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2 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014




Many adults love gardening. They enjoy theoutdoors, the peace and the produce. But childrenview gardening differently: Some think the dirt andbugs are gross, while others think the long timelineand chore-like tasks are boring. By making a fewchanges, adults can make gardening fun and edu-cational for children.Julia Parker-Dickerson, the Youth Education

Program Director at the National Gardening Asso-ciation, said the key is to “let children express theirideas, to empower them, and to let them create and

envision something.” Anne Gibson, the author ofthe website TheMicroGardener.com, agreed.“One of the most important keys to success with achild’s garden is allowing them to take ownership.”Parker-Dickerson said one of the best ways to

give children ownership of the garden is to “workwith a child to help plan the garden .... Lookthrough seed catalogs or magazines with them. Letthe child do some artwork to envision a garden.”Gibson suggested incorporating color and creativ-ity. “Let children choose their own pot, paint ordecorate it, or make a sign to brighten up their spe-cial space. A favorite toy they no longer use may

make a perfect repurposed shallow garden bed.”Gibson also points out that children are also morelikely to use child-sized tools.Try planting with vibrant colors and mixing

flowers with produce. “Planting a rainbow of veg-etables and fruits can help a child eat a variety offoods, or at least give them an opportunity to trythem out,” said Parker-Dickerson. “Children are farmore likely to eat produce they grow themselves.”“Flowers, on the other hand, add color, fra-

grance, beauty and bring in pollinating insects, likebees, that help increase the yield of food crops, andpredator insects that reduce pests,” said Gibson.

How to get children interested in gardening


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Home & Garden 3April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times

Witnessing this “gives children a bet-ter understanding of an ecosystem as awhole. They get to see in one place thatthings are dependent on one another,”said Parker-Dickerson. “Respect for lifeis a hugely valuable lesson.”Planning and planting are very excit-

ing, but children can often grow boredwith gardening before harvesting. Gib-son suggested incorporating beansprouts because “They are so easy togrow and mature in a matter of days.”Similarly, “Include cut-and-come againlettuces, radishes, beans and peas, rain-bow chard, herbs (especially lemonbalm and mint) and edible flowers.”Additionally, use “succession plant-ing”—sowing small amounts often—tohelp children maintain interest.“If a child has a particular job in the

garden, then they often feel a sense ofownership and obligation. The gardenis theirs and the consequences are ob-vious,” said Parker-Dickerson. ButGibson warned about referring to thesetasks as jobs or work. Instead, creategames to encourage consistency andconversation, she said. Ask children

how many weeds they pulled or howmany pollinators they spotted. Encour-age them to name their plants, and thenask about those plants by name. Post achecklist on the refrigerator.Finally, plan for success, but don’t

worry about mistakes or failure. Avoidusing “out-of-date seeds or unhealthyseedlings,” said Gibson. “Know what toplant, [and] when, in your climate zoneso the children enjoy the experience andhave the best chance of success.”If things go wrong, use that as a life

lesson, said Parker-Dickerson. “If youdon’t know the answer to a question,it’s completely OK, and best to admitthat you don’t know. If you’re workingwith a child, say, ‘Let’s work together.’”Take your child to a library or gardencenter and let him ask the questions.“Empower them to talk to somebodyabout plants.” The key, Parker-Dicker-son said, is “staying positive and stayingcurious.” Gibson also reminds parents,“Enthusiasm and praise for a job welldone work wonders.”


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4 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014


Growing grass is challenging, time consumingand rewarding if you do it right. So should you plantseeds or lay down sod? It all depends on your budgetand timetable for results. Planting seed is cheaper,but it takes time for the new grass to grow. Sod getsquick results, but it’s pricey.

SEEDING KNOW-HOWIf you decide to plant seeds, know that you have

to do a lot of prep work before you can spread them.“It’s prepping the lawn area that takes time, and

that comes down to how bad the existing surface is,”said David Marciniak, owner and lead designer atRevolutionary Gardens in McLean, Va.According to ScottsMiracle-Gro, a company that

makes lawn, garden and outdoor living products, youneed to rake the lawn to “rough up” the soil beforeapplying seed so that the seedlings take root. Makesure the area is clean and free of debris and rocks.The best time to plant grass is mid- to late-fall in

temperate climates, said Marciniak, noting this time-frame gives seed “time to germinate and get estab-lished before entering winter dormancy.”The next best timeframe is now in early spring,

but you have to consider the cold weather in a latewinter or early heat in a warm spring.“Weather is probably the biggest challenge,” said

Marciniak. “Rain can wash away the seed, heat candry it out, and cold will prevent germination.”

