i the interior journalnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v2b4s/data/0822.pdfeo arrogant in health and...

I 1 i 4 THE INTERIOR JOURNAL VOL XXXV I STANFORD KY FRIDAY MARCH 22 1907 NO6 ODE TO BOBBITT Bobbitt thou Cicero of the mountains Thou Napoleon of the bluo dome above Let thy mind wander from either And lIt to the pleadings of love Wo know thy mind cant inhabit this bleak world But wanders to cthcrial realms on high- Though tho Lord made this dreary old world Still well bo glad when wo pass it by Thou with thy Chcsterflcldian air and Aristotlo mien In tho famed halls of Congress are sol ¬ dom seen You my dear friend theres none can compare With thy venerable beard and flowing locks of hair From crescent Lunas throne to Na ¬ lures bjso Is as familiar to you as tho old clocks face In Elysian Holds thy mind doth roam As though this place was not thy home Blackstono is as tho primer to you So is Shakapcarc Shillcr and Milton i too Tho bible that book of wondrous in ¬ I spiration A chapter you take for a mornings oration Though years may come and years may go Tho fame of Bobbitt will continue to Representative run and beat Igro other you a Senators scat Lev KIDDS STORE j Born to the wife of Henry McKinney a daughter hazel Miss Ella Barnett and visiting friend Miss Maymo Un ¬ derwood of Doyle spent Saturday with friends of this suburb Miss Rosa Mc Cormack Miss Claro Hare of lIuston vllle and Miss Nellie Ellis of More land were guests of friends hero Doyd Weatherford is accredited with daunt- less ¬ temerity in assuming charge of an oven half dozen fair damsels last Satur ¬ dayIt Is regrctablo that John Alexander i Dowlo when consciously passing over tho river remained malevolently roo acnlful toward even his wife and son manifesting ulwoluto destitution of thoso divine qualities of which ho was eo arrogant in health And experiments demonstrate 7 that exicographcr must review the definition of n soul which has been pro- claimed something 7 immaterial In ¬ tangible Imponderable but proved to weigh from half to an ounco presum ¬ able in proportion to volume of corpor ¬ cal accompaniment He is a reckless scoffer who challenges proposed achieve menu of scientists but wo still duck k behind Missouri citizenship in matters of n halo about Dowies head and the ponderable soul given such prominence by tho press but up to date the senti ¬ mont of Casey yet expressed is unani- mous ¬ for stag- sQhgmhnrlalns Cough Remedy is Both Agreeable and Effeotlvet Chamberlains Cough Remedy has no superior for coughs colds and pleasantI way a with mothers Mr W S Iolhnm a merchant of Kirksvlllo Iowa says POI more than 20 years Chamber ¬ lains Cough Hemody has been my j leading remedy for all throat troubles t It Is especially successful In cases of croup Children like it and my cus ¬ f tomers who have used It Mil not take any other For snlo bye All Drug- gists John A Wood Co purchased two it business horses at Lexington last week I for 160 This firm shipped to New Or ¬ leans a fine carriage team for Smith Bros of that place for 500 They also sold a lot of mules for 150 to 180 Dunn Adams real estate agents sold Eldrid Bean 35 acres of land on the Lebanon pike to W M Carter of Lincoln county at 115 Advocate Rheumatic Pains Relieved U F Crocker Ksq now84 yours of ago and for 20 years justice of the poaco nt Mtirtlnsvlllo Iowa says I urn terribly ullllcted with sciatic rhou matimn In my loft arm and right hip I havo used threo bottles of Chamber ¬ lains Pain Balm and 1t did mo lots of good For salo by All Druggists Promise hat you wont drink moneyAll havo it frap payed an cat it with a spoon That cough aqd cold in Ihohoad can- t bo cured easily by Ilyomoi No stom ¬ It thet noso or it falls Q LjI onny- CalvaryBaptlat church at Lexington L burned casing a 50000 loss 1 While in The Land of Flowers Rev Mahony Remembers His Home Paper I shall try lifter so long a time to avail myself of your cordial Invitation to lot the readers of tho I J hear from mo through Its columns It is so hard for one who Is off on a health and pleas- ure ¬ trip to find time for letter writing On Feb 21st we boarded tho Florida Limited arriving at Jacksonville the next day