-i-newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1851-11-04/ed-1/... · 2014-03-12 · millwright's...

S E M I - W E J E K I i Y \()L. 1.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY MORNLXG, NOVEMBER 4, 1851. [N O . 3G.] rUlNTKI* HY 15. X K W H V . i:i)WVlJl) J. HALE & SOX, n-lTtiilS AND rROl-RllITOUS. 1 .1- file opkl v OnsKux Kit 00 if ill i’ ivfliioi'; ’>0 if fmii durinj; thf v-HT 1 Mi)''crij>tion; or ^ ‘i after the venr lias r r ilu- \Vc('k1_v O n s n i v r n 00 per annnm. if ] , i ill .l iviiui-c: if p-iiil duriiip tlie .t—iil"^tTi]'tion; or (H) at'^.cr the ,vear . -- . \|'nc.‘ i. '.'.'■VI'KTISEMKNTS iiiserto*! for sixty cents | ,.: ' 111 :.!''.' i'<T tlie first, aiitl thirty cents for ench ^li, . liuu j'uhlif.Htion. YcMrly (ii1verti-icnu‘nt« iv'al .•■'iiti act'*. at j-ea^'inahlo rate*. A<1- .■ : ; ;r. (■ re<ino?te l to state the nuinlior of . 11 ' 'i >^ireil. ur they will be continneil till ^ i. ■ li i liiifL'eil :u-ii>rilin<;ly. | j: l..'K(‘r.' t'l the K'litors must be post-paid. 1 \vi:tti:\ii.lk ('onfectionkky. CHARLES BANKS, i'oul’vetiottrr. n \ r 'I'lMS till- public, that ho has rcfittcil hi' S ISt '''’ .i'hiiic’it on (irct'M Street, aiwl h:is on i !i' -:li'U)']>ly i>t (■ A N 1*1 KS. inanufiu-tnrc'l i,;:;i'. t' -lit <' 1 ' the t‘f>t l,o;if >upir, nn l w.-ir- •• i free troiii st;irch. tl<>nr. ]i.-tttc. iiiul pcrni- I 1 nt.'. His whole time ami attenii"n is !■•'..Ti'il to makiiiji t'.iii'ly. ami he is jire- I t< >ir,'ply all ' .r'lcrs with (’.iiKlifs (‘■lual !iy m.i'lc in the I'l.itf! Stat> s. ’l’h«i'0 (jin- ' he \\;,rr:inrs to keep in any clim.-itc; anil ,1 sell to Town »,r t.'ountry merch:int.-. as M ' ;ro' '1 an«l jiure Can'ly can be jiurchaso'! \ « \ .>rk or I'^sewliero. ■ 't'c'i'lc. Ort. L ’'', 1S">1. o4-tf Mrs. liEV IL lia«5 oponod that large ami convenient hcmse. near the foot of llayniount, on ll:iy street, known to the Faniier?' ami IManters’ Hotel, where 8he wonUl be jihnl t<> accommoilate gentlemen with Ihmnl bv the Ueek rii* month. Families cnti be "ttjipliod with j>1easant room.o. She is also prej>ared to nerommodate 'I’nivel- lern and their horses. Her Stables are attend- ed to by one well aciiuainted with the nianagc- nieiit of liorse;?. Tho.^e who are so Xin<l as to patronize her. shall find tliat her greatest cure T^ill be to please. Oct. -27, IS.M. ;i4tf I A DT'TV f>FT!:X XFOLKCTFT). ! Many families are nlreody in the liabit o' kerpinjt a vermifnjre on hatid, and wlien any of the n.'<nal di'^turbances occur amottjc children, of givinfr it to them. The result is, that the eflect i? not onl\ astonishing, but often incred- ible, in causing he expulsion of worms, -whilst, at other times, few or none arc discliarired. No vermifufrc, ]n*r!ia)>s. ever before introduced, has tlone so much good, or been so highly ispnkeii j (if by tiiose who have used it, as that prepared ; hy l>v. l.ittU'. Another jieculiarlty of this med- I icine i,', that it never fail" to improve (piickly i all feeble ami dro 'ping citildren, wiietlier they have Worms or not. To give oalomel, pink root. ^:c. i.s to be behind : the age of improvement, when a remedv like ^ 10L. .1. O. Meltl'tJAl.K, of lUaden cfuinty, i l.ittU' s Vermifuee is to be had; which *is not ^ i? a candidate for the oflice of Major «ien- i surj.a.'j.sed. if e.iualled. by anytliing: besides, re- cral in this Division, to fill the vacancy occa- j qniring nothing afterwards. .“ioned liv the resignation of (ieneral .lames J. McKay.' [;;:5-tF, NE\V~T'fuM f B lllF inidersigned liave entered itito ropnrt- -M. nership, under tlie name ami style of l^aivroiice X Troy, For the piirj^ose of doing a general Mercatitile ;ind Harter business. We have taken the Store. No. 1 n (; i; 1',1'N .s’l'PiF,F,T. formerly occupied by Messrs. John Huske \ Son. (il'O. W. LAWllF.NCK. .HUIN 15. TIU>V. .]r. Oct. '22, isr.l. H:;tf M ) W ( ;o o i) s .~ ~ 'I'K O V expect to receive selected STiH'K, t-r Xi:\\ (;()()i)s. r r< I'eiviMl, iiiv Full ,s\»pplv ot <'LOTUS. \ ssimi : i : ks and vi ;siin «;s . tuim - ■, of the be>t i(Uality, from Nrw \> ", the l itc<t Picport of the New Vork 1'VS. ’ I 'tiU oi'itiiiuo t<> carrv mi tin* iHIN<! III'.^INI'SS. at my Stand on Kay lid tl: >e wiio may tavoc me with their . y ii'’v on h.ivin:jr their v,ork done in 1 ■ii:;' le .'tyle. .iU 1 on the most ' n:. . AK< IIIMAI.D GIIAUAM. l ' ‘ l. -Utf l a w r i : nci <: A r>l' now receiving. :iud soon, a large and well Consisting of (iroecrios ;uul I’roA isions, ilardwart* and C'utltM'v, Croc kery and Cilasswaro, Hools and Sliors, r.oatIi('r, C’astiniir!, *^tc. We have now in Sti're. just received, M.ickerel. tMuese, tloshen llutter. ('anvassed Hams, Smoked F>eef, Sole Lt'ather, IJrooms, Huckets, \c. \c. Those (Joods have been ]iurrhaxed for CA.'sH, :ind we are di'termined to-iell vcr; low for <’a>h, or on tinu' to piinctu:il customers, or in exchange tor all kinds of Countrv I’roduce. <ii;o. W. I.AWltKNi'K. JOHN 15. Tia»V,Jr. <Vt. is.M. ;;;’ .tf Just lv( Cf lrc(/. on ( 'o/tsl^ninnit. l’oWI»Ki;. and tor sale low. T ' K. M. 'criber- have renio\t-d to the new le. !«■> ill west of the Cape l;e:c tlit 1 ai'C receiving their I'.ill Oct. IS.'.I. oKUKI.I, ootf /•/< .'■. J in I'll )i'ii r< Hud ' ■''■ '■y. "ii'l ' - Al.so— ' SI,., ., 1 !,! ,1:Jf, r, ttf /I'ifl'fs. ■r;, t'liii- usii:i!ly < !illi'd f'T in the to wliich they invite an cNami- i.i;i:i'K X JOHNSON. ■'•'1. ;;t-tf 'I i’SrillilFl! is leceiving :ind offers • ;• -ale. a well >eloctcd stock of G r or e r i e .''o'la, llutter, and Water <’rai-ker';, ' r.ie d. ' :!ii'i i’re'i-rvi -. l’ .:M'iii> .ind rrunes, ■• iiid t igars. iii"'t re;t^ n.ible term.s fort'ash. or >n iiu iual custoniers. (’HS. BANK.-<, No. (Ireen st. ttfvi'le. Oct. 11-^. li^ol. -'1-tf NOTK ilK su'iscriber is now receiving his Fall fl- tiii.l Wiiit.T .'"lock of F.\N<' V and ST.V I’LF DRY <,JOOD«; . <' ip'. ;nol li-iniu't.':; T>oot.« and Sliocs; n > iwii'o a'lii CutltTv; liluck.siiiiths’, 1 an«l <’:irptMitor.s’ Tools; Straw = i't' : ('uni Slicller-^, IMtutglis, ■ ' ; irill'i\v-\varc; Hoavy goods }'i>r <^ c. A:c. ' ..- I ;^.,..,li uill be Sold at wlmlesaio or ::it (•ii>tonicrs. We .say nothing a- 'lie above (loods were bought, or how '"!d. IlUt we do say conie and si-e. • ll i-ke bui!din'.:s. <Mccn .'Street. 1’. T A V L o n . ' - (’;iroliiiiiiJi 2m o4-'Jm II. ISraii^oii A: N<»ii OFFF.II FoK SAI.F, Q iniD. }.rime St. (’mix S!'(I \I5. 3. L ' htids. New Orli'.iiiS ditto. ll<> bbls. Ketined ditto. ■') •' (Iranulated 'litto, "0 bag> green I’ .io 1'o‘Tee, ■“ (o’v't Javii ditto. 7') kegs Nails, od. to f, inrh .'Spikes, 1 dii/en F.n”Ii>h ci 'ss-cut Saws. •"i e.isks (’hees.-. l.oxcs ditto, ll> V mixo ." tine rlicwing Tobacco. Kxtra W.iol ilats. Negro .''lioe.i F.iankets. Oct. L'-j. ;;:;tf s* TOItACCO. lilMK North (■;irolina :ind \ irginia t'hew- in;; 'i'tib;icco, by the 15ox and retail. J. \ T. WAI'DILL. o.-tober :;»-tf N FW Forte. M ISK'. supply of Ml Sit'. tor the riano Jtist received. i:. J. October 27. 1^•*'1. HALF \ SON. R I SI'.I'I I, liOOkS. ANI.KTT'S AnciIlTFrT; American Tar- j'etiters' NewtJuidc: ('.irjK'iiters’ Assist- ant and llural Architect: .“^liaw's Hiira! ,\rchi- tectur;': Alinifee's Meiliaiiical Drawing !5ook: .^lahaI^s I'ivil Fngineering: (iilh-spie on Koads, 4th Fdition; Meciianic.s" Text 1 ! ook ; Mechanics’ Own Itook: ISuilder s ('omi>atiion: .Miller and Millwright's .\ssi.st.int: Cabinet M.iker and Fp- holsterei 's rompanion; Dyer and Color Maker’s Companion, and other works of simil.-ir charac - ter and utilitv. For s.ile l>v K. j'. HALF \ SON. October 2i'{, lx'»l. VFI’ .MIFFGF FOK I’LANTATION FSF. The Proprietor has jmt it up in Dollar bot- tles, which are one-third cheajier. and .also in vials ^\hich arc about double the si/e of Fahne- stock's. and at tiie same price. Whone i.s best'.' Kead the i>roof at home: Talbot County. Dr. I.ittle—Dear Sir: 1 have ]>rescribed onr Vermifuge in sev«-ral cases, and feel no liesi- tancy in ]>ronouncing it superior to I'ahne- stock's, I’criy’s -Dead Shot,'’ or any other 1 have ever u*>ed, ; Signed ! J(M1N S. Sl'.VKCV, M. 1>. Dr. l.ittle—Sir: I have used Fahnestock's and Comstock's Vermifuge, as well as ycnir j're- paration. in my family. 1 have found yours much superior to either of them in the several cases I havi- given it. In fact, it fully answers the jiurpose witlioiit anything else: l»esid*'s, it is not unpleasant for children to take. (Signed) J.VMFS S. S.\NDl'PiS. Talbotton. May iS-'iO. Dr. I.ittle—Dear Sir: 1 cheerfully state, thnt 1 have useil in my lamily your \'ennifuge in several cases witii entire satisfaction; in f.ict h;ive nevei' known it e'iii:il!ed. I h.-ivc given Fahnestock's. Perry's "Dead Shot." !iiid Dr. .layne’s, but with no smdi results .is yours: be- sides. you fiirnish nearly double :is miirli for the s.-tiiie I'l-ice. ^Signedi OllI'FN D. Ct’X. Macon County, .\la., A\>ril 1>< '>(I. The following iirdcr. tiniuiig m.iny. has been received: Fort (I.'iines. Maridt It. Dr. W. (i. I.ittle—De.ir Sir: e will thank yon to send us, liy the first opportunity, twelve do/en of vour \ ermifiige, and t'our dozi'u .\iio- dyne C.iugh Di-op.». \S an- i iitircly out ot the A’ei iiiittige. aud our customers say they cantiot do without them. Kesju'ctfullv. Dil.I. \ .\I.K.\ANDFIl. 'i'he fac-simile of the signature nf l>r. W. (I. Little will !ie found upon the outside wraj'per of each of his .Medii'incs. Sold w lioit -i.ile and retail, by tlie Pri']irietor. at his .Manufi' tnring Dejiot, No. •Jf,4 Market street. Phi!:i'!eI]ihiM, and .