hihihi s-m xork. a^v^x^isçimeiits. white the old ......brushes,turkish bathingtowelsand gloves....

"jM-ÍÉl_ljijJ-.ijlii ni HIHIHI III.mit.???»?»?IM » Mault«.-" . hero Hi y path-way leads thee, Fearless (road. "Where tbo Master needs thee, 15o thou lcd; Lot tho - erl d's sharp censuro Hartnlees fall; Boldly, forward vontnie Through it all; With the gayest smiling, Biog aud danoo, Keenest eyos beguiling With thy glance: Friends may watch thee gravely, Lest thoo stray; Heed them not, bat bravely Make thy way: The cross thoa daily hearest. Comea from Heaven; And the mask tbon wearect, God hath given. As thy God bath bul Jen, Dolby tank; Holy aima are hidden 'Neath thy mask. Let thine own heart cher: thee, Woondoo! Grievoil! For a few arc near theo, Kot deceived; fc'otno who road thee better, And who mourn. Aa they mark thy fetter, And thy thorn; Who thy cup aro sharing, Tempted-tried; And the samo mask wealing, Walk bosidc. Kot for ayo the trial Weighs theo down; After self-denial Comes the crown. Walk a little longer Throngh tho night, Then atand purer-6trciigcr, In tho light. California de velo pos a new industry. Balea of ohapporal leaves are shipped to China and sent baok ns ten. Notice TB horebv given, that I will, on tho 29TII day X of NOVEMBER instant, apply to the Pro¬ bate Judge of Lexington County, for a final discharge as Adniiniatra'.or of tho catato of George Gewalt. JOEL KEISLER, .Tn., NOT2W4 Administrator. v THE CAROLTHA HOUSE, Washington street, a feu doors from Main. BEBT of LIQUORS, WINES, SEGARS, Feto., constantly ou hand, and dispensed " promptly. Hot Mixturen of various kinda. FREE LUNCH overy day at ll o'clock. Nov 7_B. BARRY. Proprietor. The New Theory of Health ESTABLISHED RY BEINITSB'S WEEK'S DELIGHT! -- THE Lifo of all Flesh is Blood. The Health of Life is purity of Flesh. Without purity of Blood, no Flesh can bo freo from disease. HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT Is now a recognized household Medicino of remarkable remedial powers, invented and compounded by tho Proprietor, which ho bas called by tho euphonious soubriquet "QUEEN'S DELIGHT." ITS CONSTITUENT mOl'ERTIES. QUEEN'S DELIOIIT Ia an au alterativo, produc¬ ing a gradual chango in the HEIXITSII'S functions of organs, an to permit a healthy action to take tho place ol disease. QUEEN'S DELIOIIT Ï» deobstruent by itudiversi- td action; removes obstruc- HKINITSH'S Jons, reduces inflammation and enlargement ot' the flands and viacora. 9 an Invigorant and Tonie; it produces a gentle and permanent excitement ot all tho vital actions observable in tho functions nf organic i HBINITSH'S life; and in, therefore, nd- missablo in diseases of tho Stomach, Liver and organs of digestion. QUBEN'S DELIGHT ls a stiu-; tuting, alterativo diaphoretic, promoting per¬ spiration, removing humors in thu blood, producing a Hnr.viTSu's healthy action nf tho skin, removed Boils, Pimple.", Bleiche* and Cutaneous eruptiona. Qc KEN'S DEUOIIT la aperient, gently acting upon the lu.weld," thereby removing effete matter, pro¬ ducing a healthy feeling ol HEINITSII'S tho stomach and bead. Headache and nervous dis¬ orders are cured by it H wee. QUEEN'S DEMO HT Ia expectorant, inereaeing the secretion from the mucous membrane of the air cells and paauageH of HEINITSH'S the lungs, or aBaiste it* dis¬ charge; in, therefore, a re¬ medy, combined with Cod Liver Oil, in all capes of Con¬ sumption, Colds, Ac. Tho high appreciation in which it is held by tho profession and the golden opinions of tho people, and their many testimonials, will make- It a desirable medicine for Druggists to keep constantly on hand. The sick, feeble and those in delicate health, and all persons living in warm climates, ami all unacclimatcd, will find tho QUEEN'S DELIGHT A gro t medicine, protecting them from all those diacaacs which originate in a bad condi¬ tion of tho blood and climatic influences. For salo by Druggists throughout the Stute. The Irado supplied bv FISHER ft HEINITSH, Columbia, 8. G. PLUMB k LEITNER, Augusta. Ga. J. H. ZKILEN ft CO.. Macon. (Ja. JOHN F. HENRY, New York. MANSFIELD fe HIOBEK. Memphis, Tem.. JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY ft COWDEN, Ang fl t Philadelphia. New and Beautiful Goods, AND USEFUL too. A large «tock new mi hand of beautiful Teilet articles, of nowell .tyla and qualitv, and at low prices. PKIi- FUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, English and French, hard and soft; elegant 'English Hard Tooth Brushes, Infants' Tooth and Hair Brushes, Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves. Toilet »So lpn in great vanoly and of the fluent quality, and very obeap. Lnbin's newest EXTRACTS for tho handker¬ chief. Roso and Violet Toilet Powder. Fine Pomade for tho Hair. Hair Heston rs of every kind. Dressing Gneuba, nf French Buffalo Horn. Fino Ivory Cumba, Metallic Back Comb*. Cosmetics for the Complexion. Gorman Cologne, Sachets io variety. Puffa and Powder Boxes. Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. Foi sab- at FISHEltà HEINITSH'S Drag store. Oct 19 \ Fresh Supplies. DUTCH HERRINGS. Frseh Country »nd Mountain BUTTER, Pink-Eye and Poach-Blow Planting Potatoes, Fine Goshen CHEESE, at G. DIERCKR, Jan 23_At thc fltgn of tho Watch. Jos. DANIEL POPE. A. C. HASKELL. POPE & HASKELL, AT TO RX I'. YS AT LA W AMD SOIJICITOUN I1V Kill'IT Y. Offioo-Law Rang' CVumbla, H. C. May ß -, ...... y,,,, . riyiTAft-i'i^i'inij^T -T . . .tJto**-*',ftTr%ifr **- S-M II mi j ?- -' Bj jj Baltimore Advertisements. ^ Tr£yOH BR0THEB8, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 75 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore, Md., Ta TAKE liberal advances on Cotton coneign- i*JL ed to their bona«._".Pj* 26 2mo* MRS. D. C. SPECK, Private and Transient Boarding, No. 248 Weet Lombard Btreet, corner Tenn, Sept 14_ JÏALTIMORE, MD. Samuel Kirk & Son, No. 172 West liallimorc Street, Baltimore, Md. MANUFACTURERS of Elegant SILVER¬ WARE, WATCHES AND EINE JEWEL¬ RY. Established 1817. Sept 25 Hmo Gushings «Sc Bailey, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, .Ve. 202 BALT1MOHE STREET. BALYTIHORK, 31D. milE large;-; and beut assorted stock io thc JL eitv ol' SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL, MEDICAL, CLASSICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. General Daub and Counting House Stationery of all kindR. blank Rooks made to order in any .style of binding ami rilling. AUK lt' L'tmo ICSTAULISIIKI* 1950. LAWRENCE I). DIET2 & CO,, Importers and Deals« in NOTIONS, Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac, A-c., Ac. 308 H'. Baltimore street, betxeeen Howard and Sept 30 Liberty, Baltimore, Md. 3mo Baltimore Regalia Emporium. Siseo Brotliers, MANUFACTURERS of Regalia, Jewels, Lodgo Paraphernalia, Ac, for Masons, 1. O. O. F., Red Men, Knights of Pythias and all other aocities, Banners, Flags, Ship Signals, &C., 14 N. Charles st.. cor. Fayette, Ballimore, Md. Price list furnished upon application. Ang 19 3m o U. MORTON. WM. HEED. CLEMENCE I.. JACKSON. MORTON, REED & CO., No. 05 South Oay street. Ballimore. RAILWAY and Machinists' supplies of everv kind, METALS, MACHINERY, TOOLS, Leather Belting and Gum Goods, Car Bpi inge, Ac, Lubricating Oils. Brats Goods, Bolts, Nuts. Ac. Sept 28 3mo GEORGE PAGE & 00., No. .-, ff. Schroeder Street, llnltlniore, 8t«l. MANUFACTUREES OF PAGE'S IM¬ PROVED PATENT PORTABLE CIRCU¬ LAR SAW MILLS, St at ional y and Portable Steam Engines and Boileis, Grist Mills, Shin¬ gle Machines, Lath and Slab Machinery, Saw Gümmers, Horse Powe rs, Shafting, Pallies, Ac. Dealers in Circular Saws anil Mill sup¬ plies generally, and Manufacturer*' Agents for every description of wood-working ma¬ chinery. Onr Independent and Simultaneous Head-blocks, patented Dccembi r 15. 