about 1 oclock After spend ¬ ing two very pleasant days and nights there we took the Atlanta Coast Line for Leesburg a distance of ICO miles further South Leesburg is situated near the center of tho peninsular part of Florida about midwaybclwecn the Atlantic ocean and the Gulf of Mexico Being thus situated between the two great waters it is so fortunate as to es ¬ cape the storms of either and yet It is in touch with the refreshing breezes of both Leesburg Is surrounded by beau ¬ tiful lakes having Lake Harris Imme- diately on the South and Lake Griffin on the Northeast with many other beautiful lakes not far away There abound in them fish of the finest va ¬ riety One hundred anti three fine bass weighing 300 pounds were caught in Lake Griffin within three hours time on Dec 20 100G In this section of the State the finest oranges are raised Truck farming is carried on hero to a considerable extend Already the pea crop and the lettuce have been gather ¬ ed and snipped into the city markets One man told mo that his pea crop net ted him tills year over 500 per acre Another man slated that he purchased nn irrigating plant last year which cost him 500 and ho has already paid for it with sevenelghthsoran acre of let ¬ tuce raised and shipped this year The lands are well timbered with good pine timber This is being worked up into furniture and lumber Tho saw mills usually follow the turpentine stills A grunt deal of this fine Umber is being destroyed every year by forest fires Hnvlin deposits have also been discov ¬ ered in this section and said to be of the finest quality This is a mineral out of which tho finest chinaware is made A few miles from Lccsburg have been erected two largo Havlin plants at a cost of over 200000 The climate is perfect it seems I do not know how it could bo better People have been going round in their shirt sleeves and sitting out on their porches over since wo have been here Wo have had some very warm days Tho nights however are cool Tho people hero say the summers are cool and pleasant Tho roads which are built of hard clay are fine for driving The tall palms fine oaks magnolias on eith- er ¬ side festooned with yards of Span- Ish ¬ moss and the orange groves along the way present u most pleasing view This has been n great winter for lout its Tho hotels have all been full It- s said that 20000000 are left here each year by tho people from the North My brother who has lived here 30 years seem to bo prospering I havo never seen n happier family They lava dono everything possible to make our stay pleasant Ills boys all com ¬ nand fine salaries and ho has a daugh ¬ ter who makes from 00 to 100 a month as a stenographer Wo go I think from hero to Tampa thence to SU Augustine and back to Jacksonvillo and then start for home stopping over in Atlanta for a few days to visit our cousin and on home arriv- Ing ¬ about the last of the month So far we havo had a most delightful trip and I trust a profitable ono from a hearth standpoint for that is what took mo from homo and business Ma ¬ rie my daughter has enjoyed every moment of it Florida id a fine placo for nn ideal winter trip For fishing boating and to get away from winters chilling blasts but for real every day lifo give me my old Kentucky homeR MAHONY How to Remain Young To continue young in health and otrongth do us Mrs N F Rowan MuDonough Ga did Sho says Three bottles of Electric Bitters cur- ed ¬ mo of chronic liver and stomach trouble complicated with such an un ¬ healthy condition of tho blood that my skin turned rod as flannel I urn now practically 20 years younger than be ¬ fore I topk Electric Bitters I can now do all my work wlthjeaso and as ¬ sist in my husbands store Guar ¬ anteed at Pennys Drug Storo Price 01Judge Moss at Williamsburg sus- tained ¬ the contest board in its rulings in tho local option election The elec- tion ¬ was held Dec 8 1900 and tho drys carried the county by over 2600 The saloon men of Corbin contested and the contest board upheld the election lames Pinnell of Somerset suffered a fearful shock and bad burns from coming in contact with an electric cur- rent ¬ t I NEWS NOTES Thomas Bailey Aldrich author and poet is dead at his home In