country review 2011 hungary issues of national importance to eurogi members gábor remetey-fülöpp...

Download Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Gábor Remetey-Fülöpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI Géza Péter Juhász, Hungarian

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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Gbor Remetey-Flpp Secretary-general, HUNAGI Gza Pter Juhsz, Hungarian Cascadoss Association EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
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  • Country Review Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Country Review Topic 1: GI added value in crisis time (leave the encapsulated GIS): how does your organization deal with GI-added value and is there a change in policy/approach due to the current financial turmoil? Topic 2: What after INSPIRE will expire (SDI 2020): which actions does your country prepare that go beyond INSPIRE implementation? Topic 3: Benefits of self-governing expert associations: what are the benefits in your country? which elements/benefits are obvious and which ones are implicit? Topic 4: Subnational SDIs: can you present some positive examples, best-practises and based on that, recommendations/encouragements for other subnational SDIs? Contribution of the Hungarian Cascadoss Association Acknowledgements EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics Content
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Impact of financial crisis and former governance Exchange rate change, national and individuals debts, credit shortage, budget limitations Lower economic and employment growth as anticipated. BUT: during recession phase the value of capacity building, research and innovative technology development is increasing. NGOs and international networking are capable to show best or better practices/models for consideration to adopt. SMEs are more than ever interested in value added services using novel technologies, innovative solutions and paying more attention for the user needs and customer service. INSPIRE leadership and key players INSPIRE National Contact Person is working at the State Secretariat of the Ministry of Rural Development. The same Ministry is responsible for a series of relevant branches such as surveying, mapping (partly) and cadastre, forestry, water management, meteorology, soil, agriculture, land management, which cover the majority of INSPIRE Annex I & II data provision. Coordination: Interagency Board Only ad-hoc Coordination Board is orchestrated by the INSPIRE NCP Consultancy between Governmental decision makers involving NGOs has been started. Most important task should be define the goals, set up strategy and monitor implementation of the INSPIRE directive paying attention on the legislation framework as well as education and training. Standardisation ISO TC211 and CEN activities are followed by the Hungarian Standardisation Board TC 828 devoted to GI, while OGC related actions are followed by universities, industry and NGOs. EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members EU and cross-border projects Plan4all Dissemination event for the Digital Spatial Planning Community involving ministries spatial data and solution providers and urban and regional planners. The event was supported by experts of EUROGI. http://www.plan4all.eu, http://plan4allhu.blogspot.com NatureDSIplus (resulted excellent cooperation between West-Hungary University and the Nature Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Rural Development) LAPSI (legal aspects of public sector information and re-use). HUNAGIs role is dissemination including hosting a Thematic Seminar on Licensing. HUNAGI took part other LAPSI activities during the Hungarian and Polish EU presidency. HUNAGI will host the Thematic Seminar devoted to Licensing on March 22-23, 2012 in Budapest. Experts of EUROGI would be welcomed to contribute. ATTAC (EU project on attractive public transportation for accessible cities. Kick-off meeting hosted by the consortium member Miskolc Holding in October) Bottom-up initiatives Gyngys Declaration was circulated in October 2011 with the aim to facilitate spatial data accessibility especially between governmental agencies HUNAGI arranged on-line survey using internet tools (circular mails, Newsletter, blogs, websites, facebook) to collect public comments and proposals on the text drafted by individual experts from the government, industry and academia contributed also by INSPIRE NCP. dlE6MQ dlE6MQ EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members FMI Portals All information at :, http://en.foldhivatal.huwww.fomi.hu TakarNet24 (a 24/7 web-based service of the Land Administration),, Geology All information at : Environment and Nature Protection Incudes,, Urban and Regional Planning All information at : Incudes and,, Water Management All information at : Agricultural Informatics All information at : Hungarian Meteorological Service Map-based visualisation of data of temperature, precipiation -fields, and data on atmospheric composition for the wide public is provided by its website:, EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Van-based Laser Scanning and integrated mobile mapping (Geodzia Zrt) Airborne Laser Scanning (Kroly Rbert College) Volunteer GI services with citizens contribution, Airborne multispectral digital imaging and very high resolution aerial imaging technology E mergency and D isaster I nformation S ervice (RSOE- USGS) EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General description Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members MoU between ELTE Faculty of Informatics and FMI Remote Sensing Directorate Signed on Juni 3, 2011 Topics covered sponsored by the state grant TAMOK in the field of education (Analyis of remote sensing imagery), research (segment-based evaluation of remotely sensed data)and applications (delineation of tree-groups on meadows, monitoring, red-mud flood survey). The development