howwin repub+libactiv 03may10

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  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    How and Why We Can Win:


    Liberty Activists

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    National Population = 307,006,550

    Voters registered and not

    Register MORE Republicanssay 20% of 33% = 3,944,226

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    Registered Voters 2008 = 146,311,000

    Registration vs. Votes 2008 = 131,254,328

    Get Out The Vote:Republicans who did not vote =15,053,672 * (0.33) = 4,967,712

    If we improve turnout by20% = 993,542

    Colorado ratios are similar to national:D= 34.26% R = 34.54% U = 30.60%

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Actual Votes - 2008

    What the heck happened?

    57% ofUnaffiliated voters cast their ballotsfor the Democrat!

    5.6 million more went D rather than R.

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Where the Unaffiliated Votes Went

    BUT WHY?

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Has this ever happened before?

    In 1992 Perot promised change, split thevote, and thereby handed the Whitehouse

    to a stealthy Progressive . . . . . Bill Clinton

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Conventional political thinking pinnedthe blame on not getting enough votes

    from a mythical Centrists group.

    Guess what? Centrists do not exist as

    a group. Oh they exist here and thereas individuals but not as a self-identifying

    group. I have known only two people

    who consistently, consciously split thebaby on most issues, and . . . . . . .

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    . . . . both of them voted Democrat 99%

    of the time.

    Instead of mythical Centrists there are

    Unaffiliated (Independent) voters.These people do NOT affiliate withEITHER party . . . . . . by choice!

    A prudent person would ask Why?

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Interviews and surveys consistently show a

    majority of Unaffiliated voters(as well as

    large pluralities of party regulars) feel:

    1. Distrustful of both parties

    2. Betrayed by both parties


  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Because many career politicians haveproven themselves to be . . . .


    Much of the legislation passed in the last 80 years addressesissues that are clearly not authorized by the Constitution.

    Many members of Congress from both parties have collaboratedin passing Constitutionally unauthorized legislation in flagrant

    violation of their sworn Oaths, thereby demonstrating they arenot worthy of the public trust.

    Many politicians, especially career politicians, have frequently saidorpromised anything to get elected, but once in office haverepeatedly reversed themselves (e.g. Oh, that was just a campaignpledge.) again proving they are not trustworthy.

    Legislators engage in deceitful practices including, but not limited to:1) earmarks; 2) amendments unrelated to the primary purpose of agiven bill; 3) closed door negotiations; 4) scheduling late night orcalendar inconvenient votes; 5) unrecorded votes; 6) hidden favorsfor special interests; 7) excluding members of Congress from theeffects of legislation. Such practices destroy trust and reinforce

    the public perception that most career politicians considerthemselves ruling elites, above the law, and possessingsuperior knowledge of what is best for the ignorant masses.

    Many politicians imply that the public shouldautomatically acknowledge that theiractions are justified

    because political action is comprised of a series of difficult,time consuming negotiations punctuated by compromises,all of which demand great patience, stamina, and tact (i.e.

    it is hard work, so shut up!). This is arrogant condescension.

    Most politicians are formerlawyers, are wealthy, orboth.

    Lawyers are the least trusted professionals in our society.

    Basic human nature ensures that many people envy thewealthy and suspect them of being unworthy beneficiariesof unfair practices.

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Most citizens deeply believe these lines from the

    Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to beself-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowedby their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among theseare Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure

    these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their

    just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever anyForm of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Rightof the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in

    such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effecttheir Safety and Happiness.

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Most citizens also deeply believe there is an inviolable contract

    between the people of the United States of America and thefederal government clearly spelled out by the Constitution.

    All members of Congress and most officers in the executive andjudicial branches are required to swear Oaths or Affirmations

    of Office to support and defend the Constitution.

    Hence most citizens FEEL BETRAYED (as with a breach ofcontract) by those who undermine the Constitutions integrity

    by passing legislation, by issuing executive orders, or byengaging in judicial activism contrary to, or outside of,

    the common-sense, explicit limits defined by the Constitution.

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Why do so many reasonably intelligent individuals

    go into politics only to wind up abrogating theirresponsibilities and colluding with others to

    literally subvert the Constitution?

    Are there really that many scoundrels?[Well, yes . . . . .but that does not explain everything]

    Is there a better, more comprehensive explanation?[Yes there is . . . . . ]

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    Lefts list + Rights list + a Constitution[without feedback controls]

    produces an inexorable growth of Leviathan

    government intruding into every individualslife, from the details of work and finances, to

    an endless, irritating series of dictates to imposevarious notions of morality and conscience

    How does it work? . . . . .

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    Left-wingObsessed with preventing outcomes they

    perceive to be unfair, they want:Forced redistributionForced speech/thought conformance

    Forced union supportForced separation from religionForced racial quotasForced social changes (through judicialactivism &/or frivolous lawsuits)Forced acceptance of illegal immigrationForced victimhood / disarmament

    Forced taxpayer funding (for thingsrejected by large pluralities; e.g. abortion ondemand; medical care on demand; unrestricted welfareon demand; daycare; legal services; extensive maternityand paternity leave; massive foreign aid; humanitarianinterventionism; onerous regulation of businesses and

    organizations to achieve any of the foregoing)


    Advocates of using theCoercive Power of Government


  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    System Drives Behavior whenever either the Left-wing or theRight-wing, get their way (Oh, its just this one time), then the

    other wing responds to counteract. This ensures the ongoinggrowth and intrusiveness of extra-Constitutional government.

