how to know if online date is lying

How To Know If Online Date Is Lying?

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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How To Know If Online Date Is Lying?

Most of us easily believe other people and hope they wouldn't lie after seeing their behavior. But that's not the case always.

And most of the time, we follow our instinct and get ready to meet the date.

Though it's not an easy task to find whether he is lying or not, still there are some points that can help you to detect it.

Online daters tend to avoid the topic in which is they lied in their profile.

Most of the liars use less general words which could lessen the chances of getting caught.

Most of the liars keep distance from negative emotions as they always want to create a positive image in front of you.

Apart from these things, here are some more signs of liars :-

They lie frequently :- These liars are very compulsive who lies for every tiny thing so they often go unnoticed.

If they get caught, they just say another lie and change the topic or repeat it until you believe it's true.

They are attention seekers :- If your date acts like attention seekers and blends the truth to impress you then he/she is

a liar.

These liars always want you to notice their every tiny work and looks for compliment.

They have ego and self esteem issues :- These liars are very much into themselves that always want to avoid certain realities

about their behavior and appearance or social activities.

Watch their body language :- Recently some best tips have emerged to read a liar's body language.

Eye contact :- When your date starts to lie about anything, they seems to avoid eye contact or rapid eye movement etc.

Other symptoms like :-

:- Constantly they look around rather than straight towards you

:- They also tend to close eyes for long time and act like thinking etc.

Hand gestures :- They act like rubbing nose or tugging eyes or ears while talking. This is also a sign of liars.

But except all these, there are more advance liars, who look directly into your eyes still lie to you.

They tend to change the story :- The liars always try to keep on changing their stories and try to cover up them up with a good

smile and appreciation.

These liars don't confront their lies whether you caught them directly or not, they will always stick to their lie only.

What should you do if you found out that he is liar?

Make sure to take a long time while reading a person's self-description, as liars tend to short it out from the fear of

getting caught in their own trap.

Always make sure to check the consistency of their profile as there should be some back up element which can support the

truth of profile.

Make sure to double check the profile whether the information adds up or not.

The proverb “An unrealistically positive image may be just that unrealistic” matches better to the liars. So always keep your eye

open about their emotional states where they start to lie.

Also mark their phrases like “to be honest” or “there is nothing to worry about” are common phases they use

to explain.

All these tips will help to meet, attract and choose the right partner that will help you to stay safe.