i counti^i ininyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066727/1870-03-19/ed-1/seq-3.pdf46s ^ 55ysv...

46 S^ 55 ySv ”“* ' I* / *^? U r ing gi^s^ jjyjio K ade . ofreoSutcs 2 ^ggp«;s»^ siSis*'‘» •l^^lW nfeo-iljJiiie no r.tb«.-,*nri»j^i; - .-r ‘ -'ffiSitoS _ tib^ o v,4v.. >/4Mhi^«i^tAr>fTT :aitt* . I.‘v&vJVi &ipw; |p 3 |?ss^r?£:: 2, iCitilllh « ^ftfj(ij.f| loS'e 4{i// A'weekw U^iT %o tho'CffiiJt^’‘'lW*o»i«, dorld; luiiUd tU^'tiie wsi » nonttrot ___^^iSSSc" irtm eiy-M rie, we were dcmblfwillioff toV to,i^cliim io% I^ridnow * Mr. suumfacia^ ' of toe *^tiifaction,’^ and annocmcet'luiQMif is one bf the i toeteof. tt -Wia cirred, he siys, f bloclr of gypsam,'bronght from'Ti 1868, lid wis finished in iboa'b lum inontoh. ^0 ^ re it in old appearance, as if to esenie close insp^tio;^ it was «^^)Wsifh,;tt)M> frosa A<S0 p •- forto!#^j@iri)fh^^ilK^ I tojo!i^ti?e«hasft(q%t1lbiilU«iKlhsi;aiW •cidfuid Un^iih ink, iVheri finished, toe fl^rb was taken to toe'spot where it wiia fonnd, and buried— to be dug. up in due season, as a wonderful product of petrifisetion, or a statue of remote anti- quity. Ana' so the—irather more than— “nine days’ wonder” is diprired of its mystery,, and the bubble bursts. for thus exposing the pant’s origin is a od illustration of much of the Iiiv7 iifj;-. _ l;n ■y good lUustration of mui ment moriiliW prevailing in 1 and his fellow workmen • toe- business had been His 'com- ^ f f # l f •fe??t.4lrt whish aot a had qfi' • )•■-' *"‘Ks^^!S»i^d.l*T«h littls grsia, sad, tbtelaetter^-jiSUa^osk We hart' sarad -HiMb s^iB . t o s ms»alaccalB>aKd«ad He promised'fl 56 for the-job. ^ io n receit'id 140, but he got nothing. He says, therefore: <‘As Hull (the origi- nal owner) has not carried out his part of too agteement, I do not think it right ^ ^ i o l n t i . t ^ has.,, patting Itovsl aad 'satastiflMs girkg it s aad «psrtar#gf,^,toa spriug pigs ssmiArlHn^ Stolf :YSip«aU j|fjf.^)W llW NW ts* Ihs J.ssr;' -The laotb- )i^jhtoUWstiM.bsatsf.earfl>aad the pigs jf^ hsyeit <>r tM .irst <(sw hoars ..if ^oa ” j fcrJ. Kfri.*.,/. „M. .. .r * Lawk A ka - a ___ f_ a1 _ < Sfld w l^tw stsS iniuiT A iHjaBaa-rWish, - y-,^^aiifc.W a7ipa*irf|kti.jiriasadfiU aUi wiH&Wi MtfdMJ^noad.tiMiti ..wU. ;bs JaW aii|^!tfistotoa'day)Ji^ first-.sMahx ^d a a , wUeh should bo always and eaastlj r-.n L '.^ j w ll \^a^J|»"S^,aH oat, ypas bars ahavad |daAfitt^ya«Kp|aBa«iradF>off;aMl pjaatiag [all aMimladiiaad^h«i4iof|aU,,aie'yoii giUng y>U u r spridtftreriilwiib a, vh<da haartl:, i maoi a a»er,iaeaaSfclt.in iUI complateat - ~ l^haift ........................... ........... 'ays WMbiag gstW'piaa^towWhoee, y ^ Hf« will bo a 'mia- erable 'fiilWre; hut ifyoa Ibro yonr Worfcj'give i%o y^Hbdiri'*lihyo4it‘b«alUi4>Bghts;dBtor apon moiltf dod'Sop< you' will bo both i'iiurL l' ' d'at 'sQto98 conUfor fall mode. St Alban., Vt, last , u . W#r«.T0iy imalL 5 4^iSM4P*pt)la toj.jbo; mad# this spring to s^kjaaiaej^.toa woods of Now Hatapahli with/qaaiW h Mr^ -H: P. Ingalls has bobglit »ir- bo^rwhere it waa enribaity alire, ippears with a hf the makers about four 1days’ wonder” is deprived .^.„ery,, and the bubble bants. Hi'e reason given by Mr. Mohrmann kW > AW r«%ylAww«A> 4l»A mS amA^ a M«n/ws»s %* (tic) for me to renlhin quiet any longer out think the swindle should be exposed.’, M im i, Napoleon is. inysstiUg in 5 20s. Victoria, has £2,000,000 laid up. Wheat it an inch high in Zansai. Napoleon’s pet is a Bengal. Tigar. California complains of dull trade* Kossuth is going back to<Hungary. Flordia d8M» on pineapples fritters. Beal estate in Omaha is still rising, Iceborgi arh in “bloom” in Alaska. The Mormon troops number 18,000. Ditraeli’t health is improving. The snow U ten feet deep in Nevada. OoUscbalk left a fartnne of $500,000. Chinese idols are now sold in New York. St. Pctoisburgb has 10,800 cal •drivers. Frogs sell for $2,60 a thousand in Paris. Every fifth man in the world is a China ■Kuiina u aCruMO in the nWof v«ges or Uoavrfor the majntmonce of such mte. j a. Thie act ihaU take effeft immediately they to ii bnsi o/ the State o / AVw York. rrpre- jfn Senate and Aetembly.do enact <r« fol- ''I Comimssjpo. CoDsigamects ^t»l*cited No.. .M) IVnrl Siroei Kew Yorlc. iVfie York, Friday, Mari^i 18. 187n. L'l.ilcr ft mote liberal demaud f<*r con^uinp* Uoii, the stock of t-boice Ho^vs te ramdiy d«- :asing. 3’et, while we bear <jf no sale, abova rliii»he*t qiiolatioDs, we can only cflU “ e irket firmer on such grades, exhibiting, at llie same lini*-, aslrong tendency to an early advnn-c Thus it will be seen onr bret E hilN h end .sixty -nino. p iy toX:r ■ E T gros pl^f be entered i |of the peace of 1 ^inted to ^ h*ld. ( said. term. If iu«h order is n A’^ttendaiftc of anT initioe of Jrco ^ til Bugjratjco shall atte •O’ .H. or I rlr.cr of irt of «yor Aud {or- F the cuimty in which i, to eerre as. juitioe o f ______ m th order is made hy reason of any initlee of Ksilons, it shall --------------nsbeo shall attend, but ' ' a Mm at whiA it waa nude. Sbb act ihall take effect immediate!;- iatoof KeVTork, I I the£eetetai7 of State, f “ • le compared preceding with the ori^ • in tlua oOce, and do ^hereby certify • a correct tianxriptthercfi--------- N by 1 aUy . ______ ;^S'c ---------------- pt therefrom an. of the whole oii^^^law. ^ p,g,g ..' 