human rights update 2009 - august

VOLUME 2 ISSUE 12 HUMAN RIGHTS update is a monthly newsletter of the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy. TIBETAN CENTRE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEMOCRACY AUGUST 2009 Reg. no: HP/DMA/105/2008-2010 CONTENT -China sentences eight Tibetans to varying prison terms in Tibet (pg 1) - China arrest brothers on run (pg 2) -Tsering gyurmey and Tsering Dhargyal (pg 3 ) -Local Authorities confirm 3 Tibetans who were killed during the 2008 up rising in Tibet( pg 4) -A Tibetan sentenced 5 years prison-term for 2008 uprising in Tibet (pg 4) -Mining project in Meldro-Gungkar put Tibetan livelihood and envornment in jeopardy (pg 5) -Two monks disappeared after raid in Labrang Monastery (pg 5) -A monk of Labrang monastery abducted in a raid (pg 6) -China displaces tens and thousands of Tibetans in Tawo County (pg 6) TCHRD ACTIVITIES BULLETIN -A video appeal from a Tibetan inside Tibet to the international community (pg 7) China sentences eight Tibetans to varying prison terms in Tibet According to confirmed information received by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD), a Chinese court on 13 August 2009 in Golog “Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture” (“TAP”) sentenced eight Tibetans to varying prison sentences. The People’s Court of Machen County, Golog “TAP”, Qinghai Province sentenced six monks and two lay Tibetans to varying prison terms for taking part in a peaceful protest on 21 March 2009. Machen County People’s Court found them guilty of inciting protests and demonstrations against the Chinese government following the suicide of Tashi Sangpo, who took his own life by drowning into Yellow River [Tib: Machu River] on 21 March 2009. The suicide of monk Tashi Sangpo was blamed for the prolong detention coupled with harsh beatings, inhumane torture and long interrogation he suffered at the local detention centre since his arrest on 10 March 2009. Subsequently, by late afternoon of 21 March 2009, few moments after the news of Tashi Sangpo’s suicide, Ragya monks stormed the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) office to demand answer for Tashi Sangpo’s death. In response the Chinese authorities arrested many monks of Ragya Monastery and other ordinary Tibetans, of which eighth of them were tried by the People’s Court of Machen County, Golog “TAP”, Qingahi Province and sentenced to varying prison terms on 13 August 2009.The eight indicted Tibetans were identified as: 1. Monk Palden Gyatso, a disciplinarian at Ragya Monastery, sentenced to seven years rigorous imprisonment. 2. Monk Tsultrim, a former disciplinarian of Ragya Monastery was given four years of rigorous imprisonment. He was also a former Chant master, well trained in performing ritual prayers and a scholar on vinaya teachings (monastic code of conduct). Jamyang Khedup Sopa Sanpo

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Page 1: Human Rights update 2009 - August


HUMAN RIGHTS updateis a monthly newsletter of the

Tibetan Centre forHuman Rights and Democracy.


Reg. no: HP/DMA/105/2008-2010


-China sentences eight Tibetans to varying

prison terms in Tibet (pg 1)

- China arrest brothers on run (pg 2)

-Tsering gyurmey and Tsering Dhargyal (pg

3 )

-Local Authorities confirm 3 Tibetans who

were killed during the 2008 up rising in Tibet(

pg 4)

-A Tibetan sentenced 5 years prison-term

for 2008 uprising in Tibet (pg 4)

-Mining project in Meldro-Gungkar put Tibetan

livelihood and envornment in jeopardy (pg


-Two monks disappeared after raid in

Labrang Monastery (pg 5)

-A monk of Labrang monastery abducted in

a raid (pg 6)

-China displaces tens and thousands of

Tibetans in Tawo County (pg 6)


-A video appeal from a Tibetan inside Tibet

to the international community (pg 7)

China sentences eight Tibetans tovarying prison terms in Tibet

According to confirmed informationreceived by the Tibetan Centre for HumanRights and Democracy (TCHRD), aChinese court on 13 August 2009 inGolog “Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture”(“TAP”) sentenced eight Tibetans tovarying prison sentences. The People’sCourt of Machen County, Golog “TAP”,Qinghai Province sentenced six monks andtwo lay Tibetans to varying prison terms fortaking part in a peaceful protest on 21March 2009.