Boston as the result of an operation Richmond Va will erect a monu- ment ¬ to the memory of Edgar Allen Poe who Was a native of that city On account of the shortage in rail ¬ road cars the cypress mills of Louisia ¬ na are arranging to resort to the old time method of shipping by barges Isham Railoy ono of the wealthiest landowners of Woodford county died suddenly at his homo in Versailles shortly after having walked to the post office for his mail Paducah is flooded with spurious coin of almost all denominations and is also troubled with numerous thieves burg- lars ¬ and footpads with a few safe blowers in addition Tho United Fruit Company has an ¬ nounced the establishment of a now steamship route out of New Orleans withsteamers running fortnightly to Santa Maria Columbia The citizens of Austin Tex in a gen ¬ oralelection have voted to rebuild tho Austin dam destroyed in 1900 by flood The rebuilding of the dam it is esti- mated ¬ will cost about 2500000 Carrie Nation in discussing tile re ¬ moval of her temperance publication Tho Hatchet to Washington de ¬ elated that It will bo the South that will freo the North from tho rum slaveUnited States and British flags to bo made by Mrs Roosevelt and Queen Alexandria will be used to decorate the bust of Nelson which has been prese t- ed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis by the King of England- A local option election has been called by the County Judge for Davicsa coun ¬ ty including tho city of Owensboro and a determined effort will be made by the temperance forces to close the 40 or more saloons now being conducted there Tho establishment of n permanent national fair In a 1 1000000 building in New York City has been proposed by members of the Michigan Society in the metropolis It is proposed to have Congress furnish 5000000 and the States the remainder Felix Feltner convicted of inducing witnesses in the Marcum damage case against Bargis to leave the scene of tho trial will tako up tho service of the sentence imposed upon him of serving two years in tho Clark county jail and paying a fine of 3000 Two persons were killed and nine in ¬ jured when a threestory building in Cincinnati collapsed Tho foundations were weakened by the flood in the Ohio river and the walls gave way without warning One man is missing and may be dead in the ruins Ben Parker proprietor of a boarding house in Mayfield in tho ruins of which was found tho charred body of an un ¬ known man has been indicted on four charges Ho is accused of murdering the stranger and setting firo to the building to cover up tho crime President Ripley of the Santa Fe in nn interview blames President Roose ¬ velt for tho conditions in Wall street Ho states that his road is prepared to Inaugurate a policy at cutting down expenditures for improvements as a re- sult of tho shape in which things arc in tho railroad and financial world Saved Her Sons Life Tho happiest mother in tho little town of Ara Mo Is Mrs S Iluppee Sho writes Ono year ago my son was down with sucli serious lung trou tile that our physician was unable to help him when by our druggists ad ¬ vice I began giving him Dr Kings Now Discovery and I soon noticed Improvement I kept this treatment up for u few weeks when ho was per- fectly ¬ well Ho has worked steadily since at carpenter work Dr Kings New Discovery saved his life Guar ¬ anteed best cough and cold euro by Pennys Drug Store 60o and 81 Trial bottle free- Carriers in the rural free delivery service In Kentucky will profit by an order issued by the First Assistant Postmaster General which willcarry into effect the recent act of Congress providing for a substantial increase in their salaries The chief beneficiaries of the new law will bo those serving tho longer routes upon which the greater hardships of the service fall a Found at Last J A Harmon of Llzomorc West Va says At last I have found tho perfect pill that never disappoints me and for the benefit of others alllicted with torpid liver and chronic consti ¬ pation will say Take Dr Kings New Lifo Pills Guaranteed satisfac- tory ¬ 25o at Pennys Drug Store Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is a now remedy an Improvement on the