hist 1483 unit 1 notes


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HIST 1483 Unit 1 Notes

Chapter 1: Three Old Worlds Create a New, 1492-1600

Groups of English opportunists and religious outcasts ventured across the Atlantic Founded Jamestown and Plymouth. Grew into 13 colonies 13 colonies gained independence from its mother country

Conquest. English settlements were nearly the last Spanish and Portuguese were the first The biggest city/metropolitan area in north America was Mexico City More than half of immigrants who crossed the ocean to North America came from Africa. Europe, Africa, and America Native American ancestors came to north America during the Ice Age North America was dominated by the Wisconsin Glaciation. Lowered the surface of the ocean 200-300 ft.Changed the surface area of North America 9000 ft deep of ice Exposes a land route from Asia to North America Beringia: 12500-11500 years ago People travel Food prices increased. Wooly mammoths and sloths were killed

MesoAmericaMexico and Central America Elaborate civilization were flourishing at the time of 1492 Yucatan and Guatemala built temples Tiotihuacan built a city of 100,000 people Dominated the entire region Continually engaged in trade networks and warfare Their contact with the Mayans 900 CE. Begins to decline to warfare and food shortages big cities were deserted Teotihuacan was deserted Aztecs move in to Mayan during 1100 C.E. Eagle eating a serpent on a cactus. Quetzelcoatl Tenochtitlan Golden Age of Indian civilization. Permanent settlement Hopi, Zuni, Apache, Pueblo (built houses) Pueblo Lived in permanent settlements Mississippi valley Pacific north coast Rain was abundant Salmon 1250 CE = zenith Collapse Hohokam Salt River Valley irrigation in Phoenix, Arizona Anasazi went into decline due to drought

Civilization and Wilderness distinction is not seen by Native Americans Communal living was normative Emphasis on cooperation, not individuality The basis of reciprocity When you take something, you have to give something back Not authority that is based on the divine right of kings/queens

Slavery is predicated on status of capture

Slavery was not a permanent, inherited status. Between CE 1000-1300 Population doubled to 70 million people in Europe Led to overcrowding Surplus population: too many people for the land

Africa: women had some rolesEurope: men had most important roles

Black Death/Bubonic Plague Killed 1/3 of population of Europe

Hundred Years War Fighting caused more deaths Cut off access in France and Holy Roman Empire to the Middle East Venice and Italy and England use the sea to find new trade routes

Castille = Spain

Norse men discovered America earlier than Columbus

The rise of nation states including, Castille The power to tax, wage war, make laws Spain was the most powerful Isabella and Ferdinand Portugal and France and England National monarchs ruling over nation-states

India is the objective Rich in spices, gold, etc.

Christopher Columbus Sail to India with funding by Queen Thought the world was shaped like an egg August 3, 1492 Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria Falsely recorded the distance of his travels One fake log book and one real one October 12, 1492 in the Bahamas Claimed the land for Spain Hispaniola The Europeans gave Americans a lung disease and other diseases Enslaved many people Believed that he discovered a route to the Indies, but he did not

America named after Amerigo Vespucci

Columbian Exchange Exchange of cultural ideas and results Only 200,000 Spanish people immigrate to the New World

Encomienda System Granted rights to land and the right to the people who lived on it; legalization of slavery Labor shortage in the new world 10 million - 11 million African slaves integrate themselves from the native population Europeans took Indian wives = mixed population in new colony Columbian Exchange Trade between continents The spread of diseases Crops Corn, tobacco, wheat, beans, cassava Weeds, grass originated from Europe Animals Horses, cattle, pigs, Animals take up more resources Destroy crops/fields Labor Slavery

Increased the population Brought down by smallpoxReshaped the entire world Europeans/Americans gained access to things they didnt previously have French: resource extraction Economic network with Native Americans Spain: gain land for the Church English: colonization and permanent settlement Originally, came to America to get rich (gold) then go back home Plant tobacco Puritans: believed in the teachings of John Calvin God was in control of their destiny; determined who was saved or who was not; that everything was pre-determined; no matter how much work someone did, it did not change their fate. Traveled to New England to set up permanent settlements in order to separate themselves Believed that the devil was a black man, and that all black men were his servants Believed in witchcraft and spiritual signs.