Machen County People’s Court foundthem guilty of inciting protests anddemonstrations against the Chinesegovernment following the suicide of TashiSangpo, who took his own life bydrowning into Yellow River [Tib: MachuRiver] on 21 March 2009. The suicide ofmonk Tashi Sangpo was blamed for theprolong detention coupled with harshbeatings, inhumane torture and longinterrogation he suffered at the localdetention centre since his arrest on 10March 2009. Subsequently, by late

afternoon of 21 March 2009, fewmoments after the news of Tashi Sangpo’ssuicide, Ragya monks stormed the localPublic Security Bureau (PSB) office todemand answer for Tashi Sangpo’s death.In response the Chinese authoritiesarrested many monks of Ragya Monasteryand other ordinary Tibetans, of whicheighth of them were tried by the People’sCourt of Machen County, Golog “TAP”,Qingahi Province and sentenced tovarying prison terms on 13 August

2009.The eight indicted Tibetans wereidentified as:

1. Monk Palden Gyatso, a disciplinarian atRagya Monastery, sentenced to seven yearsrigorous imprisonment.

2. Monk Tsultrim, a former disciplinarianof Ragya Monastery was given four yearsof rigorous imprisonment. He was also aformer Chant master, well trained inperforming ritual prayers and a scholar onvinaya teachings (monastic code ofconduct).Jamyang Khedup

Sopa Sanpo

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3. Monk Sangpo was given three-yearprison sentence. He was a formertreasurer of Ragya Monastery.

4. Monk Jamyang Khedrub wassentenced to two-year prison term. Hewas the secretary of the Board ofDirectors of Ragya Monastery.

5. Monk Gendun was given one-yearprison sentence.

6. Monk Sherab Sangpo, 27, wassentenced to two-year prison term.

7. Hu-lo from Gya-sa Village (lay person)was given one-year prison sentence.

8. Yang-kyab from Gya-sa Village (layperson) was given six-months prisonsentence.

The Tibetan Centre for HumanRights and Democracy (TCHRD)expresses its serious concern over Chineseauthorities’ manhandling of the case andawarding lengthy prison sentences to

what was a mere and ordinary exercise of thefreedom of expression and opinionguaranteed by the Chinese Constitutionsand other International Conventions towhich China is a state party. In the light ofthis, the Centre urges the Chinesegovernment to reverse the verdict imposedby Machen County People’s Court andensures fair and free trial to the eightTibetans. The Centre appeals to theinternational community to intervene in theunfair sentencing of six Ragya monks andtwo Tibetans.

China arrestsbrothers on run

China a r re s t ed two Tibe tanbrothers from Kardze who wereinvolved in last year’s 18 Marchprotes t aga ins t Chinese ru le inKardze County (Ch: Ganzi/Garze).They were on the run for morethan a year until got arrested fromJyekundo at the beginning of thismonth, according to informationreceived by the Tibetan Centre forHuman Right s and Democracy(TCHRD). Tenpa, a 30-year-old and hisyounger brother, Jamdo, 25, arefarmers from Rapa Village, ZakhogTownship, Kardze County, Kardze“TAP”, Sichuan Province. Brotherswere actively involved in last year’s18 March prote s t in KardzeCounty which was jo ined byhundreds of Tibetans and left atleast three people dead. They managed to avoid arrestfollowing massive protest marredby l a rge number o f a rb i t r a rydetentions of protesters in Kardzeregion. Tenpa and Jamdo had beenhid ing in the nearby h i l l s andmoving from one place to anotherover the yea r to avo id be ingarrested. However, after more thana year on the run, both were knownto have been a r re s t ed by the