laxatives of former years as it does not gripe or nauseate and is pleasant to take It is guaranteed o L Pen- ny ¬ I WILLIAM S WARREN The above is a tolerably good like ¬ ness of Mr William S Warren famil ¬ iarly known as Uncle Billy Ho will be 83 years on July 31 and we dare soy ho is the best preserved man for his age in Lincoln county He is a great walk ¬ er and frequently hoofs it to Danville spends the night with his laughter and returns next day afoot lie has walk ¬ ed from Louisville to this place Un- cle ¬ Billy has been a resident of Stan ¬ ford 50 years coming from Pulaski county at the age of 32 Ho has twice married his present wife being Mrs Evelyn Wren Ills first was Miss Elizabeth Adams and to them seven children were born only two of them surviving They are Mesdames James W Collins of Danville and Edna Her rod of Louisville Mr Warren joined the Christian church some 65 years ago but for the past two years has been a member of Christs church on Lancas ¬ ter street Ho has never smoked nor chewed but has always taken a drink when ho wanted it Sinco his wifes illness he has taken her place at tho loom and has woven over 500 yards of carpet RUBBLE Miss Maud Spainhower of Preach crsville is teaching a select school hereElder J T Williams will fill his ap ¬ pointment at the Methodist church Sunday morning E B Miller is selling off his stock and other things preparing to go to In ¬ dianapolis April 1 The mining company of Virginia has resumed work here and they are now shipping byrates in largo quantities K L Dunagan sold his tobacco de liveredat Harrodsburg at 4 and 7c J M McKcchnio sold some hogs to J M Johnson at 61c Sam Harris bought a black mare for 110 The awakening of Spring has caused Hubble to throw off the gloom of win ¬ ter and notwithstanding the scarcity of news it still wishes to bo represented on the worthy pages of the INTERIOR JOURNAL Mrs A C Coleman is visiting her daughter Mrs Harry Gritlin in Dan ¬ ville Miss Flonnie Hammond has re ¬ turned from a visit to Bardstown Thos Barker is on tho sick list Miss Mamie Underwood visited friends in Huston vine last week II B Cox and Mrs John Blanks who have been ill of pneu ¬ monia arc convalescing Cause of Stomach Troubles When a tuna has trouble with his stomach you may know that he Is eat- ing ¬ more than ho should or of some article of food or drink not suited to his ago or occupation or that his bow ¬ els are habitually constipated Take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets to regulate tho bowols and Ins prove tho digestion and see If tho trouble docs not disappear Ask for a rreo sample Sold by All Drug- gists ¬ A pair of five inch scissors has just worked through tho thigh of a woman at Wichita Kansas which was sewed up in tho cavity after she was oper ¬ ated on for tumor four years ago Sur ¬ gery may have made rapid strides in recent years but some surgeons at least need heads on their shoulders Teter Salt Rheum and Eczema These are diseases for which Cham ¬ berlains Salve Is especially valuable jt quickly allays tho Itching and smarting and soon effects n cure Price 25 coats For sale by AH Drug- gists ¬ John T Youngs tobacco barn in Logan county was burned with about 20000 worth of tobacco Mr Young belonged to the association but it is claimed that he was buying independ- ently ¬ Incendiarism is suspected A severe cdld that may develop into pneumonia over night can be cured quickly by taking Foleys Honey and Tar It will euro tho most obstinate racking cough and strengthen your lungs Tho genuine is in a yellow package G L Penny r GRIFFON BRAND BUYAn Griffon Brand GuaranteedSuit Spring and- Summer THE KIND THAT FITS WELL SAM ROBINSON STANFORD KY Frazier Carts at W H HIGGINS Stanford Kentucky Best Made i I DE ElTCETS DES tjPMMER5 DE SIWS DEfiLES Stock of above now Call and see completeI a4 GEORGE H Old Hickory Wagons for Sale by E T Pence CC ux c Y Tho time is coming when you will enjoya good bath more than anything on a hot afternoon Country folks you can enjoy this luxury almost a necessity ns well as towif people It will actually be cheaper for you will not have to pay for water Se- eS H ALDRIDGE Stanford Kentucry Tinner and Plumbert J r4I +

