how world aware are you? intro to global studies

How World Aware Are You? Intro to Global Studies

Upload: primrose-chambers

Post on 18-Jan-2016




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Page 1: How World Aware Are You? Intro to Global Studies

How World Aware Are You?

Intro to Global Studies

Page 2: How World Aware Are You? Intro to Global Studies

Match each country with its capital…

1. Chile

2. Iraq

3. North Korea

4. Argentina

5. Somalia

6. Egypt

7. Kenya

8. Saudi Arabia

9. China

10. Ethiopia

A. Buenos Aires

B. Pyongyang

C. Managua

D. Cairo

E. Mogadishu

F. Santiago

G. Tunis

H. Riyadh

I. Addis Ababa

J. Beijing

K. Taipei

L. Nairobi

M. Montevideo

N. Baghdad

Page 3: How World Aware Are You? Intro to Global Studies

Match each country with its leader…

1. Sudan

2. Israel

3. South Africa

4. Iraq

5. Iran

6. United Kingdom

7. Russia

8. India

9. China

10. Pakistan

11. Venezuela

A. Naoto Kan

B. Nouri al-Maliki

C. Hu Jintao

D. Angela Merkel

E. Dmitry Medvedev

F. Asif Ali Zardari

G. Benjamin Netanyahu

H. Manmohan Singh

I. Kim Jong Il

J. Omar Hassan al-Bashir

K. Mahmoud Ahmandinejad

L. Jacob Zuma

M. Hugo Chavez

N. David Cameron

O. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

Page 4: How World Aware Are You? Intro to Global Studies

Match each country with the word/phrase(s) that

identifies a conflict/crisis involving that country…

1. India/Pakistan

2. Sudan

3. Israel/Palestinian Authority

4. China/Taiwan

5. Egypt & Tunisia

6. South Africa

7. North Korea

8. Mexico

9. Russia

10. Iraq

A. Nuclear Weapons Program


C. (New) Government

D. Chechen Separatist Movement

E. Religious Tension

F. Drug Trafficking

G. Kashmir

H. Child Labor

I. Famine

J. Settlements

K. Arms Trafficking

L. Genocide