Security forces at the beginningof May 2009 in Jyekundo (Ch:Yushu/Jiegu), Jyekundo “TAP”,Qinghai Province, according toin format ion rece ived by theCentre. There is no informationon where the duos were currentlyheld and their current condition.TCHRD condemns in strongestterm over the arbitrary arrest ofTenpa and Jamdo and calls fortheir immediate release.In the pas t week , f ew formerTibetan protesters involved in thelast year’s protests in Tibet, haveescaped and ar r ived in India ,inc lud ing two Tibe tans f romKardze who were present alongwith Tenpa and Jamdo during 18March protest in Kardze. According to the officialreport given in the Garze Dailyda ted 19 May 2009, KardzePeople’s Procutorate announcedtha t 73 Tibe tans have beenar re s t ed under the c r imes o fendanger ing s t a t e s ecur i ty,inciting to split the country andespionage. Of which 34 Tibetanshave appealed for a trial in thecour t . S imi l a r l y, on 15 May2009, the s ame o f f i c i a l da i l yquoted the Kardze IntermediatePeople’s Court as saying that 28Tibetans have been sentenced andanother 19 Tibetans have beeninterrogated in accordance withlaw so far in Kardze on casesinvo lv ing endanger ing s t a t esecurity. However, according toin format ion ga thered by theCentre, around 98 Tibetans wereknown to have been sentenced tovarying prison terms for theirpart ic ipat ion in protests s inceMarch 2008.

Sherab Sangpo

Gendun Ralo

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profileTsering Gyurmey and Tsering Dhargyal


Tsering Gyurmey was born in Palyul, aremote village in south eastern Tibet, inLhopa Township, Kardze County, KardzeTibetan Autonomous Prefecture, SichuanProvince.

After his elementary education at the villageschool, he was admitted to Tsi TsangMonastery at the age of sixteen.Subsequently after ten years of monasticeducation, he became relatively well versedin Buddhist scriptures and rituals. Life at Tsi Tsang Monastery was one ofquiet contemplation; however, on 18 March2008 most parts of Tibetan inhabited areaswere gripped by unprecedented protests anddemonstrations against the unpopular ruleof the Chinese government. Hundreds andthousands of Tibetans actively took part inprotest demonstrations which was clampeddown with heavy handed securitycrackdown and repression. A twenty six-years-old frail and weakTsering Gyurmey was one of the protestersin Kardze County. During thedemonstration, he and other protesters cameacross Chinese security personnel armed withautomatic guns. Within few moments, heand other protesters were surrounded andtrapped. Except for few protesters, all of

them were arrested by Chinese securitypersonnel.When interviewed by TCHRD, TseringGyurmey testified, “For long I thought aboutthe treatments of Chinese governmenttowards our Tibetan brothers and sisters inTibet. We were denied of fundamentalhuman rights, and reeling under repression.We were not given freedom to worship andstudy religious teachings in religiousinstitutions as they were subjected to intenseregulation and control. In monasteries,monks and nuns were subjected to difficultideological campaigns called “patrioticeducation”. Under this campaign, monks andnuns were repeatedly demanded to showallegiance to communist party and todenounce the Dalai Lama in many ways.Those who defied government orders eitherdisappeared or were imprisoned. Those ofus who follow teachings of the Dalai Lamawere branded “separatist” under the sway ofhostile international forces. In all those years,the pressure was building within us and itexploded on 18 March 2008 when entireTibet was protested. On 18 March 2008, around 2 pm(Beijing standard time) we started our protestin Kardze County and at that time therewere only one hundred Tibetans. As wemarched on the road, we shouted sloganssuch as “Long Live the Dalai Lama”, “DalaiLama return to Tibet”, “Free Tibet”, “Nohuman rights in Tibet”, “No freedom ofexpression, religion and the government mustrelease the XI Panchen Lama and all otherpolitical prisoners”. Pamphlets listingdemands were distributed during thedemonstration and as we went on with themarch more and more people joined us.When we were marching on “LiberationHighway” (named after the route throughChina’s first People’s Liberation Army whichinvaded Tibet), there were about 1000marchers and protesters. We continued and went past the headoffice of Kardze Public Security Bureau(PSB) and it was where the first encounterwith the Chinese security personnel took

Tsering Dhargyal“My name is Tsering Dhargyal. I was born toThupten (father) and Sandhup (mother) inRotsa Township, Kardze County, Kardze“TAP” Sichuan Province.