1H<;8, and improved Friction Feed, patented July 13, 1809, in addition to previous patents, make our Saw Mills stand unrivaled. J-'stimntes and plans furnished, und contracts entered into for the erection of Circular. (Sung M ti lr. y or Suth Mills. Correspondence solicited, and Catalogues furnished, on application, by mail or otherwise. Julv 3*o iv Box 30J0. Soul far circuíart Sept 17 tthou BBMBSSSMa^BSSMBBSBBiBSSag Thc bvutptcms i SIMMONS' Kalif.«0»* IcA-lticsi- il li d Kvsimrzm^??'e'mvTs^r-Tri7r¡Mpain in the side. Sometimes tin- pain in the shoulder, mid is m isl ni., n for rheumatit-m. The stomach is affected with loss id' appetite and t-icknet-a, bowels in general emit ¡ve, sometimes alternat¬ ing witb lux. '1 bc head is trouhled with pa! 11, and dull, heavy sema lion, considerable loss ol memory, accompanied with painful sensation of liuviiig left undone something which ought ito have bten done. Chen complaining ol weakliest, debility, und low spirits. Some¬ times «onie ot the above .-j mp toms attend the dise.isi and at other tin es very fi w of them; .LIVER ÊrïïyFit i j H 'olvi d. (' 11 r i' rr-rrrTTiriTmrmi-ri-ni li 1.1 vi r w ith DR. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, i A preparation nf routs and loo bs. warranted to be strictly vegetable,.and eau il" no injury to any one. i It h.-.s bi -n u ed by hundred*, and known for the last thirly-flve y CH rs un one of itu: mott reliable. » fries cioUK sud hui iniess pi ep.11 ut ions ever offered to the suffering. If taken regu¬ larly und piTtiati ntly. it is sine to cure. Dy*peysia, headache, jaundice, ro-divom-He, sick headache, ebronie diarrhiea. afTeelions ol the bladder. '; '^^jj m Sj j jJjj ft ^ ' (''''"''" "f aaarVESOSBEisaaiBBBWBaaaaaExi ' Hu- skin, im¬ purity ot nm 01000. ineisnciioiy, or depression of spirits, br art bm n, colic, or pains in thc h«Weli>, pain in thc head, fever ai d «gue, drop-v, boils, pain in back »nd limbs, asthma, eryeipelaM, female affections, mid bilious dis« eases ..'«.nerallv. Price »1; by mail, il 25. j Prepared only by .1. H. Z Kl LIN A- CO.. Druggists, Macon, Ga. The following highly respectable person* csu folly ut test tot in< vii tuns of this valuable mtdi- I cine, and to whom wt most respectfol ly refer: j Gen. W. S Holt. Pr-xident S. W. It. it Com- nany; Rev. J. lt. Felder, Perry. G;\; Col E. K. Sparks, Albanv. Ga.; Ooo. J." Lnnsford, Ken., Conductor S. W. R. H.; C. Mastt reon, E-q., Sheriff Bibb County; J. K. Butts, Bainbridge, Ga.; Dykes A Sparhawk, Editors floridian, Tallahassee, Rr». J. Vt. Bnrke. Macon. Ga.; Virgil Powers, Eeo., Superintendent S. W. R. R : Daniil Billiard, Billiard's Station, Macon <fc Brunswick R. H., Twigg« County. Qa ; Gren¬ ville Wood, Wood's Factorr, Macon, Ga.; Rev. E. F. Eaeterllng, P. E. Florida Conference; Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston, Ga.; Editor Macon Telegraph, and John Ingall-, formerly of Columbia, 8. C. For sale by all druggists. July 18 $3mo New Xork. A^v^x^isçimeiits. WHITE DI NN EH SETS, new Limoge H lia poi-, 167 pieces, (25 Smaller size ?ela proportionately low in prices. WHITE TOILET SETS, ll pieces, $8.20. WHITE TEA SETS, 44 pieces, $1 00. (¡001) WATER-GOBLETS, uer dozen, il 30. GOOD WINE GLASSES, per dozen, *l 00. All ot lier gooda in our Hue equally low. Gooda packed tor tho country, or forwarded hy Ex¬ piées, C. O. I>. WASHINGTON lUOLET'S Middle Cooper Institute Block, 'lliird and Pourtli Ave» , between 7<h and Hth streets, New York. Send for Illustrated Photograph ¡.nd Cata- loguoof Limoge Dinner, Toa and toilet Sets, in siled free. Oct 15 limo Uanafkctnrod by J*. Thc National Watch Co., OF KLUIS, ILL. W ^Pronounced by Watch ^ Makers, Railroad and Ex- Ïress men. East and Weat, o be tho moat correct Tinto Keepers made. Avoid parties who nd« vert Iso to send Watches "C.O.D." PURPORTING lo be of our make. We furnlrdi nono for that ?urpof.e. There aro hnl- atlonH in mnrkot. To get QENUINK ELQIM IWATCHES, apply to dealers In your onn locality or 'ls-where, whom you know to bc honorable., BaslneM Ofllro and Sales Room IOU & 101 Lake Street, Chicago, LIL _... '"O^ !p»Novll fifi Degraaf & Taylor, Furniture, Carpets and Mattresses, Wholesale and Retail. .W'titufudnr;/ ami Wiircrvonis, H7 mid ht» Bowery, Cl Cl.rli.fie street, j i::o nod i;t : Heat rr st rect, X K W Y ORK. ICONM i TH) UMDBD ONE BOOl'.J TTTTE have now on band the largest block of YV entirely new patterns aral designs for furnishing bouses throughout ever offered by ono IIÜUCU in thc city,and at a gre at deduction in ju icc Oar CARPET DEPARTMENT is under the superintendence of H. s. Humes, who is well and favorably ki.own to thc public, having been a long time with Sloane A- Co., in Broad¬ way, andf-rtbe lest four years with Lord A Taylor. Our tock ul Carpets is entirely now, j and well selected, this tn auch having la en just added to our business. Tue MATfHESS DEPAH1 MI NT if entirely under our supervision, all heine made on th« premires. Every Mattress guaranteed, Steamboat.-', hotels, churches, public halls and private house« fuiniehed throughout at wholesale pi ices. Tho Floating Palace?- tlc .-tenn.ur- ol the People's Lino on the Hudson River- wore fur- nisi.ed Itv us. PRICES VF. F Y COMPETITION. Second and Third A ven ne Cur- pass our Stores. Entrance bl and 80 Ho wei y, New j York. S< nt 11 3mo Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies. .$!."? C\( \Ci KEWAltD for any ense of dis- NDJL«A/V/V/ casi- in any stage which tbev I rail to euro. Du. RICH AU'S GOLDEN HALSA M No. 1 cures Ulcers, Ulcerated SOM- Throat and Mouth, foro Eyes. Eruptions, Copper-Colored Ulotchcs, Scrofula, A«*.-, is the ñio~t«¡.t Ülood Purilier known, re moves :iî! dictate from tho system and leaves the blt»« d pure anil heall h v. DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN RAI SAM No. 2 cures Mercurial Ailed ions, Hhenmatittn in nil its binns, gives immediate rel iel in al. casta. I No dieting neccfeaary. Pi iee ol t ither No. 1 or No. 2, if» 03 per bottle, or two bottle- f. r i'J 00. DR. BICI1AU"« GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, u tafe and radical cure for nil Ul ¡nary Derangements. I accompli nietl with full directions Pr ici i'-'> Oil ¡per litit lc. DH. lt ICH AU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUH, ¡I radical turn Tor Debility, m old tir yonn¡>; impuiliitg oncigj with wonderful i licet. Price ff. per b< Hie or two bot Iii « lor 19. I On receipt ot price. Ibo Itoiiicdics «ill be «hipped to mi} place. Circulars! sont. Address DR. 1). ll RICHARDS, Aug 10 ly No. 228 Va rich -t . New Y. rk. H. HOE & CO., Manufacturer- < f Warranted Extra Cast Steel Tai out Ground Circular Mili Mulay and Gang SAWS. Circular S.£VWJS, With M»vttble. or Inserted Trrth. TÏ7E CLAIM b>r oar Patent Circular Saw Vf ib<! fu lowing advantages over ail others: Thc siiHi.kn nf iii« Ult-th are elastic, und ox- erl a unifoi m di .!< union in tl e sock'-ts. Thc stnbüit} of tb« plat«* is in n<> wjy ufl cl¬ od by ii.«eli in:; new têts of leith, Each tooth, independí lilly, nia> be iidjiitted to t be cul ling Ino I No rivets, keys, or othel objectionable :«p- pliaucee, art t m plot . d ic ennm rle u w ¡th t! >? teeth, wlèt'b are «s himpbi in consti net ¡on, P nd I as easily used, ar. a nil' f<-r bolt. In short, all the difficulties her- Infere expe- riencetl in Ihr us« ol movable teeth fer MU1». j .in- mil» no t am! obviai» d bj tins invention. j ALSO, j TLTTI.K l»ATEfcT j "CHAMPION" CROSS-CUT SAWS. CROSS-CUT SA WS. OK ALI. KIM'S. j Saw Mandre l*;, Guroininr; Mnchi: (?. eec. j Send For Catalogues »nd pii i«»- Printing Press .du i.me >.