^L•^co!l. Cei.rgia. To lie had also of .lame-^ Cain. P>o«-ktish; ,\. W’atMiii. Floral Co’legi’: Townseml A Doug- lass. P>enneit'ville; Dr. P. M. ('idien. Charh's- ton: C. C. llar'oee. 15arcla vsville; P. F. Pescuil, Kaleigh. S. HINSD.VLK, Ag«*nt for Fayette^ille. ST ii.iM M liS liL l': WD ilKS . rnrner of North anil Moiiiinient Sim*ls, l!:iiliiiinrt*. (^ IS .'‘"1>N & P>.\ 11;D having eompleted their ex- !cn>ive work-:. i which is now one of tiie largc.'t esta'ili.-hment- of tlie kind in this coun- try. ' are jirejiari'd to fill all orders in their line, viz: .Marhlc .>Iaiitels, Moiiunieiits. Tombs, (Jra\e !»tones. Table Tops, Tiles, f<vr tioors. i .’Harble Ketters, at as rea>onable rate-< as i-.in lie had in tliis or .-iny oth<‘r city in the I nion. For bcaut\ of exei Ulion and originality of de- si'.ru. their stock c.innot b»> -^urp.-issed. They would respectfully invite , I UniJ,!, r.*, Cii/iiiiri Mitk>rr and others to call iind examine before puri hasing. Tiiey are al.so pri'pared to furnish tiic tr.-ide with Slalis, Mlocks, «Vc. to or- der. .Ml or Ici i! by mail punctually attended to. 2''i-lm FAI.I., IN.'S]. ::w ja-c: FILLliML W lM ’il GOODS . W j . . 1 . I*emftcrton ] M AVF just received from .Vow York nn<l Philadelphi.-i a complett- Stock of ' SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, I Among whieb m.ay lie found an extensive lot of L.\ DIFS’ DIIF.SS (iOODS, vi/: Plain, watereil and fig'd Silks; Needle-worke<l ('ashmeres; J5ro- : cade and watered Poplins; Chameleon Louisian- i as; Cheiie J’ejis: Phiid Lustres; rich Saxony De- Lains; ]ilain, wati'red and figured Silk warp Aljiacas: Seconil Mourning Pojilin.'--; bl.nck P>om- i bn/.ines; a few superior lA-ening Dresses: pink, blue, white and straw colored Tarltans, tVc. i’hii.i and watered Mantillas; 15ay State, plaid and embroidered Thibet and Cashmere Shawls; drab and black Cashmere ditto. K.MP.IlOl HFltlFS.— French Worked Lace Capes :iiid Collars; worki'd Cuffs; a beautiful lot Hertha Lace (’apes; I nder-sleeves ami Chemi - settes; S'.'iss tind .jaconet Trimmings; Hem- stitched ;ind Needle-workeil Linen ( anibric Haiidken hiefs; black, blue and white Lace Veils, v'cc. v'cc. —ALSO— Pdack, hrown and green Frrnch and Knglish Cloths: lilack and fancy ('assimoi-e.';; pljiin and fig'd .''atin Vestings; Valencia and Cashmere ditto; T>\eeds: .''.ittinets; kentucky Jeans; Silk :ind Worsted Serges; plaid Linseys; red. blue and white Flannels; French and ."^ilk warp ditto: brown and bleacheil Canton ditto; Druggets; Osnatiiirgs; Frcnch and Fngiish Prints; Irish Linens; Toweling; TabU- Di:ipiTs: I.ailics' and • Icntlemen's Kid Cloves, ol a very superior (jual- ity: Silk and Cotti.m Hosiery; Lamb's Wool and .Merino ditto; T.adics' and (!entlemen'< ('ashmero (iloves. \c. \c. .1 fdi'if,’ In! nf I'litJ An~ j"{i> Ml II /int/s' f 'ojisj Jlnt mill n,f( i///><iii.<. A superior lot of (icntlemeu's ('alf P.oots .ind .''hoes; L.-idies' (laiters and other styles of Shoes; Travelling Trunks: ('.-irjiet l!.igs. \c. The above (loods were selected more ]>articn- larly for the PFI'AII. TUADF. and will be sold on very accommotljiting terms. F. L. \ J. A. PF.MHFHTON. Sept. 11, iS-jl. 21tf A ui:v, «iiivTS\vi:i.i>, ^ o . NKW rALL AM) WI.NTKK P. P JOflASOiV AS .TCST RECinVED and offers for sale, L cheap,— 7') bags .superior liio COFFEE, 2-') barrels Coffee Sugar, 50 barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Loaf and Granulated Sugar. — .VI.S(»— A larpo a.s.sortnient of Iron and Nails, Shov- els, Spades, Trace ('hains. Shovels ami Tongs, niacksniiths’ P»ellows, Anvils, Vi.’K-s, Hammers, Planes, Augers and Chisels, Files, Collins's -Vxes, &c. August 10, 14tf T h (' nnd(M'siofnod hav(* (Mitorcd into copartnership, under the name and style of II.M.L \ S.\CKI'i'l’T. for the ]>urpose of doing a Dry (ioods and Hardware i5usine.ss, and have taken the Store o doors East of the Fayetteville Hotel. J. H. H,\ l‘L. A. F. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. August 20, 1S-')1. Ditf a large and well se- F. are now recoivin lected Stock of Comprising every article usually kept in that line, togi'tlier with ].')() C'ascs J>ools and Shoes. ESatifi a n d Cap^s. —ALSO— A well selected .''took of li.lR F P n M I lB . To all of which we invite the attention of Mer- chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock iicfore making their jiurchases. We will not be undersold by any one <loing business in this ]ilacc. ilALL .V SACKFTT. August 2">. 1S-'>1. Dift IMTS .dP .'i.llOnSiUIKIO . -i- /•Vi// iftid 1 8 1 . Stock. Te*r. Tval Trull I riK-T ViiFNti |1VS(.»N, ' iiiinpowilcr, lm| eri.'il, r r --.I’e by CHS. KANK.S. i-M. ' ;;ctf N'l'()\i:s! S 'r O \ ES!! II fi.i'Cliurches, PjM-iors, Factories, '■■ri I'or >;ile l>v C. W. ANltUFWS. .Market .'^unare. -7. I'-.'.l. ;i4tf li\lsi\s .\N 1 ) Ki(;s, A\ ('llMp i; \L''1N.S. in whob', half, and '■’If hoxe>;. 1ri'Oi Figs. i'ii ' li « and Prunes. ■'•"Tt s h e l l A l m o n d s . ^ : ^''-rts. \^ alnuts. I’-r.i/.il Xnts. •):t. Chocolate. I'riMTvcd <iinger. * ‘ '•11 Ibittrr, in 121h. kegs. .''ni'iki-d r.cef and Tongues. ' i'i\ed and for sale by CHAS. BANKS, ol-lin •f. 'J s for Pliink Koad I’onlracls. il.D PKOl’O.^Al.S will be received by !< ■ umlevsigned, I’residenl of the Cheraw ii-oii Plank Koud Company, for contracts ■■ clearing, grading and' planking said •"I 1 for the necessary lumber and timber i' ilM-ied on the road. '•■■ntr.o-ts will be let out, in sections of n 'fe each, or f<>r the whole road. I '\isliing further information on the I ill obtain the s;ime by ajiplying to the " ill ‘oi- a copy of the Engineer’s iieport. ih will be received until the 20th day ■iiiot r next, .\ildres.s, (post-paid,) TIIOS. F. POWE, Pres't. , Sejit. .‘50, 1S.')1. ;U-tt XOTICIC • I. tli.ise indebte<l to lue, either by note or oiint, will please call at the Store of 11 ; .• .V Troy and .'-ettle, as 1 am closing lie I- husiiie.-and wisii a (,uick settle- JOJIN 15. THOY, Jr. “ - 3'!-lw Watches and Jewelry, A1 '\Vliol<'Mnlc aiKl Ketail. .1. M. ItKASI.r.V W ori.D resjtectfully inform the ptiblir generally, that he has returned recent- ly from New York, with decidedly a large as- ^i.irtment of l% *atrhes a n d •Jetrvit'tf. .Manv f>f these Watches were bought for C.\SII 15Y THE P.\CK.\<JF. and can therefore be sold I'Oii SAI.E, NE lot ot' Land cotitaining 2 acres, with a comti'i table Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. The almve riroperty is in half a mile of llobeson Institute. !lol)eson *-ounty. Also. Four Sh.-ires of the ('apital Stock in saiil Institute. Ftir further particulars, impiire of ALFKFD JACKSON. Cumberland county, .Sept. 1. 18-jl. IStf 1). l.YMAN ni'KHANK, Sii'i'f'ssiir fo Ilttfrh d' liiirtnnih'^ Whoh'.sale and Retail Dealer in Toff>art’o., and ^iiiifr, El’PS constantly mi hand the above named ai'ticles, of the motif poj>ular brands, and warranted eipnil to any in the country. Hav- i ing made arr.ingements with an extensive house in I'altiinore. he will sell at I’altimorc* pri^jes, and resjiectfully invites the citizens of Fayette- ville and surrounding country to give him a call. Front Street, next door to Messrs. P(d- ley \ Mart, (at the sign of THE TFKK.) Wilmington, <»ct. IS.'.l. ;{Otf I'iv4‘ nollai'M Kf'ward. R .\N.\WAV from the subscriber, on the Dith inst., a negro girl by the name of Caroline, .''aid girl is jirobably lurking about C. Montague's, as 1 hired her from him. 1 will very low. Heh.is Watchesof all kinds;Clniins, | pay the atmve reward for lier delivery to mo, or Key s and .''eals of allkiniis and of the latest ■ confinement in our jail. .Said i'aroline is aliout styles: Finger-Hings, Ear-Kings. .Medallions, of i 20 years of age—ijui e tall for th.-it age. all sizes, of English and American tiiake; La- j dies' Chatel.iines; Cuff Pins; ('ollar and .Sleeve ' l>uttons: .Shirt .Studs; fiold S]>ectaclcs, light and j heavy: <!ohl Pens and Pencils; (lold and Silver Thinibles; I5ra< elets; .‘^ilvor Fruit ami l?utter Knives: ,'^ilver Sjioons of all sizes; large lot of] I’ocket Cutlery; Scissors, best (piality: Mutton- ! hole S<-issors, Surveyor's ('ompasses and ('hains: Mathematical InstruiiK-nt.s; large (juantity of fine au'l common Pistols; fine and common sin- gle and double-Viarrel (Jnns; (^ame Ihigs; .Shot |5elts and Powiler Flasks; Alilitary CJoods, in- cluding the Bass Drum and the smallest Hutton: Violins anil extra Bows; Flutes, Clarionets, Fla- geolets, .\ccordeons, of all kinds and sizes; Mu- sic P)Oxes; Perfumery; J^oap; Lather Brushes; Uazors and Stro])s: Dressing and I’oeket Tombs; Plated and Britarmia Ware: ami various other things too tedifuis to entimerate. Call and give me a trial. (Jash pai«l for old Gold and Silver. JSS5*-'.Vatciies and J kwklry neatly Repaired. Viiijfttxvillr^ K . C. Korfh-En^t Vornrr of Mitrkct Stforc. 12-r,m1 J. M. BEASLEY. I N TTPAPini. HFA>LS assorted FiH*nch, Rngli.sh ^ * and American ('ap. Letter, Bath Post, Folio Post, uud Note l’ai)ers—a well se- lected stock, embracing a great v.-iriety of qtial- tty and price. .\ls«<v, Bristol Boards, Perforated Ditto, Tissue and Drawing Paper, and Statinn- iiry of all kinds. Just receiving. E. J. hale .t SON. Sept. 20, ’8"1 ^ H I' Suli-i-i'ibers are iiow receiving ilirect from .New York ;ind Philadelphia, the l.ir- gest and handsomest Stock of Staple and I'a/ici/ Dry (ioods Th it they have ever exhibit' d in this m.-irket. om' rrieing every vari«'ty of Ladies' and Centle- men's DI'F.''