Primary sources: artifacts from the past Photograph taken form the civil war Original documents from the same time period

Secondary Sources: Textbook, articles written by historians Someones interpretation from the past

Chapter 2: Europeans Colonize North America, 1600-1650


Seven cities of pavola.Filled with gold

Pueblo people got rid of the Spaniards by lying to themGolden cities in KansasThe Caribbean

Founded St. AugustineThe first permanent settlement in North America (1565)In Florida

The troops defeated the Indians by burning their grains supply

Juan de Oate 1595 Selected to lead an expedition from Mexico City to Central Mexico Into northern New Mexico (Jan 1598) 129 citizen soldiers Most were Mestizos San Juan Pushed the Indians out of their homes Accoma: pueblo Does not have electricity and running water Took control of Accoma pueblo Every male over the age of 25 was to have their right led amputated 20 year sentence of servitude for men and women

France Gained imperial power a century after Spain France began to defy the Pope Exploit opportunities to explore and colonize Established permanent colonies in the St. Lawrence Samuel Champlaign found several settlements New France is headquartered in the St. Lawrence Algonquian and Iroquoian people Heurons in the northern great lakes, make an alliance

Iroquois United, strong, dominated the range of lake Ontario and Hudson river Dominate upstate New York Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Oneida, Onondaga 1450 lived in state of constant warfare, chaos Lost 3 of his daughters Dianagada League of the Iroquois Could not command people to do things French settlers tried to establish French bought tools and hatchets, knives, kettles, cloth In exchange for beaver fur/pets Used for hats, clothes, shoes, etc Build an expire based on

Claim the entire Gulf of Mexico for France Whoever controls the mouth of the Mississippi controls the water of the inner nation

Lived in the woods

Saw themselves as part of a larger systemPart of a system of nature which included the land itself which gave gifts that were to be used with great care. If they did not take care of the moose when preparing it, you would not have any.

Reciprocity governed relationships between tribes

Keep playing games until everyone won somethingDo no identify themselves as poor

The south coast of New England All liked by a series of arranged marriages Facilitate exchange of goods and services A system of reciprocity

The term that best describes the worldview of Eastern Woodland Indians is: Ecological Martial Spiritual Reciprocal

WabanakiLand of the Abanaki Mickmack exchanged furs for French goodsTook them out of their normal economyThe French were arming them with knives and other weapons, spears, dagger, muskets in exchange for furs

Recognize tribal sovereigntyThe French learned Reciprocation from the IndiansThe French developed a respect for it

Which of the following tribes was not part of the Iroquoian Confederacy? Mohawk Seneca Cherokee Onondaga

Dutch (Netherlands) 1609 commission Henry Hudson to explore the north Atlantic coast Up the Hudson River (Albany) Looking for the Northwest Passage Found a bounty of fur (more north = better quality of fur because it was colder) Dutch sea captains began trading regularly with the Indians Founded New Netherlands Commercial enterprise Controlled by traders in furs (botch lupers) Location was everything Shawnee Indians (west) Iroquois (north) Travel by river in canoes Perfect situation for the middleman in the trade Made it a policy to recognize the sovereignty (right to legally govern themselves) of tribes Indians have title to the land that they possess Indians have a right to their own land Why? Title gained by the acquisition from the original owners Through purchase, gift, contact, conquest Produced conflict between Indian tribes by arming and dividing them

The Indians gave the Dutch land Manhattan Indians Algonquian speaking people Made periwinkle seashells into bead (wampum/seawam) Woven into wampum belts (great value) Used to solidify arrangements, and treaties, and for ceremonies Basic currency between coastal tribes Gave them access to great tribes in the interior Fort Orange near Albany, New York Dutch commander agreed to arm a raiding party of Mohicans Open warfare Dutch declared themselves neutral 1627 Mohawks have greater availability to beaver pelts 1630: the Dutch West Indian company began to sell muskets to Mohawks Small mammals became extinct, moved further north and west to find more animals Iroquois confederacy became powerful militarily 1650 Mohawk and Iroquois Indians attacked French settlements with Dutch weapons French started to arm the Hurons Indians near the coast Dutch thought they could by the land from the Indians Indians never had the concept of exclusive land 1655 Peach Wars

The Dutch had an advantage in the fur trade because they controlled the coastal Indians who produced: Tobacco Seaweed Gun powder Wampum

English Contact with North America Trying to make land available for colonization For farming, settlement, building towns and communities Tried to establish colonial superiority Removal of Indians Sir Walter Raleigh One of the first Sir Humprey Gilbert (half brother died trying to find the Northwest Passage) 1585 Raleigh sponsored an expedition of 600 veterans of the colonial war 107 deposited in North Carolina (Roanoke) Treated the Indians with brutality Executed them -> leads to war Sir Francis Drake Takes them back to England 1587 Raleigh comes back with colonists (families, husbands, wives, children) to try an build a colony John White Arrived in July (humid, dry, drought) Virginia Dare (John Whites daughter) born in August Sails back to England to get supplies in 1587/1588 (year of the Spanish Armada) White cannot get back to North America White gets back to America in 1590, find nothing They are all gone No evidence for what happened The lost colony of Roanoke Proatone (carved on a tree) English give up on the Atlantic colonial enterprise for 2 decades

