his 122 ch 27 new deal america

New Deal America Chapter 27

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  • 1. Chapter 27

2. Presidential Election of 1932Roosevelt/ Garner (D) E.C. 472, Popular Vote: 22,818,740 57.4; 57.4 Hoover/Curtis (R) E.C. 59, Popular Vote : 1 15,760,425 39.6; % 39.6 3. 1932 Inaugural Addresshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX_v0z xM23Q 4. Questions What is the biggest issue to conquer? How does Roosevelt describe fear Why would fear be a topic of a Presidential inauguraladdress? What does the President suggest America needs? Who or what does the President blame for the depression? What action does he urge Americans to take? 5. The Galloping Snail, Detroit News, March, 1933 6. New Deal America Relief Measures Hoover opposed any direct federal assistance to individual Americans in need. Roosevelt bypassed states to directly aid individual Americans. Civilian Conservation Corps: jobs for unmarried men 18-25 Plant trees, construction projects Work = pay; directed by army officers; semi-military discipline Like Hoover, he hoped to avoid creating a generation on the dole 7. Regulatory Efforts Agricultural Assistance Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 Sought to raise prices by paying farmers and ranchers to reduce production Reviving Industrial Growth National Industrial Recovery Act Public Works Administration built buildings, roads and flood control systems, greatly improving infrastructure National Recovery Administration: standardize wages and prices 8. Regulatory Efforts Regional Planning Tennessee Valley Authority Electrical power and jobs Dams/cheap electricity/electric power lines to rural homesteads 9. The Dust Bowl 10. Causes of the Dust Bowl Irresponsible use of technology Technological advances in farm equipment sold to farmers to increase acreage and yield Between 1925 and 1930 more than 5 million acres of previously unused farmland was plowed Failure to recognize the natural ecology of the land Tall prairie grasses necessary to combat erosion As grasses were destroyed to make way for wheat fields, natural balance of the land was also destroyed Wheat and cleared fields enabled erosion of topsoil as drought increased War & Market failures Wheat was overproduced by American farmers to make up for underproduction in Europe As wheat prices plummeted during the early years of the Great Depression farmers planted more wheat hoping that quantity would compensate for low prices Climate Change Increased temperatures Drought Dust Storms increased from 14 in 1932 to 40 in 1933 11. http://town.hall.org/radio/HarperAudio/021 694_harp_ITH.html 12. Minorities and the New Deal African Americans FDRs New Deal did not address longstanding patterns of racism andsegregation in the South FDR feared that to do so would alienate Southern Democratic congressmen Agricultural Adjustment Act African American tenant farmers hurt when AAA required farmland to go fallow because white landowners targeted farmland leased by African Americans to be plowed under first. FHA refused to guarantee mortgages purchased by African Americans inwhite neighborhoods Mexican immigrants & Hispanic Americans CA, NM, CO, TX, AZ and many Midwestern states Hispanic people required to prove citizenship and denied New Deal benefits when they could not do so Hispanics deported: 500,000 Mexican parents and American-born children deported by 1935 (Texas: 250,000) Native Americans Indian Reorganization Act Permitted Native American tribes to revise constitutions Restored some land lost in the Dawes Act Women could vote and hold office 13. Court Cases and Civil Rights Laws Grovey v. Townsend (1935) upheld the Texas Democratswhite primaries Scottsboro Boys trials (1931 1937) Last defendant left Alabama in 1943 Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall." Effective assistance of counsel Questions of white only juries Who should be tried as an adult Right to a speedy trial Questioning victims of rape 14. Culture in the Thirties Literature and the Depression The Grapes of Wrath Popular Culture Mass communication Roosevelts fireside chats Newsreels Movies Westerns Shirley Temple Marx Brothers Musicals 15. The Second New Deal Supreme Court Opposition Many New Deal programs ruled unconstitutional Nine Old Men Packing the Court The Second New Deal (19351936) Works Progress Administration replaced Federal Emergency Relief Administration Wagner Act (Fair Labor Standards Act) Social Security 16. Wagner Act Prohibited employers from interfering with unionactivities Workers permitted to bargain through Union chosen by workers Required a minimum wage 17. Social Security Act of 1935 Stipend paid to aged, disabled, widows Payroll tax on employees and a matching payroll tax onemployers 18. Revenue Act of 1935 Wealth Tax Raised income taxes on persons making more than $50,000 ($50,000 in todays dollars would be $847, 457.63 Progressive tax could tax up to 75% of income of $5,000,000. ($84,745,762.71 today). Soak the Rich tax Rich people were against it Inflation Calculatorhttp://inflationdata.com/Inflation/Inflation_Calculat ors/Inflation_Rate_Calculator.asp 19. 1936 ElectionFDR (D) E.C. 523 Popular Vote : 27,752,648 (60.8%) Alfred Landon (R) E.C. 8 Popular Vote: 16,681,862 (36.5%) 20. Roosevelts Second Term A New Direction for Unions Union membership soared A Slumping Economy To slow economic growth and minimize inflation FDR cut government spending on social programs Stock Market slumped 4 million workers laid off 21. Grumbling Among Southern Democrats FDR had courted African American voters to help win election of 1936 Southern Democrats opposed any attempts to reform segregation or encourage social equality Southern Democrats stayed home in the midterm elections of 1938 and Republicans took control of the House of Representatives Dissatisfaction among Southern Democrats would erupt during Lyndon B. Johnsons administration with the Equal Employment Act and the Voting Rights Act Richard Nixon would use the Southern Strategy of luring Southern Democrats to the Republican party in his successful election campaigns in 1968 and 1972