i njuries and their treatment. warm-up to bleedto faint an injury to scald a bruise a wound...


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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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To bleed To faint

An injury To scaldA bruise A


Crutches To fracture A bandage

A cut

A skin wound, usually made with a knife, piece of glass…A piece of cloth that you tie around a wound or around an injured part of the bodyTo break or crack a bone

2 long sticks that you put under your arms to help you to walk

An injury in which the skin is cut

A purple mark that you get on your skin when you fall or are hit

To burn yourself with hot liquid

A wound or damage to part of your body, caused by an accident or an attack

To suddenly become unconscious

To lose blood, especially because of an injury

SPEAKINGSay what’s wrong with the people in

the pictures.


Abrasion(medical) /əb`reɪʒ(ə)n/

A graze/ a scrape A scratch

A contusion(medical) = a bruise

A black eye

To receive a blow•She received a severe blow on/to the head

Cuts and bruises•A: I hear you fell off your bicycle. Are you all right?B: Yeah, just a few cuts and bruises, nothing serious


A laceration(medical)=tear/an incised wound = a cut

A gash - A long and deep cut in the surface of the skin

 |læsə`reɪʃən|  /ɪn`saɪzd/

Penetrating wound(medical) = a stab wound (much more severe than a puncture wound)

A puncture wound(caused by nail, pin...)



A blister

A lump

A pustule(medical)=a pimple

A boil is a painful infected swelling under the skin full of yellow liquid



1. To stop bleeding To apply pressure with a clean cloth

2.To avoid infection To clean the wound and keep it clean

3. To apply a


4. Don`t pick a scab off!

bandage/ gauze pad

A burn/A scald

1. To immerse (an arm) in cold water until pain subsides

2.To apply/put on/rub on gel/cream/ointment to soothe the skin

3. To cover with a non-adhesive/nonstick bandage


4. To take over-the -counter pain reliever

Name the wounds

Write the corresponding medical terms for the ordinary English words:

Common word Medical term





Stab wound



* Incised wound

* Abrasion

* Abrasion

* Penetrating wound

* Laceration

Complete the sentences

1. He had several ___________wounds in the abdomen from the knife

2. He was knocked unconscious by a heavy _______ to the head

3. The wounds were only __________ and required no treatment


* blow

*cuts and bruises





Some telltale signs that a bone is broken are:•There's _____ (swell), _____ (bruise), or _____ (tender) around the injured part.•It's ______(pain) for you to move it, touch it, or press on it; if the leg is injured, it's _____ (pain) to bear weight on it => to keep weight off•The injured part looks ___ (deform). In severe breaks, the _____ (break) bone might poke through the skin.•To limp/ to walk with a slight/pronounce limp


A splint

To get a splint

To put on a splint

A (plaster) castTo get a castTo put the bone on a castTo place a castTo be in a cast•Her leg is in a cast

To remove the castTo get your cast removed(An arm) is out of castCast/ splint immobilization

To immobilize (an arm) with a cast/splint

(open/closed)reduction- to set(reduce) the bone, to put the pieces of the bone in the right position

When the fragments of a broken bone heal and join

together, they unite n.Union

A sling•To have an arm in a sling

Crutches•To spend 2 weeks on crutches

A neck brace


Internal fixation:

•Pin To put a metal pin in the boneTo remove a pin

Plate and screws

A gauze pad

A gauze

An elastic bandage/ace wrap/ bandage wrap

To wrap a bandage around (ankle)To re-wrapTo put onTo take offTo remove

An adhesive bandage/sticking plaster/band-aid

An ankle support/ankle brace

X-RAY•To do an X-Ray•To get an X-Ray•To have (an ankle) X-Ray•To have an X-Ray taken•(An ankle) is X-rayed

MRI - magnetic resonance imaging•Brian had an MRI taken Sunday.

CAT scan/ CT scan – computed tomography

Mobility aid•Assistive walking device•Wheelchair•Prosthetic device•A cane = a walking stick

Broken neck = cervical fracture(medical) = whiplash

Slipped disk

Prolapsed disk

A bed rest and limited activity

Colles` fracture

Broken hip

•Pulled muscle•Twisted/sprained/dislocated ankle•Dislocated shoulder

•To immobilize a (sprained wrist) in a wrap/ with a splint/ cast•To put a dressing•To dress a wound•Remove the bandage if you have ___(numb) or _____(tingle)

•To apply a cold compress to prevent swelling and pain => to keep swelling down•Ice an injured part


When you injure a muscle or tendon by using it too much•The goalkeeper is still out of action with a knee strain.

To be out of joint•My wrist is out of joint•To pull a joint out of place

When you hurt a ligament by suddenly twisting it•I fell down the steps and sprained my ankle

You can relieve pain and swelling and promote healing and flexibility with RICE

—Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

Severe pain, swelling, bruising, or inability to _________________ weight are "alert" symptoms that could indicate serious injury to a bone.

1 bear

Describe the fracture: 11-incomplete

2 2-complete, displaced, simple

Most broken bones will need a ___________to keep the bone from moving so it can heal.

cast/ splint

If the cast or splint is on an arm, the doctor might give your child a _______ to help support it.


A child with a broken leg will probably get _________ to make it a little easier to get around.


He got a whiplash injury in a car accident and now he`s wearing a _____________________

neck brace

Never ______ a scab ________ when the wound is getting better

pick off

These shoes have given me ___________on my heels.


I was careless while boiling the milk this morning and _______my arm scalded

Material that can be stuck to the skin to protect a small wound or cut is called _________________

an adhesive bandage/sticking plaster/band-aid

I stumbled and ___________________________ my ankle.


Why are you ____________________? What`s wrong with you leg?


Closed _____________ is a procedure to set a broken bone without surgery. This allows the bone to grow back together


Name an injury and suggest your treatment