2 Sa c of Fete York, repre- ■iiiUi/, da enact at fol- ini ded •a of a new ronnt[°horoaflcr.'rh7s,'i;^^^Ye' ounty may take proot of thu wills and grunt l« ■:fS3 .S ‘S 33 ^ If h of t the J before th e . rection o f a______ _ ,.'h deceased person shall have been stamentaty or of odministrat' ■d by any s its of the < nd testami county any i ___ nproren, orlet- stamentary or of administration shall have been ■d by any surrogate, bat no final settlement of the its of the execudor or administraioni of the last The surrogate of any county lu a-hich such will lave been admitted to probate orlottors of ad ration granted, shall on the demand of any intcrest^ make or causa to be made, for the - -^ifltdeopie- made, f his han sTS;“ N 5 S % ,‘" '" r " '- ‘“ '*'’ a , OH.,,,., u „ e im this office, an-l do hereby certify that the w a correct transcript therefrom and of tlio whole SoM EU A NLI,,SON'. Secretary of State. The Irito press denounce too new land- bill. Orlundo (Me,) tells 70,000 dozen eggs Shawls for gentlemen are again fash- ionable jonsvillo is talking of a iiionument to Prentice. The Virginia wheat crop looks very Diotfiisingt. A bibgraphy of James Eisk, Jr., is in propakaf Female barbers are very commun Wester* citica Trinity parish, New York, has 2,110 comiunnicanta. Tw( wife ii leuty cows is the legal puce of in Natal. Natal, Brigham Young weighs 200 pon-nds, I better half 6,000. A Minnesota farmer has cleared $150,- bis 000 in three- years. Iare 3041 Congregational cbuicbcs it Britain. iver is imparling a vernal Mary’s paricli, La. There in Great |.emllnadNd!Qftbessibirds from tke west. ;) IMr. A. Davenpoit of Hollowell hat a pork ib^irel mads of esdar tbat has been in coosUnt i '^ S S S s |:S S £ l ,H *-2 ‘feiPllS'v^r y d -K a :i a l ;j iwken ail o to t f Bhances fail, reonopolUt# ibMto« pbbpMyiris rihrplr w ow le^ i^i(ra,-iii4vice4A®i fyiris rihrply ... ^ ,'Wito wkiich legislatiTe W,.i»A;c«i^BeMlj t» ,.'114 lo White cloi beantv at St. A German servant has succeeded in laking wine from the tea plant. id and three divorces were One thousand and three granted in Ohio last year. The released Fenians are to have grand pubii<5 reception at Dubliik The saloon' keepers of Newark bav^ formed an anti-temperance society. It isaaaarted tbaUen tbouiand people ■ght. docliued, and under toe monthly by auction, continood to do so. |« t drunk in New York every nigl , Ih e internal revenue receipts are so 1^‘for Jannary, $IO,545,900. The total aeeif^ts since July 1st, 1800 are $109.- ’th e l*tr ^expenses of the Federal Gov- Arpaqout laaiyear wer6 $376,990. Those of i|e. City ojr New York wore $721,918. j The male students of the Indiana Medi- ^al'€(^ege, hato giveu one-of the lady 8$wieDtaa gold-headod canc. Oregon is the only 3Ute whose pubhc I J^cnooenU do not comber the congresc- U^-ltuponth. m«keUn • <gtenpjti.pvnri4li toe auction prices, linn juuob^dtocomedown to uanrly 'brortb 6 f the article. This -babitanta. TbopnbHo debt statement for toe month £ f ^ ^ 6 f «dal’i)3^ tociiWir' "If they oasgeC of Febreanr ^D1 not toow-aueb,' if any, redaction in the debt owing to the ich a law^paBMd toey will have toe thing hands, and can put kid eviiy nne.„ifho.' .b'uyq a ton of coal II ' .............. ^ Ib ave to play into the hands of one of rWfeTOftmH','?.’;'. tK!) 'inoa .inDOUl.g ooiio^iHa ctw WOH Sited laxity to the very poor. iWe do them nre irfaiwiH'idt^Wnd iteaM t? to y such qotrar ftUlJ opto- >lJllu'J/ro. , I'Oifa-wOj irary. Ip the increase ot her population, Cu- ba is only second to ib'e United States. She now has more than two million in- Dioqt ofthe’interest in the 10-40 bonds anJ tlic. |>insipns. Mark twiuna wifei is worth only $80,- 000. ! Bind a roasted oaion on the pulse st toe wrist, and it wiU cure toothache in a abort time. General Negley and a number of others are in favor of abolishing West Point Washington is overron With newly tobington is overron married ponples, enjoriug Iheip honey- The express of man over women in u ; r providinsf for additional compensation to •utiee, elerta and asaifttanta i» the vAnoiu de- r..*, d in Senate and Amembly, do enact < m fol- lonal compenflation for the caJandar year, com- ing .lanuary first, eighteen hundred and seve nty aent, to the .e Stat* libra and clcri ibrary, tho •ke and me riSitse' ia 5SSa »««2 ss^ ease of fifteen per «jnt., Tbo sum of thirty ibou- l dollars, or as much thereof as may be necesaory I The incT' ,u'd corai^-nsn'ion herein befn -igiTru lie deputy and clerks in Uk railroad dopai.insut. ,.i of tU.: i'liei itcr and snr'c>or au-i 1-. vl.u iirt^-flre Emmett Wells’s Weekly Hop Circnlsr. mi'cr l»v Emmett h.-ui ot last avakened to s true wdm of the “eitnaiion,” nml nre no longer deluded by the repoiti that holdois of choice Hops will have to yield to lower piiocs. Low and medium grades of tiro now grop are entirely iinnofic."’, but will find more fs' as tl.o better qualities disappear. ^ Tl.cre tins been more m qurr for good year- lings witbin the past day or tWo, but the late hc.ivj arrirais of thif elass tend somewhat (o check operotions. While most articles of produce have roaten- ally declined in price by a further WI in gold, it is iurprising to seS bow well the Hop market has“ hol-l its own,” and maintaiued lU Lvtp firmness, particularly on desirable grades. Day bv day, the stock of new hops is be- coming mors nnd more conceutratsd, so that in the course of another month or two, with coutinned free coll from brewers, the bulk of the stock in this market will be held by three conceriiA By tlic figures given below, it i the oxiiort clearances last week small conbiared with the week pro' „-nall ednqiared with the