START PLANTINGHow much seed will you need? Check out online

seed calculators on home improvement websites.Once you have the seed, decide how you’re going

to spread it. Using a wheeled spreader to distributethe seed works best for large areas, but it’s not theonly option. “When I’m doing a small patch, for ex-ample, a narrow strip along the edge of a new walk-way, I’ll scatter seed by hand,” said Marciniak. “Fora slightly larger area, they make hoppers where youhold it with one hand and crank it with the other. Itgives more even coverage than hand-seeding.”No matter how you do the seeding, don’t over-

do it. ScottsMiracle-Gro encourages adjusting thespreader settings so the seed will be evenly and ad-equately dispersed. Too much seed often results inpoor grass growth.While it might be tempting to drench the new

grass with water, it’s a better idea to “water gently butnot deeply” until the grass is about two inches tall,

according to ScottsMiracle-Gro. Water consistently,about twice daily, to keep the soil moist.New grass typically begins germinating within

a week or two and grows well by weeks three andfour. Once your grass begins growing, don’t cut it tooshort, because doing so could mean your new lawnwon’t be able to develop deep roots.

LAYING SODWith sod, you’re working with the same time-

frame as with planting seeds. Optimal times are mid-to late-fall and again in spring. Prepare the space thesame as you would for planting seeds, raking the areato make sure it’s free of leaves, clumps and debris.The Home Depot Garden Club recommends lay-

ing sod on moist soil, said spokeswoman MargaretWatters. Sod is usually delivered on pallets, and youshould begin the job as soon as it arrives.Lay the sod in rows perpendicular to the yard’s

slope, starting against a straight edge such as a side-walk. By doing this, you’ll ensure the first row isstraight, which will make it easier to keep all of theother pieces of sod in line.Next, roll out the sod and “butt it up tightly to the

next piece, being very careful not to overlap pieces,”said Marciniak. “When going around obstacles orbeds, lay a piece bigger than you need and trim tofit.” Don’t use sod that’s smaller than one third ofa full piece, because it tends to dry out fast, he said.

The Home Depot advises using a roller to lightlycompress the sod, which will help the roots makecontact with the soil. Be sure to water within half anhour of installation. That’ll keep the new grass fromdrying out. “Sod is more forgiving of the weather, asit’s already germinated, but keeping it moist until itcan root in is the biggest challenge,” said Marciniak.Water the sod up to three times a day, but don’t

let grass stay wet at night, when it’s more susceptibleto disease. After a few weeks, mow the lawn, but nottoo short. Fertilize it after six weeks.


SEED or Sod? What you need to knowabout growing your lawn



As soon as it arrives, lay sod on moist soil.

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Home & Garden 5April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times


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6 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014


Like many homeowners, Cindy and Chris Borer of Burkeassumed the only way to gain more usable living space onthe main level of their circa-1980s center hall Colonial wasto build an addition. At just over 800 square feet, the exist-ing plan was something of a paradox—restricted, yet curi-ously underutilized. A formal dining room and den on op-posite sides of the front-facing foyer were scarcely used. Onthe other hand, the rear family room was dark, clutter-proneand cramped.“Everything was dated,” Cindy Borer said, “including our

early American-style furniture. I just wasn’t surewhat kinds ofchanges I was looking for.”Considering options, the retired teacher speculated on

which roomsmight feasibly be enlarged. She also wondered ifsome of her home’s interior walls could be modified to allowfor more natural light.It was at this juncture that Craig Durosko, founder of

Burke-based Sun Design Remodeling, was called in to dis-cuss possible space improvement scenarios.

In short order, Durosko pointed out that the main level’ssquare footage was less of a shortcoming than its poorly con-figured space plan. The constraints imposed by a traditionalcenter-hall floor planmeant rooms thatwere cut off and, thus,likely to be used less often. This, in turn, accounted for trafficpatterns that didn’t work as well as they might.He also confirmed that the mid-house, floor-to-ceiling

bearing wall dividing the front and rear sections of the home




The old family room wascramped and narrow.Sun Design showed theBorers that a mid-housebearing wall could beremoved to allow morenatural light into the area.


The plan implemented bySun Design Remodeling

reconciles traditionalarchitecture with the

spatial freedom of anopen floor plan.


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Home & Garden 7April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times

could be effectively deleted by installing concealed verticalsupports at strategic intervals. Such a move would dra-matically increase natural light, he noted, creating the floorspace needed for an alternative layout that would be muchmore effective for both daily use and entertaining.“Craig pretty much solved our space plan problem on

the first visit,” Borer said. “At this point, I was really begin-ning to think about the design details.”Borer’s meeting with Sun Design’s lead designer Jon

Benson proved fruitful from the start. A veteran homeremodeling specialist who is also a nationally recognizedfurniture designer, Benson created the vital floor space re-finements needed to accommodate several custom built-insthat give the new plan its essential symmetry.To create a more functional relationship between the

kitchen and dining room, for instance, the designer replacedan interior pantry with a 27.5-square-foot food preparationsurface and dining counter that serves both rooms equally.Byborrowingamere9 square feet fromthedining room,

he also found a footprint for a small mudroom with benchimmediately to the right of the kitchen’s side entrance.Resituating the front hall closet to the right of the front

door not only widened the front foyer, but also created dra-matic front-to-back sightlines that make the entire housenow seemmuch larger.Measured in square feet, the changes are small. Yet

such revisions completely liberated the first-level circula-tion plan, reorganizing the home’s primary living area intorooms that are both interactive and distinctly articulated.