Richard Hatglue Colonies for England Export the commodity that England had too many people England had a surplus of population 400,000 people in London, many had no property or jobs Wanted to find homes for these people in America Provide peak commodities (profit for the mother country to be gained through colonial enterprise) Atlantic coast was heavily timbered Pitch for ships (expand the shipping industry) Funded by wealthy individuals Join-stock company Wealthy people form a company to sponsor the voyages of colonization Susans Constant, the Godspeed, the Discovery 108 men, landed in 1607 in the Chesapeake Bay Build Jamestown Named after the reigning monk Everything they learned about colonies was what they learned from Spain Military endeavors led by conquistadors Expected to send parties of men to conquer Indians, find great wealth, Fortune-Seekers Attempt to find fortune in the forest of the Algonquians (did not find fortune) Powhatan Decided to take pity on them. Im tired of feeding these people, they are useless to us, so we are going to leave them to themselves Jamestown almost goes to extinction Only 38 survived the first winter Reinforced the colony by sending more settlers Starvation was avoided by John Smith Winter of 1609 1610 only 60 survived Life in the Chesapeake was done for profit Life could be cheap Sent more people to the colony Offer people land to get them to come to England Headright system: if you can pay your way to the new world, the Virginia Company would give you 50 acres of land for each person you pay for Indentured Servitude (System): the company will transport you to the new world in exchange for your labor (4-7 years) If they survive 4-7 years of labor, then they would be awarded with freedom dues (cattle, tools, land for their service) Work you to death. Mistreated by masters, sexually abused, died from malaria 1 in 20 survived their indentured servitude More than 7,000 people crossed the Atlantic Only 1,300 survived by 1610-1624 Tobacco was a cash crop Indian wars were inevitable In 1614, Pocahontas married John Rolfe in an arranged marriage Leadership passed to Opechancanough who hated the white people Gathered his warriors to plot an attack in 1622 347 English (1/4) of the whole colony of Jamestown John Smith had an opportunity to launch an extermination of Indians

New England 2 groups: Separatists (Netherlands) seeking religious liberty Permissive, welcomed all kinds of religions Landed at Cap Cod to Plymouth Pilgrims Puritans Massachusetts Bay colony Very well-represented in politics Join-stock charter for the Massachusetts Bay colony Wanted to be self-governing John Winthrop A city upon a hill American Exceptionalism: America was ordained to be a certain land of liberty Wanted to build a biblical commonwealth No separation between church and state

The Tsenacommacah chief who hated the English and tried to drive them out was: Opechancanough Tisquantum Powhatan Massasoit

New England was build upon religious motives, rather than profit motives Migrate as a whole in the new world Move with their relatives and close friends Town-based government Clustered around a village center Farms were far away from towns Emphasis on reading and community involvement, town meetings Puritan legal codes: based on religious Attracted people more radical than the colonys leader Little religious tolerance Roger Willaims Argued that church and state should be separate Banished him, fled, NArrragansan indains Founded Providence, Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Argued that god could lead people through direct revelation Was banished and went to Rhode Island New England Tended to prevent the spread of diseases, life expectancy was ~69 years


North American in the Atlantic World, 1650-1720

Britain Advantages: Enjoyed an isolation from Europe Protected by the North Sea and the channel Did not have to have large standing armies Favored a large navy To protect commerce and maintain their empire To preserve a balance of power between the other rivals Balance of power through naval supremacy Find colonists for the new world Surplus population Enclosure movement Cultivate large sections of land with the same crop Kicking off peasants from the land Saw the colonies as a place to unload the surplus of people Disbanded the Virginia Colony, Virginia was a royal colony with an appointed Stewart Kings Successors of Queen Elizabeth James the First, Believed in the diving right of kings Did not tolerate religious dissent Virginia gets its own representative assembly House of Burgess Avoid imperial control from the mother county Beginning to rule themselves

Maryland George Calvert = secretary of state, converted to Catholicism James the First named him the first Lord Baltimore Grant of 10,000,000 acres Cecilius Calvert Son of George Calvert Maryland = Queen Mary = Catholic Haven for Catholics Became a Protestant dominant colony Fought for religious toleration Office holding for all males who were a part of the trinity (Christian)

England succeeded as a colonial power for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: Strong navy Religious unity Surplus population Isolation from Europe

Charles the First was executed Charles the Second went into exile Parliament attempted to rule England Oliver Cromwell took control as lord protector of the English commonwealth England was in chaos Colonial endeavors ceased Cromwell decided to plant a colony in Jamaica in the 1850s Left the American colonies to govern themselves Self-government in the colonies Died in 1658 Charles the Second was restored to the throne Has grudges and debts to pay The royalists dug up the body of Oliver Cromwell and beheaded him Made grants of royal land to proprietors Carolists -> Carolina Feudal society Get peasants to work the land