¡. :.»». MatiUfao- tarers. New York. Gorton, Mara., und Lon¬ don, Eng. Ang 'ld Ifimo Frost, Black & Co., Wholesale and Retail Mannfaci urer> of and Healers in F I H 8 T C LASS FURHTITTJIIE OF EVERY VARIETY, 00 Bowery, .tar Cmml ctrett, M. Y. MOT Steamboats, Hotel-- and Public build¬ ings furnished at the abor test notice S3f All gooda purchased of our houee gua¬ ranteed as represented. Sept 17 8mo B.W.FROST. JAS.BLACK. OVO.SNYDER. PREPARED BY WALKER, EVAN8 * ERCOVKAOE HOM1 THE OLD CARO A SOUTHERN 1 AND a mont valuable and reliablo Tonio, oqu ket, and at mucb leaa price. Cnrea Dyspoj without doubt the beat Tonic Bittara in uae. F< SCHEDULE OF PRICES OF TI INVARIABLY 1 do/, and leea thau 12 doz.f8 00 per doz. 50 doy., and upward».$7.00 per doz. GOODRICH Proprietors and Manufacturera < And direct importers ol Au« 1 ly MINING & MANI c // A J; L E s Factory Eaat end Hasel street Mince on A Wando JfT" o i* GROUND A SI I LE For tale by AUK 1 ly W. C. DUR A.. O- KAUFMAN,' Broker, Auctioneer and Com. Agent, No. 25 BnoAs BTBEKT, Cn.\nx.EBTON, S. C., WILL BUY AND BELL REAL ESTATE, BONDS, STOCKS, BANK HILLS, Ac. Itr.PF.nKNCF.s.-Ex-Oov. B. F. Perry, Oreen- ville, S. C.; Charles T. Lowndes. Leecene A Miles, Charleston, S. C.; W. W. Taylor, Balti- more, Md.; Maj. C. IL Buber, New berry, S. C.; Cen. T. M. Locan, Richmond, Ya.; Hon. J. B. j Campbell, W. 13. Smith lt Co., dane, Boyl- ston & Co., Peleer, Rodgers A Co., Prcseley, Lord & Iuglcsby, J. IL Wilson, Charleston, 8. C. BiT N.B.-Business entrusted to him will meet with prompt attention and faithful exe- cutioii. AUR 1 ly MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, Ko*. 10,12,14 Vendue Range, Charle*ton, S. C. I WHOLESALE Dealers in all kinds of Hides, Wool. Skins, Furs, Ac. Huvt con- staidly on hand a large assortment of Hides and Skins. Tanners will «lo well ttl call upon us before purchasing. M.-srs nOT.PRMlTII. APKAHAM A. OOI.PSMITll. HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLES ALE GK 0 CERS fr j"*j""§"j*| AND Dealers in \\ ines, Liquors, Sc- QS&SSi ¿~'ars, Tobfccco, A-»:., 107 East Hay, iâVHBCharleston, B. C. IL HISCBOFF, C. WULBERN, AUK 1 l.v J. H. PIEPER^ 3XF. FLEMING & Co. Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, N>>. 2 Hayne street, corner Church, CHARLESTON, S. C. D. F. FLEMING. SAM'L A. NELSON, Aug 1 Ij JAMES M. WILSON, i SOLUBLE The Sulphuric Acid ar.d Snper-Phosp HAVING completed their extensive Mauuf Fertilizers, no other kinda being availab] invest menta. This Company, under the direction entirely o duceiiients which will recommend it tn Bout largest aud most completo in Ibo United Stat abundant supply of tho proper solvent for thc aro muir by. From these Phosphates they pi in soluble Phosphate than those made from rsv quantity of Super-Phoiphate of Lime found in t aale, the rates itt which we offer them being no lilizciv, while the Manures contain twice as mt cheaper to the consumer. They are offered on that the material in euch will coi respond to tho ETI WAN, No. I.-Soluble Phosphate, contain Pore Soluble Phosphate of Lime, and furnished ETIWAN, No. 2. Peruvian Sn per-Phosphate Soluble Phosphate, and two to four per ci nt. nf proved accept linees, bearing int» lest, or snell o agents Orders to bo forwarded immediately ti and after lut January next. G. O. Mf.MMrNOKii," President. Um" The Fertilizers of this Company will be b Agent* for Exton'* I'remiinn Trenton Vraekrr*. W. H. CK AFEE & CO., WHOLES A LE GROCERS, 207 K,lít Ba-V« Charlea ton, s. c. rfeofcfcaál Agents for i\ Ballantine A Sims' S^l^a^KCream Ale. WM. H. CHAPEE. THUS. S. O'RhlEN. K. II. HT'iUPAKD. CAI.Kl' FIIONKIIRROUn. E. E. STODDARD & CO., "VÄTV WHOLESALE DEALERS in L/V Hoots, Shoes and Trunks, at Va^""^aBa^B>Mnnufacturcrsl pricci», 10") Meet- ing street, nearly opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, s. c. Ana 1 ly EDWIN BATES & CO., Wholesale Dcuh-is in DRY GOODS IL» O T J31 I Na, 122 »nd 1M Meeting street, C If A li I. ES T 0 N, S. C. EDWIN HATES, i CEO. C. SEI MAN. \'i» i iv TH"^ n MoOAHAN. KABLES KE1 & 1*011, Jr. DEALER in Haul* .d fiery, Gnna, AgriciiRmai Iniph.-uitiils, 249 King i t n i i . Charil ?>'.< n, s. C. Au assortment of llonsc-keeping Hard- ward on rHlitl. * m- 1 1? Showcases! Fhov/Gares! w. II, Conni's LATEST PAU ST At New York Rates, t .nu t ant ly on hand and made to order. A MO, TOYS1 TRIMMINGS!! FANCY GOODS!!! MUSICAL Instruments, Stationery, ¿^É¿¡.Base Halls, Fire-works, Ac. Stamping, nte*BEinhroidnry and Braiding neatly exc- ^«^cuted, from latest designs, at WM. McLF.AN'S. 433 King St., Ang 1 ly Charleston, S. C. ivortisemoiî.te. COGSWELL, ADVERTISING AGENTS. S MAHUPACTVRB8. LINA BITTERS, ^R-EP^-R^TYOiv' al, if not superior, to any Bitters in the mar- j isla, Loss of Appetite, Chills and Fever, and is >r sale by Druggists and Uioeers everywhere. IE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, NF.T CABU. 12 doz. and less than 50 doz.$7.50 per doz. , WINEMAX k CO., >f tho Celebrated Carolina Rittir««, f choice European Drugs und Chemicals, No. 23 Havne stre-t. Charleston. S. C. ST X> O IFACTURING CO., TON, S. C . sh ley Uiver. tiliaor , Y RIVER BONE PHOSPHATE. COTELAND A DEARDEN, Columbia. ES A CO., General Agents, Charleston, S. C. FOR PALATKA, FLORIDA, rio Savannah, Fernandina, Jacksonville and landings on thc SI. John's River. THE ELEGANT and FIBS! CLASS STEAMER DICTA¬ TOR, Captain \V. T. MCNELTY, will pail from Charleston every TUESDAY EVEN¬ ING, at 9 o'clock, for above points, connecting with Central Railroad, at Savannah, for Mo¬ bile and New Orleans, with Florida Railroad, at Fernandina, for Cedar Keys, at which point Steamers connect with New Orleans, Mobile, Foneacola, Key Weet and Havana. Through Bills Lading signed to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola. J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents, South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston. HENRY COBLA & CO., ">.G Vendue Range, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, WHOLESALE Grocers and Commission Merchants, Keep constantly on hand a full assortment GROCERIES, PROVISIONS AND LIQUORS. Am- 1 ly ZOGBAUM. YOUNG & CO., £-^¿S3£^ IMPORTERS and Dealer« in ^'^/T^F^^ Musical Instruments, Striugs, H ï Ï i «»Vc. Ac. Agents of Steinway A Koo's and. J. B. Dunham's Pianos, Cai hart A Needham's Hclodcons,Tilton's Patent Guitar. 191 King Street, Charleston, S. C. FERDINAND ZOGBAUM, New York; HEN¬ RY YOUNO, C. L. MoCLENAHAN, Charles¬ ton. S. C. Aug 1 ly La Valentina Segar Factory, No. 118 East Ray Si reef, HAVE for side the choicest brands «d' Pun- Havana Segare Also, good domestic Segara, at low pric< H. ALFRED A. DARBOT, Agent, Aug 1 ly '..lilith sion, S. C. MANURES. hate Company, of Charleston, S. C., act orv, are now prepared t>> furnish Soluble I e to planters for immediate returns tor their if Southern mi n ot high character, off« rs in-I hern planters. Their MOI ks aro among thc i s. and enable them lo prepare nt heine an inútil Carolina native Rone Phosphates which I ropose to manufacture a Fei tilizer even richer t hones, and containing niue than twice the he besl average Manui es heretofore offert d tor higher than the average pi ice of other Fer-j ich fertilizing nu.teiial; tiny are ¡II fact much I tho II urket in two foi ms, with a guarantee advertisement. ¡liing from eighteen lo hw ul) Uvi \ er cent, ot at sixty dolíais per ton. containing from sixteen to twenty percent, ot Antin* nia. at scv« nty dollars pi r ton; lor un- ther security as may be acceptable to thc sun- » the Agents, and deliverv made as directed on WM. C. BEE A CO., Agents. randed Efl WAN. No. I, and KIT WAN, No. 2 A Useful Invention. HOUSE-KEEPERS who do (lu ir own cool;- ing with Kerosene or Gas Stows, have, heretofore, felt the want ol » perfect Baking Oven. DUVAIAS PATENT BAKER attached to their Stove?, will bake Dread, i Rircuit. Pies, Ac., mid rossi Poult ty, Beef. Potatoes. Ac, Itt perfection. A full supply of! Kerosene and Gas Stove«, of the best kilda, ii together with Utensils for every purpose, for »ale. at windinah- and retail, by J. R. DUVAL A SONS.Charleston.S. C., Ann 1 ly Agenta for the Patent« e.