how to create a compelling content marketing strategy

How to Create a Compelling Content Marketing Strategy Prepared by Kevin Huang Sept 18, 2015 6 C’s + 6 Steps + 6 Ways + 5 Great Examples

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How to Create a CompellingContent Marketing Strategy

Prepared by Kevin HuangSept 18, 2015

6 C’s + 6 Steps + 6 Ways + 5 Great Examples

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By coming up with a great content strategy, you will know exactly what, why, and how your business is planning on using content to better accomplish your goals.

Content marketing pieces are often found in the form of blog posts, white papers, case studies, PR, social media marketing, inbound marketing, PPC, SEO, and more.

Content Strategy vs Content Marketing

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What Can a Compelling Content Marketing StrategyDo for Your Organization?

• Grow brand awareness.• Build trust by providing relevant information that helps prospects and customers make a decision.• Influence product preference and increase sales.• Generate more quality leads by driving traffic to your website.• Educate prospects and customers, providing the foundation for a healthy lead-nurturing program.

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A content marketing strategy doesn’t create itself. It’s the result of clear intention, careful planning, and

focused execution.

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Great content takes a lot of Great content takes a lot of time and careful thinking.time and careful thinking.

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Start From Knowing Your Target Consumers’

Pain PointsPain Points

Passion PointsPassion Points

Touch PointsTouch Points

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Know Their Zero Moment of Truth

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Awareness Purchase












Brand Videos


Widgets CelebrityEndorsements

CommunityForums Product


Articles Enews EventsConsumer













Data Sheet& Price Guide


Develop A Content Marketing Strategy to Support


FAQs ComparisonTables


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From “Touch” Points to “Trust” Points

Content marketing is the core component of inbound marketing.

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The 6 C’s of Effective Content Marketing





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1. Calibrate

Before you start putting content out into the world, you’ve got to think

hard about the objectives you hope to accomplish. In other words, you’ve got to calibrate and have

your KPIs ready when you get started so that your strategy is always dictating your content rather than the other way around. And when it comes to the content that’s being dictated, remember that you’re not just calibrating what you write but also the tone in which it’s written.

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2. ClearWhen writing or speaking to your audience, be clear about your goal or message. What is your purpose in communicating with them? If you're not sure, then they won't be sure either.

To be clear, try to minimize the number of ideas in each sentence. Make sure that it's easy for your reader to understand your meaning. People shouldn't have to "read between the lines" and make assumptions on their own to understand what you're trying to say.

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3. CreateContent is everywhere – from social media, to games, videos, books, white papers, and on and on. You don’t need a two-year plan or an extensive video team to make a short documentary.

When you’re getting started, what you need is to be nimble, to first see what your audience finds engaging, and then to keep going and going.Your role is to be a part of a conversation, and, as long as you’re an interesting conversationalist, your audience will enjoy your presence wherever things go.

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4. CurateCurating is a big part of most content campaigns, and often what you share from other sources is as important as the content you create yourself. Don’t assume you can just grab and share the first

interesting link you see. Finding and organizing good content is a skill. Often the most powerful forms of content are the ones that highjack the news, that is, to take the news that’s already out there and show how it’s relevant to your product and story. So, think about how you can make yourself a part of the conversation.

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5. Circulate

You’ve got to make sure that the right people are seeing your content, and that means that you’ll have to think hard about which distribution channels make the most sense.

Is your audience on Pinterest? Instagram? Do your fans watch videos? Read articles?

Until you have a clear understanding of how your audience consumes content, it will be hard to get circulation right. But wherever your audience

is consuming content, you’ll want to make it as easy as possible for them to share it.

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6. Convert

Don’t forget why you’re creating all this content in the first place: to push prospects through the sales funnel.

If you’re mapping your content out carefully, each stage of the funnel will have a different set of KPIs. But content marketing, alas, shares the same pain as display. It’s often hard to measure its impact because click-throughs don’t tell the full story. Therefore, it’s important to look at your audience’s actions across all channels and don’t underestimate the power of anecdotes from clients and prospects.

You can now use these 6 C’s to your advantage!

