hunagi and the gsdi outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on european and global...

HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI, Chair, Legal & Socioecon, GSDI, Delegated representative of EUROGI SDIs in the SEE Countries CME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

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Page 1: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

HUNAGI and the GSDIOutlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on

European and Global level

Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

Chair, Legal & Socioecon, GSDI, Delegated representative of EUROGI

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Page 2: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

Contents• HUNAGI

• Recent actions accomplished• Actions ahead and planned

• EUROGI• Contribution on global level: European best practices in


• GSDI• GSDI Legal & Socioecon Committee

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Page 3: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,


SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• Nature• Mission goals• History & Milestones

• CEE Conferences & Exhibitions 1993-1996• Joining EUROGI activities in 1994• Establishment in 1994 by learned societies• Joining GSDI activities• Upgrade in 2002 • Joining ISDE activities and hosting GSDI-6 in 2003

Page 4: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

HUNAGI – Recent actions accomplished

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• 2010-2011• 1st HUNAGI Conference on Open Data and FOSS• Participating the HUMBOLDT project• Participating the eSDI-NET+ project• Dissemination of the EURADIN project• Partnership with Governmental Agencies (MoND,

MoRD, MoFA, State Audit Office)• INSPIRE SDIC, Presentation at GGC of NatAcadSciences • Participation of the ISDE Summit in Nessebar BG• Participation of the SDI Conference in Skopje MAC

Page 5: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

HUNAGI – Recent actions accomplished

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• 2010-2011 (cont.)• Contribution by submitted opinions to Space Strategy, Rural

Development Strategy, Digital Hungary Strategy• 2nd HUNAGI Conference on Digital Spatial Planning

a dissemination action for the EU Plan4all project • Contribution to the Digital Earth Vision 2020• Participation of the LAPSI project workshops and conference• Participation in ESDIN, FutureEmergingTechnologies, CSFRI,

Internet of Things, RuralDevelopmentStrategyParliament, OpenGovData in Europe/Hungary, InfoSoParliament, 2nd Geospatial Summit

• Partnership: ITS Hungary, SocLogisticsPurchaseInventory, HungSpaceIndustryCluster, Hung.Soc. e-ContentIndustry

Page 6: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

HUNAGI – Actions ahead and planned

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• 2011 • Participation of SDI in SEEC Workshop of CME Delegated

representation of EUROGI• Participation of PCC Conference and Plenary hosted by Hung.

Surveying. Mapping and Cadastral Authority(Dept of Land Administration, MoRD), EuropeanCivilMeeting,

• Application for hosting ISDE-8 in Budapest in 2013• Hosting CEOS WGISS-32 in Budapest in September• Participation of EUROGI EMM in Bratislava and awareness

raising to support participation from Hungary and CEE-SEEC• Preparation of V4F and/or CEI application(s) • Planned partnership with Capital Municipal and EuroCloud


Page 7: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• EUROGI took over the legacy of the eSDI-Netplus project supported by the eContentplus program. Project ended in August 2010.

• The network was aimed at promoting cross-border dialogue and stimulating the exchange of best-practices regarding sub-national Spatial Data Infrastructures in Europe. EUROGI, the European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information, was one of the initiators of the project.

• The main public activity of the eSDI-Netplus project was organizing the international conference “European SDI Best Practice Awards 2009. Learning from Best Practices” which was held in Turin, Italy, in November 2009. 12 outstanding SDIs were awarded from a larger set of over 200 sub-national and thematic SDIs (see:

Page 8: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• identification of promising SDIs in more than 20 European countries

• definition of a methodology to analyse and evaluate SDIs

• Assessment of the identified SDIs by 32 indicators based on five macro criteria:

– quantity, quality, cooperation and subsidiarity, sustainability, users/usability.

• The information relating the 200+ SDIs was summarized and organized in a database according to these criteria.

Page 9: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• EUROGI took the responsibility of maintaining the network

• also promotes SDI initiatives at the sub-national level, maintaining and updating the SDI best practice database and developing further the SDI self-assessment framework.

