i the bee ky psoriasis tuttspillsthis softnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c3s7c/data/0133.pdf · i the bee...

i THE BEE BAR IIlGTq1l KY 5 N PSORIASIS AND ECZEMA Milk Crust Seabed Head t Tatter Ringworm and Pimples COMPLETE TREATMENT 100 For Torturing Disfiguring Humours From Pimples to Scrofula From Infancy to Age The agonizing itching and burning of the akin as in eczema the frightful scaling as In psoriasis I the loss of hair and crusting of the scalp as In seabed bead J the facial disfigurement as in pimples and ringworm f the awful suf- fering ¬ of infants and anxiety of worn out parents as in milk emit totter and salt rhegmall demand A remedy of almost superhuman virtues to success ¬ fully cope with them That Cuticura Soap Ointment and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt No statement Is made regarding them that Is not justified by tho strongest evi ¬ dence The purity and sweetness the power to afford immediate relief the certainty of speedy and permanent cure the absolute safety and great economy have made them the standard skin cures and humour remedies of the civilized world Complete treatment for every humour c fisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse tijsskln Cuticura Ointment to heal the Mm n And Cuticura Resolvent rills to cool and cleanse the blood may now be had for one dollar A single set ta often sullie lent to cure the most torturing scalyhumours tions from infancy to age when all else fails hU throughout tht world Cotlenra IUiotTtot60efln fennel Choeoliu Cocixl IIIUUc pit iM of 00 Ulit IMBI roc Botp lie DtpoU London a ChirUrhoaM B j rorlt I nut d1a Ialzi Iiotloa137 Uolumbui AT Tttur er benaforflowtoCaninntumourST Miss Gertrude Hopson and Mr Mace Collins two of our popula- young people were married Wed- nesday ¬ the 18th at Metropolis and were accetnpMdtUi by + MisB Collins and Mr Ed Hopion yMKfrthnfaWffifoVS groom young them r np But we wish them a long and happy life together Miss Nora Fault Janett Galloway and Lynna Galloway three of our charming yuung ladies wore in Dawson Springs last week Mr Chas Hewlett and family of Llnton Ind are visiting friends and relatives of this place A crowd of young people spent a- very pleasant afternoon last Sunday roaming through tho cemetery and tit the home of Miss Laura Wood ruff Tho happy crowd was com- posed of the following Lucy Har- man Nora Faull Annie Dribble Onie Collins Pearl Turner Edna Long fickle Hamper Joe Teague Eddllie Lacy H J Bryan Jr Lu wan Turner Clay Strador and Bun San McGregor- Mr Plane of Madisonville called on Miss Jeanette Galloway Sunday Mrs Chas Cribble daughter and son visited relatives In Mannington last week Miss Maggie Mitchell of Earling ton was here Sunday Best Cough Medicine for Children When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit confi- dence ¬ You want one that not only relieves but cures You want ono that is unquestionally harmless You want ono that is nlenssnt take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets alft of these conditions There is mulling so good for tho coughs and ca Is incident to childhood It is aim a certain preventive and cure fonbroupt and there is no danger whatever from whooping cough whcAi it IS given It has been used In m my epidemics of that disease With perfect success VFdr salo by St Bernard Drug ore Earlington i B T Robinson ortons Gap i John X Taylor Earl Jgton I What Editors Are Au editor is a millionaire without oneyfI Congressman without a t u a without a throne He instructs without a hammer or w builds railroads without rails splices and farms without a plow jouraUstfc or cash or credit The editor is a- eaehera lawyer ji preacher he sends truth out to save souls and ots lost himself Noodesha Regis ¬ ter i A Chattanooga Druggists Statement I llobt J Milter proprietor of the Iltead Hous Drugstore of Ohatta 10Qga enn writes rhere Is more merit in Foleys honey and Tar than f callsfor yo Ot than all other cough I MORTONS GAP ITEMS Barley Franklin of Nortonvlllo was a business caller in our city MondayMrs Harris visited relati ¬ ves in Madisonyille last week Miss Annie Grasty spent Sunday in Earlington Hardlo Morton loft for Kelly- Thursday whero he will accept position rid operator with the L d N Will Sisk and wife visited relati ¬ ves in Madisonvillo Sunday Miss Edna Blanks of Oak Hill spent Saturday and Sunday hero with relatives Miss Emma Sisk who has beqn very sick with measles is Improv ¬ lug Mrs Dr Almon and Miss Annie Grasty were In Madisonville Thurs ¬ day shopping Mrs Jennie Hawes of Earlington visited relatives hero the latter par of last week Ed Blanks of Oak Hill was here Sunday afternoon calling on his best girl Ho E Gaddls has returned from a business trip to Hopkinsville Mrs Blanks Is visiting relatives in Madiflonville this week Operator Hugh Grasty of Kut tawa is the guest of home folks this weekGeorge Stokes made his usual vis ¬ it