To visually differentiate the front-facing library fromthe family room, the designer converted existing overheadbeams into an elegant tray ceiling supported by Craftsman-style piers.A new floor-to-ceiling bookcase—also a Benson origi-

nal—provided an elegant yet highly functional wall el-evation for the new reading room. The new family roomfireplace hearth was, likewise, custom-designed so as to ac-commodate the plasmaTV screen that now hangs above it.Additional interior design decisions largely emerged

from Borer’s collaboration with Sun Design’s Jessica Page.“Jessica helped me discover the design style I’d been look-ing for,” Borer said. “She opened up a lot of resources.Ideas that I liked were added to a project scrapbook, whichwe both referenced regularly to keep the decision processon track.”As space planmodifications proceeded, Borer’s research

revealed a strong personal attraction to “transitional”-styleinterior design—a contemporary idiom that means design-ers reconcile traditional architecture with the spatial free-

dom of an open floor plan. The furniture acquisition pro-cess, in turn, informed final finish-work considerations.On this score, Benson’s original floor plan sketch an-

ticipated the use of love seats as space dividers between thefamily room and the den. Meanwhile, Borer’s preferencefor soft white and grey duotones inspired an interior paintscheme that deftly combines sharpwhite and khaki as semi-nal color schemes throughout the main level.In the kitchen, Giallo Fioriato granite surfaces are set off

by a vividly original glass tile and stone backsplash, whichlends an invigorating streak of color to the broader visualpanorama.“It’s a very comfortable balance of traditional and open

[that] really works well for us,” Borer said. “I found thewhole process really enlightening.”Sun Design Remodeling frequently sponsors tours of

recently remodeled homes, as well as workshops on homeimprovement topics. Headquartered in Burke, the firm re-cently opened a second office in McLean. For more infor-mation, call 703-425-5588 or visit SunDesignInc.com.




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8 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014



“New home sales in Northern Virginia are doing OK,”said Brian Kenning, president of the Builders’ RealtyCouncil in Reston. “Sales under $500,000 are especiallybrisk, especially in the Ashburn and Aldie communities ofLoudoun County,” he said.“Fairfax County is becoming built out,” he added,

pointing out that the least expensive new single-familyhomes are usually priced over $700,000, with the great-er percentage over $800,000. As a result, he said, moretownhouses are being constructed instead.He also said that builders are responding to the de-

mand for main-floor master suites, due largely to theaging population. “People aged 55 and over tend to havecash, rather than debts,” he said. The builders are alsoattracting buyers with other popular features, includingenergy efficiency, attached garages, condo elevators andbrick exteriors.

PULTE BLENDS LUXURY AND LOCATIONLuxury townhouses and elevator condos in a conve-

nient location have added up to success for the MetroWestcommunity in Vienna. Named for its location next to theVienna-Fairfax GMUMetro Station, it is also within walk-ing distance of the Pan Am Shopping Center.“An increasing number of today’s buyers are looking for

homes that offer minimal commutes and maximum ame-nities,” according to a press release from Lewis Birnbaum,president of Pulte Homes’ Mid-Atlantic Division.Released for sale in January, Pulte’s Flats at MetroWest

condos feature two bedrooms, two baths and between 1,256and 1,685 square feet of living space in buildings with brickexteriors and underground parking. They are priced fromthe mid $400,000s.The complex also includes brick townhouses like the

Stuart model, starting at $645,990 for three bedrooms,2 1/2 baths, 1,942 square feet of living space and an at-tached two-car garage. For more information, call 888-817-2201.

Three major new-home companies offeroptions aplenty in Northern Virginia

At the Pulte Homes community of MetroWest, townhouses feature brick exteriors and two-car garages.

The Preston at Marrwood displays the brick-and-stone exterior that distinguishes Van Metre’s homesin Stone Ridge.



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Home & Garden 9April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times


Townhouse sales began in 2011, and futureplans call for office and retail space.Providing features like programmable ther-

mostats and efficient furnaces, Pulte Homes alsoboasts an impressive score of 30 on the HomeEnergy Rating System (HERS) index, where thelower the score, the better. Scores run from 0 toabout 150. “The U.S. Department of Energy hasdetermined that a typical resale home scores 130on the HERS Index while a standard new homeis rated at 100,” according to the ResidentialEnergy Services Network website.