week proviou.s., IS owing to ail advance iu freight rates, snd tho further decline in gold. A largo propor- tion of the eUipmentsare old Hops, upon which forw.irclcrs ore obliged to figure very closely wilFbc seen were very This A fcstiii-o worthy of notice, a.id one which fc.ieem i.igW) encouraging to holders, may foiu-l 111 the fact the “bear” clement, which ing the lai-t sixtj days has exhausted nearly rv means- wiUiin its power and reach to every means- wiUun its power and reach bring ihe price of choice Hops down to 20 oente, hss at Inst “given up tho ghost,” and we now find buyers gradually yeilding to the virws of holders. Finding it impossible to get :raight lots at the jong tried hold of an; and low any fine straight lots at the long tried Wirt, sceuT stereotyped upon their minds,) m.W i.fTering 21 aiid^ 22 cents with tho eame result . hnic.' Iloi.s are lield at 2-3 to 30 cenU per lb. . Hops are lield at 25 fv, think these prices might today buy up tho few hundred bales iu thif but wrth anything like icipt of favorable new-s >ure ties iu this market; active trade, or the from London, even aucli fipires would soon sink in^to irket, or much higher q o L i > a SPECIE Pay .MENT RESUMED!! XucbaMQ^ueo ol Rodtiction iu tiM pi'Qin* itim OOLD und-lmrliig PURCHASE SINGED THE DECLINE I ant enabled to eeil at greatly reduced prioea. igHOCKIRy r BSr; to. Ypn^ttentii COy in five and *tCTs^«te lots ^ri^inol ! enabUs nie to- fc'1 muefa lower thali- insni — ' m (?iiK !tfa/s\cs^flKis©. A choice lot conaiatmg oZsomO verynioo rtrles for parlonjuid other grads*. A very ootnplstc as - ortmcntchcap. GROCERIES. lu th's lino I paposc to keep a fttll and shaU not be undersold by my no nthdraWn prices would rule. As the season is getting so,mcwhat advaii we notice increased anxiety on the part of o friend.s in the country to have their Hops put upon tho market.and sold It should be re. mem bored that Hops, unlike most other articles of produce, is an article which cannot be press- ed to .-=jile, on nil unwilling market like the prcsoi I, o.\ce|>t at slaughtering prices; whoreos by watcliing our chances, and awaiting the pleasure of bu) crs.good prices can be obtnii It seems to be the opinion of raostpeoplein country, who aro-not posted, and who do uiulerslaml the " laws’ ' of the Hop trade, that a man can go out on this market any hour of the day, or any day in the week, with a Eample of Hops, and get some kind of n bid on it, same as he could do with n sample of flour, beans or dried apples , but, such la not the caae. If a pt'speolable denier or biowor doii t want to buy 3 our Hops, ho will BAy so, and that will end it ,\n\ urging on the part of, the seller would be of no avail When the time comes that ho has to buy, he wilF cither send for samples, or call at your warehouse and look nl your goods. If lie can be suited in qunlity, it IS an easy matter to make prices and terms satisfaclury Receipts of the week, 1,777 bales. Totnl receipU of the season, 90,020 bales. Exports clearances last week, 245 bales. Total exports of the season from the port of (^ity Cured Hams, & ' ’ DRY GOODS. ^ rniiTl of all kmd*-;4ayicr.'pi g': • ' r I'-.i to'f? •' s b ’- , I , -;-T " -'T .: ^^-•r i • .;j‘ lit £j;il i ' larlaS' , • V L- . i T ' J xifl'l i: N o i 468 an< -47aiNrondway; offer'A.xtockH.' i ubova toat is not excoliedtoy^ tor’^-’^ in this counti^i - They 'toU Bbtlf^il-’^^.q of 1he *bov< Hlesnle! - 7 A '? ' 'Ai T^SfKufsS otok;:; OjTlHkE No. 1)0 I AuHlenntliw where Creama,(^t«r«, sei;;™. «®Jicrrc^.te*.b«t»^le.,, • ^ _-j o-;. , , ,A-;, -fS FOR T iK RICHEST BOOK OF THK I r. Consisting' of STAPLE AND FARCY GOODS, a full luie of HATS & CAPS, BOOTS A' SHOES, rojfHf j _= j ; j -..it J .^fKil-ttl D N D E lt W,QRLD. OF, iTHKfcHREA'E-iCJlTY^e— il exports I Now't'en-k, 50,018 bales. received fr< Ca/h /V rcM CA.rrent Loudon till* w eek. intheNcie York TAILORING BUSINES.S carried on in all Us branche i. Cfiothing Cut and llodo to Otderr-by expcriCDccd workmen I am also Agent for. the Celebrated Singers Imp. oved tbe beat in the market. The attention of close cash hovers i.s particularly invited. S. 8chon*vua, March IQ,-1870. uty andeJorkft lu the Jnsnnnce deoarti fpiud bj ihcot^voraJ raiirtadand Iniunuioe com- iCri, purjuantiocUapin five hundred *nd it the la\ra oi oightton hundred and fifir-Bt e, and pter thi»o hundred and s’xtj-eix of the lawa ;d flfly-mne. r sbsll my from the canal fund, the Auditor of tbo deport- clcrka of the Cana! Commissioner* and canal ap- isers, and to tho C.ork ol the contracting bonrd, for >calander year commencing January first, eighteen Qdred andscrenty, at th# following rates of advaaco udaries received by them , on all salanes of fifteen idrcd doUars and \mder, an inoroase ot thirly five cent; on a 1enlariet over fifteen hundred and lean \vi.-co.ssi oX in twolihou*ai__ , ,SSlSri="« Seinew n f the Market fo r Butter, Cheese <ke.for ihe week ending Friday’, March 18fA, 1870 by David W Lem \ de Co., 62 kearl Street, XeiB York. Reported Expressly fo r this pa- <»tion to the oaiistante, e'erlui mesaeugers .,„i, n s.’fesss. £t?5S* New spring butter ... slij- luucy lall buUer le effect immedia-ol> htau, } « no IS» correct transoript thervfroui and of the lolo of said orlgmal law _ _ original law 3UER A NELSON, Secretary <rf State. 1:1 l^r«aU vscHUirti tto id yockod . . 2S a 2b Summer Western . ... IG a 2U . |L * | Ss;Sr"i ;’; s ,z.t!s l«c«aUed, makiy a very ^LBANY A USQUEHANNA R. R AI.BANY Kr BINGllAMTO.V homTirade wi'l umi of the b a u m u u •, -i.