, IV

152. The correct statement about the

denaturation of a protein is

1) 1° and 2° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 3° structure

remains intact

2) 2° and 3° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 1° structure

remains intact

3) 1° and 3° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 2° structure

remains intact

4) 1° and 4° structures of a protein

are destroyed but 2° and 3°structures remain intact

153. Identify the incorrect match from

the following

1) Paracetamol - Non-addictive


2) Valium - Tranquillizer

3) Ofloxacin - bacteriostatic antibiotic

4) Novestrol - Antifertility drug

154. Identify X in the reaction given


155. Arrange the following alcohols in

order of their increasing boiling


Pentan-1-ol Butan-2-ol


Butan-1-ol Propan-1-ol




1) V < III < IV < II < I

2) V < IV < II < III < I

3) V < IV < III < I < II

4) IV < V < III < I < II

Identify Y in the above sequence of


1) R − CH − OH 2) R' − C − OH

R' O

3) R ' − C − O−K+ 4) R − CH2 − R'O

157. Consider the reactions I and II

ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù Wû 24, 2020 n e-mail: [email protected]


EAMCET-2020 Model PaperNo. of Questions: 160 AGRICULTURE Max. Marks: 160 Time: 3 Hrs

dil KMnO4II) CH2 = CH2 → Z


Identify the polymer from the follow-

ing in which Y and Z are the


1) Terylene 2) Glyptal

3) Nylon 6, 6 4) Novolac

158. Assertion (A): −OH group of phe-

nol is ortho, para directing in elec-

trophilic substitutions

Reason (R): −OH group stabilises

the arenium ion formed by the ortho,

para attack of the electrophile

The correct answer is

1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and

(R) is the correct explanation to


2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but

(R) is not the correct explanation

of (A)

3) (A) is correct, but (R) is not


4) (A) is not correct but R is correct

159. Fehling’s reagent is a mixture of

two solutions of A and B. What

are A, B?


1) [Ag(NH3)2]+ Aqueous

CuSo4 solution

2) Aqueous CuSO4 Alkaline sodium

solution potassium


3) [NaOH(aq)

+ I2

4) Aqueous Neutral

NaHCO3 FeCl3 solution


160. Acid amide on reaction with

reagent ‘X’ gives a primary amine

having one carbon less than the

amide. Identify ‘X’ from the follow-


1) Br2/NaOH(aq) 2) NaOH/CaO.∆3) KMnO4 / KOH.∆4) Pd − BaSO4



1-3 2-1; 3-1; 4-4; 5-2; 6-3; 7-4; 8-3;

9-1; 10-1; 11-4; 12-2; 13-2, 3; 14-3;

15-3; 16-1; 17-1; 18-3; 19-2; 20-3;

21-1; 22-2; 23-1; 24-1; 25-2; 26-1;

27-4; 28-1; 29-2; 30-4; 31-4; 32-1;

33-3; 34-3; 35-3; 36-4; 37-2; 38-4;

39-3; 40-1.


41-4; 42-1; 43-4; 44-1; 45-1; 46-3;

47-4; 48-2; 49-3; 50-1; 51-4; 52-2;

53-3; 54-2; 55-3; 56-1; 57-2; 58-4;

59-4; 60-3; 61-2; 62-3; 63-1; 64-1;

65-1; 66-2; 67-3; 68-4; 69-2; 70-4;

71-1; 72-1; 73-4; 74-1; 75-4; 76-4;

77-3; 78-2; 79-2; 80-3.