    The rationalizations of either camp followed to their logicalconclusions inevitably lead to VERY BAD ENDS. On topic after

    topic, relatively few (20% to 30%) FORCE the majority (70% to 80%)to comply with their schemes. Eventually the majority begin to

    resent both parties!

    Advocates of using theCoercive Power of Government


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    Bigger Government =Smaller Individual

    Left-wing Right-wing


    speech/thought conformancecoerced unionization

    separation from religion

    racial quotas

    radical social changes

    embrace of illegal immigration

    victimhood / disarmament

    coerced taxpayer funding

    criminalization of abortion

    unauthorized definition of marriage

    discrimination against homosexuals

    criminalization of drug use

    taxes to religious institutions

    prayer in schools

    coerced teaching of creationism

    abridgement of civil rights protections


  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    The SYSTEM as it currently functions BETRAYS

    the majority and rewards do-nothings and ideologues!

    That is why many on the Left (10%+ of Liberty Activists), more

    on the Right(30%)

    , and even more Unaffiliated(60%)

    peopleincreasingly fear their government and have become desperateto find someone they TRUST . . . . . to behave honorably withinthe terms of our fundamental CONTRACT. In other words,

    someone with the consistent integrity to demand and ensure the

    restoration of genuine Constitutionally Limited Governance.

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10




    How? Actually lets start with

    How to NOT Earn Trust

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    PARANOIAGENIC(the opposite of Trust-Inducing)CANDIDATE BEHAVIORS:

    1. Tip-toe through the minefields of special interests to try to

    pick the winning lottery number of narrow issues dujour in a desperate attempt to avoid alienating anyone

    2. Try to be all things to all special interests, which really meansbecoming a nothing to everybody

    3. Pound the narrow issues and send out negative messages

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10




    1. Visionary, uplifting, positive messages

    2. Clearly articulated principles

    3. Genuine, consistent beliefs projected by living them

    4. Commitment to truth-telling, especially when politically risky

    What else? . . . . .

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    Endorse three Federal-level resolutions crafted to produce transformativechanges to reclaim control and ensure responsible, accountable behavior.Finish what the Founders started by implementing common sensemethodsto achieve the clear intent of the Constitution:

    1. Require a Balanced Budget with Explicit Tax and Expenditure Limits

    2. Adhere to Enumerated Powers in all legislative, executive, & judicial acts

    3. Require every Bill/Act to address one, and only one, topic, allow nounrelated amendments, riders, or earmarks, clearly cite Constitutionalauthority, and submit the final form for public review not less thanseven days prior to vote

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    Endorse the five State-level resolutions crafted tore-assert State sovereigntyper the 10th Amendment, altogether or separately:

    1. Demand cessation of federal programs, mandates, agencies, andobligations that are clearly not authorized by the Constitution.

    2. a) intrastate manufacture and use of firearms not subject to federal control;b) no foreign deployment of Colorado National Guard; c) intrastate controlof drugs by Colorado, not federal entities; d) end federal interference andtaxation related to mineral, oil and gas resources not under the original

    Constitutional meaning of interstate commerce

    3. a) divest local, county and state asset funds of all US Treasury Bills, Bondsand other US financial instruments within 3 years; b) replace with reliableassets independently audited, including at least 25% Precious Metals, plus (continued on next slide)

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    Endorse State-level resolutions crafted to re-assert State sovereigntyperthe 10th Amendment (continued):

    3. (continued) Colorado-based equities and some out-of-state or foreign assetsand equities per competent asset management; c) establish a Colorado State-

    owned Bank for all state assets, self-insured and NOT a member of theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

    4. Implement private Digital Gold Currency (DGC) Exchange and its use within3 years by State Treasurer, county, & city financial directors for tax refunds

    5. a) divest city, county and state reserve, pension and PERA asset funds frombanks and financial institutions; b) replace with reliable assets independentlyaudited, including at least 25% Precious Metals, plus Colorado-based equities

    plus out-of-state equities/assets per competent management within 3 years

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10



    Quit trying to pick the right mix of issues to appeal to enough voters

    Avoid debating all the narrow issues (the Lefts favorite game)

    Boldly tell the truth, even when it might seem risky

    Clearly articulate the visionary and uplifting message of absolute commitmentto protecting and enhancing Constitutional limits on government

    (the Left is vulnerable on this --- and they know it)

    Likewise articulate the common-sense necessity of demanding that governmentlive within a budget --- just like families --- starting with spendingreductions instead of tax increases in order to be jobs friendly

  • 8/9/2019 HowWin Repub+LibActiv 03May10


    We must Earn the TRUST of amajority of Unaffiliated voters


    There are only 3 places to get more votes