.'' (!()(ID.'^. among wiiieh may be found; l!la< k and fam-v wntere.l and pi lin Dress Silk-:; black a!id fancy ('otiiirg-': L.im: Twills: figured .Mud plain fancy and bLu k Mo!iair I.us- tres; ."^ilk Warp aii'l <’rape Brocades: .Swiss, 'tch and <'hene Cinghams; .''axony De-L.-iins: French. Fnglisii and .Vmerican Print>: Fmli'd Cashmeres: plain <iitto; changeable I.ie-Lains; watereil ;ind needle-work Cashmeres; ch:ingea- lile Yoiiese*-: I5roc;’de Lustres: D:im:isk .l-^ilians; black Bomba/ines: s"-eond-m< urning Poplins: plain and w.atered .'^ilk Mantillas: colored and iilaek Velvet .M.-intiilas: Brocade Poplins; and .i large assortment of Dress Trimmings; Frcnch and Engli'«h .Nlerinos; Velvet Neck lUbbons and ('utl's, \ i ‘. KMr.llOiOKlMKS. I’rotieh Worked Collars .ind <'j<)>es; French worked CuHs: French worked Chemisettes: Fn- der-Sleeves; .'iwisv and .bieonet Trimmings: hi- fant'' Waists and Caps: Hem-stitched and nee- dle-worked Linen ('auibric Handkerchiefs, from 10 cts. to ^'i; and ;i beautiful assortment of Veils: every variety of Shawls, (‘mbroiih-red .•ind jilain: Thi-ead, Cotton and Lineti Edgings and Laces; black Silk Laces and Edgings. —.\LSO_ Black, blue, brown and green Fromdi and I'.ngHsh Cloths; lil.ick :uid fancy Cassinieres; (.’lit A'elvet, figured and black .S.itin ami Valcn- oi:i Vestitigs, (some \crv handsome: i .'>attinots; Kentucky .lean‘s: Tweeds; Linseys: Flannel'j. Wool :iud cotton; Osnabiirgs; Druggets: Damask Table Coths: ditto Najikins; (’entre-'l’able ('ov- ers. ver\ fine: Piano Covers: Irish Linens: Lin- en Lawns; Thread Cambrics; Towellings; Oen- tleni'Mi's Merino .'<liirts and Drawer*; .'>ilk Ne<-k and Pocket Handkerchiefs; Ladies' Merino Vests: Cashmere and .Silk Hose; 4lifto H.alf-Hose; the celebr:ited .'':ilem .le.-ins, black and irrev. rBlHl'^ Siil'seriber ofl'ers for sale one of the H- l.irgert and Lest assortments of (lOOD.'' in his line ever oU'ered in this place. He is ver\ tl'.ankful for tin-very liberal patron.ige that he li;is liad. and solicits a coiitinujince of the sam<'. His stock has been selected with <-are. and con.si>ts of ne:irly every variety and style, from the bo't manufacturers. He has on hand :ind offers Uiw for Cny/i, :it retail or Ly the ca'^e. l,ite>t styles fieutlemon's Heaver. Nutria. Mob-skin, .'^ilk, P.rush and .\n- gola H.VT.''. Also, .leniiy Lind, Kofsuth, ,\r- ti>t, Koiigh and lle.tdy. and stiffened Fur and \Vool Hat-;, foi- .Men, ^'outh and P>o_\ s—in ;»bun- il.ance by the do/.en or case. — ALSO— -\ very large snjijily of ('loth. Plush. Velvet ■■ind Fur C.\P.''. of .all qualities, styles and pri- ces.—liy the single Cap or by the ilozcn. — A LS( I— lioots and Shoos, of the following vnriefies, viz: Fine Water-proof, fine ('alf, fine Kip and he.avy Winter P.OOT.S. Also. Boys' and Youths' ('alf ami Kiji Boots. (ietitlemen’s Dress Shoes, of rnrious i|unlitie«. Together with an assortment Mis-ies' .-iiiii ( liildren's 15(M(T.< :ind SHoFS. viz; Jenny Lind. Excelsiors, flaiters. ditto Half, Buskins, .“clippers,ind Morocco lioots. .\lsf>. (ientlemen's and Ladies' 1‘iibbers. With a gitod supply of Yoviths', Boys'. Childrens' and .Servants' heavy Shoes. .\11 of which he offers low for O/'/f. or on time to ]>unctual customers. Please call and sat sfy yoursehes before purchasing elsewhere. liTli'MTinil r lilhll ' U i n D A G X T E R R B O T 'X ’P B l*ORTRAITS. 4 ('. S.MlTlf, Daguerrean Artist, having • been instructed in one of the largest and best Establishments in Neyv York, and by one of the best Artists in New Y’ork or any where else, would respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville, .and jiersons living near, that he lia.*^ a llootn in the rayetteville Hotel fitted np for til king Daguerreotypes, and wouhl >>e very much jileased to wait on those who may wish to have their Likenesses taken. He has the best materials th.it c.an be bought any where with- out any excejUion. Jle intends stopjiing here only a few weeks. Call Soon, if you >vish a correct and gf>od Likeness. He feels that he can .s.atisfv' those wlio may give him a call, if a correct ami good Likeness will do it. Time of taking, from A. .M. until .') P. ^1. Dark or bl.-ick drosses best for takitig; white will not answf'r w«‘ll. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars. Children one year ohl and u]iwards ta- ken. if they can be kept still l-‘>or 2(» seconds. Time for taking Children, from ID A. .M. until 2 P. M. Instructions given in the ,\rt. fsriX'' Persons t:iken in groups if they wish it. Daguerreotypes and Miniature Paintings co- pied for those who may wi.<h it. Oh. wail s(une jiower the giftie gie us, To see ourselves as itheis see u.s. It would from many a blunder free us, And foolish notion.— ]5ut Come when you will. A perfect likeness you'll have, If you only sit still. Lovers are of all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most difficult to jilease. Secure the sha<low Ere the subst.ince fade.—F^hnl'<pf,iri’. Sept. 1, istf rH '' JBT2 m ^HF subscriber has just re- ived ami offers for sale, supjily of (Irccit and Ulurk '/'cas^ (»f very superior quality, con- Br. T. I>. AS taken an Oflice on Tlaj Street, Wcs4 of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 1851. 4-tf NOTICE. .Sto.-imor ("hathanj will le.are this plae*" J3- every Monday and Thiirsilay at 7 o’clock,. A. M.. (instead ofo'clock as at present,) com- mencing at 7 o’clock .Mimday D>th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and Fri-- day at 2 o'clock P. .M . JNO. D. WILLIAM.S. Agent (^'ajie Fear .steamboat Co. Fayetteville, March NO'riCI'j.— All Acroiints due the Merchant.s' .‘^teambo.-it Company, for Freights up to the D')th inst., must be promptly paid to the under.sigMc<l, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. J. .S: T. W.\DD1LL, late .Agents. Fayetteville, .Tan. 27, 18.">1. otitf Corn, M*ens, find Miay. fH lllF Subscriber has on hand and is con- M. stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup- ply of the al»>ve articles, which may lie pur- chased at the lowest market ]>rices at the (.>tlice- of the Henrictt.-i Steamboat Companv. K. M. (.MtRELL. Aj.ril «, ]8.',0. 14tf 15 A(;(rlNG AM) UOl’E. O UK COTTON B AGO INC, AND T?oPE have arrived. Onr friends can send in their orders, and they shall be sujiplied. COOK iS: T.VY'f.OR. August IS, IS-"*!. 14tf 6'J#.!.>• TS^ JL1.V£ . sisting of Very fine ‘-Hyson.” Do do ‘-Imiierial.” Do do ‘•Young Hyson.’’ Do do •‘((olong.” Those Teas wei'e selected hy a good jmlge, and are recommended as ‘‘first r.-iie.’’ S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. 14, isr.i, ;:itf \vAN^n:n, ft. .\she T.uniber for Wagons, 1 1 to o inches thick. ft. Seasoned Oak T.umber, 1;{ to :i inclies. KMHI ft. While Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. 10(10 ft. White Oak for Tongues, liolsters and .'■'hafts. lOO Post Oak Hulis. for Carts and Wagons. l MHMI Spokes. For which the highest ca.sli price will be paiil. Applv soon to E. FI LLFlt. M.’ iy IK, isr.l. 72-tf rK'^TII.S I,INF OF BOAT.S is still in success- M fill operati<in on the (’ape Fear Uiver, and continue to offer many facilities to the shipping pulilic. Persons jiatronising this Line, may rest as- sured that their Goods will be brotight U}> with ilisi>atch, and at the very lowest r.-ites of freight. A. W. STEEL, President. T. S. LrTTFBLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 15, 1851. 5‘J t f NOTICE. ^TATIR & WILLIAMS have removed to tlit^ Store recently occujued by Mr. Jcdin D.. •Starr. <uie door west of .Messrs. H. Branson & S(ui. where they have ju.at received additions to* the Spring ]>urcha^H‘s of Staple and Fancy DUY" (tOODS. Country- merchants are re<^uested t<> examine our stock. J. B. ST All IT. J . M. WILLIAMS^, .Tune 7, 1851. 75-tf SALEM PAPER-MILL. IHE sub.scriber has taken charge of this old ■and well known Establishm«nt, and is prfr- TO WINE MAKERS. j pared to attend to all orders for TF have a few barrels of fine old .Vpple Pi-jnf j P;ij>Cr, M crcliant.s’ aiicl Brandy for s.-ile: such as those yvho ( i ^ , ” * . ' Ar want to make goo<l wine should get. | * fiCtOrA vv rapping, <\:c. (.'OOK iS: T.VYLOll. j The Mill has recently been tivironjhly refitted .Sept. 1C> , 1S-'>1. 2li-tf I with new maebiuery. and tke subs<Tiber believesr- he can furnish Paper of as gooil ijnalitj’ and at as cheaji prices as can be purchased any where^ North or .South. D O M I ’.S 'r i C S . f ITTLE River Osniibergs; 7-S and 4-4 J .'sheetings always on hand, an<l for sale at Factory prices, bv STARR WILLIAMS. .Tune 7, 1S51. 75-tf Salem, Jnne CHARLES E. 1851. SlIOBER. 77tf JOHN C .''Opt. 2'i, 1S51. TIIO.MSON. Market .'Square. 2<itf Sta^e liiiie tolialeigli. N(vnc E. Flu i\n \ vi \ti : rcoods . fW’^lII' .''iibscrilvers, M.iil (’ontractors friun JL l'a\etteville to Raleiirh. will commence o]ieratioiis this day. with new an.i comfortable ' •'^pt fr<uu him.«elf or his duly authorized .\gent,s. THE riiLEBR\7ED BITK P.ITE.M COOKIAG STOVE, i s for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh anrl Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay- (etteville .Street, and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M_ C.impbeir'i. The Suli.scri'ber hereby fi>rewarns all persons from purchasing :iny of these Stoves from any person either iti or out of North ('arolina, ex- H F .''ubscriber.< are now receiving a well JL selected stock of Staple ami Fancy DRY (i(l(iD.'