-. ] "Eason Iron Works," O' H A R L E S T 0 ¿V , « . C . SI I*AM ENGINES, Machine- ry sud Castings MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, .Vos. f, fi anti 8 Vendue Itamje, ( ti artest on, S. '. J "ITT ll OLES A LE Dealers in Iron, Metals, j Yv Kag*, "tel «*" kinds o' Paper Stock. Highest eai-h prices paid for the above. MoSF.B OnMJSMITH. ABKAUA9I A. «¡OI.USMIT ll. THOM, f, KKKlt. UKHM.xNN BIILW1NKI.K. I T. J. KERR &00., Shipping; and Commission Merchant*, Kerr'* What/, Charleston, S. C. TJtTILL attend t-> the >-ales of all kinda oh VV Produce and Purchase nf Merchandise. Dealer" in No. 1 Veruvisu Guano and other l/oi 4 Rizel*. Aug 1 ly Charleston Pental Depot, 275 KINO STREET. I ^J_OLD «nd Tin Poil, Amalgam Mineral Toelh, Steel Goods, and every artieli' used by Hie 1 'enti.it. Aug 1 ly WALKER, EVA HS & COGSWELL, STATIONERS and Printers, and dealers in Printers' Materials, Dread street, Charles¬ ton, fl. C. Aug Iv HEW YORK AMP ST. LOTOS. ÎIOSS, ROBERTS êt CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 91 FBOBT STREET, NEW YORK, PAY special attention to the purchase. ot Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Baggiug, Rope, Iron, Tics, etc., etc BLAOKMAB, ROBERTS, CHANDLER ft CO., 300 North Commercial Street, 304 Levee, St. Louis. Mo. G ENERA L COMMISSION MEUCHA NTS, Mako llio purchase of Bagging, Ropo, Bacon, Flour, Corn and other western Producta a speciality, giving cloeo attention to freights, contracts and condition of goods. Oct 23 Imo Notice. AT the next session of thc Legislature, ap¬ plication will he mado for a renewal of t he Charter of Combahco Ferry, at its present site. Hept SI tii3mo Notice is Hereby Given THAT application will be made to the State Legislature, at its next session, to incor¬ porate a Lifo Insurance Company, with its central office in the citvof Columbia. Aug 25 wl3 Notice. A T the next session of the Legislature, ap- 2\. plication will ho mado to that bodv for a Charier, hy the Columbia Oil Co. Sept '25 el3 Notice is Hereby Given rtMi AT application will bo made to tho Le- _|. gislature, at itu next bossion, for an amendment to tho Charter of tho Columbia bridge Company. Sept 1 w 3mo Blue Ridge Railroad. 11HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be hold in Charlonton, at tho Mayor's office, on FRIDAY, tho 19th instant, at 12 M. Thu Board of Directors will meet samo day. By order of the Board. Nov 9^_W. H. D. GAILLARD. Secrotary. Important Notice to Shippers. CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA AND AuoubTA R. It. Co., G EN EUAL FREIGHT AND TICKET AOT'B OFFICE, COLOMBIA, S. C., Angnst 12, 18G9. THE SEA-BOARD INLAND AIR LINE FREIGHT ROUTE is again opened for business and offers SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES to tho Merchants of Columbia and up country. RATES-NEW YORK TO COLUMBIA.-First Class $1.35; Second Class $1.20; Third Cines $1.10; Fourth Class 80c; Fifth Class COc, per hundred pounds. .ra* Rates and Classifications to all other points North, same as rta tho Charleston ir.uto."Od Tho Steamship Lines connecting with and forming part of the Sea-board Inland Air Line are as follows. BE CABEFUL AND SHIT BY TEESL LINES ONLY: Boston and Norfolk Steamship Co., End of Ci ntrai Wharf, Boston-E. Sampson, Agent. Old Dominion Steamship Co., Pier 37 North River, New York-N. L. McCrcudy, Pu s't.; of¬ fice 1S7 Greenwich street, corni r" Dey street, New \ orb. I'll la di lpbia and Noi folk Steamship Co., 14 North Delawai e Avenue, Philadelphia-VP. 1". Clyde, Agent. Annaniesaio Linc, via Delaware Railroad- Depot Philadelphia. Wilmington and Balti¬ more Railroad, Philadelphia. BaltinioroSteam Packet Co., (Bay Line,) foot of Union Dock, Baltimore-R. I», l'oor, Agent. Ov~ In shipping freight for Philadelphia bo careful lo mark thu packages and note on Bill nf Lading whether it is to be forwarded ly Clyde's Steamers, or via AnuRmctsic Line. For further in loi m a lion, nddicss E. lt. DORSEY. Aug 13 General Freight sud Ticket Agf. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, S. C , October 1, 1809. F^lr." EFTCHTOfeS»r ON and after SUN¬ KS? S2Í-SffiEsffi DAY next, Oc tober 3, Passenger Trains will run UH follows: e.oiNO NOBTH. Leave Augusta, at.6.45 a. m. Columbia, S. C., at.12.35 p. m. An ive at Charlotte, N. C. 7.10 p. m. COMINO BOUTH. Lea v. Charlotte, N. C., at.COO a. m. " Columbia, S. C., at.12.G0p.m. Ai rive nt Augusta.6.15 p. m 'I lie following is the Schedule over tho Short Line. Connections ture to all pointe. Leave (1.15 am Augusta Arrive 6.15 pm " 12.35 pm Columbia " 12 50 pm " 8.25 pm Charlotte " 5.50 nm " 1.BO am I Greensboro " 12.15 am *' 1115 am Richmond " 2.45 pm 9 00 pm Washington " 7.00 am " 10 4) pm Baltimore '* 5.08 am " 2 35 am Philadelphia " 12.50 aro Arrive0 19 am New- York I tave 9 20 pm Oct 2 CALEB BQTIKNIQHT. Snp't. Greenville ano Columbia JBailroad SUPT'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, Apiil 10, 1619. rXZ TTiiCffOTO^ç: PASSENGER Trains run fifí? SíSS^ti&i* daily except Snr day. con- nectilig with Night Train on Charleston Poad: Eve Columbia 7.on an 1 ve Greenville G.00 am " Alston 8.55 " " Andereon 6.45 " " Newberry 10.35 " *' Abbeville 8.45 " Arr Abbeville 3.3o pu. " Newberry 1.26pm "Anderson 5.15 " " Alston 8.00 «. "Greenville 6.00 " Air Columbia 5.00 pm Trains on Blue Ridge Railroad mn aefollows: Eve Anderson 5.20 pm Eve Walhalla 4.00 am «. Pendleton G.20 *' " Pendleton 5.40 .* Arr Walhalla 8.00 " Arr Anderson 6.40" Tlic train will return from Bolton to Ander¬ son on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES O*. MEREDITH, General Sup't. Spartanburg and Union Railroad. c1R8tè£S&' ^ ur,f* aItt'r ^ue I^tli October, üy"!»' Passenger Trains will Jtavo Spar¬ tanburg C. H. on Mondays, Wcdneeinys and Fridajs, st 7 30 a, m.. ami ari ive at Alston at 1.95 p. m., conni elli g witl- Greenville down train. Ret urning TiU)bda>s, 'iliuridnjs and Satin days, leave Alston 9 SO in ; arrive Spar- laid mg ;i ia p. ni., as pei following Schedule: Roten Trait. Up Tram. MilcB. Arrive. Leave. Arrive.Leave. Sparluubiiig 0 7.S0 3 40 hicolet.10 S.15 K20 2.50 2.55 louisville...li» .V) 9 00 2.10 2.15 Dnlonville.. ÍP 9.45 10.10 12.Î5 1.25 ...intiic. 37 H'.<5 10 50 12.16 12.20 SI ellon... 48 ll-IO 1145 11.20 11.25 Lvhs Foul .52 ia 05 12 10 10 66 H f 0 Stroth, r 56 12 S" 12.86 10.80 10.35 Alston. Ot* 1.85 9.80 Oct 14 I H OH. H. JETER. PrOfiih nt. South Carolina Railroad Company, HENEHAL SUPT'S OFFICI. Sui. 15. 1809. i^mmm^m .iSï'ÂS; Trains will be obeoiv» d from this date: DAT FAKHhNOEB THAIN. Leaving Columbia at.7.45». BI. Afrivii g at Columbia at. 4 40 ;«. ni. NIOHT EXl'ItKfS TRAIN. heaving Columbia at. 6 60 p.m. Arriving at Columbia nt.4 4; a. m. THE TAI "IN THAIN ¡VIII continue to run f he follow ir.g tví.t d ile: TM-WEEKLY. (Mondais. Wednesdays and Saturday*, j arrive Columbia 11.00 a. m. I eave J.4b p. m. UAli.Y (MISJ)AIH KXOKFTfDy Leave Camden 6.35a.m. Ar Kinjgvijefi 2f: r. ni. hve Kingvilh- 8 15 p. m. Ar Caim!j< G ff> p.m. Sept 16 H.T. PEAKE. Genial Snp't. Laurens Railroad-New [ehëdule. -ffijnairfjsp; MAIL Trains on thlj R»ad run to I^E^^^V» return same day, to lóMeel with ip and down Trains on Grcciivilll Std Colum¬ na Railroad, at Helena; leaving I «Dens a( 5 k. M., Tuesdays, Thursday* and Piturdays* \nd leaving Belem at 1.30 r. M. anni days, July 9 I. 8. BOWERS. Snpcrinirdent