We have six members in our family. Dueto financial problem I was forced to drop outof the school at age of 18, I was ordained asmonk in Kardze Monastery. After that Icampaign for the cause of Tibet at Kardze,campaign includes human rights for theTibetan people, freedom for Tibet, Swift returnof His Holiness The Dalai Lama, release ofPanchen Rinpoche, unfurled the TibetanNational flag and distributed leaflets.

place. Within minutes, Chinese securityforces fired indiscriminately at protesters.There was chaos, tear gas smokes andprotesters fleeing in all directions. It has beennow one year and two months since the firstdemonstration erupted but small protests stillerupt in Kardze County. Few months agoTibetans in Tehor forego cultivating theirfarms as a gesture of mourning for those manyTibetans killed and died in the last year’scrackdown.My young brother Tenzin Youdenparticipated in a demonstration on 20 May2008, two months after the first majorprotest where he was arrested and latersentenced to three years of rigorousimprisonment. His own uncle Sonam Nyimawas later branded as a ring leader. He is stillbeing kept under custodial detention.”

Tsering Gyurmey

Tsering Dhargyal

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“In year 2002, the people of Kardze headed bythe monks of Kardze Monastery and JomoMonastery offered (Tib: Tenshung ) Long LifePrayer Offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama,the ringleaders of the Long Life Prayer Offeringwere arrested gradually by the Chinese authorityfrom the spring of that year. On 26 October2002 (Tibetan Lunar Calendar) three PublicSecurity Bureau PAB official of Kardze (PSB)arrested me. The PSB official called on theDMC member (Democratic ManagementCommittee) of the monastery to inspect myroom. The DMC member informed the PSBofficial that I was under medical treatmentbecause of my ill health. The PSB official toldthat since I was involved in separatist activities; Ihave to be imprisoned despite very poor healthproblem” In prison, I was subjected to harsh treatmentfor three months; despite very poor health thatcoupled with deteriorating health condition thatI was fainted on few occasions. On one occasionafter I fainted , I woke up to realized that I wasadmitted in a hospital with PSB official andmedical staff around me.Later PSB official and the medical staff of thehospital conspired and informed my familymembers about my admission in hospital. ThePSB officials even threatened me drive conceiveif I ever disclose anything about torture, reasonfor my poor heath and fine of Chinese RMB7000 to any of my family memebers. In People’s hospital, the treatment doesn’tyield any result after several days of medicationand have to shift to another hospital on myown expense, and gradually my health startedto improve. After that with the help of myteacher and relatives; my treatment wascontinued at Dartsedo and Threntue city inDartsedo County, Kardze “TAP” SichuanProvince and I am still on medicine. In March 2008, the people from threeregion of Tibet stood up against the Chinesegovernment; and the general public of KardzeCounty protested with same vigor as that of restof Tibetan people and other Tibetan Region orArea. The slogans were same as that of otherprotestors namely “swift return of Dalai Lama”,“human rights for Tibetan people”, “freedomfor Tibet”, “religious freedom” and “release ofPenchen Rinpoche”Like any other Tibetans inTibet, I have a strong desire to have an audiencewith His Holiness the Dalai Lama. With thatdream and great desire, I search for a guide whocould take me to the other side of border. I leftmy Fatherland on 14 May 2009 and headtowards Nepal Capital and safely reached theTibetan Reception Centre based in KathamduNepal. From then I reached to Dharamsala.

Local authoritiesconfirm 3 Tibetanswho were killedduring the 2008uprising in Tibet

Tibetan Centre for Human Rights andDemocracy received confirmed informationthat the Chinese local authorities confirmedthe names of 3 Tibetans who were killedduring the Chinese government clampeddown on peaceful demonstrators on 14March 2008 in Lhasa.