South Carolina Small scale English farmers from Barbados Sugarcane grown by slave laborers Charles town Used Indians as slaves After 1690 = rice became the crop Plantation owners wanted African slaves By 1720, 18,000 people in the colony Africans outnumbered to colonists 2:1North Carolina Migrated down from the Chesapeake Bay Tobacco Timber-derived products

New York The middle colony New Amsterdam Iroquois Peter Stuyvesant Deep water harbor, fur trade Puritans Lack of colonial assembly Control of Dutch-reformed church 1664 Charles the Second gives the Dutch colony to the Duke of York (brother) Hires mercenaries to sail in to New Amersterdam Dutch surrender Renamed New York after the Duke of York Uneasy religious tolerance in the New York colony

Pennsylvania William Penn Charter to get the Quakers out of England Haven for Quakers: Followers of George Fox All people have a divine spark No need for institutional churches All people were equal before god Delaware purchased from Duke of York

The colony granted to eight proprietors by Charles II was: Carolina Pennsylvania New York Maryland

What is the

Jamaica Port Royal 1692 earthquake, 3/5 sink below sea level Tsunami 8x as many slaves as England Colonialism: Conquest, subjugation, captivity

Colonies The investment in these colonies had to pay off Done for money, profit Joint-stock companies Except New England: for religious freedom (not profit) Colonies had to become economically self-sufficient Must supply their own food Had to become militarily secure against the native populations Must have land for cultivation (taken from the Indians) Conflict Native born American elites solidify control over the powers

New England: CONQUEST Bay colonies A couple years before the colonists arrived, there were disease epidemics Pequot tribe were menaced by the growth of English power Bay officials wanted to destroy the power of the PEquots before they could establish control over the colony Pequot War 90 Puritans waged war against Pequots Pequots killed 30 colonies and took captives Narangassest and Wampanoag allies to Puritans Mystic Fort was sieged 500 Pequot Indians were killed, survivors were sold as slaves to Botson households

King Philips War Metacom (King Philip) Son of Wampagnoag Massoasois Charged with plotting against the colony 1675 Confederation of tribes raided the entire Massachusetts Connecticut region 1676 All of New England was in chaos 2,000 Puritans were killed Metacom was killed Wife and son taken as prisoner Indian resistance in New England was crushed Indians were outnumbered by European settlers

Virginia Opeshcananough survived the war in 1622. The Chesapeak Bay region grew stronger as the colonists built their own militia Virginia policy pushed Indians back Soldiers marched through Indian property and killed crops

Opeshcancanough Powhatans thinking it was better to die in combat than live in subjugation in their own land More than 500 were killed. Indians lost over 1000 lives

1715 gathered surviving Indians and placed them on a reservation. Fort Christina Tobacco cultivation: Experienced labor shortage. Indentured servitude was falling out of favor. Import slavery: Portuguese Slavery was based on capture, warfare, other Not inherited by birth Portuguese started The new Englanders traded the IndiansEnglish vs Dutch

Royal African Company Crown charter to monopolize all of the salve trade Single largest trading business in the trade

English and North America were competing for the slave trade Over a 50 year perioh,british 689,000,600 captive Africans brought to America and sold to American, British, Dutch, Portuguese

The conflict known as King Philips War took place in: Barbados Pennsylvania Virginia Massachusetts

Most of the imported slaves took place on the West coast of Africa, and Angola (The Gold Coast, The Slave Coast) Allowed Europeans to set up outposts for slave trades Some West African communities became powerful Dahomi Asante These coastal kingdom received profit in the slave trades Converted costal lands into agricultural production in order to feed the slaves Gambia and Senegal in Upper Guinea resisted the slave trade Coffels, shackled in collars Basked pan = barracoons 2 feet 7 inches 300 people on a typical ship, 400 or 500 or 600 was not uncommon 15-20% fatality rate Disease, starvation, drowned themselves, From Barbados -> Chesapeake Bay African diaspora 11 million people Most transported to Caribbean and South America (Brazil) Slaves were often worked to death, then replaced by new incoming slaves North American slaves Leonard Calvert ordered African slaves because they last longer Economic decision Live longer Greater resistance to costal diseases Slavery was an inheritable status (1660s by Legislative Assembly) By condition of the mother If mom slave = child slave What kind of person can be a salve All people not being Christians, that were imported (not by race) Virginia was 6,000 white servants, and 2,000 slaves By 1700, 16,000 slaves 20,000 1750, African slaves 40% of population of Virginia

All of the following were important centers of the West African slave trade EXCEPT: Dahomey Gambia (& Senegal) Asante Angola

Slavery 1700-1800 Importation of slavery was outlawed Cattle slavery Leads us to the Civil War Slavery becomes a moral question 3/5 compromise Slaves: life in America was longer than Caribbean, climate was better, work was more reasonable, Represented property Greg Scott vs. Stanford Slave was property and had not right to sue in the court 1720s, exposed to Christian revival Slave owners resisted conversion of religion for their slaves Combined Christian and native religion No legal foundation to be married and right rights as parents If marriage, then offspring Offspring = more property to be sold Sold at age 8

