
HF q THR fetm, .FRIDAY, MAY 1890. ' Wi I - - sbM (mean WmP ' "" ' Kft FBIDAY, MAY 8, 1890, flKEf f london Offlcec of Tint SDI( uHI. r o wset stren. Bills fcmmTOleallone (1100111 bo addressed to VRAUK "lVlSlTB sottrand.bonaonW.O. taK V ft J A XiltUe History. if. It is quite evident that tho Republican ml ' majority In Congress la intent upon tho if- - adoption of somo legislation hostilo to the If '. constitutional rights and menacing to the IJP continued political supremacy of tho Domo-jR- f ' crate ot tho Bouthorn Btatos, Repressive p. ' measures for tho future conduct ot clootlons m E by Foderal ofllclala aro a part ot tho polltl-E- li rol programme, and President Hakmsox "M ; permits no doubt to exist that ho Is In sub g stantlal aooord with those who desire by jjj violent means to orerturn the Doniocratla If L preponderance In tho South. M i Katurnlly enough, tho Democrats of tho ill, h South aro grloved and npprohenslvo at a Mf, J: turn of events which serves to recall the 'M I day of carpet-ba- g rtplno and rascality, tho If., deeds ot plunder and outrage, and to Indl-gjg- ui - cnto a posslblo return of negro domination. m ' Tho Bouthorn press, too, Is greatly oxcited. I W In the study of this matter, howovor. It Is m not to bo forgotten that the hot-hea- d Demo- ns? ' crate of several of the Bouthorn Btatos, who Hg two years ago persisted In dictating tho cco-R- ft nomlo policy to bopurauod by tho Domocratlo & ' party In tho Congressional and Presidential 1& flght, put It out ot tho hands ot Northern kg Democrats to aid them In their presont lf crisis. By depriving tho Democrats ot tho North-o- f tho powor to mako a winning flght ft on Domocratlo issues in 1636, thoy have loft JL tho party In a minority. M The pursuit of tho Corslcana freo trado crusade did not do tho Democrats in tho ag-- -: rlcultural Northwest any good. Only 8ft ono Democrat was sont by tho voters ' of Iowa to Congress, only two Democrats $ came from lilolilgon, and two from Wlscon-I- S sin: Just flvo In all. On the other hand, In $' Kansas, Minnesota, and Nobraska tho rep-- & rosontatlon Is cxoluslvoly Ilepubllcan, iW' those six States sending in all forty-- , W ono Republicans to Washington. In tho y Btato of Now York, outsldo of the great j , 5V metropolitan district, the delegation con-- i slste of eighteen Republicans and twoDom-B- f Jl ocrate. In Massachusetts, despite the clamor Wfs f of tho civil Borvlco reformers, not a solitary m Domocratlo Roprosontatlvo was elected out-I- s W elds of the Boston districts. Ot the fourteen f W' Now ffland Representatives from Con-m- at nectlcut, Maine, Rhodo Island, New Hamp-W- f HI ehlro, and Vermont, thirteen aro Republl-- 9 U, cans and only ono a Domoorat In othor Jk. words, by foisting a losing issue upon tho HK&f Democraoy of tho North, regardless ot prc-9- 9) test and appeal, tho Democrats ot the Bouth K aro in danger of having to reap some ot the 99Y fruits ot their folly. Jfc Along with tho angry utterances which HK somo Southern journals aro printing Just 9V fi now In the Interest of historical research and 9ff political Instruction, the notes ot warning HJP)4 Bounded by Democrats In the North two Hjl Mf years ago might profitably appear. They woro 9M 3, drowned, temporarily at least, by tho loud HSf. , flapping of ears and tho shrill brays of voices HJP t Inspired by head and not Judgment; but 9J! r truth and wisdom aro now becoming ovl-9- P ' dent oven to the tools. will bo oauipped for frays with Axtoll or oth- ers with a perfection scarcely attainable by other horses, and hence sho will carry, it not our money, our expectations for victory. Bho will bo hailed with Eastern acclamations from ths moment her oars rise over the Boeky Mountain divide, and then. In the languago ot tbo poet, " Let her patter." 9& Y Victory for Governor BUI and the H i. True Democracy. Ufx JP The passago ot tho compromise elcotlon Ha i bill by a unanimous vote In tho Assembly on Hft. Wednesday brings to a closo the labors of Hm, the Legislature on this subject, and ends an V'l; ardent political controversy which has ox- - HJi' tended over three years' tlmo, vVn Tho Denvicrats carried tho State of New HKMV York In 16S5 by a majority of 11,000; they HH carried It In 1B86, on a reduced vote, by a HHf! i majority of 8,000; and thoy carried It In 1887 HHJr 9 by a majority ot 17,000, despite on enormous HK I labor detection. It being thus made evident BjBjH- - I enough that in an ordinary flght on party HH 1 Issues the Ecpubllcnn party was no longer HHr 1 ablo to carry the State, and furthermore, HB'e j that by the growth ot populous cities, whore HA' the Democraoy Is strong, and by tho rela- - HBSr tlve falling off of population in tho rural die- - HBl,' trlcts, where tho Bepubllcons retain their HBV bold, this disparity in favor of the Dem- - HBV' ocrats must lnrreosa year by year, and HVb" the thirty-si-x electoral votes in New York HBV' bo lost irretrievably to tho BopuMicans, a BBS nv road to Bepubllcau victory, a sort of BVH political short out, was sought for and dl- - Hfl M eorered by tho Bepubllcau managers. This HBVj Was what is known as tho Australian sys- - BS tea ot voting, a scheme for restricting the BVr frsqchlM in Democratic cities so that a HBH largo number of Democrat might be de BVJ prired of tno right to vote, and the Jlfjmli. HBV' iloan party thereby be enabled to win BWJ Mr. Cmatxa T. Hixtov, Bepubllcau As- - HHfl aoablyman from Wayne, one of the back- - HHJ woods cuuulies, first presented tit bill HHa ., which lias tinea borne tils name, and which HHa I smbodhtd tho tbroo ctseuthU featuio of the flHfl AustralUto syitteu, as follow . ' i, Voting U to doitotycruM marks mad opoo UsJluta, Inataad of by ballot dlmvtly. 1 IL TnoliUto Guvenmirul to iiav a wo-- H-H- B copoly 4 the tidcoU and (if Dominations, I bono but Um afndal Uiloto rri44 by Um BJBJE m JtUiicrttmWitr Ut bo uaed,ttnd ouy BjBV1 candidates put vjm Utum UckeU b Um BjBjC f KtaUtJworiusonttobos'otedfur, &' f HI. Uiluralo voter to bsi (bolr rotiiig HJBV I A'juatur Uw by"wuru jiuWIo dOtow," iija rMjo Udcllly And good faith Uwy HJBJM otouUJ bo left wUviy dopouaout B Tbo Kovubueau hteto iUtuvnuUmt of J Ml wood i4 tbo AuoUalisu uuAinni, ibo AmVi ftauoaraUo UU Cvuroutioo forcibly Alt-- mV I .Vuvod of it Jn iuo ovloMilUM mUUii i4' ! I iod, H DuiuaU Mgaio ouaroo- - jBa v tiiLturtVye iu)urit Utpv uu iu Mmt -- f gal ioibn, ft, Htmni iKUoduutd bio twUUftubJJ4Uo'ad tbo atepuUkouo Mf I MMRted it, uoivenH4r VUjU, uuHy V I M, ?, triMd ii biU tvrUmmtuut itiua, W I 9UjUoubJkMfitaloJMMitiuuuMiotoo b I ' 0fVfit$4Ut ttu, bd ibo jUMWuwttlo ML tMiOMtauiioi)mitmriJlytyibiAwrt Mi 1 ib MUnummvt4$JvtMtiitiielify k 1f aujrtiy iovgv Umu Ut 1S, iktf, IMT. U I 1 !VV'ptugab4'tiMo ii it I J jHMBiovatlafitoti)yij4o oao tbuowm tv ,. I asilMlaWoaslJg. I tTltfeMfaig iLobttitiirowaalirti II 4lW) tb tbo jtipuMlsji Obfuugb Kpfl ibulf I&wXm tdymf u m&etkm U Bl Bj tt6imit4i bwuiw !oi ' li ttrntfitytteiOtviitmii 0Mi4kdiiii jV; If bUttiigy WMiltf aiilig4BAiKbAi u C: 4p ms8 lb oi fit un Mil Lm 1 JH (Sb h f4 lfis)(l agoiii bLH 09ffiViti ty iUi tliyiiaMim, fid oriiatf tvt SIB gbaMiCfgfagiobyiliywmmmft. tVrtr ! i1toffiftlsv(ln)cgtfatawr54ta ffll fc ytigrtt Witty imiHMWtlsi UaUtsm Jl & Ow sAw UHbv 4 ( 9 It trta ao4 t ov' S1 J sknv 6tmtneg tUufr loamwtil vra Bf P taa&Sr to ilaoar 4 say gmmtoo cfissteraJ chUement They had made a manly flght from tho first without flinching. Tho Republicans, balked at ovcry point, demoralized and defeated, outgencrallcd and despairing, finally yielded their ground In favor of tho compromlso bill, which is ontlrely In lino with Iho Governor's sug- gestions, and In perfect accord with his attl- - tude on tho subject as made known in Tun Bra on Jan. 1, 1890, as follows : "Itmuruwtltb told to tho StpnWlem majority of tho UfUUturo now thit Oororaor lliu. wtltl no bollot rororm bill that will dJofrwcblto a ilntio rotor. Ho will oUn no bill Uitt wlU tool to proront poorlr d mon from Totlnf. Ilo will Ttto anr bill Ibot botwoon tho collefo man and too dor labor- er TliUU tboattltudoof tlio OoTornor. andltwUI bo bt atUtod, no matter what tho bill mar pretend to do. If in effect li to prerent anr qualified rotor from rotlof. Tbo UoTentorwtilitadirelfn nblll to prerent briberr ateleclloni, and to make tho ame itrlnrentlawa that applr to tbo Domocrata tquatlr hear on tho Republi- can rural eoonUee. Dot ho will not elm a bill that pall a ituma on a poorlr educated rotor, and complicate! the macnlntrr ot elections Thtt It the aorernor'i atti- tude, una the Democrat! of both Ilemei of tho LecUla-Isr- o wlU (upport him la It." The new compromlso bill, which has now been passed by both branohos of tho Legis- lature, does away with: I. The Australian or blanket ballot. II. Government nomina- tions, and "exclusively official" ballots. III. Marking of tlckote and voting by tho proxy of any " sworn public oDlcors." No citizen, under its operations, rich or poor, educated or unlettered, is disfran- chised; otherwlso than by his own deliberate not. From the first Governor Hit,ii has made a manly and courageous battle for tho cause of Democraoy aud for tho principles of tho Democratic party. Ho has had the vigorous and hearty support of tho party in the Btato, and together they have won. Tho menace of Bepubltean control through Democratic disfranchisement has passed away, and Domocratlo voters in the sunlight of their success will forget neither those who havo won tho battle for their rights nor thoso who skulked. Wallace or Pattlson? The situation In Pennsylvania, as between Wallace and Pat-tiso- k as candidates for tho Democratic nomination for Governor, Is probably sum- med up with accuraoy by the Philadelphia Press when It remarks: " While there will bo notable oxetpUona, It la proba- ble that the deliratea from DemooraUo onnllei wilt bo meiotr for Wiiuc. with thoeo from Republican oountlci dlipoied toward r union." This confirms in a measure what our In- teresting correspondent in Sunbury says about the unsultlsh disposition ot the Quay Republicans to urgo Pattisos upon tho Democraoy as the strongest candidate tho latter can present, when In fact ho Is about tho weakest The Republicans want Pattibow because ho will bo an easier man to beat than Wal- lace. Tho Mugwumps want Patosoh Pattibon means Bill Scott in con- trol, and Bill Scott In control means a DemooraUo delegation from Pennsylvania to the National Convention of 1893 favorable to the nomination of Bill Soott's candi- date for President. That seems to be about tho philosophy of tho situation. With the Chieftain ot Starva- tion Valloy, success at tho polls in Pennsyl- vania in 1890 Is a consideration ot secondary Importance! One Hundred and Forty Million Dollars a Year for Pensions. The Senate's Dependent Pension bill, passed a few weeks ago by that body, called for an annual payment of about (37,000,000. Mr. Mohbill's substitute. Incorporating In It a pension for age, which has Just passed the Houso by a vote of 179 against 70, will probably add over $5,000,000 tho first year, making a total of $42,000,000, with largo increases during the next fifteen years. It is therefore certain that an overwhelm- ing majority of both tho Senate and the Houso is already recorded In favor ot adding $37,000,000 a year to our outlays for pen- sions, and tho only question Is whother $42,000,000 shall be addod. President Hab-liiso- has urged the Senate measure, and there Is not the slightest doubt that ho would also gladly sign it as amended by the House. Tho pension appropriation for the year beginning Juty 1 exceeds $97,000,000. Tho current year's actual disbursement will ex- ceed Its appropriation by about $8,000,000, which sum Is mado up In a deficiency bill. Were this an exceptional coso it might teach nothing; but tho previous year'a expenses also exceeded Its appropriations by about $8,000,000. Each year's estimates of tho Interior Department aro based on tho legis- lation of previous years; but beforo July 1 comus around a great additional rxpense has usually been created by another 's acts of Congress. Accordingly, we find that Secretary Winlkim' annual report of Dec. it, isui, instead ot relying holly on the pension appropriation for tho proeut yuir as a guide to IU exenstss, wu down Uuwo figures : Quarter ending Hept. 80, lbtfj, actual, $tt,447,Ctf.S7; remaining three quartern, estimated, W,D12,o7;XJ; total, 0(,U,000. Tburo is already reason for supposing that the iiln expenditure of tbo coming (local ytmx may also reach HW.OUWW. An exouao of 17,000,000 shore tbo appro-prisUou- o Mould bo tlMMjMa ! than the nws of ospendituro otor timateo durituracbof Uioiiaotiwoaeors. Tboeoli' inatoo iu tbo I'tuifeluu Appropriation bill aro bud wi iflor to March i, m toiuootbou we buvo bad Ibecaruaruf TikMiu, with bis r filings, fc'rit, lUsi o boo Uvu tm Mtrnordluary tflwt ou tno rt of tbo iNur lipsrUuenl t" furuisb tbo oridenoo JttguUod lu powoiuu liaiwo. boot uly 4UM ohlliilsUd Mifauo ejo ftMoiiing oUMuinatiuu, and tbooo h aro nil uoni4va4 Urloio tlute,iuibt Wio uuuibrr of ippU mUu)i avtttod aud iA petwkjnwo a4ud Ui tboruJlwoi.lboiiiUHiaJ tuAty slm Uieti. DwJug 4ienliuoul,urMUuiiilo, tbo uujW ut iiJuu irtillcaUo it4 as HAW, Mtiimi 1JX UM