i t if fj5 r bullc-t- n evening...

" 7 V . T I T" nlll)WiMlMIII)lllMMWIMMH' '.. r1... f),iM , HtB til J,7...r.'i-m- r il.islitlH1 . 7 T TV f AH V - i p "T POI tjHlwuo(nmni. -- fj5 r s. u m N Evening Paper Published BULLC-T- I If you Don' Head the IhdkLn Islands. JC.-VKl.nm- vj on the Hawaiian you Don't Gel ALL the Naus. It Readies ALL tlie Teoplc. Subscription 75c. a month. m0o Vol. II. No. 425. HONOLULU. H. I., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 189G. PiuoE 5 Cents. - , V I 1 i THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory dny except Sandfly nt 210 King Strcot, Honolulu, H. I. SUIISCIUl'TION ItATKS. Per Month, nnywkcro in the. Ha- waiian Inlands i "S Per Ycnr. f ' Por Ycnr. postpaid to Amoncn, Cannon, or Mexico 1000 Por Ycnr, poatpnld, utbor Foreign Countries I3 W I'uynlilo Ttivnrlnblv In Ailviiuee. Telephone 250. P. 0. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. jleW Departure The Undersigned bog to nu-nou- nco Hint from ami afW'r rn iivNilitfldiM THE UNRIVALED iS 8EEB Will bo sorved ON DRAUGHT at the Hawaiian Hotel. To meet tho times and competi-tio- u, it will bo furnished at I2ycts. Per Glass Wo quote from letter of the AnheuBor-Buse- h Browing Asso- ciation, dnted August 8th: "Your honnrab'o llrm linvlnu represented it? for ko innnv wo believe It iicle.H to cull onr atli'iitiuii to llio iiiuiitu ot um arti- cle, but wo nlmuld liko to repeat nanlu uinl call vour attention to tlie fact that ours It , TI1K ONLY I'l'tiF liARLEYMALI" liKI-.- MANUKAt IL'RKD, uml com and other 11 hilieninls as well in , for the preseruitlou ot ueer, aru unknown 111 our With tlio abne jou may go beforu tho public, in our name," No oncomiuin of outs cau add to tho high reputation of Anheusor Beer. Its introduction in any and every market makes it nu immediate favorite. It stands without a peer, without it rival, without ovoii a competitor. It received tho highest nwards at tho Coluinbiau Exposition. The re- duction of tho draught Beer to tho prevailing prico of 12 Cents Per Glass, places it within tho roach of all, and ho is 11 wi&o man who gota tho best quality for tho loast money. o .nm lit. & UU..I LIMITED. LEWE8S & OeOKE h GREAT INVENTION Tm Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Moves iU U About your L.iwit Travols in 11 Ktrnlrjlit lino or n oirclfl. Stops nutoiu. ntlcally. Set fur auy lougth of hoho. r Jo Mich Sprinkler 1ms oer bocn placed on the m.tiket liofoie. Come and See It. LEWERS & COOKE, 473 Fort Stroot, - Telephone 20. LOTS AT WA1KIKI FOR SALE. There are 0 Lots nt Waiki-ki- , lying on tlie "Wnikiki side of ICalia Houd for sale, about 1JG feet inakni of Waikiki Koad. Those lots will bo sold for cash or on installment plan. ?" For further particulars apply to WILLIAM C. ACHI, Heal Estate Broker, 1 0 West, King street. Aug. 18, 180G. 884-l- m &&&&&. Unable to Work! NO APPETITE ! COULD NOT SLEEP l Ajjes's Sasapasiiia COairLETELY CURED HIM. Mr. T. .T. Clrnio, of WnlkcrTlllo, Arto-lulil- e, South vlmtrnll.i, nrllvtt ,2--4fcS- X MWfcV v fell "lx years iiro, I had an attack of Indigestion and Liver Complaint that lasted for weeks ; I was unable to do any hard work, had no appe- tite, food distressed me, ami I suf- fered much from headache. My skin was sallow and sleep did nut refresh me. 1 tried several reme- dies and consulted a doctor, w ith-o- ut obtaining any relief; finally, ono of my customers recommended Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It helped tuo from tho first, in fact, after taking six bottles I was completely cured, and could eat anything and sleep liko a child." IFS 0 fTk CnhlMciiahattheVcrM's Jhisi Esonsltiens. AYER'S PILLS, Mild but Effective. Hollister Drug 0 Co., Ltd. Bole AKents for tho Itopublic ot Hnwnii. iwwr..iiM ioii.iiiiTiiiiiin.if " .niTii:i i'oi.ms. Hmiin AiMIiIdiixI Irllllliir nT llio .Memorial I'.vvrclseH In Ciiurl. Attoruoy Gouoral Smith, be sides eeconding the resolution in memory of tho Into Judge Austin, before tho Supremo Court yester- day, delivorod brief eulogies of both that gentleman and tho lato Mr. Nawahi. Deputy Attorney Gonoral Dole also paid n tribute to tho judicial qualities of tho lamonted Judge. In reporting Chiof Justico Judd from memory, the reporter overlooked two inter- esting points. Besides having boon a judge nt a period anterior to tho times of his latest contem- poraries, Judgo Austin waB for some timo tho governor of tho isl anil of Hawaii. Tho Uliiet Justico expressed his great admfration of lilU JIllU X.LU11. tluaUJll XlliYlllll 113 an orator, as woll as for his iidel- - ity to tho people in publio lifo. .IIOIO I'MHl Killing. A lady and gontlomnu who wore ridiug their wheels on Beretania street last evening woro nearly run down opposito the old McKibbin placo by a singlo horso phnoton which was being driven at n gallop. The goutlonian's dextotily on tho wheel saved him from being run over although ho had a clo?o call. Ho called to his wife who was a little in front, warning hor of her dangor. Whon sho realized it she jumped off hor wheel to the sidewalk, escaping witliout injury. Tho wheel luckily did not go under tho homo's foot, but tho gentleman almost wishes it had so that ho could havo ascertained tho idontity of tho young man who was driving, Ho is still looking for him and pro-an- d poses to havo him anosted fined. M l'cril llio Xorvct Upon pure, rich blooil uinl you neeil not fear nervoiiH prostiutluns. Nerves aro weak when they aro Impioperly nnd Insulllclently nnuilsheil. Pure Mooil U their proper fooil, ami pure blooil comes by taking Mood' which U thus the u rent cut and H'St nerve tonic. It 11U0 bulldmip tho whole bjs-ter- Iloon'n ljil.ixnro the fnoilto fuinlly euth-nrtl- c, ti to tnke, easy lo operate. NA8BY ON FREE SILVER niKi'UNsr.D is iiancoji's stoki: r.iairt:r.N yea its ago. How llio I'rvc Coliiiigc or Silver Will Alt'ert llio Irlr of U'hl.Uy lit the CoiifXIcrlt X Huniln. Everyone will romembor Pe- troleum V. Nasby's letters on tho questions of tho day in former presidential campaigns in tho United States. Tho following was written on tho silver question j'ust eighteou yearB ago, and will bo read now with more than ordiuary interest in view of the present agi- tation on tho stibj'oct : I nint so certiu that L want tho Bilvor bill to pass ez I wuz. Tho fact is, the thing dou't work ez 1 spozed it vood, and I niu't cleur onto it. There is suttlo princi- - Pplos in these iinanshel questions which reqniro n great tleel uv thought, and there is underlying principles wich n man has got to understand aforo ho is competont to set hissolf up ez authority. Ono thing I'm certaiu uv Bas-co- m niu't no tinanseor, nor nover will be, and I told him so. "Vnt is a finauseer ?" itBked ho. A iinauseer," sod I, nssoomin tl,a l,r.l- - r,f T,,t,l AVnliaf.l,. is a illU AVV7IV l 4(111 II vtTVJ) man wich kin git suthin with ,.ti,;.,' " Tho Cornors, then, is full of finanseers," ho rcmnrkid bitterly, castin a casual glance at his slato, wich wuz jist full enulV to turn over and begin on tothor side. But ho hezu't any uv tho science nv it. 1 wiijs argoomg witli liinf & other day in favor of my no- - tiou of a leather curroucv, though 1 told him silver wuz much the sumo tiling, nun, tor example, x wood asfcoom that silver wu. to bo tho curroucy uv tho fuchor. "Now, don't you sco, Bascom, thet of I Led twict ez much money 1 cood drink twict ez much whisky and pay for it?" "JIow much istwico nothin'?" I wuz the uufeoliu' answer uv tho tyrant who holds tho destinies uv i the Cornors in his hands. That's nt yoor capitnl hoz bin over since I kuond yoo." "Parson," sod ho, "I don't boo wnt erthly diirerenco it's goin' to make whethor Bilvor is curroucy or anything olso. How aro yoo goin' to git silver of it is made legal tender? Ef silver wuz ez plouty ez bricks wat hov you got to git any uv it with r " "Troo, U ,'., wuz my answer; "but can't you boo that to hev silver wood relcovo tho dottor class? Even now, aforo it is legal tou1(, U,B on, wuth g2 conts ou tho aul whon tUo conutry is Hooded with it it will go still lower. Then we or rothor sich uv us ez liov property to rai6o money ou kin pay off " "Eggsactly so," retorts Bascom; "you kin pay mo for the good, honibt likker uv mine, which you hov cousoomed, in coin, which is Ichb than tho dollar you promised. All rite. But look hore como in here, all uv yoo. 1 want yoo silver men to know exactly wat yoo aro mshin' into." And this fonnd led us into tho bad; room -- that back room which contanos tho subsistence of tho Corners. Thoro, in long rows, wuz IJasconfs stock. There, in barrils, piled ono on top uv iin-oth- wuz tho dolishus whisky uv Louisville, uv different ngos, rang- ing from that uv two weeks old to that which lied jist loft tho still and was scarcoly cold y it. Thoro it lay, and as my eye ranged affeokhhunately ovor it 1 felt ef I cood hev the drinking' uv all that likker I wood bo contont to lay down and dio whon tho last drop wuz gone. Bascom p'inted to an iimnoiiso tank which ho hod orectid within n few days, with a pipa running in from tho roof. "I shan't raiso tho prico uv likkor in consekoiico uv boin'paid for it in a doproshiated curren- cy !" sod ho. 1 foil on Bascom's nook, iu ex- - acy uv dclito, while tho olhors j shouted, "Bah for Bascom !" "G. W.," I romarkt, wliilo toors sufi'oo3ed my eyes, "1 nover plac- ed you much bolow tho angola, but thi'i generous act has lusted yoo a hundred per cent in my oetimashun. Bless yoo, G. V., bless yoo." "But I'll toll you what 1 shel do. Dy yoo seo that tank ? " sod ho. "May I ask wat that u for ?" I sod. "That tnuk will fill with rauo-wator,- " sod he. "Tho moment yoo got lo payiu' mo in silver I shel 'tnk' out uv each uvthem bnniln jhtt eggsnckly throe and oue-lift- h Dillons uv likker and iill it with water." "Morciful hovings!" we nil "and yoor likker so weak rihw!" "And when silvor gits down to 75 couts on tho dollar I shol take out 25 per cent uv whisky and fill her up 25 per cent of water. And soon down. Ef silver goes up 1 shel add whisky eggsackly iu pro-porshe- n. In short, my whisky is jist agoin' to foller currency, and nothin' shorter. Yoo folloro wicli work for wagis may swot, but I won't" "But yoo'l increase tho sizo of yoor glasses ? " sed I. "Not ouy. But yoo may drink twico ez many timc9 to git the samo amount uv drunk ez boforo, by payiu' for each drink." iiuu jju&coiu HuiiKuu uiiwiiiy back and took his posishou be- hind the bar. Ther wuz constornashun in tho Corners sich ez I hev novor scon Thor wuz a hurried conbultashun at tho dcekin's hous, and I sojost od that wo emancipate ourselves from tho dominyun uv this tyrant by startiu' a grosory uv our own, on tho joint stock principle, which wuz agreed to, oacli man agreoin' to contribbit $10 to ' tho capital stock, which would bo onull' to buy a barl or two, for a begiuuin'. Wo wuz onthoosiastic till wo come to ballotin' for tho man to keep the placo, when it wuz foliud instid uv my bein'chiHon yooimni-musly- , es 1 eggspecled to be, that every man lied votid for hissolf. Ez not u soul uv them would ro sede, tho skeom wuz blocked rito there, and finally lied to bo abandoned nnd we wont back to Bascom's nnd submitted. That tyrant hez us. Uv courso wo can't staud likkor dilootid in that manner. To aro willii' onuff to diloot tho currency with which to pay for likker, but wo want our likkor full strength. Wo coodont help it, but that nito wo signed and sent to our Repre- sentative a remonstrance agin' tho silver bill. Tho Cornors is now for a honest curroncy. Wood, 0 wood, that wo bed somo uv it. Petroleum V. Nasuv, Finauseer. CONFEDEUIT X lvOAOS Wich is ill tho Stato of Kentucky, Jan- - nary 'JX, ibV8. All ITlirlulit Jliilce. Judgo Ilobbard of San Francis- co was turned down by tho Re- publican nominating convention. Tho Examiner says it was duo to poworful influences that Buffered from tho Judge's iuilnxiblo in togrily, and calls upon tho Domo emtio party to placo his naiuo on its ticket iu tho intorost of a ptiro administration of justico. Judgo ileblmrd's father diod from ac- cident iu Honolulu and his mother was a successful teuohor hoio for Bomo years. Jmllf lui-- Jolllni;.. Tho Supremo Court is still in torm session. Judgo Carter is heariug tho equity suit of A. M. Kahananui vs. James Ashford. Thurston o Stanley and A. S. llumphroyB for plaintiff; Robertson for defend- ant. Gilbort J. Wallor has filed his first and final account as adminis- trator of tho ostato of J. S. Koku-kahik- o, Allowing rocoipts 8511.00, puymouts S375 51,bahinco S185.-19- . Gitizons' Guards Certificates can bo framed ot King Bros, for from 25 conts up. MISCHIEVOUS TEACHING maiili; TO I'ltOUl 'K A sir,tiMi:it ji'vkmm: ii'iiumic. niiillKOO" lll.ll .llnry UhIImtoiI Mill S.'tul of Oilier .llnry unit llrr I.ltllo I. mull. Editor Evenmno Bulletin: My youngest hopeful returned homo from school last evening with tho following as a samplo of tho arithmetic lesson of tho day: j "Mary gathered .')7 mangoes on Monday, 43 on Tuesday, (51 Wed- - i ncsdny, 19 on Thursday and 7(5 on Friday. How many mangoes did Mary gather during the iivo days?'' Tho answer, to bo written out iu accordance with tho formu- la adopted by tho educational au- thorities, is somothing like this: "This h a problem in addition. Siuce Mary gathered 37 mangoes ou Monday, 4.3 on Tuesday, Gl on Wednesday, 11) on Thursday and 7u ou I' rulay, Mary must havo gathered tho sum ot 37 mangoes, 43 mangoes, 01 mangoes, 19 man- goes and 70 mangoes, or 239 man- goes." Mr. Editor, what earthly sonso is thero in that kiud of instruc- tion? What benolit is it to a child to go through such a cir- cumlocutory course iu order to obtain a simple result? How is it that tho avorago. school teacher becomes so imbued with tho idea that any such tomfool moth-o- d as the abovo will broaden and expand the intellect of a child ? Fifteen miiiulosof good drilling in mental arithmetic, daily, fur one mouth, is worth more than a year of such instruction. It is not woll to keop a boy nt his books abovo a certain number of hours a day, but thoro is no good reason why every effort Bhould not bo used during those hours to force tho mind to operate, to miiku tho boy think. Filled with this idea I camo down town this morning and on tho way mot two urchins, about ten years of age, on thoir way to school. I nsked ono of them how much six times eight was. Tho answer camo like a Hash, "forty-eight- ." "WTell," said I, "how much aro 11 and ! ?" It took the boy a full minute to figuro it up. Now that boy, who, I am sure, ' posBossed ordinary intelligence, had been taught his multiplica- tion table, but did not know any- thing about how to reason out a plan for adding up figures. Ho had moroly committed to memory a lot of tables at present as un- - meaning to him as the catechism is to a iivo-yea- r old child. Tho olomout of thought which puts it into tho mind of a youngstor to reason on tho relative value of numbers had nover boon taught him. As for tho mango problem 1 ennnot find tonus Btrong enough to condemn it sufficiently. Any Hawaiian born child gathers man- goes toeat,sololy. Ho or bIio natu- rally supposes that Mary consumed 239 mangoes ovory five days and would, of courso, attempt to equal or exceed Mary's record. There fore such a fool proposition, drilled into tho infant mind, has a toiulency lo cause thotihands of cases of cholera morbus. Iu this samo connection lot mo say that it is a woll-know- n fact that tho silly talo of Mary ami hor little lamb has caused hundreds of thousands of children to persuade thoir parents to buy goats and sheep for thom, nud tho infinite amount of misery and suffering, postoriorly speaking, inflicted up- on tho publio by tho butting of thoso brutes is enough to con- demn, in tho minds of tho publio in gouoral, tho author of that o Ho to a punishment not to bo montionod. Not satisfied with having maim- ed for lifo thousands of tho victims of tho nngontlo goat and tho robust ram, tho Bchoolma'am proposes lo kill off half tho youth of tho country by nagging them nn to oat 4 iiO inaiit'ocs n woek. 1 asked my sou what ho llioupht ot tho problem and ho replied that he considered Mary nn awful pig. Parent. ui:soi,im tos or' nu.o n it. On tin- - Hen III i'f lion. Miir.iril L.. Austin. At a meeting of tho llilo bar, which was called immediately up- on the receipt of tho news of Judgo Austin' doath, to take suck action as was meet and proper in tho premiss tho following reso- lutions wiu unanimously adopt- ed: That, Whereas Tho Supremo Judge ot Mankind haB this day summon- ed tho loved and loving brother, husband, father and friond, Hon. Stafford L.Austin, from his earth- ly labors; and, Whereas -- In his death tho Re- public loses a faithful servant, his fnmily a devoled father and hia friends a tondor hearted citi- zen nnd neighbor; and, Whereas -- While in the dia-char- of his duty tho darkouiug shadows of raoro than throo score years and ton havo closed around liia earthly existence, and in a few moments apparently without warning ho folded tho drapery of his couch about him and fell into that dreamless sleep that kisses down his oyelids still, and the friends of our cherished brother now stand by all that is mortal and pray that tho Almighty Goi will givo consolation to his survi- ving friends and eternal rest to tho soul of Stufford L. Austin. Thoreforo bo it Resolved That tho heartfelt condolenco of tho mombors of the bar horo assombled bo extouded to his estimable wiro and his children. Resolved That wo woar the usual mourning for thirty days. Resolved That copies of these resolutions bo furnished tho llilo papers, as also tho Advertiser, Star and Bulletin of Honolulu. Resolved That copies of these rosolutious bo furnished tho fami ly, and ono copy filed with the . clerk of tho Fourth Circuit Court. Gilrert F. Little, Secretary. m .iiutivti, or run ki.vau. rrrxltli-ii- t Ilulo III tl .Vol I'm in an Ap lirnrancn (liN Trip. Tho steamship Kinau nrrived from Maui and Hawaii ports at 1 o'clock today with tho following passongor list: Volcano Miss Sweotor, J V Sweotor nud wife, O H Millor, G B Pottongill. Way Ports- -C L Wight, Miss L Wilder, Mrs .Mc- - Nicol, C S Bradford, Mr Ken- - j doll, J Cook, wifo and son, J W Cook, Dr M K Grossman, Mrs F Davis. Goo Ross, Mrs Lily Auld, Mrs Jos Nawahi, Mrs Liko, Miss E K Nawahi, A K Nawahi, Miss M Ziinmer, Miss Viola Muuroe, Rev J P Lytton, P Peck, Master J Canario, E D Baldwiu. S Now-loi- n, Miss U Austin. LJ II Boles, Dr A E Nichols, W Roiu- - kiirdt, wifo and child, R Lougher, Mrs Alapai, E W Barnard, D Oxloy, Dr J Wright, Miss J Hall, Miss R Forbjs, Mrs A Hussoy and daughter, Palmer Woods, Sam'l Parker, Miss II Allen, Miss L Keola, It R Borg, R O Huggo, E Dowbotr, A Hannoborg, J Wilcox, wifo ami 3 children, P Jarrotl, wife, 2 children and ser- vant, and 78 dock passongors. Siicecsstiil 0Mnii;. Tho millinery opening at N. S. Sachs was' a big success. Crowds visited tho ntilliuory department today and woro almost bewildered with tho lino display. Tho stock is much larger this year and in- cludes all tho latest novelties. Novor boforo was such an assort-mout- ot Bwell hats shown. No description in words can convoy a correct idea of tho opponranco ot thoso hats. Tho opening coutin-- , ues tomorrow and Wodnosday, thoreforo a personal visit and in- -, Bpectiou aro rccoinmoiuled. livening Jiulleth) month 'M V 3 J'l