• The SDI best practices database contains data on sub-national (and thematic) SDIs updated to 2010. Currently (April 2011) the data base includes 124 SDIs from 21 European countries (see

Page 10: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• 33 indicators are published. • A user can access the database and perform searches

based on eight criteria, variously combined. • A radar graph was which is very effective as a basis for

making comparisons between SDIs. • The database is open in order to accommodate new

SDIs or changed information in relation to SDIs already in the database.

• This open approach has resulted entries of new SDIs which were not included in the original 2009 database.

Page 11: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• The SDI self-assessment framework (SAF-SDI) is a product of the overall assessment process (see _Framework.pdf).

• . The idea of a framework such as SAF-SDI for the description, comparison and evaluation of was well received e.g. , it was mentioned in the final resolution of 18th UN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, October 2009. The resolution recognized the need “to develop common frameworks and tools... to address the need and the necessity for experience exchange and technology transfer on geographic information tools and infrastructure…” (, p.17)

• EUROGI suggested this aproach also at the last GSDI Board Telecon

Page 12: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(a potential contribution to GSDI on global level)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• The objectives of EUROGI in taking responsibility for maintaining the eSDI-Netplus initiative are:

• continuous updating of sub-national SDIs database;• supporting the dialogue among local and thematic communities and

from local to global and vice versa, and consolidating and making visible relationships among key actors;

• integrating the eSDI-Netplus website into the EUROGI website in order to form an authoritative website on sub-national SDIs;

• organizing workshops aimed at the exchange of experiences regarding sub-national (and thematic) SDIs, and

• holding further sub-national SDI Best Practices Awards ceremonies. • • The 2nd Sub-national SDIs Best Practices Awards ceremony will be held

in October 2011 in Brussels.

Page 13: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

EUROGI – Subregional SDI Best Practices(eSDI-Net Announcement at the INSPIRE 2011)

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

EUROGI/eSDI-Net sub-national SDIs Best Practices Awards 2011B. McCormack, J. Rix2, F. Salgé3, M. Salvemini4, F. Vico5

EUROGI, e-mail [email protected], Ireland2 DDGI, e-mail [email protected], Darmstadt, Germany3 AFIGEO, e-mail [email protected], Paris, France4 AMFM GIS Italia, e-mail [email protected], Rome, Italy5 AMFM GIS Italia, e-mail [email protected], Turin, Italy

Information related to the Call for

Page 14: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeToward a global licensing framework

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Aims and Activities of GSDI Legal and Socio-economic Committee• The Committee explores the legal and economic frameworks

in which spatial data infrastructures are developed• Encourages dialogue with regard to varying public policy and

legal approaches • Explores models, approaches, and experiences that may

enhance cooperation among nations in sharing spatial data and spatial technologies.

• The Committee shall propose and develop statements if needed and develop approaches for communicating with legislators, agency personnel, and other policy makers.

Page 15: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeToward a global licensing framework

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• Mandate received at the 12th GSDI Conference to work towards a global licensing framework for geographic data, starting from existing frameworks and licence models.

• Incoming Co-chairs Bastiaan van Loenen and Katleen Janssen drew up a working plan towards GSDI 13 to achieve this goal with the possible widest participation of experts from GSDI members from all continents

Page 16: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeAction Plan and Time Schedule

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• January 2011: collection of existing materials (national, international) on licensing frameworks. Documents, references on any model licenses or harmonized licensing policies, especially outside of Europe, are still welcomed!

March 2011: analysis of licences and categorization of their key components. The drafting team is still looking for individuals interested to contribute by submission of materials or by sharing her/his local experiences and knowledge via the GSDI legal and socio-economic mailing list.

September 2011: draft open for consultation.December 2011: end of consultation round and start of synthesisMay 2012: final draft ready for discussion at the GSDI-13


Page 17: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeConnected: live discussions and repository

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• Moderated by Roger Longhorn, communicator of the Committee, there is a public discussion list devoted to the legal, economic, social, institutional and ethical issues related to SDI developments. Access: Guidance is provided how to use and subscribe the list. There are 86 subscribers so far.