The three Tibetans identified as Gyaltsen,25 from Yakde village, Phuntsok Tsering, 20from Yakde Lude and Mingyur, 20 fromYakde Khangsar. They were known to bedoing small income jobs in Lhasa for theirlivelihood.

On 14 March 2008, many Tibetanswere killed when the Chinese armed forcesindiscriminately fired in to the protestingcrowd and many of those arrested continueto receive arbitrary and harsh prison sentence.According to the information received bythe Centre, more than 120 Tibetans werekilled, over 5,600 were arrested and morethan 1000 simply disappeared during the2008 uprising in Tibet.

A Tibetansentenced 5 yearsprison-term for2008 uprising inTibetOn 5 April 2009, a Tibetan whoidentified as Sangyal Tashi wassentenced for five years in prisonterm for involving in last yearpeaceful demonstration against theChinese government’s repressionand suppression in Kardze County,Kardze Tibet Autonomousprefecture, Sichuan Province, bythe Chinese Intermediate People’sCourt in Kardze County accordingto the confirmed informationreceived by Tibetan Centre forHuman Rights and Democracy(TCHRD). On 21 June 2008, SangyalTashi, 38 walked in the Street ofKardze County with emblazoneda Tibetan national flag on his faceand displaying independenceslogans on his head. Sangyal Tashi distributedleaflets reiteration that “Tibetbelongs to the Tibetans” and“demanded the Chinesegovernment to invite His Holinessthe Dalai Lama to Tibet” and “tostop the Olympic torch relaythrough Tibet” during the Chinesegovernment imposed heavy securityin and around the Streets of LhasaCapital of Tibet to crackdown theprotestors before Olympic torchrelay reach in the Capital at timethe whole County was under heavysurveillance of military pour in thearea.

Moreover, 46-year-old Shayshay fromBathang County was shot dead during thecrackdown in Lhasa in March 2008. He issurvived by his wife and four children.

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Mining project inMeldro Gungkarput TibetanLivelihood andenvironment injeopardy

According to the information received byTibetan Centre for Human Rights andDemocracy, Chinese government miningproject in the Meldro Gungkar County LhasaMunicipality “TAR” endangered human livesand environment due to the toxic waste dumpfrom the mining work.Local residents from Gyama Township havefiled a petition calling the Chinese authoritiesto take immediate step for stopping the miningproject because of the drying up of springwater, water poisoning and extermination offlora and fauna of the region. In Recent timemore than 1000 domestic animals had dieddue to toxic water.But the local government has not yetresponded to the petition and deliberatelyoverlooked the genuine concerns of the localresidents. The whole region is under heavymilitary surveillance, with imposition of severerestrictions on communication to outsideworld and people visiting the region.

On 20 June 2009, Three Tibetans wereseriously injured in a clash between the localTibetans and Chinese miners after the minerstried to divert irrigation water to a workingsite on 20 June 2009. The residents later approached a groupof visiting officials of “Tibet AutonomousRegion” and demanded the completewithdraw of mining activities. Afterwithdrawing the miners from mining site onthe following day, the authorities sent workteams to warn the local Tibetans not to opposethe mining project and threatened them tobe charged with engaging in political activities.The local people have now little hope oninternational environmental and healthorganizations to pressurize the Chinesegovernment to bring an immediate end to themining activities in their locality.

Two Monks disappeared after raid inLabrang Monastery

The Chinese security forces arrested twomonks from Labrang Monastery on 14 May2009 during a raid in their residences. The

whereabouts of the arrestees remainunknown to their family members till date.This is the fourth time they were arrestedby the Chinese authorities since last year’sprotests in Labrang which saw one of thebiggest and most sustained protests,according to information received by theTibetan Centre for Human Rights andDemocracy (TCHRD). The two monks of Labrang Monastery;Tsundue Gyatso, 35 years old, hailed fromGyengya Village, Labrang County (Ch:Sangchu/Xiahe xian), whereas SonamGyatso, 38, was from Sangkok Village,Labrang County, Kanlho “TibetanAutonomous Prefecture” (‘TAP’), GansuProvince. The two monks were earlier arrestedand released thrice by the Chinese securityforces for their participations in a series ofprotests that took place in Labrang last year.The latest arrest came when a sudden raidwas carried out inside Labrang Monastery’sresidence quarter by a large number ofChinese Public Security Bureau (PSB)officials on 14 May 2009. There is dearthof information on where the duo was takento.

