hr summit 2013 - role of hr in crisis management & organizational sustainability

ARiMI – Asia Risk Management Ins0tute NOTES By MARC RONEZ Chief Risk Strategist & Master Coach Asia Risk Management Institute The Role of HR in Crisis Management & Organiza:onal Sustainability Preparedness HR Summit 2013, MBS Singapore, 25 April 2013

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Building the case for a Strategic Role for the HR function in Crisis Management & Organizational Sustainability Preparedness


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ARiMI  –  Asia  Risk  Management  Ins0tute   NOTES  

By MARC RONEZ Chief Risk Strategist & Master Coach Asia Risk Management Institute

The  Role  of  HR  in  Crisis  Management  &  Organiza:onal  Sustainability  Preparedness

HR Summit 2013, MBS Singapore, 25 April 2013

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Key  points  on  the  Agenda  for  this  Session      

þ  Defining what is a Crisis? þ  How effective are organizations in managing turbulences and

crises? þ  3 reasons why Human Resources should be involved in Crisis

Management It’s all about people stupid! þ  What are the typical behavioral patterns of people during crisis

situations from C-level down to front-line staff? The danger of neglecting the Human Factor!

þ  Defining the strategic role for HR in crisis preparedness and organizational sustainability.

þ  HR Crisis Management systems: Stop thinking like a Mechanic and start acting like a Gardener

þ  Changing the paradigm: Crisis situations as transformational growth opportunities for organizations and their people

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1 - Defining what is.. a Crisis and the Need for more effective Crisis Management  

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What  is  a  Crisis?  

A CRISIS is an event/situation/decision that results in a:

1.  total or partial disruption of key business and operational processes due to harm to people/ relationships or damage to property, equipment or the environment

2.  and/or influence stakeholders‘ perception negatively

which - as a consequence of the direct impact and of stakeholders’ responses - may dramatically impact an organization's profitability, reputation and hence ‘license’ to operate & long-term operational sustainability.

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Time Potential Emerging Current Recovering

Life-­‐cycle  from  a  Risk  issue  to  a  Crisis  –  4  phases  

Media Coverage & amplification



Incident OR Signal

Issues Signal

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Examples  of  Risks  &  Crises..    

Terrorism Diseases



Bank run

Subprime Explosion

NGO Attack Lawsuits

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 Need      for  beMer  Risk  &  Crisis  Management?  

71% of Fortune 100 Companies in 1990 are GONE today!

The average lifespan of an organization is estimated to be between 35 to 45 years

71% Gone!

29% Still here!

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Need  for  more  effec:ve  Risk  &  Crisis  Management?  

A continuous and constant stream of crises and corporate failures over the past 10-15 years have created a strong momentum for Risk, Crisis & Business continuity management concepts.



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2  -­‐  Reasons  why..  Human  Resources  should  be  involved  in  Crisis  Management  

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3  Reasons  why  Human  Resources  should  be  involved  in  Crisis  Management  

A Crisis and its Management has a lot to DO with PEOPLE! 1.  First, people are a source/factor of risk, e.g., people

making wrong decisions, people doing sloppy work, being complacent, etc.

2.  Second, people are victims of risk, e.g. injuries, deaths, psychological impact, etc.

3.  Third people are essential in managing risk, e.g., people using their knowledge, skills, experience and ingenuity to resolve expected and unexpected risk issues.

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1  –  People  are  a  source/factor  of  risk:  Incompetence,  Lack  of  Ethics  &  Fraud  of  Leaders  –  Some  examples  

Ken Lay, Enron Chuck Prince, CEO Citi Group

TT Durai, NKF

Bernie Ebbers WorldCom

Dick Fuld, Lehman Bros

Alan Greenspan, Chairman FED

Madoff, Investment

Ramalinga Raju, Satyam

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Root causes for many Organization's Problems

The examinations that followed many corporate collapses revealed a common theme behind the institutions‘ troubles i.e. The People’s Factor!:

­ high-profile scandals involving unethical abuse of corporate power due to greed and conflict of Interests,

­  In a number of cases, fraudulent/criminal activities by corporate officers.