of a complex GIS called AEGIS has been started. Related publictions include papers submitted to: Informatics in the Higher Edication IF2011, August, Debrecen 2011 / Agricultural Informatics 2011 Conference, Debrecen, 420-427. FOSS4G, Denver, September 2011 EarSEL 2011 Conference May/June, Prague (Proceedings under publication) GI Zeitgeist Conference 2012, March, Mnster, MoU between FMI and the Kroly Gspr College, Gyngys Signed on October 13 with the aim to establish an environment-oriented GIS lab EDIT Digital University Map Archive http://lazarus.elte.hu EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members OKIR-TDR Soil Degradation Subsystem of the National Environmental Information System development in progress (HAS RISSAC) Digital Kreybig Soil Information System (DKTIR)elaborated Web-based soil information service based on AGROTOPO, DKTIR accessible also via the European GSSoil Portal in line with the INSPIRE Directive Logwater risk analysis using the DKTIR database HAS RISSAC Kroly Rbert College: identification of indicators for environmentally less favoured areas e.g. slope Elaboration of the highest spatial resolution (50ha) and thematically the most detailed digital soil database EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members 2 nd HUNAGI Conference Plan4all Workshop in Budapest (Feb) Details: posted in January-February Including access to presentations and list of participants. Organised by HUNAGI GIS Open in Szkesfehrvr in Szkesfehrvr, in March Details: organised by the West Hungary University Debrecen GIS Conference 2011 Organised by Dbrecen University Chair of Geography EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General fetures Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications 1
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members PCC Plenary in Budapest Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union. Hosted by the Ministry of Rural Development. June CEOS WGISS-32, Budapest with Session EO/GI in Hungary Earth Observation Information Systems and Services September 26-30, 2011 Hungarian presentations are downloadable here: http://wgiss-32.blogspot.com Participated by 40 expert from leading space agencies and 16 Hungarian presenters and co-authors. Highlights: Source: CEOS WGISS EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications 2
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Gdi Forum in Budapest International Gdi Forum and Esri User Conference October 6-7, 2011. Attracted more than 400 participants from 9 countries. 50 presentations, 16 Sessions. alkalmazasa#.TqkrrE1Kiw4.facebook Geodetist Day, Nyregyhza WINGeoGIS & TomTom Seminar, Budapest ATTAC project Conference Lillafred Light-Space-Image Conference Gyngys Agricultural Informatics Conference Debrecen Innovative Information Tecnologies in Agriculture Nov 11-12, 2011 EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications 3
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Geodzia s Kartogrfia Trinformatika on-line Journal of Agricultural Informatics, RS&GIS FMI Newsletter Preliminary registration is needed at (in Hungarian) IJSDIR IJDE EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector Publications 4
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Digital Earth Vision 2020 WG. Meeting hosted by CEODE in Beijing (March), Members Day and Annual General Assembly of EUROGI in Leuven (March) EU project Legal Aspects of Public Sector Information and Re- use ( LAPSI ) First Open Conference held in Milan (May) EU workshops on Future Emerging Technologies, Budapest (May) Conference on the European Common Strategy Framework on Research and Innovation, Budapest, (May) Conference on Internet of Things, Bdapest, (May) Participating the 2 nd Annual Geospatial Summit of Fleming Europe in Budapest (June) EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector HUNAGI and the international scene
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Conference of Hungarian CASCADOS Association devoted to FOSS and SDIs in the South-East European Countries in Szeged (June) Participation of the Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the EU (PCC) Conference hosted by the Department of Land Management, Ministry of Rural Development in Budapest (June) Participation on Rural Development Strategy Parliament, Workshop on Open Government Data in Europe/Hungary, Information Society Parliament in Budapest (June) Representing GSDI/HUNAGI at the CEOS WG on Information Systems and Services ( WGISS ) hosted by USGS EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls (June) Participating the INSPIRE 2011 Conference held in Edinburgh (June/July) EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector HUNAGI and the international scene
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  • Country Review 2011 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Participating the 7 th Symposium of the International Society of Digital Earth (ISDE) hosted by WALIS (Western Australia Land Information Service) in Perth (August) Hosting the 32 nd CEOS WGISS Meeting in Budapest and organising the Session devoted to Hungarian achievements in Earth Observation and GIS (September) Assigned member of the GSDI Delegation attending the GEO - VIII Plenary in Istanbul (November) Participating the EUROGI Extended Members Day in Bratislava (November) EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics General features Novel services Innovative developments & applications SMEs represented in HUNAGI Novelities in the education sector Highlights of the R+D sector HUNAGI and the international scene