during tbo asotMpoudiitg tuuuUi tkitm yttut Ulun, Agobj, tbo 'ix-flr- l IaiHxibm ba bwu kwy iu iJoalaJ IrgislotJun fur ovidlng mm tmutlutwt iuUtt i oils surd jjsialjg IL lititm uutf i fboao iiaftdy M,udw; pu ui Urn u i4 lii keVUilnUow i ibtiiud. s4 in Urn puttuul dotUmoto, iUl it bowJf)pUi lb Hilljvtor i4i' b tui Urn iwo4ijr foMiwJ )tftU fJlgAAV W.ili i4tii)UM tbo tMto Aoo4b44 ittity tbo tutJAoi stbuto $WMMMi,uA Umt tbo liouao uUUi.ui, HsMmvi4 Ut tty tboOiiiawU oriUit)4e!iiou)vdi4ilt tfM. klitmAktiteimuHUiitMiiiMUmt,. l4uu Uhdlufut41Ui boUwJotr mo lrb4Mw abon. tLtiJitMjtltnaigtunu- - bad litfcd ttU't Urn tsigiisi tmU ' suited ovoiief loo WostiOix bUC tHrt by di UWt 0t OoieTflMAMMMIO oaf, mm UjkOSl OS grautboT statvote ik. to tiuUm otum 4ttsU titttvi tmmtm4yu ttouoe. M jrli'O Umiu ti lirfduo o4 cboto at aVdOMi Ibio 6UblbtmtMtufr0ti,f ei (or tw IXmb SborstiotMaAbMi o a StikwodtoK ToUfMiatotoyb44ovosos' tboHoaaat SUM for Ho ova tiX UtnUktAiiiu tts$smmamnittaamii&si& - mmnmxmSBBKaSBSKtMBBBSIM to Its bit). But ths Apofogetlo langnago of some Benalorswho then voted against that amendment, makes it doubtful whether they can be relied upon to vote against it again. Tho most that can be expected from some of them Is to restore tho ponslonablo ago to 6. And oven If tbo Senate insists on Its own bllL tho almost certain expenso of ovtt $140,-000.0- a year will soon grow to $160,000,000. Under the House bill tho expense must become larger Irom year to year with tho arrival of a greater and greater number of Union veterans at tho ponslonablo ago. It was a fatal precedent which Mr. In signing a bill for giving a pension at tho age of 02 to veterans of tho Moxloan wnr, and xt vetoing a bill for de- pendent Union votcrano. Had he vetoed both bills or signed both, thcro would havo been moro consistency in his conduct. But It waa plain at tho tlmo that no such discrim- ination against Union veterans could bo al- lowed to etaad. Tho result Is already seen In $140,000,000 or $180,000,000 of annual pen- sion expenditures, which may reach $200,-000,0- bctoro tho end of the century. Tho Grandest or Titles. Another marrlago of an American lady to a European of tltlo took place In Philadel- phia on Wednesday. It was a very grand wedding, with a boautlful bride, and a stal- wart German count as groom, and It tho glory and splendor ot tho entranoe of tba pair into matrimony aro typical of their future It will be brilliant boyond measure. The Countess Pafperiikui joins a nu- merous and constantly Increasing company of American womon who havo entered by marrlago into tbo ranks of tho aristocracy ot England, of Franco, Germany, and Italy. In beauty and in wealth those ladles aro usu- ally of distinguished endowments, some ot tho choicest of the flowers In our garden of girls; for oven tho ambition leading them into such alliances may bo ovldenoe of an aspiration In itsalf desorvlng ot respect. They want to stand at a higher clovatlon and ploy a larger and moro Important part than tho rcpubllo seams to them to otter. It Is not aU vanity with thorn. Yet this ambition Is misdirected, It it bo ambition alone which moves them, for, of course, true and genuine affection may be a law unto itself. It is misdirected because an American woman loses rather than gains In clovatlon by marrying a foreigner of arlsto-oratl- o title, no matter how high it may be. Sho gives up her place of privilege aa a clti-ee- n of tho republlo and becomes a subject ot tho monarch to whom hor husband renders allegiance. Sho falls Into a graded system and Is relegated to a subordinate rank. Horo In tho ropublio she stands at tho top. Nobody Is abovo her. There is no rank before which sho must bow. Thero is no scaloof preoedonco In which sho must boot inferior degree. Sho is tho queen, and by right of womanhood alono she wields tho sceptre. As an American citizen sojourning In a monarchical country, she Is tho equal of the highest, or rather sho Is froo from the dis- tinctions and restrictions of feudalism, wholly outside of them, and the advantage Is great. Tho woman who gives It up makes a heavy sacrifice, no matter what aristo- cratic titlo sho wins In return. Tho title, too, sho must always hold, not by tho right of bfrth, which gives it its real value, If valuo it hns. in tho estimation of the foreign society, but by reason ot her marrlago merely. She Is an Interloper in tho ranks, and during her whole Ufo eho Is ouro to suffer In consequence, and to a greater or less degree. Bho Is out of place, and has descended from her real dignity as an American citizen. Yet wo do not wonder that the glamour of feudal tltlo dazzles tho eyes of so many American glrla. They read of tho splendors of aristocracy in novels through which marches an endless procession of lords and ladles, pictured as If they were of a different species from ordinary mortals, ot a higher mould. Thoy seo about them republican adulation of the gewgawa of coronets and feudal orders, excusablo only so far as It Is an expression of curiosity and admiration touching tho strange and novel. Nowhere elso In tho world than New York would tho people rush out in such crowds to bco Queen Viotobia or tho Emperor William. Mr. Bahnum's greatest show on earth would not bo a circumstance in comparison with such an attraction. And yet nowbero Is the democratic sentiment so strong and so universal as here. The peopto of New Yon: do not want a King or an Emperor to rulo over 'them, for they aro sovereigns themtelves, and tho King or KalMT who undertook to disturb their au- thority would meet the fate of Maximiliax In Mexico; but they wouldjlke amazingly to look upon a genuine feudal monarch. v also Jet our American girls satisfy thetjiKelviti Ml lit tho sight and blazonry of heraldic device, not taking them seriously as objects of teal valuo worthy of their pur- suit. 1M them r. member Uiat Ukjio Is no autrrejguty so high and undisputed ns that blrb they nlold, and no tills twin parable in dignity and grandeur with the title of Aiut. irou citizen. Certain finical malaperts ohldo Gi-- 11 a li- aison UeiiiM Ibe musical ircrmms of tbo outortaiouocls at tbo White llou hut oook couialbod Mtuo coauoaesis Ubr didn't tbo f resident "focourago datojtvl minkf" oak those liaportlnsat iroaa i'tr aororal HiU. woLsPlr, ji istioo, Hsiiiiiaov' ceuotiu. liooal right to fir out tbo sort of causlo bo like, ocd daaolrai moti arid uto trltbowl Mugencvurmu4tyliia. JWtloa, a ins orbo bus to lt b lbs oliode of Sou WttiAUAfu ivr oil or miou dors in o wk naiuralixwatite u. boaootbdolib Jbrbt nut Uio! f uuut At tbo Miao two wo suuot owoo vlib tbo airttios In tbUtidag list uu bdoJib HDWitmt) vt lWJolr or utfMtud btfaJil.JJMUo' forU'g Moult littjr " Ubsro Pit )Vu tin Tb4 Hair w "boon iMUUil"b)tbofhlto iiouaa, tit ivu Ut. w$rr Wtimu,, bwatj of ll iU4U)Uut' eUoUiffiltUO oi J'oUUsal iis-Un- sua ibis bov tbi twiMi t$. vwk lu g eUwltr Msod by tbo dub. " o44v t4uu4em, h U 4W1 Ht--m Hi tmti 0ltt. lUt ft $ o ttti giaad lit H8 ttttum llitmuitiif tMtmtMUmtUiUtuliug l t-- g gUgU0S t il smu Ut tU, l)tiu h ibr Hiu bo fwm otor w 4nlB tgtmm iibwauuio o Jtfbb orlbl It t good t fill md tht uttru. iitMt 0 gtggtt tiuugtd im U teVW 'Sl4 bloVaVlWOdM bfMASolJOsolfio' AiglM m4 if. tbo tm. tgHttfimilt, iltWo aV eVittJ UAitmtfitt4ilm4Ut0ltatkt0immitA. ft4UUitMitv9Vi 4u4itt lutgugmttts, MoibO tUtut M oov mmi0 ImMttm Uf MnntMimtniutHtLt0 tH'mtti Ut tbo putmlt vrittuUg botna. ttvi iog tmt mm to iUf 0oVUid HUiUt ladlgotoo, 'jbfetAJMl vHU9liistUt4lKWUUlltUtl$WU& Kiovo mgg uttftoti djlgbt ftttteigy to tUM4mmA0gl ttt iACgf4.ViAgk1t IUlt ty fco otoor fcotot ed dbof'AMod F4S4MV IU ttof dk0UO OidlHalllottOod tbo Ui UO LA ! b$ llw dXiaof ostiao, Wboa Onu foUMS0'tbtlA;4UfiisJ tVd tUltdiolooO WI'MttCbt 9tUS IbO j oioogw. ooato bte; ' ldtbo tutu urn t oMi tt mmm I " i' T- - irf fwntl tirr T-- 1 ileensedscmattaron tho noporllpof JustleaT Probably not tut tho mlnda of larw oodles moroslowlr. Bat the spsetaole was a ourlous ono. ItwasthomosUngofnndersrownraney and overgrown Fact Tho thlrtr dars' jmprlsonmont of DtLwonra la tho slooe of tno run trial, "p on TniWr S.I ho itm la jU;blDf to par bUfloe ot sa-rMlad- ljta This would bo Incredible If asserted of anr other newspapsr on tho face of the globe. Ot tho 2Ceu Tori World, unscrupulous, false, heartless, treachorous. even In Its relations with its own smplojets, tho statement Is credible. The nouso of Representatives passed tho Senate bill In (attempted) roatrnlnt of monopo- lies and combinations rosterdar after adopt-in-g Mr. Bland's amendment, which Is sup. posed to be a whack at tho dronsod beef men. Tho discussion of trusts inevitably brought on a dlscustlon of the tariff, and tho chostnuts pattered on the floor. Tho Atlanta Constitution complains that "there aro so tow Northern men who travel In the South with their ores open." Are we to understand that Col. Howxll would advise Northern visitors to tho Oato City to tako moro Tho passing by the Assembly yesterday by a veto of 74 to SO of Qen. Oubttb's bill tor tbo abolition ot capital punishment mar bo regarded as In part an expresslou of tho pre- vailing fooling of disgust with tho secret exe- cution system, and in tmrt an evidence ot tho growing disbelief In tho utility of capital pun- ishment It Is doubtful If tho Senate will tako or can And tho time to consider tho bill with tho earo which its importanoo dessrvos. One person sanrosted that Mr. BnraMiM bad been retalaed r Tun son. whloh waa oppoeed to the eroTlilena ot tho law reqolruf exeenUoni to bo con- ducted In Moret lYol JVM. Very interesting; but tho ono thing Tnx Bun Is unqualifiedly tor la the alotbometor. The gratifying information Is given through a fully authoritative source, tho Turf, Pirla, and Farm, that Suaol, tho rising Btar ot the trotting turf, although tho property ot Mr. Bokneh. has not yet passed out of the control of Senator Stanfoud of California, and is still rondy to paw chips from off oautno shoul- ders. Tho BTAMroBD-Boxiti- combination is very powerful. Tho millionaire) of Califor- nia is a sport from away book, and tho millionaire of New York is a blacksmith of peerless genius. Aa to her sboelmr. Bunol The Gibes bill for a Commission to con- sider tho plans for uniting into a creator New York this county, Kings and Richmond, and parts of Queens and Wostchester was passed by tho Btato Senate yesterday. Thewlsoand project ot Mr. Andbew H. Obkcn may become a splendid reality botoro many years. The moro it is studied, tho moro It will bo approved. News of tho conquest of the Chinese em- pire and its annexation to Turkey oomes to us from our esteemed contemporary, ths Hartford Timet: -- thero aro labor itrttti In China, where head! aro nt of If tho Sultan's deoroeo aro Interfered with." Further partloularo aro expected by next malL mmmm WHO IB XI1E ZIABT Io It the Editor or the Reporter! lTCTHAifPjaVIa hHjulrtr if Hat L There la always something original tum-in- g up in Amerloan polities. This relieves it ot tho monotony that exists in transatlantic countries. Tho most Interestlna- - event ot the year so far la the verbal duel botween Mr. Cleveland and Hr. Dana of Tub Bun, the de- tails ot whloh are familiar, but the results of whloh aro being made more manifest etery day. As told in tho Inquirer last Sunday, the Interflow in the World was written by Mr. Fred Crawford, an intelligent journalist of high standing. Be not only persists that it Is truo as published, but our correspondent that bo knows positively that Mr. Cleve- land wrote over halt of it himself. In fact thero is no doubt in tho minds of those who know most about the matter that Mr. Cleve- land used tho language attributed to him and that ha Inteodod It to be published. Mr. Clereland supposed that he bad dealt a death blow to Tub Sun. Be is now aware how muoh greater power an editor Is than a states- man out ot office. Mr. Cleveland has been wonderfully successful as a polltisian, and most of tho time during tho past ton oars has wielded sn immense amount of power. But an is not aa big a factor as an oetiro editor. Mr. Clereland used somo very strong language under very great excitement lie expected tba public to sympathize with him. Ths publlo always does sympathize with a man who baa been tbo object of unjust Insin- uations and attacks, particularly whoa ther aro mado in such a way that to tako any notice of them is a eonfsssloo of weakness. Thic was about Mr. Clot eland's position, and to havo said nothing would havo boon his most digni- fied rourso. Ho chose to make a statement and if be bad sturk to it lots barm would have if suited thoo from tbo quallilod denial of tbo World that Iho lolervtewwas corrpcUr re- ported. Tblsrotraeilon.ssidlo bare boon mado by lbs HerJet the request of William C. Whitney lo bolp Mr, dorolanii'o political prospeeta. bss lofl wetter luo verroueersBOpo. Tub Hum IbsUU Ibattbe N urii interview was incorrect only iu soforasllfallrd iu giving all the coarse language oitlbutod io Mr, Cleveland, and iho Hals ot iu wrath or bow lotolUd acalast blm wltb more bitten ibao otor, and all ibo aiiil'UoralaBd l'murets sio nocking to lbs bonoetofidard. On ibe other baud. Mr. Clote. land' friend ibol tbo ytotioo of tbo U'urU politic) mistake, as