List of terms to study/ study guidePrimarily short answer questionsBuy a blue book (doesnt matter which size)

Becoming America? 1720-1760 Aspects of European Colonialism in North America Creation of labor force built on servitude and slavery Conquest and subjugation of costal Indian tribes Imposition of English economic control over the colonies Political and economic factors The rise of economic and social elites in the colonies Victory over European rivals for control of the continent

Mercantilism: and effort to create dependent colonies in North America A rise in middle class To become self sufficient Wealth came through the possession of money (gold, silver, jewelry, precious metals, etc.) Want to accumulate more wealth, than expended. Precious metals obtained through foreign trade (Favorable balance of trade) more items sold than bought Import Raw materials Export Manufactured goods Every nation waned a favorable balance of trade (not possible) Nations became rivals If a nation has imperial colonies, than the colonies can make the raw materials and sell them, and buy the manufactured goods Imperialism: Colonies existed to be exploited by their home country English parliament passed the Navigation Acts to regulate trade Restricted colonial trade of goods to be shipped in British and American ships only Designated enumerated articles that could only be shipped to another colony England of other English colony Tobacco, sugar, wool, indigo All goods shipped to the colonies from other countries, had to be shipped to the mother country first Parliament passed the Staple act: mother country first, then colonies Goal: Prohibit the manufacture of certain goods in the colony. Hats, finished iron, wool goods. British mercantilism oppressed American colonies Right of trade were controlled and subverted American colonists enjoyed the close trade with England (leading manufacturing country) which produced manufactured goods. Protection by the Navy

The rise of economic and social elites in the colonies Result of exploding population figures 1700: 250,000 1760: 1,600,000 1775: 2,500,000 Tremendous growth between 1760 and 1775 A newly married man is more likely to get a square of land Ready availability of land

According to the economics of mercantilism, colonies were supposed to do all of the following EXCEPT: Supply raw materials Provide markets for manufactures Provide investment opportunities Produce manufactured goods

Slave Trade West indies: 4.143 million slaves Sugar plantations Brazil: 2.204 million slaves Less than 5% end up in colonies in North America There were inceptives to keep the slaves alive because the slaves were an investment Malaria in South Carolina killed thousands of slaves Slave population began to increase naturally Slave owners discovered that it was profitable for slaves to live together in a family life to produce children, who would become slaves when they grew up (matriarchy) 350,000 came to colonies encouraged immigration to the new world to build the imperial strength of populations recruited non-english people Scotts-Irish immigrants Upland countries African Dutch Hudson river English-Welsh Middle colonies, new England Scottish Highland Presbytarian Scottish protesters from Ireland Crop failure Loss of political rights 1725-1750 Philadelphia: was the port most came in from Blue Ridge mountains Piedmont country: backroad county Germans: Amish, Arabian, Mennonites Austria, Seeking freedom Came to Pennsylvania 85,000 Germans Most people coming to the New World were African More Germans came to the new world than English Many came as redemptioneers, groups migrated together Faced resentment from established groups The people who came first, resent the people who come in next.People came to America for prosperity Depended on economic status of new arrivals More elite families with resources were in better position to take advantage of the natural growth in population. Why didnt America replicate the class system in England? Colonial societies did not suffer from people who didnt own any property because they could always take land in the Hinterland (rural regions) Eliminated the landless urban poor 2/3 owned their own land people lived longer in the Atlantic Colonies than in England birth rate was high Europeans brought their social values with them, the American society reflect Monarchy, nobility, and commonpeople Monarchy: royal appointees, hereditary bloodlines, Nobility: merchants Common people: Not ruled with Serfs, replaced by slaves Upper crust controlled the wralth Top 10% of the population earned 60% of the wealth 90% people lived the in countryside; farmed for themselves

Large numbers of immigrants to the Atlantic colonies in the 1700s included all of the following EXCEPT: German Rhinelanders Greek Orthodox Catholics Scots-Irish Presbyterians African Slaves

Pardoning of social classes Men of birth and fortune should be invested in power and enjoy higher powers with the people If the upper class doesnt control things, the poor people will take away their wealth They elected elite members to vote because in the ensuing conflicts of colonial society, they were not struggles between rich and poor. They were conflicts Between the American nobility and the English monarchy

English, French and Spanish Settlements Spanish: west coast French: North English: East