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Page 1: HIHIHI S-M Xork. A^v^x^isçimeiits. WHITE THE OLD ......Brushes,Turkish BathingTowelsand Gloves. Toilet »So lpn in greatvanoly and ofthe fluent quality, and very obeap. chief.Lnbin's

"jM-ÍÉl_ljijJ-.ijlii ni HIHIHI III.mit.???»?»?IM »

Mault«.-". hero Hiy path-way leads thee,Fearless (road.

"Where tbo Master needs thee,15o thou lcd;

Lot tho -erl d's sharp censuroHartnlees fall;

Boldly, forward vontnieThrough it all;With the gayest smiling,Biog aud danoo,

Keenest eyos beguilingWith thy glance:Friends may watch thee gravely,Lest thoo stray;Heed them not, bat bravelyMake thy way:

The cross thoa daily hearest.Comea from Heaven;

And the mask tbon wearect,God hath given.

As thy God bath bulJen,Dolby tank;

Holy aima are hidden'Neath thy mask.

Let thine own heart cher: thee,Woondoo! Grievoil!

For a few arc near theo,Kot deceived;

fc'otno who road thee better,And who mourn.

Aa they mark thy fetter,And thy thorn;

Who thy cup aro sharing,Tempted-tried;

And the samo mask wealing,Walk bosidc.Kot for ayo the trialWeighs theo down;

After self-denialComes the crown.

Walk a little longerThrongh tho night,Then atand purer-6trciigcr,In tho light.

California develo pos a new industry.Balea of ohapporal leaves are shipped toChina and sent baok ns ten.

NoticeTB horebv given, that I will, on tho 29TII dayX of NOVEMBER instant, apply to the Pro¬bate Judge of Lexington County, for a finaldischarge as Adniiniatra'.or of tho catato ofGeorge Gewalt. JOEL KEISLER, .Tn.,NOT2W4 Administrator.v THE CAROLTHA HOUSE,Washington street, a feu doors from Main.

BEBT of LIQUORS, WINES, SEGARS,Feto., constantly ou hand, and dispensed" promptly. Hot Mixturen of various kinda.

FREE LUNCH overy day at ll o'clock.Nov7_B. BARRY. Proprietor.The New Theory of Health



THE Lifo of all Flesh is Blood. The Healthof Life is purity of Flesh. Without purityof Blood, no Flesh can bo freo from disease.

HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHTIs now a recognized household Medicino ofremarkable remedial powers, invented andcompounded by tho Proprietor, which ho bascalled by tho euphonious soubriquet"QUEEN'S DELIGHT."

ITS CONSTITUENT mOl'ERTIES.QUEEN'S DELIOIIT Ia an au alterativo, produc¬

ing a gradual chango in theHEIXITSII'S functions of organs, an to

permit a healthy action totake tho place ol disease.

QUEEN'S DELIOIIT Ï» deobstruent by itudiversi-td action; removes obstruc-

HKINITSH'S Jons, reduces inflammationand enlargement ot' the

flands and viacora.9 an Invigorant and Tonie;

it produces a gentle andpermanent excitement ot alltho vital actions observablein tho functions nf organic

i HBINITSH'S life; and in, therefore, nd-missablo in diseases of thoStomach, Liver and organsof digestion.

QUBEN'S DELIGHT ls a stiu-; tuting, alterativodiaphoretic, promoting per¬spiration, removing humorsin thu blood, producing a

Hnr.viTSu's healthy action nf tho skin,removed Boils, Pimple.",Bleiche* and Cutaneouseruptiona.

Qc KEN'S DEUOIIT la aperient, gently actingupon the lu.weld," therebyremoving effete matter, pro¬ducing a healthy feeling ol

HEINITSII'S tho stomach and bead.Headache and nervous dis¬orders are cured by it H wee.

QUEEN'S DEMOHT Ia expectorant, inereaeingthe secretion from themucous membrane of theair cells and paauageH of

HEINITSH'S the lungs, or aBaiste it* dis¬charge; in, therefore, a re¬medy, combined with CodLiver Oil, in all capes of Con¬sumption, Colds, Ac.

Tho high appreciation in which it is held bytho profession and the golden opinions of thopeople, and their many testimonials, will make-It a desirable medicine for Druggists to keepconstantly on hand.The sick, feeble and those in delicate health,and all persons living in warm climates, ami

all unacclimatcd, will find thoQUEEN'S DELIGHT

A gro t medicine, protecting them from allthose diacaacs which originate in a bad condi¬tion of tho blood and climatic influences.For salo by Druggists throughout the Stute.

The Irado supplied bvFISHER ft HEINITSH, Columbia, 8. G.PLUMB k LEITNER, Augusta. Ga.J. H. ZKILEN ft CO.. Macon. (Ja.JOHN F. HENRY, New York.MANSFIELD fe HIOBEK. Memphis, Tem..JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY ft COWDEN,Ang fl t Philadelphia.

New and Beautiful Goods,AND USEFUL too. A large «tock new mi

hand of beautiful Teilet articles, of nowell.tyla and qualitv, and at low prices. PKIi-FUMERY, HAIR BRUSHES, English andFrench, hard and soft; elegant 'English HardTooth Brushes, Infants' Tooth and HairBrushes, Turkish Bathing Towels and Gloves.Toilet »So lpn in great vanoly and of the fluentquality, and very obeap.Lnbin's newest EXTRACTS for tho handker¬chief.Roso and Violet Toilet Powder.Fine Pomade for tho Hair. Hair Heston rs

of every kind.Dressing Gneuba, nf French Buffalo Horn.Fino Ivory Cumba, Metallic Back Comb*.Cosmetics for the Complexion.Gorman Cologne, Sachets io variety.Puffa and Powder Boxes.Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. Foi sab- at

FISHEltà HEINITSH'S Drag store.Oct 19 \

Fresh Supplies.DUTCH HERRINGS.

Frseh Country »nd Mountain BUTTER,Pink-Eye and Poach-Blow Planting Potatoes,Fine Goshen CHEESE, at G. DIERCKR,Jan23_At thc fltgn of tho Watch.Jos. DANIEL POPE. A. C. HASKELL.



Offioo-Law Rang' CVumbla, H. C. May ß

-, ...... y,,,, . riyiTAft-i'i^i'inij^T -T


. .tJto**-*',ftTr%ifr**-S-M II mi j ?- -' Bj jjBaltimore Advertisements. ^

Tr£yOH BR0THEB8,COMMISSION MERCHANTS,75 Smith's Wharf, Baltimore, Md.,

Ta TAKE liberal advances on Cotton coneign-i*JL ed to their bona«._".Pj* 26 2mo*MRS. D. C. SPECK,

Private and Transient Boarding,No. 248 Weet Lombard Btreet, corner Tenn,Sept 14_ JÏALTIMORE, MD.

Samuel Kirk & Son,No. 172 West liallimorc Street, Baltimore, Md.


RY. Established 1817. Sept 25 Hmo



milE large;-; and beut assorted stock io thcJL eitv ol'SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL,


General Daub and Counting House Stationeryof all kindR.

blank Rooks made to order in any .style ofbinding ami rilling. AUK lt' L'tmo


LAWRENCE I). DIET2 & CO,,Importers and Deals« in

NOTIONS,Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves,

Ac, A-c., Ac.

308 H'. Baltimore street, betxeeen Howard andSept 30 Liberty, Baltimore, Md. 3mo

Baltimore Regalia Emporium.Siseo Brotliers,MANUFACTURERS of Regalia, Jewels,

Lodgo Paraphernalia, Ac, for Masons,1. O. O. F., Red Men, Knights of Pythias andall other aocities, Banners, Flags, Ship Signals,&C., 14 N. Charles st.. cor. Fayette, Ballimore,Md. Price list furnished upon application.Ang 19 3m o


MORTON, REED & CO.,No. 05 South Oay street. Ballimore.

RAILWAY and Machinists' supplies of evervkind, METALS, MACHINERY, TOOLS,Leather Belting and Gum Goods, Car Bpi inge,Ac, Lubricating Oils. Brats Goods, Bolts,Nuts. Ac. Sept 28 3mo

GEORGE PAGE & 00.,No. .-, ff. Schroeder Street, llnltlniore, 8t«l.


