history and power of #hashtags

History and Power of #Hashtags 2015

Upload: nitin-karkara

Post on 15-Jul-2015



Social Media

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  • History and Power of #Hashtags2015

  • # HASHTAGS Where it all Began

    1988 2007 2009 2010


    Back in the good old days of the IRC or Internet Relay Chat, circa

    1988, hashtags were already used to categorize items like images,

    messages, video and other content into groups. Hashtags made it possible for IRC users to easily search for relevant and other

    associated content.

    The same principle holds true with the use of hashtags in social

    media, and their use grew in popularity when it was first

    introduced on Twitter by Chris Messina

    The term hashtags however, officially originated from Stow

    Boyds blog post

    July 2009, Twitter formally adopted the use of hashtags into code, automatically hyperlinking terms appended with the #sign

    The term trending and rending topics became highly

    associated with Social media when Twitter began highlighting hashtags on his homepage based

    on their popularity

  • Social Media Networks that Support Hashtags(#WHOUSESHASHTAGS)

  • Twitter of course is where hashtags became first used and where it is still very prevalent. They provide a remarkable tool for delivering highly targeted brand messages for brands and

    businesses using Twitter for social media marketing.

    You on your targeted audiences can join in on trending conversations which you can view on your Twitter page sidebars. Or you can check them out at Hashtags.org and see which ones

    would be interesting or relevant to your targeted audiences.

  • It took a while for Facebook to catch on the hashtag craze, even after they incorporated its use back in June 2013. Just like with Twitter, Facebook provides a unique URL for each hashtag you and your

    targeted audiences can click on and get connected with.

    Search for particular tags by typing in

    facebook.com/hashtag/uniquehashtag in your browser bar or #uniquehashtag directly on Facebooks search bar. These will

    directly send you to your targeted tags feed.

  • Pinterest is a fast growing social network that has already joined the hashtag bandwagon

    What it can do is make your content tagged with a #uniquehashtagvisible to Pinterest users searching for a particular topic when they

    click on the hashtag on your profile or from another user.

    When they click on the hashtag, they are redirected to

    pinterest.com/search/?q=uniquehashtag where targeted audiences can find your content.

  • Hashtags make your Instagram photos discoverable by targeted audiences, otherwise your photos will just remain

    private. One tip on how you can maximize the use of hashtags is to use a unique set per photo.

    Use of hashtags in photos provide businesses with an effective tool for influencing and creating brand followers

  • Even Google + is jumping into the hashtag bandwagon, providing a way of your Google+ posts to get better results in

    search engine results pages.

    When users click on a Google+ hashtag, the results will return not only the original hashtag post but other posts

    tagged with the same hashtag as well.

  • Power of Hashtags(#THEPOWER)

  • In this social media age, the #hashtag is one of the most

    powerful tools aroundInstantly linking a social media post to a group of others about

    the same topic

    and updating a group of likeminded users on that topic in

    real time

  • How will Hashtags Benefit your Business(#BENEFITSFORBUSINESS)

  • Hashtags can help increase your brand awareness

    The power of social media marketing relies on how well you can create engagement and conversations between your business and your targeted audiences through your content.

    This in turn will create greater brand awareness that will eventually boost sales and profitability. Hashtags can help facilitate the greater engagement as what the following campaigns have experienced.

  • The hashtag brought online users who clicked on the link to the companys unique TV commercial, depicting vampires

    being destroyed with the LED highlights extreme brightness. What this campaign brought Audi is greater interaction

    between the company and their potential customers.


    to promote their new and brighter LED headlight

  • RedBull made use of the #givesyouwings hashtag that became very popular with consumers and their targeted

    customers on social networks. These and other examples like these showcase how powerful hashtags can be in generating

    brand awareness.

  • Hashtags help build relationships(#BUILDRELATIONSHIPS)

  • Hashtags can provide your business insights on what your targeted customers are interested in as well as what they are talking about. You can do so by simply clicking on a hashtag that you think is related to your business and your brand can get connected and be able to connect with targeted


    The use of hashtags connects your brand with topics that people are interested in and interact with them

    through these topics. This in turn increases your visibility and helps build relationships that will eventually help turn audiences into customers.



  • Hashtags Increases Brand Loyalty

    Hashtags can also provide your targeted audiences with greater insights about your brand or businesses, let them know more about your history, which in turn

    increases brand loyalty. One example is the campaign conducted by People Magazine to promote their 40th anniversary through an Instagram video.


  • Best Practices of Using Hashtags(#BESTPRACTICES)

  • #Dont #spam #with #hashtags1. Dont over-tag a single Tweet. Twitter officially recommends no more than

    two #hashtags per tweet.

    2. Using too many hashtags devalues the strength of the hashtag and makes each additional one more meaningless than the last. It could lose you

    followers and permanently cheapen your brands social media reputation

  • Develop Your Brand Under A Single #Hashtag1. Choose just one #hashtag to speak for your brand and strengthen consumer awareness.

    2. Most of the brands use a single hashtag for their campaigns and for their brand messaging to drive greater conversation and loyalty among their target audience and loyal fans on

    social. With the use of single hashtag they are able to develop higher brand recall and preference for their brands.

  • Final ThoughtsAs your business grow more competitive through digital marketing, boost

    effectiveness of your efforts by making use of new and more effective ways of generating interaction and engagement with targeted audiences. Hashtags proved

    to be a new and exciting way to do just this particularly in boosting your new or existing social media marketing campaign. When used properly, hashtags can be a

    very powerful tool for connecting with potentially thousands or even millions of targeted audiences worldwide.

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