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" 7

V .T I T"

nlll)WiMlMIII)lllMMWIMMH' '.. r1... f),iM ,

HtB til J,7...r.'i-m- r il.islitlH1. 7 T TV f AH V - i p

"T POI tjHlwuo(nmni. -- fj5 r s. u m N Evening Paper PublishedBULLC-T-IIfyou Don' Head the IhdkLn Islands.JC.-VKl.nm- vj on the Hawaiianyou Don't Gel ALL the Naus.

It Readies ALL tlie Teoplc. Subscription 75c. a month.

m0oVol. II. No. 425. HONOLULU. H. I., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 189G. PiuoE 5 Cents.

- ,






Published ovory dny except Sandfly nt210 King Strcot, Honolulu, H. I.


Per Month, nnywkcro in the. Ha-

waiian Inlands i "SPer Ycnr. f '

Por Ycnr. postpaid to Amoncn,Cannon, or Mexico 1000

Por Ycnr, poatpnld, utbor ForeignCountries I3 W

I'uynlilo Ttivnrlnblv In Ailviiuee.Telephone 250. P. 0. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

jleW DepartureThe Undersigned bog to nu-nou- nco

Hint from ami afW'r

rn iivNilitfldiMTHE UNRIVALED

iS 8EEBWill bo sorved ON DRAUGHT

at the

Hawaiian Hotel.To meet tho times and competi-tio- u,

it will bo furnished at

I2ycts. Per GlassWo quote from letter of the

AnheuBor-Buse- h Browing Asso-ciation, dnted August 8th:

"Your honnrab'o llrm linvlnu representedit? for ko innnv wo believe It iicle.H tocull onr atli'iitiuii to llio iiiuiitu ot um arti-cle, but wo nlmuld liko to repeat nanlu uinlcall vour attention to tlie fact that ours It ,


MANUKAt IL'RKD, uml com andother 11 hilieninls as well in , for thepreseruitlou ot ueer, aru unknown 111 our

With tlio abne jou may gobeforu tho public, in our name,"

No oncomiuin of outs cau add totho high reputation of AnheusorBeer. Its introduction in anyand every market makes it nuimmediate favorite. It standswithout a peer, without it rival,without ovoii a competitor. Itreceived tho highest nwards at thoColuinbiau Exposition. The re-

duction of tho draught Beer totho prevailing prico of

12 Cents Per Glass,places it within tho roach of all,and ho is 11 wi&o man who gotatho best quality for tho loastmoney.

o .nmlit. & UU..I




Tm TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Moves iU U About your L.iwit Travolsin 11 Ktrnlrjlit lino or n oirclfl. Stops nutoiu.ntlcally. Set fur auy lougth of hoho.

r Jo Mich Sprinkler 1ms oer bocnplaced on the m.tiket liofoie.

Come and See It.

LEWERS & COOKE,473 Fort Stroot, - Telephone 20.


FOR SALE.There are 0 Lots nt Waiki-ki- ,

lying on tlie "Wnikiki sideof ICalia Houd for sale, about1JG feet inakni of WaikikiKoad.

Those lots will bo sold forcash or on installment plan.

?" For further particularsapply to

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Heal Estate Broker, 1 0 West,

King street.Aug. 18, 180G. 884-l- m


Unable to Work!NO APPETITE !


Ajjes's SasapasiiiaCOairLETELY CURED HIM.

Mr. T. .T. Clrnio, of WnlkcrTlllo, Arto-lulil- e,

South vlmtrnll.i, nrllvtt

,2--4fcS- XMWfcV



"lx years iiro, I had an attack ofIndigestion and Liver Complaintthat lasted for weeks ; I was unableto do any hard work, had no appe-tite, food distressed me, ami I suf-fered much from headache. Myskin was sallow and sleep did nutrefresh me. 1 tried several reme-dies and consulted a doctor, w ith-o- ut

obtaining any relief; finally,ono of my customers recommendedAyer's Sarsaparilla. It helped tuofrom tho first, in fact, after takingsix bottles I was completely cured,and could eat anything and sleepliko a child."


0 fTk

CnhlMciiahattheVcrM's Jhisi Esonsltiens.

AYER'S PILLS, Mild but Effective.

Hollister Drug0

Co., Ltd.

Bole AKents for tho Itopublic ot Hnwnii.iwwr..iiM ioii.iiiiTiiiiiin.if "

.niTii:i i'oi.ms.

Hmiin AiMIiIdiixI Irllllliir nT llio.Memorial I'.vvrclseH In Ciiurl.

Attoruoy Gouoral Smith, besides eeconding the resolution inmemory of tho Into Judge Austin,before tho Supremo Court yester-day, delivorod brief eulogies ofboth that gentleman and tho latoMr. Nawahi. Deputy AttorneyGonoral Dole also paid n tributeto tho judicial qualities of tholamonted Judge. In reportingChiof Justico Judd from memory,the reporter overlooked two inter-esting points. Besides havingboon a judge nt a period anteriorto tho times of his latest contem-poraries, Judgo Austin waB forsome timo tho governor of tho islanil of Hawaii. Tho Uliiet Justicoexpressed his great admfration oflilU JIllU X.LU11. tluaUJll XlliYlllll 113

an orator, as woll as for his iidel- -

ity to tho people in publio lifo.

.IIOIO I'MHl Killing.

A lady and gontlomnu who woreridiug their wheels on Beretaniastreet last evening woro nearlyrun down opposito the oldMcKibbin placo by a singlo horsophnoton which was being drivenat n gallop. The goutlonian'sdextotily on tho wheel saved himfrom being run over although hohad a clo?o call. Ho called to hiswife who was a little in front,warning hor of her dangor. Whonsho realized it she jumped off horwheel to the sidewalk, escapingwitliout injury. Tho wheel luckilydid not go under tho homo's foot,but tho gentleman almost wishesit had so that ho could havoascertained tho idontity of thoyoung man who was driving, Hois still looking for him and pro-an- d

poses to havo him anostedfined.


l'cril llio XorvctUpon pure, rich blooil uinl you neeil not fearnervoiiH prostiutluns. Nerves aro weakwhen they aro Impioperly nnd Insulllclentlynnuilsheil. Pure Mooil U their proper fooil,ami pure blooil comes by taking Mood'

which U thus the u rent cut and H'Stnerve tonic. It 11U0 bulldmip tho whole bjs-ter-

Iloon'n ljil.ixnro the fnoilto fuinlly euth-nrtl- c,

ti to tnke, easy lo operate.


niKi'UNsr.D is iiancoji's stoki:r.iairt:r.N yea its ago.

How llio I'rvc Coliiiigc or Silver WillAlt'ert llio Irlr of U'hl.Uy lit

the CoiifXIcrlt X Huniln.

Everyone will romembor Pe-

troleum V. Nasby's letters on thoquestions of tho day in formerpresidential campaigns in thoUnited States. Tho following was

written on tho silver question j'usteighteou yearB ago, and will boread now with more than ordiuaryinterest in view of the present agi-

tation on tho stibj'oct :

I nint so certiu that L want thoBilvor bill to pass ez I wuz. Thofact is, the thing dou't work ez 1spozed it vood, and I niu't cleuronto it. There is suttlo princi- -

Pplos in these iinanshel questionswhich reqniro n great tleel uvthought, and there is underlyingprinciples wich n man has got tounderstand aforo ho is competontto set hissolf up ez authority.

Ono thing I'm certaiu uv Bas-co- m

niu't no tinanseor, nor noverwill be, and I told him so.

"Vnt is a finauseer ?" itBked ho.A iinauseer," sod I, nssoomin

tl,a l,r.l- - r,f T,,t,l AVnliaf.l,. is aillU AVV7IV l 4(111 II vtTVJ)man wich kin git suthin with,.ti,;.,'

" Tho Cornors, then, is full offinanseers," ho rcmnrkid bitterly,castin a casual glance at his slato,wich wuz jist full enulV to turnover and begin on tothor side.

But ho hezu't any uv tho sciencen v it. 1 wiijs argoomg witli liinf& other day in favor of my no- -

tiou of a leather curroucv, though1 told him silver wuz much thesumo tiling, nun, tor example, xwood asfcoom that silver wu. to botho curroucy uv tho fuchor.

"Now, don't you sco, Bascom,thet of I Led twict ez much money1 cood drink twict ez muchwhisky and pay for it?"

"JIow much istwico nothin'?"I

wuz the uufeoliu' answer uv thotyrant who holds tho destinies uv

i the Cornors in his hands. That'snt yoor capitnl hoz bin over

since I kuond yoo.""Parson," sod ho, "I don't boo

wnt erthly diirerenco it's goin' tomake whethor Bilvor is curroucyor anything olso. How aro yoogoin' to git silver of it is madelegal tender? Ef silver wuz ezplouty ez bricks wat hov you gotto git any uv it with r "

"Troo, U ,'., wuz my answer;"but can't you boo that to hevsilver wood relcovo tho dottorclass? Even now, aforo it is legaltou1(, U,B on, wuth g2 conts outho aul whon tUo conutryis Hooded with it it will go stilllower. Then we or rothor sichuv us ez liov property to rai6omoney ou kin pay off "

"Eggsactly so," retorts Bascom;"you kin pay mo for the good,honibt likker uv mine, which youhov cousoomed, in coin, which isIchb than tho dollar you promised.All rite. But look hore como inhere, all uv yoo. 1 want yoosilver men to know exactly watyoo aro mshin' into."

And this fonnd led us into thobad; room -- that back room whichcontanos tho subsistence of thoCorners. Thoro, in long rows,wuz IJasconfs stock. There, inbarrils, piled ono on top uv iin-oth-

wuz tho dolishus whisky uvLouisville, uv different ngos, rang-ing from that uv two weeks old tothat which lied jist loft tho stilland was scarcoly cold y it. Thoroit lay, and as my eye rangedaffeokhhunately ovor it 1 felt ef Icood hev the drinking' uv all thatlikker I wood bo contont to laydown and dio whon tho last dropwuz gone.

Bascom p'inted to an iimnoiisotank which ho hod orectid withinn few days, with a pipa runningin from tho roof.

"I shan't raiso tho prico uvlikkor in consekoiico uv boin'paidfor it in a doproshiated curren-cy !" sod ho.

1 foil on Bascom's nook, iu ex--

acy uv dclito, while tho olhorsj shouted, "Bah for Bascom !"

"G. W.," I romarkt, wliilo toorssufi'oo3ed my eyes, "1 nover plac-ed you much bolow tho angola,but thi'i generous act has lustedyoo a hundred per cent in myoetimashun. Bless yoo, G. V.,bless yoo."

"But I'll toll you what 1 sheldo. Dy yoo seo that tank ? " sodho.

"May I ask wat that u for ?" Isod.

"That tnuk will fill with rauo-wator,- "

sod he. "Tho moment yoogot lo payiu' mo in silver I shel'tnk' out uv each uvthem bnnilnjhtt eggsnckly throe and oue-lift- h

Dillons uv likker and iill it withwater."

"Morciful hovings!" we nil"and yoor likker so weak

rihw!""And when silvor gits down to

75 couts on tho dollar I shol takeout 25 per cent uv whisky and fillher up 25 per cent of water. Andsoon down. Ef silver goes up 1

shel add whisky eggsackly iu pro-porshe- n.

In short, my whisky isjist agoin' to foller currency, andnothin' shorter. Yoo folloro wicliwork for wagis may swot, but Iwon't"

"But yoo'l increase tho sizo ofyoor glasses ? " sed I.

"Not ouy. But yoo may drinktwico ez many timc9 to git thesamo amount uv drunk ez boforo,by payiu' for each drink."

iiuu jju&coiu HuiiKuu uiiwiiiyback and took his posishou be-

hind the bar.Ther wuz constornashun in tho

Corners sich ez I hev novor sconThor wuz a hurried conbultashunat tho dcekin's hous, and I sojostod that wo emancipate ourselvesfrom tho dominyun uv this tyrantby startiu' a grosory uv our own,on tho joint stock principle, whichwuz agreed to, oacli man agreoin'to contribbit $10 to ' tho capitalstock, which would bo onull' tobuy a barl or two, for a begiuuin'.

Wo wuz onthoosiastic till wocome to ballotin' for tho man tokeep the placo, when it wuz foliudinstid uv my bein'chiHon yooimni-musly- ,

es 1 eggspecled to be, thatevery man lied votid for hissolf.Ez not u soul uv them would rosede, tho skeom wuz blocked ritothere, and finally lied to bo

abandoned nnd we wont back toBascom's nnd submitted. Thattyrant hez us.

Uv courso wo can't staud likkordilootid in that manner. To arowillii' onuff to diloot tho currencywith which to pay for likker, butwo want our likkor full strength.Wo coodont help it, but that nitowo signed and sent to our Repre-sentative a remonstrance agin' thosilver bill. Tho Cornors is nowfor a honest curroncy. Wood, 0wood, that wo bed somo uv it.

Petroleum V. Nasuv,Finauseer.

CONFEDEUIT X lvOAOS Wich is illtho Stato of Kentucky, Jan- -nary 'JX, ibV8.

All ITlirlulit Jliilce.Judgo Ilobbard of San Francis-

co was turned down by tho Re-

publican nominating convention.Tho Examiner says it was duo topoworful influences that Bufferedfrom tho Judge's iuilnxiblo intogrily, and calls upon tho Domoemtio party to placo his naiuo onits ticket iu tho intorost of a ptiroadministration of justico. Judgoileblmrd's father diod from ac-

cident iu Honolulu and hismother was a successful teuohorhoio for Bomo years.

Jmllf lui-- Jolllni;..

Tho Supremo Court is still intorm session.

Judgo Carter is heariug thoequity suit of A. M. Kahananuivs. James Ashford. Thurston o

Stanley and A. S. llumphroyB forplaintiff; Robertson for defend-ant.

Gilbort J. Wallor has filed hisfirst and final account as adminis-trator of tho ostato of J. S. Koku-kahik- o,

Allowing rocoipts 8511.00,puymouts S375 51,bahinco S185.-19- .