LAR SAW MILLS, St at ional y and PortableSteam Engines and Boileis, Grist Mills, Shin¬gle Machines, Lath and Slab Machinery, SawGümmers, Horse Powe rs, Shafting, Pallies,Ac. Dealers in Circular Saws anil Mill sup¬plies generally, and Manufacturer*' Agentsfor every description of wood-working ma¬chinery. Onr Independent and SimultaneousHead-blocks, patented Dccembi r 15. 1H<;8, andimproved Friction Feed, patented July 13,1809, in addition to previous patents, makeour Saw Mills stand unrivaled. J-'stimntes andplans furnished, und contracts entered intofor the erection of Circular. (Sung M ti lr.y orSuth Mills. Correspondence solicited, andCatalogues furnished, on application, by mailor otherwise. Julv 3*o iv

Box 30J0.Soul far circuíartSept 17 tthou

BBMBSSSMa^BSSMBBSBBiBSSag Thc bvutptcmsiSIMMONS' Kalif.«0»*IcA-lticsi- il li d

Kvsimrzm^??'e'mvTs^r-Tri7r¡Mpain in the side.Sometimes tin- pain 1» in the shoulder, mid ism isl ni., n for rheumatit-m. The stomach isaffected with loss id' appetite and t-icknet-a,bowels in general emit ¡ve, sometimes alternat¬ing witb lux. '1 bc head is trouhled with pa! 11,and dull, heavy sema lion, considerable loss olmemory, accompanied with painful sensationof liuviiig left undone something which oughtito have bten done. Chen complaining olweakliest, debility, und low spirits. Some¬times «onie ot the above .-j mptoms attend thedise.isi and at other tin es very fi w of them;

.LIVER ÊrïïyFiti jH 'olvi d. (' 11 r i'

rr-rrrTTiriTmrmi-ri-ni li 1.1 vi r w ithDR. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR,

i A preparation nf routs and loo bs. warrantedto be strictly vegetable,.and eau il" no injuryto any one.

i It h.-.s bi -n u ed by hundred*, and knownfor the last thirly-flve yCH rs un one of itu: mottreliable. » fries cioUK sud hui iniess pi ep.11 ut ionsever offered to the suffering. If taken regu¬larly und piTtiati ntly. it is sine to cure.Dy*peysia, headache, jaundice, ro-divom-He,

sick headache, ebronie diarrhiea. afTeelions olthe bladder. ';'^^jjmSj j jJjj ft ^ ' (''''"''" "f

aaarVESOSBEisaaiBBBWBaaaaaExi ' Hu- skin, im¬purity ot nm 01000. ineisnciioiy, or depressionof spirits, br art bm n, colic, or pains in thch«Weli>, pain in thc head, fever ai d «gue,drop-v, boils, pain in back »nd limbs, asthma,eryeipelaM, female affections, mid bilious dis«eases ..'«.nerallv. Price »1; by mail, il 25.

j Prepared only by .1. H. ZKlLIN A- CO..Druggists, Macon, Ga.

The following highly respectable person* csufolly ut test tot in< vii tuns ofthis valuable mtdi-I cine, and to whom wt most respectfol ly refer:j Gen. W. S Holt. Pr-xident S. W. It. it Com-nany; Rev. J. lt. Felder, Perry. G;\; Col E. K.Sparks, Albanv. Ga.; Ooo. J." Lnnsford, Ken.,Conductor S. W. R. H.; C. Mastt reon, E-q.,Sheriff Bibb County; J. K. Butts, Bainbridge,Ga.; Dykes A Sparhawk, Editors floridian,Tallahassee, Rr». J. Vt. Bnrke. Macon. Ga.;Virgil Powers, Eeo., Superintendent S. W. R.R : Daniil Billiard, Billiard's Station, Macon<fc Brunswick R. H., Twigg« County. Qa ; Gren¬ville Wood, Wood's Factorr, Macon, Ga.; Rev.E. F. Eaeterllng, P. E. Florida Conference;Major A. F. Wooley. Kingston, Ga.; EditorMacon Telegraph, and John Ingall-, formerlyof Columbia, 8. C.For sale by all druggists. July 18 $3mo

New Xork. A^v^x^isçimeiits.WHITE DI NN EH SETS, new Limoge

H lia poi-, 167 pieces, (25 Smaller size?ela proportionately low in prices.WHITE TOILET SETS, ll pieces, $8.20.

WHITE TEA SETS, 44 pieces, $1 00.(¡001) WATER-GOBLETS, uerdozen, il 30.GOOD WINE GLASSES, per dozen, *l 00.

All ot lier gooda in our Hue equally low. Goodapacked tor tho country, or forwarded hy Ex¬piées, C. O. I>.

WASHINGTON lUOLET'SMiddle Cooper Institute Block,'lliird and Pourtli Ave» , between 7<h and Hth

streets, New York.Send for Illustrated Photograph ¡.nd Cata-

loguoof Limoge Dinner, Toa and toilet Sets,in siled free. Oct 15 limo

Uanafkctnrod by J*.Thc National Watch Co.,OF KLUIS, ILL.

W ^Pronounced by Watch^ Makers, Railroad and Ex-

Ïress men. East and Weat,o be tho moat correctTinto Keepers made.

Avoid parties who nd«vert Iso to send Watches"C.O.D." PURPORTINGlo be of our make. Wefurnlrdi nono for that?urpof.e. There aro hnl-atlonH in mnrkot. Toget QENUINK ELQIMIWATCHES, apply to dealers In your onn locality or

'ls-where, whom you know to bc honorable.,BaslneM Ofllro and Sales Room IOU & 101 LakeStreet, Chicago, LIL _...'"O^!p»Novll fifi

Degraaf & Taylor,Furniture, Carpets and Mattresses,

Wholesale and Retail.

.W'titufudnr;/ ami Wiircrvonis,H7 mid ht» Bowery,

Cl Cl.rli.fie street,j i::o nod i;t : Heatrr st rect,


TTTTE have now on band the largest block ofYV entirely new patterns aral designs forfurnishing bouses throughout ever offered byono IIÜUCU in thc city,and at a gre at deductionin ju iccOar CARPET DEPARTMENT is under thesuperintendence of H. s. Humes, who is well

and favorably ki.own to thc public, havingbeen a long time with Sloane A- Co., in Broad¬way, andf-rtbe lest four years with Lord ATaylor. Our tock ul Carpets is entirely now,j and well selected, this tn auch having la en justadded to our business.Tue MATfHESS DEPAH1 MI NT if entirelyunder our supervision, all heine made on th«

premires. Every Mattress guaranteed,Steamboat.-', hotels, churches, public halls

and private house« fuiniehed throughout atwholesale pi ices.Tho Floating Palace?- tlc .-tenn.ur- ol the

People's Lino on the Hudson River- wore fur-nisi.ed Itv us.

PRICES VF.FY COMPETITION.Second and Third Avenne Cur- pass our

Stores. Entrance bl and 80 Howei y, Newj York. S< nt 11 3mo

Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies..$!."? C\( \Ci KEWAltD for any ense of dis-NDJL«A/V/V/ casi- in any stage which tbevI rail to euro. Du. RICHAU'S GOLDEN HALSAMNo. 1 cures Ulcers, Ulcerated SOM- Throat andMouth, foro Eyes. Eruptions, Copper-ColoredUlotchcs, Scrofula, A«*.-, is the ñio~t«¡.t ÜloodPurilier known, re moves :iî! dictate from thosystem and leaves the blt»« d pure anil heall hv.DR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN RAI SAM No. 2

cures Mercurial Ailed ions, Hhenmatittn in nilits binns, gives immediate rel iel in al. casta.I No dieting neccfeaary. Pi iee ol t ither No. 1 orNo. 2, if» 03 per bottle, or two bottle- f. r i'J 00.DR. BICI1AU"« GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, u tafe

and radical cure for nil Ul ¡nary Derangements.I accompli nietl with full directions Pr ici i'-'> Oil¡per litit lc. DH. ltICHAU'SGOLDEN ELIXIRD'AMOUH, ¡I radical turn Tor Debility, m oldtir yonn¡>; impuiliitg oncigj with wonderfuli licet. Price ff. per b< Hie or two bot Iii « lor 19.

I On receipt ot price. Ibo Itoiiicdics «ill be«hipped to mi} place. Circulars! sont. Address

DR. 1). ll RICHARDS,Aug 10 ly No. 228 Va rich -t . New Y. rk.

H. HOE & CO.,Manufacturer- < f

Warranted Extra Cast Steel Tai outGround Circular Mili Mulay

and GangSAWS.

Circular S.£VWJS,With M»vttble. or Inserted Trrth.

TÏ7E CLAIM b>r oar Patent Circular SawVf ib<! fu lowing advantages over ailothers:Thc siiHi.kn nf iii« Ult-th are elastic, und ox-

erl a unifoi m di .!< union in tl e sock'-ts.Thc stnbüit} of tb« plat«* is in n<> wjy ufl cl¬

od by ii.«eli in:; new têts of leith,Each tooth, independí lilly, nia> be iidjiitted

to t be cul ling InoI No rivets, keys, or othel objectionable :«p-pliaucee, art t m plot . d ic ennm rle u w ¡th t ! >?

teeth, wlèt'b are «s himpbi in consti net ¡on, P ndI as easily used, ar. a nil' f<-r bolt.