Following their arrest, the family membersand close associates of Tsundue and SonamGyatso approached the local Public Securityoffice to ascertain their status as well as todeliver foods and clothing to the detainees.The concerned security officials reportedlytold the family members that a freshinterrogation is needed to clarify on certainthings related to last year’s protests inLabrang and that they would be releasedshortly. However, they continue to facedetention without any knowledge of theirstatus to the family members.

There are cases of Tibetans having beenre-arrested for their participation in lastyear’s protest. Among those, the mostprominent case being Labrang Jigme a.k.aJigme Guri, who was first arrested on 22March 2008, later detained and torturedfor two months in the detention centre forhis suspected role in 14 March 2008 protestin Labrang. He was later released on medicalground. Jigme was re-arrested on 4November 2008 for exposing Chinesebrutality to the international media. He wasfinally released on 3 May 2009.

Sonam Gyatso

Tsondi Gyatso

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China displacestens andthousands ofTibetans in TawuCounty

A Monk of Labrang Monasteryabducted in a raid

A Tibetan monk of LabrangMonastery in Sangchu County(Ch:Xiahe Xian ) Kanlho (Ch:Gannan) “Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture” (‘TAP’) Gansu Provincewas arbitrarily abducted from hisresidence during a raid in May thisyear, according to confirmedinformation received by the TibetanCentre for Human Rights andDemocracy (TCHRD). Tsayul Kelsang Gyatso was hailedfrom Tsayul Village in SangchuCounty, Kanlho “TAP” GansuProvince. He was ordained as a monkat Labrang Monastery at an early age.He was a student of the dialecticsschool of Labrang Monastery at thetime of his abduction. Tsayul KelsangGyatso was abducted from hisresidence when a sudden raid wascarried out by a large number ofSangchu County Public SecurityBureau (PSB) forces in the evening of22 May 2009. According to sources, he was takenwith his head covered with black clothby the security forces during the raid.The exact reason for his abduction wasnot known at the moment, butsources told the Centre that he couldhave been abducted under thesuspicion of his past involvement inpolitical activities. Labrang County inparticular witnessed one of thebiggest and most sustained protestslast year. Tsayul Kelsang Gyatso wasknown to have been closely watchedand followed by security forces beforebeing arbitrarily abducted in a raidin his Labrang Monastery’s residencequarter. There is no information onhis current whereabouts and physicalwell being. This is not the first known case ofthe abduction of a Tibetan monk inthe Labrang Monastery. On 14 May2009, two monks of the same

monastery were arrested during araid. The whereabouts of the arresteesstill remain unknown to their familymembers. TCHRD strongly condemns thearbitrary abduction of TsayulKelsang Gyatso from his residence.TCHRD also calls upon thegovernment of the People’s Republicof China (PRC) to immediatelyrelease all the Tibetan prisoners ofconscience arbitrarily detained overthe peaceful exercise of theirfundamental human rights. It ismatter of great concern that monasticinstitutions in particular have comeunder a severe clampdown in therecent past. There are still hundredsof Tibetans whose whereabouts andcurrent status remain unknown totheir family members and closeassociates. The government shouldguarantee, under all circumstances,the physical and psychologicalintegrity of Tsayul Kelsang Gyatsoand ensure that his family membersare informed of his whereabouts andwellbeing.