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Page 1: I THE INTERIOR JOURNALnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v2b4s/data/0822.pdfeo arrogant in health And experiments demonstrate 7 that exicographcr must review the definition of n soul which has

I1 i





Bobbitt thou Cicero of the mountains

Thou Napoleon of the bluo dome above

Let thy mind wander from eitherAnd lIt to the pleadings of love

Wo know thy mind cant inhabit thisbleak world

But wanders to cthcrial realms onhigh-

Though tho Lord made this dreary oldworld

Still well bo glad when wo pass it by

Thou with thy Chcsterflcldian airand Aristotlo mien

In tho famed halls of Congress are sol ¬

dom seenYou my dear friend theres none can

compareWith thy venerable beard and flowing

locks of hair

From crescent Lunas throne to Na ¬

lures bjsoIs as familiar to you as tho old clocks

faceIn Elysian Holds thy mind doth roam

As though this place was not thy home

Blackstono is as tho primer to you

So is Shakapcarc Shillcr and Milton

i tooTho bible that book of wondrous in ¬

I spirationA chapter you take for a mornings

orationThough years may come and years

may goTho fame of Bobbitt will continue to

Representative run and beatIgroother you a Senators scatLev


j Born to the wife of Henry McKinneya daughter hazel Miss Ella Barnettand visiting friend Miss Maymo Un ¬

derwood of Doyle spent Saturday withfriends of this suburb Miss Rosa Mc

Cormack Miss Claro Hare of lIustonvllle and Miss Nellie Ellis of Moreland were guests of friends hero Doyd

Weatherford is accredited with daunt-



temerity in assuming charge of anoven half dozen fair damsels last Satur ¬

dayItIs regrctablo that John Alexander

i Dowlo when consciously passing overtho river remained malevolently roo

acnlful toward even his wife and sonmanifesting ulwoluto destitution ofthoso divine qualities of which ho waseo arrogant in health

And experiments demonstrate 7

that exicographcr must review thedefinition of n soul which has been pro-claimed something 7 immaterial In¬

tangible Imponderable but proved toweigh from half to an ounco presum ¬

able in proportion to volume of corpor ¬

cal accompaniment He is a recklessscoffer who challenges proposed achievemenu of scientists but wo still duck

k behind Missouri citizenship in mattersof n halo about Dowies head and theponderable soul given such prominenceby tho press but up to date the senti ¬

mont of Casey yet expressed is unani-



for stag-

sQhgmhnrlalns Cough Remedyis Both Agreeable and

EffeotlvetChamberlains Cough Remedy has

no superior for coughs colds andpleasantIway awith mothers Mr W S Iolhnm amerchant of Kirksvlllo Iowa saysPOI more than 20 years Chamber¬

lains Cough Hemody has been myj leading remedy for all throat troublest It Is especially successful In cases of

croup Children like it and my cus ¬

f tomers who have used It Mil not takeany other For snlo bye All Drug-


John A Wood Co purchased twoit business horses at Lexington last week

I for 160 This firm shipped to New Or¬

leans a fine carriage team for SmithBros of that place for 500 Theyalso sold a lot of mules for 150 to 180

Dunn Adams real estate agentssold Eldrid Bean 35 acres of land on theLebanon pike to W M Carter ofLincoln county at 115 Advocate

Rheumatic Pains RelievedU F Crocker Ksq now84 yours of

ago and for 20 years justice of thepoaco nt Mtirtlnsvlllo Iowa says Iurn terribly ullllcted with sciatic rhoumatimn In my loft arm and right hipI havo used threo bottles of Chamber ¬

lains Pain Balm and 1t did mo lots ofgood For salo by All Druggists

Promise hat you wont drink

moneyAll havo it frappayed an cat it with a spoon

That cough aqd cold in Ihohoad can-

tbo cured easily by Ilyomoi No stom ¬

Itthetnoso orit falls Q LjIonny-

CalvaryBaptlat church at LexingtonL burned casing a 50000 loss


While in The Land of Flowers RevMahony Remembers His

Home Paper

I shall try lifter so long a time toavail myself of your cordial Invitationto lot the readers of tho I J hear frommo through Its columns It is so hardfor one who Is off on a health and pleas-