RYAN HOMES’ ECLECTIC OFFERINGSAll of the houses from Ryan Homes can display the

Energy Star certification. They include insulated exteriordoors and Low-E coated windows to reduce energy costs.At Hampton Reserve in Fairfax Station, the classic

brick Colonial and eclectic dwellings showcase 1-acrewooded lots and side-loading three-car garages.Among the four single-family models still available

at press time, the Oberlin Terrace features a standardfour bedrooms, two baths and 2,737 square-feet of liv-ing space, with many additional options available. Pricesstart in the low $870,000s. Call 540-940-9397.Ryan Homes is also offering townhomes at Discovery

Square in Oak Hill. Priced in the $400,000 range, theyprovide a minimum of three bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths,

with additional options available, in up to 2,641 squarefeet of living space. They include one-car garages andbrick exteriors. Located off Centreville Road and Route28, the community is close to Historic Downtown Hern-don, as well a wide range of department stores. Call 571-223-1841.

VAN METRE’S CHOICESThe Van Metre EcoSystem includes weather-resis-

tant exterior barriers and energy-saving, compact, fluo-rescent lightbulbs.

Van Metre offers a wide range of homechoices at its Stone Ridge community in Lou-doun County. Those include single-familyColonial and eclectic houses with exteriors ofbrick, stone or a blending of both. In addition,the dwellings feature two- and three-car at-tached garages, plus optional main-floor bed-rooms and baths.In the Marrwood section of Stone Ridge,

single-family homes are priced from the low$600,000s. The largest of the eight modelsis the Avery, with four bedrooms and 4 1/2baths in 4,314 square feet of living space. Call703-764-5414.

Another seven single-family models are available inVillage Run, priced from the mid $500,000s. The largestis the Portsmouth, with five bedrooms and three baths inits 3,692 square feet. Call 703-764-5462.Starting from the low $400,000s, the Berkeley Grove

Villas & Towns and the Village Square townhouses pro-vide two-car garages.At Berkeley Grove, the largest of the models is the

Waverly, with three bedrooms and baths in its 2,495square feet. Call 703-764-5486.In Village Square, the newest model is the Andover.

It showcases four bedrooms and 3 1/3 baths in its 2,820

See BUILDERS on page 19

Ryan Homes’ Waverly model at Hampton Reserveshowcases a pillared portico and multipaned windows.


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10 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014


Do you put out your yard waste curbside forpickup? Keep a pile of it in your yard to decomposeand add to your garden beds? Do you “grasscycle,”leaving your clippings on the ground to break downand feed the soil? Do you compost your peelingsfrom vegetables and fruit and other food scraps?Used coffee grounds? Fireplace ashes?In 2012, Fairfax County managed 244,000

tons of yard waste, leaves, grass and brush fromhomeowners, land-clearing companies and con-struction sites, said Pamela Gratton, director ofrecycling, engineering and environmental compli-ance for the Fairfax County Department of PublicWorks and Environmental Services. According toFairfax County law, since 1994, compostable yardwaste must be separated and either composted athome or put curbside in special containers to becollected and turned into mulch, she said.

MULCH AND COMPOST are two different things.Mulch is made from yard waste and is used as a topdressing for garden beds and landscaping. “Com-post is different,” said Gratton. “Organic materialis brought to facilities, put in a large, aerated, staticpile and turned on a regular basis. It becomes arich, soil-like material that is sold to landscapersand horticulturists.” One brand of this material iscalled Leafgro, and is available atHomeDepot andother retailers.Some people compost waste and kitchen scraps

at home, as well. “But composting of food waste isnot highly practiced byFairfax residents,” saidGrat-ton. First, she said that Northern Virginia has lim-ited food-waste-processing capacity, though a smallfacility in Prince William County does take limitedcommercial loads from grocery stores. “The otherreason is folks aren’t yet familiar with kitchen scrapcomposting and there’s no real push to get them todo it,” she said.

TEDWELCH OF FAIRFAX is a passionate homecomposter. The retired contractor and teacher ad-mits that he’s “fascinated with the process of rot.”Welch knows the exact science behind decomposi-tion of organic materials and uses his knowledgeto speed the process. “You need a buildup of heatenergy that creates the right amount of bacteriagrowth,” he said. “You can also chop up materialsinto small bits to quicken decomposition, and stirmaterials to aerate them.”Composting creates heat, and temperature is

key. Using a compost thermometer (available atgarden centers), he likes his piles of compost tobe 105 to 107 degrees for bacteria to do their bestwork breaking downmaterial, he said. Compostingrequires a careful balance of carbon and nitrogen,which are present in the various materials you addto your compost pile.Unpleasant smells don’t happen if you practice

aerobic composting by aerating your piles and ma-

WASTENOTThe how-to’s andbenefits of composting


At county facilities, yard waste is ground into mulch, aged,and then used in a variety of applications.