Spain: Rio Grande Valley (New Mexico) Sante Fe, New Mexico in 1598 Onate Most populous Spanish speaking inhabitants 20-30,000 Spanish speaking people in New Mexico colonies San Javier Noback Tuson Arizona Pima ria de Alta Texas Worried about penetration form other Europeans (French) Tried to convert coastal Indians to Catholicism Tried to establish military presence Did not work Only a couple thousand Spanish speaking people in Texas Sparsely inhabited by non-indians Comanche Indians Trade networks with French outpost Raid, and slave trade Moses Austin Bring American settlers in to Texas to become citizens Stephen Austin

Alta California Spanish sea captains coast the pacific Russian established Port Ross 1769 Established a chain of missions through the Franciscans in order to get more settlers up the coast San Francisco: Fog Founded in 1776 Not very highly populatedFrench Louis the 14th The Sun King Champlain Establish base in Quebec and Montreal Huron Iroquois in New York Fur trade with Indians for manufactured goods Colonial policy built on establishing fur trade Ohio valley Into the Mississippi Valley Rarely intermarried Jacque Marquett and Joliet Arkansas/Mississippi River 1673 Rene Robert Cavalier Sieur de La Salle Fur trade in the Ohio valley Wanted to get to the Mississippi valley Gulf of Mexico: mouth of the Mississippi River Controls interior drainage Of Missouri river Plan to take a party of colonists to establish a colony (Louisiana) But failed to find the river again Shipwreck near Galvastan Bay Founded a colony near Matagorda

Which of the following was NOT part of the Spanish provinces in North America? Pimeria Alta Alta California Hispaniola New Mexico

English Pierre Le Moyne dIberville Louisiana became another slave colony (not a cotton plantation yet) Not very prosperous Population increased exponentially Advantage in numbers

King Williams War Acadia Failed to take Quebec Both sides used Indian allies to make war on the other

Queen Annes War English wanted to capture Quebec (French Canada) But failed Treaty of Yutrek English won Novascotia 25 years of peace in North America After Queen Annes War

King Georges War proposed a buffer colony to be buil between the Carolina county and Florida James Obalthorpe founded the new colony Georgia (after King George) Savannah Dictatorial rule Long list of regulations Prohibition against slavery Land grants in excess of 500 acres Prohibition against alcohol Georgia colony failed Georgia became a royal colony, similar to Carolina colony Built on rice, indigo, and plantation slavery Spanish was angered about the Georgia settlement Asiento: agreement where English could send 1 shipload of goods per year to the Caribbean and Spanish colonies British sea captain smugglers Robert Jenkins Spanish caught his ship And Spanish cut off ear hear Help up his ear to Parliament Began the War of Jenkins Ear Austrian succession 9 years in length Florida and French Canada 5,000 American colonial lives lost

The planned settlement in the buffer colony of Georgia was the grand design of: dlberville Robert Cavalier, Sieur de La Salle George Washington James Oglethorpe

French and Indian War (Seven Years War) Ohio River Valley George Washington played a role in starting the Seven Years War Allegiance of Hotnashonee and Iroquois 27 separate invasions Saratoga was captured, burned, looted, People were carted off the French Canada 3 Rivers come together Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania George Crogan 1749 British government granted 20,000 acre track in the Ohio valley English pushing into the Ohio valley French seeked alliances with western tribes Indians preferred to trade with French because English colonists were the greatest threats. Wanted to keep the English out of their land Showdown spot Virginia crowned government asked the French to leave Sent a young American colonial militiamen (George Washington) French was constructing a Fort Starting a world war George Washington: Fort Necessity in swampy low land Albany Conference: Join or die Figure out how to get the Iroquois to remain neutral and not side with the French Iroquois figured out that the greater threat to their future was from English colonial expansion The French werent going to take over their land like the English Summer 1765 British sent an army to march up to the backcountry and force the French out of For Bucane Insisted on building a road French and Indians attacked from both The Indian tribes in the interior concluded that the British shouldnt be allies because they are bad at fighting. So they ally with the French England and French concluded that this was the pivotal moment of who would control North America 1757 Starts in North America and spreads to Europe France and Britain were after North America Sent thousands of troops to fight William Pitt move the bulk of the British army to the North American forest. Dispatched a large British army Appoint James Wolf Jeffery Amherst in command Young and energetic officers July 1758, captured Lewis Borg Guards the entrance to the Gulf of St Lawrence British are in position to cut the supply line to New France English have 1.5 million people More established New France has 75,000 people Do not have the capacity to wage war 1759 General Vance Wool led 5,000 troops to Quebec in night time to the Plains of Abraham, attacked from the land French surrendered and Quebec fell General Vance Wool died The British expelled the French The Treaty of Paris Interior of the country was lost to British Louisiana, Great Lakes, St Lawrence, Florida Spain takes control of New Orleans, Louisiana, Indian allies Cherokee revolted North Carolina and Gerogia Suppressed in 1761 Geoffery Amherst Idnians in the Mississippi valley have misbehaved Used mastiffs (dogs) against Indians directed officers to distribute blankets to Indians infected with smallpox Ohio valley, Pontiac gathered many Indian forces to wage war against fort pitt Heavy losses 2000 troops and settlers were killed Pontiacs Rebellion/ War for Indian Independence Nioland argued that because they had abandoned their European ways, they has to base themselves and gone astral Destroyed their cultural identity