Gitizons' Guards Certificatescan bo framed ot King Bros, forfrom 25 conts up.


maiili; TO I'ltOUl 'K A sir,tiMi:it

ji'vkmm: ii'iiumic.

niiillKOO" lll.ll .llnry UhIImtoiI Mill

S.'tul of Oilier .llnry unit llrrI.ltllo I.mull.

Editor Evenmno Bulletin:My youngest hopeful returnedhomo from school last eveningwith tho following as a samplo oftho arithmetic lesson of tho day: j

"Mary gathered .')7 mangoes onMonday, 43 on Tuesday, (51 Wed- - i

ncsdny, 19 on Thursday and 7(5

on Friday. How many mangoesdid Mary gather during the iivodays?'' Tho answer, to bo writtenout iu accordance with tho formu-la adopted by tho educational au-

thorities, is somothing like this:"This h a problem in addition.Siuce Mary gathered 37 mangoesou Monday, 4.3 on Tuesday, Gl onWednesday, 11) on Thursday and7u ou I' rulay, Mary must havogathered tho sum ot 37 mangoes,43 mangoes, 01 mangoes, 19 man-goes and 70 mangoes, or 239 man-goes."

Mr. Editor, what earthly sonsois thero in that kiud of instruc-tion? What benolit is it to achild to go through such a cir-cumlocutory course iu order toobtain a simple result?

How is it that tho avorago. schoolteacher becomes so imbued with thoidea that any such tomfool moth-o- d

as the abovo will broaden andexpand the intellect of a child ?

Fifteen miiiulosof good drillingin mental arithmetic, daily, furone mouth, is worth more than ayear of such instruction. It isnot woll to keop a boy nt hisbooks abovo a certain number ofhours a day, but thoro is no goodreason why every effort Bhouldnot bo used during those hours toforce tho mind to operate, to miikutho boy think.

Filled with this idea I camodown town this morning and ontho way mot two urchins, aboutten years of age, on thoir way toschool. I nsked ono of them howmuch six times eight was. Thoanswer camo like a Hash, "forty-eight- ."

"WTell," said I, "howmuch aro 11 and ! ?" It took theboy a full minute to figuro it up.Now that boy, who, I am sure,

'posBossed ordinary intelligence,had been taught his multiplica-tion table, but did not know any-thing about how to reason out aplan for adding up figures. Hohad moroly committed to memorya lot of tables at present as un- -

meaning to him as the catechismis to a iivo-yea- r old child. Thoolomout of thought which puts itinto tho mind of a youngstor toreason on tho relative value ofnumbers had nover boon taughthim.

As for tho mango problem 1

ennnot find tonus Btrong enoughto condemn it sufficiently. AnyHawaiian born child gathers man-

goes toeat,sololy. Ho or bIio natu-rally supposes that Mary consumed239 mangoes ovory five days andwould, of courso, attempt to equalor exceed Mary's record. Therefore such a fool proposition,drilled into tho infant mind, hasa toiulency lo cause thotihands ofcases of cholera morbus. Iu thissamo connection lot mo say thatit is a woll-know- n fact that thosilly talo of Mary ami hor littlelamb has caused hundreds ofthousands of children to persuadethoir parents to buy goats andsheep for thom, nud tho infiniteamount of misery and suffering,postoriorly speaking, inflicted up-

on tho publio by tho butting ofthoso brutes is enough to con-

demn, in tho minds of tho publioin gouoral, tho author of that o

Ho to a punishment not tobo montionod.

Not satisfied with having maim-ed for lifo thousands of thovictims of tho nngontlo goat andtho robust ram, tho Bchoolma'amproposes lo kill off half tho youthof tho country by nagging them

nn to oat 4 iiO inaiit'ocs n woek. 1asked my sou what ho llioupht ottho problem and ho replied thathe considered Mary nn awful pig.


ui:soi,im tos or' nu.o n it.

On tin- - Hen III i'f lion. Miir.iril L..


At a meeting of tho llilo bar,which was called immediately up-

on the receipt of tho news ofJudgo Austin' doath, to take suckaction as was meet and proper intho premiss tho following reso-lutions wiu unanimously adopt-ed: That,

Whereas Tho Supremo Judgeot Mankind haB this day summon-ed tho loved and loving brother,husband, father and friond, Hon.Stafford L.Austin, from his earth-ly labors; and,

Whereas --In his death tho Re-public loses a faithful servant,his fnmily a devoled father andhia friends a tondor hearted citi-zen nnd neighbor; and,

Whereas -- While in the dia-char-

of his duty tho darkouiugshadows of raoro than throo scoreyears and ton havo closed aroundliia earthly existence, and in a fewmoments apparently withoutwarning ho folded tho drapery ofhis couch about him and fell intothat dreamless sleep that kissesdown his oyelids still, and thefriends of our cherished brothernow stand by all that is mortaland pray that tho Almighty Goiwill givo consolation to his survi-ving friends and eternal rest totho soul of Stufford L. Austin.Thoreforo bo it

Resolved That tho heartfeltcondolenco of tho mombors of thebar horo assombled bo extoudedto his estimable wiro and hischildren.

Resolved That wo woar theusual mourning for thirty days.

Resolved That copies of theseresolutions bo furnished tho llilopapers, as also tho Advertiser,Star and Bulletin of Honolulu.

Resolved That copies of theserosolutious bo furnished tho family, and ono copy filed with the .

clerk of tho Fourth Circuit Court.Gilrert F. Little,


.iiutivti, or run ki.vau.

rrrxltli-ii- t Ilulo III tl .Vol I'm in an Ap

lirnrancn (liN Trip.Tho steamship Kinau nrrived

from Maui and Hawaii ports at 1o'clock today with tho followingpassongor list:

Volcano Miss Sweotor, J VSweotor nud wife, O H Millor, GB Pottongill. Way Ports- -C LWight, Miss L Wilder, Mrs .Mc- -Nicol, C S Bradford, Mr Ken- -

j doll,J Cook, wifo and son, J W Cook,Dr M K Grossman, Mrs F Davis.Goo Ross, Mrs Lily Auld, MrsJos Nawahi, Mrs Liko, Miss E KNawahi, A K Nawahi, Miss MZiinmer, Miss Viola Muuroe,Rev J P Lytton, P Peck, MasterJ Canario, E D Baldwiu. S Now-loi- n,

Miss U Austin. LJ II Boles,Dr A E Nichols, W Roiu- -kiirdt, wifo and child, R Lougher,Mrs Alapai, E W Barnard, DOxloy, Dr J Wright, Miss J Hall,Miss R Forbjs, Mrs A Hussoyand daughter, Palmer Woods,Sam'l Parker, Miss II Allen,Miss L Keola, It R Borg, R OHuggo, E Dowbotr, A Hannoborg,J Wilcox, wifo ami 3 children, PJarrotl, wife, 2 children and ser-vant, and 78 dock passongors.

Siicecsstiil 0Mnii;.Tho millinery opening at N. S.

Sachs was' a big success. Crowdsvisited tho ntilliuory departmenttoday and woro almost bewilderedwith tho lino display. Tho stockis much larger this year and in-

cludes all tho latest novelties.Novor boforo was such an assort-mout- ot

Bwell hats shown. Nodescription in words can convoy acorrect idea of tho opponranco otthoso hats. Tho opening coutin-- ,ues tomorrow and Wodnosday,thoreforo a personal visit and in- -,

Bpectiou aro rccoinmoiuled.

livening Jiulleth) month





iiS,.w ,



tW1. Hnr p&t



DO I0U LIKE CUEEI?'Aj Conipnny,a viNcmi.vr coi,m:'i.n miiii.i: iiin Q. J. Wallcb Makaoeu.

win: I'm vs. Law Books.WIIOLKSALE AND BETAIL Waiuno Hlook, 24 ltoiKiANU St.

BUTCHERS TRUE INDIAN CURRYTile l'ltirk' Nnu of n Itnnlirutit l'rcr Do You Read Them ? .

Ollirr NoMniM'ii Willi AMD

Do You Want One1? NSM Hi.VS2?BBSSIIhif rollril. l ,rf' '.I""3$favv Contractors. . -


Thoro ib mi old Frcuch smv totlio Gil'oct Hint "11 n'y n pas do Hot

metier," tho upirit o which, bciugfreely rondered, is Hint there is notrndo or profession, however hum-

ble, if it bo but holiest, nt whichono ought to turn up one's nose.Viscount Iliutou, eon of tho sixthEnrl l'oulctt, is evidently of thisopinion.

Xohvithstuudiiig his hiyh --

fcoundiuK titlo Enrl Voulott is

poor, not tosny ponnile?s. In fnct,n. few weeks ago in the middle ofMay, to be precise ho was doclared a bankrupt, and tho officialreceiver btntcd that tho nshets weronil, and that tlicro was no pros-pect of his creditors receiving apenny, .hurl roulett was trusleo,with another, of the estates ofEarl Aj lesford, and ascribed hisinsolvency to his liability to re-

fund moneys paid away by him-sol- f

and liisUnder the circuniHtauces his

eon has littlo to hopo for. Indeed, Viscount llintou, who wasborn of tho Earl's first marriage(tho latter has been married threotimes), has long hnd to shift forhimself and his own family. Vis-

count llintou is 17 years of agoand married when ho was 20 aballet girl named Lydia AnnShoppy. They have a son, whois now nearly '2(5 years.

Tho Viscount turned his talentsto all sorts of uses with but indif-ferent success. A year or two agolie turned showman in a modestway, establishing a show inLeather lane, in one of the busiestparts:.: -ot tne: city, wliero


exJ.ibited a phonograph for tho mo- -

dest sum of an Enylish penny, or2 cents. rov ho has invested ina hand oman, aud both tho Viscount and Viscountess aro fami

, liar figures in tho streets of Lon-don, whero his lordship pushesthe organ and collects tho "oof"(which is cocknny slang formoney), while his wife turns thohandle.

Most people, including 999 outof ovory 1000 Englishmen, whenthoy read of tho glories of Hat-field Hoiiho, Lord Salisbury's

( magnificent and historical estatoin Hertfordshire, and considertho power and dignity which hiswealth and family influence havohad no inconsiderable part inenabling him to attain, aro in-

clined to repeat tho immortalFigaro's soliloquy upon his mas-ter nml ask, ''What has ho donefor all this ? Ho gave himsolftho troublo to be born, and noth-ing more."

Few of them know that ho, too,when a young man, was compell-ed to earn his bread. Ho was iuthose dnys a younger son, and,having quarreled with his family,turned out to seek his fortune.At first ho resorted to litoraturoand journalism, but these woreeven a more unsatisfactory meansof earning a living forty yearsngo than they aro today. Aboutthis time tho Australian goldfovor brokn out, and, like manyanother hardy scion of tho Britisharistocracy, ho emigrated toBallarat to try his luck with thopick and shoyol. Ho spent abouteight mouths in tho gold fields,with but indifferent success, andhis experience was doubtless any-thing but a pleasant one, for honever alludeB to his trip to the an-

tipodes.Yet another lord who has had

to work hard for a living is LordDolawarr. Ho tried his hand intho gold fields of South Africa,and when ho found this did notanswer secured a place as foremanand overseer of the nativeB em-

ployed iu thn pearl fisheries ontho coast of Australia belongingto a firm o London jewelers.AVhilo thus engaged he learnedthat his elder brother had beendrowned whilo yachting in Ire-land, and that ho was, therefore,hoir to tho titlo.

Theso examples might be addedto, but thoy suflioo to show thatthose who aro entitled to stamp acoronet on thoir note paper andown a handle to their names aronot necessarily drones. u fact,homo noblomon, though verywealthy, engago in manual labor


Latest Catalogues

of THE

Publications ofCallighan & Co.,

Little, Bpown & Co.,

Lawyers CooperativePublishing Co.

Wo ninko a specialty ofthese publications,andshallbo pleased to linvo theLegal Fraternity of thoIslands call on us whenwanting a Law publica-tion, at tho lowest possibleprice. We aro also


Law Office Supplies:

Document Files. LegalPapers, Typewriter Pa-

pers. Ribbons for allmakes of Machines.

In fact, we can show you thogreatest variety of Labor saying devices of any House inTown. If you want to save

. ntt n- nrvitin iMt WrttT llfn n Vfiiiuin;v. uumu um uy. v -.

u Jg f J u

Wall, Nichols Co,


B7 W ,




Wero the wins for theCleveland at thoPark on the 12th.

More than any otherWheel.

$75 aud $100 aro tho priced.Tho Clevolamls upin to win.

lie v Cleveland .'AgencyPvlnaonlo Tomple.

Y.M.C.A, Evening-Schoo- l



Sept. 21st, and will continuefor Two Terms o

13 "Voeks Each.Classes will he organized In linok-keepl-

Elementary and Advanced Slioitliund, Tyiie-wrltiii- h'.

Vocal aud Instrumental Music, theHawaiian j.anguagc, ueauiiij;, vruinf;, cic.All Claseej are Ireu to member; to others afee of t'i will he charged.

5g- f- For further information, read ourpamphlet or rlug up 427. 3t)7-l-m


Notice is hereby given that I. tho under-signed, has this day given n fall ponrcr ofattorney (o Mr. Au Con Olieo, of Kapaa,Island of Kauai, who will act for moduring my absence from tho Islituds.

Dated at Manalel, Kauai, Aug. Hist, 1800.3WMm TAM SIIC SEEVO.


A Postal Savings Bank Deposit Book(No, 1355) iu favor of Mw, Lacy Stovons.Finder please return io Buixmin Ofllco,

410-t- f

Refrigerated PoultryAND


Metapolitoii Hent Go.

Teleuhoiie 45.

Central Market2U Nucano Stkkkt.

Tho Very KiuowtOF

tyMfleMted .--. Me&tfl

Tender - -

Sweot andWholesome.

Coiuo and soo our


Wesfbrook & Gares,Proprietor.

Tolephoue - - - - 104- -

Citya"rketErtTAllLlSHKD 18S3.

JasBph Tinker, - - Frnpi

Beef, 4?Mutton,

Pork, aLJL Veal,Of ttio Finest Variotios.

linkers or tho Celebrated Pork Jtausnjro.

310Nuuauu street, opp. Chaplain lane.

Telorriione 289.Tci.crnoNB Oil. P. O. Box 801.

City Peed StoreOld Armory, Boretania Sts.


Beat Uvcrmoro Valley Hay, larp,e audstnnU roped; A 1 Bonanza SurprUo Oats,mixed wheat nml crackedconi for Hens ami

Chicken. Urge e tilimient c.r i lour per S a"Mlowera," Caseoilla, Novelty A, aud

Theo brands alttujs on hand.Next month large ehlpmeiit ol Orecon 1 ota-lo- ea

to he kept iilwajn on hand. I hop heedfor Cows and Working Stoek s liand'cd hy

us only. Family trade solicited, (loods de-

livered free.

LUXU R I ES -a- z3H25?-

For tho Equina Table in theway ot all kiuda Eirst OlasB


Aro on salo by tho


138 Fort St Tel. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Groceries aro more palatable as wellas healthier than the other Mud.

VOELLER & CO.(Warlug Block, SO Ueretaula Street).

Handle nothing hut tho best. LlbhyAMcNeill's Canned Meats, Klng-Mur- se

Table Fruits, Ghlranlclll's Chocolate,Milkmaid Diaud Milk, 1'aragon Pure Lardand

'EXCELLENT FLOUR'B Telephone 080 "&U


Cash -:- - Grocers

kt1W 6PElsfi40 Foit streot, cornor Chaplain lano.

H. WC( CO.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 A 517 Fort St., HonoluluTelophonor 2a P.O. Box 470

ft". . . "VWM .


fflSBfc,v B'iV Vm- -

JPlnmbiaifr ond Gas-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

mt Jobbing promptly attended to.Tclepliono 7:15. 235-t- f

Importers and Dealers in

Sieel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

DIM OND BLOCK.121 Je 123 King Btreet.


My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with beatquality, No. 10 zjuc, G in. l'ipo, Chain andi'luff, with wood iiin nil complete. Otbcidoalon nro duiufounded, aud resort to nilumuiier ol TrickH and Excuhes.

Be not deceived, those Bath Tubs hnvtbeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am nrermrod to do nil work in my liceand guarantee satitifactiou'. Estimates d.

If you want a good Job cboap for Cash,ring up Telephone 844, uuu i am youimam

JA8. NOTT Jb,Tinsmith it Plumber

b ji M LriBramaaFor Family Use I

Just Received, ox "C. O. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, Departing Bail, Goal

Which is offered iu quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.

iI s. vwi.

.T01 t 3011 Fort streot.



WOOD AND GOAL.11 Queen Street.

Also White and Black Sandat tho very lowest marketrates. Telphono No. 414.

Hawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

Is prepared to furnish

4000 Tons Cane FertilizerTo order for 1800.

In Quantities to Suit.fj& Orders solicitod for a future do.

VerJ'A. V. COOKE, Manager.

Building Lots!A.t WAIKIK1 on enr line mid on PA- -

LAMA KOAD nearPlant.

Theso lots aro Very Cheap nnd Soldon Easy Terras.

DeBirnblo Aore Tracts near tho oity andothor Properties for sale.

BRUOI3, "WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lauds,

U12 Fort Street, near KinK.TbijEPUonk G07. P. O. Box 821.


Curry Powder as randb by us


is prepared tho Original!llecipo froo. tho Purest Ingredients.


uyuauviwwu j 19 w

527 Fort Street,

Bicycles to ButeComo-jvn- havo

Barnes Whiteflyer


Tho leading Avhoalof tho world. I nm agent fon thoabovo bicyclo aud also for tho- -

A. Xorfect "Wheel. 2kCy Pi'ices Suit; theTitnos and I am Selling,

sTsTsLsr 3Do--Nn LewSo as to fit your pockot book.