-sT-jiii Gifts of nioncv, whoa clearly not in the hflturo of payment for services rendered, or other valnable consideration, are not liable to income tax. Amounts received in life insurance policies, and daraagea recovered^ m action of tort are exempt •from income tiix Law) ers and p r the actual ti sicians may returiT either the actual fees received during the year, without regard to the time when toey accrued, or the amounts due to the time when they aecurtd, or the amounts duo to the business of the yearj-but when the tax payer has heretofore adopt- ed one method, he cannot now be allow- ed to make use of the ojther. grr S-'-' !„” S ................. 10-3' A ppl XcF ruit C aki .—Take two cups of dried a] ipplcs; hrring soaked them over i them up in small pieces snd night, cut them up boil soft; and thri and boil three minu1 cups of molasses, J: thei and boil three minutes; then add one tea cup of shortening, (half fresh lard and half butter is best) one teacup of sour milk, and one large teaspoonful of two eggs; when the apples are cool large teaspooi Ithe apples a the oven ani Am. Reg. of Rural Affairs, to taste ; put in the oven and bake.—HI. Indian meal, one quart of wheat flour, one and one-lialf cups of molasses, one tablespoonful of soda, sour milk enough to mix- it quite stiff; put it promptly into the oven aud bake aa hour. It makes six bars. LAWS OF NFW yoKK-teV the itato, on and betore the twentieth day alter t& day at ite Hn«l poieage, a* oertiK-d by the »e<TO!»ry at eUte. See. 12, totJe 4, chap. 7, part 1, raviaed tU t- CHAP. 19. AN ACT In relation to emnloyereend p w ployed, and to antend»ub(Uvi*ion nx of eetrao u t^ ^ e iir, chapter one, pert fcnr of the uiicctiDg wiUi ilie Erie Railway, mak- ing all Broad Gnagc to Cleveland A WINTER ARRANGEMENT. NC/rE.—Tb-'ime indicatod in this taola is the eav- g tiiDv for all irauia. TRAINS EASTWARD. murket ov«r laat week’s prices. We quote 1 l « to :: n'c.Vun Sa.: Soben-Tua. W^^tor.. 11.^^ te't?'" ...... II t ! f !i 81i Dgerlands. atS S T '." =1 TRAINS WESTWARD. Albany. SStei is ill Mlier*... & “^ .V W-Bridg^V.. ^*HECTIONJ 7 Snot beoonatruediaanyoourt of ________________ or prohibit the orderly and peoc^ able aeeaoibUug or eo-^wrhtian of pesqne employed in any pro&eaion, tZAde, orhudiocaft, tor Ots puipoee Train NaSwiU Booday night*. Hlii - !SJ a ';? ,? aotroaBtttOKday alghU; wUUoavs •CONSlNa.. D .............4a: NEW YORK MARKETS . CommuMion on Butter, Eggs, Poull :nt. Flour Grain etc. 2 i ^ r cent. Itry do. is 6 por We quote: Ldter:;::;-."id V n ■winter make . ..^ ................» 18 a j l .-c-pto ter -tho-wo^ wpro'T,Vo^ l^ali do Tveetern ’caches loelcd................................ do MpoeloU nuartere vi lb.............................. oa,; iiJMKTrnr ' .::;.;::!S5x 'W A roE S .-T ltere a,-; IciteVdeiniiid a n d ^ ^ §SS“" CLOTHES,, CASSLEUES, VESTING, Tailors trimmings , &e. &e., constantly oi . H GURNEY. n<^9 J o h n Gr.'^jMJyex’S , 37 W erihlP earl m reet, OPEN, FOB. BUSINESS. w rT H AN ENTIRE NE'W STOCK aU booed on|Cbtap Gold, and now oitored for sale i pricekaolow w to TI>eiy O oxnpetitlon I THE CHEAPEST STOCK ON Black, Plain Colors and Fancy Silks in tho market. Lit inens, Hack Toweling. Napkins, Crashes id Elegant French Towels, bought old 10. Also, Gold 10. Also, o/Kferr«eill8 tkiunterpaines^ HoUBEFURNISHinG GoODS G e NBRALLY, a U based on th* ab-ivo prio* for g o li HousekeepeT* will do themselves great injiutico if they fkil to moke’ their purchaao at Myon’ new itorc , DOMESTTQ COTTON' GOODS ARE ALL LO'WER. LT C o E S >&■ v-l't-ifj; .’ft bsli nl pORg.«,KoiTPSi^ sfhondrtS^MiUifl,-!* :lti Ii ,Pua*«o;:pij,-2^t- _ ............................................® " :Unren». Feh. 2 U t -18701' • .fiSwfti ••. ' ■#» ^ M l|aiT h ^--is-b u t liitiVao.':;^ 'andholdd aover-p lb................... "Sm: ..........=iii 3 lowoi Pearls are onehangod CAL! L.>-Dressed Imve orvir-cd freely durii week mid have sold a! 10a 15 ote. are all cheap; er . leached. Shiirtingrss, VM Y MUCH CHEAPER. F L A. IV 1V'*:E-''IL. S ARE LO\y. CLOTHS AND C'ASSIMERES ARE.SKIiLINQ at ruinous bbices French and British Dress Goods : WERE NEVER LOWER. ' S l a c k -A.*l a p a c]a s are cheaper than they iiave been in eight yea-a. F rench and E noltsh B ombazines All EVERY MUCH UNDER PRICE. Our Lace aud 'Wh\te Goods Department, all NEW AND VERY ATTRACTIVE. IV e w .S t o c k of*H[osier*y New Shades Kid Gloves,' F r e n c h S h a w l s , ' Jtn stripe*, rniirely now deaigni. L JL C E C X JItT ^ IIV S . Nottingham Curtain Lace, Vestibule 'Lace, Window Shades and Hollands, Cornices, Cords, Tassels aud upholstry Goods, in great variety, with experienced workmen to execute all orders entrusted to our care, <• r ORILD - OKYIIJG FOR MONEY */. T. nujajutjsie, Uio well kiipwu Al niO.VEEB, b&\Jng removed from la lo L'DiiUllln, lUifcrs UU Fcrvlcus to iho puDhc, ____ _,” oSS’ ,gtstV, a h d ia i- c If'- _________ ___ * * ' iso®@® 6 s dealen, and chaii oontinvo so. Ladies’ Mado-up Underware Department, UMdlUA,NeT.10. IM . JOHN T. Ht’MMI JQAVID W. LEWIS,^ & CO., new' YORK. M'Olh^TTOp'. li'lh h.'ij-. • Give particubir attention to the salb of the prodnetsot tho dairy on Cntiimi*sloD, and. make prompt retnins. Refer to onr.rcgulu patrons in Lewis, OneUa andotb- cr coontiewUiroughont the State. Maridng plate* *ent Bvery partioi corsets! corsets!! at ptioa* greatly below nsnal r a ^ . CONSUMI|RS ^FDRY GOODS WILL find tho New Store,