<. Among their stock will be found the latest styles ol Ladies' and Gentlemen's DItESS (jO((D.S, together with a good assortment ot llna'ly-inaik* Clotliiiiir; riiilin'llas; Ladies', (ientlemen's and Chihlren's P.OOTS (’aps, and Hoimets; all kinds of Moots :(iid i'liiH s; (’ar]K‘tiiitr; Saddle.s, IJridles, Whips and ('oll:irs; llanhvaro and ('iitlory; !x‘a- aud i'IlOl- Men's. Il.iys' and Infants' Hats .iiid (’:iiis. Velvet, .''.itin. .''tr.iw and Florence Poiimds. i < i i i* Kitto ditt<i ditto for Misses. tlier; Ilollow-waiv and ( rockiTy-'v;in‘; Loat, And every article usually kept in a Dry (btods Lump, ('riislu'd, ('lariiii“<l and Hrown Sii- Store. :rar<; 'I'l'as; Kio, LaLruira and .lava (’oflVo; We invite the public to call and exnm- Salt, Molass 4 's, Iron and Nails, ine our large and ii.indsome .stock, as we are al- ways anxious to show our Goods. £- 3?" nV /,;ijt Tin oinf Vojjuc. Fayetteville. Oct. 1 lOlIN STEWART. 1851. :5otf With niatiy otiier Goods. whi<'h will be sold very chea\) for Cash, or on time to those who j.ay jmiictually. e would be glad it our fi’it'nds and the public generally would give us a call. J. T.‘ COUN(’IL ('AIN. .Sept. 1, 1851. 18tt FILL,p \iT\ra i;ooDs. W E have received and are iK'W receiving our usual Stock of 1500TS SHOES. STAPJ.E cV FANCY GOODS. Consisting of nearly every article usnully kept in the Dry tJoods line. —ALSO— A FINK ASSOUTMF.NT OF .\REY, .SII I'i.MV> ELL iv: (’O. ndurn thanks to the citizens of Fayettevilh-, and the public generally, for the very liber.il patronage here- tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict attejition to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. AHFY. P. SHFMWFLL. J. R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, .Sejit, 15, 1851. 21 tf Coaehi's. good horses, nud caveful Drivers.— The Fare is F1\'E DOl.L.\RS—•ftMue as before. The .‘^t.-ige Houses are. in Fayetteville, the Fay- etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; but Passengers w ill be convoyeil to such other H(>usi‘s as they may soh-ct. The hours of departure Avill be. until further notice, at half- jiasf ;• P. M. from Fayettevilh?, and at 2 P. >1. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers ho)>e. by unremirted .-ittcntion, to secure liberal .siiare of the travel. :virRDOCK McKTNNON, DAVID McNElLL. Fsivotteville. .Tulv 1, 1851. 78-tf He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this .Stove witlji'.* tb* .''^:*t»-, itnd will pro.secute any ]>erson rnfriaging his right, either by pur- chasing, selling, or using, any excejit those ob- tained from hini'ielf. JO'^EVH WOLTERING. Rmleljih,. .April 10, 1^51. H8tf W k arc rc'ciuvinir onr F'all and Winter supply of ICoofs »ii<l >iiioos Consisting of a 'ery large ti^ latfst ^ f ^^^^^ jJonncts, Hats, Caps, Jill) liLUii T ^HE Steamer BROTHERS and Tow Boats, . STEVENSON and DAVID LEWIS are pre- p.'iretl to forward with D ksp . vtch, all good.s con- signed to the Projirietor. The Steamer ISrothers is of light ilraft, and well suited to run in low water. iShe f>o.ssesses power, and .'speed, and is a<lmirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen- gers. The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to waj- freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al- so atteml to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as .Vgcnt in Wilmington of the several Steam T’oat Com- panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to tiieir Agents in Fayetteville. His agent lu Wihnington is .JOHN ('. L.\TT.\, to whom all cooftmunications may be addresse<I, as Agent of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Troprietor. May 15. 72-y and ombr.icing a vciy great variety of styles for I.adies', (ientlemen s, .Miss- es', Boys', and Children’s wear; with a large as- sortment of Men's and Boy’s Kip ami Coarse BKOGANS. A superior article of Gentlenien’s and Ladies’ India-ruViber Shoes. — .VLSO— Trunks. Carpet Bags, nml Window Shades; Calf, Morocco, (ioat, Lining, P>inding, .‘ind Pad Skins: Sole Leather, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Spar- ables, &c. Persons- wishing to purchapo hy Wholesale or Retail, are requested to examine our .Stock. We are determined to sell very low for Ca»h, or on time to punctual customers. S. T. HAW LEV & SON. Seft. no, 15i.Sl. 1 H.VVE just received from N«jw York, my FALL A.ND WINTEIl Stock of Goods, Boots, SllOCS, I’he above .Stock we would invite our cr.stom- ers. friends, and the ]>ublic generally, to call and ex.amine before purchasing. :is we .are de- termined to sell Goods to suit the times. ALEX'R JOHNSON ('O, Fayetteville, Sept. 2'’, 1851. 25tf MANTUA-MAKLXG & MILLINERY. XIJ RS. 'SV.VLWN lijxs jtist returned from the North with, a new and beautiful assort- ment of Fall and Win<ter MILLINERY, consist- ing of silk, BJitin and velvet Bonnets, of various prioes: Plumes> Ribbons and Flowers: Head Dresses and Caps; Strtiw Bonm.'ts of different quality and price; Inside Capes; Collars and I Undersleeves: very best quality of Kid Gloves; ; Fillet Inserting, long and short; a new and ele- 1gant style of D»eat* Trimmings, of the most ■ fashionable kind, and a few hiindsomc Dress ^ . . . , i i » ' Patterns; watered and plain sifk Mantillas: vel- Tonsisting of a pcnertil assortment of | M.^n^illas and Cloaks: a new style of Bon- Dry liHods, Grwcries, Ilnrdware, fHtlcry, if. | net Linings and Trimmings, of all ctdors: and a hinidsome tufflortment of Flowers and Heail Dresses I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind f>f rro'lucc. !f. KIXG, 10 miles North of FayettCTilIe. 0.:t. 28. 1850. 4 3 tl' Jjinr n f f,mr-linrxi' ('oiirlir-it, Jnmn l'(ll/rf(i n tlf tn Jl ( J Ihlltif. rH'IIIE Sii’iscribcis having secured the mail Jl. contr.-ii't on the above Line, will commence THIS D.\^'. run;iing a Line of Four Hor;-rt> Post t’oaehos. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at (> P. M.. and arriving at War-iaw at .\ past (S A. M., in time 1 >r the Cars North and South. Re- turning. leave ^^':lrsaw on the arriv.al of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. M., and arrive at F:iy- etteville itt ten h.our'j. Every care will be taken to retider the Hive pleasant, convenient, ami sjife, for Travellers. .V Line of Stages will be esrtablished as soon as jios.'4ble, by the Plauk Road, from Fayette- ville via ('arthage .and .Vsheborough, to Lexing- ton. .''.ilem, and Salisbury. .McKL-S'NON & McNEILL. Fayetteville. N. ('., Aug. 8, 1851. 11-tf 75 Bb1<. No. 1 IlerTinjr. 25 •• Mackerel. 1(M> Ibiles Hay. Pieces ('otton Bagging. 50 i'oil.4 Piope. 2(t<> Lbs. Twine. ilO HUds. Mol:isse.=. 5 Hhds. Fair Sugar*. 50 Bacs Rio (,'offee. AVith Alum and Sack Salt, and Groceries gen- erally, for sale at the lowe.^ inavket prices, by JNO. D. WlLLl.^.MS. Augy>t 1-1, 1^51. I'Jtf W ANTED. T TFE SuTtsorTher wishes to purcSjvse .TOO.(V)ft lbs. RAGS, for which the highest cash prices will bo paid oa delivery in Fayetteville. DAVID MCRrnv. Kockfish, Cnml)crlam], Aug. 20,.185L KING andMcMILL.VN have entered • into copartnership iu the Distillery of Turpentine, ami have erected a Still on the West side of the F.ayetteville and W ’estern Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. MayO.—71tf A. McMILLAN. Knct)nras;c IVorth C a r o l I n a. r|nF?E ttndersfgned fs niaBofacturing, in Fay- JB. etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Bl.icking purchased in the j Northern cities, lie intends devoting his whole- ! time to mnnufiu-turing and vending this very nu- I perior I’olish, and calls upon all who think it to the interest of the .Southern people to becom© I mdepondent of Northern mnn»f.‘»cturos, to give : f.im their aid an<l jiatronage. I He ii jirepatred rs* show, bv- nhrnJntf trial, to ! any one who will call ujion him, the rifi>l mipe- j ri'Titi/ of his over all other polixhcK or hJnrkiny I now sold iti North ('arolina. (’all au<I have your ! fcoots and shoes ouce completely blacke<l and jMilished, and be s:itisfir<l. This article is otfered at a price iK)t higher is ustially charged for fither and inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se- cure the patronage of the public generaPy. The tindersigned exp«-ts to visit every por - tion of the .''tate to introduce his Polish, anrl asks now in advam'e that Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville will give him a call. .Tuiie 21, 1S51. J . WOODWARD. 77-dm 50 Dresses made in the latest style; like- wise Mantillas and Cloaks. ' Oct. 14. 1851. 30-3m W .ANTED, GOOD H .VNDS. at 7-'> ct)». per day, on the Southern Plank Road. Steady employment and ca:>h payment weekly, if r(>- quirfl. Apply t^ D. M. BUIE, At the Steam MiTl, or to A. A. MeKETHAN, J » * ? 2’^T , 18^T. [<<*tf] Fayetteville. Second DiTiMion IT.C. .TIilitia. A x I'Tloctinn fi»r iMajor General of the 2d Dfvision will be held on the 15th of Novem- ber, and Col. .TOHN WINSfJiW' of Cnmbcrland,. will he supported for that office. [-3(ltE ~\V^AN'rED TO BORJU)W, frir a term of five ycnr?-. Good security given, la- terest asnwafTy or .semi-annually. A<Jkl»es3- letter to A. B.., and leave ot this of- He^. J a n e .‘.U 18-51. 78-tf w W anted. E wish to buv 20,(KK) barrels Turpentine. KING & McMILLAN. A S rrP L i' of Fre.sh Ground CORN MEAL. Icejit for sale at the .Mill, late Auderson’s. Grin<Hng of Hominy and ^Teal Uoat promptly. F’ayettcTille, March 1851. 12tf P AID for YOUNG NEGROES. Arrir *»» J. & T- IVADI^d/f- Sept. 25. 18f.l