to Earlington Sunday Tom and Hugh Blair went to Earhngton Sunday Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough Mrs Ellen Harllson of 800 Park Ave Kansas City as follows Our two children had a severe attack of whooping cough ono of thorn in tho paroxysm of coughing would often faint and blqed at tho nose Wo tried every ¬ thing we heard of without getting familydoctor oy and Tar With tho very first dose they began to Improve and we feel that it has saved their lives Re fuse substitutes Sold by Jno X Taylor A bachelor physician writing in a London medical journal asserts that love is a disease and a mental dis ¬ order Possibly tho doctor has re ¬ jiltedr Among many valuable relics ex ¬ hibited in the Government building Jofr sun himself A Cure for Headache Any man woman or child suffer ¬ ing from headache biliousness or a dull drowsy feeling should take one or two of DeWitts Little Early ills ¬ ors night and morning These fam ¬ ous little pills are famous because pillWhile strengthen and rebuild it by their tonic eiTcctupnn tho liver and bow ¬ els Sold by Jno X Taylor Probably the largest check ever drawn was tho one in favor of the Catholic University of America It was eight feet long and four feet wide Tho Filipino exhibit at tho St Louis exposition having called for their dog moat it is now in order for the Chinese contingent to pass their plates for rats The best physic Chamberlains Easyto DrugStore Mortons Gap i Jno X Taylor Earl ¬ ington A move is on foot to secure the re- lease ¬ of J M MoKnight tho Louis villo bank wrecker from the Feder- al ¬ prison of Atlanta The women of Cuba are preparing an appeal to tho Cuban Congress asking that they tie permitted to ex ¬ ercise the right of suffrage THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS To California Points Via Iron Mountain Route Leaving St Louis 880 a m dally for Los Angeles via True Southern Route also Tourist Sleeping Cars on this same train for Los Angeles and San Francisco every Wednes- day ¬ and Thursday Best Winter Route to California For further information call on or address RT G Matthews T P A Room 202 Equitable Bldg- Louisville Ky Good for Children Tho pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives Inn mediate relief In all cases of cough croup and lagrlppo because it does not pass immediately into the stom ¬ ach but taees effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws out tho inflammation heals and soothes and cures permanen y by enabling the lungs to oontrl ute pdr SnStaesilliCoughCng nre lb pleasant to take and Jit is good alike for young and old by JnQ X tor Subttcrllio tort eBoe 1 o may TuttsPillsThis effectually cure Dyspepsia Constipation Sick Headache Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a Digestiona and solid flesh Dose small elegant ly sugarcoated and easy to swallow Take No Substitute What the Jug Contains The following Address to a Jug of Rum will never become so old as to lose its flavor Here only by a cork controlled And slender walls of earthen mold In all the pomp of death repose The seeds of many a bloody nose horridt 1 The fist for fighting nothingloth The passions which no word catil- tame That burst like into flame1 fIThe The bloated eye the broken head i < The tree that bears a deadly fruit t tAssaults jjThe The midnight hour in riot spent All these within the jug appear And Jack the hangman in the rear Smallpox in Madisonville Thirteen cases of smallpox are re ¬ ported in Madisonville among the colored population They wore dis coverad Monday and hustled out to the pest house as fast as possible The health authorities think there is no danger of it spreading as all precautions have been taken There is no danger whatever from small ¬ pox in this as all cases are cured and have been released Chronic Bronchitis Cured For ten years I had chronic bron ¬ chitis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper writes Mr Joseph Coifman of Montmoren ci Ind I tried all remedies avail ¬ able but with no success Fortu ¬ nately my employer suggested that I try Foleys Honoyand Tar Its effect was almost miraculous and I am now cured of the disease On peoplehave and alwayswith satisfaction Sold by Jno X Taylor The old Board of Directors of the United States Steel Corporation was reelected at the annual meeting in New York and a resolution provid ¬ ing for an investigation of the man ¬ agement was voted down The United States Supreme Court dismissed the suit of the State of Georgia against the State of Ten- nessee ¬ and the copper companies doing business at Ducktown in the latter State The Belt Family Salve givesinstant bruises sores eczema tetter and all buyingWitch genuineDeWitts There are many cheap counterfeits on tile market all of which are worthless and quite a few are dan ¬ gerous while DeWitts Witch Haz- el ¬ Salve is perfectly harmless and curesSold by Jno X Taylor Secretary Taft has written a letter to