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  • Topic 1 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members How does your organization deal with GI-added value and is there a change in policy/approach due to the current financial turmoil? Adding location information to existing systems open new vistas in visualisation and user interface capabilities providing new challenges for service companies and SMEs eg. In public transportation, Adoption of new technologies and innovative solutions increases market competiveness, might generate new jobs and contribute sustainable, economic growth GI-added systems wider the number of users significantly HUNAGI urges the revisit the 2006 SDI Strategy drafted by an intersectoral task force mandated by the Information Society Strategy Board that time. After renewal and public discussion a governmental adoption is needed to implement the road map accordingly. EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics GI added value in crisis time
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  • Topic 2 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Which actions should your country prepare that go beyond INSPIRE implementation? The elaborated but never approved SDI strategy should be revisited Mandated intersectorial SDI Board has to be established R+TD, Innovation and Capacity Building has to be supported The competitiveness of SMEs has to be strengthen Cross-border, European-wide business links have to be encouraged Investments in development and use of novel technologies SMEs: Innovative apps using the Future Internet and Internet of Things in order to provide value added products and services Develop applications and services for the cloud and for the smart mobil telecom tools and technologies eg. voice recognition Use of indoor-outdoor 3D and 4D and tracking capabilities, and standardized identification of everything. Combined sensor network, telemetry apps should be extensively used especially in transportation, public health, security and environment Optimized, user-need tailored use of cloud resources Paving the way for easy citizen contribution and provide effective quality management and accessibility and usability. Legislative and financial considerations are needed to ensure appropriate data policy for the benefit of the citizens, industry, academia and governmental agencies (including IPR, ethics) Support is needed to strengthen international links between NGOs as well. Rethinking: role of the players, architecture and the frontiers of the Digital Earth technologies which should be available utility-like. EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics What after INSPIRE will expire (SDI 2020)
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  • Topic 3 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members What are the benefits in your country? Independent forum to enhance visibility of achievements Many interest groups (e.g. MFGVE, MMK GGT) discipline-oriented learned societies (e.g. MFTTT, and civil organisations including MTE (gita Hungary), MAGISZ, MATISZ, HUNSPACE accummulates and disseminates knowledge Few interdisciplinary non-profit civil association working on horizontal networking on national and international level involving members in government, NOSs, academia and private sector Flexibility and commitment facilitates and promotes the availability, accessibility and useabiily of spatial data including related promising technologies HUNAGI as acknowledged SDIC (Spatial Data Interest Community), partner of different governmental agencies based on international experiences Which elements/benefits are obvious and which ones are implicit? Sharing Information (publication, events, projects, services, standards, products, etc) raising awareness and forging RTD and innovation http :// http :// Proactive role in consultancy and lobbying might influence decisions related to policy issues EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics Benefits of self-governing expert associations
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  • Topic 4 Hungary Issues of national importance to EUROGI members Some positive examples, best-practices Nature Protection Information System Water Information System TakarNet24 VGI based approaches in outdoor sports, meteorology, nature protection, bird monitoring, animal watching, cultural heritage (e. statues) cataloging, VINGIS ( PIR ( Recommendations/encouragements for other subnational SDIs? Interagency P2P, P2A, B2A, P2B, B2B, P2C cooperation and collaboration provides extra synergy (P public, A academic, B business, C citizen) More efforts are needed to raise awareness to share experiences and pay attention on otherss success and/or mistakes EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics Subnational SDIs
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  • Conclusion Impact of the financial crisis Number of HUNAGI members decrased by 50% during the past 3 years. Mostly the governmental and budget-based institutions were affected. Number of private organisations relatively unchanged. R+D, Innovation and Capacity Building a must especially during recession INSPIRE despite some progress, no approved strategy and legally established coordination Role of NGOs and civil societies not enough acknowledged (even at the Decadal Census no interest) Turbolent GI community life - dense Calendar in 2011 Ahead: LAPSI Thematic Seminar on Licenses, 3 rd HUNAGI Conference on Mobile GIS, Application for MoRD Grant, GSDI13 Conference, HUNAGI-EUROGI talks on hosting Digital Earth Summit 2014 EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
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  • Acknowledgements Contributors from governmental agencies, academic institutions, industry, NGOs and universities: Dr. Szabolcs Mihly, INSPIRE National Contact Person, Ministry of Rural Development, Chair, GIS Committee, Hungarian Standarisation Board Dr. Istvn Fekete, ELTE Faculty of Informatics Dr. Eszter Lb, Hungarian Meteorological Service gnes Kis, Esri Magyarorszg Ltd Zsuzsa Szab, Miskolc Holding Shareholding Company Dr. Lszl Psztor, Research Institute for Soil Sciences and Agrochemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences EUROGI Extra Members Meeting November 18, 2011 in Bratislava, organized in cooperation with SAGI, the Slovak Association for Geoinformatics