hindalco ppt.1


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HINDALCO: COMPANY PROFILE AND ROLE OF PROMOTERSGROWTH STORY OF THE COMPANY& SHAREHOLDING PATTERNABOUT THE COMPANY An industry leader in aluminium and copper.World's largest aluminium rolling company and one of the biggest producers of primary aluminium in Asia. Worlds largest copper smelter at a single location.ORIGINATION Established in 1958, the company started its frst aluminium facility at Renukoot in eastern Uttar Pradesh, India in 1962. Later with acquisitions and mergers, with Indal, Birla Copper and the Nifty and Mt. Gordon copper mines in Australia, strengthened the companys position in value-added alumina, aluminium and copper products.The acquisition of Novelis Inc. in 2007 positioned the company among the top fve aluminium majors worldwide and the largest vertically integrated aluminium company in India. Today the company has a global footprint in 13 countries with a consolidated turnover of USD 14.8 billion (`80,193 crore).COMPANYS BUSINESSThe Company deals in business of:Aluminium (34%)Alumina chemicals (8%)Primary aluminium (10%)Aluminium extrusions (2%)Aluminium rolled products (11%)Foil and packaging (3%)Copper (66%)SAP, DAP, Complexes precious metals (14%)Copper Cathodes (26%) Concast copper rods (26%)CORE PRODUCTS 34%66%Aluminium and other Aluminium productsCopper and other copper productsMAJOR PLAYERS IN THE MARKET MARKET SHARE 23%5%4%68%BalcoNalcoOthersHindalcoSHARE PRICES OF THE COMPANY Acquisitions and Mergers In June 2000, acquisition of controlling stake in Indian Aluminium Company Limited (Indal) with 74.6 per cent equity holding.On 11 February 2007, the company entered into an agreement to acquire the Canadian company Novelis for US$6 billion, making the combined entity the world's largest rolled-aluminium producer. On 15 May 2007, the acquisition was completed with Novelis shareholders receiving $44.93 per outstanding share of common stock.Hindalco, through its wholly owned subsidiary AV Metals Inc., acquired 75,415,536 common shares of Novelis, representing 100 percent of the issued and outstanding common shares.In July 2007, Hindalco announced it is acquiring the stake of Alcan Inc. in the Utkal Alumina Project located in Orissa.FORBES RANKING Hindalco is listed on the 2013 Forbes Global 2000 at the position 895.COMPANYS MANAGEMENT SHAREHOLDING PATTERNPROMOTERSWHO IS A PROMOTER?Acorporate promoteris a person who solicits people to invest money into a corporation, usually when it is being formed. Aninvestment banker, anunderwriter, or astock promotermay, wholly or in part, perform the role of a promoter. Promoters generally owe a duty of utmost good faith, so as to not mislead any potential investors, and disclose all material facts about the company's business.TYPES OF PROMOTERSProfessional Promoters: They are experts who specialise in company promotion. They foat the company and hand it over to the shareholders or their representatives. Promotion is their main profession or occupation.Occasional Promoters: There promoters take interest in foating some companies. They are not engaged in promotion work on a regular basis. They take up the promotion of some company and once it is over they go to their original profession. For instance, engineers, lawyers etc. may foat some companies.Entrepreneur Promoters: They are both promoters and entrepreneurs. They conceive idea of a new business unit, do the groundwork to establish it and subsequently become a part of the management.Financier Promoters: Some fnancial institutions, like investment banks or industrial banks, may take up the promotion of a company with a view to fnding opportunities for investment.FUNCTIONS OF PROMOTERSDiscovery of a business idea: The frst stage in company promotion is the conception of a new idea. It is the promoter who conceives the idea of setting up a business. If makes an assessment of the viability of a particular business.Detailed investigation: Promoters undertakes a detailed investigation of the viability, proftability and future prospects of the growth of the proposed activity. To assist then in this venture, they seek the help of specialists such as chartered Accountants, Cost Accountants, Company Secretary, Engineers. Organisations engaged in market research and other specialised agencies.Assembling the factors of production: If the proposed endeavour gives promise of success and the promoter is willing to undertake the risk of forming the business, step must be taken to assemble various factors of production viz, land, labour, capital and managerial personnel. Entering into preliminary contracts: The promoter enters into contracts with diferent parties before the registration of the company. After registration, the company approves these contracts.THANK YOUPRESENTATION BY:SAMIEL TRIPATHI13118564BBA F&A