81-4; 82-3; 83-2; 84-3; 85-3; 86-4;

87-4; 88-2; 89-3; 90-2; 91-2; 92-1; 93-

4; 94-3; 95-4; 96-4; 97-1; 98-3; 99-1;

100-1; 101-1; 102-2; 103-2; 104-4;

105-4; 106-4; 107-1; 108-4; 109-1;

110-4; 111-2; 112-1; 113-2; 114-3;

115-4; 116-2; 117-3; 118-3; 119-1;


121-3; 122-2; 123-3; 124-2; 125-1;

126-1; 127-2; 128-3; 129-4; 130-2;

131-3; 132-1; 133-3; 134-2; 135-1;

136-2; 137-4; 138-1; 139-4; 140-4;

141-1; 142-3; 143-2; 144-1; 145-2;

146-4; 147-4; 148-4; 149-4; 150-3;

151-4; 152-2; 153-3; 154-4; 155-2;

156-4; 157-1; 158-1; 159-2; 160-1.

This Model test was designed by

Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions

Hyderabad, Mumbai, Vijayawada &


Eìoæ̈ êŸô¢ªî¦ô³


Hydrazine KOH/∆C = O → X → Y + N2

Ethylene Glycol



KmnO4/KOH dilH2SO4

→ X → Y∆


I-Lab for COVID testing

India’s first I-Lab (Infectious disease

diagnostic lab) for COVID testing in

rural and inaccessible areas of India

was inaugurated by the Minister for

Science & Technology, Earth Sciences

and Health & Family Welfare, Dr Harsh

Vardhan on 19 June 2020.

The I-lab can run 50 RT-PCR and

about 200 ELISA tests in a day. This

mobile testing facility will be deployed

through the DBT (Department of Bio

Technology) testing hubs to remote

regions of the country for COVID test-


The Department of Bio-technology

(DBT) under the Ministry of Science and

Technology, along with the Andhra

Pradesh Med-tech Zone (AMTZ), initiat-


19 Medtech Manufacturing

Development) consortia to address the

shortage of critical healthcare technolo-

gies in the country and move progres-

sively towards a stage of self-sufficien-


Coal blocks for commercial


On 18 June 2020, the Prime Minister of

India Narendra Modi launched the auc-

tion of 41 coal mines for commercial

mining. The decision took as part of the

announcements made by the Central

government under the Aatma Nirbhar

Bharat Abhiyan. By this, the govern-

ment opened the coal and mining sector

for competition, capital, participation

technology. He criticized the earlier gov-

ernment policies to keep the coal sector

closed. PM pointed out the irony that

India has the fourth largest coal reserve

in the world, is the second largest pro-

ducer in the world but is also the second

largest coal importer. The government

of India set a target to gasify around 100

million tonnes of coal by 2030.

9th rank in FDIE

India became the world’s 9th largest

recipient of the Foreign Direct

Investment (FDI) in 2019 with 51 billion

dollars of inflows, as per the World

Investment Report 2020 published by

the UN Conference on Trade and

Development (UNCTAD). India

received $ 42 billion of FDI in 2018

when India ranked 12 among the top

20 host economies in the world. But

the report hoped a lower but positive

economic growth in India in the post-

COVID19 pandemic period.

Garib Kalyan Rojgar


On 20 June 2020, Prime Minister

Narendra Modi launched the Garib

Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyaan (GKRA).

This programme creates jobs for mil-

lions of migrant workers who returned

home during the coronavirus induced

lockdown across the country.

Rs. 50,000 crore will be spent on this

mega campaign and the scheme cov-

ers 116 districts in the 6 states of Bihar,

Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,

Rajasthan, Jharkhand and Odisha.

Each of these states has a large

number of labourers returning home

after being left unemployed by the

coronavirus lockdown. GKRA create a

durable infrastructure along with boost-

ing employment opportunities.

Lying of fibre optics cable, railway

works, Rurban mission jobs, sanitation

works, waste management, poultry,

farm ponds and training through Krishi

Vigyan Kendras will be given to the

migrant workers under the programme.

First National Report on

Climate Crisis

India released its national report on

the state of the climate crisis first time.