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Page 1: -i-newspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn84026542/1851-11-04/ed-1/... · 2014-03-12 · Millwright's .\ssi.st.int: Cabinet M.iker and Fp- holsterei 's rompanion; Dyer and Color Maker’s

S E M I - W E J E K I i Y

\ ( )L . 1.] F A Y E T T E V I L L E , N . C . , T U E S D A Y M O R N L X G , N O V E M B E R 4 , 1 8 5 1 . [ N O . 3 G . ]

rU lN T K I* HY 15. X K W H V .

i:i)WVlJl) J. HALE & SOX,n-lTtiilS AND rROl-RllITOUS.

1 ■ .1- file opkl v OnsKux Kit 00 if

ill i’ ivfliioi'; ’>0 if fmii durinj; thf

v-HT 1 Mi)''crij>tion; or ^ ‘i after the venr lias

r r ilu- \Vc('k1_v O nsnivrn 00 per annnm. if

] , i ill .l iviiui-c: if p-iiil duriiip tlie

.t—iil"^tTi]'tion; or (H) at' .cr the ,vear

. - - . \ | 'nc.‘i.

'.'.'■VI'KTISEMKNTS iiiserto*! for sixty cents | , .: ' 111:.!''.' i'<T tlie first, aiitl thirty cents for ench li, . liuu j'uhlif.Htion. YcMrly (ii1verti-icnu‘nt«

iv'al .•■'iiti act'*. at j-ea^'inahlo rate*. A<1- .■ : ; ;r. (■ re<ino?te l to state the nuinlior of

.11' 'i > ireil. ur they will be continneil till i. ■ li i liiifL'eil :u-ii>rilin<;ly. |

j: l..'K(‘r.' t'l the K'litors must be post-paid.

1 \ v i : t t i : \ i i . l k ( ' o n f e c t i o n k k y .

C H A R L E S B A N K S ,i 'ou l’ve t io t tr r .

n \ r 'I'lMS till- public, that ho has rcfittcil h i ' S ISt '''’.i'hiiic’it on (irct'M Street, aiwl h:is on

i !i' -:li'U)']>ly i>t (■ A N 1*1 KS. inanufiu-tnrc'l i,;:;i'. t' -lit <'1' the t ‘f>t l,o;if >upir, nn l w.-ir- •• i free troiii st;irch. tl<>nr. ]i.-tttc. iiiul pcrni-

I 1 nt.'. His whole time ami attenii"n is !■•'..Ti'il to makiiiji t'.iii'ly. ami he is jire- I t< >ir,'ply all ' .r'lcrs with ( ’.iiKlifs (‘■lual

!iy m.i'lc in the I 'l .i tf! Stat> s. ’l’h«i'0 (jin- ' he \\;,rr:inrs to keep in any clim.-itc; anil

,1 sell to Town »,r t.'ountry merch:int.-. as M' ;ro' '1 an«l jiure Can'ly can be jiurchaso'!

\ « \ .>rk or I'^sewliero.■ 't 'c ' i ' lc. Ort. L’'', 1S">1. o4-tf

M r s . l i E V I L lia«5 o p o n o dthat large ami convenient hcmse. near the foot of llayniount, on ll:iy street, known to the Faniier?' ami IManters’

Hotel, where 8he wonUl be jihnl t<> accommoilate gentlemen with Ihmnl bv the Ueek rii* month.

Families cnti be "ttjipliod with j>1easant room.o.She is also prej>ared to nerommodate 'I’nivel-

lern and their horses. Her Stables are attend­ed to by one well aciiuainted with the nianagc- nieiit of liorse;?.

Tho.^e who are so Xin<l as to patronize her. shall find tliat her greatest cure T ill be to please.

Oct. -27, IS.M. ;i4tf

I A DT'TV f>FT!:X XFOLKCTFT).! Many families are nlreody in the liabit o '

kerpinjt a vermifnjre on hatid, and wlien any of the n.'<nal di'^turbances occur amottjc children, of givinfr it to them. The result is, that the eflect i? not onl\ astonishing, but often incred­ible, in causing he expulsion of worms, -whilst, at other times, few or none arc discliarired. No vermifufrc, ]n*r!ia)>s. ever before introduced, has tlone so much good, or been so highly ispnkeii

j (if by tiiose who have used it, as that prepared; hy l>v. l.ittU'. Another jieculiarlty of this med-I icine i,', that it never fail" to improve (piicklyi all feeble ami dro 'ping citildren, wiietlier they

have Worms or not.To give oalomel, pink root. ^:c. i.s to be behind

: the age of improvement, when a remedv like^ 10L. .1. O. Meltl'tJAl.K, of lUaden cfuinty, i l.ittU' s Vermifuee is to be had; which *is not^ i? a candidate for the oflice of Major «ien- i surj.a.'j.sed. if e.iualled. by anytliing: besides, re-cral in this Division, to fill the vacancy occa- j qniring nothing afterwards..“ioned liv the resignation of (ieneral .lames J. McKay.' [;;:5-tF,

N E \ V ~ T ' f u Mf B l l l F inidersigned liave entered itito ropnrt- -M. nership, under tlie name ami style of

l^aivroiice X Troy,For the piirj^ose of doing a general Mercatitile ;ind Harter business. We have taken the Store. No. 1 n (; i; 1',1'N .s’l'PiF,F,T. formerly occupied by Messrs. John Huske \ Son.

(il'O. W. LAWllF.NCK. .HUIN 15. TIU>V. .]r.

Oct. '22, isr . l . H:;tf

M ) W ( ; o o i ) s . ~ ~

' I ' K O Vexpect to receive selected STiH'K,

t - r

Xi:\\ (;()()i)s.r r< I'eiviMl, iiiv Full ,s\»pplv ot <'LOTUS.\ s s i m i : i: ks a n d v i ;s i i n «;s . t u i m -■ , o f t h e b e > t i ( U a l i t y , f r o m Nrw

\> ", the l itc<t Picport of the New Vork 1 'VS.

’ I ' t iU o i ' i t i i iuo t<> c a r rv mi tin* iHIN<! III'.^INI'SS. at my Stand on Kay

lid tl: >e wiio may tavoc me with their . y ii'’v on h.ivin:jr their v,ork done in 1 ■ii:;' le .'tyle. .iU 1 on the most' n:. .

AK< IIIMAI.D GIIAUAM. l ' ‘ l . - U t f

l a w r i : n c i <:A r>l' now receiving. :iud

soon, a large and well Consisting of

( i r o e c r i o s ;uul I’roA i s i o n s , i l a r d w a r t * a n d C'utltM'v,

C r o c k e r y a n d C i l a s s w a r o , H o o l s a n d S l i o r s ,

r . o a t I i ( ' r , C’a s t i n i i r ! , *^tc.We have now in Sti're. just received,

M.ickerel. tMuese, tloshen llutter. ( 'anvassed Hams, Smoked F>eef, Sole Lt'ather, IJrooms, Huckets, \ c . \ c .

Those (Joods have been ]iurrhaxed for CA.'sH, :ind we are di'termined to-iell vcr; low for <’a>h, or on tinu' to piinctu:il customers, or in exchange tor all kinds of Countrv I’roduce.

<ii;o. W. I.AWltKNi'K.JOHN 15. T ia»V ,Jr .

<Vt. is.M. ;;;’.tf

J u s t lv( Cf lrc(/ . on ( 'o/ ts l^ninnit .

l ’oWI»Ki;. and tor sale low.

T '

K. M.

'criber- have renio\t-d to the new le. !«■> ill west of the Cape

l;e:c tlit 1 ai'C receiving their I'.ill

Oct. IS.'.I.oKUKI.I,


/•/< .'■. J in I'll )i'ii r< Hud' ■''■ '■y. " i i ' l '

- A l .so— 'S I , . , ., 1

!,! ,1 :Jf, r, ttf /I'ifl'fs.■r;, t'liii- usii:i!ly < !illi'd f'T in the

to wliich they invite an cNami- i.i;i:i'K X JOHNSON.

■'•'1. ;;t-tf

'I i’S r i l l i lF l! is leceiving :ind offers • ;• -ale. a well >eloctcd stock of

G r o r e r i e.''o'la, llutter, and Water <’rai-ker';,

' r.ie d.' :!ii'i i’re'i-rvi -.l’.:M'iii> .ind rrunes, ■■ • iiid t igars.iii"'t re;t^ n.ible term.s fort 'ash. or >n iiu iual custoniers.

(’HS. BANK.-<,No. (Ireen st.

ttfvi'le. Oct. 11- . li^ol. -'1-tf

N O T KilK su'iscriber is now receiving his Fall

fl- tiii.l Wiiit.T .'"lock of F.\N<' V and ST.V I’LF

D R Y <,JO O D «;. < ' ip ' . ;nol li-iniu't.':; T>oot.« and Sliocs;

n > iwii'o a'lii CutltTv; liluck.siiiiths’,• ’ 1 an«l <’:irptMitor.s’ Tools; S traw

= i't' : ( ' uni Slicller-^, IMtutglis,■ ' ; irill 'i\v-\varc; H oavy goods

}'i>r < c. A:c.' ..- I ; .,..,li uill be Sold at wlmlesaio or

::it (•ii>tonicrs. We .say nothing a- 'lie above (loods were bought, or how ‘ '"!d. IlUt w e do say conie and si-e.

• ll i-ke bui!din'.:s. <Mccn .'Street.1’. TAVLon.

■ ' - (’;iroliiiiiiJi 2m o4-'Jm

II. ISraii^oii A: N<»iiOFFF.II FoK SAI.F,

Q in iD . }.rime St. (’mix S!'(I \I5.3. L' htids. New Orli'.iiiS ditto.

ll<> bbls. Ketined ditto.■') •' (Iranulated 'litto,

"0 bag> green I’.io 1'o‘Tee,■“ (o ’v't Javii ditto.

7') kegs Nails, od. to f, inrh .'Spikes,1 dii/en F.n”Ii>h ci 'ss-cut Saws.•"i e.isks ( ’hees.-.

l.oxcs ditto, ll> Vmixo." tine rlicwing Tobacco.Kxtra W.iol ilats. Negro .''lioe.i F.iankets.

Oct. L'-j. ;;:;tf

s *

TOItACCO.lilMK North (■;irolina :ind \ irginia t'hew- in;; 'i'tib;icco, by the 15ox and retail.

J. \ T. WAI'DILL. o.-tober :;»-tf

N FW Forte.

M I S K ' .supply of Ml Sit '. tor the riano

Jtist received.i:. J.

October 27. 1 •*'1.HALF \ SON.

RI S I ' . I ' I I , l i O O k S .

ANI.KTT'S A n c i I lT F rT ; American Tar- j'etiters' NewtJuidc: ('.irjK'iiters’ Assist­

ant and llural Architect: .“ liaw's Hiira! ,\rchi- tectur;': Alinifee's Meiliaiiical Drawing !5ook: .^lahaI^s I'ivil Fngineering: (iilh-spie on Koads, 4th Fdit ion; Meciianic.s" Text 1 !o o k ; Mechanics’ Own Itook: ISuilder s ( 'omi>atiion: .Miller and Millwright's .\ssi.st.int: Cabinet M.iker and Fp- holsterei 's rompanion; Dyer and Color Maker’s Companion, and other works of simil.-ir charac­ter and utilitv. For s.ile l>v

K. j'. HALF \ SON.October 2i'{, lx'»l.

VFI’.MIFFGF FOK I’LANTATION FSF.The Proprietor has jmt it up in Dollar bot­

tles, which are one-third cheajier. and .also in vials ^\hich arc about double the si/e of Fahne­stock's. and at tiie same price. Whone i.s best'.' Kead the i>roof at home:

Talbot County.Dr. I.ittle—Dear Sir: 1 have ]>rescribed onr

Vermifuge in sev«-ral cases, and feel no liesi- tancy in ]>ronouncing it superior to I'ahne- stock's, I’c r iy ’s -Dead Shot, '’ or any other 1 have ever u*>ed,

; Signed ! J(M1N S. Sl'.VKCV, M. 1>.Dr. l.ittle—Sir: I have used Fahnestock's

and Comstock's Vermifuge, as well as ycnir j're- paration. in my family. 1 have found yours much superior to either of them in the several cases I havi- given it. In fact, it fully answers the jiurpose witlioiit anything else: l»esid*'s, it is not unpleasant for children to take.

(Signed) J.VMFS S. S.\NDl'PiS.Talbotton. May iS-'iO.Dr. I.ittle— Dear Sir: 1 cheerfully state, thnt

1 have useil in my lamily your \'ennifuge in several cases witii entire satisfaction; in f.ict h;ive nevei' known it e'iii:il!ed. I h.-ivc given Fahnestock's. Perry's "Dead Shot." !iiid Dr. .layne’s, but with no smdi results .is yours: be­sides. you fiirnish nearly double :is miirli for the s.-tiiie I'l-ice.

^Signedi OllI'FN D. C t’X.Macon C o u n ty , .\la., A\>ril 1><'>(I.The following iirdcr. tiniuiig m.iny. has been

received:Fort (I.'iines. Maridt I t .

