how social media can help you become a better

How Social Media Can Make You A Better Writer Janet Wallace Social Deviants

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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How Social Media Can Make You A Better Writer

Janet WallaceSocial Deviants

I'm a Writer. Why do I need Social Media?1. Socialnomics: Social Media Revolution 2. Because it's Word of Mouth on STEROIDS  3. Because you need to get out of the basement, attic or just your head and interact with like-minded people. 4. Because publishers, agents, etc. want to know that you know social media is important and have built a base. 5. It's fun. 6. It will help you become a better writer.

What do you mean "It will help me become a better writer?"1. research2. fellowship3. feedback -- writing groups 4. listen to what people are saying5. talk to agents (and ask questions)6. competitive/market analysis7. find an audience8. writing coaches, writing blogs, newsletters, etc to help you with the practice and application of writing.9. learn how to promote yourself, your book(s) or your blog or your app...  and much more...

Where Do I Start?

1. What's Your Goal or Goals?-- what or who are you trying to promote and whythis, above all else, will determine how you attack SM (social media) 2. What's Your Brand Strategy and Why is it Important?-- is it you, your book, both?-- how do you figure it out? 3. Packaging-- web site design, color choices, name choices, SEO/SEM efficiency, identity Social Deviants

Okay, So Now Where Do I Start?

Facebook Profile VS. Facebook Page Twitter YouTube Blog Skype Stumble Upon the list goes on and on

How Do I Manage It All? When Will I Actually Write?1. COMMUNICATION -- let your readers/audience know when you are available online. 2. Commitment 3. Consistency TOOLS:threadsy.comHootsuite.comTweedeckSocial Oomph

Twitter for Writersinformation, sharing, lists agents, editors, publishers, authorsMashable link goes to list of 100+ authors worth following promotion coaching, tips and inspiration@wordstrumpet@thecreativepenn 

Facebook Page for Writers

• Connect with friends, family, fans, and more• Engaging in conversation through status updates and

commenting• Create events to invite people to readings, parties and

appearances• Create more conversation by utilizing discussion boards• Upload pictures and video, including book trailers and

interviews• Share links, such as posts to reviews and articles• Link to your website, blog, and sites that sell your book• Share news about your friends, too• Have fun!

 You can do all these things in other locations, but you need to be everywhere your readers are. Not everyone on FB is on Twitter, therefore you need to go to them.

More on Facebook

-- you can buy ads and Geo AND Demo target them. -- you can join groups -- when people "Like"  your page, any info you create will show up in their stream, which will reach a wider audience than you could alone -- that can not be understated.

Blogs on Writing and Publishing You Should KnowSocial Media for Writers The Creative Penn -- Author 2.0 a free guide to help you build your online platform to write, sell, promote your book Scribd-- Social Media for Authors Chris Brogan(link goes to a post from 2008 "Promoting Your Book Online") Wordstrumpet CopyBlogger, Nathan Bransford, Alvina Ling, the list goes on and on.

Where Should I Host My Blog?


YouTube for Writers

Pride and Prejudice...and Zombies Inspiring Authors Authors@Google

Email Email Email

the first social media tool is getting a second life MailChimpif you have less than 500 people on your mailing list then it's FREE. -- one-click Google Analytics Tracking -- social sharing, click map, and so much more I don't want to overwhelm you-- easy integration with blogs, etc.-- main thing -- easy-to-use templates for peace of mind. You'll look like a rockstar.

Okay, I Think I Get It, But I'm Now Completely Overwhelmed1. It isn't a race...unless it is. 2. Baby Steps. 3. Discipline is a Muscle. 4. Contact me: [email protected]