it onlf denied (bat Mr.tJlorerUud used ths word ur.Hi, btf'bMtbal u fosto BBd Ibo twpuUtlou of trying to $itfH It) tka tbot Csl to tm on. Mr. Met vlt,d r.od think tll bis srttiebius of Mr, too wore just god fcsd fiCoUx'lotiy Mr, iHmioad' wul mt l no ! ,.. suuiod If tbo effort pulfwrlb If biw thai be didouaUtbiM. tht toouii of tb affair In boon to w otoliUg b oj'OOaiUo to Mr 'frtolagd inside bis irf aud to so? aoviousJ'ala'jobl island is got tbo lgbli douM tboi II ba iujurod bits sojr tuvrtt, v.d u r no bl 'ivanro of otionilmiUwo h lH turn Ut 0ia4t-- U oVeneMtf ilsU JrftU" rl W MOJMW MM) HHUtUtud ssUaltsoiOet' eVSO'Sr 0mt feosMMwatobsof AafM '4yMSaVW SMS' Smso UeWUM HIJUt Umlutt tu.i ini. M tMMgtuJ . t4 tt fiaUOiM M'rbulimJttin itgtumtittmimit " u uM- i0nH.0imsiMl Utw fUjiH.th0 6 ttupUit&NT mfgmmii0, 1 09ms turn Tgv0 tsv tttvUmi f oar Ooms f 9nUti fU m. v io totew HftOOCoe roooMatSMO M imtt OetoHr mi It tut turn H0U4 tM0 it 00 mo 000fl OS 0IM0t0t 4 0 0U0 ' J 00ti0 be u(f 0iA 4ttJ Mm m4 few MUeioWf u 0 e 0fi buui U tM omks 4ti0J it 0tm0 mi lJ4. t0tHt JL!tM iif4mfu .V Aim eta l ata smmni aw St aw 0 v so gji 0I oi 00tf0fK0M0iUHH)t'iW oe ovoe Oteaag as aJk lbeJtaB1afe4 sMOteVMlasV . eVOVfeOAatgtBga j bill acoxva man. a. PeaasvlviialK Denoerat'a Tlcsrano Do. aorlotloa or the Hon. Jtobort E. ratttlsea. To ran Editor of Tub Bom Sir: Bcott, IUrrlty and Uensel havo pooled their Issues for tho purpose of fastening npon tho Domo- cratlo party in Pennsylvania a machine rulo whloh will rosemblo Quaylsm In everrtblngbut brain power. This triumvirate has suddenly singled out Pattlson as tho man whom the Demoorats must accopt as their candidate tor Governor at tbo coming eleotlon, Hatred ot Wallace and tho late Mr. Randall, and an overweening deslro to control Federal patronage In his Stato tn tho event ot a Demo- cratic victory in 1892, form the basis ot tho triumvirate's zeal for Pattlson. Scott Is tho hoad and front ot this new offending. Hols tho Incarnation of boislsra and his motto In State politics Is rule or ruin. Toseourotbo defeat of Wallace ho will wreok the DemooraUo party, and to secure ths nomination of a candi- date tor tho Presidency who will bend to his wishes he will give tbo Quay machine another four years' loaso of power in this State. He knows that his own recommendation means political death to the man ot his choice. The norklugmen, especially the coal miners, aro almost a unit in tbelr detestation of Scott Re- gardless of party amllatlons, they will not only oppose him, but thoy will oppose any candidate who may bo known as a " Scott man." Much of this animosity may havo no Just foundation, but It exists, and not all tho elo- quence of all tho orators can onange It from what It Is to what Soott would like to havo It As tor Pattlson, he has no element of strength outsldo tho tow Mugwumps who like him whoa Govornor ho kept Bopublloans in offlco and appointed Republicans to office. His private secretary was a Republican and an preaohor. Ills Deputy Seoretary ot the Commonwealth was a Mugwump, and his mossenaors and paces, white and black, were retainers ot his Republican predecessor. Be ap- pointed the lata Mr. Hlcboo as BuDcrlntendant of Public Instruction against tho protests of tho Domocratlo membors of tho Benate and nouns of Representatives, and othor promlnont Democrats who knew Mr. Higboo as a par- tisan Republican that had for years held offlco under tno Cameron-Qua- y dynasty. In a tow weeks after maklntc this worso than a blunder ho was forced to ask this sumo Blaboo to re- sign, because of criminal nogloct of duty in tho matter of tho Soldiers' Orphan Schools, but Mr. Higboo did notreslgn. He laughed at Pat- tlson. and bold on to his offloo until death htm. Tho scandal ot the Soldiers' Orphan Schools aroused a fooling of indignation and disgust against Pattlson. who oould havo. and in tho opinion of his party should havo protected the orphans by tho appointment of a competent Democrat to the offlco disgraced by the man ot his own soleotion. But his wholo administra- tion was purely personal Ho snubbed tho Lieutenant-Governo- r, Chauncoy F. Black, ig- nored the wiso counsels of tho brains of his political family, the late Lewis a Cassldy, and shut his doors against Randall, Wallace, Cur-ti- n, Buckalew, and Judgo Jeremiah Block. As a reformer ho was a failure. His extra session was called against the wishes of Cassl- dy, Wallace. Randall, and every Democrat ot prominence within the Btate. It rosnltod In failure so conspicuous that many of the mem- bers of the Legislature, for very shame's sake, declined to charge their pay for tho torm his headstrong and unwise decision kept them to- gether, tryins to perform tho Impossible. Beclnnlmc as an ho an- nulled the charters of moro tbon one hundred corporations, and thon sat down and granted charters of Incorporation to every Tom, Dlok, and Harry who could raise enough money to pay tho legal fees, a eoodo proportion of which under the law went Into the private coffers ot his friend, Beorotary ot tho Common- wealth Btoncer. In 1683. whon the Bouth Pennsylvania Ball-roa- d bills were passed by the Legislature, ho sent for ths late lamented Judge Blaok. who at Pattlson's instance wrote a strong veto mes- sage which Pattlson strongly approved. But tho Vandorblltlnterestswerenotto bo disposed of by this " young reformer" without a consul- tation. They oonuultod with Pattlson. and tho result was that Judge Black's veto messago was returned to blm. and tho South Pennsyl- vania Railroad bills were approed by the Gov- ernor. Judco Black waa so shocked at this backsliding that ho never aftorward would spoak to Pattlson. But the "young reformer" never did reform anything. Under the law ho could have had forfeited the charters ot any two or more tele- graph companies which bad morged for the purpose of destroying competition. He made no attempt to do this, howeror, but left that bit of reform work for his Republican succes- sor. He know of the coal pool conspiracy two years baforo he began proceodlnss aaalnst it which, by tho way, were not commenced until tho closing days of bU Administration, and wore unflnlshod when he left the Governor's choir to devote blmr-el- f to tho Presidency of a corporation In I'hlladeli hia. Itetlrlne from office, ho retlrod from pollctlcs. Ho refused to assist Mr. Black In his campaign in ISHC, while yet in office, and he novor lifted his voice In behalf of any candldato of the Demo- cratic party, Btate or national, from the tlmo bo retired to 1'blladelphla till ths present Ills election in 1882 was an accident, his adminis tration was a series ol blunders and unkopt promlae. and his llfo since he retired from office has been devoted to taking care of Rob- ert V. Pattlson Now why should Scott foist or seek to foist ouch a inan upon the Dctnowetic party in Pennsylvania? Itecuuto Mr. William I. Scott does nut aunt the party to elect any man, ! Ho wunti to control tbo btato delegation to the nett Contention and I mat Its lotea for (lotelaiid, if poaeb bio, but if not. tbuu fr that man about forlun swilos ou at the time. Tit gam Hrott Is iJsriue- - la to boom I'attisou la iluia r'oiphls aud with the delegate fioui that city ' to bullduM ibe rural delrgalluus into bis up jiort It Is H tuowu that about u,00y (Join-o'rUi- o l'bliadlibldiduH tot for lllgler. Ibounb bo wss mads lb raiidldalo fur Mule 'Jjraouiftr by lbe dlotatlou of fIIUuiais iu that llr who wauled, ibvyoald. to'duwu Mullm." Wr iiighir being a rrldut of Mai-l- 'I hi asm olenieiil will nut iota ' fur !'tJeo nor lie puinlnsud, and Ibo lrt ibruughuwt tbo Mat i su uturlr ill. ofgiilMd thai i'ailisuo could nol null libit) iMM) tote of it aotual voting foicr, jublud lb PtUwo 1"um 'Mr vusr ui) hi hotM-hb- targiig il "V by ail 11 rt of . ji,bln Jjltian 'I Iff 010 Mauling lb iwiuMSoU that !uiou i lblr4joi,gti tuati . J 0u4 ibey b audv lnUMit iltu biro up bv would vl lb VuabrblifrnilldV mm iiu ruur ooftl Ibao Jilu,wii nor for UotMfcoi. in, 7h finMilWa.ll Mot l'4jp0Hluu pHl b i m iui ml4U bwiaaioatj h.u ofU t Ol' bOd IV 4 U to 4UaieUoal UV000 4b , 00l HihAI Mi JIOHWi tIOOi iMUt. Ui iM, Hut I gutUWUHUtMtU. I U0B00 U 0000 1000 000 tt0t00 I00U, 0001, lu Uf l'4ii0 of 1Hti0 tur larridr n aaf 0U000 iMllQiWl ft k0lat4 U0 tMnu I tmlUgt 00 H 0 0- -u l0g000U 0000.00 t000Umt0i'0tt0 0'Ht00 001000010 $00000 it gi0t4 waV 0i 0004 000iM $00 400 00 0tt UI tH 00 U tt00 00tl00 4 000000 000040040 40l SSaa 000 4 Ht 04(0f 000 0 t4m0 40iLf0ul ffn0 ' ttmm V ut' 0ita&f0l 0000 "BCfiTft.!. 4i , 40 400t 40 0J 01007 rim j m Aaswi ' 00011 4S-- 0 41 0000 4030 4000000 0i f 000 fat. m on O0 oTirlaiqo t0t trtt-- 0 L00 0 ilMMd 440 0Ut I 0m, aaaas'iao s 000 aaowu v m 00 0044 044 Urn I0I0 440 00004 00 40 U40m0mt 00 t 00f4t4 ( 004 04 400000 0010 00044 ay .a mm wiwte Sew iaaw a I f 0fM SOaflfaaj f4 fa. i0 i i4tm00yjf 010 obetSaUaUAl 00. TO nBAIt ODAJiT Tkallayor Asks Torn MoatlaceMhe Cltloa Commlttoa at Qaee. A cloud ot reporters sottled down on the Mayor's office yesterday morning, and clam- ored so hard for an Interview with his Honor that a brlof typewritten opinion ot what tbo Mayor thought ot the scene in tho Somite on Wodnosday was prepared. Hero Is a copy: I contentful I am Tery mach Mrprltod at the man- ner In whloh my letter to tbo Senate wai treated by that body. Tho reqmitwaa almplyforan ItnparUat committee. Not only waa thli refuted, but the epeech of Mr. rateett ahows ho cannot tit a an Impartial ator of any cherre arreellnc my rood name. StUl, aa I am refoied tho tnreiUiratlon before a committee appointed In accordance with my reqneit. t ihall de- mand tbo lama InreitliaUon be (ore tho Commlttte on ClUea. Tho Mayor rofusad to add anything to this, bocauso ho thought any further oxpresslon ot opinion, before tho charges made asalnst him by McCann wore finally disposed of, could servo no cood end. "I sball go before tho commutes," he said, either on Saturday or Monday and test tho alleged intention and dostro ot iha mombsrs ot It to kIvo mo a fair and Impartial opportunity to dtsprovo trie statements wnlch have boon mado naalnst me." The Mayor, received, later in tho day, this letter from V, JI. ivins, tbo chief inquisitor ot tho Bonato Oommitteo. Ilvghj drnnt, v Acta l"ore. Sim We hare been Inetracted by Senator Faiaett, Chairman ot the ot the Senate Commit- tee on ntlea. to encloie you themlnuteeof theoitlclat unofrapiiar, ehowlne In detail tho proooedlore ot the committee at Ha laet meeUnz In Ihli cltr, anil ilrlpr a tranecrlpt of tho erldence or Tairlok II McCann We are ali,o Inetrnoied to ear torou that. It you eo deelre, the Henate Committee will meet In l'art II. or tho Boperlor Court In thla olty on Saturday next. at It o'olock tn the forenoon, to giro you an opportunity to be heard wltb regard to tho etatement made by the aald McCann. In the oront of your not deelrtna; to bo heard at ouch time tho committee will bo glad to offer jona htarlnr on Hon tho followlnc Saturday It either of tnoie are aro atreeahle to toil we are further lnitmoted to ear lb at dutlnr these laat dare ot the Lealalatlve aeeelon tho committee wilt not hold anr meetlns with referenee to the Inreitlra. Uon of the aoTernmeBtot the oUy of Now Vork, except upon noUdcatlonot your requeit to be heard, and to produce anyeridence of the aald wltneae. Tours Taicr, McrauiHD, Boiaonaic, Inxa, run. Here is tho Mayor's answer: aniuini 1 had Jul written a letter to tbo Chair- man of tho Senate Committee on Cltlee aakins In view of the refusal ot tho Benate to appoint as Impartial oommlttee aa roqueeted by me. for an Immediate bearlnc before the Oommlttee on Clttea, when your let- ter of thle date arrlred I tnerero oommunloato with yon Instead of with tho Chairman of the Commlttoa and aak a meeting ot this Committee for Saturday morslnr next. I requeet that you eend me aome aubpeenu In blank, and epeetfy Iho hour the committee will meet neon J, Oaiirr. To Maura Taicr, McfiaaiLn, Irrn, Boaasnax, a faarr. A. ntttNCn JXTDOSTBTfT BTAHDB. Jndsa ITallaoa Oa iha Bnlae ofErldoBca Bare aad Oa the Conttaent. Guyot & Co., liquidators of the French glove firm, Fortln A Co.. obtained judgment In a French court against A. T. Stewart & Oa for $105,122 in an action on matters ot contract and aooount between tho two firms. A. T. Stowart & Co., through Judge Hilton, pro- tested against the enforcement of the judg- ment and applied to tho United Btatos Clroult Court for a reopening of tho wholo ease. Tho grounds of tho application wop that A. T. Stewart & Co. did not havo a fair trial in Franco; that thoy would not havo boon sued it they had not owned property In that country whloh was open to aolauro; that ther are citi- zens of this cltr, enable hero: that the wit- nesses on tho French trial wore not sworn: that tho evidence waa almost wholly hearsay, and that tho right of and of calling tor Fortln & Oa's books was denlod to the defendants. Judge Wallaoo has denlod tho applloatlon. He says: The methods of lnreatif aUon In various eoun tries aro adequate to the connection ot expediency and which prerau in each country, and It would ba mere bUrotry to aasort that, upon Iha whole, the truth ol disputed facts is not aa wen ascertained la France or Holland or Oermany aa It la in