Dr. W. (i. I.ittle— De.ir Sir: e will thankyon to send us, liy the first opportunity, twelve do/en of vour \ ermifiige, and t'our dozi'u .\iio- dyne C.iugh Di-op.». \S an- i iitircly out ot the A’ei iiiittige. aud our customers say they cantiot do without them. Kesju'ctfullv.

Dil.I. \ .\I.K.\ANDFIl.'i'he fac-simile of the signature nf l>r. W. (I.

Little will !ie found upon the outside wraj'per of each of his .Medii'incs.

Sold w lioit -i.ile and retail, by tlie Pri']irietor. at his .Manufi' tnring Dejiot, No. •Jf,4 Market street. Phi!:i'!eI]ihiM, and . L• co!l. Cei.rgia.

To lie had also of .lame-^ Cain. P>o«-ktish; ,\. W’atMiii. Floral Co’legi’: Townseml A Doug­lass. P>enneit'ville; Dr. P. M. ('idien. Charh's- ton: C. C. llar'oee. 15arcla vsville; P. F. Pescuil, Kaleigh.

S. HINSD.VLK, Ag«*nt for Fayette^ille.

STii.iM M liSliLl': WDilKS.r n r n e r o f N o r th anil Moiiiinient S im *ls ,

l ! : i i l i i i i n r t * .

( ^ I S . ' ‘"1>N & P>.\ 11;D having eompleted their ex-!cn>ive work-:. i which is now one of tiie

largc.'t esta'ili.-hment- of tlie kind in this coun­try. ' are jirejiari'd to fill all orders in their line, viz: .Marhlc .>Iaiitels, Moiiunieiits. Tombs, ( J r a \ e !»tones. T ab le Tops, T ile s , f<vr tioors. i .’H a rb le K e t te rs , at as rea>onable rate-< asi-.in lie had in tliis or .-iny oth<‘r city in the I nion. For bcaut\ of exei Ulion and originality of de- si'.ru. their stock c.innot b»> -^urp.-issed. They would respectfully invite , I UniJ,!, r.*,Cii/iiiiri Mitk>rr and others to call iind examinebefore puri hasing. Tiiey are al.so pri'pared to furnish tiic tr.-ide with Slalis, Mlocks, «Vc. to or­der.

.Ml or Ici i! by mail punctually attended to. 2''i-lm

F A I.I . , IN.'S].::w ja-c:

FILL liML WlM’il GOODS.Wj . . 1 . I * e m f t c r t o n ]

MAVF just received from .Vow York nn<l

Philadelphi.-i a complett- Stock of '

SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, IAmong whieb m.ay lie found an extensive lot of L.\ DIFS’ DIIF.SS (iOODS, vi/: Plain, watereil and fig'd Silks; Needle-worke<l ('ashmeres; J5ro- : cade and watered Poplins; Chameleon Louisian- i as; Cheiie J’ejis: Phiid Lustres; rich Saxony De- Lains; ]ilain, wati'red and figured Silk warp Aljiacas: Seconil Mourning Pojilin.'--; bl.nck P>om- i bn/.ines; a few superior lA-ening Dresses: pink, blue, white and straw colored Tarltans, tVc.

i ’hii.i and watered Mantillas; 15ay State, plaid and embroidered Thibet and Cashmere Shawls; drab and black Cashmere ditto.

K.MP.IlOl HFltlFS.— French Worked Lace Capes :iiid Collars; worki'd Cuffs; a beautiful lot Hertha Lace (’apes; I nder-sleeves ami Chemi­settes; S'.'iss tind .jaconet Trimmings; Hem­stitched ;ind Needle-workeil Linen ( anibric Haiidken hiefs; black, blue and white Lace Veils, v'cc. v'cc.

—ALSO—Pdack, hrown and green Frrnch and Knglish

Cloths: lilack and fancy ('assimoi-e.';; pljiin and fig'd .''atin Vestings; Valencia and Cashmere ditto; T>\eeds: .''.ittinets; kentucky Jeans; Silk :ind Worsted Serges; plaid Linseys; red. blue and w hite Flannels; French and ." ilk warp ditto: brown and bleacheil Canton ditto; Druggets; Osnatiiirgs; Frcnch and Fngiish Prints; Irish Linens; Toweling; TabU- Di:ipiTs: I.ailics' and • Icntlemen's Kid Cloves, ol a very superior (jual- ity: Silk and Cotti.m Hosiery; Lamb's Wool and .Merino ditto; T.adics' and (!entlemen'< ( 'ashmero (iloves. \ c . \ c .

.1 f d i ' i f , ’ In ! n f I ' l i t J A n ~

j"{i> Ml II /int/s' f 'ojisjJ l n t m i l l n , f ( i///><iii.<.

A superior lot of (icntlemeu's ('alf P.oots .ind .''hoes; L.-idies' (laiters and other styles of Shoes; Travelling Trunks: ('.-irjiet l!.igs. \ c .

The above (loods were selected more ]>articn- larly for the PFI'AII. TUADF. and will be sold on very accommotljiting terms.

F. L. \ J. A. PF.MHFHTON.Sept. 11, iS-jl. 21tf

A u i : v , « i i i v T S \ v i : i . i > , ^ o .

N K W r A L L A M ) W I.N T K K

P. P JOflASOiVAS .TCST RECinVED and offers for sale,

L cheap,—7') bags .superior liio COFFEE,2-') barrels Coffee Sugar,50 barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3,Loaf and Granulated Sugar.

— .VI.S(»—A larpo a.s.sortnient of Iron and Nails, Shov­

els, Spades, Trace ('hains. Shovels ami Tongs, niacksniiths’ P»ellows, Anvils, Vi.’K-s, Hammers, Planes, Augers and Chisels, Files, Collins's -Vxes, &c.

August 10, 14tf

T h ( ' n n d ( M 's io f n o d h a v (* ( M i to r c dinto copartnership, under the name and style of II.M.L \ S.\CKI'i'l’T. for the ]>urpose of doing a Dry (ioods and Hardware i5usine.ss, and have taken the Store o doors East of the Fayetteville Hotel. J. H. H ,\ l‘L.


August 20, 1S-')1. Ditf

a large and well se-F. are now recoivin lected Stock of

Comprising every article usually kept in that line, togi'tlier with

].')() C ' a s c s J > o o l s a n d S h o e s .

ESatifi a n d Cap^s.—ALSO—

A well selected .''took of

l i . l R F P n M I l B .To all of which we invite the attention of Mer­chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock iicfore making their jiurchases. We will not be undersold by any one <loing business in this ]ilacc.

ilALL .V SACKFTT. August 2">. 1S-'>1. Dift


-i-/•Vi// i f t id

1 8 1 .Stock .

Te*r. T v a l T r u l lI riK-T ViiFNti |1VS(.»N,

‘ ' iiiinpowilcr,■ lm| eri.'il,

r r --.I’e by CHS. KANK.S.• i-M. ' ; ; c t f

N ' l ' ( ) \ i : s ! S ' r O \ E S ! !II f i . i 'C liu rches , PjM-iors, F a c t o r ie s ,

'■■ri I'or >;ile l>vC. W. ANltUFWS.

.Market .'^unare. -7 . I'-.'.l. ; i4 t f

l i \ l s i \ s . \ N 1 ) K i ( ; s ,A\ ('llMp i; \L''1N.S. in whob', half, and

'■’If hoxe>;.1 ri'Oi Figs.i'ii ' li « and Prunes.■'•"Tt she ll A lm o n d s . : ''-rts. \ alnuts.

I’-r.i/.il Xnts.• •):t. Chocolate.I'riMTvcd <iinger.* ■ ‘ '•11 Ibittrr, in 121h. k eg s ..''ni'iki-d r .cef and T o n g u e s .' i ' i \ed and for s a le by

CHAS. BANKS, o l- lin•f. 'J

s for Pliink Koad I’onlracls.il.D PKOl’O.^Al.S will be received by

!<■ umlevsigned, I’residenl of the Cheraw ii-oii Plank Koud Company, f o r contracts ■■ clearing, grading and' planking said •"I 1 for the necessary lumber and timber i' ilM-ied on the road.'•■■ntr.o-ts will be let out, in sections of n

'fe each, or f<>r the whole road.I '\isliing further information on the I ill obtain the s;ime by ajiplying to the

" ill ‘oi- a copy of the Engineer’s iieport. ih will be received until the 20th day

■iiiot r next, .\ildres.s, (post-paid,)TIIOS. F. POWE, Pres't.

, Sejit. .‘50, 1S.')1. ;U-tt

XOTICIC• I. tli.ise indebte<l to lue, either by note or

oiint, will please call at the Store of 1 1 ; .• .V Troy and .'-ettle, as 1 am closing

l i e I - husi i ie . -an d wisii a (,uick settle- JOJIN 15. THOY, Jr.

• “ - 3 ' ! - l w

Watches and Jewelry, A 1 ' \ V l i o l < ' M n l c a i K l K e t a i l .

.1. M. ItKASI.r.V

Wo r i .D resjtectfully inform the ptiblir

generally, that he has returned recent­ly from New York, with decidedly a large as-

^i.irtment of

l % * a t r h e s a n d • J e t r v i t ' t f ..Manv f>f these Watches were bought for C.\SII 15Y THE P.\CK.\<JF. and can therefore be sold

I ' O i i S A I . E ,NE lot ot' Land cotitaining 2 acres, with a comti'i table Dwelling House and Kitchen

thereon. The almve riroperty is in half a mile of llobeson Institute. !lol)eson *-ounty.

Also. Four Sh.-ires of the ('apital Stock in saiil Institute.

Ftir further particulars, impiire ofALFKFD JACKSON.

Cumberland county, .Sept. 1. 18-jl. IStf

1). l . Y M A N n i ' K H A N K ,

Sii'i'f'ssiir fo Il tt frh d ' liiirtnnih'^ Whoh'.sale and Retail Dealer in

Toff>art’o., a n d ^iiiifr,El’PS constantly mi hand the above named ai'ticles, of the motif poj>ular brands, and

warranted eipnil to any in the country. Hav- i ing made arr.ingements with an extensive house

in I'altiinore. he will sell at I’altimorc* pri^jes, and resjiectfully invites the citizens of Fayette­ville and surrounding country to give him a call.

Front Street, next door to Messrs. P(d- ley \ Mart, (at the sign of THE TFKK.)

Wilmington, <»ct. IS.'.l. ;{Otf

I ' i v 4 ‘ n o l l a i ' M K f ' w a r d .

R.\N.\WAV from the subscriber, on the

Dith inst., a negro girl by the name of Caroline, .''aid girl is jirobably lurking about

C. Montague's, as 1 hired her from him. 1 willvery low. He h.is Watches of all kinds; Clniins, | pay the atmve reward for lier delivery to mo, orKey s and .''eals of all kiniis and of the latest ■ confinement in our jail. .Said i'aroline is alioutstyles: Finger-Hings, Ear-Kings. .Medallions, of i 20 years of age—ijui e tall for th.-it age. all sizes, of English and American tiiake; La- j dies' Chatel.iines; Cuff Pins; ('ollar and .Sleeve ' l>uttons: .Shirt .Studs; fiold S]>ectaclcs, light and j heavy: <!ohl Pens and Pencils; (lold and Silver Thinibles; I5ra< elets; .‘ ilvor Fruit ami l?utter •Knives: ,'^ilver Sjioons of all sizes; large lot of]I’ocket Cutlery; Scissors, best (piality: Mutton- ! hole S<-issors, Surveyor's ('ompasses and ( 'hains:Mathematical InstruiiK-nt.s; large (juantity of fine au'l common Pistols; fine and common sin­gle and double-Viarrel (Jnns; (^ame Ihigs; .Shot |5elts and Powiler Flasks; Alilitary CJoods, in ­cluding the Bass Drum and the smallest Hutton:Violins anil extra Bows; Flutes, Clarionets, Fla­geolets, .\ccordeons, of all kinds and sizes; Mu­sic P)Oxes; Perfumery; J^oap; Lather Brushes;Uazors and Stro])s: Dressing and I’oeket Tombs;Plated and Britarmia Ware: ami various other things too tedifuis to entimerate.