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Page 1: i counti^i ininyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn91066727/1870-03-19/ed-1/seq-3.pdf46S ^ 55ySv ”“*' I*/ *^? Uring gi^s^ jjyjio Kade. ofreoSutcs 2^ggp«;s»^ siSis*'‘» •l^^lW

4 6 S ^ 5 5 ySv”“*' I*/ *? Uring gi s jjyjio Kade.ofreoSutcs

2 g g p « ; s » ^siS is* '‘»

• l ^ ^ l W n f e o - i l j J i i i e n o r . tb « .- ,* n r i» j^ i ;

- .-r ‘

- ' f f i S i t o S _

tib ov,4v..

> /4 M h i^ « i^ tA r> fT T:aitt*

. I .‘v&vJVi &ipw;

| p 3|?ss r?£::2,iCitilllh « ftfj(ij.f| loS'e 4{i//

A 'w e e k wU ^ iT %o tho'CffiiJt^’ ‘'lW*o»i«, dorld; luiiUd tU ^'tiie w si » nonttrot

___^ iSSSc"ir tm eiy -M rie , we were dcmblfwillioff t o V to,i^ cliim io % I^ridnow * Mr.

suumfacia^ ' of toe *^tiifaction,’ and annocmcet'luiQMif is one bf the i toeteof. t t -Wia cirred, he siys, f bloclr of gypsam,'bronght from'Ti 1868, l i d w is finished in iboa'b lum inontoh. ^ 0 ^ re it in old appearance, as if to esenie close insp^tio;^ it was

«^^)Wsifh,;tt)M> frosa A<S0

p •- fo r to !# ^ j@ ir i)fh ^ ^ ilK ^I t o j o ! i ^ t i ? e « h a s f t ( q % t1 l b i i lU « iK lh s i ; a i W

•cidfuid U n^iih in k , iVheri finished, toe fl^rb was taken to toe'spot where it wiia fonnd, and buried— to be dug. up in due season, as a wonderful product of petrifisetion, or a statue of remote anti­quity. Ana' so the—irather more than— “nine days’ wonder” is diprired of its mystery,, and the bubble bursts.

for thus exposing the pant’s origin is a od illustration of much of the

Iiiv7 iifj;-. _ l;n

■y good lUustration of mui ment moriiliW prevailing in 1 and his fellow workmen

• toe-

business had been His 'com-

f f # l f •fe??t.4lrt whish aot a hadqfi' • )•■-'

*"‘K s^ ^ !S » i^ d .l* T « h littls grsia, sad, tbtelaetter^-jiSUa^osk We h art' sarad -H iM b s ^ i B . t o s ms»alaccalB>aKd«ad

Heprom ised'fl 56 for the-job.^ i o n receit'id 140, but he got nothing. He says, therefore: <‘As Hull (the origi­nal owner) has not carried out his part of too agteement, I do not think it right

^ ^ i o l n t i . t ^ has.,, patting Itovsl aad 'satastiflMs girkg it s


«psrtar#gf,^,toa spriug pigs s s m iA r lH n ^ Stolf :YSip«aUj|fjf.^)W llW NW ts* Ihs J.ssr;' -The laotb- )i^jhtoUWstiM.bsatsf.earfl>aad the pigs j f ^ hsyeit <>r tM .irst <(sw hoars ..if ^oa

” j fcrJ. Kfri.*.,/. „M . .. .r

* Lawk Aka - a___ f_ a1 _ < Sfld

w l^ tw s ts S in iu iT A iHjaBaa-rWish, - y - ,^ ^ a i i f c .W a 7 ip a * i r f |k t i . j i r ia s a d f iU aUi wiH&Wi MtfdMJ^noad.tiMiti ..wU. ;bs JaW a i i | ^ ! t f i s t o t o a 'd a y ) J i ^ first-.sMahx ^ d a a , wUeh should bo always and eaastlj

r-.nL '. jw ll \ a J|»"S ,aH oat, y pas bars ahavad |daAfitt^ya«Kp|aBa«iradF>off;aMl pjaatiag [all aMimladiiaad^h«i4iof|aU,,aie'yoii giUng y> Uur spridtftreriilwiib a, vh<da haartl:, i maoi a a»er,iaeaaSfclt. in iUI complateat - ~ l^haift ........................... ...........

'ays WMbiaggstW'piaa towWhoee, y ^ Hf« will bo a 'mia- erable 'fiilWre; hut ifyoa Ibro yonr Worfcj'give i%o y^Hbdiri'*lihyo4it‘b«alUi4>Bghts;dBtor apon

moiltf dod'Sop< you' will bo both

i 'iiurLl' 'd'at 'sQto98 conUfor fall mode.St Alban., Vt, last

, u . W#r«.T0iy imalL5 4 iSM4P*pt)la toj.jbo; mad# this spring tos ^ k ja a i a e j^ . t o a w oods of Now H atapahli w ith /q a a iW h Mr^ -H: P . In g a lls h a s bobglit » ir -

b o ^ r w h e r e it waa enribaity alire,

ippears with a

hf the makers

about four

1 days’ wonder” is deprived .^.„ery,, and the bubble bants.Hi'e reason given by Mr. Mohrmann

kW> AWr«%ylAww«A> 4l»A mSamA a M«n/ws»s %*

(tic) for me to renlhin quiet any longer out think the swindle should be exposed.’,

M i m i ,

Napoleon is. inysstiUg in 5 20s.Victoria, has £2,000,000 laid up. Wheat it an inch high in Zansai. Napoleon’s pet is a Bengal. Tigar. California complains of dull trade* Kossuth is going back to< Hungary. Flordia d8M» on pineapples fritters. Beal estate in Omaha is still rising, Iceborgi arh in “bloom” in Alaska. The Mormon troops number 18,000. Ditraeli’t health is improving.The snow U ten feet deep in Nevada. OoUscbalk left a fartnne of $500,000. Chinese idols are now sold in New York. St. Pctoisburgb has 10,800 cal •drivers. Frogs sell for $2,60 a thousand in

Paris.Every fifth man in the world is a China

■Kuiina u aCruMO in the nW of v«ges or U oavrfor the majntmonce of such mte. j a. Thie act ihaU take effeft immediately

they to iibnsi

o / the State o / AVw Y ork . rrpre- jfn Senate and Aetem bly.do enact <r« fol-

''IComimssjpo. CoDsigamects ^t»l*cited No.. .M) IVnrl S iroei K ew Yorlc.

iVfie York, Friday, Mari i 18. 187n.L'l.ilcr ft m ote liberal dem aud f<*r con^uinp*

Uoii, th e stock of t-boice Ho^vs te ram diy d«- :asing . 3’et, w hile we b ear <jf no sa le , abova rliii»he*t qiiolatioDs, we can only cflU “ e irke t firm er on such grades, exhib iting ,

at llie same lini*-, a s lro n g tendency to an early advnn -c T hus i t will be seen onr b ret

EhilN h end .sixty -nino.

p i y t o X : r ■E



pl^f be entered i |of the peace of 1 ^inted to ^ h*ld.( said. term. I f iu«h order is n A’ ttendaiftc of anT initioe of Jrco ^ til Bugjratjco shall atte

•O’.H. or I rlr.cr of ir t of «yor Aud {or-


the cuimty in whichi, to eerre as. juitioe o f ______m th order is made hy reason of any initlee of Ksilons, i t shall

