how outsourcing reduces cost over diy product photography

How Outsource will Help You Reduce Cost over DIY Product Photography

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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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Page 1: How Outsourcing Reduces Cost Over DIY Product Photography

How Outsource will Help You ReduceCost over DIY Product Photography

Page 2: How Outsourcing Reduces Cost Over DIY Product Photography

Many retailers have turned to a Do It Yourself (DIY) approach to

keep the budgets low for product photography.

Others have trained existing staff or have hired photographers to

take product photos or outsourced the work.

This write up will help getting a clear idea on how outsource will

help you reduce cost over DIY product photography.

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Product Photography Process

Before we look into details, let’s have a quick overview of the

steps and equipment required to get professional-looking product

images in-house.

Note that shooting and photo editing are 2 separate steps that

can be outsourced individually.

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1. Studio Space

You will need a space designated to take photos that has all the

equipment necessary at hand.

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2. Someone to Shoot

Depending on your budget, this person can be a professional photographer, or a trained staff member.

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3. Accessories Needed for product Photography

The accessories you will need for product photography as well

as the apps needed for editing are shown in the picture below.

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Pros of DIY Shooting

Total Control – DIY shooting represents full control of all product photography related activities.

It will surely bring utter satisfaction to you as you will do it with


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Cons of DIY Shooting

Heavy Investment – DIY shooting demands a variety of

investments. You need time and money.

You also need photographer, photography equipment and a

space to shoot to put all the equipment.

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Pros of Outsourcing Photo Editing

You may have your reasons on why DIY shooting makes sense

for your business than outsource them.

However, outsourcing image editing is also a great option.

The pros of outsourcing this step in the photography process

outweigh the cons.

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Cost Effective – Prices for image editing vary according to

services and the level of complexity of the images.

In this case, outsourcing makes total sense. The editing team

will edit an image within short period of time than DIY to

complete the task.

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Fast Turnarounds – Outsourcing image editing usually

involves hiring an offshore editing team to do the work.

They can work overnight so you can get your photos in 24 hours

or less.

Save Time and Space – Shooting products can be a whole day

affair. It needs time.

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Outsourcing your product photography will free up all that

extra time, leaving you and your team more time to focus on

growing your business.

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Cons of Outsourcing Photo Editing

Finding the Right Partner – Many offshore companies may not

be available to provide support 24/7 and the language barrier

may be too big to overcome.

Nevertheless, ImageEditing.Com ensures that the clients will

receive 24/7 support every day.

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Budget – Outsourcing product photography usually consists

of shipping products to be photographed by a professional

studio or photographer.

Cost varies depending on product since some products are

tougher to photograph than others.

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Product Photography Pricing: Finding the Right Solution

Now, let’s put all of this information together to get a solution.

Ask yourself this list of questions to guide you in the process:

Volume – If you need to shoot product every single day,

shooting in-house may make more sense than outsourcing.

However, if you just need to shoot once per week or a handful of

times per month, outsourcing may be a good fit.

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Know Your Requirements – Are your images for Amazon,

Ebay, or Google Shopping?

If so, those images have to follow a special editing style that

may take more time than usual to accomplish.

Know Your Length – DIY photography will require a big time

investment to learn all the skills necessary to shoot properly.

If you cannot afford to spend that time, outsourcing may be

your best bet.

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Doing it by yourself has its advantages. In some cases, it can

absolutely prove to be the right choice. However, it has its

downsides too.

You are going to take longer time, make more mistakes and

waste a lot more money than a professionals would.

Hiring a professional will almost always result in a better end

product. After all, that is what professionals are there for.

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