how do dogs communicate

How do dogs communicate?

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Post on 08-Jul-2015




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How do dogs communicate?


Page 1: How do dogs communicate

How do dogs communicate?

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• Dogs are a domesticated form of wolfs. They use two ways of communication: one to communicate with their peers and the other one to communicate with us, humans.

• Through them, dogs can express their emotions, desires, necessities and senses of humor. They can also define their social status among other dogs. Not only does their language include movements from ears, eyes, eyebrows, mouth, head, tail and the entire body, but it also includes barks and growls. We should differenciate their body language from their vocalizations.

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• Concerning the body language, we can identify tail, ears, mouth, eyebrows, legs and head movements:

• When the tail is held high, it shows that the dog is alert.

• When the tail is between the legs, it shows that the dog is afraid.

• Fast wags of the tail may mean that the dog is happy or excited.

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• When the lips are curled back, it shows that the dog has a strong urge to bite.

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• Erect ears facing forward means the dog is very attentive, while ears laid back suggests a timid reaction.

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• When a dog is happy or wants to play, it might pant with lips relaxed, covering the teeth and with what sometimes appears to be a happy expression.

• However, when a dog

wants to be left alone, it

might yawn.

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• Dogs lick other dogs’ faces and mouth when they greet each other to indicate friendliness.

• Raised eyebrows suggest interest, but lowered eyebrows suggest uncertainty or mild anger.

• A dog might stamp its feet, alternating its left and right front legs when is excited, it means that he wants something, or his owner’s attention.

• It is also common for dogs to paw or scratch for objects they desire.

• The leaning of a dog’s head to the right or to the left often indicates curiosity or a sign of recognition to an unfamiliar word.

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• In addition to this, vocalizations are also very important. Through these, they can show emotions, pain and even boredom.

• Howls: These can reach long distances, and they often use them to show their loneliness. They are also used to communicate with other dogs. Sometimes, dogs howl when they hear sirens or loud sounds like flutes or clarinets. They interpret this as another dog howling in the distance.

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• Barks: Dogs bark for many reasons, such as when perceived intruders approaching their living space, when hearing an unfamiliar noise, or when playing. Barking also expresses different emotions, such as loneliness, fear, suspicion, stress, or pleasure. Some research has suggested that dogs have separate barks for different animals.

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• Growls: Growls can express aggression or a desire to play. For this reason, most pet owners have been urged to treat growls with special attention. This includes always considering the context of a growl.

• Whines: It’s a vocalization produced nasally with the mouth closed. They use it when they want food, to go outside, or just attention. It’s the language of puppies because they don’t bark.

• Some dogs can even recreate human speech after a long training.

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• Apart from that, dogs can also communicate through smells. However, this can only be detected by other dogs. It’s the most powerful language between dogs. It serves to recognize each other by smelling their anal zone, or ears. They also use it to mark their territory or to express their hierarchy. All the secretions they have serve as a way of communication between them. In the same way, dogs can also smell our emotions and even know our reactions and movements.

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• In conclusion, dogs have two very efficient ways of communication with which they can interact both with their peers and with humans. To do this, they include all kinds of movements, sounds and smells, but these ones can only be detected by other dogs. We should learn the language of our dogs to improve our coexistence and relationship with them, as they are our best friends, indeed.