England or the United States. Our law of erldenco la largely a aeries of framed to exolodo from consideration all indicia of the truth which do not fall within the olaas of those It regards aa competent and safe, while in Continental countries a larser of tarastlga-llo-n Is Indulged In. Who can aay with reason that our system ot lnrttttratlon la mors infallible than that of trance t The caso will be appealed to thoBnproao Court. HOT trZBBCBACKBBS JSNOVGH. Not Eaoosba that la. for tha Baya. Ba Flentv for tho Inaarauseo Corapaalea. The boys will have either to economize on flreoraokera next Fourth of July or some of them will go without According to oloso esti- mates of tho stock now lu thla country, and taking account ot all nosslblo arrivals before the Fourth, thero will bo only 460,000 boxes for the young Amerloan patriots. This means a good many crackers,. but ther will not go around, tor the usual Juoe supply amounts to 1.000000 boxes. This is bad news for the boys, but the Insurance men won't weep. Several onuses havo contributed to this sud- den decrease In the supply. In the first Dlapa they bare strikes In China, just aa ther do hero, only somewhat more so. For some time oast the carpenters and furniture makaranaro been on strike to such an extent thsfnoarly all tba business of the empire has been seriously affectod. Tho firecracker makers woro not In- volved in tbo strike, but so many other Inter- ests were incommoded that the proprietors ot factories oould not ship their goods on time. Ono Importer In this city ordered a nreatmany thousand boxes to bo shipped prior to Jan. I. The Chinese merchants were unable to comply with tho terms, and the result is that though the goods havo been shipped, ther started so Uto that thoy will not arrive horo until after tho Fourth. Spirit Batapore Mat Esteeaeed 1st Sflaasaetat. ftwa us ex rati! , In a recent discourse at tho Spiritual Society In thla city mediums woro defeadad as a else that cof- fered to bring mat to those who sit la darkaoea. II was remarked that aaclety and eren ths obnrchas. wore prejudiced asalnat mediums that Uey war set admit- ted to social equality, and their cheeks war not warmed with. Iha kisses of sisterly reccjulUoa. To be termed a medium was a stigma and barrier to tho easier path ot SOBteel Ufa. Ttls ostracism waa recently cited by a cUrrBasaindaacibat splxUaailacs Is a tract aad deloaloa. Bst Ibe tfafeeder of lb Ism forcibly ropue thai lb eelaeted ones of Cbrtel wies oa earth war ad milled to bom of the 40) of lb day. All tb cuaaerrv tie aud ortbodoi classes rsfrobsud Item, sad ores tb Master was drifts out el lb ebsrebaa. Aa K!baae. I'e Use I many 4. aad (bare, Os su familiar terms. I re as tbo lire Uuu aud lb sSuBsdi Sad all I'e eeii otinrtu 0Lt ba taeu 4ll44i Ut tboa riat Of ol alasritd 04 a b Serine Aal yet I tax see awee- - TL 44fl0ut t 0 ain Ueek Ol tmUlUmu 4ltlm 00i alt 0u di,U U iikmI sualaidy ut all ilui isiKUsU ft laid 0lfut.i U 4 daelM tb gtttt t u0 00 'M Am 10 I Lata iwi ewa TU lAKlaatraslla tail lasr ( U MUb 0001 I00U Ut 0Mm-- ti UK'0000mU0 gal I m0m4 4 01$ lwt U 11000 4 aili U0 04 Sal I 4 40 00404 00U4 U 0004100 Nl 00 OU Ol u lilt' 1044 0 I 004 0f0l00Um0 00 000U ll 4y t04t0 004041 t0Mt00 00V 4 ui 411 00 44 t M, 04 44 H0 4040 040 f I 4M 401 4 U U0m. 0t4 Ut 4u 40040H 444 0 Um4 4Uf ltJ taakaawa UU 40 U Its ti 00 4400 0H0 0m 0 Seats!!! 4410 00 04 04 1 4 0 0040 0Ugt0H0. 00it 01 4 g 4 00 0 40 r0 0 44000 400400 044 S m4 0 404 00 4 40 -4 0010 000 mm 404 0mtm U0 0. 000,04 040 01 4 4 04), mM 400 mS04 0041 4001 04 0U0 40 441 f 04 000 1040. I 44 mtt0m4M000 I 04i4i040t400 0tmm I 400g 4 000 4 04 04 f 400 000 4 000140 40 04100 4000 4ml 44mt)004 44 0044 40. 0.0 4 404 04 0014 000.4 40104 U4 000 004 00,100. 0tl4 MtailteMa a4 044 JM attM ctaVea. VASeaoiibitiecoatar sU. lceMaaSaaeaaa , tS ata. I .' .rrr. ,:i ::.. ,'""bj TruDDBn uksa PLvmxBTT iron a ros 1( Aa Now Davis la Anxlona to Ilava tb mWS Karrlaice Nollined. Samuel Davlp, n young clerk for a west (q side wholesale dry goods house, will appoar in tf the Rrooklyn City Court noxt Monday to hear !lf, Chief Justlco Clement docldo whether or not fls ho Is a morriod man. Flo roars aso last Feb affff ruary, Davis, while out of a job, amused himself AW by going to publlo dnnces in Wlllinmsburgh, flff where ho was then living. Ho became no- - JMfS qualnted with Anna C. Plunkett ot 33 Merer fit avenue, Brooklyn, at ono ot these dancen, took tit m her to a Kockaway picnic, and with a friend 7?i escorted hor and her sister to a ball early In kl W March. During a pauso In tho dancing somo warn ono In the party dared overy 0110 else to go and fill' get married. Anna Plunkett and Davis ac- - HlV centod the "" They wont to tho parson- - Sill aeo ot tho Mothodlst Frotostnnt Church, and Ifw were married by tholtov. J.J. Whlto. The other lE Miss riunltott wouldn't marry Davis's friend. JPIt" All tour thought tho oeremony a big Joke. UT '; Thoy wont back and danctxl out tho ball, and VII tho you nc men left tbo young women at the ,i door of their Marcyavenuo homo. Davis took Tm'i.t. Mlssrlunketttossvoral other danoss, and at KBL the end ot tho VllllamsburEh season cams to ngBBlr Mow York to, live. Miss l'lunkott remained VIv a. Miss Flunkott in Urooklyn. Davis nover (JB lived with hor. SHUb About a year ago Davis's friends, who knew Hi. of his eioanado. toarod lio was about to marry mSi nNowlork youne womon to whom ho bad be- - SEJH romeyory attentlto, mid that his marrlago in SHV 1 fun mleht cause blm somo trouble Thoy ox- - Haw 1 Plained his predicament to a lawyer. wlSi I " .Miss I'lunkott's lawyer was it. D. Davis ot flK I 180 Grand street, Urooklyn." said Mr. H. B. 9Bm 1 Klnghorn of 231 Broadway, tiamuol Davis? 3JB 1 rresont coiinsol, yestorday. "llo made t inGKK I Bronositlon to Davis to settlo tor 125a Bamuel twDB 1 ho hntl no money, and H, B. Davis K1) I hod him arrested for abandoning his alleged 'ifirM I wife. Miss Flunkett. Tho enso was brought WtS 1 before Justice Walsh in Brooklyn, who. In afVS I low of tbo foot that Miss Flunkett was earn- - iWm I ing somo tlO a wook. and not llablo thoroforo K"' I to bocomo n eharao on tho county, releasod ,R9i 4 him. Last April Davis como to mo with hla .?S 1 trouble, and I brought an notion In equity to Wr 1 have tho marriaeo ceremony doi'lorod null ana w -- I void. The action in on tho Hpeolal Term caloa fiH 1 dar tor next Monday." 22? 1 IT WAS AIT ELOPEMBXT, M I Tha Uarrlaaa of Iloward Detoreat arla I ffl' 1 aad IZattla I. IV'ooderard or Norwalk. ' PI NoitWAiiK, May 1. Society peoplo hero. , HI were agitated y by tho announcement W 1 Which appeared among the marrlago nottetd & m ot a New York morning paper that Hosrard I Doforost Earlo and Hattlo I. WoodwardJ'rer tl I married last ovonlng by tho Itov. Dr, Houarhtort w I at hla residence, 1 East Twenty-nint- h ,treet W 1 Tho groom Is under 18 years of age, a&OTs the B I youngor son of William H. Earlo ot EastRNWr" nuo, who amassed a lartro fortune through bis I connection with Eorlo's Hotel, at Centra and 9 Canal streets, New York city. Ho Is tall ant) I fairly good looking. His father's wealth has kopthlmfrom thenocossltyof seeking employ- - - m mentandtho young man has had Uttlitodo m except to provide plana tor hla own amuse- - ,, I ment Miss Woodward la tho voungest and 1 I tavorito daughter ot Judge AsoB. Woodward, I 1 and she has realded with her parents in a blfl ? I houso on Elm street Bho is onlyls rears of "II ajro. n perf eot blonde, and very pretty. & The young oouplo have been onjoylngeaoh others company for over a rear. Three v ; months ago their betrothal was formally an Bh. nounoed, and it waa regardod wltb favor mlt among their hosts of friends and acquaint-- KK anoes. Although there was no parental oppo-- li m altlon to the engagement tho fact that tb ,n youthful pair contemplated an Immediate &' WvVi marriage waa nevor suspeot ed in either xlsT, I amily. and. would havo been opposacf onhr flsal beoausp of their Immature rears. Tho youna Hii connle loft bora lato yestorday afternoon, and their absoneo.waa not notloed until night ffsB m when their failure to return home was Ibe r'lK causo of muoh anxiety. A telegram from them. M m received hero says that they aro enjoy- - M m ing their honeymoon in Washington. Mr. M Earlo takes the matter phUosophTeafly. bui ,$ Judgo Woodward is highly inoonsed nt hi i dauabters, notion, and refuses to discuss tno .s m matter with anyone. S " ' tTbat tTe cara AU Tstlktact Abont 3 While the Barnum Bailey circus Isparforralnta the Polo s all ths amnslai features of the show i M ar not on the Inside, The main satraasa taarrsatr- - Awf M sort for crank of an phases and oraaaa. and Die do KiV 9 tnasdsmadaandth QuesUons asked hyena of lias v' J glre the clroua people no lltOe trouble, QaToaidayo VviT d 3 fl a little of the Italian tenor's rotundity, waited about tb 1 m entrance alt day aad afforded a good deal of amuse- - I ment to those who were not aware of what baarantao. M Uabor a card npon whloh was written "DeuHr, 9 Ballsy: Kindly sand a by bearer oa elepiaot, to 9 which ho win glre yoa a receipt" To Italian, by pco 9 feasloa a danoer. had been seat to Ui etnas by Irate. Xtralfy, the constnetor cf the "Hero" tableau, toe- - 9 euro an elephant to be nJd at Mole's Oardsa nasi 9 weak In -- Around the World la Eighty Day a, as tno 9 Barnum circus wUl then be la Brooklyn. AeBsctalpa. 9 mil Is necasury in order that tha elephant may kle4 t. down Third arenue, and for want of it tha elephant wa l 9 notdeUrcnd. Tb animal, whloh It stai at Ui ctrcosi u 9 is oalled by some of the employees DUworthOaoabi, J K One of the latest streeu tab orerrun by bastassst njj 9 Quaint old Waahlnston place. Within a year a erc tJ 9 business buUdio hia gons upon one of lubcrteoniajft fV 9J and now half the houses on tb blocks asarect Breat 9! way aro elthir already turned Into atoras aad etascsoa 9j are la tha hands ot tho carpenter aad maces, te3 Jm refltted for that use. The wholesale fur bsatacss Tt? 9 feat a dlsposlUoa to settle tn that vtclnlty. i 9 Tba beary copper rod which waa laid alsaa f&rf 9 tracks of the Kluth avasus eleratad railroad ixija 1 9J Kourtaenthto yirueth streeu a yea or raeraona I " 9j ns la tha eiperimenu wltb a systsra of aUctri but ' 1) 9J Ure power has reoeatlyUen removed. It li ri,i)itaj I' , U that this mark ths and of orpertjaaati with ptf ayat I ', 9J ten. It Is said that tba next upultaaafs wttaalesb ' fl UUUyou the eleratad will bo wl a staraa battarw 1 1 S ysutn,tawblcbachmtTwmutadeyeBdas,tal hu 9J ths stasffl motors ava, aad tba wbeIearrlBepttiUt iWL 9 bo atopped by os brtakat, wralt to tb cass wl ,W 9 mtoritbtpUkadBPlcukllyfroa aredcr srtrssj Via 9 they went along. A Jl S ElxbtbarsasaalotbsspriB4ofUiriaiosAs; M 9 s though U bad ba ten p by a rtolast sad dJrce&V "l' 9 bst eartbanak. Tb (tract is laid open la cap a ejtsa. "J 9 ter of a mil lone aad tb whale urfart4tUartta (19 suewa rr crtib toasted rccka That aaeoea of tba I 3 9 torn baa Uaata a state of coastcal Itutaoil forcoaa I 9 rsootbioaastosalcf tbawage4ui, so it 1 as ) 4 9 MUwaear4attbMlb rstldsst elsw wiakaialal 9 taisaUsatlwralslesJgsrda, The I 9 pasUyctwsa1solj4iUarawtutljfyiUraaa1 i 9 ratlasolcbajafulafwTeraari. j nribrMsstbrf !UtlsUdrM rif 9 Mwsaay tut ab Mur u spoo vs. gtia ig i 9m H tow tuoicsu 110 to g00f buaiii u csuai tm Ik 9 IUy ! est of bol url a m4$ Ulh d eprt M 9 aadlUrvutiaftMsUaaetttlLesUMlUHolusadUf JWP 9 iuui tb ulgbt tt gnu Ma A addlUesaJ pgbu 'if 9 VlU4wt0il44ltM04itl'LUmt WMrsyUMj 1 9 4inl4U take lu flu 40 Bui, .j--l. (...m rgiiteyfO lbri.i lb ally I H U0g00t 1441 Uiaidial it Uummg0tAl00 t 9 4if imyu,g 400101 Jl 0i MsuaiiaWtt 9 Xl4i00-- 0 SJ'lM Of 11 f 1404 404101 itU4 040- - 9 4040 40 abUlal lbl U 440 0nr 41400 9 l4 0UA00 0f0l4 0i40t0,LlMll LtiiUU-- 41140 'if 9 U0004l 40 4i040i iUUu4 04U4004 4L0 y 91 0tiluU0 f iu liidauu i twid fbsbsU j, H Ug 14 baa aaelwd U, idUt WUawl M. M ti 4004 f 0 00mHi0 aud 04110 144000 M tl40UjU04UllH44 Um000m0i ' 9 U- ftl 9 1110 it U4t 4044 0uU4 40 004040 0U00 M 9 U 444-01- 4 i 000040 llmf 0104 04 04UU4 'Jf 9 UeUe) I U 40104 04000 40 04 tt Ml H 0mg tit 0U0 m abditesaail 40 0M0 afil gcl 0I40U 41 f 4 sUmS 4 4i 0 0000 00 44 fa) 91 0111004 14104 00 40 0t44h400t 44i 91 0000 01014 400401 Um4 1 4041 04 40 4r44) f M 00 40 0 !- - 0ii4 t0 0 4 400 V.i Sj tM0 i4Ut 4001 4 it I HJ 14044 km'' 4t m44 00 4 040 1 L 9J 4 40000 0.0 44 04400 4 4 0004t4 I f 40 44 040 4U 40 ' 0 01 0400 I r 9 4i04, 044 440 004 f 0 40 4 00 40 00004 0 9 4II04 404 40044 04 4040 U4m 4001 4)0 I iai eel 44 4441 0 0g444l 40 I 9 lm0 040 4M mi 0400 0400 I 9 04 4400 004 t 01 40 t 44. 4 400,0144 9 004 04 r V '4 00 01U04 00 4m0 0 0 0 004m M 004 ttm 04 . 04. 1 ' 4 4 010 000 44t00J$ H r4 0,0 0m 04 4 . 0041 004 00 440 J 9 neaaem la 004 0g 00 I iMlieti eat 4 t4400it 04000001400 L 4 441 000 004 0 44400 000 004 ft 91 4010 00041 04 040 00 4 40 400 440 M 0'040 400. 044, 00 4 04040. 0004 0l0ti 1 9 04041 1401 0U0 0000104 044mgl 0)40 I 9 lm"4 000.40 0004 0 440 40 I4mt40J 4 91 1040 04 0004 4 40 040 40A000 400 H 40 .- - Ue- - 001 00 0tn00 01 40 B 4 . 4 0 440.4 0f 0 04.1404 f tM 0 0, Hf, Mow 00004 aeaa1 aaa, I 9J "t tUt4Mi4Utalaa. I H ' 000 004 0 ! I eat a 0 ad ertt aUcJ al 044 000$ tef 1 J9J yt4d aiAA I a H labf a9al