--------------nsbeo shall attend, but ' 'a M m a t whiA it waa nude.Sbb act ihall take effect immediate!;- ia to o f KeVTork, I I the£eetetai7 of State, f “ • le compared preceding with the ori^• in tlua oOce, and do hereby certify• a correct tianxriptthercfi--------- “


by 1 aUy

. ______ ; S'c---------------- pt therefrom a n . of the whole

oii^^^law. p,g,g


c o f Fete York, repre- ■iiiUi/, da enact a t fol-

in ided

•a of a new ronnt[°horoaflcr.'rh7s,'i;^^^Ye' ounty may take proot of thu wills and grunt l«■:fS3 .S ‘S3 3


If h of t the

J before th e . rection of a______ _,.'h deceased person shall have been stamentaty or of odministrat'■d by any s its of the < nd testami

county any i___ nproren, orlet-

stamentary or of administration shall have been ■d by any surrogate, bat no final settlement of the its of the execudor or administraioni of the last

The surrogate of any county lu a-hich such will lave been admitted to probate orlottors of ad ration granted, shall on the demand of any in tc res t^ make or causa to be made, for the — - - ifltdeopie- ■ ’made, f

his han

sTS;“ N 5S% ,‘" '" r" '-‘“ '*'’a , OH.,,,., u „

e im this office, an-l do hereby certify that the w a correct transcript therefrom and of tlio whole

SoM EU A NLI,,SON'. Secretary of State.

The Irito press denounce too new land- bill.

Orlundo (Me,) tells 70,000 dozen eggs

Shawls for gentlemen are again fash­ionable

jonsvillo is talking of a iiionument to Prentice.

The Virginia wheat crop looks very Diotfiisingt.

A bibgraphy of James Eisk, Jr., is inpropakaf

Female barbers are very communWester* citica

Trinity parish, New York, has 2,110 comiunnicanta.

Tw( wife ii

leuty cows is the legal puce of in Natal.Natal,

Brigham Young weighs 200 pon-nds, I better half 6,000.A Minnesota farmer has cleared $150,-


000 in three- years.I are 3041 Congregational cbuicbcs it Britain.

iver is imparling a vernal Mary’s paricli, La.

There in Great

|.emllnadNd!Qf tbessibirds from tke west.;) I Mr. A. Davenpoit of Hollowell hat a pork ib^irel mads of esdar tbat has been in coosUnt

i' ^ S S S s| : S S £ l,H*-2‘fe iP llS 'v ^ r y d -K a :i a l ;j iwken ail o to tf Bhances fail, reonopolUt#

ibM to« pbbpMyiris rihrplr wowle^

i^ i(ra ,- iii4 v ice 4 A ® i

fyiris rihrply... ^ ,'Wito wkiich legislatiTe

W ,.i» A ;c « i^ B e M lj t» ,.'114 lo

White cloi beantv at St.

A German servant has succeeded in laking wine from the tea plant.

id and three divorces wereOne thousand and three granted in Ohio last year.

The released Fenians are to have grand pubii<5 reception at Dubliik

The saloon' keepers of Newark bav^ formed an anti-temperance society.

It isaaaarted tbaUen tbouiand people ■ght.

docliued, and under toe monthly by auction, continood to do so.

|« t drunk in New York every nigl , Ih e internal revenue receipts are so

1^‘for Jannary, $IO,545,900. The total aeeif^ts since July 1st, 1800 are $109.-

’th e l*tr ^expenses of the Federal Gov- Arpaqout laaiyear wer6 $376,990. Those of i |e . City ojr New York wore $721,918. j The male students of the Indiana Medi- ^al'€(^ege, hato giveu one-of the lady 8$wieDtaa gold-headod canc.

Oregon is the only 3Ute whose pubhc I J^cnooenU do not comber the congresc-

U ^ - l t u p o n t h . m «keU n

• <gtenpjti.pvnri4li toe auction prices,lin n ju u ob^ d tocom ed ow n to uanrly

'brortb 6 f the article. This

-babitanta.TbopnbHo debt statement for toe month

£ f ^ ^ 6 f «dal’i)3 tociiWir' "If they oasgeC

of Febreanr ^D1 not toow-aueb,' if any, redaction in the debt owing to the

ich a law^paBMd toey will have toe thinghands, and can put

kid ev iiy nne.„ifho.' .b'uyq a ton of coal

II ' ..............^ Ib a v e to play into the hands of one of

rWfeTOftmH','?.’;'. tK!) 'inoa .inDOUl.g ooiio^ iH a ctw

WOH S i t e d laxity to the very poor. iWe do

them nre irfaiwiH'idt^Wnd iteaM t? to y such qotrar

ftUlJ opto- >lJllu'J/ro. , I'Oifa-wOj

irary.Ip the increase ot her population, Cu­

ba is only second to ib'e United States. She now has more than two million in-

Dioqt ofthe’interest in the 10-40 bonds anJ tlic. |>insipns.

Mark twiuna wifei is worth only $80,-000. ! •

Bind a roasted oaion on the pulse st toe wrist, and it wiU cure toothache in a abort time.

General Negley and a number of others are in favor of abolishing West Point

Washington is overron With newlytobington is overron married ponples, enjoriug Iheip honey-

The express of man over women in

u ; r providinsf for additional compensation to •utiee, elerta and asaifttanta i» the vAnoiu de-

r..*,d in Senate and Am em bly, do enact <m fo l-

lonal compenflation for the caJandar year, com­ing .lanuary first, eighteen hundred and seve nty

aent, to the .e Stat* libra

and clcriibrary, tho •ke and me

r i S i t s e '

ia5SSa» « « 2 ssease of fifteen per «jnt., Tbo sum of thirty ibou- l dollars, or as much thereof as may be necesaory

I The incT' ,u 'd corai^-nsn'ion herein befn -igiTru lie deputy and clerks in Uk railroad dopai.insut. ,.i of tU.: i'liei itcr and snr'c>or au-i 1-. vl.u


Emmett Wells’s Weekly Hop Circnlsr.

m i'cr l»v E m m ett

h.-ui ot last a v ak e n ed to s tru e w d m of the “e itnaiion,” nml nre no longer deluded by the r ep o it i th a t holdois of choice H ops w ill have to yield to low er piiocs.

Low and medium grades of tiro now gropare en tirely iinnofic."’ , b u t w ill find more fs' as tl.o b e tter qualities disappear. ^

T l.cre tins been more m q u r r for good y e ar­lings w itbin th e past d a y or tWo, b u t th e la te hc .ivj a rr ira is of th if elass tend som ew hat (o check operotions.

W hile m ost articles of p roduce have roaten- ally declined in price by a fu rth e r W I in gold, it is iu rp ris ing to seS bow w ell th e H op m arket h a s “ hol-l its own,” and m a in ta iued lU Lvtp firmness, pa rticu larly on desirable grades.