Solo Ageut.

21 Kaahumanu Street.IvtivMiMM&wmjMaxtmofXJCXMMntrjatTi mrttwwawww vst--

ED.AVILLIAM.S,(Successor to C. E. Williams, II. H. s & Co.

and Williams Bros.


corner Hotel.


a look nt tho


jtBtwSiir iii js

and Dfcaleit 3 in- -

to 215 Fort Street.

and For Sale

Furniture War- -

Established 1859

Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved.. Chai rs for Rent

and ErnMmer,Tombstones and iMonxx ments.

Residence and Nifjht Tel. 815. 510 & 520' Forfc Street. Tel. 179

H. HACKFELD & CO.--Importers


Plantatioi?. Supplies.


Just Received



Pioneer erooms,


At the ITo-- Stand, King Street,Adjoining the Arlington.

Whole Wheat Flour,Golden Gate Flour,Choico Haras,Bacon,Fresh Almonds and Walnuts,Cal. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,Now Potatoes,Onions, otc, etc.

Gfoas. Hustace,212 King Street




' ' '"limit' in mrnii i

from clioieo. Lord Lovolaco'solder brothor, who unod to 1)3

leu own nB ViHcoimt Onklmm, wibworking ns u common Hhipwriglitnt Doptford, uoar Greenwich, nttho timo of his dentil, though ho

wfiBiajpcer of tho realm iu ln ownright and indopondout of Ihbfnthor. .Nono of his comradeB hadthe romotoBt BttBpicion as to whoho was. Now York Recorder,


VJmt Airc lilk1 n I'nblo TirJielOut a Vulenr HoMmtj-- .

Tho rival to the gooso Hint laidtho goldon eggs has beon found

It is a hen uud. a tow- - lm to

boot for it roosts in i littlo b.ioi.

yard in the Bollovtllo quurtor.One morning when tho mistressof thofowl-iu- n paid her mututiunlvisit to the nosts Bho oimo across,to hor intento nir.uzinoit, n

bundle ol pnpers under ono staidold hen. She could ho.ircoly bo-lio- vo

hor ivos ut this sirango findospocially whon. on oxiuiiiiiution,it was found to contain Hoonntuavnluod at 1000.

Tho ludy who found tho fortunesaid not n word to her friends,but quietly cunvoi tod tho bondsinto ready money and changedhor tuoilo of lifo considerably.But this sudden show of woullharoused tho suspicions nudjealousy of the who hadnot been visited by a windfall nfunexpected riches. Rumors spread,and tho police woie called uponto investigate tho matter. Thentho ft n, on mo out, ii ml u romanticfabric which h id sm.icked of tinOriental fable ciumbled wuy tovulgar robbery. Tho seouritieshad been st'ilon about eight yearsago by individual, who hadpassod thorn ou to a third person.Tins lutior, uniblo to get rid ofthem in a profit.iblo manner, hadpopped them under the hen onenight. Tho owner of tho innocentbhd, together with sovorul otherpersons connected with tho case,have b l tu ken into custody.London Telegraph.

Tin nip oir At i5n(r.i.

Tho title of this wellknownBong as well as tho song itselfemanated ftom the brain o anemploye of the Buffalo BrowingCompany. That enterprising firm,believing that a man who couidcomposo so catchy an air musthavo a largo and" v. oil balancedbrain, straightway raised his sala-ry. This has proven to be a goodmove on their paitars is testifiedby the oxcollent qualities of theirbeer, which is dispensed over thobars of tho Cosmopolitan, Pacificand Royal saloons at tho rate oftwo glasses for 25c. It is alwaysfrosh aud cold andOr you can get ono glass of Buf-falo and one of I'abst beer, tholino product of tho Milwaukeebrewery. Exchaugeablo checksgood at all tho above-mentione- d

resorts aro given in change if youonly want ono drink. "Bost beerover in Honolulu," is tho verdictof luauy of our prominent citi-

zens. "

Uli tlio jri Aro llruvo.Tho impetuous bravoiy of tho

Jjpaneso, their partiotio oager-ne8- S

to face tho greatest porils, isto a large extent duo to thoirfan'astio belief. It is their creedthat each man is predestined todio in a cettain way, on au allot---.ted day, and that tho combinedoft'ort3 oE man caunot change hisfato. Chicago Chronicle.

A largo consignment oE tholatest stvles of Bird Clues, atprices to buit every put so, has justbeen oponed at the Pacific Ilard-wat- o


M. A. lMxoto, proprietor of thoUnion barber shop, noxt to thoArt Gallery, guarantees to give abIhivo that will mako your haircurl with joy.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuimu streets, lodging by

' day, week or month. Terms: 26and 50 coutH per night. $1, andS1.2G nor wenk.

Thero is a handsomo piece oE

property, 70x100 feet, ou tho cor-

ner Prospect and Hackfold streots.It is all fenced ready for buildingaud water pipes aro laid on. En-quire of H. M. Dow.

Tho Criterion Saloon is apleasant place to go to and itsgreatest attraction is tho pure,cold Seattle boor on draught

V thero. It makes ouo's mustachecurly and puts now lifo into thofailing consumptive.


Mlil'i- - an, fA l H

rt a S311 Hi2 Tflv ctonal J) o 'fi

p.--, - 5 c.10 p W --L r w -o L trad .. 8

M G1 lf" A r m -' a w? Iim s&m v - nt


fdnrmt flll,liy WdVld

Pain Killer cssss.is tho Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aches and

Pains. Do not acceptany but the Genuine. Ifj ou) dealer does not haveit, call on or address tho

Hollistsr -:- - DrugCompany,

Solo Agents for the Islands.

To Citizensof Hawaii .aga

I take pleasure in announc-ing to you that I havo remov-ed to my now quarters at NO.410 FORT STREET aud amprepaied to executo nil orderspertaining to my business.Jewell y Repairing, "WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., otc. I have a hantlBomostock of Watches and Jewel-ry to bIiow you including alargo variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patronagois respectfully solicited.

G-- . HAFFNEB.Mt-t- f

To My Patrons

It gives mo much plcasuroto announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ouo of tho mostsuilled watclitnnkors ever intlieso Islands, is now managingmy repairing department. Nowatch is so complex iu itsmechanism hut wo oan givo por-fe- ot

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watches arohoir. Watches are delicatethings to handle. Wo gunranteothat they will recoivo no injuryat our hands and will leaveour ptoro in perfect repair.


E. A. JACOBSON,C07 Fort Street.


OF JEWELRYis ii Hue nrt. Costly jowclry whendamaged utedri catcfnl ottontion,

aud care. To (jet thin, bondyour work to

A, fi. R, Yieira,AT IIItOWN A UViir.VH.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.TtLKi'UOM: 703. 211 Hotel Street.

H. G. JBIA.KT.404 Fort Street.

Mn Haaa WallIlaaa aula 5

O na Puna Makanalift Iliwahiwn oi lou aku okn Nani Mnkamne.

E Hiki ke Hoomaemaeio na Witti poino a mo ka

aki o ko A-- u.

Alanui Pupu, kokoko nlnnui Moi.

A. V. GEAR.lEP-ULloli-


Telephone 2S0, : : ! : No. 210 King St.




-- , -- ,, ..


Don't Miss Tkis Clin nee 1

3?xoDao. Sept- - 25t3a., DFxid.a.'y,to OotoT3i 3rd., Sat,u.xcLa,,S7

T. MURATA, Hut Manufacturer, "

118 Nuiuinti btreet, near Hntol.

new hoodsBBSXEOn-


MTJKA.TA. fc CO.Aro about to receive a big Btock of . . .


. . . . 1 ho very finest of flue lines.

Look Out For Cm I mv ii'c.stnt Hlvk WI1 lie Wold

Below Oo.3'fc 2To makoitoom. Oouio iu aud investigate IT Wll.liPA YUU.

Pujumus,I3(iru.oo wnro.uratie,AND ALL KINDS


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alalteu & Hnlukauwila Sts.

Has o lnrgo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand,

Estimates given for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring n specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Maungor.

Commissioner of DeedsFOU the

State of California.HtMlim bctn appointed and commissioned

a CoimnlMlonirof Deeds for tliu State of Ca-lifornia I am prepared

To administer and certify oatlis.To tak and certify depositions and ullldv

Vlts.To take and certify tho acknowledgment or

ot powers of attorney, miirtKnscs,rnnoftri1, guilds, died or ntlur Instrumentsor record.

A. V. GTCAB,Telephone 2V1. !tt0 Klnir Street


next to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Buildinn

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building



T. B. MURRAY,19 to 2.1J Wtut, King Street.

Fitted up with nil tho MoclornAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Evory Description.

Blacksmithing and Horse Shoeing.



Carriage Manufactory01.1 to 021 rort Street.

Carriage BuiMasand iiEPAinr.n.

SlacUliiDginAll Its Branches.

W. AV. 'WUIUHT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. Wont)


Contractor and Builder.

Ofllccs and Stores fitted up andKetlmates given on


5jT Oflleo nud Rhop: No. filO Port utteet,adjoining W. W. Wright's Cairlago Shop.

"VI ro.

Sllk,L.nciuer Vvuro,uoppor.OF DRY GOODS !

Nuunnii & 2 Hotol streets.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

Hut I am telling nil of mystock nf Koons vcrv cheap,My ttpuilMtlig for tliUwick nru . . . .

Silk Crepes --

- CurtainsAND- -


IWAKAMI.Koblnson Block 10 Hotel street.

TJs Yokohama Specie BanlI.151ITK1).

Subscribed Cnpital Yen 12,000,000Paid Up Capital ..Yen 4.fiO0,O0OlUseno I'uud Ycu 4,130,000


BRAXOlins AND AGENCIES.Kobe, Loudon, Lyons, Now York,

Sau I r.mciscu, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Traunoctrt a General Banking and Ex-change Business.

Agency Yokohama Spotio Bank

HwlWllc Balldlni, in Klag st, MoMn.

S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors ur.i l'nulclons, tJaM a specialty.

10S Kuknnnaon Htreot. Tolephono 70.1,

L. AHLO,No. 337 Nunann street.

lias just recehed n now lino ofDltV GOOD5?, TiADIl'.S AND GENTS


A gt for the following rico plantations.Waipio, Wiilauru, Wunnulu, Woialus.Kaneohoand Kiipalama,X7 ily rico from Kaueohe is ru.irked

L A and is giiarautted Al.P.O. lloxlR .... Telephone 1H9.

PALACE RESTAURANTFormerly tho Hoy IIort.0 Saloon


Frhato l.ooum far LadieH and Gentlemen.OjK'11 from C a. in. to 1 in morning.

I'rico of Tickets, S4.S0. Single Meal, 25o.

Now "Restaurant.7 t 9 Bothol Street.


Chicken on Tuendayn, Thursdays andSaturdays. Ico Cuaiu on Sundays. FiuoSaladd witli dinuci uuth day.

Moalfl, 25c 22 Tiokets, $t 50.


Moals 25 Cents. gINN.D. .

Private ltooui for LadieH.

Comor Hotel & Union Streets.

TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Xuuanu Street.

Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots and Shoes to order. I use tho bestmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 143- -

FOOK ON & CO.,103 Numuiu Strcot.

Jiut oponed now supply of Tust-clas- s Shoosjusticcoivcd.

Ladies' & Gents' Shoes Mado to Order

Prom American aud French. Leathers.

W. W. AhanaJlnkes ClotlmiR to UitDLl! of Hievery 1'CHt uintormis and iu Uio eiylatest stjlo. . , . .

A. Porieot FibGuaranteed



Cleaning and Repairing a Specialtj

ahana. mmmlTo Whom it

IVIay CortGern.

This is to certify that 0. Akimahas niado several Buits of clothefor mo and tho workmanship habeen of tho best. I tako pleasurein rccommonding him and hiiwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSnits to order. Fit Quarnntcod. I'ine DnclSuit, $0 tip; I'inoTnccd Pants, S4.C0 npiFnio Suit, 18 up. Clothes claimed and trpaired. 200 KING STKEET.

1. O. Box 1441

C T. AKANA.No. 324, Nnnann street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, 7Fine Suitings made to order at lowest prices

145 Clothes Lltatitd and repaired.

"Y. MAN SING,Fashionable Dress Maker,

1.11 I'OltT STItEET.

DreHHcs made to order. Sewing gnarantccd. If tho tititchett break I will repair without oxtrn charge-- . .107-2-


Sam "Wo ChanNtunuu strcot, nenr Kukui

Ilnuanas and Vigctabics always on hnnd,ChickoLB and Ducks alitor dress.

ed, Kgga ilelUoicdto all parts of the city.


Wo prow our own bananasand egoUbl"3


WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nunomi Htreet.

Importers and Dealers in4cucrul -- :- Sicrvhniidisc.

Fino Manila Cicars. ChiueHo and Jatia- -

net.0 Crockeryware. Mattings, Vases of allkttuH, uauiphorwood Trunk's, JtattauChairs. A fino Assortuiont of Dret. Silks.Choicest brands of Chinese and JnpnncsoTeas of latest importation.

jUHT New Goods by cory steamer.Mutuiil Tel. 2CU P. O. Box 1C--8


Importers and Dialers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Comer King and Mnnnnkea Sts


Tins-m- i tli,Dealers In Tinware, etc , Piping Laid

and repnlied.

Z51 Orders solicited; charges ery mo-

derate.M. !!)!) N'liiinnil St.,4 doorsabovoKingSt.

FOR . . .IUst Imported Chinose Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fino Chinese Teas freshly imported. Vory

low prices. Go toWING TAI LUNG.

HI- - &il Nuunnu street.


Phimbersand dealers In


Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

142- - No 41, Nuuanu street.


All kinds of timvnre, crockery,nto, at lowest prices, . . .

141 Nnuinu aud Hotel street?





-- j xi ru ICUr d

rli fipi










All The Worry.yxmuzfiMva

At the World's Co-lumbi-

Exposition,tllO COMI'TOMKTKK re- -

coived tho highestmvnrd on adding andcalculating machines.

s3Call around andsee th;s tune-savin- g

machine; computes in-

terest, discount, ex-

change, etc.


Agent for tho Hawaiian Is.210 King Street.



Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contractor and Butldwr.

No. 80, Nnuaun street.Hm ou baud Cofllus, Camphor Trunki,

Matting, WiirdroloK, Dehk, Mutiesgesteto.gjUT' Call iu and iunpect goods.


Contractors! 33nildersiPurnituro Dealers and Painters.


Fort Strcot, opposito Club Stablei.

Orient Planing. Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


Furnlturo of all kinds mado and repairedBuilding Iioubcs aud rsaklng rice mill y.

P. O. Box 103, eoruer King and Betlielstreets, M

Subscribe for tho Evening Bul-letin, 75 cents per mouth.









. .4W' JA


, s' r?




6s- -


I) "' ,",-''- '


Postal Savings Bank No-


Notice I hereby Riven that from and alter.Hmwy ), I"t7. the ratu of Interest allowedmi l'uftil Sntlin; lhnk necuunU will lie

four anil one linlf (4) jier cent per annum..103. M OAT,

4J")3t. I'lutinmtor flencrat.

5i; Euei)ii)($ Bulletin,


TUESDAY, OUT. G, 1800.


Should a nn'stako bo niado intlio soloction of u Circuit Judgenow, if it is only bud ouougli tobo too b.id, it would doubtless boroctitipcl by tlio Sonato's disap-proval two years honco. Muchharm could bo done, liowever, byan incompetent incumbent in thattimo. It is a great pity that thooilice does not attract lawyers oflong residence, mature knowledgoand ripo exporience. Nobodycould fill this bill moro satisfac-

torily than Mr. Kosa-- -a nativo oftho country, a well-rea- studentand above the average- as an ad-

vocate. That gentleman is under-

stood, however, to bo averse togiving up his praclico for thobench. The country is scarcelyfar enough advanced to insist ontho local residonco idea. Howmany lawyers properly eligiblefor tho vacant position aro therein tho Circuit whose residenceIhero is not comparatively of veryTecent date r With Mr. Itosa intemporary incumbency tlio Piohi-don- t

hns time to look over tho wholofield and make tho beat choiceavailable. As a lawyer and ajudge himself, President Dolefcatcely needs any advice in thomatter.


It is a groat mistako to say thatHonolulu has had an exceptionalbuilding boom in tho past threeyears. Probably moro moneywas spent in erecting businessblocks and structures of a publicnature in any correspondingperiod for a dozen years previ-

ous. Indeed, the greater part ofbusiness Honolulu, ns it nowMauds, was built in tho tonor eleven years prior to 1893,mid tho same titno witnessed thotearing of Kauniakapili and Cou-tr- al

Union churches, tho Katnoha-meh- a

huhool buildings, the PoliceStation, tho Kapuaiwa building,No. 3 firo-statio- and otherpublic or semi-publi- c buildings.Thero has been a gratifyingamount of activity in tho oxten-bio- n

of tho residential area allalong, with perhaps a consi-derably increased ratio in tho3ast year from different stimu-lating causes. The town hasbeen growing right straightnlong, .ono might say, fromthe inauguration of tho recipro-city treaty twenty years ago.Thero is uo particular boom justnow and it is wrong to send animpression abroad that skilledlabor is in demand for tho build-

ing trades.