Curbside brush collection is a regular service in Fairfax County. Brush from storm damage, for instance, iscollected and turned into mulch in county facilities.

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Home & Garden 11April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times



terial, said Welch. Anaerobic compost-ing gives off smelly gases, like when youseal grass clippings in a plastic bag andthey sit in the sun for a few days.There are many positive aspects of

composting, Welch said, not the leastof which is the improving the health ofarea watersheds. “By adding compostto your soil, you get better percola-tion of stormwater around your house.When water soaks into the aquifer, itdoesn’t run down concrete drivewaysand roads and wash oil scum and filmand into the Chesapeake.”“I encourage anyone with curiosity

or a scientific bent to get into total homecomposting. It’s quite satisfying,” he said.

“SOME HOMEOWNERS DON’T want to bother with thehassle [of composting], but it’s really very easy,” said DanSchwartz, a soil technician for the Northern Virginia Soiland Water Conservation District, a “self-governing politi-cal subdivision” of Virginia, according to its website. “Wetry to emphasize the simplicity of composting. There are athousand different pieces of advice. But it’s so basic—youjust put organic matter in a container or a big pile in youryard and it will eventually become compost. You don’treally have to do too much to it.”

“The county would like people to compost and re-cycle everything,” said Schwartz. “The more people doit, the less burden there is on county trucks and transferstations.”There is a wide variety of off-the-shelf composting

products to make things easier. “You can buy an expen-sive composter, but you can also put chicken wire andboards together and make your own,” said Schwartz. Hemanages build-your-own composter workshops, wherehomeowners can put together 55-gallon rotating tumbler

composters under supervision. “Weprovide all materials, and it takes aboutthree hours,” he said. Workshop infor-mation can be found by searching fair-faxcounty.gov.

BEN BOXER, PUBLIC INFORMATIONofficer for Fairfax County, saidmulched yard waste is available free tocounty residents. It’s double-shredded,which Gratton said helps it break downmore easily in gardens. It is usuallyavailable at the I-66 Recycling andDis-

posal Center at 4618 West Ox Road in Fairfax, as well asthe I-95 Recycling and Disposal Center at 9850 FurnaceRoad in Lorton. Mulch may also be distributed to vari-ous park sites in the county, according to the county web-site. Gratton suggested calling 703-324-5995 to check onmulch availability.Fairfax County’s Division of Solid Waste Collection

and Recycling maintains the Fairfax County RecyclingInfo Line at 703-324-5052, which provides informationon mulch, compost and various related programs.

At a recent composter workshop,Conservation District Executive DirectorLaura Grape and her sons Sean andRyan built a home composter frame.

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12 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014

Let the

Looking for a home improvement project that is both ashort- and long-term investment? One easy upgrade that canhelp you save money on your energy bills today, as well as in-crease your home’s value in the future, is replacing thewindowsin your house.But how do you know it’s time to give your current win-

dows the boot? An annual performance check is good practice.“Virtually every building component in a home needs to be

replaced at some point, and windows are no exception,” saidMattMinerd of SimontonWindows.Minerd offered these do-it-yourself tips to determine how

well your current windows and patio doors are functioning.• Examine the inside of your windows and patio doors for

hot and cold drafty spots. These indicate air infiltration, whichcan lead to reduced energy efficiency.• Check every window for adequate weather stripping and

caulking around the units, which help eliminate air infiltrationand ensure a weather-tight seal.• Look for burned-out or faded areas on your furnishings

and carpeting. These could indicate that excessive, damagingUV rays are entering your home through windows and glassdoors. You may want to consider more energy efficient win-dows containing Low E, which is a special glass coating de-signed to reduce heat transfer.• If your windows no longer open or close easily, or if they

need to be propped open, it could mean key componentswithin the units are damaged or need adjustment. It could alsomean the unit needs to be replaced entirely.• If you have wood window frames, look carefully at them

for signs of rotting, warped wood or other problems with theframes themselves. These are an indication the window has ex-ceeded its lifespan.Should your evaluation turn up one or more problem

areas, and it’s time to replace your windows, do your home-work.While price is important, it shouldn’t be the sole decidingfactor, as functionality is a critical consideration.Look for low-maintenance materials that offer energy ef-

ficiency. For example, vinyl is an excellent insulator andmanypeople choose low-maintenance vinyl frames with a Low Eglass coating and an argon or krypton gas fill. These harmlessgases are denser than air and serve as a good thermal barrier.


SUNSHINE INTime to replace your home’s windows?