D ay bv day, the stock of new hops is be­coming mors nnd m ore conceutra tsd , so th a t in the course of a n o th er m onth o r tw o, w ith coutinned free coll from b rew ers, th e bu lk of the stock in this m arke t will be held by th reeconceriiA

By tlic figures given below, i t i the oxiiort clearances last w eek small conbiared w ith the w eek pro'„-nall ednqiared w ith the w eek proviou.s.,IS ow ing to ail advance iu fre igh t rates, snd tho fu rther decline in gold. A largo propor­tion of the eUipm entsare old H ops, upon which forw.irclcrs ore obliged to figure ve ry closely

wilFbc seen were very


A fcstiii-o w orthy of notice, a.id one w hich fc .ie em i.igW ) encouraging to holders, may

foiu-l 111 the fact the “ bear” clement, which ing the lai-t six tj days has exhausted nearly rv means- wiUiin its pow er and reach toevery means- wiUun its pow er and reach

b ring ihe p rice of choice Hops dow n to 20oente, hss a t Inst “given up tho ghost,” and we now find buyers g radually yeilding to the virw s of holders. F inding i t impossible to ge t

:raigh t lots a t th e jo n g tr iedhold of an; and low

any fine stra ig h t lots a t th e long tr ied

W irt, sceuT stereotyped upon th e ir minds,) m.W i.fTering 21 aiid^ 22 cents w ith tho

eame result. hnic.' Ilo i.s are lield a t 2-3 to 30 cenU per lb.. Hops are lield a t 25

fv, th ink these prices m ight to d a y buy up tho few hundred bales iu thif b u t w rth any th ing like

icipt of favorable new-s

>ureties iu th is m arke t; active trade , or the from London, even

aucli fip ires would soon sink in to

• irket, or much higher

q o L i > a


XucbaMQ^ueo ol Rodtiction iu tiM pi'Qin*itim OOLD und-lmrliig


I ant enabled to eeil at greatly reduced prioea.



B Sr;

to. Ypn^ttentii

CO y in five and *tCTs^«te lots ^ri^inol ! enabUs nie to- fc'1 muefa lower thali- insni — '

m ( ? i i K ! t f a / s \c s ^ f lK is © .A choice lot conaiatmg oZsomO verynioo rtrles

for parlonjuid other grads*. A very ootnplstc as - ortmcntchcap.

GROCERIES.lu th 's lino I paposc to keep a fttll and shaU not be undersold by my no

nthdraW n prices would rule.

As the season is ge tting so,mcwhat advaii we notice increased anx iety on the p a rt of o friend.s in the country to have th e ir Hops p u t upon tho m a rk e t.a n d sold I t should be re. mem bored th a t Hops, unlike m ost o the r articles of produce, is an article w hich cannot be press­ed to .-=jile, on nil u n w illin g m arket like the prcsoi I, o.\ce|>t a t slaughtering p rice s; whoreos by w atcliing our chances, and aw aiting the pleasure of bu) crs.good p rices can be obtnii I t seems to be the opinion of rao stpeop le incountry, who aro-not posted, and who douiulerslam l the " law s’' of the H op trade , th a t a man can go out on this m arket any hour of the day, or any day in the week, w ith a Eample of Hops, and get some kind of n bid on it, same as he could do w ith n sam ple of flour, beans or dried apples , but, such la no t the caae. If a pt'speolable denier or b iow or doii t w an t to buy 3 our Hops, ho will BAy so, and th a t w ill end it , \n \ urg ing on the p a rt of, the seller would be of no avail W hen the tim e comes th a t ho has to buy, he w ilF c ither send for samples, or call a t your w arehouse and look nl your goods. If lie can be suited in qunlity , i t IS an easy m a tte r to make prices and term s satisfaclury

Receipts of the week, 1,777 bales.Totnl receipU of the season, 90,020 bales.Exports clearances last week, 245 bales.Total exports of the season from the po rt of

(^ity Cured Hams, & ' ’


^ rniiTl

of all kmd*-;4ayicr.'pi

g': • ' r I'-.i to'f? •'

s b ’ - , „ ■

I, -;-T" - ' T . :

^^-•r i • .;j‘ lit £ j;il i '

l a r l a S ' ,

• V L- . i • T ' J x if l'l i:N o i 468 an< -47aiNrondway; offer'A.xtockH.'

i ubova toat is not excoliedtoy^ tor ’ -’ ’ ‘ in this counti^i - They ' toU Bbtlf^il-’ .q

of 1 he *bov<

H lesnle!■- 7 A '? ' 'Ai

T ^ S f K u f s S o t o k ;:;

O jT lH k E

No. 1 )0 I A u H l e n n t l i w

where Cream a,(^t«r«,sei;;™. « ® Jic rrc^ .te * .b « t» ^ le .,, • _-j o-;. , , ,A-;, -fS


r .Consisting' of


a full luie of


r o j f H fj _= j ; j -..it J .^fKil-ttl

D N D E lt W,QRLD. O F , iTHKfcHREA'E-iCJlTY^e—

il exports I N ow't'en-k, 50,018 bales.

received fr<Ca/h /V rcM CA.rrent

Loudon till* w eek. in theN c ie York

T A I L O R I N G B U S I N E S .Scarried on in all Us branche i. Cfiothing Cut and llodo to Otderr-by expcriCDccd workmen

I am also Agent for. the Celebrated Singers Imp. oved

tbe beat in the market.

The attention of close cash hovers i.s particularly invited.

S.8chon*vua, March IQ,-1870.

uty andeJorkft lu the Jnsnnnce deoarti fpiud bj ihcot^voraJ raiirtadand Iniunuioe com- iCri, purjuantiocU apin five hundred *nd it the la\ra oi oightton hundred and fifir-Bt e, and pter thi»o hundred and s’xtj-eix of the lawa

;d flfly-mne.r sbsll m y from the canal fund, the Auditor of tbo deport-

clcrka of the Cana! Commissioner* and canal ap- isers, and to tho C.ork ol the contracting bonrd, for > calander year commencing January first, eighteen Qdred andscrenty, a t th# following rates of advaaco udaries received by them , on all salanes of fifteen idrcd doUars and \mder, an inoroase ot thirly five cen t; on a 1 enlariet over fifteen hundred and lean


o X

in twolihou*ai__ ,


Seinew n f the M arket f o r Butter, Cheese <ke.for ihe week ending Friday’, March 18fA, 1870 by David W L e m \ de Co., 62 k ea r l Street, XeiB York. Reported Expressly f o r this pa-

<»tion to the oaiistante, e'erlui mesaeugers

. ,„ i , n s . ’f e s s s . £ t? 5 S *New spring butter . . .

slij- luucy lall buUerle effect immedia-ol>

h ta u , } «

no IS» correct transoript thervfroui and of the lolo of said orlgmal law _ _original law

3UER A NELSON, Secretary <rf State.