Senator Proctor of the Military Committee withdrawing his disap ¬ proval of the four proposed army camp sites and urging their speedy acquisition by the Govorment State Senator W L Ledgorwood- of Knox county Lenn has received nn anonymous letter warning him that his life is in danger If he does not desist in his fight for the re- election of Gen Bate to the United States Senate THROUGH TO CITY OF MEXICO Without Change of Cars Via Iron Moan lain Route In elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars leaving St Louis 840 p m daily via Laredo Gateway Shortest and quickest line Excursion tickets now on sale For further information call on or address R TG Matthews T PA Room tO2 Equitable Bldg- LouisvIlle Ky The Anderson Ind Boys Band will walk from that city to the Worlds Fair where it will play in the Indiana Building on Indiana Day The trip will require about a month and the boys will give con- certs ¬ In each town through which hey pass A V wWanted TimE BEN wants good live dorre plncosiMadlsollvillo Sobroo Providence Manitou Dixon St Charles Ilsloy and Barnsley For particulars address TJIKI BEE Earl lragfonItYJtf Bulldog Takes Hold in a Saloon Fracas Chattanooga Tonn April 17 Paul Warren a well known white matt is in the City Hospital in a serious condition from knife wounds received in freeforall fight at the Do Right saloon Saturday night Claude Rogers another white man is said to have been badly injured in the affray but ho has not been lo ¬ cated or seen since Warren and Rogers got into a fight and a half dozen other men joined in A big bull dog owned by the proprietor was aroused by the excitement and bit several of the participants Would be as Well Off Lodi this State boasts that it has eightyfive good looking widows Springfield can boast that it has several hundred good looking wig ¬ ows and a few thousand good look lug wives that would bo just as well off if they were widows You see It Is hard to pay a compliment to the womenvwith6ut running down the- i mon Springfield 0 Republican A Card of Thanks STe wish trough the columns of THE BEE to express our sincere thanks to our 1riends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during littleI and We pray Gods blessings on you through life and then when life is done that you may receive a shining star in your crown MB and MRs JAB SPEAKER Pneumonia Is Robbed of Its Terrors By Foleys Honey and Tar It the racking cough and heals and strengthens the lungs If taken In time it will prevent an attack of pneumonia Refuse substitutesI Sold bv Jno X Taylor Why He Cried They worn discussing political broils after a congressional chat and Senator Chas Fairbanks said that the personal element in them re ¬ minded him of a church sociable he once attended As I sat comfortably enjoying the scene the little boy opposite sot up a shriek Whats the matter child I in ¬ quired Boo boo I he yelled Whos worrying you I asked Yon lie whimpered Me u Yes i How l uYer sittln on my cake 1 Nothing Equal to Chamberlains Colic Cho- lera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Cnmplalnts in Children uVe have used Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme ¬ saysMrs Texas We have given it to all of our children We have used other medicines for the same purpose but equalChamberlains directed it will always cure DrugStore Mortons Gap John X Taylor Earl ¬ ington HECLA NEWS Mr and Mrs A J Wilson visited friends at Mortons Gap Sunday Misses Daisy Borders and Berna Hale Messrs Jas Smith and Jno Wyatt were the guests ot Mrs Pete Nourse Sunday afternoon Mr Lee Burns got his foot badly mashed at No 11 mine where he is now working The family of T F Crowel are all quite ill this week Mesdames Spenca and Bostick spent Sunday with Mrs Lizzie Vin son The sister of Mrs Frank Stokes died in Madisonvillo Saturdaymght pastI children attended the funeral Mrs Wm Jennings and Misses Charlie and Cordle spent Monday with Mrs Jno Longstaff Mr Albert of Barnsley visited Mrs Barnes Sunday Misses Garnett Liudle and Anna Edmondson wore the guests of Miss Mamie Foard Sunday and Monday Mrs W B Borders lost a pocket- book some where between No9 and Earlington The said pocket book contained between four and five dol ¬ lars She will be gratified for any information concerning its whore ¬ aboutsMr Mrs Will Whltford and children visited Mrs Mary Hogan SundayMr Smith has recently pur ¬ chased a very nobby trap We hope to see it often around the hills of Hecla Mr W I Crowel has moved over on Double Row I Miss Sue Foard was in Madison vllje Monday l The Executive Committee of the Association of Kentucky Distillers wll to prevent too reotmors and blortdtrfi from exhibiting their oode at tu Worlds Fair as pure Ke fue- ky w isJCios ant will arry the t taIt bocourte if neeeasary r 11 SOfT CORE Like the running brook the red blood that flows through the veins has to come from somewhereThe of red bloodare found in the soft core of