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Page 1: · HF q THR fetm, .FRIDAY, MAY 1890. ' Wi I - - sbM (mean WmP ' "" Kft ' FBIDAY, MAY

HF q THR fetm, .FRIDAY, MAY 1890.'

Wi I - - sbM (mean

WmP ' ""


Kft FBIDAY, MAY 8, 1890,

flKEf f london Offlcec of Tint SDI(uHI. r o wset stren.Bills fcmmTOleallone (1100111 bo addressed to VRAUK

"lVlSlTB sottrand.bonaonW.O.taK V

ft J A XiltUe History.

if. It is quite evident that tho Republicanml ' majority In Congress la intent upon thoif- - adoption of somo legislation hostilo to theIf '. constitutional rights and menacing to the

IJP continued political supremacy of tho Domo-jR-f' crate ot tho Bouthorn Btatos, Repressive

p. ' measures for tho future conduct ot clootlonsm E by Foderal ofllclala aro a part ot tho polltl-E- li

rol programme, and President Hakmsox"M ; permits no doubt to exist that ho Is In subg stantlal aooord with those who desire by

jjj violent means to orerturn the DoniocratlaIf L preponderance In tho South.M i Katurnlly enough, tho Democrats of thoill, h South aro grloved and npprohenslvo at aMf, J: turn of events which serves to recall the'M I day of carpet-ba- g rtplno and rascality, thoIf., deeds ot plunder and outrage, and to Indl-gjg- ui

- cnto a posslblo return of negro domination.m ' Tho Bouthorn press, too, Is greatly oxcited.

IW In the study of this matter, howovor. It Ism not to bo forgotten that the hot-hea- d Demo-

ns? ' crate of several of the Bouthorn Btatos, whoHg two years ago persisted In dictating tho cco-R- ft

nomlo policy to bopurauod by tho Domocratlo& ' party In tho Congressional and Presidential

1& flght, put It out ot tho hands ot Northernkg Democrats to aid them In their presontlf crisis. By depriving tho Democrats ot tho

North-o- f tho powor to mako a winning flghtft on Domocratlo issues in 1636, thoy have loftJL tho party In a minority.M The pursuit of tho Corslcana freo trado

crusade did not do tho Democrats in tho ag-- -:

rlcultural Northwest any good. Only8ft ono Democrat was sont by tho voters

' of Iowa to Congress, only two Democrats$ came from lilolilgon, and two from Wlscon-I- S

sin: Just flvo In all. On the other hand, In$' Kansas, Minnesota, and Nobraska tho rep-- &

rosontatlon Is cxoluslvoly Ilepubllcan,iW' those six States sending in all forty-- ,W ono Republicans to Washington. In thoy Btato of Now York, outsldo of the great

j , 5V metropolitan district, the delegation con--

i slste of eighteen Republicans and twoDom-B- fJl ocrate. In Massachusetts, despite the clamor

Wfs f of tho civil Borvlco reformers, not a solitarym Domocratlo Roprosontatlvo was elected out-I-sW elds of the Boston districts. Ot the fourteen

f W' Now ffland Representatives from Con-m-

at nectlcut, Maine, Rhodo Island, New Hamp-W- fHI ehlro, and Vermont, thirteen aro Republl-- 9

U, cans and only ono a Domoorat In othorJk. words, by foisting a losing issue upon tho

HK&f Democraoy of tho North, regardless ot prc-9- 9)

test and appeal, tho Democrats ot the Bouth

K aro in danger of having to reap some ot the99Y fruits ot their folly.

Jfc Along with tho angry utterances whichHK somo Southern journals aro printing Just9Vfi now In the Interest of historical research and9ff political Instruction, the notes ot warning

HJP)4 Bounded by Democrats In the North twoHjl Mf years ago might profitably appear. They woro9M 3, drowned, temporarily at least, by tho loudHSf. , flapping of ears and tho shrill brays of voicesHJP t Inspired by head and not Judgment; but9J! r truth and wisdom aro now becoming ovl-9- P

' dent oven to the tools.

will bo oauipped for frays with Axtoll or oth-ers with a perfection scarcely attainable byother horses, and hence sho will carry, it notour money, our expectations for victory. Bhowill bo hailed with Eastern acclamations fromths moment her oars rise over the BoekyMountain divide, and then. In the languago ottbo poet, " Let her patter."

9& Y Victory for Governor BUI and theH i. True Democracy.

Ufx JP The passago ot tho compromise elcotlonHa i bill by a unanimous vote In tho Assembly onHft. Wednesday brings to a closo the labors ofHm, the Legislature on this subject, and ends an

V'l; ardent political controversy which has ox- -

HJi' tended over three years' tlmo,vVn Tho Denvicrats carried tho State of New

HKMV York In 16S5 by a majority of 11,000; theyHH carried It In 1B86, on a reduced vote, by aHHf! i majority of 8,000; and thoy carried It In 1887

HHJr 9 by a majority ot 17,000, despite on enormousHK I labor detection. It being thus made evidentBjBjH- - I enough that in an ordinary flght on partyHH 1 Issues the Ecpubllcnn party was no longerHHr 1 ablo to carry the State, and furthermore,HB'e j that by the growth ot populous cities, whoreHA' the Democraoy Is strong, and by tho rela- -HBSr tlve falling off of population in tho rural die- -

HBl,' trlcts, where tho Bepubllcons retain theirHBV bold, this disparity in favor of the Dem- -

HBV' ocrats must lnrreosa year by year, andHVb" the thirty-si-x electoral votes in New YorkHBV' bo lost irretrievably to tho BopuMicans, aBBS nv road to Bepubllcau victory, a sort ofBVH political short out, was sought for and dl- -

Hfl M eorered by tho Bepubllcau managers. ThisHBVj Was what is known as tho Australian sys- -

BS tea ot voting, a scheme for restricting theBVr frsqchlM in Democratic cities so that a

HBH largo number of Democrat might be deBVJ prired of tno right to vote, and the Jlfjmli.

HBV' iloan party thereby be enabled to winBWJ Mr. Cmatxa T. Hixtov, Bepubllcau As- -

HHfl aoablyman from Wayne, one of the back- -

HHJ woods cuuulies, first presented tit bill

HHa ., which lias tinea borne tils name, and whichHHa I smbodhtd tho tbroo ctseuthU featuio of the

flHfl AustralUto syitteu, as follow .' i, Voting U to doitotycruM marks mad

opoo UsJluta, Inataad of by ballot dlmvtly.1 IL TnoliUto Guvenmirul to iiav a wo--

H-H-B copoly 4 the tidcoU and (if Dominations,

I bono but Um afndal Uiloto rri44 by Um

BJBJE m JtUiicrttmWitr Ut bo uaed,ttnd ouyBjBV1 candidates put vjm Utum UckeU b UmBjBjC f KtaUtJworiusonttobos'otedfur,

&' f HI. Uiluralo voter to bsi (bolr rotiiigHJBV I A'juatur Uw by"wuru jiuWIo dOtow,"

iija rMjo Udcllly And good faith UwyHJBJM otouUJ bo left wUviy dopouaout

B Tbo Kovubueau hteto iUtuvnuUmt of J Mlwood i4 tbo AuoUalisu uuAinni, ibo

AmVi ftauoaraUo UU Cvuroutioo forcibly Alt--

mV I .Vuvod of it Jn iuo ovloMilUM mUUii i4'! I iod, H DuiuaU Mgaio ouaroo- -

jBa v tiiLturtVye iu)urit Utpv uu iu Mmt

-- f gal ioibn, ft, Htmni iKUoduutd biotwUUftubJJ4Uo'ad tbo atepuUkouo

Mf I MMRted it, uoivenH4r VUjU, uuHyV I M, ?, triMd ii biU tvrUmmtuut itiua,

W I 9UjUoubJkMfitaloJMMitiuuuMiotoob I ' 0fVfit$4Ut ttu, bd ibo jUMWuwttlo

ML tMiOMtauiioi)mitmriJlytyibiAwrtMi 1 ib MUnummvt4$JvtMtiitiielify

k 1 f aujrtiy iovgv Umu Ut 1S, iktf, IMT. UI 1 !VV'ptugab4'tiMo ii itI J jHMBiovatlafitoti)yij4o oao tbuowm tv,. I asilMlaWoaslJg.I tTltfeMfaig iLobttitiirowaalirtiII 4lW) tb tbo jtipuMlsji Obfuugb

Kpfl ibulf I&wXm tdymf u m&etkm U

Bl Bj tt6imit4i bwuiw !oi' li ttrntfitytteiOtviitmii 0Mi4kdiiiijV; If bUttiigy WMiltf aiilig4BAiKbAi uC: 4p ms8 lb oi fit un Mil Lm

1 JH (Sb h f4 lfis)(l agoiiibLH 09ffiViti ty iUi tliyiiaMim, fid oriiatf tvt

SIB gbaMiCfgfagiobyiliywmmmft. tVrtr! i1toffiftlsv(ln)cgtfatawr54taffll fc ytigrtt Witty imiHMWtlsi UaUtsm

Jl & Ow sAw UHbv 4( 9 It trta ao4 t ov'

S1 J sknv 6tmtneg tUufr loamwtil vraBf P taa&Sr to ilaoar 4 say gmmtoo cfissteraJ

chUement They had made a manly flghtfrom tho first without flinching.

Tho Republicans, balked at ovcry point,demoralized and defeated, outgencrallcd anddespairing, finally yielded their ground Infavor of tho compromlso bill, whichis ontlrely In lino with Iho Governor's sug-

gestions, and In perfect accord with his attl- -

tude on tho subject as made known in TunBra on Jan. 1, 1890, as follows :

"Itmuruwtltb told to tho StpnWlem majorityof tho UfUUturo now thit Oororaor lliu. wtltl nobollot rororm bill that will dJofrwcblto a ilntio rotor.Ho will oUn no bill Uitt wlU tool to proront poorlr d

mon from Totlnf. Ilo will Ttto anr bill Ibotbotwoon tho collefo man and too dor labor-

er TliUU tboattltudoof tlio OoTornor. andltwUI bo

bt atUtod, no matter what tho bill mar pretend to do.If in effect li to prerent anr qualified rotor from rotlof.Tbo UoTentorwtilitadirelfn nblll to prerent briberrateleclloni, and to make tho ame itrlnrentlawa thatapplr to tbo Domocrata tquatlr hear on tho Republi-can rural eoonUee. Dot ho will not elm a bill that palla ituma on a poorlr educated rotor, and complicate!

the macnlntrr ot elections Thtt It the aorernor'i atti-

tude, una the Democrat! of both Ilemei of tho LecUla-Isr- o

wlU (upport him la It."

The new compromlso bill, which has nowbeen passed by both branohos of tho Legis-

lature, does away with: I. The Australianor blanket ballot. II. Government nomina-tions, and "exclusively official" ballots.III. Marking of tlckote and voting by thoproxy of any " sworn public oDlcors."

No citizen, under its operations, rich orpoor, educated or unlettered, is disfran-chised; otherwlso than by his own deliberatenot. From the first Governor Hit,ii hasmade a manly and courageous battle for thocause of Democraoy aud for tho principlesof tho Democratic party. Ho has had thevigorous and hearty support of tho party inthe Btato, and together they have won. Thomenace of Bepubltean control throughDemocratic disfranchisement has passedaway, and Domocratlo voters in the sunlightof their success will forget neither thosewho havo won tho battle for their rights northoso who skulked.

Wallace or Pattlson?The situation In Pennsylvania, as between

Wallace and Pat-tiso- k

as candidates for tho Democraticnomination for Governor, Is probably sum-med up with accuraoy by the PhiladelphiaPress when It remarks:

" While there will bo notable oxetpUona, It la proba-

ble that the deliratea from DemooraUo onnllei wiltbo meiotr for Wiiuc. with thoeo from Republicanoountlci dlipoied toward runion."

This confirms in a measure what our In-

teresting correspondent in Sunbury saysabout the unsultlsh disposition ot the QuayRepublicans to urgo Pattisos upon thoDemocraoy as the strongest candidate tholatter can present, when In fact ho Is abouttho weakest

The Republicans want Pattibow becauseho will bo an easier man to beat than Wal-lace. Tho Mugwumps want Patosoh

Pattibon means Bill Scott in con-

trol, and Bill Scott In control means aDemooraUo delegation from Pennsylvaniato the National Convention of 1893 favorableto the nomination of Bill Soott's candi-date for President.

That seems to be about tho philosophy oftho situation. With the Chieftain ot Starva-tion Valloy, success at tho polls in Pennsyl-vania in 1890 Is a consideration ot secondaryImportance!

One Hundred and Forty Million Dollarsa Year for Pensions.

The Senate's Dependent Pension bill,passed a few weeks ago by that body, calledfor an annual payment of about (37,000,000.Mr. Mohbill's substitute. Incorporating InIt a pension for age, which has Just passedthe Houso by a vote of 179 against 70, willprobably add over $5,000,000 tho first year,making a total of $42,000,000, with largoincreases during the next fifteen years.

It is therefore certain that an overwhelm-ing majority of both tho Senate and theHouso is already recorded In favor ot adding$37,000,000 a year to our outlays for pen-

sions, and tho only question Is whother$42,000,000 shall be addod. President Hab-liiso-

has urged the Senate measure, andthere Is not the slightest doubt that howould also gladly sign it as amended bythe House.