Brazilian immigration agentslately worked up tho FronchLabi aiiB of Quebec to such an ex-

tent that a largo steamer at Mont-

real was crowded with emigrantslor tho big South American re-

public, ft was in vain that thepress hud warned tho populationof tho peril of Hying to ills theyknow not of, for a largo propor-tion of the habitant) never road a

--newspaper, therefore is outsidetlio sphere of press influence Animmeuso crowd of their com-

patriots, however, gathered at tholiver to see tho self-exilin- g people

HAavroff. Tho crowd denounced thoemigrants' action as both utiwisoand unpatriotic with such olo-quon-

that many of tho intendinc passoucors, including entire

I families, recovered thoir baggngoand walked down the gangwaysnot .to roturu.

These French-Canadian- s wouldlikely make a valuable element oflabor supply for llawaii if thoycould bo got. Thoy aro hardy andindustrious, and, when their con-

tracts woro ouded, would makogood sottlers. Of ono of thobrightest races in tho world, theirchildren taught in our scIiodIswould bo good material for build-

ing up the commonwealth. Usedto popular institutions tlio parentswould encourage thoir sous toqualify for tho franchise. Theroaro somo points of resemblance

I betweon tho French and tho Hawaiian races lively spirits, natu-ral oloquonco, hospitality, etc.These remarks aro only in tholine of suggestion, justified, how

ovor, by tho roported desire of ourplanters to introduce labor of Eu-

ropean races.

"Parent" is probably hypercriti-cal in his satirical estimate of partof tho teaching methods to whichhis child is subjected. Mangoesought to bo as good certainlythey nro equally interesting, tosay tho least fur counting sym-

bols in school ns tho uueutableballs in an abacus. Still it can-

not bo denied that a groat deal ofthe text books, us woll as of thomethods of touching, now extant

to have boon invented onthe presumption that all childrenaro congenital idiots. Beadingbooks for children who have longsince mastered words of more thanono syllable are fillod with nonsonsical jabbor about nothing,when thoy might bettor be thovehicles of convoying usoful in-

formation to tho growirg mind.

An eclectic article elsewhere,headed "Nobility in Hard Linos"

by tlio way, "rlyalty" was thoword used in tho paper fiomwhich it was cut mentions thopreseut Premier of Great Britainas having onco worked with pickand shovel in the Australian goldmines. This is a fact that hasbeen hoard rotated by Australiansin Honolulu. Perhaps this is onoreason of Lord Salisbury's suecess in undeimining the diploma-tic schemes of other countries.

Petroloum V. Nasby's crossroads philosophy survives its au-

thor His treatment of tho silverquostiou eighteen years ago rotains its cogency of leasoniugfor tho preseut controversy. Itleavos nothing to bo decided buttho question whether free coinagewill or will not prove to bo a de-

preciation of tho currency.

An interesting study in pouology is afforded in that story of aFrench convict who found hiBclandestine liberty insupportablofrom its many hardships and whosought surcouso from his woes ina return to penal banishment.

Bicycle club usefulness wouldbo enhanced by tho discounten-ancing of "scorching" on thosheets. The practice is all tooprovalent aud will inevitably yielda crop of accidents if not sup-


Tho Pacifio Hardware Co. havoreceived by tho Australia two con-- Isignmouts of picturo moulding

I aud mat board, and aro prepared' to executo orclors at lower pricesthan ovor kuowu bofoie in Hono-- Ilulu.

Assignee Notice.

Tlio u ml c reigned, the Ali;nee In Bank-rupt- cj

of tlio JJatiito of II V liurtelinann,(jlvi-- s noilco tuat lie lia HU-i- l In tlio CI cultCourt, l'lret Circuit. Hawaii in Isluutln, IiIbuciounU us eiicli Awlgaeti and hat asked fora hcttleiuent of tlio siiiiu and a ilUclnuc undthai hearing on tho binio lum been ti.t lorKilduy, October Dili. lSJfl, a ID o'c ck a. in.

V MUMI.ENDOHF,.fslnnec of tlio Katateof II I'. Ilvitelniaun,

bankrupt. IM-- Bt

EVENING BULLETIN, OCTOBER 0, 1890.iiiuutf)WMmimmwwwr.iiwwwii - IW)Mlil.WI






Before Whitelaw Reid be-

came Minister to France hedevoted a good deal of histime to the conduct of his pa-

per, the Tribune. The copyeditors who put up the head-

lines of stories of the day fell

into the habit ol making mostof them interrogative, as, forinstance, "Was it murder orsuicide?" or "Did she kill himfor love?" or "Will the Presi-

dent sign it?" etc.The whole.paper was speck-

led with interrogative points.The thing had been going forweeks, till one day a postal ar-

rived, addressed to Mr. Reid,and marked personal. It readas follows:

"I'm getting awful tired ofyour questions. Why don'tyou find out something? Agreat newspaper is supposed toknow eveiything, and oughtnot to annoy its readers withneedless inquiries. This morn-ing you asked: "Will Ar.Piatt consent?" How the h- -1do I know?

That night an order camethat the Tribune must ask few-

er questions.In spite of Whitelaw Reid's

experience we are tempted toask the people of Hawaii a fewleading questions, just an evenhalf a dozen of them.

Question l Have you seenthe new improved AmericanMeat and Vegetable Chop-per? If you haven't it will payyou to call and take a look at it.It has an automatic rotarymove-me- nt

as well as the up anddown chopping motion. Theyare simply and cheap and achild can operate them.

Question 2 Have you seenthe new, Brass Bird Cageswe have just received? Theyare beauties and they only costfrom 2.0 to $4.$0 accordingto style.

Question Have you seenthe Painted Bird Cages weare offering at 1.25 to $2.00?

Question 4 Have you seenthe Hartman Steel WireMats we are offering? Therainy season is coming on andthey are just what you want.They are cheap, cleanly andindestructible.

Question J Have you seenthe Rain Gauges we havelately imported? With one ofthese little instruments youcan laugh at the Clerk of theWeather and give him a point-er after every storm.

Question 6 Haveyou seenthe latest thing out? It is aportable bootblack stand, madeof iron, which can be screwedto a post anywhere and movedin any direction. Must be seento be appreciated. Completewith brushes, two kinds ofblacking, etc., only 2.0.


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreckels' Bank,


I member


that wo aro prepared atall times to do your CopperPlato Engraving and Printingon Cauls, Wedding and SocietyStationery; Announcements,otc.

Also, Pino Monogram Em-

bossing, Address Dies audStamping in colors or plain.

Cards from your plato S1.G0

por hundred.

1 H. F. Wichman,KOKT STRtSET.

Don't you need n watch?One thnt you can dependupon. The kind wo sell.We nre selling Wnlthaiusin a dust proof case for

and fully warrant them inovery respect.

Wo sell other makes,some ns low as 5.00,others as high as $200.00.

Our stock is so largo, wowould take pleasure inhelping you to a watch atso low a price your pocketwould not feel tho lift.

No pie plates sold, ut-

most reliability in everypiece.

H. F.WiclimaiiaaiaiEIEIffl5I3JSIiffla,3I3M3JHI5I5EiaJSIt2r3I



GUiick Cutting,

Light and Serviceable.


Moderate Prices

Castle & Gooke


J' iV4iI WR KnowSedg

V ti a HSVzm oA....um t im i ii in i.m jrw mi m m m mi m r osum m i uwca

ml I 1m

tho best shoemakers in tho worldtrade and we don't know of anything too gooil for the peopleof this town.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,33icr Shoe Store.

$75.00If you aro thinking of getting a

Bicycle, now is tho timo to getono while thoy last. This offer ofEamiileiis at 875.00 is not a cut inprice, bo don't wait oxpocting tosee the price como auy lower. Wonre offering 1895 wheels at thisprice and there aro but a fow loft.This wheel is fitted with tho

Great G-- . & .T. Tirewhich has proven so satisfactoryin this laud of tho

Iviawo TlioznWo also havo n stock of tho 189G

wheels both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon easy terms. Como in and havou look at our wheels and satisfyyoursolf that we are in the PioycleBusiness.

An InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

and Dimes you might savehad you a wheel. A lido to Wai-ki- ki

is not only a pleasure but asure saving of health and strongth.You will find now vigor by thousoof muscles nevor before broughtinto use.



E. 0. Hall & Son

VETERENO CARRE1RO,Hotel Street Shaving Parlor.

Three Chairs. FIrst-cla- aa Work.rillCFS HKDUC'M)

Ilair Cutting 15 o.Sliaviag 15 o.

Hotel street opposite Botliol.425-O- m



Ton (English and Hawaiian)nnd CoLLEOTOit.

RT Offlco wltli W. R. CASTLE. 425 tf


Notice in heroliy uivon thnt I will not beI responsible (or any debtn contracted by my

W1I6. V. H. I'AUL.LiIWA,421-l-

e is. --wtfTTg&Kfcy

and our knowledge of thoshoe makers and their pro-

ducts gives us the powerto buy the best that'smade, with ready cash inhand wo can and do go to

and pick what best suits our

d 1 0 Port Stroot.


Glasses are Glasses

and the best can bo obtain-ed only where the dealer makesa specialty of the lino. Wehave moro glasses on our sam-ple table than somo dealershave in their entire stock, andthero is not a sample therebut what has a stock fromwhich orders may bo filled.

Gwek Star Palleta

that never sold in Honolulufor less than $2.f0 per dozen,may bo had of us for a dollar.They nre tumblers fit to graceany table, and thero is nothingbetter in quality unless Dor-flinge-


cut is selected.

Tvo Other Styles

Engraved, fine quality, clearflint, not a defect in them; goto you at the same price.These are now goods.

temoa Squash Glasses

built to hold a long drink,aro in demand in a warm clim-ate. We have small ones too,called

TJib Tat

only hold a thimble full.Sometimes it is all (ou caro totake. Then thero are otherswhich hold more, suited' tomedicine or something else.You know the size and maybeyou know whufc thoy nro usedfor.

SherM or Custard Cups

may bo had in cut glass for4; plain ones for 2.

V.-- J-

Von Holt Building.



Puumii Tract !

S150.00A Lot 50 feet by 100 feet

On the Instalment Tlnn and 10 rorcentDiaaonut (or Cmh.

W Apply to

JAS. P. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

Or W. 0. ACHI, Itoal Tstato Ilrokor.September 21, 1890. 412.tr.


NOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWRITER vOffice: 203 Merchant street. Cnmpboll

Illoclt rear ol J. O. Cartcr'u office. P. O.Box 330,

. 4v t ' "V r j

WiAKIIWltMl BMIIM M I m - . ... .,j B









' " ""' " N.illlWMWIIIlilliiMWWMllMIIWllllMlllMIUIIWMIWUIIIHllillMBHWI'IWIIllW !! 1IJUUI1,,1W UHUMI llllWWWJWWWyiriWlllilMMWW'WWillllWWWIIIIWH"!''- '. "


Olo OIhou ngain on TlmrBilriy.

Co. B is called to moot withoutuniform this ovoning.

Dr. Limlloy returned to Kotmby tho Hall tliia morning.

Tlio Fiunnco Department liasboon paying off July billa today.

Tho Iwalaui was hold back tonwait tho arrival of tho Kiuautoday.

Baiubow in tho morning asailor's warring. Look out forsqualls.

Dr. M. E. Grossman hasfrom a trip to the coffee

regions of Hawaii.W. 11. Oadllo and J. K. Kau-li- a

loft for Kohala by thismorning's steamer.

C. S. Bradford, formerly of thoHawaii Herald, returnod on thoKinau this afternoon.

President Dolo did not returnon tho Kinau today. He may notcome uutil tho next trip.

Tho Pioneer Building and LoanAssociation loaned out over $7000at its meeting last night.

Tho Woman's Board of Mis-

sions is in sossion at tiio CentralUnion Church this afternoon.

P. Muhlendorf, assignee of thobankrupt estato of II. l Bortol-xnnni- i,

has a notice in this issue.

Antono Rosa loavos on tho Iwa-la-ni

this afternoon to hold thoKohala term of tho Circuit Court.

Very littlo business was donein tho Police Court today, most ofthe cases being put off to futurodates.

Tho St. Louis Collogo LiterarySocioty aro rehearsing a new playwhich will bo presented in abouta month.

Kaulu-a- , tho polico drill-maste- r,

was exercising an awkward squndof polico in tho station houso yardthis morning.

Seats for tho Company B bene-fit performance of Olo Olson aronow on sale. Secure thorn beforoThursday night.

Tho October Delineator at Mrs.Hauna's. Patterns and explana-tory reading mattor relating to alltho latest fall fashions.

Tho old King street Iioubo wassold at auction yostorday to Chin-ese. It is to be pulled down tomake loom for now improve-ments.

The Star baseball nino will goto Maui on Friday, and aro anti-cipating a delightful trip. Anumber of friends of the team willnccompauy them.

Tho Postmaster-Gener- al haBgiven notice that tho rate of inter-est on deposits in the Postal Sav-

ings Bank after January 1st willbo reduced to 1J por cout.

Two ancient high cycles withtho littlo trailers appeared on thostreets yostorday. It is a wonderthat sensational runaways woronot produced by the apparitions.

"Win. Poui, an old offeudor, wasgiven three mouths on tho reef byJudge do la Yerguo this morningfor tho larceny of a black coat,valufid at SB, from Charles Acker-ma- n.

A sailor belonging to tho Kli-kit- at

lost his bearings and gotwrecked on tho corner of Fort andKing street. A policeman helpedhim into a hack and Eont himdown to his ship to sober up.

When you are down on yourluck and feel as if tho world wascold, hard aud dreary, just stepinto the Criterion saloon and put aroso-coloredti- on everything byimbibing a glass of Seattlebeer.

Dr. Catherine V. 0. Scott hasapplied to tho Superior Court ofSan Francisco, for permission to

'become a solo trader, alleging thathor husband, Joseph E. Scott,does not derive- a sufficient incomens a minister of tho gospel to sup-port her.

S. M. Emerson wasto the Insane Asylum today

by Judge do hi Vorgno on thotestimony of N. F. Burgess, FrankCooko and Dr. P. S. Kellogg.Tho examination of JosephKatnploman, also alleged to boinsauo, was not concluded thisinorniug.


Makes Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Ask Your Grour For It.

UNION FEED CO., Sole Agents.

.ti .J'' itiW&BjW&i

Local news ou eighth page.Vetorouo Oarreiro, harbor, has

reduced prices.

Tho American Leaguo mootstonight at tho usual hour.

Star stockholders will hold anannual meeting tomorrow.

Jas. N-- . K. Keola inserts a cardas typewriter, copyist and Eng-lish Hawaiian translator.

W. E. Wall, H. Louisson, FredWatorliouso and A. Cockburn ,

woro among departing passengersby tho Hall. I

I Marshal Brown has gone to K0. j

ua to attend to sovoral mattors con- -

nccted with his office. Ho loft on'

n, Tfnii i.;a wi..;...t I


j He has always been an ardent an- -J. T. Watorhouso has been 0Xationist, but ho refusos to

the contract of supplying nw Undo Sam's load in recog--1000 lb. of pig load to tho Honolulu Water Works at 3Jc. a pound.

Frank Brown's rain gaugoshows that 0 lOOths of an inch oflain foil at his nlaco last night.

i'iii... .., .. .t .,., a..:XUUIU UO 1JWI1U III. kJMUD UUUblhut it rained very hoavily at Lua-kah- a.

T. P. Sovorin goes to Kauai intho Mikahala this evoniug to getviews of Garden Isle scenery.Charles McCaudless will harecharge of tho photographic studioin his absence

II Travatoro Company, bothsolo and chorus, aro callod for

tonight at Arion hall.Eight o'clock sharp is tho time,and a full attendance is requestedby Mrs. Turner, us tho timo is get-ting short.

A complete lino of now bathingsuits, tho fiuoat in Honolulu, areon tap at tho Long Branch baths.Everybody givon a perfect fit. Infact it is a pleasure to take a bathat genial "Jim's," especially if youwear ono of thoso now suits.

Corp. Sohmedon is a enndidatofor tho second lieutenancy of Co.A, N. G. II., tho election for whichwill shortly tako placo. Schmo-do- n

has served in both the regu-lars and volunteers since lb3.Ho holds at present a position ascustoms inspector. If elected, hewill be the right man in tho rightplace.


Clianco oflliine from Munut Tuiitnluto "iiuiiiiii.

It is intended shortly to trans-fer tho bulk of forestry operations,including tho nursery, from MountTantalus to tho high lauds bord-eriu- g

tho upper part of Nuuanuvalley. This move is to bo madeat tho instance of Presideut Dole,whoso desire is to see all thomountains environing Honoluluclothed with foliago.

Commissioner Marsden saysthat about all tho availablo landon Tantalus is now plantod with avariety of young trees, in additionto tho older forest through whichtho tourist road winds. It is there-fore desirable to Beek now wildsto subduo. On tho Nuuanu,as has been on tho Tantalusslopes, experiments will be madowith a variety of trees so as to de-

termine which will best thrive.Tho object is not so much to growtimber as to cover tho hills withvogotation such as will conserve,whilo probably increasing, thorainfall and hasten tho process ofchanging tho rocky surfaco con-glomerate to arable laud.

Tho groator part of tho Tanta-lus forco of workmen will moveover from that height to tho Nuu-a- uu



Cum-- of Itcriltttinro lo tlio Worlc ofi:iiiiiucrutor.

There havo boon only two oasesof recalcitrancy toward tho workof tho coubus enumerators iu Ho-

nolulu. Theso were quicklybrought to a sense of their duty totho stato in tho mattor.