the bones called the marrow and some say red blood also comes from the spleen Healthy bone marrow and healthy spleen- are full of fat Scotts Emulsion makes new blood by feeding the bone marrow and the spleen with the richest of all fats the pure cod liver oil For pale school girls and invalids and for all whose blood is thin and pale Scotts Emulsion isra pleasant arid rich blood food It not only feeds the bloodmaking but gives them strength to do their proper work Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409415 York5oc Foloys Kidney Cure makes kid ¬ neys and bladder right Dont delay taking Sold by Jno X Taylor cnurcti Directory CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday everyLords m Prayer meeting every Wednes- day ¬ at 780 pmW JINXETT Pastor M E CHUBOH Regular services pmPrayer at 780 Sundayschool at 230 pm Class meetings second and fourth Sundays at 830 p m E B TImmons pastorM E CHUBOH SOUTH C W Hesson pastor Services first and fifth Sundays at 11 a m and 780 p m Sunday school at 930 a m Prayer meetin Thursday 7580 o clock Ep worth League every Sunday evening at 630 Also one Literary meeting each month with some member The Womans Missionary Society Satur- day ¬ afternoon before first Sunday MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Preaching the second Sunday atter noon at 280 oclock and the preced ¬ meetingSaturday day Sunday school at 980 a m Prayer meeting everv Monday night at 780 PRIOR E GATMN Pastor CATHOLIC CHUBOH Rev A M Coenenpastor First Mass Sunday morning at 7 oclock Second Mass 980 oclock Afternoon service at 280 every Sunday GENERAL BAPTIST CHUBOH Services Saturday night before the third Sunday in each month at 730 p m Sunday school 2 p m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730 p m NF GABEBT PastorI PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HEO LA Regular services second Sab ¬ bath in each month and Saturday meetingWednesday each Sunday morning at 930 oclock REV G E THOMPSON Pastor Mrs N SIMINS KARLINOTOX KY says Three doctors failed to cure me butDUss IABOX of Bliss Native J I is a family doc I tor always in the house II 1 Its use prevents and cures BLISSNATIVE HERBS DysIpepsia I Blood diseases It is purely f I i vegetablecontains no min ¬ era l poison and is pre- pared ¬ in Tablet and I Powder form Sold in One Dollar boxes with a Guarantee to I 200 DOSES 100 cure or money back Our 32 page Almanac telling how to I treat disease sent on request MEDICINE MAIIKD PROMPTLY BY Mrs G W FIGELEY AGENT MadisonvillelKy THE ALONZO 0 BLISS CO WASHINGTON DC THE NewYqrEClipper Greatest Theatrical Paper in America All persons penIngs AMUSEMENT WORLD Cannot afford to be without It PUBLISHED WEEKLY 4 PER YEAR SINGLE COPY 10 CENTS for Salo by all Newsdealers In Departs of the world I SAMPLE COPY FREE Address NEW YORK CLIPPEFh York City EMucnto erCpC For Sale TIlE BEE lfiS for sale a scholar ¬ ship in the well known Inter ¬ national Correspondence School of Scranton Pa Any one wish ¬ ing to take a course in any branch of this celebrated school will do well to call or write us for par ¬ ticulars tf Foleys Honey and Tar beats Junfs and stops the cough Shooting at the Lake Prohibited There will be no more shooting permitted at or near the like for the present and all parties are hereby notified to this effect The hunting season is now over and there is no occasion for any shooting toAbe clone there In addition to this the fishing sea ¬ son will soon be open and parties fishing or boating in Loch Mary are liable to be injured by any ¬ one shooting along the banks ST BERNARD MINING Co EVAN5Y1LLLTERRE HAUTE R1 THROUGH VIA- L SERVICEI J I N E T H 112 DallyNASHVILLE 21 THROUGH SLEEPERS AND DAY COACHES NEW ORLEANS TO CHICAGO DINING CARS SERVING ALL MEALS EN ROUTE D H HILLMAN 0P A S L ROOeRS den Art CVANtVILlf IND NASHVILLE TINN I You Are Gpina North SIf tf y i If You Are Going East I If You Are Going West JUBCHASC TICRCTS VIA THLI I LouiBvuit u rjASHvittc R p IArl 1 I The Maximum cf Stfdiy The Maximum of Speed y The Maximum of Comfort The Minimum of Rates Rates Time and all other Information wi fce cheerfully furnished bv I < e a I by 14 1 1 W B WOOD AGE- NTNNHNNNNf N iSUIlSOItIIJR TO TIm t I Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph tos Local and Long Distance Service jL i ResidenceTelenhones as low SI40spe- r I month IDuslnaqs f as iowfassa 200 per month place you In communication with IWe 2000000 PEOPLE transact an enormous daily business BY TELEPHONE Which could not otherwise be done li Call Central + + for Inormatlont KEEP POSTED ABOUT UMSteeICORPORATION ofStatistics tnronuatlon rro > or capital division of securities incorporation certificate full text of bylaws complete legal di Best of mortgages etc etc cerectod to October 9 ° 3 Price 95 net to accompany each order For idle only by x DOW JONES CO 44 BROAD ST NEW YORK Th InbUshers INVESTORS RKAD Tttli fllL STREET lOPR AL y I t