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Home & Garden 13April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times


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14 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014



While garden centers show off concrete and ceramic plantersand wooden boxes that can serve as homes for your flowers andplants, there are other creative vessels in which to place your gar-den and landscape blooms. Here are some of the top trends in artsyhomes for your plants:• Wheelbarrows. Ideally aged and weathered ones, perhaps

those found for a few dollars at a flea market or yard sale, filled withtreated soil. Your plants might even benefit from the iron of thewheelbarrow’s metal. If you’d like to grow edibles in your wheel-barrow, you might place already potted herbs and items such asPHOTO COURTESY OF CREATORS.COM

WAGONS &WHEELBARROWSFind new artsy homesfor your favorite plants

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Home & Garden 15April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times


ALL Select styles of Karastan’s most popular carpetsare going on sale soon. It’s the perfect time to

add the Karastan touch to your homeand live more beautifully.

jalapeno pepper plants in it, and then fill it up with soilfor a natural, earthy presentation.• Wagons. Don’t use a valuable heirloom Radio

Flyer for this garden project, since antique wagons canfetch a fine price at yard sales. An aged, metal wagon—again, from the flea market—makes a playful displayvehicle for your potted miniplants and flowers.• Birdbaths. A thin layer of soil may be enough

for wildflowers to grow, or you can place small pottedplants on top of the ceramic or metal birdbath for acustom cluster of colorful garden pieces.• Tin buckets. Flea markets have these in plentiful

supply. Old tin buckets may have once been the recep-tacles for the milkman’s deliveries or they might haveonce held firewood. Now they can hold your plants andflowers and add a metallic accent to your garden.• Watering cans. For smaller bunches of flowers

or herbs, a wide-mouthed metal watering can—per-haps last season’s that has lost a bit of its vibrant colorfrom prolonged sun exposure—is an ideal garden-themed vessel.• Rubber boots. Last season’s colorful or patterned

gardening boots can be transferred from your garageinto your garden as a whimsical, bright holder for asingle potted plant. And if you have several pairs ofthese, you might place one floral-filled boot on the sideof each step leading down from your deck into your

backyard. Use large boots for parents and small bootsfor kids, and each member of the family can plant hisor her own.• Rubber clogs. Small plants can be placed in these

colorful shoes as well after you’ve nail-gunned the shoesartistically into the sides of a wood shed or onto a woodgarden post.• Terrarium bowls. Or old fishbowls. The glass

may be stained or clouded, which makes them perfectfor being filled with soil and then with flowers, herbs orgreen plants.• Tricycle basket. An old tricycle gets new life

when you wheel it out under a tree or into your land-scaping by your garage door or on the side of yourwalkway and fill the handlebar basket with potted flow-ers or green plants.• Vintage suitcase. An inexpensive flea-market

find, old suitcases can be perched on a stone wall andfilled with an array of colorful seasonal blooms. Sincethe suitcases were so budget-friendly, you won’t mindif they get wet outdoors.• Desk with open drawers. Set this one on your

covered or screened-in porch, with those open drawers

holding cascading green plants and potted flowers. Smallmetal decor pieces will add further texture and color.• Bench with the seat removed. An old unusable

garden bench can have its seat removed and replaced byplanter boxes filled with seasonal flowers, herbs or evenclimbing plants that will grow up the back of the bench.• Wooden pallets. These are a top trend in garden

design, with some gardeners making furniture out ofthem. If you’re not up for making couches, you can flipyours upside down and fill them with soil and wildflow-er seeds.• Teapots and teacups. These tiny accents add a

pop of color on a table or on an outdoor display shelf,and they can hold a small potted flower, cactus, succu-lent plant, mini-ivy or ferns.Look through the storage space in your garage and

basement and you might find the perfect tin boxes orother containers that can find new life outside in thesun, holding your pretty floral plantings and adding atouch of creativity, artistry and whimsy to your gardenand lawn.




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If your kitchen is looking a little timeworn orlacking in contemporary capabilities, an updatemay be in order. But with the average midrangecost of a minor kitchen remodel running $16,689in the Washington, D.C., area and a full remodelexceeding $54,000, according to 2014 figures fromremodeling magazine, homeowners often are look-ing for ways to save.Before embarking on a kitchen remodel, there

are several questions you should ask. The first iswhether you are doing this for yourself or to sellthe property, said Dave Minor, owner of Handy-man Connection of Fairfax. Area homeowners re-coup 99.9 percent of their investment in a minorkitchen remodel but only 91 percent of the moreexpensive, major overhaul, according to remodel-ing magazine.That said, those selling their homes shouldn’t

discount the value of a whole kitchen remodel,noted Jim McCoy, president and CEO of TheKitchen Guild in Fairfax and McLean, who oncecompletely reconfigured and updated his ownkitchen. “I moved the kitchen back 15 feet andturned the existing kitchen area into a café with abooth. I dropped a pretty penny. Did I get backeverything I put in? I don’t know. But the housesold in a day.”If you are remodeling for your personal use,

the next question is: why? “Is there an issue withfunctionality—you need to be able to do somethingyou’re not able to now—or aesthetics—you say toyourself, ‘If I have to look at this kitchen one moretime…,” said Minor. “The answer will drive yourdecisions and simplify things quickly.”Once you’ve identified the problem with your

kitchen, do a little research, said McCoy, whorecommended houzz.com. Replete with articles,

photos and recommendations, the website “has be-come the de facto standard for getting ideas,” hesaid. But be careful, as “it’s easy to get addicted.There are so many great ideas.”Each of those ideas, however, comes with a

price tag. And if you are operating on a tight bud-get, you should keep the following in mind.