At Anahulu on Kauai tho pop-ulace toro up tho blanks loft attheir domicilos. They had beenmalioiously told that tho censuswas n schema for dispossessingthem of their lands. A visit fromthe polico, paid thorn in all kind-ness, quickly disabused tho mindsof tho people and they acceptedduplicato blanks aud filled themout without any more misgivings.

On the island of Hawaii twoprominent residents havo offeredresistance to tho enumeration.Ono of them is no less a person-age than J. D. Paris of Kona,hithorto so trusted a supporter oftho government ns to havo hadabout as many offices "thrust

Highcst of nil in Loavoning Power.- - Latest U. S. Gov't Roport.

upon hffn rt as hadPoo Bah. Mr.Paris dcotned the questions of thoschedule innuisitorial to an extentthat mndo their answering in- -

compatible with tho freedomthnt . rppbho grants. Iho

llpr 3 doughty philoso- -Phor, Colonel Samuel Norns.

UlKIIJg lilt! 1C)UUI1U Ul XJ.11WIU1.

Marshal Brown lias gone to Ha- -

waii to roinoustiato with thesegentleman, and may do so with a

j "poker," as Paddy admittod hedid on his plea of not guilty to as-- isaulting his Biddy.

(I'menJ written by Honol.ilu lad))

1 He lours Meetnnd nil tho men and Avomonmerely cyclers is a truer adapt-ation of an old familiar quota-tion than would appear at fustglance. We aie a trifle behindtho times in Honolulu as far ascycling is concerned.

In Washington, D. C, twothousand men and womenformed in procession a fewweeks ago. If thoy rode sixabreast, a column ton mileslong would bo tho result; threoabreast would moan a linotwenty miles in length.

Why delay; bo in the swim.You want to ho an te

girl. Then buy a

Waverley Belle,T. W. IIOBRON, Agent.


IsYourBlood pure? Do not pass by this questionwith on ovaslvo answer. It mean1) muchto your health, your happiness, your use-

fulness. II your blood is pure you 111

bo strong, vigorous, full of llfo nnd ambi-

tion; your nerves will bo steady. Youwill havo littlo need to fear dlscaso If your

Is puro and you lceep it bo. Now Is thotimo to bco that your blood Is puro, and toglvo it richness and vitality and tho llfoand strength-givin- g properties which arorequired, nothing can equal Hood's

It makes

PureRich, Red Blood. It will ovorcomo thattired feeling, creato an appetite, givosweet, refreshing Bleep and make youstrong. It will build you up and enabloyou to resist tho enervating effects otwarm or changeable weather. Is not thisexactly what you want? Then tako

rSOOOSSarsaparilla ,

The Ono Truo Wood Purifier. All druggists, ft.I'rciured only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Masj.

act easily, promptly andnOOCl S HllIS cilectlrely. S3 cents.

Hobron Drug Co., Agents.

Attention, Company B.AnMour Company U, N. 0. II., 1

Honolulu, Soptemuor 22, 1800. JEVKUV MKMIiKH or this com- -

B inninl U lieiehy older to report nttho Drill Shed, TlHIS (Tucsilnj)KVKNINO. Oct. 0, I MM. at 7..JUo'clock, Jftifliiess meetliiu'. No uni-

form. K. A. JAC0HS0N,t25.lt Lieutenant Commanding'.


WHAT IS HAVILAND?A half dozen years ago that

question yns frequently askedin Honolulu, but so much ofthis make of china has beensold in tho meantime thatovcryono knows what it means.


just open comprises somo oftho neatest, and at the sametime richest patterns over seenin Honolulu. Tho selectionwas made only after a greatdeal of study of Honolulupatrons.

SINGLE PIECES SOLDat tlio same rate that wo

sell a dozen and you havo yourchoice of patterns. Tho lotcomprises all the pieces neces-sary to make a completo break-fast, dinner or tea set. Whereit is preferred wo will makeup a set with tho patternsdiiTercnt for each course. Thismeans Oyster, Soup, Fish,Roast, Fowl and DessertPlates. If you want a set for

ONE COURSE ONLYwo can fill the order and

you nny ndd to it as yourpurse or convenience suits.Wo liav also added toour lines n Innxo invoico of

WHITE IIA.VILA.NDfor decorative purposes. In

this lot wo have pieces forthe table. Whereby airyonomay decorate in a design suit-ed to their tastes and some-thing that will bo exclusive.Besides plates etc., thcro is alargo assortment of vases. .

flST" Two hundred dollarsworth of this was sold thodaj' it was unpacked.


Quo en Stx'cet- -

Company "B"



Drill Shed

iWsday, Oct Stfi,


BSaT Will bo ltopoated "WS,

Tickets, Si, 75c. and 50c.

of Seats at HobronDrug Co. 424-- lt


Telephone 210, No. 210 King St.


Fine MillineryAT

N. S. SACHS'520 Ifort Street.

Tuesday, Wednesday & ThursdayOctober Oth, 7th and Sth.


Hats, Bonnets and Toques

Millinery Novelties !

S3?" Lndies are cordially invited to coll. , -



Fine Whito MubIIu iu Hoiutlfnl P litems.A great stock ot-- ,- .

. Valenciennes Laces .


BSsT" Wo expect within ion days a great aud now stock of

B & CORSETSOrdered Specialy by Us .!

This is known to bo thofinest Corsot mado. . .


Brass Signs and

.T. T. I.tLJ,Machinist. Nickel aud Silver Plating.



EC. "W.



This Weak:


of lvuiy ucscniraiox

Silk, Satin,Merino, Cachemire,Lawns, Trints, Crepe,

Etc., Etc., Etc.L 1

Dissolution of Copartner-'ship- .

Tho partnership lierotoforo existing le.tween Tang Chun, Chang Leo. Chnng McoHow and Loong Nam, under tho firm nameof Buy ilort.0 ltostnnrnnt, is this day

by uiutunl consout. Tho undersigned havo bought out tho businoss o( thel.ito firm and will continue it at the oldstand on Hotel Htrcet uuder tho same name,collect all outstanding accounts and pnynil bills duo by tho lato firm. They willalso issuo now meal tiokots in exchaugo fortho old ones from dnto uutil Saturday uext,Boptomber 20th.


nonolulu, Sept. 21, 1800. U32w




Electro-Platin- g


Signs of Every Description IGliding on Glnsa n Specialty.


Take an Outing'22snsT7 :'$8&xfo



Trains will lcnvont 9:15 a. m,and 1:45 r. M., nrrivinpj in Hono-lulu at 3:11 and 5:55 P. M.


Penrl City $ 75 $ 50Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Wnianno 1 50 1 25

French Claret !


Kort Street,

lias received a largo consignment ot

French, v Claret v WineB)T Ex "Miowera." Best Wino in the

Market. 393-lu- i


DuriiiL the absence of Olms. S. Deskyfrom tlie Hawaiian Islands Mr. Walter 0.Weedon is autborued to collect all moniesduo to tho linn of Bruce Waring & Co, andChas. 8. Dusky and to receipt for the same.


423 lit





fiji.f ... ; j



ft M


"' ffi




lie lonicl, but 111m After IIxjio- -

rlcncci Mnde lllm 1' referCuptlvlty.

Tho following romnrknblo story,of iidvouluto wns related, to M!Coohofott, head o tho Paris

service, by an oscapod con-

vict named Bourdet. Accordingto hia story, Bourdet, an engineerby trade, was sentenced to a longtorm of! penal servitude in thoyear 1881, and was sent to thopenal Bottloinont in FrenchGuiana. In 1885 ho determinedto escapo. Owing to his efllcioucyas a woilunnn, ho was mado fore-

man of a pnity of convicts whoweio pent to work in an isolatedpart of tho forest under the super-vision of a warden. lie com-municated his design to iivo oftho convicts, and they managedto secretly construct a raft, onwhich they intended to make theirway to Dutch Guiana by eeo.

Taking adantngo of a feto day,on which tho survoillanco was re-

laxed, tho six men got safely aw ayon tho niTt. Their provisionsconsisted of a small quantity ofrice, which each man had savedfrom his rations, and four ofthem hud also a littlo quinine.Thoy mndo their way some dis-tance down the coast and thenlanded to push thoir way throughtho forest. One soon succumbedto fever and was abandoned todie.

Tho fugitives were next set up-on by home Indians, whocupturedtwo of them, and Bourdet and histwo remaining companions escap-ed. Then next advouture waswith a largo serpent, which they"uufoitunatoly stumbled over, andtho reptile seized one of tho menand ciiuhed him to death. Thoother two, being unable to rescuetheir lemaiuing companion, afterenduring tcirible hardships,reached tho rior forming thebouudary of Dutch Guiana. Atthis stago tho companion sold hislomaining rice and quinine andjoined a band of wandering In-dians.

Bounlet, left to himself, crossedthe rner on an improvised craft,and a''tcr much privation man-aged to continue his journey toGeorgetown. Ho subsequentlyworked for several years in thogold miui'b, aud, having amasseda small sum of money, ho return-ed to Fiance to see his i dativesOn his ny through Parib ho wasrobbed of Iub money by a swind-ler. In spito of this ho reachedhis home, but as his receptionthoro was decidedly cold ho re-

turned to Paris. Unable toobtain employment, and being indanger of starvation, lie had noresouico but to give himself up tothe polieo and request to bo soutback to the ponal settlement.

licit II (I Til I Sluhls tit Hie, Anchor.

Anyone entering tho Anchorsaloon during business hour?, orin the ovoniug, is immediatelycharmed by tho handsomo arrayof gamo birds -t- eal duck, mallard,quail, goupe, etc., which decor-ates tho bar. They ate all stuffedas you will be, with rich, nourish-ing boor, cold and clear, and yviththe palatulilo viaudh of tho lunchcounter. The Scuttle beer, linowines and liquois are of tlie bestquality aud alyvujs fresh. EveryAustralia bungs a large consign-ment and Mr. Cunningham usesevery idea yvhieh his massive bitiinsuggosts, to ploaso his patrons.The Anchor is now tho inoht nonu- -

lar saloon in toyvn. 1 and 15 Kingstreet.

A. J. Deroy, D.D.S., Doiitnloffice Cotti go No. 100, AIiikohstreet, tol "',o . l'r Ollicehours 0 A.ir. to 1 i.m.

Kroegor Pianos, nweetOBt in tone,Jas.W. Boi gsti inn, solo agent, cashor installments. "WarerooniB atG. 'West's, Masonic Temple. Of-fice at Thrum's Book Store. Tun-ing and repairing. 8" Tolo-phon- o


If you want to frame anythingin the vory best manner; if youyvunt your frame to harmonizewith your picture; if you want thobest and wio'rit tasteful ft nine intho markotvgo to King Bros., 110IJotol street.


No. 10 Store


Rugs! Rugs I Rugs!

Volvet Pile,Moquette,



Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

Mats! Mats!

Tapestry aud Carpets,Stair Carpels,

Hall Carpets,

Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

ES5" All Just Received at


13T My llnck doos not tip In this man-lier, no matter how weighty the loud.

jfrajstk: lillis'all night

Hack No. 14ttST TELEPHONE 176

Stand: Tlothel mid K.ng n'reels.

J. J Sullivan,President,

J. UL'CKLBY,Keo'v,

Fashion StaMes Go.,L'd.

Honolulu, II. I.Sdlmvxn & Buckley, MnnVru


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Ilotol Streets.

TeLKPHONK:nnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pnnthoon Stnbles, at,Fashion Stnbles. 118.


BAGGAGE delivered and cheok-e- d

to any Steamer. Furnituroand Pinnos carefully moved titIiensonable Rates.

SatisfactionFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Ee-iden- co Tel. 648.

AMERICANLivery and Boarding Stables

Corner Merchant ami Itlehards Sis,

i LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.37" Cnrrhuen, Suirejn and Hacks at all

hours. 'lEl.IUMIONE i'M.

Just Received

A now Importation of

Fine Woolens .



J. P. R00RE0UES,Fort Street, onposlto IlncKfcld's.

h if IJm


Make Yod




FOR $18,


A Now Lot of Nico Goods JustEecoived. Cleaning and Eo-pairi-


AppearancesMoro often tlian not determine a man's standing. Ifyou will come to us tor yourclothes we will see to it thatyou leavo with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

Medeiros & Decker,The Hotel Streei Tailors.

WiiNerley Hlock, - - Honolulu.

CENTRALKnna SanatoriumSituated on n Beautiful IUUrIiIo Overlook-

ing tho Ocenii, unci 13CO feetiibtvo Ben Level.

Only 24 lioiiiV hail from Honolulu.Climate, mild, c'c.tr ilry ntmot,pueio, frcofiom fogs nml malaria, especial provisionfor quiet ond rst os well ub for nniuse-me- nt

and outdoor lifo. KatiH $2 per dayor $10 per week. Medical atteudunco extra,

l?tf' AddrefBDlt. II. A. LINDLFY, Prop.,

22J5 tf Kuna, Hawaii.


Phoiograph : Gallery,Opposite Luvc'd Ifukory on

Nuuanu' -:- - Street,Whcio bo will culm immediately into tliowork of T.iMng I'lotuicB. Mr. hcvuin Lashad ycnrH of o i oricuco at this luauuh audhas always met with Rucctss in it.


CLUB STABLES,IFtort Street, 'Z'el.- - - - VY



HARNESS -- AJSTT) -- -: SADDLEA specialty.




The l8t of iitlontit n fiivtn to animals left with ub. Cniefnl diheis, resreetfu.attendants, promptness, lluoks, Stunts, Biakus. Eiigt'ies.rhuetonB, Vngonottus.

C'LAUS SrilltCKEI s. Wm. 0. Ikwik.



San FraneUco AytnttliiK Nevada. Bank opBan FitANCisco.


Ban FRANOtsco Tlie Nevada Bank of SanFrauclBco,

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New YonK American Exchange National

Bank.Chicaoo Merchant National lhnk.I'aris Comptolr National d'Kecompt dc

l'arls.BentlN Drcsdncr Hank.IioNdKONO and Yokohama Hongkong &

Slmtiylml Banking Corporation.Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoria and VANCouvrit Bank of Mont-


Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business

Term and Ordinary I)rpoltt ltccclvcd.Loans made on Approcd ticuirlty. Comracrclal and Truvclern Credits Issued. Billsof Excliango bought and sold.Collections I'romi'ti.t Accounted For.

r. o. JONEO.


E. A.

The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOIJ SALE

A Fow Shares of

Pnla Siifrur Stock,lluwitllan Su;ur Go. Stock.


aawnlinii Goernmeut and l.stMortgnfjc Stirar I'lsmta--

tlOU liOHUH.

l" For purtlculnrB npply to

Tho Hawaiian Snfo Depo&it &Investmont Company,

40H Fort Htrnct



Established 185S


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-able in all tho principal citiesof tho world.

TEO. H- - OiViES CoB


. I


" One of the divinest benefit, that lias ever come to thohuman race." Thomas Carlyle.

i.-- ti


Fort autl TJerclmnt Sis.

HMHBB Mniiwwii jwiw iMwi iKi f iw iiw pi

W. t..

Wo from tho

of tho


&Covnor unci



It to Cure


Jan. 13, 189-1- .

& Co., '

Dkaii Wo usu in our and

not lceep it. Mrs. thinks there is


the to you in every way.

Pastor of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


Commission AgentsDry Goods,


Pipes, Tobacco,Cigars andSmokers' Articles,

import Princi--p- al

Factories World.

Ill Fine Cigars Specialty

HOLLISTER CO.,Wliolosnlo Retail..

Bulletin, 75c. Per MonthIWWMUIMIMWWtMfWIIMBgllWIllll

Paster's Story.

Rev. Mr. Williams

Could Not Keep

House Without

Painc's Celery


WfliMm-i-- m Jm00 ommends

Sick Headache.

40ftiLvsoN Aviwurc,Canox City, Col.,

"Wells, RichakdsonSnts: Paino's Ceior' Compound family could

liou&o without Williams nothing' equalsFame's Celery Compound1 cure nervous headachesand like. Success

Eespectfully, fwHOLLISTER DRUG Co.,"Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

'nr- -

MktW M. J M,, i tfe. J.




,,r 'T1 rs'.wfT. .TNirr jW'"wr W? ffiwijrwj' ": H ifcxfc f , 'v4 it rjrt,'

EVENING BULLETIN, OCTOBER G, 1896.EtYW tB&THt&& &0A0BAiTt9GCt&M19M V- OfWrt V notttiMwaiHWiMiwMimiiMWrtli ., Mifc . WMMwwTwm.'V rwemiwwMwmJUHBanrjiijjTmin m

i:vr.uv'rniN is scoitciirn.

Uiiccmlimil Hliiy JuiUy llo Cnllol n

Scorcliltic Wlltlernem.

No raiu had fullon for eightmonths, nnd tho hot nir was thickwith a stifling hitsso of dust. Fro-quontl- y

oil tho donra and windowsof tho wrotched tin nnd woodhoUBea had to bo hurriedly clopod

to keop out the hatoful sirocco.The uhuost. b.ii'o downs rollrd a wayinto U'o disbuico, with pillars ofhot dust 1000 foot high, travelingalong in tho scorching whirlwinds,ut a few miles distance from oachother, like giants st ilking throughtho land, roaring their dun lioudsinto the brass colored Bky. Thesedust spouts aro only a f-- foot indiaraotor for hundreds of feet upThoy oimo eddying nl jng, some-

times lifting ovon oil cans andpieces of corrugated iron; and uoebetido th hotii-e- Uioy lako inthoir truck, for thoy fill tln-- withdirt and rubbish, making uclattor on tho roof

Even if people aro on tho alortto oloso all tho aporturos as thoyseo a column appionching, tlioytiro filled with lino dust, i.nd thovary book cover? curl up with thohn Tho poo lo aro us happy asanybody olso. Thoy livo and toil,m k lots of mouoy. imrry, andnr givon in marriago They havotlioir oxcitoments tho shearingBcuson, dancing and raco moot-ing- s.

