how to pick a blog niche1

How To Pick A Blog Niche WhereToLook? Most people who will read this are trying to find a blog niche that is profitable. Well, essentially any blog niche you pick can be profitable. You need to understand the number one reason to pick a blog niche is because you are passionate about the subject. So look in your life at the things you are extremely passionate about. There are profitable blogs that just talk about horror movies, retro gaming, and even Farmville. These are all profitable because the writers all have passions about the topic in which they are writing. HowToGetPeopleToCare? People really have little reason to care about our opinion. Writing about how the latest episode of CSI: Cyber was boring to you will not bring readers because you have not established a reputation in the online community. People mainly read blogs to learn, for entertainment, self-improvement, or to be a part of a community. So when you write you need to make sure you figure out what market your blog is aiming for. You can aim for more than one but make sure your writing style fits that setup.

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Page 1: How to pick a blog niche1

How To Pick A Blog Niche

Where To Look?

Most people who will read this are trying to find a blog niche that is

profitable. Well, essentially any blog niche you pick can be profitable.

You need to understand the number one reason to pick a blog niche

is because you are passionate about the subject. So look in your life

at the things you are extremely passionate about. There are profitable

blogs that just talk about horror movies, retro gaming, and even

Farmville. These are all profitable because the writers all have

passions about the topic in which they are writing.

How To Get People To Care?

People really have little reason to care about our opinion. Writing about how the latest episode of

CSI: Cyber was boring to you will not bring readers because you have not established a reputation

in the online community. People mainly read blogs to learn, for entertainment, self-improvement, or

to be a part of a community. So when you write you need to make sure you figure out what market

your blog is aiming for. You can aim for more than one but make sure your writing style fits that


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Aim for making your content exciting on the niche you are passionate about. I am more in the read

blogs to learn category. I enjoy picking up new tricks or trying things that people have done to see if it

would work for me. It’s also very nice when the writer has a sense of humor or can make the article

fun by adding in little tidbits of fun information.

Offering something on your blog is always a good way to market site. You probably see sites all the

time offering things likes free ebooks or ways to make $500,000,000 per month. Now obviously I

may have exaggerated that number just a little but you get the idea. As offering something for very

cheap or even free on your blog is a good way to attract readers there are a few downfalls to this:

1. You should keep the information up to date. I remember signing up for a blog that offered free

SEO advice. It was still talking about putting all your keywords in the footer. I messaged him and told

him that he needs to update his free information and he said that it was a few years old. He will

update it. What if a novice trying to learn SEO read that and was doing that. It wouldn’t end up well

for you or your reader.

2. If your information can’t come close to delivering what you promise you will pretty much shoot

yourself in the foot. Maybe both feet if the content is that poor. So offer things that will be realistic for

your reader. Know your limits in the beginning and offer the knowledge you have at the moment.

While you learn and pick up new things, test them and if they work then offer it to your reader. Being

a novice blogger or marketer and you promise 5,000 your first month blogging you most likely are

deceiving your readers which will ruin you for a very long time.

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IAm Afraid My Niche Will Not Be Profitable Enough

When deciding to blog you need to figure out how much monthly income you need to make to be

able to do it full time. If you want to do a Star Wars Memorabilia blog and that is the one thing you

are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about then that is what you should do. Really small

niche blogs usually take longer to build the reader base you need, but it can eventually get there.

If you are passionate about a topic then there are most likely people out there who are passionate

about the same topic. It is extremely important on small niches to get your blog in front of them. If

you can’t get your material in front of your target crowd early it will be very discouraging.

I had a client recently who hired me to help them get their blog in front of their market. They were

blogging for three months and didn’t have one single subscriber and was getting less than 20 hits

per month on their website. They told me they wanted to just give up and if we couldn’t market their

blog they were just done trying. Their niche was bug toys and ornaments. We got his blog in front of

people who enjoy the same style things and now he gets 500 unique visitors per month. To me, that

wouldn’t be close to enough to make me happy but he was ecstatic and now he is blogging as

much as he can. This story wasn’t exactly about making a lot of money as much as it was that you

shouldn’t give up if things aren’t going the way you want it to off the start.

This story wasn’t exactly about making a lot of money as much as it was that you shouldn’t give up if

things aren’t going the way you want it to off the start. Marketing your blog will be as much work or

more work than writing the blog itself. Just because you write a blog doesn’t mean it will instantly be

number one on Google for your niche. It will take time, patience, and a good strategy.

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If this client can get twenty-five times the amount of views per month on their website from one-

week marketing then you can as well. His blog is something I thought would be extremely difficult to

This opened my eyes bug time. (Its a joke people, not a typo.) Seriously though, if this guy can keep

that many people on a topic that I didn’t even know existed until I met him, then you can as well.

Don’t get discouraged or down when your blog doesn’t reach one million subscribers its first month.

Aim for realistic goals and just like any business it takes time to build up a client base and you may

be on your way to your dream of blogging about your passion.

What niche would you like to learn how to market?

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