Which of the following America cititis is named after Britisdh minister who effectively expelled the French from North America? Washington, DC Charleston Wilmington Pittsburgh

Parliament Proclamation of 1763 Convinced the ministers of parliament that time and space needed to work out different Established a boundary upon which colonists were not supposed to pass Prohibited from English colonists to cross to the land of the Cherokees Give crown officials time to work out treaties Colonists were outraged by this Struggle between American nobility and English monarchy Everyone had a fixed place in society Would take generations to alter that view American became self conscious fo their rights and political freedom Controlled their salary Attraged to idea of Whig politician to fight against the crown, right of representation Enlightenment Rationalism: trust in the human mind to solve problems Secular Isaac Newtons principia mathematica Scientific laws governed the universe Gravity Human nature John Lock: human Understanding The ideas of the enlightenment were a backdrop to the American Revolution Thomas Paine believed that God was a creator and instigator of natural law Applied religion: enlightenment was a guiding force Great Awakening Philosophical new age of reason Finances England: national debt increased dramatically from sending troops to America Grenville: devoid of imagination Salutary neglect Beneficial for colonies, not England Violations of law were common Revenue system System of laws and increased enforcement would fix this American public debt was small. 2.6 million pounds (England 137 milllion pounds) Parliament passed a series of taxes aimed at the colony The Currency Act of 1764 Prohibited the use of printing paper money Reduced the duty of foreign molasses Destroyed the smuggling trade Divided the noth American bristish colonies from the Caribbean Stamp Tax 1765 Required revenue stamps to be attacked to all papers Taxed wealthy more than poor Easy to administer Grenville assumed no opposition Protest, stamp tax hit every group in every section simultaneously First internal economic tax of the colonies Main argument: parliament did not have the right to tax colonies without representation Virtual representation: every member of parliament represents the entire empire Andrew Oliver: better to resign commission Patrick Henrys 7 Revolution No taxation without representation Denied parliament right to legislate over the colonies Virginia Resolves Grenville ministry fell Replaced by lord Rockingham Repeal of the stamp act Declaratory act Right to pass whatever laws it felt necessary to regulate to colonies Replaced by William Pitt Charles Townson Argue that government should accept colonial distinction between internal and external colonies You cannot tax people and make them happy (Burke)Prime Minister Grenvilles taxes included all of the following EXCEPT: Declaratory Act Currency Act Sugar Act Stamp Act

Chapter 5: The Ends of Empire, 1754-1774 5 short answer (75-80%) 5 identification (20-25%)

Townsand argued that the government should make a distinction between Stamp Act is repealed. Ben Franklin Colonial hand Samuel Adams Mass general court to issue a circular letter to other legislators RI, Penn, CT Inviting a coordinated resistance First attempt at colonial cooperation Protest of economic boycotts British merchants suffered the most Townsend Duties Raised taxes, hurt the British manufacturers who couldnt sell things at higher prices. Scraped in Spring 1770 Tea was still taxed by parliament 1770 Quartering of Troops in Boston Outraged residents because March 5th, boy threw snowballs at soldiers Soldiers fired their weapons and killed 5 Boston men (Crispus Atticus) Defense Attorney (John Adams) Soldiers were acquitted

Prime minister argued against 1773 parliament responded with the Tea Act East India Company wanted a monopoly on the British tea trade in the American Colonies Eliminate the middleman, decrease smuggling Imposed a tax on tea Colonies: an attempt of parliament to monopolize a particular part of the trade If they can do it to tea, they can do it to anything Boston Tea Party. Dec 16 Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson 3 ships with tea Wanted Hutchinson to tell the ships not to dock Hutchinson let the ships land Sons of liberty disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians Dumped the tea into Boston Harbor (18,000 lbs) ~10,000 British pounds Parliament: passed the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts) (1774) Intended to be punitive The Boston Port Act Closed the port of Boston until the tea was paid for Massachusetts Government Act Revoked the charter, made council appointed instead of elected Quartering Act Allowed military commanders to seize public buildings to quarter soldiers. Thought it would solve the protests.. The Actions actually provided evidence of an abusive government 3 colonies independently raised the idea of meeting with delegates from all colonies to provide a response Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Virginia Not universally accepted by the British colonies in the West Indies Act of defiance Legislative bodies elected delegates to go to the convention

Which of the following was NOT one of the Coercive Acts? Boston Port Act Stamp Act Quartering Act Massachusetts Government Act

