hilton barbados 5th anniversary supplement

SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 12-PAGE FEATURE Hilton Barbados Celebrates 5th Anniversary since reopening “We support World Tourism Day 2010”

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Newspaper Supplement for Hilton Barbados' 5th Anniversary


Page 1: Hilton Barbados 5th Anniversary Supplement

SEPTEMBER 26, 2010


Hilton BarbadosCelebrates 5th Anniversary

since reopening“We support World Tourism Day 2010”

Page 2: Hilton Barbados 5th Anniversary Supplement

Message From Ministerof Tourism Richard Sealy.

IT IS an enormous pleasurefor me to share in the fifthanniversary celebrations ofthe reopening of HiltonBarbados, which hasmaintained the finereputation for which theHilton brand has come tobe known globally.

Congratulations to themanagement and staff onthis landmark achievement,particularly at a time whenthe impact of the economiccrisis is taking its toll on somany businesses.

The decision to establishany kind of business carriesinherent risks, risks that thethen Government ofBarbados was prepared totake when it came to anagreement with HiltonGlobal to establish in thiscountry in 1966 a 184-roomhotel with a staff of 350Barbadians.

That decision was a keyone for the development ofBarbados’ tourism industryand I am particularlypleased to have learned of,and personally seen, thegrowth and development ofthis hotel over the decades.

An often usedexpression in Barbadossays “nothing good comeseasy” and so it has beenwith Hilton Barbados;there have been challengingtimes in the past and weare currently facingenormous difficulties in theindustry. This is why it isimportant, perhaps nowmore than ever, for serviceexcellence andprofessionalism to be the

watchwords in our tourismbusiness.

This hotel exemplifiesthis truism, and I must saythat in the course of themany meetings, receptionsand other events that I haveattended at the Hilton, Ihave observed a high levelof service andprofessionalism, both in theplanning and execution ofthe wide range of servicesoffered by the hotel.

Moreover, HiltonBarbados has trulymoulded itself to suit theBarbadian landscape andthis is admirable, since nowat a time of economiccrisis, visitors andBarbadians alike havemade a contributiontowards keeping this hotelat the forefront of thetourism industry. It isalmost customary to see ablend of locals and visitorsutilising all the services ofthis hotel.

Allow me at this point to

acknowledge the key roleplayed by Marilyn Soper,the immediate past generalmanager, in bringing to theHilton Barbados a style ofmanagement which wasfirm, yet sensitive to theneeds of staff and clientsalike.

Undoubtedly, her sterlingefforts in no small measurecontributed to making theHilton Barbados thesuccess that it is today, andto allowing locals to feel aswelcome to the Hilton asdo visitors to the island.

Hilton Barbados isoperating in a world totallydifferent from when it firstopened its doors in 1966.The emergence of newtourism markets all acrossthe globe present travellerswith a dizzying array ofchoices for their nextholiday destination. Thismakes it incumbent uponus to work faster and worksmarter to attract visitors toBarbados. I am certain thatyou are equal to the task offinding those newstrategies that will helpkeep the Hilton at the topof its game and Barbados apremier tourism destinationand the Number Onedeveloping country in theworld.

Congratulations to allwho have been associatedin any way with thecontinued growth of thisfine establishment. Bestwishes and every successin your future endeavours.


5th Anniversary

Message from ShawnFranklin, acting chairmanof Needham’s PointHolding.AS THE HILTONBARBADOS celebrates itsfifth anniversary ofoperations since itsreincarnation and its hand-over to the manager, HiltonInternational (now HiltonWorldwide), the Board ofDirectors of Needham'sPoint Holdings Ltd, theowning company, extendsits sincere congratulationsto the hotel's managementand staff.

The owner is particularlypleased with the hotel'sdirect and indirectcontributions to thecountry's economy duringthe past five years of itsoperation, concurrent withbeing an exemplarycorporate citizen.

It is noteworthy thatwithin those yearsBarbadians have occupied

very senior positionsranging from departmentheads to middlemanagement andsupervisory level. Hilton isto be complimented for notonly recognising theowner’s policy of providingBarbadians with theopportunity to fill suchpositions, but also in

promoting and hiring themwhen the occasions arose.