In short, all the difficulties her- Infere expe-riencetl in Ihr us« ol movable teeth fer MU1».

j .in- mil» no t am! obviai» d bj tins invention.j ALSO,j TLTTI.K l»ATEfcT



j Saw Mandre l*;, Guroininr; Mnchi: (?. eec.

j Send For Catalogues »nd pii i«»-

Printing Press .du i.me >.¡. :.»». MatiUfao-tarers. New York. Gorton, Mara., und Lon¬don, Eng. Ang 'ld Ifimo

Frost, Black & Co.,Wholesale and Retail Mannfaci urer> of

and Healers inF I H 8 T C LASS


00 Bowery, .tar Cmml ctrett, M. Y.MOT Steamboats, Hotel-- and Public build¬

ings furnished at the abor test noticeS3f All gooda purchased of our houee gua¬

ranteed as represented. Sept 17 8moB.W.FROST. JAS.BLACK. OVO.SNYDER.




AND a mont valuable and reliablo Tonio, oquket, and at mucb leaa price. Cnrea Dyspojwithout doubt the beat Tonic Bittara in uae. F<SCHEDULE OF PRICES OF TI

INVARIABLY1 do/, and leea thau 12 doz.f8 00 per doz.50 doy., and upward».$7.00 per doz.

GOODRICHProprietors and Manufacturera <

And direct importers olAu« 1 ly

MINING & MANIc // A J; L E s

Factory Eaat end Hasel street Mince on A

Wando JfT" o i*


For tale byAUK 1 ly W. C. DUR

A.. O-KAUFMAN,'Broker, Auctioneer and Com. Agent,No. 25 BnoAs BTBEKT, Cn.\nx.EBTON, S. C.,


Itr.PF.nKNCF.s.-Ex-Oov. B. F. Perry, Oreen-ville, S. C.; Charles T. Lowndes. Leecene AMiles, Charleston, S. C.; W. W. Taylor, Balti-more, Md.; Maj. C. IL Buber, New berry, S. C.;Cen. T. M. Locan, Richmond, Ya.; Hon. J. B. jCampbell, W. 13. Smith lt Co., dane, Boyl-ston & Co., Peleer, Rodgers A Co., Prcseley,Lord & Iuglcsby, J. IL Wilson, Charleston,8. C.

BiT N.B.-Business entrusted to him willmeet with prompt attention and faithful exe-cutioii. AUR 1 ly

MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON,Ko*. 10,12,14 Vendue Range, Charle*ton, S. C.


WHOLESALE Dealers in all kinds ofHides, Wool. Skins, Furs, Ac. Huvt con-

staidly on hand a large assortment of Hidesand Skins. Tanners will «lo well ttl call uponus before purchasing.M.-srs nOT.PRMlTII. APKAHAM A. OOI.PSMITll.

HENRY BISCHOFF & CO.,WHOLES ALE GK 0 CERSfr j"*j""§"j*| AND Dealers in \\ ines, Liquors, Sc-QS&SSi ¿~'ars, Tobfccco, A-»:., 107 East Hay,iâVHBCharleston, B. C. IL HISCBOFF,


Wholesale Dealers in

BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS,N>>. 2 Hayne street, corner





SOLUBLEThe Sulphuric Acid ar.d Snper-Phosp

HAVING completed their extensive MauufFertilizers, no other kinda being availab]

invest menta.This Company, under the direction entirely o

duceiiients which will recommend it tn Boutlargest aud most completo in Ibo United Statabundant supply of tho proper solvent for thcaro muir by. From these Phosphates they piin soluble Phosphate than those made from rsvquantity of Super-Phoiphate of Lime found in taale, the rates itt which we offer them being nolilizciv, while the Manures contain twice as mtcheaper to the consumer. They are offered onthat the material in euch will coi respond to thoETI WAN, No. I.-Soluble Phosphate, contain

Pore Soluble Phosphate of Lime, and furnishedETIWAN, No. 2. Peruvian Snper-PhosphateSoluble Phosphate, and two to four per ci nt. nf

proved accept linees, bearing int» lest, or snell oagents Orders to bo forwarded immediately tiand after lut January next.G. O. Mf.MMrNOKii," President.Um" The Fertilizers of this Company will be b

Agent*for Exton'* I'remiinn Trenton Vraekrr*.W. H. CKAFEE & CO.,

WHOLESA LE GROCERS,207 K,lít Ba-V« Charlea ton, s. c.rfeofcfcaál Agents for i\ Ballantine A Sims'S^l^a^KCream Ale.


E. E. STODDARD & CO.,"VÄTV WHOLESALE DEALERS inL/V Hoots, Shoes and Trunks, atVa^""^aBa^B>Mnnufacturcrsl pricci», 10") Meet-ing street, nearly opposite Charleston Hotel,Charleston, s. c. Ana 1 ly

EDWIN BATES & CO.,Wholesale Dcuh-is in


IL» O T J31 I Na,122 »nd 1M Meeting street,

C If A li I. ES T 0 N, S. C.EDWIN HATES,

i CEO. C. SEI MAN.\'i» i iv TH"^ n MoOAHAN.

KABLES KE1 &1*011, Jr.

DEALER in Haul* i« .d fiery,Gnna, AgriciiRmai Iniph.-uitiils,

249 King i t n i i . Charil ?>'.< n,s. C. Au assortment of llonsc-keeping Hard-ward on rHlitl. * m- 1 1?

Showcases! Fhov/Gares!w. II, Conni's LATEST PAU ST

At New York Rates,t .nu t ant ly on hand and made to order.


MUSICAL Instruments, Stationery,¿^É¿¡.Base Halls, Fire-works, Ac. Stamping,nte*BEinhroidnry and Braiding neatly exc-^«^cuted, from latest designs, atWM. McLF.AN'S. 433 King St.,Ang 1ly Charleston, S. C.


LINA BITTERS,^R-EP^-R^TYOiv'al, if not superior, to any Bitters in the mar- jisla, Loss of Appetite, Chills and Fever, and is>r sale by Druggists and Uioeers everywhere.IE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS,NF.T CABU.12 doz. and less than 50 doz.$7.50 per doz.

, WINEMAX k CO.,>f tho Celebrated Carolina Rittir««,f choice European Drugs und Chemicals,No. 23 Havne stre-t. Charleston. S. C.



shley Uiver.

tiliaor ,


ES A CO., General Agents, Charleston, S. C.

FOR PALATKA, FLORIDA,rio Savannah, Fernandina, Jacksonville and

landings on thc SI. John's River.THE ELEGANT

and FIBS! CLASSSTEAMER DICTA¬TOR, Captain \V. T.MCNELTY, will pailfrom Charleston everyTUESDAY EVEN¬

ING, at 9 o'clock, for above points, connectingwith Central Railroad, at Savannah, for Mo¬bile and New Orleans, with Florida Railroad,at Fernandina, for Cedar Keys, at which pointSteamers connect with New Orleans, Mobile,Foneacola, Key Weet and Havana. ThroughBills Lading signed to New Orleans, Mobileand Pensacola. J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents,

South Atlantic Wharf, Charleston.

HENRY COBLA & CO.,">.G Vendue Range,


WHOLESALEGrocers and Commission Merchants,Keep constantly on hand a full assortment



£-^¿S3£^ IMPORTERS and Dealer« in^'^/T^F^^ Musical Instruments, Striugs,H ï Ï i «»Vc. Ac. Agents of Steinway AKoo's and. J. B. Dunham's Pianos, Cai hart ANeedham's Hclodcons,Tilton's Patent Guitar.191 King Street, Charleston, S. C.FERDINAND ZOGBAUM, New York; HEN¬RY YOUNO, C. L. MoCLENAHAN, Charles¬

ton. S. C. Aug 1 lyLa Valentina Segar Factory,

No. 118 East Ray Sireef,HAVE for side the choicest brands «d' Pun-Havana Segare Also, good domesticSegara, at low pric< H.

ALFRED A. DARBOT, Agent,Aug 1 ly '..lilith sion, S. C.

MANURES.hate Company, of Charleston, S. C.,act orv, are now prepared t>> furnish Soluble Ie to planters for immediate returns tor theirif Southern mi n ot high character, off« rs in-Ihern planters. Their MOI ks aro among thci s. and enable them lo prepare nt heine aninútil Carolina native Rone Phosphates which Iropose to manufacture a Fei tilizer even richert hones, and containing niue than twice thehe besl average Manui es heretofore offert d torhigher than the average pi ice of other Fer-jich fertilizing nu.teiial; tiny are ¡II fact much Itho II urket in two foi ms, with a guaranteeadvertisement.¡liing from eighteen lo hw ul) Uvi \ er cent, otat sixty dolíais per ton.containing from sixteen to twenty percent, otAntin* nia. at scv« nty dollars pi r ton; lor un-ther security as may be acceptable to thc sun-» the Agents, and deliverv made as directed on

WM. C. BEE A CO., Agents.randed EflWAN. No. I, and KITWAN, No. 2

A Useful Invention.

HOUSE-KEEPERS who do (lu ir own cool;-ing with Kerosene or Gas Stows, have,heretofore, felt the want ol » perfect BakingOven.