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Milk Crust Seabed Headt Tatter Ringworm

and Pimples


For Torturing Disfiguring Humours

From Pimples to Scrofula

From Infancy to Age

The agonizing itching and burningof the akin as in eczema the frightfulscaling as In psoriasis I the loss of hairand crusting of the scalp as In seabedbead J the facial disfigurement as inpimples and ringworm f the awful suf-fering


of infants and anxiety of wornout parents as in milk emit totter andsalt rhegmall demand A remedy ofalmost superhuman virtues to success ¬

fully cope with them That CuticuraSoap Ointment and Pills are suchstands proven beyond all doubt Nostatement Is made regarding them thatIs not justified by tho strongest evi ¬

dence The purity and sweetness thepower to afford immediate relief thecertainty of speedy and permanentcure the absolute safety and greateconomy have made them the standardskin cures and humour remedies of thecivilized world

Complete treatment for every humourc fisting of Cuticura Soap to cleansetijsskln Cuticura Ointment to heal theMm n And Cuticura Resolvent rills tocool and cleanse the blood may now behad for one dollar A single set ta oftensullie lent to cure the most torturing

scalyhumourstions from infancy to age when allelse fails

hU throughout tht world Cotlenra IUiotTtot60eflnfennel Choeoliu Cocixl IIIUUc pit iM of 00 UlitIMBI roc Botp lie DtpoU London a ChirUrhoaMB j rorlt I nut d1a Ialzi Iiotloa137 Uolumbui ATTtturer


Miss Gertrude Hopson and MrMace Collins two of our popula-young people were married Wed-nesday


the 18th at Metropolis andwere accetnpMdtUi by+ MisBCollins and Mr Ed HopionyMKfrthnfaWffifoVS groom

young themr np But we wish them a long and

happy life togetherMiss Nora Fault Janett Galloway

and Lynna Galloway three of ourcharming yuung ladies wore inDawson Springs last week

Mr Chas Hewlett and family ofLlnton Ind are visiting friendsand relatives of this place

A crowd of young people spent a-

very pleasant afternoon last Sundayroaming through tho cemetery andtit the home of Miss Laura Woodruff Tho happy crowd was com-posed of the following Lucy Har-man Nora Faull Annie DribbleOnie Collins Pearl Turner EdnaLong fickle Hamper Joe TeagueEddllie Lacy H J Bryan Jr Luwan Turner Clay Strador and BunSan McGregor-

Mr Plane of Madisonville calledon Miss Jeanette Galloway Sunday

Mrs Chas Cribble daughter andson visited relatives In Manningtonlast week

Miss Maggie Mitchell of Earlington was here Sunday

Best Cough Medicine for Children

When you buy a cough medicinefor small children you want one inwhich you can place implicit confi-dence


You want one that not onlyrelieves but cures You want onothat is unquestionally harmless Youwant ono that is nlenssnt takeChamberlains Cough Remedy meetsalft of these conditions There ismulling so good for tho coughs andca Is incident to childhood It isaim a certain preventive and curefonbroupt and there is no dangerwhatever from whooping coughwhcAi it IS given It has been usedIn m my epidemics of that diseaseWith perfect successVFdr salo by St Bernard Drug

ore Earlington i B T Robinsonortons Gap i John X Taylor Earl

JgtonI What Editors Are

Au editor is a millionaire withoutoneyfI Congressman without a

t u a without a throne Heinstructs without a hammer orw builds railroads without rails

splices and farms without a plow

jouraUstfcor cash or credit The editor is a-

eaehera lawyer ji preacher hesends truth out to save souls andots lost himself Noodesha Regis ¬

teri A Chattanooga Druggists StatementI llobt J Milter proprietor of theIltead Hous Drugstore of Ohatta