• This Committee invites experts from all over the world, who are interested to contribute to the implementation of the action plan related to licenses. They should contact one of the committee chairs by expressing her/his interest and motivation.

Page 18: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeConnected: live discussions and repository

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• Own archived repository and links in topics having interest to the legal and socioecon community.

• To use it or contribute please visit select Committees, select website for (1) Legal and Socioecon Committee

• or visit directly:

• Committee chairs encourage the list subscribers and other interested experts to join the Geospatial Information Knowledge Network (GIKN).

Page 19: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeCompetences and experiences

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• SDI Performance Measurement

• Spatial Data Infrastructure Literature Search. Any references to new relevant legal and economic literature is very welcome at [email protected]

• SDI legal and economic research and researchers

Page 20: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeExamples of Archived Documents 1/2

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• Spatial data infrastructure and policy development in Europe and the United States (pdf)B. van Loenen and B.C. Kok (eds.) 2004

• Survey of National and Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure Activities Around the Globe

• Ethics and GIS: The Practitioners Dilemma

Page 21: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeExamples of Archived Documents 2/2

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• SDI and PSI an overview of the Spatialist project and new developments in the PSI domain Katleen Janssen EUROGI members day, 24 March 2011

• It’s not just a matter of numbers – the value of spatial data reflected in the regulatory framework Katleen Janssen, Interdisciplinary Centre for Law and ICT, K.U.Leuven IBBT Joep Crompvoets, Public ‐Management Institute, K.U.Leuven

Page 22: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeDissemination activities

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Core members delivered presentations at • GSDI-12 • Members’ Day of EUROGI • intervention made at GEO-VII Plenary• contributed to international EU funded project

workshops and conferences such as Spatialist and LAPSI.

Next actions will be at the • CEOS WGISS-31 meeting hosted by USGS • INSPIRE 2011 conference.

Page 23: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeHow to join GIKN, SGI or GSDI ?

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• How to join the Geospatial Information Knowledge Network?

Details on benefits:

• How to join the International Geospatial Society the community of GSDI for individuals?

Details on benefits:

• How to join the Global Spatial Infrastructure Asociation?

Details on benefits:

Page 24: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

GSDI – Legal & Socioecon CommitteeIn case of interest please contact:

SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Bastiaan van Loenen Delft University of [email protected],Economic and legal issues

Katleen JanssenICRI – [email protected],Legal issues

Pakorn [email protected] Social issues

Gabor [email protected] Chair, general

Page 25: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,


SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

Benefits of a National GI Association verified in • Building bridges strengthen cohesion between disciplines • Facilitates domestic cooperations and collaboration• Serving the community by two way information dissemination

Benefits to join EUROGI• Involvement in the work of a European SD community• Learn and share experiences related to SDI best practices

Benefits to join GSDI• Technology, Standards, Legislation,Socioecon Impacts, Grants,

strong academic and industry presence, Knowledge Network, IGS, Outreach and Communication - all in one,

• Importance of Data sharing, Licensing framework

Page 26: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,


SDIs in the SEE CountriesCME Workshop, Szeged, 2-3 June, 2011

• EUROGI• Bruce McCormack MoE, Ireland• Joachim Rix, Darmstadt University of Technology• Francois Salgé, MoSustainable Developmet, France• Prof.Mauro Salvemini, La Sapienza University Rome• Franco Vico, Torino University of Technology

• GSDI Association• Bastiaan van Leoven PhD Delft University of Technology Co-chair L&SE

Committee• Katleen Janssen PhD Katholic University of Leuven Co-chair L&SE

Committee• Pakorn Apaphant PhD GISTDA Co-chair L&SE Comm• Roger Longhorn Co-chair GSDI, Outreach and Communication Committee

Page 27: HUNAGI and the GSDI Outlook from daily activities to involvement in networks on European and Global level Dr. Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI,

Thank you for your attention!

[email protected]