1 Be realistic about your budget. “Do someresearch and get a feel for what it will cost” to re-model—in part or in full, said McCoy. “It helpsavoid sticker shock. When I tell people that whatthey’re dreaming of will cost $30,000, $50,000 or$100,000, some are taken off guard.”Once you settle on the parameters of your proj-

ect, stick to them. Changes can add to the cost.And, “banish the words ‘while you’re at it’ fromyour vocabulary,’” suggested the This Old House

website, or you may end up spending more thanyou intended.But do build in a cushion for nasty surprises.

Many contractors and home-improvement web-sites suggest 20 percent. That amount will helpkeep you within budget should unanticipatedplumbing, electrical or design issues arise.

2 Limit the scope of the project to replacementof materials within the existing footprint. “Whenyou start knocking down walls or moving plumb-ing and electrical, the cost starts to run up,” saidMcCoy. Reconfiguring the space “is more complexand calls for permits and inspections, which addtime and money.”

3 Be careful with cabinetry. “Cabinets oftenaccount for a third of the remodel price,” said

10 Ways to Save Money


In this very large kitchen, The Kitchen Guild installed all new cherry cabinetry, cork flooring, Silestone countertopsand stainless steel appliances for around $30,000.


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Home & Garden 17April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times

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McCoy. “If you can find cabinets you like that are of areasonable quality, you can save money.”To save more, reface rather than replace, a good

choice if your existing cabinets are structurally sound.Refacing involves covering the cabinet box with woodor synthetic veneers and installing matching doorsand drawers.A less expensive option is to replace just the doors,

drawers and hardware. “Go with glass doors,” suggestedMinor. “Glass is very contemporary. You’ll save signifi-cantly on labor and make a major change aesthetically.”

4 Avoid exotic granites and tile. There are manymoderately priced materials that work well for counter-tops, backsplashes and flooring, said McCoy, thoughgranite is considered the standard for countertops.Beautiful and durable, granite begins at about $50per square foot installed and runs upwards of $85 forhigher grades, according to homewyse.com. Other,often less expensive countertop materials include solidsurfacing—sold under the brand name Corian, amongothers—quartz, tile and laminate.

5 Illuminate the space. “Improved lighting, espe-cially if there’s not much natural light, can transformthe room,” said Minor. Consider adding “under-the-cabinet lights, which, from a materials standpoint, arevery inexpensive.”

6 Incorporate existing appliances. “If you can keepyour appliances and incorporate a new design strategyaround them, the cost savings are huge,” said Minor.If, however, your appliances are worn or look tired,

replace them. “There are good appliances to be had inthe lower to midrange. Be smart. Do your homework.Look at ratings and reviews,” saidMcCoy. “KitchenAiddoes good stuff. It’s not Wolf, Sub-Zero or Viking, butit’s good. Look at GE and Kenmore, too.”Stainless steel remains the standard, according to

McCoy. “I think that trend has legs. People are attract-ed to commercial-looking appliances. I have, however,seen plenty of beautiful black appliances.”

7 Salvage materials from other sources. Inquire asto whether your contractor or subcontractor has odds-and-ends left from other jobs, suggested This OldHouse. Even if the color or style is not your favorite, itmay be possible to incorporate it into the kitchen designin an aesthetically pleasing way.Consider buying items that are discontinued or gen-

tly used. Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore in Chantillysells new and used fixtures and building materials at 50to 90 percent off retail prices. Before purchasing suchitems, check with your contractor. “Many contrac-tors won’t work with salvaged items, or homeowner-

See REMODELING on page 19

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18 Home & Garden Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times | April 2014

There are certain ingredients vitalto the survival of your landscaping.One of the most important is water;it’s the lifeblood of plants, trees andlawns. Still, as simple as wateringyour lawn and garden may seem,there is in fact a science behinddoing so correctly and efficiently.

1. KNOW YOUR SOILDepending on what type of soil

you have, watering needs will bevaried. Plus, soil should be loosenedaround plants to allow water to pen-etrate more easily.The best type of soil is loam. It

features a combination of sand, siltand clay, which allows water to pen-etrate and then stores it for plants touse. Clay soil absorbs water slowly,so water only as fast as the clay canabsorb. You should also mix in peatmoss or organic compost to improvethe soil. Sandy soil can pose a chal-lenge, as water can run through itvery quickly, making it difficult forroots to get what they need. Add or-ganic matter to supplement it.