It is the Board’s viewthat the Hilton’s adherenceto this policy hasdemonstrated to the hotelindustry as whole that thereare skilled Barbadians whoare capable of fillingmanagement positionsonce given the opportunity.

In addition, the hotel'sgeneral manager continuesto develop its employeesthrough continuous training,which is demonstrated inthe high level of serviceprovided to its guests, bothlocal and overseas.

We look forward to thecontinuation of the hotel'sprovision of this high qualityservice to all of its guest inthe future, as well as thecontinued development andtraining of its teammembers as HiltonBarbados continues to beone of the pillars of our vitaltourism industry.


The successstorycontinues


Page 3: Hilton Barbados 5th Anniversary Supplement

Message from GeneralManager of HiltonBarbados, MatthewMullan

AS WE CELEBRATE thefifth anniversary of the

reopening of the HiltonBarbados, it is good tolook back and rememberthe many days of fun andhappiness experienced bythe tens of thousands ofguests who graced thepremises.

Some will also rememberthe old Hilton property withfond memories of thatexperience prior to theimplosion in 1999. I haveno doubt you will agree thatthe team involved has builta beautiful world class hotelfacility that will continue todominate the business andsocial calendar of Barbadosfor many years to come.

At this moment ofcelebration, I would like tothank the people ofBarbados for the supportthey afforded the hotel overthe last five years. Whetherit is a wedding, christening,business meeting, banquetor just a visit for a meal,your continued patronage isa wonderful testament tothe services provided bythe team.

When you visit, you areamong family, friends andrelatives in a welcomingand hospitable environmentand we will remain focusedon delivering a qualityexperience for all.

I must at this timeacknowledge the teammembers who have donetheir nation proud. Whenoverseas guests visit these

shores they receive awonderful, warm welcomeas though they are

returning home.This has delivered a high

proportion of repeat guests

and ensured that the realfacts about Barbadianwarmth and hospitality arecontinually spread aroundthe world. It may be the bigsmile on arrival, the hand offriendship on departure orindeed everything thathappens in between thatensure it all adds up to anexperience that many inthis world will only dreamof.

My heartfelt thanks goout to each and every oneof the team members whohas played a part in thissuccess.

As we reflect on fiveyears of history we mustalso look ahead to thechallenges we face in thesedifficult times. I reassureyou that with theknowledge and expertisegained over the last fiveyears we are fully preparedto lead the resurgence ofBarbados tourism. Withyour continued support Ihave no doubt we will enjoysignificant success that youcan be proud of.

DIRECTOR OFOPERATIONS R. LeroyBrowne has been withHilton Barbados for thepast three years. However,he has been involved in thelocal hospitality industry forover 25 years, during whichhe has gained vastexperience in hoteloperations.

Browne served as foodand beverage manager atthe Colony Club Hotel andthe Royal Westmorelandbefore taking on seniorhotel management roles atsuch properties as SilverSands Resort, the CraneResort and Residencesand, more recently, asgeneral manager of theTamarind Cove Hotel.

In his present position atHilton Barbados, he isresponsible for overseeingthe hotel's operationalaspects, including theEngineering, Food and

Beverage, Kitchen,Housekeeping, Recreation,Security and all Front Officedepartments.

Browne describes HiltonBarbados as a great placeto work and one where theteam spirit is excellent,noting that the businessoffers great challenges,excellent development andwonderful career prospects.

JENNIFER BARROW startedat Hilton Barbados at thebeginning of this year in thenew role of director ofbusiness development withresponsibility for sales andmarketing, reservations andrevenue management.

She spent over 20 yearsin the tourism sector,involved with propertymanagement and marketingas well as destinationmarketing. During thatperiod her roles includedregional sales manager inCanada, the United Statesand United Kingdom for theBarbados Tourism Authority.

Barrow also held the position of worldwide director ofsales and marketing for the Elegant Hotels Group anddeputy director of tourism, marketing, for the BritishVirgin Islands Tourist Board.