Call and give me a trial.(Jash pai«l for old Gold and Silver.

JSS5*-'.Va t c i ie s an d J k w k l r y n ea t lyRepaired.Viiijfttxvillr^ K . C.— Korfh-En^t Vornrr

o f M itrkct S t f o r c .12-r,m1 J. M. BEASLEY.

I N T T P A P i n i .

HFA>LS assorted FiH*nch, Rngli.sh ^ * and American ('ap. Letter, Bath

Post, Folio Post, uud Note l ’ai)ers—a well se­lected stock, embracing a great v.-iriety of qtial- tty and price. .\ls«<v, Bristol Boards, Perforated Ditto, Tissue and Drawing Paper, and Statinn- iiry of all kinds. Just receiving.

E. J. h a l e .t SON.Sept. 20, ’8"1

^ H I' Suli-i-i'ibers are i iow receiving ilirect from .New York ;ind Philadelphia, the l.ir-

gest and handsomest Stock of

S t a p l e a n d I'a/ici/ D r y ( i o o d sTh it they have ever exhibit' d in this m.-irket. om' rrieing every vari«'ty of Ladies' and Centle- men's DI'F.''.'' (!()(ID.'^. among wiiieh may be found; l!la< k and fam-v w n t e r e . l and pi lin Dress Silk-:; black a!id fancy ('otiiirg-': L.im: Twills: figured .Mud plain fancy and bLu k Mo!iair I.us- tres; ." ilk Warp aii'l <’rape Brocades: .Swiss,

'tch and <'hene Cinghams; .''axony De-L.-iins: French. Fnglisii and .Vmerican Print>: Fmli'd Cashmeres: plain <iitto; changeable I.ie-Lains; watereil ;ind needle-work Cashmeres; ch:ingea- lile Yoiiese*-: I5roc;’de Lustres: D:im:isk .l-^ilians; black Bomba/ines: s"-eond-m< urning Poplins:plain and w.atered .' ilk Mantillas: colored and iilaek Velvet .M.-intiilas: Brocade Poplins; and .i large assortment of Dress Trimmings; Frcnch and Engli'«h .Nlerinos; Velvet Neck lUbbons and ('utl's, \ i ‘.

K M r . l l O i O K l M K S .I’rotieh W o r k e d Collars .ind <'j<)>es; French

worked CuHs: French worked Chemisettes: Fn- der-Sleeves; .'iwisv and .bieonet Trimmings: hi-fant' ' Waists and Caps: Hem-stitched and nee- dle-worked Linen ('auibric Handkerchiefs, from 10 cts. to ^'i; and ;i beautiful assortment of Veils: every variety of Shawls, (‘mbroiih-red .•ind jilain: Thi-ead, Cotton and Lineti Edgings and Laces; black Silk Laces and Edgings.

— . \ L S O _

Black, blue, bro w n and green Fromdi and I'.ngHsh Cloths; lil.ick :uid fancy Cassinieres; (.’lit A'elvet, figured and black .S.itin ami Valcn- oi:i Vestitigs, (some \crv handsome: i .'>attinots; Kentucky .lean‘s: Tweeds; Linseys: Flannel'j.W o o l :iud c o t t o n ; Osnabii rgs; Druggets: Damask Table Coths: ditto Najikins; (’entre-'l’able ('ov­ers. ver\ fine: Piano Covers: Irish Linens: Lin­en Lawns; Thread Cambrics; Towellings; Oen- tleni'Mi's Merino .'<liirts and Drawer*; .'>ilk Ne<-k and Pocket Handkerchiefs; Ladies' Merino Vests: Cashmere and .Silk Hose; 4lifto H.alf-Hose; the celebr:ited .'':ilem .le.-ins, black and irrev.

rB lH l '^ Siil'seriber ofl'ers for sale one of the H- l.irgert and Lest assortments of (lOOD.''

in his line ever oU'ered in this place. He is ver\ tl'.ankful for tin-very liberal patron.ige that he li;is liad. and solicits a coiitinujince of the sam<'. His stock has been selected with <-are. and con.si>ts of ne:irly every variety and style, from the bo't manufacturers.

He has on hand :ind offers Uiw for Cny/i, :it retail or Ly the ca'^e. l,ite>t styles fieutlemon's Heaver. Nutria. Mob-skin, .' ilk, P.rush and .\n- gola H.VT.''. Also, .leniiy Lind, Kofsuth, ,\r- ti>t, Koiigh and lle.tdy. and stiffened Fur and \Vool Hat-;, foi- .Men, ^'outh and P>o_\ s—in ;»bun- il.ance by the do/.en or case.

— ALSO—-\ very large snjijily of ('loth. Plush. Velvet

■■ind Fur C.\P.''. of .all qualities, styles and pri­ces.—liy the single Cap or by the ilozcn.

—A LS( I—

l i o o t s a n d S h o o s ,of the following vnriefies, viz: Fine Water-proof, fine ('alf, fine Kip and he.avy Winter P.OOT.S. Also. Boys' and Youths' ( 'alf ami Kiji Boots. ( ietitlemen’s Dress Shoes, of

rnrious i|unlitie«. Together w ith an assortment Mis-ies' .-iiiii ( liildren's 15(M(T.< :ind

SHoFS. viz; Jenny Lind. Excelsiors, flaiters. ditto Half, Buskins, .“clippers,ind Morocco lioots. .\lsf>. (ientlemen's and Ladies' 1‘iibbers. With a gitod supply of Yoviths', Boys'. Childrens' and .Servants' heavy Shoes.

.\11 of which he offers low for O/'/f. or on time to ]>unctual customers. Please call and sat sfy yoursehes before purchasing elsewhere.

liTli'MTinil r lilhll 'U in

D A G X T E R R B O T ' X ’P B


4( ' . S.MlTlf, Daguerrean Artist, having • been instructed in one of the largest and best Establishments in Neyv York, and by one

of the best Artists in New Y’ork or any where else, would respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville, .and jiersons living near, that he lia.* a llootn in the rayetteville Hotel fitted np f o r til king Daguerreotypes, and wouhl >>e very much jileased to wait on those who may wish to have their Likenesses taken. He has the best materials th.it c.an be bought any where with­out any excejUion. Jle intends stopjiing here only a few weeks.

Call S o o n , if you >vish a correct and gf>od Likeness. He feels that he can .s.atisfv' those wlio may give him a call, if a correct ami good Likeness will do it. Time of taking, from A. .M. until .') P. ^1.

Dark or bl.-ick drosses best for takitig; white will not answf'r w«‘ll.

Prices from Two to Ten Dollars.Children one year ohl and u]iwards ta ­

ken. if they can be kept still l-‘> or 2(» seconds. Time for taking Children, from ID A. .M. until 2 P. M.

Instructions given in the ,\rt.fsriX'' Persons t:iken in groups if they wish it.Daguerreotypes and Miniature Paintings co­

pied f o r those who may wi.<h it.

Oh. wail s(une jiower the giftie gie us,To see ourselves as itheis see u.s.It would from many a blunder free us,And foolish notion.—

]5ut C o m e when you will.A perfect likeness you'll have,If you only sit still.

Lovers are of all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most difficult to jilease.

S e c u r e t h e sha<lowEre the subst.ince fade.—F^hnl'<pf,iri’.

Sept. 1, i s t f

r H ' ' JBT2 m^H F subscriber has just re­

ived ami offers for sale, supjily of

(Ircci t a n d U l u r k '/'cas^(»f very superior quality, con-

B r . T . I>.AS taken an Oflice on Tlaj Street, Wcs4

of the Hotel Buildings.July 14, 1851. 4-tf

NOTICE..Sto.-imor ("hathanj will le.are this plae*"

J3- every Monday and Thiirsilay at 7 o’clock,. A. M.. (instead o f o 'c lo c k as at present,) com­mencing at 7 o’clock .Mimday D>th inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and Fri-- day at 2 o'clock P. .M.

JNO. D. WILLIAM.S. Agent ( 'ajie Fear .steamboat Co.

Fayetteville, March

N O ' r i C I ' j . — A l l A c r o i i n t s d u ethe Merchant.s' .‘ teambo.-it Company, for Freights up to the D')th inst., must be promptly paid to the under.sigMc<l, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same.

J. .S: T. W.\DD1LL, late .Agents. Fayetteville, .Tan. 27, 18.">1. otitf

C o r n , M * e n s , f i n d M i a y .f H l l l F Subscriber has on hand and is con- M. stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup­

ply of the al»>ve articles, which may lie pur­chased at the lowest market ]>rices at the (.>tlice- of the Henrictt.-i Steamboat Companv.

K. M. (.MtRELL. Aj.ril «, ]8.',0. 14tf

15A ( ; ( r l N G A M ) U O l ’E .

OUK COTTON B AGO INC, AND T?oPE have arrived. Onr friends can send in the ir

orders, and they shall be sujiplied.COOK iS: T.VY'f.OR.

August IS, IS-"*!. 14tf

6 ' J # . ! . > • T S ^ J L 1 . V £ .

sisting ofVery fine ‘-Hyson.”Do do ‘-Imiierial.”Do do ‘•Young Hyson.’’Do do •‘((olong.”

Those Teas wei'e selected hy a good jmlge, and are recommended as ‘‘first r.-iie.’’

S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. 14, isr.i, ; :i tf

\ v A N ^ n : n ,ft. .\she T.uniber for Wagons, 11 to o inches thick.ft. Seasoned Oak T.umber, 1;{ to :i inclies.

KMHI ft. W hile Oak and Hickory, for Axletrees. 10(10 ft. W hite Oak for Tongues, liolsters and

.'■'hafts.lOO Post Oak Hulis. for Carts and Wagons.

lMHMI Spokes.For which the highest ca.sli price will be paiil.

Applv soon to E. FI LLFlt.M.’iy IK, isr. l . 72-tf

rK'^TII.S I,INF OF BOAT.S is still in success- M fill operati<in on the (’ape Fear Uiver, and

continue to offer many facilities to the shipping pulilic.

Persons jiatronising this Line, may rest as­sured that their Goods will be brotight U}> with ilisi>atch, and at the very lowest r.-ites of freight.

A. W. STEEL, President.T. S. LrTTFBLOH,

Agent at Fayetteville.Feb. 15, 1851. 5‘J tf

N O T I C E .^ T A T IR & WILLIAMS have removed to tlit^

Store recently occujued by Mr. Jcdin D.. •Starr. <uie door west of .Messrs. H. Branson & S(ui. where they have ju.at received additions to* the Spring ]>urcha^H‘s of Staple and Fancy DUY" (tOODS. Country- merchants are re<^uested t<> examine our stock.


.Tune 7, 1851. 75-tf

SALEM PAPER-MILL.IHE sub.scriber has taken charge of this old

■and well known Establishm«nt, and is prfr- T O W I N E M A K E R S . j pared to attend to all orders for

TF have a few barrels of fine old .Vpple P i - jn f j P ; i j> C r , M c r c l i a n t . s ’ a i i c l Brandy for s.-ile: such as those yvho ( i , ” * . ' Ar

want to make goo<l wine should get. | * fiCtOrA vv r a p p i n g , < \ :c .(.'OOK iS: T.VYLOll. j The Mill has recently been tivironjhly refitted

.Sept. 1 C>, 1S-'>1. 2li-tf I with new maebiuery. and tke subs<Tiber believesr-he can furnish Paper of as gooil ijnalitj’ and a t as cheaji prices as can be purchased any where^ North or .South.

D O M I ’. S ' r i C S .

f ITTLE River Osniibergs; 7-S and 4-4 J .'sheetings always on hand, an<l for sale at

Factory prices, bvSTARR WILLIAMS.

.Tune 7, 1S51. 75-tf

Salem, JnneCHARLES E.