2. WHEN TO WATERWatering in early morning or eve-

ning is best. This reduces the amountthat will evaporate from sun expo-sure. Try to water when the windis calm, otherwise you might not beable to control where the water goes.

3. TIPS FOR WATER USEWatering deeply once is better than

shallow watering several times per day.Watering to a depth of 4 to 6 inches pro-motes stronger, deeper root growth anddevelopment, and you can go longer be-tween watering. To measure how muchwater a lawn or garden is getting, the U.S.Department of Agriculture recommendsplacing an empty tuna fish can (or cat foodcan) on the lawn while watering. When thecan is full, stop watering.

4. CHOOSINGA SPRINKLERORHOSEMany homeowners prefer the conve-

nience of underground sprinkler systemsthat water set areas on a timer. There areother sprinklers that attach to a gardenhose that can water a lawn efficiently.Cascading sprinklers are more effectivethan the rotating shoot-shoot-shoot typesbecause they’ll saturate the ground morequickly and there’s less chance of waterbeing wasted on sidewalks and driveways.It is difficult and time consuming to watera larger lawn by hand with a hose andspray nozzle, and you might not waterlong or deeply enough.

5. HOW OFTEN?You should be safe watering a lawn

and garden every five to seven days inmoderate weather. During extremely hotspells, or when there hasn’t been adequaterain, water every three days.





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Home & Garden 19April 2014 | Special Supplement to The Fairfax County Times



square feet. It also has a two-car garage.Call 703-764-5493.The newest offerings are the two-story

villa homes at Towne Centre Crossing,priced from the low $400,000s. The larg-est of the fourmodels here is the Rosedale,with three bedrooms and 2.5 baths in its2,604 square feet. It provides a two-cargarage. Call 703-764-5492.Priced from the low $300,000s, the

Centre Park elevator condos include one-car garages. The largest of the five modelsis the Nichols, with its three bedroomsand two baths in 1,789 square feet. Call703-764-5487.Mercer Park Metropolitan Flats &

Towns includes townhouse-style condos

priced from the low $200,000s. The largermodel is the Peyton, with three bedrooms,two baths, 2,534 square feet and a one-cargarage. Call 703-764-5491.Having celebrated its 10th anniversary

last year, Stone Ridge now features a club-house, two swimming pools, tennis courts,a library, a shopping center and publicschools.A new pool and clubhouse are under

construction in the WestEnd section ofStone Ridge. According to Merle Phil-lips, Van Metre’s vice president of salesand marketing, new single-family andtownhouse communities are scheduledto open in late summer, providing evenmore choices for homebuyers.

BUILDERS from page 9

supplied materials in general, becausethey don’t want to assume the liabilityif something goes wrong,” noted ThisOld House.

8Donate your discarded fixtures andmaterials. Not only will you save landfillspace, but you can take a tax deductionwhile helping a charitable cause. Re-Store, which lists acceptable donationson its website, will pick them up fromyour home.

9 Invest in sweat equity. But takeon only those things you have the time,knowledge and talent to do, recommend-ed This Old House. If you can tile, con-sider doing the backsplash yourself. If youcan paint, tackle the ceiling or the walls.

10 Find the right contractor. “Thequickest way to spend, lose or squan-der your budget—regardless of whetherthe job is big or small—is engaging thewrong contractor,” said Minor. Dosome research and ask for referrals.Consider beginning that research withthe National Association of the Remod-eling Industry Metro DC Chapter web-site, narimetrodc.org.Meet with contractors and look at

samples of their work. Ascertain thatthey are licensed, bonded and insured.Ask for references and check them. “Ifall you look at is price, you become sus-ceptible to unscrupulous contractors.”

You can save significantly by servingas your own general contractor. But, ifyou do, go in with your eyes open, bothMcCoy and Minor said. “If you don’tdo it right, it may wind up costing youmore,” said McCoy, noting that “allthe components in the kitchen are in-terdependent.”

BE PREPARED to “manage the pro-cess. Things need to be done in a certainorder. Most homeowners are capableof figuring it out or the trades will tellthem,” said Minor. The bigger issue isresolving conflicts. “If the cabinet guyhangs them wrong and the tile guy can’tdo what he was going to do, you’ll beresponsible for working it out.”Another advantage to working with a

general contractor is that “I can get fourpeople—the electrician, plumber, cabi-net guy and tile guy—in there consecu-tively, saving time and money. For somepeople, on-time completion and efficien-cy is as important as cost,” said Minor.Ultimately, the key to a successful

kitchen remodel, regardless of scope orbudget, is education. “Read up on whatthings cost” and think about the re-sources you have available, said McCoy.“Bring your ideas to us and we’ll helpyou figure out what you can accomplish…. and we can share ideas of our own,”many of which can help you reduce costswhile enhancing the appearance andfunctionality of your kitchen.

REMODELING from page 17

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