5th Anniversary

Browne is directorof operations

Barrow focuses onbusiness development

Thank you, for your support




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5th Anniversary

CHERYL CORBIN joinedthe team of HiltonBarbados in August 2004in preparation for theopening of the newproperty.

Her career in hospitalitycovers over 25 years, with

the majority of these yearsspent in the areas of humanresources, and learning anddevelopment/training.

She holds a BSc. inManagement Studies with aconcentration in HotelManagement and a MSc. inHuman Resources andTraining.

Corbin's responsibilitiesas a member of theexecutive team, involveleading, planning, directingand integrating the humanresource processes andprogrammes. Theseenhance the company'sability to deliver exceptionalservice and to support thecompany's financial andbusiness targets.

Having served on anumber of committeesrelated to people andindustry development,along with directinvolvement in the humanresources development ofindustry personnel bothlocally and overseas,Corbin seeks to maintainhigh standards andunparalleled degrees ofexcellence in theworkplace.


SHIRLEY GARNES becamedirector of finance in April2010, having previously heldthe position of assistantdirector of finance fromOctober 2007.

Garnes possesses over25 years’ experience in thearea of accounting with herprimary experience havingbeen gained in the hotelindustry. She is a certifiedmanagement accountantand holds a Masters inBusiness Administration.

Her experience spans allaspects of accounting in thehotel environment from thepreparation of budgets,management of foreign funds to the development of costcontrols. Garnes has worked regionally in St. Lucia,Antigua and Jamaica.

Garnes well groundedin hotel finance field



Page 5: Hilton Barbados 5th Anniversary Supplement

A DYNAMIC TEAM of professionals with awealth of industry experience driven by adesire for continued success.

This sums up Hilton Barbados’ Salesand Marketing team whose members areresponsible for the marketing, branddevelopment, advertising and revenuegeneration of the hotel.

Jennifer Barrow, the hotel’s director ofbusiness development, heads thedepartment whose 11 members are sub-divided intovarioussections, eachof which has aspecificresponsibilityto developbusinessglobally fromvarious marketcategories.

The department includes Gina Sealy,director of sales who oversees the teamconsisting of two group sales managers –LaToya Louizon and Dianne Gaskin; twogroup services managers – Rosina Valasseand Tracy Jones and one business travelmanager – Lisa Gibson.

Working in tandem with the above areJo-Ann Boyce, catering sales manager;Teresa Nicholls, catering sales coordinator;

Simone Reid, sales agent/weddingscoordinator and Judy Agard,administrative assistant, who manages thehotel’s Club Liaison Incentive programme.

These members of the team handle allgroup rooms and catering sales specific toconferences, company meetings,exhibitions, board meetings, familyreunions, graduations, weddings and themany other catering sales events hostedby the hotel.


Dynamic sales,marketing team

MEMBERS of Hilton Barbados’ Sales and Marketing team with Jennifer Barrow (centre),director of business development. (GP)

5th Anniversary

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Grand celebra-


5th Anniversary

TEAM MEMBERS cutting the fifth anniversary cake with Matthew Mullan (centre), HiltonBarbados’ general manager, during the team member luncheon to celebrate the significantmilestone. (GP)

HILTON BARBADOS’management and teammembers with some ofBarbados’ key tourismpartners after the fifth

anniversary thanksgivingchurch service at the

St Patrick’s RomanCatholic Cathedral. (GP)

ROSEANNE MYERS (left), general manager ofAtlantis Submarines, Inspector Jeffery Howell(centre), the Royal Barbados Police Force’s tourismliaison officer and British High Commissioner PaulBrummell enjoying Hilton Barbados’ fifthanniversary cocktail reception. (GP)


countrymanager of

Esso StandardOil, speaking

with Dr BrendtHart, chargé d’

affaires at theUnited States

Embassy, indiscussion

during HiltonBarbados’ fifth


reception. (GP)

TERESAFONTENELLEfrom theBanquetingDepartment(left) enjoyingthe 5thanniversary funday with herfamily at theBoatyard. (GP)

SOME of Hilton Barbados’Team Members enjoying agame of dominoes during thefun day at the Boatyard. (GP)

MARISSA LINDSAY entertaining guests at the fifth anniversary dinner in The Grille.