trip to find time for letter writingOn Feb 21st we boarded tho Florida

Limited arriving at Jacksonville thenext day about 1 oclock After spend ¬

ing two very pleasant days and nightsthere we took the Atlanta Coast Linefor Leesburg a distance of ICO milesfurther South Leesburg is situatednear the center of tho peninsular partof Florida about midwaybclwecn theAtlantic ocean and the Gulf of MexicoBeing thus situated between the twogreat waters it is so fortunate as to es ¬

cape the storms of either and yet It is

in touch with the refreshing breezes ofboth Leesburg Is surrounded by beau ¬

tiful lakes having Lake Harris Imme-diately on the South and Lake Griffinon the Northeast with many otherbeautiful lakes not far away Thereabound in them fish of the finest va ¬

riety One hundred anti three fine bassweighing 300 pounds were caught inLake Griffin within three hours timeon Dec 20 100G In this section of theState the finest oranges are raisedTruck farming is carried on hero to aconsiderable extend Already the peacrop and the lettuce have been gather ¬

ed and snipped into the city marketsOne man told mo that his pea crop netted him tills year over 500 per acreAnother man slated that he purchasednn irrigating plant last year which costhim 500 and ho has already paid for itwith sevenelghthsoran acre of let¬

tuce raised and shipped this year Thelands are well timbered with good pinetimber This is being worked up intofurniture and lumber Tho saw millsusually follow the turpentine stills Agrunt deal of this fine Umber is beingdestroyed every year by forest firesHnvlin deposits have also been discov ¬

ered in this section and said to be of thefinest quality This is a mineral out ofwhich tho finest chinaware is made A

few miles from Lccsburg have beenerected two largo Havlin plants at acost of over 200000

The climate is perfect it seems I

do not know how it could bo betterPeople have been going round in theirshirt sleeves and sitting out on theirporches over since wo have been hereWo have had some very warm days Thonights however are cool Tho peoplehero say the summers are cool andpleasant Tho roads which are builtof hard clay are fine for driving Thetall palms fine oaks magnolias on eith-


side festooned with yards of Span-



moss and the orange groves alongthe way present u most pleasing view

This has been n great winter for loutits Tho hotels have all been full It-

s said that 20000000 are left hereeach year by tho people from theNorth My brother who has lived here30 years seem to bo prospering I

havo never seen n happier family They

lava dono everything possible to makeour stay pleasant Ills boys all com¬

nand fine salaries and ho has a daugh ¬

ter who makes from 00 to 100 a monthas a stenographer

Wo go I think from hero to Tampathence to SU Augustine and back toJacksonvillo and then start for homestopping over in Atlanta for a few daysto visit our cousin and on home arriv-


about the last of the monthSo far we havo had a most delightful

trip and I trust a profitable ono froma hearth standpoint for that is whattook mo from homo and business Ma ¬

rie my daughter has enjoyed everymoment of it

Florida id a fine placo for nn idealwinter trip For fishing boating andto get away from winters chillingblasts but for real every day lifo giveme my old Kentucky


How to Remain YoungTo continue young in health and

otrongth do us Mrs N F RowanMuDonough Ga did Sho saysThree bottles of Electric Bitters cur-



mo of chronic liver and stomachtrouble complicated with such an un ¬

healthy condition of tho blood that myskin turned rod as flannel I urn nowpractically 20 years younger than be ¬

fore I topk Electric Bitters I cannow do all my work wlthjeaso and as ¬

sist in my husbands store Guar ¬

anteed at Pennys Drug Storo Price

01JudgeMoss at Williamsburg sus-


the contest board in its rulingsin tho local option election The elec-


was held Dec 8 1900 and tho dryscarried the county by over 2600 Thesaloon men of Corbin contested and thecontest board upheld the election

lames Pinnell of Somerset suffereda fearful shock and bad burns fromcoming in contact with an electric cur-