The Tibetan Centre for HumanRights and Democracy (TCHRD)received reliable information that theTibetans in Tawu County protestedagainst a construction of a majorhydroelectric dam that resulted in adisplacement of tens and thousandsof local Tibetans. Currently the Chinese governmentis undertaking a construction of amajor hydroelectric dam betweenNyag-chu and Tawu County, whichis resulting in a large-scale

displacement of local Tibetans inKardze Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture (“TAP”), Sichuan Province,much against their wishes. The local Chinese authorities on24 May 2009 issued orders to localTibetans to assemble at Tawu Countyheadquarter for a publicannouncement. During the meeting,the local Tibetans were told aboutChinese government’s plan to re-settlethem to some other place so as to clearthe way for the construction ofhydroelectric dam. Just moments after theannouncement of dam construction,local Tibetans in the gatheringimmediately broke up into majorprotest against the government plans.They were reportedly shoutingslogans to the local authorities that, “this place has been our ancestraldwelling place for countlessgenerations and therefore we don’twant to leave our homes. We are notgoing to move away to any other placescome what may.” Within moments, Chinese securitypersonnel consisting of both PublicSecurity Bureau (PSB) and People’sArmed Police (PAP) lobbed tear gasand carried out violent means todisperse the agitating crowd. Duringthe crackdown, six Tibetans includinga 70-year-old woman, Guru Dolma,Rigzin Dolma and others sustainedserious injuries at the hands ofChinese security personnel. Theseriously injured Tibetans were takenaway in a van to a nearby hospital butthere was no information about theirwell-being and health condition. Since the commencement of thedam construction in last year in TawuCounty, the Chinese authorities hadbeen forcing local Tibetans to re-locateand abandon their ancestral homesand those who defy official decree werebeaten and tortured. Of late, 5 May2009, the Chinese security forces aswell as construction workers have beenstationing in Wara town to push aheadthe construction of the dam.

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nA video appeal from a Tibetan inside Tibet to theInternational Community

The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights andDemocracy (TCHRD), on 28 August 2009at 3:00PM organized a press conference atLhakpa Tsering Hall, Department ofInformation and International Relations(DIIR) on the fresh videotaped informationreceived from Tibet that appeal to theInternational communities to act swiftly onbehalf of the Tibetan people who are victimsof human rights violations in Tibet.

Kalsang Tsultrim also known bypseudonym of Gyitsang Takmig is a monkof Gyitsang Gaden Choekorling Monasteryin Sangchu County (Ch:Xiahe), Kanlho“Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture” (‘TAP’),Gansu Province, one of the main focal pointsof last year’s protests in Tibet. KalsangTsultrim took a great personal risk ofrecording and distributing video testimonygiving detail account of Tibetan history sincethe flight of Dalai Lama into exile, lack ofhuman rights in Tibet, suffering of Tibetanpeople, struggle, hopes, aspirations of Tibetanpeople inside Tibet and his appeal to theoutside world. The hour long videotestimony was recorded on 18 July 2009and was later edited with the input of relatedvideo footages and snaps for the final versionin a VCD that was widely distributed inmany Tibetan areas in Gansu, Qinghai andSichuan Province. Kalsang is well versed inwriting essays, composing lyrics etc. He hadeven authored a book. According to the source who deliveredthe video testimony told the Centre that, “

Kalsang Tsultrim wishes to distribute thisvideo as widely as possible inside Tibetnotwithstanding a great personal riskinvolved so as to educate primarily theilliterates and general Tibetan public whowere fed with daily dose of government-sponsored propaganda with the true historyof Tibetan struggle for freedom, the DalaiLama’s call for the genuine autonomythrough middle way approach, humanrights situation in Tibet. He dealt in lengthwith the Tibetan people’s hope and aspirationof the Dalai Lama’s return to rightful place,lack of human rights including religiousfreedom that led to the flight of manyreligious leaders including Karmapa, ArjaRinpoche and others who could have easilychosen luxury and privileges under theChinese government rather than coming intoexile.” Kalsang Tsultrim video testimony alsotouches many recent events in Tibet andChinese government policies which led tothe displacement of a large number ofTibetan nomads in the name ofdevelopment, and thereby completelyaltering their nomadic way of life, extractionof Tibet’s natural resources, destruction offragile environment, economicmarginalization and social exclusion ofTibetans, lack of freedom etc. He furtherelucidates on recent farming boycottmovement in Tibet, self-immolation bid byLobsang Tashi a.k.a Tapey of KirtiMonastery, suicide by a monk of RagyaMonastery, arbitrary arrest, detention ofthousands of Tibetans post 2008 Marchprotests in Tibet. The video message also appeals to theUnited Nations and Internationalcommunities that they have moral obligationto speak on behalf of the Tibetan peopleinside Tibet who are living in constant fearand under severe repression. Kalsang went on to retort the Chineselaw on National Regional Autonomy bysaying, “the laws on national regionalautonomy stipulated under the Chinese