­ A lack of responsibility, accountability and oversight of corporate operations at every level of management;

­ An inherent Blindness and human Complacency to Risk; ­ A people issue circumventing control systems in place

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Blindness  to  Risk  -­‐  Fraud  

•  “

•  Madoff is amazing at understanding the US equity market”

•  Statement by Nicolas Harlick in 2007, a fund Manager who had $21 million invested with Madoff

Less than a year later Madoff giant Ponzi scheme exploded loosing a record $50 bn!

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Blindness  to  Risk  –  Subprime  Buble  &  Human  Greed  

“As long as the music is playing, we have to keep on dancing!” Statement by Chuck Prince in 2007, former CEO of Citibank Group

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Blindness  to  Risk  –  Regulator  Sleeping  at  the  Switch  

“Improvement in lending practices have enabled banks to reach out to Households with previously unrecognized borrowing capacities” Statement by Alan Greenspan, in October 2004


Unrecognized borrowing capacities were actually the NINA households!

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Blindness  to  Risk  –  Sichuan  Earthquake  2008  

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The use of improper construction materials leads to many building collapse and dramatically increased to death toll. 68,000 people were confirmed dead.

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Mismanagement  of  Risk:  BP  oil  spill,  Gulf  of  Mexico  2010  

The catastrophe resulted in a loss of: ­ Direct Cost to BP: Over

$20 billion ­ Market capitalization loss.

i.e. cost to shareholders: $87 billion

­ 11 workers dead

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BP platform explosion and oil spill could have been prevented with additional spending of $7 - $12 million on safety Controls. BUT the Investigation report noted that focus was on cost and time savings

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BP  Management  ini:ally  downplayed  the  Accident    

Its CEO Tony Hayward called the amount of oil and dispersant "relatively tiny" in comparison with the "very big ocean.” Later, he drew an outpouring of criticism when trying to show concern to the victims of the pollution he said that the spill was a “dramatic disruption to the life of Gulf Coast residents”, however he then added, "You know, I understand I'd like my life back too."

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CEO Tony Hayward Media Gaffes - Video  

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Impact  on  BP  share  price  /  market  capitaliza:on  

Gulf of Mexico Disaster

MTBE Contamination lawsuits

$243 Billions

$90 Billions

Enormous Shareholder Value Loss

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2  -­‐  people  are  vic:ms  of  risk:  IMPACTS  of  any  Crisis  on  Human  Resources  

1.  On the People ­ Get physically injured, have permanent disabilities and/or die ­ Be psychologically traumatized, change of personality & values 2.  On the Organization ­  Loss of key staff and intellectual knowledge ­ Absenteeism & high turnover ­ Underperforming staff due to trauma, low morale & demotivation ­  Increasing health benefits costs ­ HR-related legal concerns and costly litigations ­ Negative publicity for the organization and badly damaged


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Vulnerable HC ­ Death ­ Disability/Injuries ­ Traumas ­ Resignation

Ineffective HC ­ Failure to perform (panic

or paralysis) ­ Destructive Behavior

Major Risks about Human Capital during Crises

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The  EFFECT  of  a  CRISIS  situa:on  on  people  

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100% 20% 0

STRESS  causes  Mental  NOISE  during  Crises  

People who are under intense stress have difficulty hearing and processing information

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Stress lead to Mental noise that interferes with a person’s ability to engage in rational discourse

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The  EFFECT  of  a  CRISIS  situa:on  on  people:  Headless  Chickens  &  Zombies  

People is very vulnerable to extreme stress and hence are usually unable to deal effectively with Crise situations.. When confronted with a Crisis, most of the people will turn into either ..:

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1 - Headless chickens 2 - Zombies

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The  result  is  …  Panic,  poor  decisions  and/or  paralysis  in  the  face  of  disaster!  

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3  -­‐  People  are  the  SOLUTIONS  too!