Thomas Bailey Aldrich author andpoet is dead at his home In Boston asthe result of an operation

Richmond Va will erect a monu-


to the memory of Edgar AllenPoe who Was a native of that city

On account of the shortage in rail ¬

road cars the cypress mills of Louisia ¬

na are arranging to resort to the oldtime method of shipping by barges

Isham Railoy ono of the wealthiestlandowners of Woodford county diedsuddenly at his homo in Versaillesshortly after having walked to the postoffice for his mail

Paducah is flooded with spurious coinof almost all denominations and is alsotroubled with numerous thieves burg-


and footpads with a few safeblowers in addition

Tho United Fruit Company has an ¬

nounced the establishment of a nowsteamship route out of New Orleanswithsteamers running fortnightly toSanta Maria Columbia

The citizens of Austin Tex in a gen ¬

oralelection have voted to rebuild thoAustin dam destroyed in 1900 by floodThe rebuilding of the dam it is esti-mated


will cost about 2500000Carrie Nation in discussing tile re¬

moval of her temperance publicationTho Hatchet to Washington de ¬

elated that It will bo the South thatwill freo the North from tho rum

slaveUnitedStates and British flags to bo

made by Mrs Roosevelt and QueenAlexandria will be used to decorate thebust of Nelson which has been prese t-

ed to the Naval Academy at Annapolisby the King of England-

A local option election has been calledby the County Judge for Davicsa coun ¬

ty including tho city of Owensboroand a determined effort will be madeby the temperance forces to close the40 or more saloons now being conductedthere

Tho establishment of n permanentnational fair In a 1 1000000 buildingin New York City has been proposedby members of the Michigan Society inthe metropolis It is proposed to haveCongress furnish 5000000 and theStates the remainder

Felix Feltner convicted of inducingwitnesses in the Marcum damage caseagainst Bargis to leave the scene oftho trial will tako up tho service of thesentence imposed upon him of servingtwo years in tho Clark county jail andpaying a fine of 3000

Two persons were killed and nine in ¬

jured when a threestory building inCincinnati collapsed Tho foundationswere weakened by the flood in theOhio river and the walls gave waywithout warning One man is missingand may be dead in the ruins

Ben Parker proprietor of a boardinghouse in Mayfield in tho ruins of whichwas found tho charred body of an un ¬

known man has been indicted on fourcharges Ho is accused of murderingthe stranger and setting firo to thebuilding to cover up tho crime

President Ripley of the Santa Fe innn interview blames President Roose¬

velt for tho conditions in Wall streetHo states that his road is prepared toInaugurate a policy at cutting downexpenditures for improvements as a re-sult of tho shape in which things arc intho railroad and financial world

Saved Her Sons LifeTho happiest mother in tho little

town of Ara Mo Is Mrs S IluppeeSho writes Ono year ago my sonwas down with sucli serious lung troutile that our physician was unable tohelp him when by our druggists ad ¬

vice I began giving him Dr KingsNow Discovery and I soon noticedImprovement I kept this treatmentup for u few weeks when ho was per-fectly


well Ho has worked steadilysince at carpenter work Dr KingsNew Discovery saved his life Guar ¬

anteed best cough and cold euro byPennys Drug Store 60o and 81 Trialbottle free-

Carriers in the rural free deliveryservice In Kentucky will profit by anorder issued by the First AssistantPostmaster General which willcarryinto effect the recent act of Congressproviding for a substantial increase intheir salaries The chief beneficiariesof the new law will bo those servingtho longer routes upon which thegreater hardships of the service fall


Found at LastJ A Harmon of Llzomorc West

Va says At last I have found thoperfect pill that never disappoints meand for the benefit of others alllictedwith torpid liver and chronic consti ¬

pation will say Take Dr KingsNew Lifo Pills Guaranteed satisfac-tory


25o at Pennys Drug Store

Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup is anow remedy an Improvement on thelaxatives of former years as it doesnot gripe or nauseate and is pleasantto take It is guaranteed o L Pen-ny