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5th Anniversary

WITH OVER 200 team members out of a total of450 company-wide, Food and Beverage makes upthe largest department in the hotel. The mainfunction is to provide all guests, both non-residentand in house guests with excellent food andbeverage offerings and exceptional service delivery.

This department fulfills all food and beveragerequirements of the hotel

PRIOR TO ARRIVING at HiltonBarbados whether for leisure,business or with a group, oneof the hotel’s friendlyreservation team members isalways there to assist.

The friendly voices of themembers of this departmentwelcome guests as they makeor amend reservations andfacilitate any special requeststhat will make their stay moreenjoyable.

Reservations managerAnnabelle Callender leads theteam which includes SabrinaMarshall as reservationssupervisor along with Carolyn

Babb-Thorne and Juann Gibbonsas reservations agents.

This team is based onproperty and is responsible forhandling all room bookings. Thisdepartment is supported bybrand Hilton Reservations CallCenters.

Food and Beveragefeeds all fancies

MARKWELCH,HiltonBarbados’food andbeveragemanager(left) andTrishaChothia,assistant foodand beveragemanager,with theBanquetteam. (GP)

MARK WELCH (right), HiltonBarbados’ Food and Beveragemanager and Trisha Chothia(left), assistant food andbeverage manager with someof the team from theLighthouse Terrace. (GP)

including in room dining, finedining at The Grille, casualdining at The LighthouseTerrace or cocktails and asnack while lounging eitherpoolside or on the beach atthe Water’s Edge.

The team is led by MarkWelch, food and beveragemanager and his assistant,Trisha Chothia. They are

responsible for ensuring that optimum service levelsare maintained which is achieved through a team ofrestaurant managers, a banquet manager,supervisors, captains and other team members.

The Food and Beverage Department alsoincludes the Hilton Meetings operation.

Reservations teamalways ready to assist

MEMBERS ofthe ReservationsDepartmentwith AnnabelleCallender,reservationsmanager. (GP)

EIGHT SUPERVISORS and 52 fulltime team members are employed inHilton Barbados’ HousekeepingDepartment to ensure that every guestroom and public area is impeccablymaintained and compatible with thehighest expectations of all who electto stay at or visit the property.

Taking care of business in thisdepartment are executive

housekeeper Donna Boyce, along withher assistant executive housekeeper,room attendants, public areasattendants, floor housemen and ordertakers.

It’s also from this department thatin-house guests are able to enjoysuch additional necessary services asbabysitting, nightly turndown andsame day dry cleaning and laundry.

Housekeeping does fine jobTHE Housekeeping Department with Donna Boyce, executive housekeeper (left). (GP)

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HILTON BARBADOS’promise of a uniquehome-away-from-homeexperience for its guests ismade a reality through theselfless efforts anddedication of a highlytrained cadre of teammembers, whose needs arecoordinated, implementedand maintained by theHuman ResourcesDepartment.

Their ability to respondefficiently and effectively tothe varied daily demands isachieved through asustained unique Barbadianexperience, hassle-freeservice, consistency ofproduct, entrenched HiltonWorldwide brand

standards and quickresponse to any issues thatmay develop.

Director of humanresources Cheryl Corbinleads the division that ischarged with ensuring thisideal is maintained withconsistent training as thekey element of the entireoperation. The departmentis also responsible for theadministration of benefits,wages and salaries;employee relations;labour/industrial relations;counseling and coaching;general administration;management of theemployment process;budget management;learning and

development/training; andhealth and safety.

Corbin notes: “Ourdepartment plays a pivotalrole in the overall successof the property through ourunderstanding of thebusiness, therebycontributing to the overalldirection of the company.Knowledge of how allactivities need to be alignedenables us to maximise thesuccess of strategicinitiatives.

“This unique perspectiveallows Human Resources tobe an ideas generatingdepartment which assiststhe organisation’sinnovation. Throughtraining, peopledevelopment and process

improvement initiatives weensure that brandstandards, quality andcustomer satisfaction aremaintained at the highestlevels.”