Tho pension appropriation for the yearbeginning Juty 1 exceeds $97,000,000. Thocurrent year's actual disbursement will ex-

ceed Its appropriation by about $8,000,000,

which sum Is mado up In a deficiency bill.Were this an exceptional coso it might teachnothing; but tho previous year'a expensesalso exceeded Its appropriations by about$8,000,000. Each year's estimates of thoInterior Department aro based on tho legis-lation of previous years; but beforo July 1

comus around a great additional rxpensehas usually been created by another 's

acts of Congress. Accordingly, wefind that Secretary Winlkim' annualreport of Dec. it, isui, instead ot relying

holly on the pension appropriation for thoproeut yuir as a guide to IU exenstss, wudown Uuwo figures : Quarter ending Hept. 80,lbtfj, actual, $tt,447,Ctf.S7; remaining threequartern, estimated, W,D12,o7;XJ; total,

0(,U,000.Tburo is already reason for supposing

that the iiln expenditure of tbo coming(local ytmx may also reach HW.OUWW. Anexouao of 17,000,000 shore tbo appro-prisUou- o

Mould bo tlMMjMa ! thanthe nws of ospendituro otor timateodurituracbof Uioiiaotiwoaeors. Tboeoli'inatoo iu tbo I'tuifeluu Appropriation bill arobud wi iflor to March i, mtoiuootbou we buvo bad Ibecaruaruf TikMiu,with bis r filings, fc'rit, lUsi o boo Uvu tmMtrnordluary tflwt ou tno rt of tboiNur lipsrUuenl t" furuisb tbo oridenooJttguUod lu powoiuu liaiwo. boot uly4UM ohlliilsUd Mifauo ejo ftMoiiingoUMuinatiuu, and tbooo haro nil uoni4va4Urloio tlute,iuibt Wio uuuibrr of ippUmUu)i avtttod aud iA petwkjnwo a4ud Ui

tboruJlwoi.lboiiiUHiaJ tuAty slmUieti. DwJug 4ienliuoul,urMUuiiilo,tbo uujW ut iiJuu irtillcaUo it4as HAW, Mtiimi 1JX UM during tboasotMpoudiitg tuuuUi tkitm yttut Ulun,Agobj, tbo 'ix-flr- l IaiHxibm ba bwukwy iu iJoalaJ IrgislotJun fur ovidlng mmtmutlutwt iuUtt i oils surd jjsialjg ILlititm uutf i fboao iiaftdy M,udw;pu ui Urn u i4 lii keVUilnUow i ibtiiud.s4 in Urn puttuul dotUmoto,

iUl it bowJf)pUi lb Hilljvtor i4i'b tui Urn iwo4ijr foMiwJ )tftU fJlgAAVW.ili i4tii)UM tbo tMto Aoo4b44

ittity tbo tutJAoi stbuto $WMMMi,uAUmt tbo liouao uUUi.ui, HsMmvi4 Ut ttytboOiiiawU oriUit)4e!iiou)vdi4ilttfM. klitmAktiteimuHUiitMiiiMUmt,.l4uu Uhdlufut41Ui boUwJotr molrb4Mw abon. tLtiJitMjtltnaigtunu- -

bad litfcd ttU't Urn tsigiisi tmU '

suited ovoiief loo WostiOix bUC tHrt by diUWt 0t OoieTflMAMMMIO oaf, mm UjkOSl OSgrautboT statvote ik. to tiuUm otum4ttsU titttvi tmmtm4yuttouoe. M jrli'O Umiu ti lirfduo o4 cbotoat aVdOMi Ibio 6UblbtmtMtufr0ti,f

ei (or tw IXmb SborstiotMaAbMi o aStikwodtoK

ToUfMiatotoyb44ovosos' tboHoaaatSUM for Ho ova tiX UtnUktAiiiutts$smmamnittaamii&si&


to Its bit). But ths Apofogetlo langnago ofsome Benalorswho then voted against thatamendment, makes it doubtful whether theycan be relied upon to vote against it again.Tho most that can be expected from some ofthem Is to restore tho ponslonablo ago to 6.And oven If tbo Senate insists on Its ownbllL tho almost certain expenso of ovtt $140,-000.0-

a year will soon grow to $160,000,000.

Under the House bill tho expense mustbecome larger Irom year to year with thoarrival of a greater and greater number ofUnion veterans at tho ponslonablo ago.

It was a fatal precedent which Mr.In signing a bill for giving a

pension at tho age of 02 to veterans of thoMoxloan wnr, and xt vetoing a bill for de-

pendent Union votcrano. Had he vetoedboth bills or signed both, thcro would havobeen moro consistency in his conduct. But Itwaa plain at tho tlmo that no such discrim-

ination against Union veterans could bo al-

lowed to etaad. Tho result Is already seenIn $140,000,000 or $180,000,000 of annual pen-

sion expenditures, which may reach $200,-000,0-

bctoro tho end of the century.

Tho Grandest or Titles.Another marrlago of an American lady to

a European of tltlo took place In Philadel-

phia on Wednesday. It was a very grandwedding, with a boautlful bride, and a stal-

wart German count as groom, and It thoglory and splendor ot tho entranoe of tbapair into matrimony aro typical of theirfuture It will be brilliant boyond measure.

The Countess Pafperiikui joins a nu-

merous and constantly Increasing companyof American womon who havo entered bymarrlago into tbo ranks of tho aristocracyot England, of Franco, Germany, and Italy.In beauty and in wealth those ladles aro usu-ally of distinguished endowments, some ottho choicest of the flowers In our garden ofgirls; for oven tho ambition leading theminto such alliances may bo ovldenoe of anaspiration In itsalf desorvlng ot respect.They want to stand at a higher clovatlonand ploy a larger and moro Important partthan tho rcpubllo seams to them to otter.It Is not aU vanity with thorn.

Yet this ambition Is misdirected, It it boambition alone which moves them, for, ofcourse, true and genuine affection may be alaw unto itself. It is misdirected because anAmerican woman loses rather than gains Inclovatlon by marrying a foreigner of arlsto-oratl- o

title, no matter how high it may be.Sho gives up her place of privilege aa a clti-ee- n

of tho republlo and becomes a subject ottho monarch to whom hor husbandrenders allegiance. Sho falls Into a gradedsystem and Is relegated to a subordinaterank. Horo In tho ropublio she stands at thotop. Nobody Is abovo her. There is no rankbefore which sho must bow. Thero is noscaloof preoedonco In which sho must bootinferior degree. Sho is tho queen, and byright of womanhood alono she wields thosceptre.

As an American citizen sojourning In amonarchical country, she Is tho equal of thehighest, or rather sho Is froo from the dis-

tinctions and restrictions of feudalism,wholly outside of them, and the advantageIs great. Tho woman who gives It up makesa heavy sacrifice, no matter what aristo-cratic titlo sho wins In return. Tho title,too, sho must always hold, not by tho rightof bfrth, which gives it its real value, Ifvaluo it hns. in tho estimation of the foreignsociety, but by reason ot her marrlagomerely. She Is an Interloper in tho ranks,and during her whole Ufo eho Is ouro tosuffer In consequence, and to a greater orless degree. Bho Is out of place, and hasdescended from her real dignity as anAmerican citizen.

Yet wo do not wonder that the glamour offeudal tltlo dazzles tho eyes of so manyAmerican glrla. They read of tho splendorsof aristocracy in novels through whichmarches an endless procession of lords andladles, pictured as If they were of a differentspecies from ordinary mortals, ot a highermould. Thoy seo about them republicanadulation of the gewgawa of coronets andfeudal orders, excusablo only so faras It Is an expression of curiosityand admiration touching tho strangeand novel. Nowhere elso In tho worldthan New York would tho people rush outin such crowds to bco Queen Viotobia or thoEmperor William. Mr. Bahnum's greatestshow on earth would not bo a circumstancein comparison with such an attraction. Andyet nowbero Is the democratic sentiment sostrong and so universal as here. Thepeopto of New Yon: do not want a King oran Emperor to rulo over 'them, for they arosovereigns themtelves, and tho King orKalMT who undertook to disturb their au-thority would meet the fate of MaximiliaxIn Mexico; but they wouldjlke amazinglyto look upon a genuine feudal monarch.

v also Jet our American girls satisfythetjiKelviti Ml lit tho sight and blazonry ofheraldic device, not taking them seriouslyas objects of teal valuo worthy of their pur-suit. 1M them r. member Uiat Ukjio Is noautrrejguty so high and undisputed ns that

blrb they nlold, and no tills twin parable indignity and grandeur with the title of Aiut.irou citizen.

Certain finical malaperts ohldo Gi-- 11 a li-

aison UeiiiM Ibe musical ircrmms of tbooutortaiouocls at tbo White llou hut oookcouialbod Mtuo coauoaesis Ubr didn't tbofresident "focourago datojtvl minkf" oakthose liaportlnsat iroaa i'tr aororalHiU. woLsPlr, ji istioo, Hsiiiiiaov' ceuotiu.liooal right to fir out tbo sort of causlo bolike, ocd daaolrai moti arid uto trltbowlMugencvurmu4tyliia. JWtloa, a ins orbobus to lt b lbs oliode of Sou WttiAUAfuivr oil or miou dors in o wk naiuralixwatiteu. boaootbdolib Jbrbt nut Uio! fuuut Attbo Miao two wo suuot owoo vlib tbo airttiosIn tbUtidag list uu bdoJib HDWitmt)vt lWJolr or utfMtud btfaJil.JJMUo'forU'g Moult littjr " Ubsro Pit )Vu tin Tb4Hair w "boon iMUUil"b)tbofhltoiiouaa,

tit ivu Ut. w$rr Wtimu,, bwatj ofll iU4U)Uut' eUoUiffiltUO oi J'oUUsal iis-Un-

sua ibis bov tbi twiMi t$.vwk lu g eUwltr Msod by tbo dub." o44v t4uu4em, hU 4W1 Ht--m Hi tmti 0ltt. lUt ft $ o

ttti giaad lit H8 ttttum llitmuitiiftMtmtMUmtUiUtuliug l t-- g gUgU0S t ilsmu Ut tU, l)tiu h ibr Hiu bofwm otor w 4nlB tgtmm iibwauuio oJtfbb orlbl It t good t fill md thtuttru. iitMt 0 gtggtt tiuugtd im U

teVW 'Sl4 bloVaVlWOdM bfMASolJOsolfio' AiglMm4 if. tbo tm. tgHttfimilt, iltWo aV eVittJUAitmtfitt4ilm4Ut0ltatkt0immitA.

ft4UUitMitv9Vi 4u4itt lutgugmttts,MoibO tUtut M oov mmi0 ImMttm UfMnntMimtniutHtLt0 tH'mtti Ut tbo putmltvrittuUg botna. ttvi iog tmt mmto iUf 0oVUid HUiUt ladlgotoo, 'jbfetAJMlvHU9liistUt4lKWUUlltUtl$WU&

Kiovo mgg uttftoti djlgbt ftttteigy totUM4mmA0gl ttt iACgf4.ViAgk1t

IUlt ty fco otoor fcotot ed dbof'AModF4S4MV IU ttof dk0UO OidlHalllottOod tbo

Ui U O LA ! b$ llw dXiaof ostiao,Wboa Onu foUMS0'tbtlA;4UfiisJtVd tUltdiolooO WI'MttCbt 9tUS IbO joioogw. ooato bte; ' ldtbo

tutu urn t oMi tt mmm I

" i' T-- irf fwntl tirr T-- 1

ileensedscmattaron tho noporllpof JustleaTProbably not tut tho mlnda of larw oodlesmoroslowlr. Bat the spsetaole was a ourlousono. ItwasthomosUngofnndersrownraneyand overgrown Fact

Tho thlrtr dars' jmprlsonmont of DtLwonra

la tho slooe of tno run trial,"p on TniWr S.I ho itm la jU;blDf

to par bUfloe ot sa-rMlad- ljta

This would bo Incredible If asserted of anrother newspapsr on tho face of the globe. Ottho 2Ceu Tori World, unscrupulous, false,heartless, treachorous. even In Its relationswith its own smplojets, tho statement Is


The nouso of Representatives passed thoSenate bill In (attempted) roatrnlnt of monopo-lies and combinations rosterdar after adopt-in-g

Mr. Bland's amendment, which Is sup.posed to be a whack at tho dronsod beef men.Tho discussion of trusts inevitably brought ona dlscustlon of the tariff, and tho chostnutspattered on the floor.

Tho Atlanta Constitution complains that"there aro so tow Northern men who travel Inthe South with their ores open." Are we tounderstand that Col. Howxll would adviseNorthern visitors to tho Oato City to tako moro

Tho passing by the Assembly yesterdayby a veto of 74 to SO of Qen. Oubttb's bill tortbo abolition ot capital punishment mar boregarded as In part an expresslou of tho pre-vailing fooling of disgust with tho secret exe-cution system, and in tmrt an evidence ot thogrowing disbelief In tho utility of capital pun-ishment It Is doubtful If tho Senate will takoor can And tho time to consider tho bill withtho earo which its importanoo dessrvos.

One person sanrosted that Mr. BnraMiM badbeen retalaed r Tun son. whloh waa oppoeed to theeroTlilena ot tho law reqolruf exeenUoni to bo con-ducted In Moret lYol JVM.

Very interesting; but tho ono thing Tnx BunIs unqualifiedly tor la the alotbometor.

The gratifying information Is giventhrough a fully authoritative source, tho Turf,Pirla, and Farm, that Suaol, tho rising Btar otthe trotting turf, although tho property ot Mr.Bokneh. has not yet passed out of the controlof Senator Stanfoud of California, and is stillrondy to paw chips from off oautno shoul-ders. Tho BTAMroBD-Boxiti- combination isvery powerful. Tho millionaire) of Califor-nia is a sport from away book, and thomillionaire of New York is a blacksmithof peerless genius. Aa to her sboelmr. Bunol

The Gibes bill for a Commission to con-sider tho plans for uniting into a creator NewYork this county, Kings and Richmond, andparts of Queens and Wostchester was passedby tho Btato Senate yesterday. Thewlsoand

project ot Mr. Andbew H. Obkcnmay become a splendid reality botoro manyyears. The moro it is studied, tho moro It willbo approved.

News of tho conquest of the Chinese em-pire and its annexation to Turkey oomes to usfrom our esteemed contemporary, ths HartfordTimet:

-- thero aro labor itrttti In China, where head! aront of If tho Sultan's deoroeo aro Interfered with."Further partloularo aro expected by next



Io It the Editor or the Reporter!lTCTHAifPjaVIa hHjulrtr if Hat L

There la always something original tum-in- g

up in Amerloan polities. This relieves itot tho monotony that exists in transatlanticcountries. Tho most Interestlna-- event ot theyear so far la the verbal duel botween Mr.Cleveland and Hr. Dana of Tub Bun, the de-

tails ot whloh are familiar, but the results ofwhloh aro being made more manifest eteryday. As told in tho Inquirer last Sunday, theInterflow in the World was written by Mr.Fred Crawford, an intelligent journalist ofhigh standing. Be not only persists that it Istruo as published, but our correspondent

that bo knows positively that Mr. Cleve-land wrote over halt of it himself. In factthero is no doubt in tho minds of those whoknow most about the matter that Mr. Cleve-land used tho language attributed to him andthat ha Inteodod It to be published.