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Creating Compelling Content Marketing in 6 Steps

How do you go from so-so content to compelling content? Try these six steps to make real connections with your prospects and customers :

1. Know Your Personas

2. Connect Via Their Problem

3. Tell A StoryTestimonials are gold for marketers. If you can create product evangelists, they will share the good news of the pain that your product or service resolved on all their networks. 

Today’s savvy consumer doesn’t care if you’ve got the prettiest logo, website or brochure. They want to know if you can resolve their problem, fix their pain or provide what they need.

4. Visuals RockGreat visuals can include photos, infographics, charts, graphs, drawings, calls to action (with text and graphics).

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6. Set Goals - And Blow Through Them!

Creating Compelling Content Marketing in 6 Steps

5. Make It EmotionalMaking an emotional connection with your audience can be the difference between building a loyal following and a customer that buys once and never returns.


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Make Content Marketing Memorable and Shareable

1. Share photos and videos2. Showcase your customers3. Enable social sharing on all of your content4. Post to

5. Optimize your content for mobile 6. Give them a reason to engage

6 Ways:

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Email marketing


Social Word of Mouth

Comments & Shares


EnticeTo stay in touch




Discussion Promos


Engagement drives


New Prospects

Continuous Life Cycle of Customer Engagement

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Customer Engagement KPIs

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Best Content Marketing Examples

I found some great examples - each of them represents one of the five content-style categories to showcase the trends shaping today's best content marketing.

• How-To Content• Shareable Visuals• Clever Curation and Crowd-Sourcing• Behind-the-Scenes Brilliance• A+ Brand-Building

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Best Content Marketing Examples - #1

• How-To ContentAnthropologie's DIY drink recipes

Anthropologie frequently features DIY cocktail recipes on their blog, like this one for a coconut cooler. The drink recipes work for two main reasons: they're seasonal and timely (for example, summer refreshers or winter warmers) and they feature unique ingredients and flavors, mimicking the original style of Anthropologie's fashions. Like many examples of the best content marketing, these posts aren't an obvious play for sales; Anthropologie doesn't sell homemade bitters or simple syrup. Instead, the posts position Anthropologie as a trendy, knowledgeable friend who knows a thing or two about drinks—as well as clothes.

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Best Content Marketing Examples - #2

• Shareable VisualsBeats by Dre Can't Be Beat on Instagram

Beats by Dre shows that their innovation isn't limited to headphones. Their Instagram uses great visuals to build the brand and give fans a behind-the-scenes view of the company. Their content strategy includes short videos, commentary on current events (like the World Cup), and plenty of celebrity photos, which definitely don't hurt.

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Best Content Marketing Examples - #3

• Clever Crowd-Sourcing and CurationIntel Has Content Marketing IQ

A classic example of great B2B content marketing, Intel runs a blog called IQ that's "a peek at the outer edge of design, technology, social and big data." The blog is largely based on content curated by employees. IQ's editor in chief, Bryan Rhoads, says: "We developed an algorithm to curate social content in a way that leverages our employees. We want to publish what they’re sharing and what’s grabbing their attention. It’s a combination of a social algorithm, plus an employee filter that crowdsources what they are saying and sharing, and uses that as a discovery tool."

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Best Content Marketing Examples - #4

• Behind-the-Scenes BrillianceThe White House Offers Humor, Insights

This photo gallery from the White House gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at what the President and First Lady have been up to in 2014. With more than 150 photos, it's a fun glimpse into a side of the First Couple that you won't see in any press conference.

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Best Content Marketing Examples - #5

• A+ Brand-BuildingWhole Foods Tells the Whole StoryNatural grocery store giant Whole Foods has an incredible brand, and their blog is no exception. When you walk into a Whole Foods, you know what to expect: organization, a focus on eco-friendliness, extremely helpful employees, and above all, healthy food. Their Whole Story blog takes the brick and mortar experience digital with clean design and helpful articles. Instead of going for the hard sell, their content is useful and relatable. Check out this post about how to save money on weekly grocery trips.

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It is important to remember that content marketing is not about the ranking of the publication in which you post, but rather the audience that reads that publication. It’s more valuable to have less views but by the proper targeted audience.

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