The report by the name ‘Assessment

Of Climate Change Over The Indian

Region’ prepared under the aegis of

Ministry of Earth Science (MoES). The

report forecasted that annual rainfall

increase along with more severe

cyclones and paradoxically more


The average temperature of India

raised by 0.7 degree Celsius in 1901-

2018. This has resulted due to the emis-

sion of greenhouse gases, and it is pro-

jected to rise by 2.7 degree Celsius by

2099 in case of if essential care is taken

on climate change and in the worst case

it will rise to 4.4 degree Celsius.

In the Indian region, the April-June

heatwaves will become four times

more frequent by 2099.

Amara Veeraswamy

Subject Expert





Albert II of Monaco

Foundation Award

The Prince Albert II of Monaco

Foundation Award conferred on

Deccan Development Society

(DDS), the NGO (non-governmental

organization) having a base at


The award will be given to organ-

isations with a deep commitment to

preserving the planet. The award

was conferred in recognition for the

work of Deccan Development

Society women to rehabilitate

degraded lands and promote biodi-


DDS organized a network of

small and marginal farmers and

helps them in growing millets in the

rain-fed areas of Telangana. The

women run seed-banks, protecting


The organization also helps in

providing market linkages by con-

necting them with the urban con-

sumer and bulk buyers of millets.

Tech pioneers

ZestMoney and Stellapps, the two

Indian firms found a place the new

list of 100 Tech Pioneers released

by the World Economic Forum

(WEF), which described these enti-

ties as future headline-makers

addressing global issues with cut-

ting-edge technology.

The selected companies think dif-

ferently and stand out as potential

game-changers. The WEF said that

ZestMoney, using its technology to

transform the financial service

industry, offering affordable credit to

those who are unable to access this

through traditional finance paths.

Stellapps is a data-led, the inter-

net of things (IoT) based, farm-to-

consumer dairy supply chain digiti-

zation service provider.

World Refugee day

World Refugee Day observed on

20 June every year dedicated to

raising awareness of the situation of

refugees throughout the world. The

day honours the courage and deter-

mination of those who have been

forced to abandon their homes and


The theme of World Refugee Day

this year is "every action counts".

The UNO Refugee Agency is ask-

ing people from all walks of life to

join the #WithRefugees with a mes-

sage that everyone can make a dif-

ference, and every action counts.

The people who fled their homes

and countries due to a well-founded

fear of persecution because of

his/her race, religion, nationality,

membership of a particular social

group, or political opinion is a



International Yoga Day


6th International Day of Yoga celebra-

tions celebrated throughout the world

on 21st June. The celebrations com-

menced with a message from Prime

Minister Narendra Modi who said that

Yoga brings people together and gives

a message of universal brotherhood.

The Theme of Yoga Day 2020 is

‘Yoga at home, Yoga with family’. Yoga

gives physical strength; mental balance

and emotional stability to confidently

face the challenges occur in day to day

life. The World Health Organization

(WHO) mentions yoga as a means to

improve health in its Global Action Plan

on Physical Activity 2018–2030: More

active people for a healthier world.

Earlier, the observation of

International Day of Yoga marked by

mass demonstrations of Yoga in public

places. But this year, due to the

COVID-19 outbreak, the main focus is

on encouraging people to do Yoga at

their homes with the participation of the

entire family.

The Union Minister of Skill

Development and Entrepreneurship

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey said that

over 96,000 people had trained as

Yoga Instructors and Trainers under

Skill India Mission. They have been

trained through different skilling initia-

tives under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal

Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)

IMD ranking

India retained 43rd rank in the annual

World Competitiveness Index compiled

by Institute for Management

Development (IMD). Singapore retained

its top position on the 63-nation list.

Denmark and Switzerland stood in the

2nd and 3rd ranking respectively.

Singapore’s success lies in its

strong economic performance which

stems from robust international trade

and investment, employment and labor

market measures. India’s rank is low

due to traditional weaknesses like poor

infrastructure and insufficient educa-

tion investment keeping.