Glendora Larrier-Jones isthe department’s assistantdirector, Arlene Brooks thehuman resources assistantand Cyrilline Stuart thehotel’s nurse.


5th Anniversary

A UNIQUE BLEND of youth andexperience in Hilton Barbados’Engineering Department or PropertyOperating Maintenance and Energy Costs(POMEC) is responsible for the highlypraised smooth running and maintenanceof the property.

The staff of this department provide thetechnical and manual skills required for thecorrect operation and proper maintenanceof the buildings, structure, equipment,mechanical and electrical plants and otheraspects of the operation.

They are responsible for the integrity ofthe internal floors, walls, ceilings, furniture,fixtures, and equipment as well as theelectrical transformers, the domestic waterdistribution and sewage, the Heating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning System(HVAC), the fire alarm system and firesafety components, the vertical

transportation system (elevators) and thelandscaping surrounding the hotel.

Other responsibilities include utilitymanagement and energy conservationprogrammes (electrical, gas and water) aswell as lighting and sound systems.

Chief engineer, Wayne Blades, headsthis department, which also includes anassistant chief engineer, supervisor,engineering coordinator, senior shiftoperator, shift operators, controls/safetytechnician, shift refrigeration technicians,utility runners, general maintenance andshift electricians.

Excellence, good communication,cooperation, continuous training anddevelopment, ownership, businessawareness, environmental awareness,initiative, energy and utility conservation,safety and personal hygiene are amongthe guiding principles for this department.

ADMINISTRATION: Renee Herbert,receptionist/administrative assistant, Allison Greene,administrative assistant to the general manager, andTawania Hinds from Hilton Meetings. (GP)

HR helpsenhanceexperience

Right mix inEngineering

THE ENGINEERINGDEPARTMENT with chiefengineer Wayne Blades (left,front row) and assistant chiefengineer William Best (thirdfrom left, front row). (GP)

DIRECTOR of Human ResourcesCheryl Corbin (second from right),with her team. Inset is GlendoraLarrier-Jones, assistant director ofhuman resources) (GP)

Page 9: Hilton Barbados 5th Anniversary Supplement

KEY TO Hilton Barbados’operation is the FinanceDepartment which manages andcontrols all financial transactionsand provides timely and accurateaccounting information whilemeeting corporate and localdeadlines.

At the helm of the department isdirector of finance, Shirley Garnes,who is also responsible for theInformation Technology (IT) andPurchasing departments. Sheleads a vibrant group whosemembers enjoy a much enviedreputation for their excellent teamwork and ability to meet stringentdeadlines.

Complementing her is assistantdirector of finance JuanetteEdghill-McCathy, purchasingmanager Winston Ifill and ITmanager Kobie Griffith, who all

play pivotal roles in thedepartment’s daily operation.

The Finance team comprises anadministrative assistant, auditor,income auditor, accounts payable,accounts receivable, paymaster,

accounting clerk, general cashier,purchasing coordinator andreceiving clerk.

Garnes takes pride in theefficiency of her team and states:“All the various functions of this

department are carried out with ahigh level of professionalism anddedication, which makes theFinance Department run efficientlyon a day-to-day basis.”


5th Anniversary

THE RECREATION TEAM,led by Julian Boyce,recreation manager,maintains guest interactionwith various daily activitiesoffered at the hotel. Thisdepartment manages theKidz Paradise club and thehotel's club membership.

The dailyfunctioning ofthe hotel'sOcean Viewspa treatmentrooms, fitnesscentre, pooland beachfacilities iscritical to theguestenjoymentand this teamensures that everything inthis department runssmoothly.

Finance plays key role Director offinance,ShirleyGarnes(centre) withher team.(GP)

MEMBERS of the Recreation team. Inset is Julian Boyce, Hilton Barbados’ recreation manager. (GP)



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WHETHER it's forbreakfast, lunch or dinner inthe Lighthouse Terrace, afine dining experience inThe Grille, a light snackfrom the Water's EdgePool Bar or the amazingvariety at the many cateringevents, the gastronomicand mouth-wateringofferings at HiltonBarbados have long beenlegend with locals andvisitors alike.