1:1l r«aU vscHUirti tto id yockod . . 2S a 2bSummer Western . . . . IG a 2U

. |L * |

S s ; S r " i ;’ ; s , z . t ! sl«c«aUed, makiy a very^ L B A N Y A U S Q U E H A N N A R . R

A I.B A N Y K r B IN G llA M T O .VhomTirade wi'l umi of the b

a u m u u •, -i.-sT-jiii

G if ts o f n io n c v , w h o a c lea r ly n o t in th e hflturo of payment for services rendered, or other valnable consideration, are not liable to income tax. Amounts received in life insurance policies, and daraagea recovered m action of tort are exempt •from income tiix

Law) ers and p r the actual ti

sicians may returiT either the actual fees received during the year, without regard to the time when toey accrued, or the amounts due to the time when they aecurtd, or the amounts duo to the business of the yearj-but when the tax payer has heretofore adopt­ed one method, he cannot now be allow­ed to make use of the ojther.


!„”S................. 10-3'

A p p l Xc F r u it C a k i . — T a k e tw o c u p s o f d r ie d a] ■ipplcs; hrring soaked them over

i them up in small pieces sndnight, cut them up boil soft; and thri and boil three minu1

cups of molasses, J: theiand boil three minutes; then add one tea

cup of shortening, (half fresh lard and half butter is best) one teacup of sour milk, and one large teaspoonful of two eggs; when the apples are cool

large teaspooi I the apples a the oven ani

Am. Reg. of Rural Affairs,to taste ; put in the oven and bake.—HI.

Indian meal, one quart of wheat flour, one and one-lialf cups of molasses, one tablespoonful of soda, sour milk enough to mix- it quite stiff; put it promptly into the oven aud bake aa hour. It makes six bars.

L A W S O F N F W y o K K - t e V

the itato, on and betore the twentieth day alter t& day at ite Hn«l poieage, a* oertiK-d by the »e<TO!»ry at eUte. See. 12, totJe 4, chap. 7, part 1, raviaed tU t-

CHAP. 19.AN ACT In relation to emnloyereend p w

ployed, and to antend»ub(Uvi*ion nx of eetrao u t ^ ^ e i i r , chapter one, pe rt fcnr of the

uiicctiDg wiUi ilie Erie Railway, mak­ing all Broad Gnagc to Cleveland A

WINTER ARRANGEMENT.NC/rE.—Tb-'ime indicatod in this taola is the eav- g tiiDv for all irauia.

T R A I N S E A S T W A R D .

murket ov«r laat week’s prices. We quote

1 l

« t o : :

n 'c . V u nSa.:Soben-Tua.W ^ ^ to r..


t e ' t ? ' " ......

II t

! f !i81i Dgerlands.

atS S T ' . "




SStei isill

M lier* ...

& “ .V

W -B rid g ^ V ..

^*HECTIONJ 7Snot beoonatruediaanyoourt of

________________ or prohibit the orderly and peoc^able aeeaoibUug or eo-^wrhtian of pesqne employed in any pro&eaion, tZAde, orhudiocaft, tor Ots puipoee

Train NaSwiU Booday night*.

H lii - !SJ a';?,?

aotroaBtttOKday alghU; wUUoavs

•CONSlNa.. D.............4 a :


CommuMion on Butter, Eggs, Poull :nt. Flour Grain etc. 2 i ^ r cent.

Itry do. is 6 por

We quote:

Ldter: ; : : ; - . " i d V n■winter make . . .^ ................» 18 a j l

.-c-pto ter -tho-wo^ wpro'T,Vo^

l ali

do Tveetern

’caches loelcd................................do MpoeloU nuartere vi lb.............................. oa,;

i iJ M K T r n r ' .::;.;::!S5x'W A ro E S .-T lte re a,-; IciteVdeiniiid a n d ^ ^

§ S S “"


VESTING,Ta il o r s t r im m in g s , &e. &e., constantly oi

. H GURNEY.n<^9

J o h n G r.'^ jM J y ex ’S ,

3 7 W e r i h l P e a r l m r e e t ,


E N T I R E NE'W S T O C KaU booed on|Cbtap Gold, and now oitored for sale i pricekaolow w to

T I > e i y O o x n p e t i t l o n ITHE CHEAPEST STOCK ON

Black, Plain Colors and Fancy Silks in tho market.Litinens, Hack Toweling. Napkins, Crashes

id Elegant French Towels, bought old 10. Also,Gold 10. Also,

o/K ferr«eill8 t k i u n t e r p a i n e s ^


aU based on th* ab-ivo prio* for g o li HousekeepeT* will do themselves great injiutico if they fkil to moke’ their purchaao at Myon’ new itorc ,


> & ■


.’ft bsli nlp O R g . « , K o i T P S i ^

sfhondrtS^M iUifl,-!*

:ltiIi ,P u a * « o ;:p ij,-2 ^ t-

_ ............................................® ":Unren». Feh. 2 U t -18701' • .fiSwfti ••. '


^ M l |a i T h ^ - - i s - b u t liitiVao.':;^ 'andholdd

aover-p lb...................

"Sm: ..........=iii3 lowoi Pearls are onehangod

CAL! L.>-Dressed Imve orvir-cd freely durii week mid have sold a! 10a 15 ote.

a r e a l l c h e a p ;e r .

l e a c h e d . S h i i r t i n g r s s ,V M Y MUCH CHEAPER.

F L A . IV 1 V '* :E -''IL . SARE LO\y.

C L O T H S A N D C 'A S S IM E R E SARE.SKIiLINQ at r u in o u s b b ic e s

French and British Dress Goods : WERE NEVER LOWER. '

S l a c k -A .*l a p a c ] a sare cheaper than they iiave been in eight yea-a.

F r e n c h and E no l tsh B o m b a z in e s


Our Lace aud 'Wh\te Goods Department,a l l NEW AND VERY ATTRACTIVE.

IV e w . S t o c k o f * H [ o s i e r * y

New Shades K id Gloves,'

F r e n c h S h a w l s ,

' Jtn stripe*, rniirely now deaigni.

L J L C E C X J I t T ^ I I V S .

Nottingham Curtain Lace, Vestibule 'Lace, Window Shades and Hollands,

Cornices, Cords, Tassels aud upholstry

Goods, in great variety, with experienced

workmen to execute all orders entrusted

to our care, <•




* /. T . n u j a j u t j s i e ,Uio well kiipwu Al niO.VEEB, b&\Jng removed from la

lo L'DiiUllln, lUifcrs UU Fcrvlcus to iho puDhc,

____ _ ,” oSS’

,gtstV, a h d ia i-c I f ' -

_________ ___

* * '

iso®@®6a©sdealen, and chaii oontinvo so.

Ladies’ M ado-up U nderw are D epartm ent,



n e w ' YORK.

M 'O lh^T T O p'. l i ' l h h.'ij-. •

Give particubir attention to the salb of the prodnetsot tho dairy on Cntiimi*sloD, and. make prompt retnins. Refer to onr.rcgulu patrons in Lewis, OneUa andotb- cr coontiewUiroughont the State. Maridng plate* *ent

Bvery partioi

corsets! corsets!!at ptioa* greatly below nsnal r a ^ .


find tho New Store,