10Qga enn writes rhere Is moremerit in Foleys honey and Tar than

fcallsforyo Ot than all other coughI


Barley Franklin of Nortonvlllowas a business caller in our cityMondayMrs

Harris visited relati ¬

ves in Madisonyille last weekMiss Annie Grasty spent Sunday

in EarlingtonHardlo Morton loft for Kelly-

Thursday whero he will acceptposition rid operator with the L d N

Will Sisk and wife visited relati ¬

ves in Madisonvillo SundayMiss Edna Blanks of Oak Hill

spent Saturday and Sunday herowith relatives

Miss Emma Sisk who has beqnvery sick with measles is Improv¬

lugMrs Dr Almon and Miss Annie

Grasty were In Madisonville Thurs ¬

day shoppingMrs Jennie Hawes of Earlington

visited relatives hero the latter parof last week

Ed Blanks of Oak Hill was hereSunday afternoon calling on his bestgirl

Ho E Gaddls has returned from abusiness trip to Hopkinsville

Mrs Blanks Is visiting relativesin Madiflonville this week

Operator Hugh Grasty of Kuttawa is the guest of home folks this

weekGeorgeStokes made his usual vis ¬

it to Earlington SundayTom and Hugh Blair went to

Earhngton Sunday

Dreadful Attack of Whooping Cough

Mrs Ellen Harllson of 800 ParkAve Kansas City asfollows Our two children had asevere attack of whooping coughono of thorn in tho paroxysm ofcoughing would often faint andblqed at tho nose Wo tried every¬

thing we heard of without gettingfamilydoctoroy and Tar With tho very first dosethey began to Improve and we feelthat it has saved their lives Refuse substitutes

Sold by Jno X Taylor

A bachelor physician writing in aLondon medical journal asserts thatlove is a disease and a mental dis ¬

order Possibly tho doctor has re ¬jiltedrAmong many valuable relics ex ¬

hibited in the Government buildingJofrsunhimself

A Cure for HeadacheAny man woman or child suffer ¬

ing from headache biliousness or adull drowsy feeling should take oneor two of DeWitts Little Early ills ¬

ors night and morning These fam ¬

ous little pills are famous becausepillWhilestrengthen and rebuild it by theirtonic eiTcctupnn tho liver and bow ¬

elsSold by Jno X Taylor

Probably the largest check everdrawn was tho one in favor of theCatholic University of America Itwas eight feet long and four feetwide

Tho Filipino exhibit at tho StLouis exposition having called fortheir dog moat it is now in order forthe Chinese contingent to pass theirplates for rats

The best physic ChamberlainsEasytoDrugStoreMortons Gap i Jno X Taylor Earl ¬


A move is on foot to secure the re-


of J M MoKnight tho Louisvillo bank wrecker from the Feder-al


prison of Atlanta

The women of Cuba are preparingan appeal to tho Cuban Congressasking that they tie permitted to ex ¬

ercise the right of suffrage


To California Points Via Iron Mountain


Leaving St Louis 880 a m dallyfor Los Angeles via True SouthernRoute also Tourist Sleeping Carson this same train for Los Angelesand San Francisco every Wednes-day


and Thursday Best WinterRoute to California For furtherinformation call on or address

R T G Matthews T P ARoom 202 Equitable Bldg-

Louisville Ky

Good for ChildrenTho pleasant to take and harmless

One Minute Cough Cure gives Innmediate relief In all cases of coughcroup and lagrlppo because it doesnot pass immediately into the stom ¬

ach but taees effect right at theseat of the trouble It draws outtho inflammation heals and soothesand cures permanen y by enablingthe lungs to oontrl ute pdrSnStaesilliCoughCng nre lbpleasant to take andJit is good alikefor young and old

by JnQ X tor

Subttcrllio tort eBoe 1

o may

TuttsPillsThiseffectually cure

Dyspepsia Constipation SickHeadache Biliousness

And ALL DISEASES arising from aDigestionaand solid flesh Dose small elegantly sugarcoated and easy to swallow

Take No Substitute

What the Jug Contains

The following Address to aJug of Rum will never becomeso old as to lose its flavor

Here only by a cork controlledAnd slender walls of earthen moldIn all the pomp of death reposeThe seeds of many a bloody nosehorridt 1

The fist for fighting nothinglothThe passions which no word catil-

tameThat burst like into flame1fITheThe bloated eye the broken head i


The tree that bears a deadly fruit t

tAssaultsjjTheThe midnight hour in riot spentAll these within the jug appearAnd Jack the hangman in the rear