The above is a tolerably good like¬

ness of Mr William S Warren famil ¬

iarly known as Uncle Billy Ho willbe 83 years on July 31 and we dare soyho is the best preserved man for his agein Lincoln county He is a great walk ¬

er and frequently hoofs it to Danvillespends the night with his laughter andreturns next day afoot lie has walk ¬

ed from Louisville to this place Un-


Billy has been a resident of Stan ¬

ford 50 years coming from Pulaskicounty at the age of 32 Ho has twicemarried his present wife being MrsEvelyn Wren Ills first was MissElizabeth Adams and to them sevenchildren were born only two of themsurviving They are Mesdames JamesW Collins of Danville and Edna Herrod of Louisville Mr Warren joinedthe Christian church some 65 years agobut for the past two years has been amember of Christs church on Lancas ¬

ter street Ho has never smoked norchewed but has always taken a drinkwhen ho wanted it Sinco his wifesillness he has taken her place at tholoom and has woven over 500 yards ofcarpet


Miss Maud Spainhower of Preachcrsville is teaching a select school

hereElder J T Williams will fill his ap ¬

pointment at the Methodist churchSunday morning

E B Miller is selling off his stockand other things preparing to go to In ¬

dianapolis April 1

The mining company of Virginia hasresumed work here and they are nowshipping byrates in largo quantities

K L Dunagan sold his tobacco deliveredat Harrodsburg at 4 and 7c JM McKcchnio sold some hogs to J M

Johnson at 61c Sam Harris bought ablack mare for 110

The awakening of Spring has causedHubble to throw off the gloom of win ¬

ter and notwithstanding the scarcity ofnews it still wishes to bo representedon the worthy pages of the INTERIOR


Mrs A C Coleman is visiting herdaughter Mrs Harry Gritlin in Dan ¬

ville Miss Flonnie Hammond has re ¬

turned from a visit to Bardstown ThosBarker is on tho sick list Miss MamieUnderwood visited friends in Hustonvine last week II B Cox and MrsJohn Blanks who have been ill of pneu ¬

monia arc convalescing

Cause of Stomach TroublesWhen a tuna has trouble with his

stomach you may know that he Is eat-


more than ho should or of somearticle of food or drink not suited tohis ago or occupation or that his bow ¬

els are habitually constipated TakeChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets to regulate tho bowols and Insprove tho digestion and see If thotrouble docs not disappear Ask fora rreo sample Sold by All Drug-


A pair of five inch scissors has justworked through tho thigh of a womanat Wichita Kansas which was sewedup in tho cavity after she was oper ¬

ated on for tumor four years ago Sur ¬

gery may have made rapid strides in

recent years but some surgeons atleast need heads on their shoulders

Teter Salt Rheum and EczemaThese are diseases for which Cham ¬

berlains Salve Is especially valuablejt quickly allays tho Itching andsmarting and soon effects n curePrice 25 coats For sale by AH Drug-


John T Youngs tobacco barn in

Logan county was burned with about20000 worth of tobacco Mr Young

belonged to the association but it isclaimed that he was buying independ-ently


Incendiarism is suspected

A severe cdld that may develop intopneumonia over night can be curedquickly by taking Foleys Honey andTar It will euro tho most obstinateracking cough and strengthen yourlungs Tho genuine is in a yellowpackage G L Penny





Spring and-



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Best Madei






Stock of above nowCall and see completeI


Old Hickory Wagons for Sale by E T Pence

CC ux c YTho time is coming when you will enjoya good bath

more than anything on a hot afternoon Country

folks you can enjoy this luxury almost a necessity

ns well as towif people It will actually be cheaper

for you will not have to pay for water Se-

eS H ALDRIDGE Stanford KentucryTinner and Plumbert J