Keeping this tradition offine cuisine and satisfyingthe appetites of the manywho visit the hotel daily isthe Kitchen departmentwhose team prepares thesumptuous delightsenjoyed every day.

Led by expert Barbadianexecutive chef AngelaGarraway-Holland, theteam includes chef decuisine Athlone McCollinalong with a 92-memberbrigade which is divided

into a number of sub-departments. These includeà-la-carte, Banquets, GardeManger, Pastry, ButcherShop, Stewarding and thekitchens of The Water'sEdge, The Grille and TheLighthouse Terrace, whichall work assiduously toensure that the experienceoffered is second to none.


THE FRIENDLY, smilingfaces of the members ofthe Hilton Barbados’ Front Office Departmentgreet arriving guests asthey prepare to experiencethe taste of paradise thatthe hotel offers.

These team membersplay an integral role in thedaily operation to efficientlysatisfy the needs of guestsand others utilising thehotel’s facilities. Theywelcome the guests, carrytheir luggage, help them toregister, provide their roomkeys and mail, answer

questions about activitiesavailable on and offproperty, and offercontinual assistancethroughout their stay.

In many cases, the maindirect contact guests havewith hotel team members,other than in therestaurants, is withmembers of the friendlyFront Office Department,who function in five generalareas: Front Desk, GuestServices (Bell Team andLobby Hostess), ExecutiveLounge, Communicationsand Journey Ambassador.

Efficient, friendlyFront Office team

THE Front Desk team. Inset isShawn Smith, front officemanager. (GP)

Kitchenteamthe crèmede la crème

THE Kitchen Department at Hilton Barbados. (GP)5th Anniversary


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HILTON BARBADOS prides itself in being agood corporate citizen and is highly regardedfor the relationships it has established over theyears through its community outreach efforts.

Some of the many initiatives the hotel hasundertaken to the benefit of the widercommunity include annual visits to the GeriatricHospital for Mother's Day and Father's Daycelebrations, an annual Christmas cardcompetition where participating schools get theopportunity to showcase their creativity, as wellas the adoption of Bay Primary and GarrisonSecondary schools.

At the Garrison, the hotel fully supports theschool's Alternate Curriculum Programmewhich provides senior students with anopportunity to expand their skills in barbering andcosmetology, thus increasing their chances ofsuccess after leaving school.

Committed to the community12 | SUNDAY SUN SPECIAL | SEPTEMBER 26, 2010

Printed and Published by THE NATION PUBLISHING Company LTD., Nation House, Fontabelle, St. Michael, Barbados. Telephone (246) 430-5400

THERE IS ALWAYS a calming sense of security for in-house guests and others using the wide range of facilitiesat the Hilton Barbados, which allows them to thoroughlyenjoy all the hotel has to offer during their stay or visit.

Constantly keeping a watchful eye over the propertyand its people is the hotel's Security Department, whoseskilled professionals exhibit a high sense of pride as theydiligently carry out their duties, ensuring that all companysecurity policies and procedures are adhered to by allwhile providing 24-hour surveillance and security ser-vices.

In the event of an emergency outside regular workinghours, Hilton Barbados’ security team becomes the firstresponse with extensive training in CPR and the ability torender first aid to guests or team members if required.

Extensive overall training, professionalism and qualityleadership from chief of security, Ronnie Holmes, haveresulted in the department being able to maintain anexcellent track record as it relates to all persons whosesecurity and safety are their responsibility around theclock.

Security atop priority

RONNIE HOLMES (centre), Hilton Barbados’ chief ofsecurity, with two of the department’s team members. (GP)

HILTON BARBADOS’ Matthew Mullan (second right)and Julian Boyce (left) with Matthew Farley (right),principal of Garrison Secondary School, during a tour ofthe area for the school’s Alternate CurriculumProgramme – Barbering and Cosmetology. (GP)

JULIAN BOYCE, Hilton Barbados’recreation manager, presentingschool supplies to Marion Gamble,principal of Bay Primary School. (GP)

5th Anniversary

SMOKEY BURKE entertaining patients at the GeriatricHospital during Mother’s Day celebrations (GP)