DUVAIAS PATENT BAKERattached to their Stove?, will bake Dread, iRircuit. Pies, Ac., mid rossi Poult ty, Beef.Potatoes. Ac, Itt perfection. A full supply of!Kerosene and Gas Stove«, of the best kilda, iitogether with Utensils for every purpose, for»ale. at windinah- and retail, byJ. R. DUVAL A SONS.Charleston.S. C.,Ann 1 ly Agenta for the Patent« e.-. ]

"Eason Iron Works,"O' H A R L E S T 0 ¿V , « . C .


ry sud Castings

MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON,.Vos. f, fi anti 8 Vendue Itamje, ( tiarteston, S. '. J"ITT ll OLESA LE Dealers in Iron, Metals, jYv Kag*, "tel «*" kinds o' Paper Stock.Highest eai-h prices paid for the above.MoSF.B OnMJSMITH. ABKAUA9I A. «¡OI.USMIT ll.


Shipping; and Commission Merchant*,Kerr'* What/, Charleston, S. C.

TJtTILL attend t-> the >-ales of all kinda ohVV Produce and Purchase nf Merchandise.Dealer" in No. 1 Veruvisu Guano and other

l/oi 4 Rizel*. Aug 1 lyCharleston Pental Depot,


^J_OLD «nd Tin Poil, Amalgam Mineral

Toelh, Steel Goods, and every artieli' used byHie 1 'enti.it. Aug 1 lyWALKER, EVAHS & COGSWELL,STATIONERS and Printers, and dealers in

Printers' Materials, Dread street, Charles¬ton, fl. C. Aug Iv


GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,No. 91 FBOBT STREET, NEW YORK,PAY special attention to the purchase. ot

Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Baggiug, Rope,Iron, Tics, etc., etcBLAOKMAB, ROBERTS, CHANDLER ft CO.,

300 North Commercial Street,304 Levee, St. Louis. Mo.G ENERAL COMMISSIONMEUCHANTS,Mako llio purchase of Bagging, Ropo, Bacon,Flour, Corn and other western Producta a

speciality, giving cloeo attention to freights,contracts and condition of goods. Oct 23 Imo

Notice.AT the next session of thc Legislature, ap¬plication will he mado for a renewal oft he Charter of Combahco Ferry, at its presentsite. Hept SI tii3mo

Notice is Hereby GivenTHAT application will be made to the State

Legislature, at its next session, to incor¬porate a Lifo Insurance Company, with itscentral office in the citvof Columbia.Aug 25 wl3

Notice.A T the next session of the Legislature, ap-2\. plication will ho mado to that bodv for a

Charier, hy the Columbia Oil Co. Sept '25 el3

Notice is Hereby GivenrtMi AT application will bo made to tho Le-_|. gislature, at itu next bossion, for anamendment to tho Charter of tho Columbiabridge Company. Sept 1 w 3mo

Blue Ridge Railroad.

11HE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ofthis Company will be hold in Charlonton,

at tho Mayor's office, on FRIDAY, tho 19thinstant, at 12 M. Thu Board of Directors willmeet samo day. By order of the Board.Nov 9^_W. H. D. GAILLARD. Secrotary.



business and offersSUPERIOR ADVANTAGESto tho Merchants of Columbia and up country.RATES-NEW YORK TO COLUMBIA.-FirstClass $1.35; Second Class $1.20; Third Cines$1.10; Fourth Class 80c; Fifth Class COc, perhundred pounds.

.ra* Rates and Classifications to all otherpoints North, same as rta tho Charlestonir.uto."OdTho Steamship Lines connecting with and

forming part of the Sea-board Inland Air Lineare as follows. BE CABEFUL AND SHIT BY TEESLLINES ONLY:Boston and Norfolk Steamship Co., End of

Ci ntrai Wharf, Boston-E. Sampson, Agent.Old Dominion Steamship Co., Pier 37 NorthRiver, New York-N. L. McCrcudy, Pu s't.; of¬fice 1S7 Greenwich street, corni r" Dey street,New \ orb.

I'll la di lpbia and Noi folk Steamship Co., 14North Delawai e Avenue, Philadelphia-VP. 1".Clyde, Agent.Annaniesaio Linc, via Delaware Railroad-

Depot Philadelphia. Wilmington and Balti¬more Railroad, Philadelphia.BaltinioroSteam Packet Co., (Bay Line,) foot

of Union Dock, Baltimore-R. I», l'oor, Agent.Ov~ In shipping freight for Philadelphia bocareful lo mark thu packages and note on Billnf Lading whether it is to be forwarded lyClyde's Steamers, or via AnuRmctsic Line.For further in loi m a lion, nddicss

E. lt. DORSEY.Aug 13 General Freight sud Ticket Agf.

Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta R. R.SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE,

COLUMBIA, S. C , October 1, 1809.F^lr." EFTCHTOfeS»r ON and after SUN¬KS?S2Í-SffiEsffi DAY next, Oc tober 3,Passenger Trains will run UH follows:

e.oiNO NOBTH.Leave Augusta, at.6.45 a. m.

Columbia, S. C., at.12.35 p. m.An ive at Charlotte, N. C. 7.10 p. m.

COMINO BOUTH.Lea v. Charlotte, N. C.,at.COO a. m.

" Columbia, S. C., at.12.G0p.m.Ai rive nt Augusta.6.15 p. m'I lie following is the Schedule over tho ShortLine. Connections ture to all pointe.Leave (1.15 am Augusta Arrive 6.15 pm" 12.35 pm Columbia " 12 50 pm" 8.25 pm Charlotte " 5.50 nm" 1.BO am I Greensboro " 12.15 am*' 1115 am Richmond " 2.45 pm

9 00 pm Washington " 7.00 am" 10 4) pm Baltimore '* 5.08 am" 2 35 am Philadelphia " 12.50 aro

Arrive0 19 am New- York I tave 9 20 pmOct 2 CALEB BQTIKNIQHT. Snp't.Greenville ano Columbia JBailroad

SUPT'S OFFICE, COLUMBIA, Apiil 10, 1619.rXZ TTiiCffOTO^ç: PASSENGER Trains runfifí? SíSS^ti&i* daily except Snr day. con-nectilig with Night Train on Charleston Poad:Eve Columbia 7.on an 1 ve Greenville G.00 am" Alston 8.55 " " Andereon 6.45 "" Newberry 10.35 " *' Abbeville 8.45 "

Arr Abbeville 3.3o pu. " Newberry 1.26pm"Anderson 5.15 " " Alston 8.00 «.

"Greenville 6.00 " Air Columbia 5.00 pmTrains on Blue Ridge Railroad mn aefollows:Eve Anderson 5.20 pm Eve Walhalla 4.00 am«. Pendleton G.20 *' " Pendleton 5.40 .*

Arr Walhalla 8.00 " Arr Anderson 6.40"Tlic train will return from Bolton to Ander¬

son on Monday and Friday mornings.JAMES O*. MEREDITH, General Sup't.Spartanburg and Union Railroad.

c1R8tè£S&' ^ ur,f* aItt'r ^ue I^tli October,üy"!»' Passenger Trains will Jtavo Spar¬tanburg C. H. on Mondays, Wcdneeinys andFridajs, st 7 30 a, m.. ami ari ive at Alston at1.95 p. m., conni elli g witl- Greenville downtrain. Ret urning TiU)bda>s, 'iliuridnjs andSatin days, leave Alston 9 SO in ; arrive Spar-laid mg ;i ia p. ni., as pei following Schedule:

Roten Trait. Up Tram.MilcB. Arrive. Leave. Arrive.Leave.

Sparluubiiig 0 7.S0 3 40hicolet.10 S.15 K20 2.50 2.55louisville...li» >« .V) 9 00 2.10 2.15Dnlonville.. ÍP 9.45 10.10 12.Î5 1.25...intiic. 37 H'.<5 10 50 12.16 12.20SI ellon... 48 ll-IO 1145 11.20 11.25Lvhs Foul .52 ia 05 12 10 10 66 H f 0Stroth, r 56 12 S" 12.86 10.80 10.35Alston. Ot* 1.85 9.80Oct 14 I H OH. H. JETER. PrOfiih nt.South Carolina Railroad Company,


i^mmm^m .iSï'ÂS;Trains will be obeoiv» d from this date:DAT FAKHhNOEB THAIN.

Leaving Columbia at.7.45». BI.Afrivii g at Columbia at. 4 40 ;«. ni.NIOHT EXl'ItKfS TRAIN.

heaving Columbia at. 6 60 p.m.Arriving at Columbiant.4 4; a. m.THE TAI "IN THAIN

¡VIII continue to run f he follow ir.g tví.t d ile:TM-WEEKLY.

(Mondais. Wednesdays and Saturday*, jarrive Columbia 11.00 a. m. I eave J.4b p. m.

UAli.Y (MISJ)AIH KXOKFTfDyLeave Camden 6.35a.m. Ar Kinjgvijefi 2f: r. ni.hve Kingvilh- 8 15 p. m. Ar Caim!j< G ff> p.m.Sept 16 H.T. PEAKE. Genial Snp't.Laurens Railroad-New [ehëdule.

-ffijnairfjsp; MAIL Trains on thlj R»ad run toI^E^^^V» return same day, to lóMeel withip and down Trains on Grcciivilll Std Colum¬na Railroad, at Helena; leaving I «Dens a( 5k. M., Tuesdays, Thursday* and Piturdays*\nd leaving Belem at 1.30 r. M. anni days,July 9 I. 8. BOWERS. Snpcrinirdent