First Continental Congress (Sept 1774) [before the Revolution] Met in Philadelphia Carpenters Hall 50 delegates 1/3 mongrels, 1/3 tories, 1/3 loyalists Leaders: John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Dickenson, Richard Henry Lee, George Washington, etc. Had never met the delegates from other colonies Not familiar with each other and their colonies Oriented toward their own prerogatives of their own colonies Try to find a joint response to the actions of parliament Renounce the authority of parliament Richard Harley Lee Americans should be loyal to the King Parliament has no authority over us Conservatives: create its own legislative assembly to ratify the laws of parliament Failed, not passed Produced the Declaration of Rights and Grievances Denied that the colonies were seeking independence Argued that parliament did not have a right to have tax of tea Had to be voluntary Passed 3 measures designed to exert economic pressure on England Boycott importation of English goods Aimed at prohibiting the importation of African slaves (Chesapeake delegates were hurt by this) Asked Americans not to consume British imports Boycotted the exportation of American goods to Britain and West Indies Drafted an agreement Continental Associations Encourage Americans to enforce the embargo They assumed more control over local daily governmental affairs in the colonies in proportion to the Become more powerful (shadow governments over time) Highly partisan Keep track of who was listening, and enforcing the embargo, and who was not Actions precipitating Revolution

Second Continental Congress (July 1776) [after the Revolution]

Doctrine of Revolutionary Republicanism Political doctrine High levels: reflected political theory among the mass of common people in America Fear of a conspiracy of corrupt power to suppress their economic and political freedoms 3 types of republicanism Classical Educated new Englanders (Adams) Republics work best when they are small and homogenous Not too much diversity Modeled after Rome and Ancient Greece (democracy) Works best when citizens are willing to give up personal gain for the public good Argued for the existence of enlightened citizenry Natural Aristocracy People will look to their betters Problem: American does not remain small or homogeneous American becomes heterogenous Adams Smith (Nutriests) Free market manifest Argued for the greater whole of citizens pursuing radial self interests Works out for the greater whole Peaceful economic growth and prosperity Held by regular people in the colony Government existsed to respond to the needs of the people Rejected the notion that only the well educated should hold positions in authority Common people have a republican virtue and wisdom Rejects the class-based society Working People There are different parts of republicans

Republicanism is based on basic principles of gov and how it functions Power vs. Liberty Parliament vs. King Thomas Paine Monarchy was the problem because it was incompatible with liberty In rejecting monarchy, Rejected the notion that political authority arrived from government The natural state of human kind is anarchy People made a social contract with sovereign ruler King existed by their power to create law and order. King protected them Power ultimately corrupted those who wielded it Liberty = freedom from the control of others, especially coercive Thomas Paine, John Adams, Henry Lee Rule by the consent of the governed Popular Sovereignty: the people rule The authority to govern comes from the consent of the people themselves Government from the bottom up

The leaders of the colonies still saw themselves as independent

The political doctrine of Revolutionary Republicanism is rooted in the struggle between: Religion and Reason The upper and lower classes Power and Liberty Enumerated vs. Implied Powers

History Discussion (February 18) Who what when where why concept is significant Metacom (Identification) Powhatan Where did he live When did he live What did he do Why is he significant Short Answer Better grade based on more information

Inevitability Predetermined Predestined The idea that everything that has ever happened in human history has already been decided by God or a higher power, the universe, etc. Can you prove that something was inevitable? That it had to happen that specific way, with evidence other than faith? No. Messes around with the idea of free will The American Revolution was not inevitable There are other choices people could have made instead of revolting against Great Britain The leaders always had choices The war didnt have to continue

Contingency The idea that people dont have free will and cant do whatever they want They have limited options, but they still have options They did not have to continue with the war Even if you believe in free will you cant prove inevitability

Alternative History/ Speculation What would have happened if something happened differently It is impossible to prove that things could have been better or worse if something were different

How to write history paper Job is to look at sources and come up with a unique argument and prove that it is true First Sentence: Argument/Thesis Can use first person (I believe) Make sure it is clear Remaining Intro sentences: Support (evidence) Laying out what you are going to use/examine to prove your argument. Body Paragraph Focus on one support Do not tell a story Present a new argument and try to prove it Needs to be tightly focused around one support and nod back to your thesis Recognize you argument, support your argument, and prove your argument Conclusion Restated introduction

General Rule for writing in Academia Dont use colloquial terms/slang Dont use Contractions Cant vs. cannot Possessive Plurals The Indians corn = one Indians corn The Indians corn = more than one Indians corn

Being Concise Be precise in your word choice Stick with small sentences Short, simple, precise sentences Use plain language and be direct

Sentence Structure Subject, predicate (verb), object Subject always comes first Make sure each sentence begins with a subject, person, or group of people The fish swam upriver.