Human Capital Skills

Command of a body of facts through Education

Facility, developed through practice, experience to carry out a technical or social task

observable ways of acting that contribute to accomplishing a task

Social ties within the firm and with key external parties





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The  Human  Factor  in  Crisis  -­‐  KEY  to  Success  or  Failure    


Well-Handled Supply chain Disruption ensured effective


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ERICSSON Badly-Handled Supply chain Disruption led to BUSINESS BREAKDOWN

How a small fire in a Philips Electronics Manufacturing Plant changed the mobile phone industry

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The  Human  Factor  -­‐  KEY  to  Mi:ga:ng  Crisis  Impact  

2010 Haiti earthquake

Magnitude 7 About 220,000 fatalities

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2011 Japan earthquake & Tsunami

Magnitude 9 About 19,000 fatalities

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The  Human  Factor  in  Crisis  -­‐  Key  to  Saving  Lives  

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About 600 people died in Tower 2. Loss of lives could have been minimized with more effective early recognition of the crisis situation.

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In  summary:  The  essen:al  Importance  of  the  HUMAN  Factor  in  today’s  business  world  

In today’s Information & Knowledge Economy, Organizations increasingly rely more on Human Capital (knowledge workers) to build competitive advantages and generate their profits, rather than just on equipment, technology and systems. But no matter their size, durability and successes, organizations are very VULNERABLE when something go wrong with their people. At the same time, people are the solution too!

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3  -­‐  What  should  be..    the  Role  of  HR  in  Crisis  Management  Preparedness  

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Role  of  HR  in  Crisis  Management  Preparedness  

Question: Should HR functions have a STRATEGIC role to play in risk management and crisis management in their organisations, or should they merely play a supporting operational role?

Clearly HR SHOULD have a STRATEGIC role and responsibility to : 1.  ensure their organizations are aware of the impact of

internal strengths & vulnerabilities on the human side to different types of crises and

2.  to ensure the crisis management plan covers all potential HR risks, concerns and needs.

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Public Relations

Risk Management

Business Continuity

Operations dddddd

Legal eee

Human Resources


Crisis  Management  Teams  should  include  HR  


Crisis Comm.

Operations Continuity

Emergency Responses

Human Support


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Crisis  Management  Team,  Systems,  Procedures  –  Key  Points  about  HR  

1.  Necessity to coordinate and integrate with other key functions and plans i.e. Risk Management and Business Continuity Management

2.  Clarify who should be on your CMP team. Role of CEO, HR, PR, Lawyers & others.

3.  Clarify lines of responsibility, authority, and communication channels?

4.  STREAMLINE procedures and set up a specific structure and system applicable during a crisis, e.g. limit of authority & resources might be different from normal times

5.  Develop and maintain a comprehensive contact list for teams (24 hour contact information) and establish a notification system.

6.  Designate who will handle communications with the staff, media, public, government agencies and other key stakeholders.

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For Organization to manage Risk & Crisis Effectively, they need to..

Stop THINKING like Mechanics…

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Start ACTING like Gardeners.

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Start  ACTING  like  Gardeners.  

¤ Do not waste your time trying to to predict everything,

But Instead build:

þ Organizational RESILIENCE against the potential Black Swans crises and

þ The CAPABILITY to ADAPT to exploit uncertainty & changes to create new opportunities for growth and profitability.

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For Effective Crisis Management

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Preparing  Human  Capital  for  Crises

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Test  and  Improve  with  adequate  &  regular  Scenario for simulations / table top exercises  

þ Explosion þ Pollution þ  Fraud by employee þ Problem with JV Partner þ Web rumors & attack. Surviving a Crisis in Cyberspace þ NGO attack þ  Terrorist Attack þ Kidnap of Staff þ Sexual harassment complain þ Criminal indictment of executives þ Class action lawsuit

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The  Role  of  Training  –  Internalizing  what  to  do…    

þ Understanding individual roles and responsibilities þ  information about threats, hazards, and protective

actions þ notification, warning and communications procedures þ means for locating family members þ emergency response procedures þ evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures þ  location and use of common emergency equipment þ emergency shutdown procedures þ Etc.