Mr. Clereland supposed that he bad dealt adeath blow to Tub Sun. Be is now aware howmuoh greater power an editor Is than a states-man out ot office. Mr. Cleveland has beenwonderfully successful as a polltisian, andmost of tho time during tho past ton oars haswielded sn immense amount of power. But an

is not aa big a factor as an oetiroeditor. Mr. Clereland used somo very stronglanguage under very great excitement lieexpected tba public to sympathize with him.Ths publlo always does sympathize with aman who baa been tbo object of unjust Insin-uations and attacks, particularly whoa theraro mado in such a way that to tako any noticeof them is a eonfsssloo of weakness. Thic wasabout Mr. Clot eland's position, and to havosaid nothing would havo boon his most digni-fied rourso. Ho chose to make a statementand if be bad sturk to it lots barm wouldhave ifsuited thoo from tbo quallilod denial oftbo World that Iho lolervtewwas corrpcUr re-ported.

Tblsrotraeilon.ssidlo bare boon mado bylbs HerJet the request of William C. Whitneylo bolp Mr, dorolanii'o political prospeeta. bsslofl wetter luo verroueersBOpo. Tub HumIbsUU Ibattbe N urii interview was incorrectonly iu soforasllfallrd iu giving all the coarselanguage oitlbutod io Mr, Cleveland, and ihoHals ot iu wrath or bow lotolUd acalast blmwltb more bitten ibao otor, and all iboaiiil'UoralaBd l'murets sio nocking to lbsbonoetofidard. On ibe other baud. Mr.' friend ibol tbo ytotioo of tboU'urU politic) mistake, as it onlf denied(bat Mr.tJlorerUud used ths word ur.Hi,btf'bMtbal u fosto BBd Ibo twpuUtlou oftrying to $itfH It) tka tbot Csl to tm on.Mr. Met vlt,d r.od think tll bis srttiebiusof Mr, too wore just god fcsd fiCoUx'lotiyMr, iHmioad' wul mt l no ! ,..suuiod If tbo effort pulfwrlb If biw thai be

didouaUtbiM.tht toouii of tb affair In boon to w otoliUg

b oj'OOaiUo to Mr 'frtolagd inside bis irfaud to so? aoviousJ'ala'jobl islandis got tbo lgbli douM tboi II ba iujurodbits sojr tuvrtt, v.d u r no bl'ivanro of otionilmiUwo h lH

turn Ut 0ia4t-- U oVeneMtf

ilsU JrftU" rl W MOJMW MM)


ssUaltsoiOet' eVSO'Sr 0mtfeosMMwatobsof AafM

'4yMSaVW SMS' Smso UeWUM HIJUtUmlutt tu.i ini. M tMMgtuJ .

t4 tt fiaUOiM M'rbulimJttinitgtumtittmimit " u uM-i0nH.0imsiMl Utw fUjiH.th0

6 ttupUit&NT mfgmmii0,

109ms turn Tgv0 tsv tttvUmifoar Ooms f 9nUti fU m. v io totew

HftOOCoe roooMatSMO M imtt OetoHr

mi It tut turn H0U4 tM0 it 00 mo000fl OS 0IM0t0t 4 0 0U0 ' J00ti0 be u(f 0iA 4ttJ Mm m4 fewMUeioWf u 0 e 0fi buui UtM omks 4ti0J it 0tm0 milJ4. t0tHt JL!tM iif4mfu .V Aim etalata smmni aw St aw 0 v so gji 0I oi00tf0fK0M0iUHH)t'iW oe ovoe Oteaag asaJk lbeJtaB1afe4 sMOteVMlasV

. eVOVfeOAatgtBga j

bill acoxva man.

a. PeaasvlviialK Denoerat'a Tlcsrano Do.aorlotloa or the Hon. Jtobort E. ratttlsea.To ran Editor of Tub Bom Sir: Bcott,

IUrrlty and Uensel havo pooled their Issuesfor tho purpose of fastening npon tho Domo-cratlo party in Pennsylvania a machine rulowhloh will rosemblo Quaylsm In everrtblngbutbrain power. This triumvirate has suddenlysingled out Pattlson as tho man whomthe Demoorats must accopt as their candidatetor Governor at tbo coming eleotlon,

Hatred ot Wallace and tho late Mr. Randall,and an overweening deslro to control Federalpatronage In his Stato tn tho event ot a Demo-cratic victory in 1892, form the basis ot thotriumvirate's zeal for Pattlson. Scott Is thohoad and front ot this new offending. Holstho Incarnation of boislsra and his motto InState politics Is rule or ruin. Toseourotbodefeat of Wallace ho will wreok the DemooraUoparty, and to secure ths nomination of a candi-date tor tho Presidency who will bend to hiswishes he will give tbo Quay machine anotherfour years' loaso of power in this State. Heknows that his own recommendation meanspolitical death to the man ot his choice. Thenorklugmen, especially the coal miners, aroalmost a unit in tbelr detestation of Scott Re-gardless of party amllatlons, they will not onlyoppose him, but thoy will oppose any candidatewho may bo known as a " Scott man."

Much of this animosity may havo no Justfoundation, but It exists, and not all tho elo-quence of all tho orators can onange It fromwhat It Is to what Soott would like to havo It

As tor Pattlson, he has no element of strengthoutsldo tho tow Mugwumps who like him

whoa Govornor ho kept Bopublloans inofflco and appointed Republicans to office. Hisprivate secretary was a Republican and an

preaohor. Ills Deputy Seoretary otthe Commonwealth was a Mugwump, and hismossenaors and paces, white and black, wereretainers ot his Republican predecessor. Be ap-pointed the lata Mr. Hlcboo as BuDcrlntendantof Public Instruction against tho protests oftho Domocratlo membors of tho Benate andnouns of Representatives, and othor promlnontDemocrats who knew Mr. Higboo as a par-tisan Republican that had for years held offlcounder tno Cameron-Qua- y dynasty. In a towweeks after maklntc this worso than a blunderho was forced to ask this sumo Blaboo to re-sign, because of criminal nogloct of duty in thomatter of tho Soldiers' Orphan Schools, butMr. Higboo did notreslgn. He laughed at Pat-tlson. and bold on to his offloo until death

htm.Tho scandal ot the Soldiers' Orphan Schools

aroused a fooling of indignation and disgustagainst Pattlson. who oould havo. and in thoopinion of his party should havo protected theorphans by tho appointment of a competentDemocrat to the offlco disgraced by the man othis own soleotion. But his wholo administra-tion was purely personal Ho snubbed thoLieutenant-Governo- r, Chauncoy F. Black, ig-

nored the wiso counsels of tho brains of hispolitical family, the late Lewis a Cassldy, andshut his doors against Randall, Wallace, Cur-ti- n,

Buckalew, and Judgo Jeremiah Block.As a reformer ho was a failure. His extra

session was called against the wishes of Cassl-dy, Wallace. Randall, and every Democrat otprominence within the Btate. It rosnltod Infailure so conspicuous that many of the mem-bers of the Legislature, for very shame's sake,declined to charge their pay for tho torm hisheadstrong and unwise decision kept them to-

gether, tryins to perform tho Impossible.Beclnnlmc as an ho an-

nulled the charters of moro tbon one hundredcorporations, and thon sat down and grantedcharters of Incorporation to every Tom, Dlok,and Harry who could raise enough money topay tho legal fees, a eoodo proportion ofwhich under the law went Into the privatecoffers ot his friend, Beorotary ot tho Common-wealth Btoncer.

In 1683. whon the Bouth Pennsylvania Ball-roa- d

bills were passed by the Legislature, hosent for ths late lamented Judge Blaok. who atPattlson's instance wrote a strong veto mes-sage which Pattlson strongly approved. Buttho Vandorblltlnterestswerenotto bo disposedof by this " young reformer" without a consul-tation. They oonuultod with Pattlson. and thoresult was that Judge Black's veto messagowas returned to blm. and tho South Pennsyl-vania Railroad bills were approed by the Gov-ernor. Judco Black waa so shocked at thisbacksliding that ho never aftorward wouldspoak to Pattlson.

But the "young reformer" never did reformanything. Under the law ho could have hadforfeited the charters ot any two or more tele-graph companies which bad morged for thepurpose of destroying competition. He madeno attempt to do this, howeror, but left thatbit of reform work for his Republican succes-sor. He know of the coal pool conspiracy twoyears baforo he began proceodlnss aaalnst itwhich, by tho way, were not commenced untiltho closing days of bU Administration, andwore unflnlshod when he left the Governor'schoir to devote blmr-el- f to tho Presidency of acorporation In I'hlladeli hia.

Itetlrlne from office, ho retlrod from pollctlcs.Ho refused to assist Mr. Black In his campaignin ISHC, while yet in office, and he novor liftedhis voice In behalf of any candldato of the Demo-

cratic party, Btate or national, from the tlmo boretired to 1'blladelphla till ths present Illselection in 1882 was an accident, his administration was a series ol blunders and unkoptpromlae. and his llfo since he retired fromoffice has been devoted to taking care of Rob-

ert V. PattlsonNow why should Scott foist or seek to foist

ouch a inan upon the Dctnowetic party inPennsylvania? Itecuuto Mr. William I. Scottdoes nut aunt the party to elect any man,

! Ho wunti to control tbo btato delegationto the nett Contention and

Imat Its lotea for (lotelaiid, if poaebbio, but if not. tbuu fr that manabout forlun swilos ou at the time. Tit gamHrott Is iJsriue-- la to boom I'attisou la iluiar'oiphls aud with the delegate fioui that city

'to bullduM ibe rural delrgalluus into bis upjiort It Is H tuowu that about u,00y (Join-o'rUi- o

l'bliadlibldiduH tot for lllgler.Ibounb bo wss mads lb raiidldalo fur Mule'Jjraouiftr by lbe dlotatlou of fIIUuiais iuthat llr who wauled, ibvyoald. to'duwuMullm." Wr iiighir being a rrldut of Mai-l-

'I hi asm olenieiil will nut iota'

fur !'tJeo nor lie puinlnsud, and Ibolrt ibruughuwt tbo Mat i su uturlr ill.ofgiilMd thai i'ailisuo could nol null libit)iMM) tote of it aotual voting foicr,

jublud lb PtUwo 1"um 'Mr vusr ui)hi hotM-hb- targiig il "V by ail 11 rt of

. ji,bln Jjltian 'I Iff 010 Mauling lbiwiuMSoU that !uiou i lblr4joi,gti tuati .

J 0u4 ibey b audv lnUMit iltu biro upbv would vl lb VuabrblifrnilldVmm iiu ruur ooftl Ibao Jilu,wii nor

for,7h finMilWa.ll Mot l'4jp0Hluu pHl bi m iui ml4U bwiaaioatj h.u ofU t

Ol' bOd IV 4 U to 4UaieUoal UV000 4b, 00l HihAI Mi JIOHWi tIOOi iMUt.

Ui iM, Hut I gutUWUHUtMtU.I U0B00 U 0000 1000 000 tt0t00 I00U,

0001,lu Uf l'4ii0 of 1Hti0 tur larridr

n aaf 0U000 iMllQiWl ft k0lat4 U0 tMnuI tmlUgt 00 H 0 0- -u l0g000U 0000.00t000Umt0i'0tt0 0'Ht00 001000010 $00000it gi0t4 waV 0i 0004 000iM

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on O0 oTirlaiqo

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i4tm00yjf010 obetSaUaUAl 00.


Tkallayor Asks Torn MoatlaceMhe CltloaCommlttoa at Qaee.

A cloud ot reporters sottled down on theMayor's office yesterday morning, and clam-ored so hard for an Interview with his Honorthat a brlof typewritten opinion ot what tboMayor thought ot the scene in tho Somite onWodnosday was prepared. Hero Is a copy:

I contentful I am Tery mach Mrprltod at the man-ner In whloh my letter to tbo Senate wai treated bythat body. Tho reqmitwaa almplyforan ItnparUatcommittee. Not only waa thli refuted, but the epeechof Mr. rateett ahows ho cannot tit a an Impartial

ator of any cherre arreellnc my rood name. StUl,aa I am refoied tho tnreiUiratlon before a committeeappointed In accordance with my reqneit. t ihall de-

mand tbo lama InreitliaUon be (ore tho Commlttte onClUea.

Tho Mayor rofusad to add anything to this,bocauso ho thought any further oxpresslon otopinion, before tho charges made asalnst himby McCann wore finally disposed of, couldservo no cood end.

"I sball go before tho commutes," he said,either on Saturday or Monday and test tho

alleged intention and dostro ot iha mombsrs otIt to kIvo mo a fair and Impartial opportunityto dtsprovo trie statements wnlch have boonmado naalnst me."

The Mayor, received, later in tho day, thisletter from V, JI. ivins, tbo chief inquisitor ottho Bonato Oommitteo.Ilvghj drnnt, v Acta l"ore.Sim We hare been Inetracted by Senator Faiaett,Chairman ot the ot the Senate Commit-tee on ntlea. to encloie you themlnuteeof theoitlclatunofrapiiar, ehowlne In detail tho proooedlore ot the

committee at Ha laet meeUnz In Ihli cltr, anil ilrlpr atranecrlpt of tho erldence or Tairlok II McCann Weare ali,o Inetrnoied to ear torou that. It you eo deelre,the Henate Committee will meet In l'art II. or thoBoperlor Court In thla olty on Saturday It o'olock tn the forenoon, to giro youan opportunity to be heard wltb regardto tho etatement made by the aald McCann. In theoront of your not deelrtna; to bo heard at ouch time thocommittee will bo glad to offer jona htarlnr on Hon

tho followlnc Saturday It either of tnoieare aro atreeahle to toilwe are further lnitmoted to ear lb at dutlnr theselaat dare ot the Lealalatlve aeeelon tho committee wiltnot hold anr meetlns with referenee to the Inreitlra.Uon of the aoTernmeBtot the oUy of Now Vork, exceptupon noUdcatlonot your requeit to be heard, and toproduce anyeridence of the aald wltneae. Tours

Taicr, McrauiHD, Boiaonaic, Inxa, run.Here is tho Mayor's answer:aniuini 1 had Jul written a letter to tbo Chair-

man of tho Senate Committee on Cltlee aakins In viewof the refusal ot tho Benate to appoint as Impartialoommlttee aa roqueeted by me. for an Immediatebearlnc before the Oommlttee on Clttea, when your let-ter of thle date arrlred

I tnerero oommunloato with yon Instead of with thoChairman of the Commlttoa and aak a meeting ot thisCommittee for Saturday morslnr next.