All tho vices and a fewof the virtnos belonging to thorost of tho world nro to ho motwith in that droary, scorchingwildornoss. Exchange.

Snlvnllon Army Ten.

Important: There nro very fow

things nioro hurtful than commontea. An eminent English doctoronce said: "If tho public gave updrin lung common lea, tho occupa-tion of one-hal- f of our professionwould bo gone." Good tea, how-ove- r,

is refreshing and stimulat-ing, and in introducing this arti-cle to tho public,the oflicprs of thoSalvation Army havo takon prentpains to securo a tea, which canwith tho greatest couiidouce bo re-

commended as boiug of the voryhighest standard of exeollenco,and havo decided to sell it at aprico within tho reach of every-body, and although it will loavous n very small margin of profitindeed, wo nro satisfied, knowingthat what we sell is suro to givesatisfaction. Sold in lb packets.Memorial Mixture,English Break-fast, Young nyson,Japau, Oolong,Gunpowder, HOo; Auxiliary, 35c.Telophono 755. II. Cannon, Pa-lam- a

Grocory, opposite RailwayDepot, solo agent for tho HawaiianIslands.

Citizens' Guards Certificatescan be framed at King Bros, forfrom 25 cents up.

Nicely furnished rooms at thePopular IIouso, 154 Fort street,from 81.00 per week up.

Hygienic Refrigerators aro allthat tho niimo implies. Call andexamine samples at tho PacificHardware Co.

King Bros, latest consignmentof picturo frnmos has takon thetown by storm. The dosigns nroologant, mid of thohandsomest.

Sterling, the painter, is pro-par- ed

to quote prices on roofpainting. Ho useB a composition ofcoal tar nnd comont. Cheapestnnd best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

Beautiful, nrtistic, accurate,charming island viows nt KingBros. Every prominent point ontho islands is photographed by usand paintod by tho best of ourartists.

City Carriage Co.. J. S, And.Tftdo, manager. If yon want ahack with good horso and care-ful drivor ring up Telophono 118,comer of Fort and Merchantstreets- - Hack at all hours.

Seattle is fast becoming a groatoity. Ono thing which makes itfamouB is Seattle beer, which youfind at tho Oritorion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is ono of the host things onearth.

Singers lead the world. Over18,000,000 raado and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,oaso of motion, groat speed, nd- -

justability, durability, oaso ofloarning and convomonco of ar-rangement. B. Borgorseu, agent,lGi Bethel streets.

X t ,

Phanix FoundryAND

Machine Shop.Cation, Nikll & Co., t t : i : Proprietors.John Nikll, i : i t : t i Superintendent.



General Repair Shop !

JOBBING A SPECIALTYQncen strcot, between Alitlccnnnd Richards streets

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner.

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Rqfanmca.

Office, Poit street, oppofrftoCnthollo School.Telephone 231, 442 nud 100.

8 Orders promptly attended to.

Dr. W. L. Moore3P:ta.37-s:LcIst;- n.

a,n.cLS'u.rg'sorL- -

Ililo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of theeye and ear.

Olllce hours am.

Wninnucnuo Avo. near Court Ho'ubc. iC3-t- l

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:- - and -:- - Surgeon

Residenco next to II. W. Schmidt,Es-.- , Berctauia stioet

Socially: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat371-3-



Emma Street, near Beretania.E5T Hours: 3 to 5 nnd 7 to 8 Pi m.

I. MORI, M. D.,

Offico: Corner Fort and Kulaii sts.Eesidonco, Arlington Hotel.

Hours: 7 to 8:30 am; 4 to 8:30 p m; Sat-urday nnd Bund ly, 1 to ft p m Tol fi.TO.

Dr. C. B. High.,DENTIST.

Graduato Philadelphia Dental College,1802.

JMIasouio Temple.A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotel Street, Arlington Cottage.



Honolulu, II. 1.

XST Offlco : III Merchant street.





Mercantile Agency210 King stroet.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


Collector & Real Estate Agent,

Noxt to the Woman's Exchange.

Bring in your bills, thoy will lo promptlyattended to. Telephone 059; 1'. O. Box 430.

For Sale or Lease

House and Ijot!On tho corner of Victoria and Green

streets.S5T Apply to


Castle &) Cooke--(Limited)





Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. O. Irwin, - President nnd MnnnjrerClans Sprwkels, - - - Vice-Preside-

W. M. Oiflnrd, - Secrfltnry nnd TrcnsurorThoo. O. Porter, ... Auditor

ISugaa? FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOEKTS OF THE




Queen street, Honolulu, ILL

AGENTS FORHawaiian Acrlctilturat Cnmpanv, Onomca SucarConipiii), llonomu SuRir Compiii), WnilultuSugar Cuinpati) , Walhce bujrar Company, MakeeSugar Compan, llalrakala KanchConipam,

Ranch. Planters' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chas Hrcuer t Co.'i Line of UostonI ackcts AKcnts Iloston lioard of Unilerwrlters.Agents Phlladelplila Ilorrd of Umlcru nten.

list or omctits:P 0 Jones, Prcsidontj G.'orgo II Bobortson,Hunagorj E F Bishop, Treasurer nud Sec-retary; Col. V F Allen, Anditorj OH Cooke,II Wntcrhoutio, A V Carter, Directors.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pauthoou Stables.

1'ACIinCO fc FRKNANDnz . ritoi's.A Dolicato Touch !

Keou Bnzors I

Artistic Hair Cutting I

Comfortable Clmirs !

lDt Wo employ nouo but tlio mostTousorinl Artists. Tlio most

Luxuriously appointed Shop in tho s.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT AI.Ii HOURS.


Cigars and TobaccoAIA7AYB ON HAND.

Eagle -:-- HouseIMIIIHMII Atomic.

CARL KLEMME, FropriQtar,

Now management. Commodious rooms.Tnblo Board tho llnost, including manyPalatable Gorman Disheti.

Board and Room, per week. . .

Table Board, per week $5.00


07. ICrovuso, j. - - 3rop.Per Dny $ jj.00Per Week 12.00

OpaelsO. XorxtlUy ISatoalThe Best of Attendance, tho Best Sitnn-tio- u

nud the FiueHt Monls in this City

F1. HOKNb -A-

-isz Elisor iHotol street, noar Fort

BEEAU, PIES and CAKESOf all kinds,

03" The Finest Imported and Home,made Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors


From fl a m to II i m. you can cet a Cupof Ileal Kona Coireo at tho "Elite" Ice CreamVat lore.

Jte . .J A, iij Ai .

imu mmmwmimmawMimiim

TiniriscSdvvOTittErnr.rrrifiEr;fY rJa"STSJ fSi' I fflTV

jaKaJB..sbL-h- Sm

t". TS,-- i 11 ', 'Milrf '!'' ' V 'Ml",II z Mifc ub arFPiiB'S



Importers andLIquor Merchants.No. C, Drnmm Street, - San Francisco.

FOR SALE IN BULK.Amjmcan IlocnuoN Whiskiks in Bond per

barrel containing about 40 gallons onchnt various prices according to nee andquality.

Cali?orma GRArr. Iliuviir in Bond perbarrel of nbout 40 to CO gallons.

CASE 0001)8.'U'O the etlebrated Caw Uliiskitt:

"Lxtrarony" Ilonrbon Whisky, 12 bottleqj3 gallons per rnso.

"Benrgrnss" Uonrbon Whisky, 12 bottlos, 22-- 5 gallons per caso.

"Old l,ionecr"llonrbpu Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- Bullous per enso.

"Tonnossee White Ilyo" Whisky, 12 bottles'2 2 0 gallons per caso.


Send ordors by .njoil. Satisfaction gnarantced,

Bratmsolrweiger & Co.,141'i"' No. C, Drumm street.

Empire SaloonA goneral stock of Liquors, Ales and




Ao of the finest nnd como to usdirect from Europo


Imported straight from Louis-vilf-



COMMERCIAL SALOON'r. nu:nii anil ISorotnuU Htt.

T. KI'.VCV iTfmiuscr.


On Draui;lil ami the Standard Brands olUcittlc Deer.




Tbo celebrated EnterpriseBker on Drauglit and inBottles. .

David Dayton,42 Marohunt Stroet.

Lands For Sale situatedat Kaneohe, Oahn.

Lot near Lunalilo Home.Lots at Pearl City.Furnished, Rooms To Let.

David Dayton.42 Merchant street.


Custom Hqusq Broker,

Notary -- :- 3?ublic,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attended to.


W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoyiuicing in

all its BrancliQB, Collectingand all Businoss Matters

o IniBt.

All Business entrusted to himwill receive Prompt and OarofulAttention. Office:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As a result of 15 year's experi-ence in the Abstract Businoss, Iam prepared to make Abstracts ofTitle in a most thorough, accurateand completo manner, and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Office, 318

Fort Street. 215-t- f



?aiswii1PHBWAs tho Hunting Season is now open, it behooves every

Sportsman to seo that his Dogs nre in proper condition. Wo

carry a full stock of all best Remedies for Diseases of Dogs,


Benbow's Mixture,Sergeant's Sure Shot

ad Humphrey's Remedies



High Grade



DRUG CO.,Strocfc.

4 CO.'S



Bcrctanta streets.)


Telephone 340. Ill Fort Street. P. O. Box 147.




Gitv Furniture Store,(Corner of Fort and

Just received Ex. Bk. Albert 8





H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)Undertaker and Embalmcr

-- P. O. HOX 140


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Received by Every Packet from tho Eastern States and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER!All Ordorn faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of the Oity FREE,Island Obdibs Solicited, Satisfaction Qchuntos


Telephone 53. j B P. O. Box 222.

Oaliu Lumber Building Co.,King Street, near Oahn Railway & Land Co.'s Depot,

Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEALEItS IN

Doors, Sasli, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Builders' Hardwaro, Etc., Etc.



7 I

i -





. t




-- '"I




. ffit



i, i








The 8tcmrr Klnnii Artlvcil TheMuaiuer V. it. Hull noimrtc- d-

Ollicr Wntrrfroiit Note.

The bark Martha Davis has dlnchnrRcd allher cargo.

The lilp Troon In expected to nail by tboend of tills wick for New York.

The Junius MnKio goc on tlio Marine Hall-n- ay

today, after tlie drudge ' launched.Tlio ship Troop ha hauled over to Oieanlc

dock to continue loading sURnr for Newlork.

Tlio steamer Klnau arrlvid before oneo'clock thlt afliruoon. She brought nosugar.

Tomorrow, blub llilo hirer- :i..V am; hightldu email i: 0 p in; low tide large O.W pm;low tide small lil:'J. a tn.

Ono ilocrlev from the U S 9 Ad.un wasrepoited tlil iiiormm;. A number ol taislrniii tlio uarrlnp uii at the band concertlift nluht in iliinn' drtx.

The bark (4alnsboroimh ha been hauled upto Fort stieet uhan to difcliurgo the '.Mil tonofeoal hn li xlilllii hirliold. She made

vr little wilier during tlio nlglit.The tisiiil sized crowd n at the departure

Of the V (i t i nil thlsinnriilim. doeial lioiesmade thing lively while thu) weie belnu'hoisted aboard. Late mull lr in the blu llrmsuptown dehkM'd the itentner iulte a while.

The (iermati ImrKSplea, whleh eleaiedfiomllreinen, (ieimuii, on Mu S, arrived In thMforenoon Llie i consigned to II. Ilnckfeldii Co Hesldei. In r cargo of Oik) ton im ncralinerchaiiillce, she brought 4H eise powderfor II HfirkreUl & C. and (ij aes powderfor HiilTsclilui-ui'- i .V Co. I he Spleu a herea nil liber of jeai ngo, when the made a verylong voyage.



Monday, Oct 0.Ka&la, Thompson, limn Oahu

Tuksday, Oct. ll.

Slmr Kluuu, Clarke, fiom Hawaii ami Maul,tier bk bplea. Franz Kiuse, from llremen.


Toesiiav. Oct. 0.

Stmr Iwalanl, Smjthe. r Luhalna, a

ami Knkiilbaete.Stm- - U 1UI1. bitumen, for Mil til ond

Hawaii.mini Claudlne. Cumeron, for Maul.

Stmr Keuiihou, Thompson, lor 'liiiianiuulii,Kilauea, K illhlwal and llan.ilel.

Stnir.Miknhala, llugluml, tor Kauai ports.


Stmr Hanoi, llruhn. Tor Walmca:


For Maul and llnwa)l. per stmr fi Hall,Oct 11 Mondial llroun. II l.imiiiii. Mm M

Mutch, Mr- - Dtuuu'i am servunt. Ml I'ae-nli- il,

Mrs l'iUnae, Mrs Aonn. W V. Wall,Mrs F, AKeimnnn, Fred Wnterhouse. MissDuncan, Mist Mulch. MrsL.o, W H Cas-

tle. Mlm AUenn.i'in .1 K Knnlli, Mis A' drewsand children, Mis M ruliy "d ehlldreii,Mrs Inukea, I' Wuldruii, Wong Leong, A

Cockburu, A niitn, mid l)r Dudley.


F. slliir Mlknhiiln--t-".- 'l b.igs siiL'iir, ISO

bags rite, 'Jit hags bran, i.'i head cattle, h5

bdls hides audi)-.- ' pUgs sundrle.Ex stmr KJnun m sheep, '.M bales wool,

47J bags siuil. bagi. com, 18 bdls hides,X0 iim' "il nk'.' siui'lrie.


VhHSl 1.4 IN PHUT.

i Adams, Watson, Wan FraneUco.

mckciiantmi:n.(Coasters not Included In this list.)

Br bk liRlnshorough, Diamond Head.Am sclirDefeml'M. lUlllngsen, Eureka, Cal.tier bk Spiea. l'ranx Kme, llremen.Am bk Martha DaUs, Sonic, S V.

Am bktn AmLllii, Sard,Am bktn Kllkltnt. Cutler, I'ort Towiisend.Br ship Troop, Ftlu. l'oithiml.Haw schr Norma, Korehill, French Frigate

Shoals.Brit bk Lndas Dixon. Llvcrno'il.Am brlut W (i lrwln, Williams. 8 F.Am bktn S (i Wilder, McNill. S F.Am bk Matilda, .MeKeii.ie, Seattle.

ii .'

H'ai:ki:lj:i vi it a mas.

Tho nllvi' W 11 Tell 'llielr Troii- -

!:. lo tlie .TIurMial.

Two nntivo women indulged ina lmir-nullin- t' and luting mutchover a inun last nujht and bothof thorn told their stories to Doputy Maihlial llitflu-oc- thismorning. One of (hem t,aid shewas married to the man and thoothor woman was nil the timetrying to get her husband awayfrom her. Tho womansaid thnt the other drove hor hus-

band out of tho houho and shotook pity on him and let him stay;in fact' sho couldn't get rid ofhi'".

Tlio culmination of thonffair look plnce last night,when tho nmrrh'd womanwent for Urn other u ith a hatchet.A fight ensued for tlio possessionof the hatchet during which onewas bitten in I he cheek and cutabouj; the face with tho hatchet,while the other had her faco bad-

ly scratched find camo near hav-

ing ono of her fingers chewed oil'.Both of thorn applied to tho

Marshal this morning Cor a war-

rant against tho other, hut afterhearing their storios that oflieialordered a charge of participatingin nn nll'ray entered againstthem both and ordered thornto appear before Judge do la

- Vorgiu1 at !) itl-ic- tomorrow.

Real Instate

For Sale.I 8old.2 Sold.8 Two Btores on Nuuanu street.4 Lot on Magazine Hill, t'Jux'Wl feet,

commanding an excellent view of tlio cityand harbor.

Lot on Hackreld street, 80x100.I) A Choice Residence on l.unalllo street,

having all modern Improvements.7 A Desirable Hesldenco at Maklkl.

Grouuds well laid out. Easy terms.8 Four Houses and Lots on l'unehhowl

street, all rented nt n monthly rental of 6105.This property is 124(1 feet on riinchbowl strcc,with a depth of ttii feet running to the drillfrrnniwl nrnriiinrv. with ii frontniru on samelor 4 or fi more cottages. The central loca-

tion of the property makes It most available.U House and Lot on Klnau street. Lot

TOxlll't ft. Thl property will be sold at costand I an excellent bargain lor a home seeker,The bouse Is clcgantlj finished and or thebest w orkmaiishlp and materials. There Is ncarriage house and barn on the premises andthu j ard Is well laid out with fruit and orna-

mental ttcc9.10 A Fine Hesldenco centrally located,

containing ift rooms. Lot Itfdx'AHi II. Twosmall cottages on the lot bringing In good

11 i',11 Acres of Land In Killhl valley, (Wal-kl-

side). stream of water Hows alongthis land. A bargain

li- - Sold.13 Sold. ;

14 A Coicmodlons Hesldenco on Hassiiiger j

street, titled with all modern conveniences, wrwll! Untie tor suburban property.


ItJ llou-- c and Lot on Heretanla street.House contains U rooms, and all modern con-

veniences. Lot s.")Vl4.").

17. Fmo llesddence on Herttanla street.For further particulars Impure at my olllee.

14 A House anil Lot on oung sircei.ond Lot corner Victoria and

Heretanla streets, opposite Thomas suiinrc.bouse contains 0 rooms. Size of lot liMVJUO.