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Time Potential Emerging Current Recovering

Road  Map  to  Managing  Risk  &  Crisis



Incident OR Signal

Issues Signal

Opportunity to influence Difficult to influence

Media Coverage & amplification

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If a company manage the crisis properly there actually may be beneficial outcomes that go far beyond survival and preservation of corporate value:

1.  Increased visibility and name recognition. 2.  An opportunity to show competency and leadership. 3.   Improved relations with important stakeholders’

groups, such as employees and customers. 4.   Lessons can be learned and changes made to prepare

for future crises. 5.   Building competitive advantage against less well

prepared competitors

Managing  a  Crisis  well  –  Can  bring  lots  of  Benefits  

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Marc  Ronez  -­‐  Chief  Risk  Strategist  &  Knowledge  Leader  at  ARiMI  -­‐  Asia  Risk  Management  Ins:tute  

An ERM & Governance expert with 20 years of experience both as a practitioner, trainer & coach for large MNCs, Governments & Charities. Marc has an MBA from the University of Chicago GSB, an MSc in Insurance & a LLM from the University of La Sorbonne

What do I do? Help managers & leaders to use Risk Management to:

þ  Resolve difficult operational and business challenges þ  Take & manage risks effectively to build sustainable & profitable growth models

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Marc’s specific areas of expertise include ERM, risk decision-making processes, corporate governance, Business Ethics, Social Responsibility, risk-aware culture, risk communication and crisis management, business model/Strategy Risk Management, corporate learning systems development.


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Risk  Management  is  a  con/nuous  journey,  not  a  des/na/on!  

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Marc Ronez is on Linked in & WordPress

You can find his profile & read his blogs at: P: B: B:


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 ARiMI  –  Asia  Risk  Management  Ins:tute  

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ARiMI  is  an  applied  research  and  business  studies  ins0tute  that  was  set  up  in  2003  (in  partnership  with  NUS  ext)  and  has  established  itself  as  the  Ins0tute  of  Reference  for  Enterprise  Risk  Management  studies  in  Singapore  and  in  the  region.    

 We  FOCUS  on  programs:    

1.   For  Decision-­‐Makers  (Middle  to  Top  Management):  Developing  PRACTICAL  Knowledge  &  Skills  in  Risk  &  Crisis  Management  

2.   For  Organiza:ons:  Building  CAPABILITIES  for  Sustainable  and  Profitable  Growth  by  EMBEDDING  Risk  Aware  &  Crisis  Readiness  Culture  

ARiMI,  Asia  Risk  Management  Ins:tute    

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     ARiMI  -­‐  Focus  and  Exper:se  

● Crisis management & Business Continuity

● Leadership risk decision-

making and Social Capital ● Reputational Risk &

stakeholders management ● Corporate governance &

business ethics ● Business Innovation &

Corporate Transformation


● Professional Designation Programs

CERM (Certified Enterprise Risk Manager), CPRM (Certified Professional Risk Manager), ARM (Associate in Risk Management), FSRM (Fellow in Strategic Risk Management)

● Public Seminars and

Workshops ● Corporate Training &

learning Programs


● Risks & Opportunities Assessment & Mapping

● Crisis & Business

Continuity Mgt ● Reputation Risk Mgt & CSR

● Business Ethics & Fraud

Risk Mgt ● Risk Appetite & Risk Aware

Culture Readiness ● Project risk management ● ERM Implementation Innovation & Change Mgt


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For more information on ARiMI,

check our website at:

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Developing Effective Leaders & Decision-makers for complex & volatile times

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Important Note: Please note that that this presentation and its contents, is the intellectual property of the Asia Risk Management Institute Pte Ltd. It has been prepared for this HR Summit 2013 session and it cannot be used for any other purposes without the specific written consent of the Asia Risk Management Institute.

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