Smallpox in Madisonville

Thirteen cases of smallpox are re ¬

ported in Madisonville among thecolored population They wore discoverad Monday and hustled out tothe pest house as fast as possibleThe health authorities think thereis no danger of it spreading as allprecautions have been taken Thereis no danger whatever from small ¬

pox in this as all cases are cured andhave been released

Chronic Bronchitis Cured

For ten years I had chronic bron ¬

chitis so bad that at times I couldnot speak above a whisper writesMr Joseph Coifman of Montmorenci Ind I tried all remedies avail ¬

able but with no success Fortu ¬

nately my employer suggested thatI try Foleys Honoyand Tar Itseffect was almost miraculous and Iam now cured of the disease Onpeoplehaveand alwayswith satisfaction

Sold by Jno X Taylor

The old Board of Directors of theUnited States Steel Corporation wasreelected at the annual meeting inNew York and a resolution provid ¬

ing for an investigation of the man ¬

agement was voted down

The United States Supreme Courtdismissed the suit of the State ofGeorgia against the State of Ten-


and the copper companiesdoing business at Ducktown in thelatter State

The Belt Family Salve

givesinstantbruises sores eczema tetter and allbuyingWitchgenuineDeWittsThere are many cheap counterfeitson tile market all of which areworthless and quite a few are dan ¬

gerous while DeWitts Witch Haz-el


Salve is perfectly harmless andcuresSold by Jno X Taylor

Secretary Taft has written a letterto Senator Proctor of the MilitaryCommittee withdrawing his disap ¬

proval of the four proposed armycamp sites and urging their speedyacquisition by the Govorment

State Senator W L Ledgorwood-of Knox county Lenn has receivednn anonymous letter warning himthat his life is in danger If he doesnot desist in his fight for the re-

election of Gen Bate to the UnitedStates Senate


Without Change of Cars Via Iron Moanlain Route

In elegant Pullman Sleeping Carsleaving St Louis 840 p m dailyvia Laredo Gateway Shortest andquickest line Excursion tickets nowon sale For further informationcall on or address

R T G Matthews T PARoom tO2 Equitable Bldg-

LouisvIlle Ky

The Anderson Ind Boys Bandwill walk from that city to theWorlds Fair where it will play inthe Indiana Building on IndianaDay The trip will require about amonth and the boys will give con-certs


In each town through whichhey pass A

V wWantedTimE BEN wants good live dorre

plncosiMadlsollvilloSobroo Providence Manitou DixonSt Charles Ilsloy and Barnsley Forparticulars address TJIKI BEE EarllragfonItYJtf

Bulldog Takes Hold in a Saloon FracasChattanooga Tonn April 17

Paul Warren a well known whitematt is in the City Hospital in aserious condition from knife woundsreceived in freeforall fight at the

Do Right saloon Saturday nightClaude Rogers another white manis said to have been badly injured inthe affray but ho has not been lo ¬

cated or seen since Warren andRogers got into a fight and a halfdozen other men joined in A bigbull dog owned by the proprietor wasaroused by the excitement and bitseveral of the participants

Would be as Well Off

Lodi this State boasts that it haseightyfive good looking widowsSpringfield can boast that it hasseveral hundred good looking wig ¬

ows and a few thousand good looklug wives that would bo just as welloff if they were widows You see ItIs hard to pay a compliment to thewomenvwith6ut running down the-

i mon Springfield 0 Republican

A Card of ThanksSTe wish trough the columns of

THE BEE to express our sincerethanks to our 1riends and neighborsfor the kindness shown us duringlittleIand Wepray Gods blessings on you throughlife and then when life is done thatyou may receive a shining star inyour crown


Pneumonia Is Robbed of Its TerrorsBy Foleys Honey and Tar It

the racking cough and healsand strengthens the lungs If takenIn time it will prevent an attack ofpneumonia Refuse substitutesI

Sold bv Jno X Taylor

Why He CriedThey worn discussing political

broils after a congressional chat andSenator Chas Fairbanks said thatthe personal element in them re ¬

minded him of a church sociable heonce attended

As I sat comfortably enjoying thescene the little boy opposite sot up ashriek

Whats the matter child I in ¬

quiredBoo boo I he yelledWhos worrying you I askedYon lie whimperedMe

u Yesi Howl uYer sittln on my cake


Nothing Equal to Chamberlains Colic Cho-

lera and Diarrhoea Remedy for BowelCnmplalnts in Children

uVe have used ChamberlainsColic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme ¬saysMrsTexas We have given it to all ofour children We have used othermedicines for the same purpose butequalChamberlainsdirected it will always cureDrugStoreMortons Gap John X Taylor Earl ¬



Mr and Mrs A J Wilson visitedfriends at Mortons Gap Sunday

Misses Daisy Borders and BernaHale Messrs Jas Smith and JnoWyatt were the guests ot Mrs PeteNourse Sunday afternoon