2U Sold.1 House and Lot on Young street near

the residence ol the Hcv. Mr. II) de. Lot1HKI40. House contains eight rooms.

SJ Small House and Lot on Heauinokustreet. Lot 5(1x100.

j:l Pearl Clt Property.2t Desirable Tract of Cotlco Land on Ha-

waii.'Jo Two Stores on Nuuanu st, opposite hu-ki- ll

lane, also three lodging houses In therear of said stores containing LM rooms In nil.The nbove pas 111 per cent, and Is leased toresponsible parties lor a lernn of years.

ill A most Desirable Homo ou ThurhtonT ... ..1 lw4f.al 4lfllnveuue, uniiums nuu i- - ,

liouhO rend' forhard wood with nil lutcst Improveuieniti.Excellent view of tlio city mid ocean, niidono which cannot bo cut off.

27 K Largo Ixit HfidStrtot, comiunnding nn un-

obstructed view of the city mid harbor. No

choicer lesidenco is to bo hail m tlio cuyecn by the fiistidions.

28 A New House ol seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, hath, patent WC, serMints' nuartersnnd stables. One blockfrom ear line nt Piinahoii.

20-- Onl 1 of those Lots lelt near Kanieha- -iiielia school.

!io'l'u. Itonsi'snnd Lots on Llllha stieet.HI An IS Aero Tract of Land at Kalllil

eultnble for dividing up Into building lots.i!2 A House and Lot on Alnkca street.: A Beautiful Building Lot nt Kalllil,

100x200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.81 A (ieutlv sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 2I0xl-'."- i, Inning a frontnge on I; rectistreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird

view of the elt uud haibor.S5--- Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

residence ol Clan Spreekcls.JO Elegant Bench at nlklkl.nr .,iii!s'ii,..iinir (Mime;!-- : LOT left at Maklkliidjclnstho residence (illmananu

the lesldt-nc- e site of W Hopper, Laws,nnd I)r Wood.

Sold.Sold.Sold.Lot 75x150 New home roomH,

elegant llnWhcd; serantBipiarters, cnrr.agehouse, stables, elc, the comer of Ahpaland Qiiiurj Htieels. (iood view of the enn.

4:1 nree nouses 100ms eaeu,

rm ry vfrrvav - w

-- ,

It of .1 AL U


4J of S



01 o nn lin

H w

to Lot II n leel on Woby J'Jd feet

Klnau street, and frontline latterof Good

vi.tftinimt44 Lot on MnklKl street, 7"'.xllo).' Ilousi; mid lot on l'utoron Lane,

House contains (! reoms Lot 75x11(1.

40 Dnt-llliu- : House of U rooms lilted withall modem coincidences. Lot Uoxlll)Situated at l'nlama.

47 Vacant Lot on WulMkl Itoail, 100x110.4S House and Lot on Nuuanu street.

Houbo contain cldit furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near tliu businesscenter of city.

4'J Kleaant licsldcnec at l'unalioii. Hoii-- o

of 7 rooms with all modern conveniences.Lot IooxJoo, nicely planted with fruit andornamental tiees.

Noticb: I can on any ofabove pioperlv lor puieliaseis deslrlm:

same at from 50 to 7.'i per cent of thu value.

lJ"or Herifc.on lCsplanade.

'i Ucntcil.K A Cottsjjo ina Rood location

ftr two fir thll'Ll llllllltllA.nnd Lot, 100x2.')0, on Lane olf

Sol nol Hticot, Kiiuluwela helioolhouse, l'urlor, .1 lieilroouis, (UnliiK-room- ,

kitchen, pantry, li.ithliouse, holu.e,stablo nud oulbullriint,'. Kent S'--'.l per'mouth.

.- '- A Ileautlful Siiiniuer lteeldcuciiPeninsula, City, oumplitely furnished:tie and sui Mini's niiirteis. Will lentcheap tun desirable tenant Tlio lot Is overan aero In ulise nnd well laid out, and com-

mands a beautiful wen of Hie h.irbor,fi stoie Kooni, li'iAls, $'!' wi nioiilli,

iliieuy Into ll. HeietiiiiU street, rear ofCity Wed Store.

7 I'keu Kiiitiud T0 feet front, ou Uoieta-nl- .istreet, nest to Cltj Feed Store Will

enet toie ou ;rouiiil and iiase !i jeursat XM) per month.

K A Furnllieil ltesldencu ou King streetIn i dwindle lueullty.

for at ,

SLrvants' stables, etc. SJ5 permoiitli. lonif leae.

11 baiau Hull on Kiuma street, (.'ioiiihIlloor. Anvso.'Iety uishln a quietwill do well to siuthls.

A. V. CKEAK,74-- tf . i!10 Klin: street.


DuriiiL' Mr. ubsonce. Mr,Ewinc will have ohmgo of uiy bnokHundnttend to (ill eolleoiioiiH. Ho can ho foundeither nt Mr. lloardruan's oflico ut Ot;ur t A;

Co.'hor nt my otllro.3:!5-- U

X?v jy!

EVENING BULLETIN, OCTOBER G, 18.y,f?Wjwyl,yy!.',!r

Sale of Boal Estate I

In pursunnco of nu order of tlioCourt, of the First Circuit llnwaiiau Isl-

ands, the. undersigned will soil at 1'ublloAuction at the auction, room of W 8 Luce.Honolulu,

On SATURDAY, October 10, '9C,


All of the following Real Estatoot Onlm, nnd discriliod in ItoyalTntent 471. Knlenna 299D to nafollows;

Apann 1 Houbo Lot and AgriculturalLaud. ComircucinB at tlio N W corner,nnd E 1 91 obas along the bound-ary of Kawatnmano, from thenco 8 IV,' E3.41 olias, from thence N 71.- - W4 17

olins. nloug tho stream, from thouco N 33'E 2 25 clins tho boundary of 1'aupsttto place of commencpiueut. Containingan area of 7.G2 sq chas.

Apann 24 Patches and Knla Land.Commoiicing at the W corner ntid rnnuiugN 10" E 2 1U alonp tho bounding of

8 P.V F. 110 links: N il- - E 2.42 chnsX links ulong Konohlki, S U1,'E 1.G0 chas, 3 88J4' W 2.76 chas. to placeof commencement containing an nre.l of5 53 ki clins. Totnl area 1 3i7-100- O ncrcs.

rerxcrms casu in uniloii Estates goiucoin.

tTConvoynnco nt expensn of purchaser.V V. McCIUNKY,

Administrator of tho Estnto of M do laSiva, 412-Gt- .



has n big corner iuour Wo clothed

pupa, wheu he wns n kill; '

nnd tho prnctico of cominghis ilnd helped to

ninko tho pngeB of historythat is roponting itself.Tho little fellows like us,

wo send thorn home clothedns thoy bo. Tho big

fellowwo it so smull

cost. Tho youngstersuirfie wumuui

ergitden; furnished throughout in 8CU001




I, -


t-- to

& -

A !



eil Rood teiinnts. licrc- - g&TInula street a depth ot tlirouL'li to

a on tliolob teet. furlu- -






nt the



Cottnae coupleipiurteis,










hero with


nkes us, 'causodo nt

have been in our mindsmust bo'iu our clothes.

"The Kasli,"LEYIHflSTOH, Manager.

Wavcrloy Block, Hotel street

Shirts Made Order.

Fort St. OppI'ACIIECO rcll.N'ANniiZ



TouchKeen Razors











'Shaving ParlorsPantheon Stables.


Artistic CuttingComfortnblo


employ nono but tbo most cx- -ToiHonal ArtlHts. Tlio mosl

appointed Shop iu tbo IhI- -

mQQ,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and OoffccAT ALIi IIOUIIS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAHD.

Easrle -:- - HouseNu ll ll n li


Vevf mniineemfciit. Oominodioiis rooms.Table Mould tho fluent, including iniiuyI'lilatablu Geriunu Diuht.it.

Board, ant Room, p:r m $0.50 to $7.50

MiMrt, per weelc $5.00


Por Dny 55 2.00

Per Week



IlatoolTho Hest of Atteudance, tho Heat Situation nnd tho Finest Jlenls in this Uity

IT. HORNHotel street, near Fort.

BREAD, PJES and CAKES' - Of nil Minis,

rj$?"Tlie rinebt Impoited and Home-mad- e


Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1S9G, $100,545.15

Money Loaned on Approved Security.A Savings Hank for Monthly Deposits.Houses liu'U ou the Monthly Installment

Plan.Thirteenth Scries of Stook now open.

For further particulars apply lo

A. V. GEAR, Secretary.Chamber of Commerce Iloonis.OfUco hours, 12:30 1.30 P.M. 373-t- f

BRUCE CABTWRIGHT,General Manager of

Tho Equitabla Life Acsuranco Society

Of the United Stales for the HawaiianIslands.

Oryv: Merchant street, Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. 8CHM1OT & 80N3,

Aponts for the Hawaiian Inland.

C. B. DWIGHTTakes conlrncts for all kinds of STONE

WOltK, monument work, cement nudstone sidewalks nnd curbing. I hive onhnud the best llnwaiiau Htotio, Chinesegrauito, oto. Pino sttmo for monuiuentalwork. Estimates given nud lowest pricesassured. Telephone 833.

CoBsoliJatei Me Water Co., LI

Corner Alien & Fort Sts., Honolulu.



PLUMBER,Hntol St.. upr Fort. Tol. 802


No. 45 Queen Street.

Export Appniiui'tnent of Rei--

Estato mul Furniture.


Merchnut and ltichauls Streets.

37 Sharpens Tools ami Cutting Knives(irliiilnSiiiylenl Insiniiiienlsto Order, FilesSaws etc., etc. 401-- tf


TaxidermistHawaiian and Foreign Hlids and Anlmale

mounted Iu the best manner, uslni: the latestmethods only. Hotel St near DrMcGrcw.


Nuuauu Vulley, nbovo tho Mansoloum.

All orders qiven prompt nnd faithful at-

tention. No extin charga for deliveringFlowers to any part of tho city. Lois,Mountain Greens nnd Carnations n spe-

cialty. 2C5--




225 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I.


Doulfis in Lumber nnd Conl

anil Building Jlntoriuls of nilkincla.

Quoon Street, Honolulu,


Book and Job PrinterMoicVnnt Slreot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over bTnwaiian Kowp Company'sBook Storo. my 1.1.

M. S GR1NBAUM & CO.,1.151 ITKu

Quoon Btreet, Honolulu, nnd 215 Frontstreet, San Frouoibco, Col.

ISH'OUTKIW ofGeneral Merclioiidiso and . .

. . Commission Merchants.



Cor. Fort nnd Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesalo Importers and Johbors of

European and American Dry Goods.

Fort and Queen Btreetu.


Ganadian-AusiraSsa- n Steamship tins

Steamers ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBotweon Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. S. W nnd calling at Viotorin, B. O..

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),


--a-t KconsroLTTnii-c- r

On or about tho dates below stated, viz.:

From Sydney nnil Suva, for Victoria ami From Victoria nnil VnneoiiTcr, 11. toViiiicotnor. O.I Slln nml Syduerl

Stmr "MIOWEEA" October 21 Stmr "WATlltiMOO" October 10Stmr "WA1UUMOO" November 24 Stmr "MIOWEltA" November 10

Stmr "MIOWEKA" December 21 Stmr "WAKIUMOO" Dec. nibcr 10Stmr "WARUIMOO" January 21 btmr "MIOWEKA" January 10

Through Tickets Issttcil l'roin IIoiiolulu to Cniuula,United States ivml Ktirope.

I'ltnioni and rAS3ENar.ii aiibntij: tST For Freight nud Piissngo nnd allGeneral apply to

D. MoNioolij, Montreal, Cnnnuu.ltonBiiTKBttii.WtaiiipeR.Onniuln.'THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'd

M. JI. HmitN, Hun Friincisco, C'nl.O. AloL. Brown, Vuuronvei, B. O. Agcuts for tholliiwniiniilslnnils.

Oceanic Strasius kAEStralian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tbo Now and Fine Al Steel Stenmnbip




Of the Oeennic StenmpJiip Comjinuy willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland ou or nlxmt

Oct. 15, 1S9G.And will leave for tlio nbovo port witbMnils nud Pnssenceru on or nbout tliatdate.

For Sydney and mckland:The Now nnd Fine Al Steo Stcntnsbip

MariposaOf tbo Ocennio Stentnabip Compnny willbe duo nt Honolulu from Bun Franciscoon or nbout

Oct. 22, 1896.And will hnvo prompt di'Hpntch witbMi.ila nnd l'asseiu.'ors for tbo alxive ports.

Tbo uudersigui'd nro now proparedto issue

Through TicUots to AH L'ointsiu tho Vnitftl States.

tST-F-or further pnrtioulnrs reRnrding

FroiKbt or Fnssnce npply to

Wffi. 6. ISWiM &C0., L'd,Genernl Acents.

Oceanic Stsamsliip Co.


Arrivo Honolulufrom S. F.

Oct. 2(1. 1600...Nov. 1G. .1800..

THIJ-OTja- LINEFrom Snn Francisco

for Sydney.Arrive llonohtlu.

Mariposa, Oct 22, '00Mouowai, Nov ll, "JO

toIa thonniKe.


Leave HonoluluforS.F.

..Oct. 28, 18DG

.Nov. 21, 1SD0

From Sydnoy forSnu Frnncisco.

Leave Honolulu.Monowid, Oct IVOR

Ahiineihi.Nov 1'2,'Jj

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed Complete

Qoa Poser Photos of tho Stttap

Onlv ffilS.OOLATHST OFrElt wo have

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFotographer.KORT STREET.


Henry Davis,320 Foit streot, near Merchant.

KQEchaniisa Broker,Commission Aqf.nt,

Custom Honsc Broter and Statistician


General Business Agent.

iltrsrJt - JhwsV '.W

hik Mail IkaiAtJl) THE

rmff v


li. I



" "



- 4. k-


Occidemal & Onsntal Steamsbip Co.



Stenmers of the nlxive Companies willcall nt Honolulu ou their wny to tboabove ports ou or nbout tbo followingdates:

Stmr Doric Oct. 7, 1800Stmrllelgio Oct. 24, 1S90Stuir Peru Nov. 2, 1800

For SAN FKANCISC0:Steamers of tlio nbovo Companies will

call nt Honolulu on their wny fromHongkong nud Yokohama to tlio nbovoport on or nbout tbo followinij dates:

tftmr I cm Oct. 12, tS!)0Stmr Coptic Oct. L(, 1S9GStuir duello Nov. 0, 18y0

Hates cf Psssags are as follows:TO TOKO- - TO HONO-HASI-


Cabin S160.00 8175.00Cnbiu, round trip. 4

months 225.00Cabin, roumltrip, 12

monthn 2C2.C0Furopenu Steorngo. . . . 85.00

C33jrntisonKors'piijnng full fare will boallowed 10 poicent olf faro if re- -turning within twclro months.

ESTFor FroiKbt and PnssaKO to


Wilder s SlearipTIME TABLE.







0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. 11. HOSE, Soo.Cnpt. J. A. KING, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu nt 10 a, m., tonchiiiR atLnhiiinn, Mnalnen Hay nnd M ihcna tioEiiiue (by; Miihtil;onn; Kiiwuihuo nnd

the following day, urriviug atIlilo tho Bamo ovcuiug.

lkwkb noNoi.ni.o. I



Friday Oct. 0 Friday Oct. 10Tuesday Oct. 20 Tuesday Oct. 2(1

"Friday Oct. HO Friday Nov. CTuesday Nov. 10 TneMlny. ...Nov. 17

Ituturning, will leave Hilo nt 1 o'clockp. m,, totieliiug ul Iiimpahoehoo, M.ihu-liou- n

and Kawaihao Hiifo day; Mahuu.i,Maalaea Itay nnd Lahainn tho (uliowiugday; nrriviiiR nt Honolulu the iifiomoonrfot 1 uonday and FrhlayH.

Will cull nt Fohoikl, Fuua.Freight vill bo received utter

12 noon on day of BailiiiR.

Stmr. 0LAUD1KB,CAWIEROW, Commandor,

Will lrove Honolulu T'neiJclay at Sr.M,jtonchii.t,' nt Kuhnlul, llmia, Hauioa andKipnhulu, Mani. licturuiug airiea ntHonoliiln Kmuliiy inomingb.

Will call at Nuu, Knupo, on f.econd tripof each month.

flj""No Height will he received afterr. M. ou any of Midline.

This Company will leaerves tho liuht (ouiako chutif'es iu the tiino of (Icp.'iUnio andamval of its bteuuiHra without uotico nndit will not no responsiblo for nny canwqiionccs misiliB tlierefrom.

Oousit'iiecs iiiutit lie nt the Landings toreceive their Freight; this Company wjUnot hold itfcclf respausihlo for freight afterit has been lauded.

Live Stook only at owner's ml..This Company wjU not lie trsnonhihlo

for Monoy or Valuahles of jahLoiigerauuless placed iu tho care of 1'urbern.

l'nsseugers nro icquosted to jmrchasotiokots hefore eiuharhiug. Those failiug todo so will ho suhjoct to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv- e per cent.

To Let or Lease.


THE 'IES1DFNCE OF MH8. A. LONG,ono mllo from postofllce. Largo houso with(nrnituro. Four hod rooms, parlor, largodining room, pantry, kitohon. hath roonifjhot nud cold water, with patent closets, Ti

sorvant housos, stahles, houo paddook, .garden and trees. A charming location.

Apply to J ALFHKD MAGOOM.tf Meich.mt st next 1'otefUcoi