7 7 t f


. ' 'O pt. 2'i , 1S51 .

TIIO.MSON. Market .'Square.


Sta^e liiiie tolialeigli.

N ( v n c E .

Flu i\n \vi\ti:r coods.

fW ’ lII ' .''iibscrilvers, M.iil (’ontractors friun JL l'a\etteville to Raleiirh. will commence

o]ieratioiis this day. with new an.i comfortable ' •'^pt fr<uu him.«elf or his duly authorized .\gent,s.

THE r i i L E B R \ 7 E D B I T K P .I T E .M


s for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh anrl Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay-

(etteville .Street, and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M_ C.impbeir'i.

The Suli.scri'ber hereby fi>rewarns all persons from purchasing :iny of these Stoves from any person either iti or out of North ('arolina, ex-

H F .''ubscriber.< are now receiving a well JL selected stock of Staple ami Fancy DRY

(i(l(iD.'<. Among their stock will be found the latest styles ol Ladies' and Gentlemen's DItESS (jO((D.S, together with a good assortment ot

llna'ly-inaik* Clotliiiiir; r i i i l in ' l l a s ; Ladies', (ientlemen's and Chihlren's P.OOTS ( ’aps, and Hoimets; all k inds of Moots :(iid

i'liiH s; ( ’ar]K‘tiiitr; Saddle.s, IJridles, W h ip s and ('oll:irs; l la n h v a ro and ( 'i it lory ; !x‘a-

aud i'IlOl-Men's. Il.iys' and Infants' Hats .iiid (’:iiis.Velvet, .''.itin. .''tr.iw and Florence Poiimds. i < i i i*Kitto ditt<i ditto for Misses. tlier; I lollow-waiv and ( rockiTy-'v;in‘; Loat,

And every article usually kept in a Dry (btods L um p, ( 'r i is lu 'd , ( 'lariiii“<l and Hrown Sii- Store. :rar<; 'I'l'as; Kio, LaLruira and .lava ( ’oflVo;

We invite the public to call and exnm- Sa lt , Molass4's, Iron an d Nails, ine our large and ii.indsome .stock, as we are al­ways anxious to show our Goods.

£ - 3?" n V / , ; i j t T i n o i n f V o jju c .

Fayetteville. Oct. 1lOlIN STEWART.

1851. :5otf

With niatiy otiier Goods. whi<'h will be sold very chea\) for Cash, or on time to those who j.ay jmiictually. e would be glad it our fi’it'nds and the public generally would give us a call.

J. T.‘ COUN(’IL ('AIN. .Sept. 1, 1851. 18tt

FILL ,p \iT\ra i;ooDs.W E have received and are iK'W receiving

our usual Stock of

1500T S SHOES. S T A P J . E cV F A N C Y G O O D S .Consisting of nearly every article usnully kept in the Dry tJoods line.


.\REY, .SII I'i.MV> ELL iv: (’O. ndurn thanks to the citizens of Fayettevilh-, and the public generally, for the very liber.il patronage here­tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict attejition to business, to merit a continuance.


Fayetteville, .Sejit, 15, 1851. 21 tf

Coaehi's. good horses, nud caveful Drivers.— The Fare is F1\'E DOl.L.\RS—•ftMue as before. The .‘ t.-ige Houses are. in Fayetteville, the Fay­etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; but Passengers w ill be convoyeil to such other H(>usi‘s as they may soh-ct. The hours of departure Avill be. until further notice, at half- jiasf ;• P. M. from Fayettevilh?, and at 2 P. >1. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers ho)>e. by unremirted .-ittcntion, to secure liberal .siiare of the travel.


Fsivotteville. .Tulv 1, 1851. 78-tf

He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this .Stove witlji'.* tb* .'' :*t»-, itnd will pro.secute any ]>erson rnfriaging his right, either by pur­chasing, selling, or using, any excejit those ob­tained from hini'ielf.

JO'^EVH WOLTERING.Rmleljih,. .April 10, 1^51. H8tf

W k a rc rc'ciuvinir onrF'all and Winter supply of

I C o o f s » i i< l > i i i o o sConsisting of a 'e ry large

t i ^ l a t f s t ^ f ^^^^ j J o n n c t s , H a t s , C a p s ,

J i l l ) l i L U i i

T^H E Steamer BROTHERS and Tow Boats,. STEVENSON and DAVID LEWIS are pre-

p.'iretl to forward with D k s p .v t c h , all good.s con­signed to the Projirietor.

The Steamer ISrothers is of light ilraft, and well suited to run in low water. iShe f>o.ssesses power, and .'speed, and is a<lmirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen­gers.

The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to waj- freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al­so atteml to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From his long experience as .Vgcnt in Wilmington of the several Steam T’oat Com­panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction.

To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to tiieir Agents in Fayetteville. His agent lu Wihnington is .JOHN ('. L.\TT.\, to whom all cooftmunications may be addresse<I, as Agent of the Steamer Brothers.

JOHN BANKS, Troprietor.May 15. 72-y

and ombr.icing a vciy great variety of styles for I.adies', (ientlemen s, .Miss­es', Boys', and Children’s wear; with a large as­sortment of Men's and Boy’s Kip ami Coarse BKOGANS.

A superior article of Gentlenien’s and Ladies’ India-ruViber Shoes.

—.VLSO—Trunks. Carpet Bags, nml Window Shades;

Calf, Morocco, (ioat, Lining, P>inding, .‘ind Pad Skins: Sole Leather, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Spar­ables, &c.

Persons- wishing to purchapo hy Wholesale or Retail, are requested to examine our .Stock. We are determined to sell very low for Ca»h, or on time to punctual customers.

S. T. HAW LEV & SON.Seft. no, 15i.Sl.

1 H.VVE just received from N«jw York, my FALL A.ND WINTEIl

Stock of Goods,

B o o t s , S l lO C S ,I ’he above .Stock we would invite our cr.stom-

ers. friends, and the ]>ublic generally, to call and ex.amine before purchasing. :is we .are de­termined to sell Goods to suit the times.

ALEX'R JOHNSON ('O, Fayetteville, Sept. 2'’, 1851. 25tf


X IJ RS. 'SV.VLWN lijxs jtist returned from the North with, a new and beautiful assort­

ment of Fall and Win<ter MILLINERY, consist­ing of silk, BJitin and velvet Bonnets, of various prioes: Plumes> Ribbons and Flowers: Head Dresses and Caps; Strtiw Bonm.'ts of different quality and price; Inside Capes; Collars and

I Undersleeves: very best quality of Kid Gloves;; Fillet Inserting, long and short; a new and ele- 1 gant style of D»eat* Trimmings, of the most ■ fashionable kind, and a few hiindsomc Dress

^ . . . , i i » ' Patterns; watered and plain sifk Mantillas: vel-Tonsisting of a pcnertil assortment o f | M.^n^illas and Cloaks: a new style of Bon-

Dry liHods, Grwcries, Ilnrdware, fHtlcry, i f . | net Linings and Trimmings, of all ctdors: and ahinidsome tufflortment of Flowers and Heail Dresses

I will barter for TURPENTINE, o r any kind f>f rro'lucc.

!f. KIXG,10 miles North of FayettCTilIe.

0 . : t . 2 8 . 1 8 5 0 . 4 3 t l '

J j i n r n f f , m r - l i n r x i ' ( ' o i i r l i r - i t , J n m n

l ' ( l l / r f ( i n t l f tn Jl ( J I h l l t i f .

rH 'I I IE Sii’iscribcis having secured the mail J l . contr.-ii't on the above Line, will commence

THIS D.\^'. run;iing a Line of Four Hor;-rt> Post t ’oaehos. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at (> P. M.. and arriving at War-iaw at .\ past (S A. M., in time 1 >r the Cars North and South. Re­turning. leave ^^':lrsaw on the arriv.al of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. M., and arrive at F:iy- etteville itt ten h.our'j. Every care w ill be taken to retider the Hive pleasant, convenient, ami sjife, for Travellers.

.V Line of Stages will be esrtablished as soon as jios.'4ble, by the Plauk Road, from Fayette­ville via ( 'arthage .and .Vsheborough, to Lexing­ton. .''.ilem, and Salisbury.

.McKL-S'NON & McNEILL.Fayetteville. N. ('., Aug. 8, 1851. 11-tf

75 Bb1<. No. 1 I l e r T i n j r .

25 “ •• Mackerel.1(M> Ibiles Hay.

Pieces ('otton Bagging.50 i'oil.4 Piope.

2(t<> Lbs. Twine. ilO HUds. Mol:isse.=.

5 Hhds. Fair Sugar*.50 Bacs Rio (,'offee.

AVith Alum and Sack Salt, and Groceries gen­erally, for sale at the lowe.^ inavket prices, by

JNO. D. WlLLl.^.MS.Augy>t 1-1, 1^51. I'Jtf

W A N T E D .

TTFE SuTtsorTher wishes to purcSjvse .TOO.(V)ft

lbs. RAGS, for which the highest cash prices will bo paid oa delivery in Fayetteville.

DAVID M C R r n v .Kockfish, Cnml)crlam], Aug. 20,.185L

KING a n d M c M I L L . V N have entered • into copartnership iu the Distillery of

Turpentine, ami have erected a Still on the West side of the F.ayetteville and W’estern Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville.

N. KING.MayO.—71tf A. McMILLAN.

K n c t ) n r a s ; c I V o r t h C a r o l I n a .

r | n F ? E ttndersfgned fs niaBofacturing, in Fay- JB. etteville.

B o o t and S h o e P o lish ,far superior to the Bl.icking purchased in the

j Northern cities, lie intends devoting his whole- ! time to mnnufiu-turing and vending this very nu- I perior I’olish, and calls upon all who think it to

the interest of the .Southern people to becom©I mdepondent of Northern mnn»f.‘»cturos, to give : f.im their aid an<l jiatronage.I He ii jirepatred rs* show, bv- nhrnJntf trial, to ! any one who will call ujion him, the rifi>l mipe- j ri'Titi/ of his over all other polixhcK or hJnrkiny I now sold iti North ('arolina. (’all au<I have your ! fcoots and shoes ouce completely blacke<l and

jMilished, and be s:itisfir<l.This article is otfered a t a price iK)t higher

is ustially charged for fither and inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se­cure the patronage of the public generaPy.

The tindersigned exp«-ts to visit every por­tion of the .''tate to introduce his Polish, anrl asks now in advam'e that Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville will give him a call.

.Tuiie 21, 1S51.J . WOODWARD.



Dresses made in the latest style; like­wise Mantillas and Cloaks.

' Oct. 14. 1851. 30-3m

W . A N T E D ,GOOD H .VNDS. at 7-'> ct)». per day, on the Southern Plank Road. Steady

employment and ca:>h payment weekly, if r(>- qu ir f l . Apply t^

D. M. BUIE,At the Steam MiTl, or to

A. A. MeKETHAN,J»*? 2’T, 18^T. [<<*tf] Fayetteville.

S econd DiTiMion IT.C. .TIilitia.A x I'Tloctinn fi»r iM a j o r G e n e r a l o f t h e

2d Dfvision will be held on the 15th of Novem­ber, and Col. .TOHN WINSfJiW' of Cnmbcrland,. will he supported for that office. [-3(ltE

~ \ V ^ A N ' r E D T O B O R J U ) W ,frir a term of five ycnr?-. Good security given, l a -

terest asnwafTy or .semi-annually.A<Jkl»es3- letter to A. B.., and leave ot this of-

He .Jane .‘.U 18-51. 78-tf

wW a n t e d .

E wish to buv 20,(KK) barrels Turpentine.KING & McMILLAN.

AS r r P L i ' of Fre.sh Ground CORN MEAL. Icejit for sale a t the .Mill, late Auderson’s . Grin<Hng of Hominy and ^Teal Uoat promptly.

F’ayettcTille, March 1851. 12tf

PAID for YOUNG NEGROES. Arrir *»» J. & T- IVADI^d/f-

Sept. 25. 18f.l