Constitution guarantees the fundamentalrights of minorities including Tibetans. Butin reality it is a completely different scenariowhere our fundamental rights are not beingrespected at all. Tibet is governed as justanother territory or region in the People’sRepublic of China, but nothing is done tobuild the harmonious society that thegovernment promises.” “We do not have freedom of religion andpolitics because most of the religious andpolitical websites are full of propaganda thatdistorts the situation. We do not hate theChinese, but we respect truth and justice.We were protesting against Chinese rulebecause the local authorities are not actingaccording to China’s Constitution andautonomy laws. The Premier of the People’sRepublic of China said that China respectstruth and justice. But Tibetans don’t haveequal religious, political, and economic rights.So, many Tibetan people sacrificed their livesto protest against Chinese rule [over the pastyear], including myself here today, becausewe want equal human rights and freedom.We will never give up our fight for freedomand truth until Chinese policies changeregarding the implementation of theConstitution,” Kalsang concluded. The Tibetan Centre for Human Rightsand Democracy (TCHRD) consider thevideo message and view conveyed by KalsangTsultrim purely as general exercise of thefundamental freedom of expression and rightto opinion enshrined in the Chineseconstitution and other major internationalcovenants that China is party to. The Centrebelieves that the message and views conveyedby Kalsang is widely shared by people insideTibet. Kalsang’s outburst is a sign of China’scontinuing repression inside Tibet and amanifestation of widespread human rightsviolations. His initiative in this expose undersuch risky circumstances indicates the deepseated helplessness that pushes Tibetanpeople’s endurance to the very edge of humancapacity.

TCHRD’s press confernece on the video


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The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) is an independent

centre which aims to promote and protect human rights and a democratic polity

for Tibet. It attempts to educate Tibetans on human rights principles and to work

with other human rights and democracy groups as part of a worldwide movement

towards these ends. TCHRD is registered under the Indian Societies Registration

Act 21 of 1860 in 1996.

If you would like to subscribe to TCHRD's monthly Human Rights update or to

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Partial list of TCHRD publications:

•The Next Generation:The State of Education in Tibet Today (1997)• Behind

Bars: Prison Conditions in Tibet (1998) • Closing the Doors:Religious

Repression in Tibet (1998)•Convention on the Rights of the Child (Tibetan

Translation) (1998)•Democracy:An Education Booklet (1998)• Fearless Voices:

Accounts of Tibetan Former Political Prisoners (1998)•Human Rights:An

Education Booklet (1998)•A Guide to Human Rights (1999)•A guide to

Democracy (1999)•Tales of Terror:Torture in Tibet (1999)•Briefing paper for

travellers to Tibet (1999) •Torture and Ill-Treatment in Tibet (2000)• Racial

Discrimination in TIbet (2000)• Impoverishing Tibetans:China’s flawed economic

policy (2000)• Destruction of Serthar Insitute : A Special Report (2002)

Dispossessed: Land and Housing Rights in Tibet (2002) • Strike hard Campaign:

China’s crackdown on political dissidence (2004) • State of education in

Tibet: A human rights perspective (2004) • Kuxing: Torture in Tibet (2005) •

Death Penalty in China (2005) • International Bill of Human Rights (2005) •

TCHRD 1996-2006: A Decade of Human Rights Research • Railway and China’s

Development Strategy in Tibet: A Tale of Two Economies • Prisoners of Tibet •

Annual Report : Human Rights Situation in Tibet (1996 - 2008) •Uprising in

Tibetan 2008 • Briefing paper for travellers to Tibet

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