But IMD report hailed the perfor-

mance of India shown some recorded

improvements in areas like long-term

employment growth, current account

balance, high-tech exports, foreign

currency reserves, public expenditure

on education, political stability and

overall productivity.

Report on Children Violence

On 18 June 2020, the United Nations

Orgnisation(UNO) released a first of its

kind report “Global Status Report on

Preventing Violence Against Children

2020”. The report observed that half of

the world’s children, or approximately

one billion children each year are

affected by physical, sexual or psycho-

logical violence, suffering injuries, dis-

abilities and death because countries

have failed to follow established strate-

gies to protect them.

It charted progress in 155 countries

against the “INSPIRE” framework, a

set of seven strategies for preventing

and responding to violence against


The report estimated that one out of

two children aged 2–17 years suffer

some form of violence each year.

Around 40,000 children were victims of

homicide in 2017.

The report also said that 300 million

children aged 2–4 years regularly

experience violent discipline by their


India in UNSC

India was elected as a non-permanent

member of the UN Security Council

(UNSC) for a two-year term after win-

ning 184 votes in the 193-member

General Assembly.

This is the eighth time that India will

sit at the UN high-table, which compris-

es five permanent members and 10

non-permanent members. India’s two-

year term will begin on 1 January 2021.

India’s overall objective during this

tenure in the UN Security Council will

be the achievement of N.O.R.M.S:

New Orientation for a Reformed

Multilateral System. India's work in the

UNSC will be guided by Prime Minister

Narendra Modi’s call for a reformed

multilateralism and the dynamic 5S

vision: Samman (Respect), Samvad

(Dialogue), Sahyog (Cooperation),

Shanti (Peace), and Samriddhi


Model Questions

1. Who was elected as the president

of the 75th United Nations

Organisation (UNO) General


1) Audrey Azoulay

2) Henrietta H. Fore

3) Volkan Bozkir

4) Tedros Adhanom

5) Mukhisa Kituyi

2. Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziyev

resigned as the Prime minister of..

1) Kazakhstan 2) Tajikistan

3) Kyrgyzstan 4) Azerbaijan

5) Lithuania

3. India pledged to construct Rs. 2.33

crore sanitation facilities at the

iconic Pashupatinath Temple com-

plex located in…

1) Cambodia 2) Thailand

3) Sri Lanka 4) Nepal 5) Bhutan

4. Who got one year extension as

ethics officer and Ombudsman of

BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket

in India)?

1) Vijay C kelkar

2) Shripathi Ravindra Bhat

3) D.K.Jain

4) R. Banumathi

5) N V Ramana

5. Asian Youth Para Games to be

held in 2021 in..

1) Bahrain 2) New Delhi

3) Abu dhabi 4) Tokyo

5) Shanghai

6. NITI Aayog formed panel to devel-

op job platform for migrant labours

under the chairmanship of…

1) Rajiv Kumar 2) Ratan P Watal

3) Ajay Kumar Bhalla

4) Amitabh Kant

5) Shakthikanth Das

7. Who is appointed as the chairman

of the National Institute of Public

Finance and Policy (NIPFP) for a

period of four years?

1) Raghuram Rajan 2) R.Gandhi

3) Urjit Patel 4) Amitabh Kanth

5) Dr. Ravindra H. Dholakia

8. Asian Infrastructure Investment

Bank (AIIB) approved $ 750 million

loan to India to strengthen its battle

against the adverse impact of

Covid-19 on poor and vulnerable

households. Who is the present

President of AIIB?

1) Jin Liqun 2) K V Kamath

3) David Malpass

4) Masatsugu Asakawa

5) Kristalina Georgieva

9. Who is the chairman of the SEBI

panel suggested the measures to

strengthen enforcement, recovery


1) Justice Madan Lokur

2) Justice Indu Malhotra

3) Justice K G Balakrishnan

4) Justice Anil Dave

5) Justice Deepak Mishra


1-3 2-3 3-4 4-3 5-1 6-4 7-3 8-1 9-4

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