highlands college sport

Highlands College Sport Transition Task Bridging work introduction: Sport is an interesting vocational choice and exciting profession. Your career aspirations start here by undertaking this assignment in the following pages. This department is looking for high academic standards in your first task. You must complete these tasks using referenced research. Referenced research means including links to websites and sources, in addition to using your own words. This research will aid your completion of a core sport unit and will be used to assess what level you are working at.

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Highlands College Sport

Transition Task

Bridging work introduction:

Sport is an interesting vocational choice and exciting profession. Your career

aspirations start here by undertaking this assignment in the following pages.

This department is looking for high academic standards in your first task. You

must complete these tasks using referenced research. Referenced research

means including links to websites and sources, in addition to using your own


This research will aid your completion of a core sport unit and will be used to

assess what level you are working at.

Student Name:

Assignment brief – OCR Cambridge Technical Sport

Assignment title Structure and function of the skeletal system

Assessor Felicity Mason/ Andrew McGinnigle

Date issued May 2020

Hand in deadline Sep 2020

Resubmission deadline

Qualification covered OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Sport

Units covered Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology in Sport

Unit 4: Physiology of Fitness

Learning Outcome Know the structure and function of the skeletal system

Know the body’s responses to acute exercise

Scenario As a physical literacy coach for Jersey Sport, you have been asked to make all your fellow coaches more aware of how the musculoskeletal system functions within physical activity including being able to identify the anatomical components.

Task 1

Task 1: P1 Describe the structure and function of the skeletal system

• An introduction to the structure of the skeletal system

• A hand labelled diagram of the skeleton, naming the main bones (cranium, clavicle, ribs, sternum, , radius, ulna, scapula, pelvis, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, talus, tarsals, metatarsals, vertebral column) BY TEST

• A description & diagram of the structure of the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton

• A description of the different types of bones in the skeleton (long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, sesamoid bones) with diagrams

• A description of the function of the skeleton (support, protection, movement, cell production, store minerals)

Task 2

Task 2: P2 describe the different classification of joints

• An introduction to Joints

• a description including structure similarities and differences of three classification of joints. (fixed; slightly moveable; synovial)

• a description of the 5 sub classifications of a synovial joint and the movement allowed at each one with diagrams

• A description of the movements capable (e.g. flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, horizontal flexion, horizontal extension, rotation, plantar and dorsi flexion)

Task 3

P3: Identify the location of the major muscles in the human body Label 16 muscles on 2 diagrams of the (front and back) of the muscular system with clear labelling of the following muscles:

Scan or take a picture of the diagrams and include in your report.

• Biceps brachii; triceps brachii; deltoids; pectoralis major; rectus abdominis; rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius; soleus; tibialis anterior; erector spinae; teres major; trapezius; latissimus dorsi; obliques; gluteus maximus.

Task 4

P4: Describe the function of the muscular system and the different fibre types. • An introduction to the muscular system including a description of the three types of muscles (cardiac, skeletal – detail diagram and caption on where muscle contraction takes place, smooth)

• A description of the function of the muscular system i.e. movement –Describe: antagonistic pairs (agonist, antagonist, fixator) with diagrams – labelling the agonist and antagonist muscle

• A description of the types of contraction and relate them to sporting examples (isometric, concentric, eccentric) with diagrams

• A description of muscle fibres (function of the structures in slow oxidative, fast oxidative glycolytic and fast glycolytic, how the mix might suit different activities)

Task 5

M1: locate the bones, joints, movement types and muscles used during a range of sporting activities.

You will need 3 pictures of athletes in action to apply your knowledge of P1/P2/P3/P4

For each picture use arrows to:

1. Locate joint & type

2. Locate bones that articulate at the joint

3. Locate the movement pattern

4. Locate the agonist muscle

5. Locate the antagonistic muscle

6. Type of muscle contraction

Task 6 P1: Unit 4: Describe the musculoskeletal responses to acute exercise Skeletal responses: increase in production of synovial fluid,

Muscular responses: increase in muscle pliability; increased range of movement; muscle fibre micro tears.

Task 7

P3: Unit 4 - Describe the long-term effects of exercise on the musculoskeletal system M1 – Outline the adaptation to muscular and energy systems brought about by regular exercise Write in paragraphs for each system and PICK 3 of the responses for each system, describe and outline from each system.

Skeletal system: increase in ligament strength, increase in bone density Muscular system: hypertrophy; increase in tendon strength; increase in myoglobin stores; increased number of mitochondria; increased muscle strength; increased tolerance to lactic acid.

Evidence you must produce for this task


Criteria covered by this task:


P1 Describe the structure and function of the skeletal system

P2 Describe the different classifications of joints

P3 Identify the location of the major muscles in the human body

P4 Describe the function of the muscular system and the different fibre types

M1 Locate the bones, joints, movement types and muscles used during a range of sporting activities.

Unit 4: P1 Describe the musculoskeletal responses to acute exercise

Unit 4; P3, M1 (partial)

Describe the long-term effects of exercise on the musculoskeletal system

M1 – Outline the adaptation to muscular and energy systems brought about by regular exercise

Sources of information BBC Sport Academy – news.bbc.co.uk

English Institute for Sport www.eis2win.co.uk

Peak Performance online – www.pponline.co.uk

Scenta – www.scenta.co.uk