I requeet that you eend me aome aubpeenu In blank,and epeetfy Iho hour the committee will meet

neon J, Oaiirr.To Maura Taicr, McfiaaiLn, Irrn, Boaasnax, a faarr.


Jndsa ITallaoa Oa iha Bnlae ofErldoBcaBare aad Oa the Conttaent.

Guyot & Co., liquidators of the Frenchglove firm, Fortln A Co.. obtained judgment Ina French court against A. T. Stewart & Oa for$105,122 in an action on matters ot contractand aooount between tho two firms. A. T.Stowart & Co., through Judge Hilton, pro-tested against the enforcement of the judg-ment and applied to tho United Btatos ClroultCourt for a reopening of tho wholo ease. Thogrounds of tho application wop that A. T.Stewart & Co. did not havo a fair trial inFranco; that thoy would not havo boon sued itthey had not owned property In that countrywhloh was open to aolauro; that ther are citi-zens of this cltr, enable hero: that the wit-nesses on tho French trial wore not sworn:that tho evidence waa almost wholly hearsay,and that tho right of and ofcalling tor Fortln & Oa's books was denlod tothe defendants. Judge Wallaoo has denlodtho applloatlon. He says:

The methods of lnreatif aUon In various eoun tries aroadequate to the connection ot expediency and

which prerau in each country, and It would bamere bUrotry to aasort that, upon Iha whole, the truth oldisputed facts is not aa wen ascertained la France orHolland or Oermany aa It la in England or the UnitedStates. Our law of erldenco la largely a aeries of

framed to exolodo from considerationall indicia of the truth which do not fall within theolaas of those It regards aa competent and safe, whilein Continental countries a larser of tarastlga-llo-n

Is Indulged In. Who can aay with reason that oursystem ot lnrttttratlon la mors infallible than that oftrance t

The caso will be appealed to thoBnproaoCourt.


Not Eaoosba that la. for tha Baya. BaFlentv for tho Inaarauseo Corapaalea.

The boys will have either to economize onflreoraokera next Fourth of July or some ofthem will go without According to oloso esti-mates of tho stock now lu thla country, andtaking account ot all nosslblo arrivals beforethe Fourth, thero will bo only 460,000 boxes forthe young Amerloan patriots. This means agood many crackers,. but ther will not goaround, tor the usual Juoe supply amounts to1.000000 boxes. This is bad news for the boys,but the Insurance men won't weep.

Several onuses havo contributed to this sud-den decrease In the supply. In the first Dlapathey bare strikes In China, just aa ther dohero, only somewhat more so. For some timeoast the carpenters and furniture makaranarobeen on strike to such an extent thsfnoarly alltba business of the empire has been seriouslyaffectod. Tho firecracker makers woro not In-volved in tbo strike, but so many other Inter-ests were incommoded that the proprietors otfactories oould not ship their goods on time.Ono Importer In this city ordered a nreatmanythousand boxes to bo shipped prior to Jan. I.The Chinese merchants were unable to complywith tho terms, and the result is that thoughthe goods havo been shipped, ther started soUto that thoy will not arrive horo until aftertho Fourth.Spirit Batapore Mat Esteeaeed 1st Sflaasaetat.

ftwa us ex rati! ,

In a recent discourse at tho Spiritual SocietyIn thla city mediums woro defeadad as a else that cof-fered to bring mat to those who sit la darkaoea. II wasremarked that aaclety and eren ths obnrchas. woreprejudiced asalnat mediums that Uey war set admit-ted to social equality, and their cheeks war not warmedwith. Iha kisses of sisterly reccjulUoa. To be termed amedium was a stigma and barrier to tho easier path otSOBteel Ufa. Ttls ostracism waa recently cited by acUrrBasaindaacibat splxUaailacs Is a tract aaddeloaloa. Bst Ibe tfafeeder of lb Ism forcibly ropuethai lb eelaeted ones of Cbrtel wies oa earth war admilled to bom of the 40) of lb day. All tb cuaaerrvtie aud ortbodoi classes rsfrobsud Item, sad orestb Master was drifts out el lb ebsrebaa.

Aa K!baae.I'e Use I many 4. aad (bare,

Os su familiar terms.I re as tbo lire Uuu aud lb sSuBsdi

Sad all I'e eeii otinrtu0Lt ba taeu 4ll44i Ut tboa riat Of olalasritd 04 a b Serine

Aal yet I tax see awee- -

TL 44fl0ut t 0 ain UeekOl tmUlUmu 4ltlm 00i alt

0u di,U U iikmI sualaidy utall ilui isiKUsU

ft laid 0lfut.i U 4 daelMtb gtttt t u0 00 'M

Am 10 I Lata iwi ewaTU lAKlaatraslla

tail lasr ( U

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004 00,100. 0tl4 MtailteMaa4 044 JM attM ctaVea.VASeaoiibitiecoatar

sU. lceMaaSaaeaaa ,

tS ata. I

.' .rrr. ,:i ::.. ,'""bjTruDDBn uksa PLvmxBTT iron a ros 1(Aa Now Davis la Anxlona to Ilava tb mWS

Karrlaice Nollined.Samuel Davlp, n young clerk for a west (qside wholesale dry goods house, will appoar in tfthe Rrooklyn City Court noxt Monday to hear !lf,

Chief Justlco Clement docldo whether or not flsho Is a morriod man. Flo roars aso last Feb affffruary, Davis, while out of a job, amused himself AWby going to publlo dnnces in Wlllinmsburgh, flffwhere ho was then living. Ho became no-- JMfSqualnted with Anna C. Plunkett ot 33 Merer fitavenue, Brooklyn, at ono ot these dancen, took titmher to a Kockaway picnic, and with a friend 7?iescorted hor and her sister to a ball early In kl WMarch. During a pauso In tho dancing somo warnono In the party dared overy 0110 else to go and fill'get married. Anna Plunkett and Davis ac- - HlVcentod the "" They wont to tho parson- - Sillaeo ot tho Mothodlst Frotostnnt Church, and Ifwwere married by tholtov. J.J. Whlto. The other lEMiss riunltott wouldn't marry Davis's friend. JPIt"All tour thought tho oeremony a big Joke. UT ';Thoy wont back and danctxl out tho ball, and VIItho you nc men left tbo young women at the ,idoor of their Marcyavenuo homo. Davis took Tm'i.t.Mlssrlunketttossvoral other danoss, and at KBLthe end ot tho VllllamsburEh season cams to ngBBlrMow York to, live. Miss l'lunkott remained VIva. Miss Flunkott in Urooklyn. Davis nover (JBlived with hor. SHUb

About a year ago Davis's friends, who knew Hi.of his eioanado. toarod lio was about to marry mSinNowlork youne womon to whom ho bad be- - SEJHromeyory attentlto, mid that his marrlago in SHV 1fun mleht cause blm somo trouble Thoy ox-- Haw 1Plained his predicament to a lawyer. wlSi I" .Miss I'lunkott's lawyer was it. D. Davis ot flK I180 Grand street, Urooklyn." said Mr. H. B. 9Bm 1Klnghorn of 231 Broadway, tiamuol Davis? 3JB 1rresont coiinsol, yestorday. "llo made t inGKK IBronositlon to Davis to settlo tor 125a Bamuel twDB 1

ho hntl no money, and H, B. Davis K1) Ihod him arrested for abandoning his alleged 'ifirM Iwife. Miss Flunkett. Tho enso was brought WtS 1before Justice Walsh in Brooklyn, who. In afVS Ilow of tbo foot that Miss Flunkett was earn- - iWm Iing somo tlO a wook. and not llablo thoroforo K"' Ito bocomo n eharao on tho county, releasod ,R9i 4him. Last April Davis como to mo with hla .?S 1trouble, and I brought an notion In equity to Wr 1have tho marriaeo ceremony doi'lorod null ana w --Ivoid. The action in on tho Hpeolal Term caloa fiH 1dar tor next Monday." 22? 1

IT WAS AIT ELOPEMBXT, M ITha Uarrlaaa of Iloward Detoreat arla I ffl' 1

aad IZattla I. IV'ooderard or Norwalk. ' PINoitWAiiK, May 1. Society peoplo hero. , HIwere agitated y by tho announcement W 1Which appeared among the marrlago nottetd & mot a New York morning paper that Hosrard IDoforost Earlo and Hattlo I. WoodwardJ'rer tl Imarried last ovonlng by tho Itov. Dr, Houarhtort w Iat hla residence, 1 East Twenty-nint- h ,treet W 1Tho groom Is under 18 years of age, a&OTs the B Iyoungor son of William H. Earlo ot EastRNWr"nuo, who amassed a lartro fortune through bis Iconnection with Eorlo's Hotel, at Centra and 9Canal streets, New York city. Ho Is tall ant) Ifairly good looking. His father's wealth haskopthlmfrom thenocossltyof seeking employ- - - mmentandtho young man has had Uttlitodo mexcept to provide plana tor hla own amuse- - ,, Iment Miss Woodward la tho voungest and 1 Itavorito daughter ot Judge AsoB. Woodward, I 1and she has realded with her parents in a blfl ? Ihouso on Elm street Bho is onlyls rears of "IIajro. n perf eot blonde, and very pretty. &

The young oouplo have been onjoylngeaohothers company for over a rear. Three v ;months ago their betrothal was formally an Bh.nounoed, and it waa regardod wltb favor mltamong their hosts of friends and acquaint-- KKanoes. Although there was no parental oppo-- li maltlon to the engagement tho fact that tb ,nyouthful pair contemplated an Immediate &' WvVi

marriage waa nevor suspeot ed in either xlsT, Iamily. and. would havo been opposacf onhr flsalbeoausp of their Immature rears. Tho youna Hiiconnle loft bora lato yestorday afternoon, andtheir absoneo.waa not notloed until night ffsB mwhen their failure to return home was Ibe r'lKcauso of muoh anxiety. A telegram from them. M mreceived hero says that they aro enjoy-- M ming their honeymoon in Washington. Mr. MEarlo takes the matter phUosophTeafly. bui ,$Judgo Woodward is highly inoonsed nt hi idauabters, notion, and refuses to discuss tno .s mmatter with anyone. S

" 'tTbat tTe cara AU Tstlktact Abont 3

While the Barnum Bailey circus Isparforralntathe Polo s all ths amnslai features of the show i Mar not on the Inside, The main satraasa taarrsatr- - Awf Msort for crank of an phases and oraaaa. and Die do KiV 9tnasdsmadaandth QuesUons asked hyena of lias v' Jglre the clroua people no lltOe trouble, QaToaidayo VviT d3 fla little of the Italian tenor's rotundity, waited about tb 1 mentrance alt day aad afforded a good deal of amuse-- Iment to those who were not aware of what baarantao. MUabor a card npon whloh was written "DeuHr, 9Ballsy: Kindly sand a by bearer oa elepiaot, to 9which ho win glre yoa a receipt" To Italian, by pco 9feasloa a danoer. had been seat to Ui etnas by Irate.Xtralfy, the constnetor cf the "Hero" tableau, toe- - 9euro an elephant to be nJd at Mole's Oardsa nasi 9weak In --Around the World la Eighty Day a, as tno 9Barnum circus wUl then be la Brooklyn. AeBsctalpa. 9mil Is necasury in order that tha elephant may kle4 t.down Third arenue, and for want of it tha elephant wa l 9notdeUrcnd. Tb animal, whloh It stai at Ui ctrcosi u 9is oalled by some of the employees DUworthOaoabi, J K

One of the latest streeu tab orerrun by bastassst njj 9Quaint old Waahlnston place. Within a year a erc tJ 9business buUdio hia gons upon one of lubcrteoniajft fV 9Jand now half the houses on tb blocks asarect Breat 9!way aro elthir already turned Into atoras aad etascsoa 9jare la tha hands ot tho carpenter aad maces, te3 Jmrefltted for that use. The wholesale fur bsatacss Tt? 9feat a dlsposlUoa to settle tn that vtclnlty. i 9

Tba beary copper rod which waa laid alsaa f&rf 9tracks of the Kluth avasus eleratad railroad ixija 1 9JKourtaenthto yirueth streeu a yea or raeraona I " 9jns la tha eiperimenu wltb a systsra of aUctri but ' 1) 9JUre power has reoeatlyUen removed. It li ri,i)itaj I' , Uthat this mark ths and of orpertjaaati with ptf ayat I ', 9Jten. It Is said that tba next upultaaafs wttaalesb ' flUUUyou the eleratad will bo wl a staraa battarw 1 1 Sysutn,tawblcbachmtTwmutadeyeBdas,tal hu 9Jths stasffl motors ava, aad tba wbeIearrlBepttiUt iWL 9bo atopped by os brtakat, wralt to tb cass wl ,W 9mtoritbtpUkadBPlcukllyfroa aredcr srtrssj Via 9they went along. A Jl S

ElxbtbarsasaalotbsspriB4ofUiriaiosAs; M 9s though U bad ba ten p by a rtolast sad dJrce&V "l' 9bst eartbanak. Tb (tract is laid open la cap a ejtsa. "J 9ter of a mil lone aad tb whale urfart4tUartta (19suewa rr crtib toasted rccka That aaeoea of tba I 3 9torn baa Uaata a state of coastcal Itutaoil forcoaa I 9rsootbioaastosalcf tbawage4ui, so it 1 as ) 4 9MUwaear4attbMlb rstldsst elsw wiakaialal 9taisaUsatlwralslesJgsrda, The I 9pasUyctwsa1solj4iUarawtutljfyiUraaa1 i 9ratlasolcbajafulafwTeraari. jnribrMsstbrf !UtlsUdrM rif 9Mwsaay tut ab Mur u spoo vs. gtia ig i 9m H

tow tuoicsu 110 to g00f buaiii u csuai tm Ik 9IUy ! est of bol url a m4$ Ulh d eprt M 9aadlUrvutiaftMsUaaetttlLesUMlUHolusadUf JWP 9iuui tb ulgbt tt gnu Ma A addlUesaJ pgbu 'if 9VlU4wt0il44ltM04itl'LUmt WMrsyUMj 1 94inl4U take lu flu 40 Bui, .j--l. (...m rgiiteyfOlbri.i lb ally I H

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0tiluU0 f iu liidauu i twid fbsbsU j, HUg 14 baa aaelwd U, idUt WUawl M. Mti 4004 f 0 00mHi0 aud 04110 144000 M

tl40UjU04UllH44 Um000m0i ' 9U- ftl 91110 it U4t 4044 0uU4 40 004040 0U00 M 9U 444-01- 4 i 000040 llmf0104 04 04UU4 'Jf 9UeUe) I U 40104 04000 40 04 tt Ml H0mg tit 0U0 m abditesaail 40 0M0 afil gcl

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0 0, Hf,

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I eat a 0 ad ertt aUcJ al 044 000$ tef 1 J9Jyt4d aiAA I

a Hlabf a9al