Mr Lee Burns got his foot badlymashed at No 11 mine where he isnow working

The family of T F Crowel are allquite ill this week

Mesdames Spenca and Bostickspent Sunday with Mrs Lizzie Vinson

The sister of Mrs Frank Stokesdied in Madisonvillo SaturdaymghtpastIchildren attended the funeral

Mrs Wm Jennings and MissesCharlie and Cordle spent Mondaywith Mrs Jno Longstaff

Mr Albert of Barnsley visitedMrs Barnes Sunday

Misses Garnett Liudle and AnnaEdmondson wore the guests of MissMamie Foard Sunday and Monday

Mrs W B Borders lost a pocket-book some where between No9 andEarlington The said pocket bookcontained between four and five dol ¬

lars She will be gratified for anyinformation concerning its whore ¬

aboutsMrMrs Will Whltford and

children visited Mrs Mary HoganSundayMr

Smith has recently pur ¬

chased a very nobby trap We hopeto see it often around the hills ofHecla

Mr W I Crowel has moved overon Double Row I

Miss Sue Foard was in Madisonvllje Monday l

The Executive Committee of theAssociation of Kentucky Distillerswll to prevent too reotmors andblortdtrfi from exhibiting their oodeat tu Worlds Fair as pure Ke fue-

ky w isJCios ant will arry the ttaIt bocourte if neeeasary

r 11

SOfT CORELike the running brook the

red blood that flows throughthe veins has to come fromsomewhereThe

of red bloodarefound in the soft core of thebones called the marrow andsome say red blood also comesfrom the spleen Healthy bonemarrow and healthy spleen-are full of fat

Scotts Emulsion makes newblood by feeding the bonemarrow and the spleen withthe richest of all fats the purecod liver oil

For pale school girls andinvalids and for all whoseblood is thin and pale ScottsEmulsion isra pleasant arid richblood food It not only feedsthe bloodmaking butgives them strength to dotheir proper work

Send for free sampleSCOTT BOWNE Chemists

409415 York5ocFoloys Kidney Cure makes kid ¬

neys and bladder right Dont delaytaking

Sold by Jno X Taylor

cnurcti Directory

CHRISTIAN CHURCH SundayeveryLordsm Prayer meeting every Wednes-day


at 780pmW JINXETT PastorM E CHUBOH Regular servicespmPrayerat 780 Sundayschool at 230 p m

Class meetings second and fourthSundays at 830 p m E B TImmonspastorM

E CHUBOH SOUTH C WHesson pastor Services first andfifth Sundays at 11 a m and780 p m Sunday school at 930a m Prayer meetin Thursday

7580 o clock Epworth League every Sunday eveningat 630 Also one Literary meetingeach month with some member TheWomans Missionary Society Satur-day


afternoon before first Sunday

MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHPreaching the second Sunday atternoon at 280 oclock and the preced ¬

meetingSaturdayday Sunday school at 980 a mPrayer meeting everv Monday nightat 780 PRIOR E GATMN Pastor

CATHOLIC CHUBOH Rev A MCoenenpastor First Mass Sundaymorning at 7 oclock Second Mass980 oclock Afternoon service at280 every Sunday

GENERAL BAPTIST CHUBOHServices Saturday night before thethird Sunday in each month at 730p m Sunday school 2 p m Prayermeeting Thursday evening at 730p m N F GABEBT PastorI

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HEOLA Regular services second Sab ¬

bath in each month and SaturdaymeetingWednesdayeach Sunday morning at 930 oclock


Mrs N SIMINS KARLINOTOX KYsays Three doctors failed to cure mebutDUss

IABOX of Bliss Native J I

is a family docI tor always in the house II1 Its use prevents and cures



I Blood diseases It is purely f I

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era l poison and is pre-pared


in Tablet andI Powder form Sold

in One Dollar boxeswith a Guarantee to



100cure or money back Our 32page Almanac telling how to

I treat disease sent on request






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For Sale

TIlE BEE lfiS for sale a scholar ¬

ship in the well known Inter ¬

national Correspondence Schoolof Scranton Pa Any one wish ¬

ing to take a course in any branchof this celebrated school will dowell to call or write us for par¬

ticulars tf

Foleys Honey and Tarbeats Junfs and stops the cough

Shooting at the Lake Prohibited

There will be no more shootingpermitted at or near the like forthe present and all parties arehereby notified to this effectThe hunting season is now overand there is no occasion for anyshooting toAbe clone there Inaddition to this the fishing sea ¬

son will soon be open and partiesfishing or boating in Loch Maryare liable to be injured by any ¬

one shooting along the banksST BERNARD MINING Co







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